..; V . fc"-;1 -:.C;v,:?":l"f.-', X- ii i prnnnnc nniS nniT M HLUUIIUU .U.L HluLII f El IPUlCiflflil i ri Til r n i t i i n r u n r v m . k ! Kequt w Hr Nesbitt oiven v 10. unaer- stand This Yesteirdayf Af-J ternoon MOTION WAS MADE! BY MAYUK MOORE -T " r Documents and. papers bf eyery de script wn inaV K u49 xi. health fifit.arTn.Rtit tn tr.A. Tntnrer ,0 be consMered matf public 6 kept " s the unanimous; . xr, ,t ,- members of the Board of Health,-in lflC tr-r0v.al0 i j., j. J special sessioriyesterday alft after they had listened .to.fitatements0 m-;i.:Ar. i-::ixe: suggesting hat;ne iman hft nlaf?Pd from Lr. jnanes..-i.- ANesuiii,-counxy health officer, as to why he withheld; Sn f n rma t i Oil that '.Svaa reDeatedlv asir-: ed for concerning ; the issuance of ii -.permit for the exnumajioiT of the body The meeting, which? was .cailed; the specific purpose "bf". hearing Nesbjtt's statement concerning -; his - reasons for withholding' information - that all regarded as "public property pic j.uvu u i v. wuix vy. . v. - . . j . 7 jt.v .. - 1 wmcu' 063 on at o'iv id tii6 after" sell, Chairman McGirt being ,11 and; .EXPECTS -TO,RETURN SATURDAY oonfi; wilj work regularly' on Mon unable to attend, and. was attended by ? ' ; - V; days, Wednesdays and ,Fridays, with all memoers oi me uuaru wiui xne ex-, - ens vr hi . oe very ., ousy ception of Mr McGirt, : DrNesbitt's ! '): .DuringThi. -WeelC-statement was made verbally He j Rev. John. M. Wells, D. D., pastor told of the request made upon him for; of the PirstIesbyterianchufch, left a permit by Mr. Graham Kenan, broth-j last night Jor Washington and Atlap-. er-in-law of Mrs." Bingham, and of his : tic City and while in Washington; will ... x ... . .'...i..- I ..111. ' 4,1.. 'T7 J .4.it request that nothing ; be given the i newspapers about it, asj t was), the desjre of the family thatas little pub licity attend the exhumation as 7 pos- sible. Dr. Nesbitt took the stand that l he was furthering" the ends of lnsHel by his non-committal attitude and, after his explanaUon, told hit? board that he had-been- advised by :tounty Attorney -luarsaen - iteiiamy tnat ne had acted right In the matter. - . Mr. Bellamy was .'called in by Dr. Nesbitt, but failed , to; substantiate his state- " ments to" wisely tinn that ; llr '. loahifti'shnnln haira trixr. the 'effect . that he had acted f Vf ?t Mr: Bellamy, took the; posi- fum?e en out the information asked for, as?:"?-;". it was pDUc;Prbperty through- a public ' office i and through i gU1!li0v', 5fJS trSS? the hands of a, public servant x v : 'j vu V.XCV4.. X 1 U.H. 0XV"A XAIX.. KXI of the board "idle curiosity , -elSS i& ai'he? Uiat the .Kenan family .should , have without the' public being' informed -and that perhaps Dr. Nesbitt "was "Justified in the action he had - taken, but ; no other member of; the board thought the same, Mayor ; Moore , contending that the crowds that might have; as sembled cduld have 'been :- kept at " a distance by the police, had such been necessary.. The Mayor refused, to re cede one inch from the", position . pre; viously taken, that any auf performed by Dr. Nesbitt in his official .capacity , was the property of the taxpayers, from wh9se pocketst his salary is paid. Both Dr Wessell andvl DrX? Slocumb were, of ,the opinion that the : records should have been opened -to the news paper men when they called and aski ed for thev: information ithat "was de- mea tnemr ; . ' i . . Records are to. be- kept of permits to disinter and. rebur bodies in the. future. The board decided that yes- leraay anernoon, ur. f Wessell sug-l gested to Dri NesbittXthat hein?feht have called 'a meeting Xof the to have decided-the : Question for him I had he not wished " to take the re sponsibilitv mooiX himself. X The motion. toTkeen a ; record . of falf documents handled through the office' ,. took the position ahat I r'TZ . prompted that part -DtiMwi-T.Hhiri'--r?k'2 oi tne superintendent of, health was wilH'monre made by Mayor Moore and was pass-' .street, i.and -.the -JBear NProduce - and; ed without a disenHh? VnteXX riv th.W'MrcantileX Companywilt occupy the motion, Dr. Nesbitt was given toun derstand that in the future. any mat tei mat ne, mlernt attend -to in- hla nffininl . J.lxx i ' x. . 1' - J' L "'' poine' " into 'hia offifP -nt.il' learning what hadXfceettVflbaeV "'"w" iapauiiy.,..was to ue an open na wtu wui u.- book with th6 privilege extended any Bank . BuUding UtoUheX Murchisoli taxpayer of oine-- into 'hi offw -a. Puildinex Dr. N.!. A. :Culbreth has. a,!: llllllll lllllliniiiiOtMitirniiiiMitiiiiiiiitiliiitiiiiiiiiiiiltirititiiilMtirmilHIIlll S ' : .................... , X i xsj-other ills that come witn; obesity, out 1 In about tliree, years this Voiide s universal '-ii 1 its low cost I Its first cost isIy itsimt& I If facts solid, moriey-sayirig,: business building racts- I will convince youV!w would I to demonstrate and prove every claim we (rnake, Wfxxf I In yourt business the iSrnitli I delivery and X haulnig costs andi;vastly p better ypur: ; I delivcrv sprvJr Writ or oKone foremonstrationx x x livery service; Write or phone for'demonstration. tiolor. E .5 T' - H ROBERT VViimingtbn X Sales and Service Station- General Office ip-$ 1 s 110 Pock. Streets :a;X. ;. JHx& f : 1t1 Cnestnut, Street - nTni.n 8 Blf tifTalcert As Yet ; : Request i-for police projection! ,by ne&s -'bnt ttte j west side- 6t the ; Cape;; Peir Ml:.be made., on' City Council again tomorrow, ft 'Wsifiamert t - asked ; to tell these gentlemen Just cent . rpVinost rt tin '. t ii : f "Wouia ilKe to rcrinnle the industrfellife f MTTTt'ft reasons ibestownaov themselTesi A delegation : of- reDreseritatlve b'usl f mess .nenrrecentiy appeared, .bef or. across tner riTerjTO? cuara.r i. hPAn tlttlo'' rv tin irwi " 1 ' ' of Vne rer pnjoyedf They eyen went sd; far . as '. to' outline what' in their W i 1 j7 F of alarm boxes: arraneeL? ? Counnifrtonlr; th . m 1 1 tar ' tin iixi" slderation'and agreed to. look, into the' .matter. - .jvhether' Coilhcil U .ready - to board' tomorrow jnorning; and ask that some 'action be taken .as .they feel at ; they are entiUed to it; t, v - confer with the -Food Conservation Departments: 4 P ' - XV ; v? X At Atlantic City he will,X as chair man, V preside XpYer tbe committee on union , a Adh Federation, appointed by the 7 last xtSeneralPAssembly ;6f the Southern Presbyterian Church, twhich will ;hold.:aVconferett comntee,irom:ine orinernres- byterian Chrchf on September 27. i i The committee, from the Southern church is tcomppsed; of Rev. John M. - , . . v . . tary:of,the Home Mission-bmittee Be - w R; Dobyns, DX D.; pastor of th a - First.:-; Presbvterian church.-' of . St. Joseph, '3f. Hdi;'WGregory;';At- torney .General wof the united, States ; .General Bennett H. Young, command er of the Confederate -Veterans, . and Judge's: DWeakleyy'or Birmingham, Ala. . x - ,. . - 1,- , x he-ommiUeewill; bein session : Amopg tbe ; members of the' com mittee .from; the Northern Presbyte rian1 Church, are nev.vw., uoDerts, D, D.t stated" clerk : df the Northern GeneraiX Assembly ; ItevX JX -j Wilbur .enson,- u. . : v. presiaenx 01 r-rjue luu Seminary; . Rev. - WiUiam McKibben, DXDX president of - "Lane: Seminary; i and a number of others of their most distinguished Xmen. ."- Dr. Wells' expects tft return on neit Saturday. ',f :C M f ; - - , . 1 1 - . V - . ' , - K X vBUSISCHANGES. V V:; BearrProduce:!C . Among -some Iness locationsitctak'place between now nd Octobe!l arethe following: Thei' Cannott-- Auto Company, t now flo- cated! atvNos.'X14-lt: Market street, - X'preniiseis vacated'. b theCannonjAuto - - Compa.ny.X xX ' x'X'XXX: ' Tne omces ,oi mi:-.: viy i"6t - .1. -1. ..wWrft jlrttn- Piiilditte. rx ivX l;il GARR Manager., ;X'i' E URSEQ vV Vk'"5?C gcuucuicu . VM "VI. : for knqw put rirwas stated last-; night iDr . - thatithey would ' apbear before. the Company, xlnc HE WILMINGTON DISPA ARE TO START BER FinST PhysiciarpirebE :V Xx r-T'sori V Outlook; . - . gon 3 VJUtlOOK s 4, . -"L:-- - 'X ' ' ' ' OPENS ON THURSDAY C:i-t 1 ri: 2 - a- - V ? ' v;"-:.- ;' ; Winter class work; in ;the ; Y;M. C. naicaiions?? are; y,jjiatau - - -iv . 3. rr; -- r-Ri,i Prv . first ' !- Thii1 TirA'riA to develop jiot aT fewV of tfie staid business, men ' of the city into5 .worth .hi l.V. ' 'tJ - looKing Thurs day night ryolley ball , league with Xas nchXinterestXndprideasiSvas ever v v ui i jr . j jj xusi in se lecting his gridiron warriors," and the league is expected .to be as fast this season" as ' it -was.. last despite ' the havy draLin made on last year's, stars by. 4hwiarX$;-::X5:X:X! XX XX;XX : X This f year's arrangement of classes ilir bb a little-different than in the pastThe X business ' men's 'class, which- .goes ; pnxiat ;5: 20 ;ln the - after short ?; volley . ball; games after class worktiyhile XTuesday t and Thursday afternoons ': of ; each, week : will v be de voted; exclusively to volley .ball play ing; this . giving every, business, man In-the " city an opportunity, of ' getting up enough- exercise to keep his mus5 cles hardened and In proper ." shape to carry on his workiJ.. ; - X' v- , -XAniimberi i of new. men , will be in thXlyrnxtnis,: season and the splendid work on the volley-ball-team tnat was .contribted by Payne, Mitchell,? Cowan and Strange and others will: have to be : dpn,e X by new men . Kellar. is con sent Jthat he has.he material to de velop into, players ;(of class 'and Indi cations are that this year s warns be " On a par with- last, y- ;. ' 4 V?X The physical director is very anx ious to enroll as many ; men as ! pos sible '.in-the very beginning ', and has been working; wth this pbect in8 Xview. The dressing rooms in; xhe-1 basement of the association ? buiidine on Mon- dayx; n,f ernpon xnextare - expected to; Winter Park Xschooi ? whenX Almost' 200 cnHdreri;;nlSnsIdetheXb ready to begin the Ae Reason's work VXThe tgymnasium '.has3 not been " de serted 'during th&l summer,; but ' the 1 few faithful - ones 5vhp 1 realized the benefit derived I from nlentv of exer else have grown terribly, lonesome at times during the ibt months when they I sweltered through an anernoon, knowing . their friends of ' last winter were enjoying: the 4urf.': All this will be changed, however, with the coming of Monday X and the . dressing;! rooms and gymnasium will: then, be' one of the noisiest and .n$0si; companionable places in the city, .The following i statement is issued bv Mr .Kellar:. " JMosi'tien'yfld follow ; sedentary employment realize" the need. of some kind of physical Exercise ; to keep themselves ;in -good condition ( for the strenuous battles' which 'must be wag ed in all walks' of .lif a tX 'The task of making a living in any J profession . or- business is. one which wnii ;taxuneconsutuuon' or tne strongest. .XMbst -inen recognize this toeed ' but4db Vnot Xknowi just how?1 to supply it. .. Tliey do not know how to lortify themselves against the strain vear. wnat man aoes not wisn to tackle ; his business problems in the morning with ; a clear head and vital ity enough, to carry him through the .day Xwithout feelingXs ?. thonghi? some one had dragged ..; him through a knot nole? ' &mi''' Hr-'m- X XXrSome men are too ! fat,, others are too thin, andV most of them are too softXr-' They know .; it, ..-but; neither through .: indifference . or pressure ' of business ithey;;.0-iusti?uy;lonsas;ther can keep out of the hands of the doe W.' ' Most i men . handle theirXbodies the same as they : doX theirs automo bilesdrive them :X until - something" breaks-XThey- f earV apoplexy,, gout, and. overcome or corrected. . It .is ;in the tying jyqti: all day; thatvreally accom -v ''Th jfailX schedule I starts!: pptbbei ,1 and 'from -thevlboks:: ?,, things, now" the; classes , will . all be swell ' attended. The noon business men's class meets' on' MoridaVs asd Thursday - at '11'. m. -. On X Mdndays, Wednesdays ana Fridays at 5: 20 the. regular business men take 'possession bf the gym and the younger, business X "men : classed, meet ok the; same days, trti at 8 : 20. There is'a class to meet your; needs.";'. XMX MAKE TRIP Td MORROW. All.Invlted o Visit Pender Test Farm ..-.;'; ; ',. : By Mr, Herring. X x:Ht;Xr :-AVrevlously? announced by Mr j. P.Xj Herring; the X trip to; the Pender county test farm will be made tomor row. 'Arrangements hate been ' made for the train to stop, right at the farm on .the ,trip out: and the return.; 'A large number of farmers xare .expected totaker a:dvantageXof ithis opportunity mmm nnnfiiJGix phizes x ITOilBILES :XX- ' -.'-' - "..V" Interesting ; Anrioiincements A Made By Chairman Lxecu- Xts .'.A'cashX prize Xfbr the . county having the r laiigest rnuber ; b presenr . at : the 'opening , day, and an other prize for the county having he iargtj nunra-QXnmesuring the . whole :weekV.were the attractive announcements r: made byr Chairman Jos. W.: Little; of thfr Corn iShow com mittee iat V meeting ; of that : commit tee held.' early yesterday afternoon: It, is proposed to have. an Automobile parade: on the. opening day. of the fair tb e participated in by the, machines from ttee ten r: prising - tne JairK district Mr.iWD McMillan; Jr., ' has-' ?beeh appointed 'MaeMiiaiair ynsrnwmgpaie.--exyni8j are contem plated . f orxswhiclx additional .'A . cash. GwntandXC.& aicanvassfTtheXittoday;ipr- purpose ; of 'securing ;1 special prizes from - the V merchants. 'The xpremium list; will . be published iha - few days andi-tetstatWd'-th able number "of prizes are contained the j f Through Mra u.v jj; upre, r or ine Brunswick" Bridge and Ferry ;Corn- pany, a special rate; has T)een secured for Brunswick, farmers, amounting, to ibout. one-third: of, the'usual charge."1 :S The ' f ollowiijg X ; committees : ; ; have been;. appointed:' ' s , XJx , MusicMr.,jB.XHiXMunspn;hair man ; Messrs, JX Holmes Davis, H. E. Bonitz,; Albert v. Solomon; and XW, IX Baxter, .x-: ' : : - ; X General Information Mr. Thos. H. Wrieht.' '-chairman ; v: Messrs. v T. : A. Greene, - W. 'B.XThorpe, F. ' W. 'Dick, and J. V, ; Grainger;:r.'SXx:XiX::X - The : Sorosis has appointed the fol lowing committee: X;X;X X;"--":;;:V-fcXf i-xx;-. X Mr?: . Jx II. Solomon, chairman ; Mes dames W. h: Beery, Xt. GX Bat en tine, inson, J- ,C. Shepard,' G . HX Iieftwich X Miss ' Jennie Murchison is chairman of ; the 'conimittee onancy ?work. Iler assistants are: Misses Rhoda B. Lew-, is, Atha! Hicks Kae Munson, Margar et Corbet and Mrs. J.;0:-0-rv X XX Ten counties will pkrticipute in the exhibits. XNew Hanover; ' iruiswick, Columbus) i- Pender, ; Bladen. ' Dupl in, Robeson, rWayne, Onslow and Samp Bon will all enter to make- this year's Corn Show take, its place among the throughoutxtheStatex:X-:vs--i ' 1i TO ATTEND SCHOOL ApalMade;Bv5 . - . - School Age . " XXX Xj'-X t i ' 1 1 f .- .if.;;, ;'-X"f-''X - Copies : of the ; following ' letter have been mailed, boys of High school age iri the city with the Object of showing them that they should enter school on October' V4 and xattehd regularly de-: snite : the numerous'. positions obtain able as a result of the demands of in dustry' fcaused ; by the war. The letter was prepare,dV by-; -Principal Malcolm Little bf the n High " school. and Mr. Odis B; Hinnant, boys' wOrk secre tary of the YXM. C, A. Jt reads: ; X "Dear Fellow: Are you going to the; High school this' falU4, This Is a ques tion that, you will have to; asK your self Xthis Coming ; yreekand give your 'answer. . What we are interested in '8 .wnat? tnai answer,-, is., going 10 ue. If : it is; going to be 'yesf that is what we want; but ifX you are thinking of answering 'no. read the rest of this letter before you make, a final de cision. : .These are wonderful days we are living: in. , Every man, woman, boy andi'girl is earnestly ' asking them selves how they can best do their bit 'to make the world safe f for. democ racy,- Particularly is this rtf-nie of High ; schooL.f eUowsas ;they; f ace the problem of, the best? thing to be done There' never was. a-;tim- when x our country s demanded more trained-Jead ,rsbip. ln-the-reJdmsXot 1 science,-. in Utry,.- professions, v and : the like. . 9'. have ben' received ' by- the school ad- thorifies X repeatedlyvvrging that X the boys Xbe 'kept in the - schools; ; It is. true perhaps, Xyoufhave received good offers to fill' positions held by ; old er men that have ' been called : to the service. You hate . to give ; up X that tnoney and Xf eeling Of Xindependence and return to yonr studies.. But when theCwars isoyeriwhatwilli happen ? Will you. be : prepared to fill the posi tions that will be opened to the train ed t man?1; No; Vvqu: will h veX to, say. that- you ; can't fill the . bill for the reaT; 5Knt"that; you are' tinprep'ared. ; May" we inot' advise that however,- pleasant ypurXjpb may : be' now' or . prnfitahTe. that you will Seriously -consider the larget ' opportunities r which ' will V; be your if ynii" prepare yourself for big ger things ?-V"X; '-;;XX-' -XxX;,,' X hV Presidenthfef S Nvyi-'the Secretary of War. ;Tjnited States Cbttimxissidnei 'df ; Eiucaiion have nnqualifi'edlyfsta,ted that the best and only place" for a ' thoughtful boy today is in1; thevschbolsXof -the' land. im -' j- .-il'Jjlrt-'ttaxL; !ixi-Jt: J,?il- uan you -ajiora;- to uisreKHiu iuwj- , iudgmentf ?'TJ6n't bei a slacker! Come. to schooL: Tackle : a man-sized lop, one thit wiir flt you for the larger op portunities ;aheadlyx X '--''-:'X ..xx1 , "Hoping X to, -have the privilege -of sharing with you ! itf .the struggle for better preparedness, for training. for rear leadership,:andvf pfibllity "to rec4 ognize' thb larger opportunities ; the worM of today offers, we are, ! : . X ' vyours Jri the desire to do our bit, V ;2-?XXXX "MATXJOLlVl dX LITTLE' - X Principal WiitnrtOTf Tlierf School' prizes will : be- -off ered.i X. i ' f , : XMessrsl! J;?HeStn&ndWHl XijAX $-s-;x: Xi XX:s "-'X. . v ' - Condensed Statement-to .the Corporation Commiasion-' of ' the Cohdltioa . of vvi : V-!- ' at Surian8:.;'.X.;XiXXXiX.,r.A Discounts rfTneariiml -rX.r:.v.' .'krti.r.ri.iviw-a'ao.onft.no-? X . t Keservf ot Dividend bpe Oct.- 1st ".X . . ';;; . 5,000.00 ; s t HeBert-es: for Interest; Diie Depositors -. . ' S.000.00 -n Undivided Prof its i .' l, V. - 95.292,24 X' X' Bailding ReserveX. '". ; 'X. V . tfV 49,000.00 v. XKed : Cross Dividends Unpaid - ie r -'t X. r i' 28.35 X ; - Dividends Unpaid-'X: it v.iv;X.vn .XV.. X iXX X 203.50 X .vii&nnsttfl : Last Eight Days First arid ; .MSuccbth,V-orX"thevi Feast, ot Taber- nacies, ;iaiiSv onxine ibtn aay ot tne 7th month ..Tishri, which this year, co- tA;j..M.uu- n r . -rf"x.-i .- festivaLISveigm$daysh oeing tnownas tne-east.pf ;(Jonclu sion. Onif the first and last days-' are regarded as sacred.: ''JfcXXX T X'Succoth"' is: a harvest festival; In Scripture it is known ; as tneX I'Feast Of Ingathering" and is ordained in Ex odus XXIII.-16 and XXXIV:-22:vX;it is associated X with v the X journey X of the IsraelitesX through thexwilderQess. In Leviticus "XXIII.-42 it is commanded , that : the " Israelites "dwell in X b ooths seven days" in Commemoration of the fact that-Israel dwelt ,in booths when J In this festival 'stress is laid - updn the iProyidence Xof X God 5 evidenced , by the richesness, and .bounty ; of, na,ture. By it the" ideal of Judaism' is express- j ed that God 1 is the ' dispenser of ;all things. -Thefiriitfulriess the teeming bounty of the , earth, ? the 'Jew is reminded, are sthe. gifts: of tthe Giver of all Life.X Gratitude is due ,t6 Jlim; aloneiMan, in the inicrst of the. many blessings gives ' thanks :- to. Him U-r, - "f XH"" " -1" ":rv.'XX -.--A r -r. . I upeny x-oan Acpount . ;-.;.;;..,.".-.. 5.'. .'. ,-?.t " ! . r" - ; $ 383,881-C7 . ' - 3,383,881.67 -X - L J. L.Wmiams; Cashier "pf itheiJtiW solemnly swear that the above stater i -:ment' Irtrue'to the:"best''-6f : my N .State of North Carolina; : X .XX- x - X: XV .."VX-"' XX; X'XX;. -X 'Vi??'--.:- -t.vvv?f X,-' , X. ;-v:';' X New Hanover County. S':ivrX-4-V-J''. - .::-K'-'-'1,tJ .V i r'V Correct iAttest? , ..--Cv,.;-'-'i X it-Sworn to and subscribed before me; this lyth day pf September, -'v.X- - rv w ; JJRANKIJT.X k'.-v: . XX ' Xr; 1917. ; X-:;;-"X;;:.X ,;XX X v'"-" X;; FOSTERX V X VJv- ' . t,;,X.:i v; ;".XX :-X- JXV. GJtAINQER,: ; -X,;;::X s'f X Xi-X;xWX: Notary?Public. ,.; .vfXvu ; vVi;i. ; v :? JNO; Dr Bellamy, jk. X- ! . Pjiixxixxxax . Xr V "V ' l " ' '' H " ''rXCi : -X x-r':tXX-;x ; V'-x' . ;;'' ! ; - - ;:;Jpp;;;,x; ' H'KX'xsiSaiiaysitnirst helps w-m'--. H -iXr;-' VfisrZ MiAyc' x-. ;pirMx. 'I ixlQ -'. Rlllxx :pii5p X;X'; - x ' -il-:, . '"'!. . fV'X .MX.'.: f ' ; " : -.:'r v ? " - fi- x t lSx.1'rt 1 i X"'' x:CxX'x:xtfd , .v ;rsxxs.v;Kxxf x?S:X::ixxif . &&9mm& 1 jrji;. ;,? ?fMffl X! : pWii.itiN'? irlru.n.1 uj the :1ort of bAaihess' oil Sentember -litlLlQlT-T i x V ;XS;:::X; :XXxf::3kEsbt7BC l- ''"'"';''"' 'V; JT "X - J X'--X .x X - ,'riJX. yj1--''1'.. "XX '.j ''''''i' ' ;!;;ii6anB t;r.Jteal.';Estate.iy-;.5r.f..;yX 'X "'Briiiding:;, xX;iXrX?X'-? i-XXXiC.ri';50Jooox)0 ; X. stocks1;. . . "I. :. ; . . . X. i .' : v . X ' 8,000.00 . Bonds"'".'." .;.. :.-X. V-.,.'W. X 1 'v'j .Xx"168.931.23 ;.X Invested Trust Funds -.- ,X Efforts to Raise War Relief :Fund ' Yef J' 'S1 V: I ' ' "M : - X'X.:;-.-"X - successful;, i;xX;Xa Showing Bejuest Made to -f lint arletter to -!Capt;.V Thomas F. Xx- hiAr ; RinoKim" A'Vf'.i Capt;!.1 MeLres;X supreme s master- of4 the fax-, cheluer,X- Mr- W Wheaton, ' su preme'.' keeper of Xrecbrds and Xseals, Miuneaipolis, Xstates that,tjie efforts on the-j part. of ;-the,'x Knights of Pythias to raise .half million dollarsf or war relief is meeting with much; success, ItXwili';l)& : rmDCTerftfatx:to':Wii-. mingtbn';IogesXtood- first ; throughout the nation'nlpnding4Ui their; 'quota. - The . knights . xWill4 be; interested in the": following : extract from a letter td Captaitf ;;ivIeareB?;;X Pl:-::yi , X"It 4 extremely gratifying: to note that this . greatl.undertaking has met with cordial reception ; throughout the order, ' that' dffiains kre hieing Xwith each other inH thex laudable, ambition to be Xampng , t the .firsto.tp : qualify ..In the fu'nd-thtis and again giving elo - quent; itestsmfoiiy 'Of Pythian loyalty and ::- patriotisnvi-doingXakX grand thing dobly ap: profflpty,:y. ; Who istth source ot i "all that maln The synagog decorated with flowers 1 ."and., fruit; and products Xof X the .field, j and.' the;service of . theX festival ex presses gratetiil. recognition of ; the PAGE FIVii v..' u.,X . ' -a 127,500.00 ::xx?- !!i The full text; of: the codicil to Ithe ' will of . the ; i late Mrs J Robert -Worth Bingham, "which -has; already been the , subject ' of . legal investigation, ,in be-, half of the relatives of ' Mrs. Bingham, is herewith 'printed , in, full: ' X X, A X :j'Louisville;:Ky.,:June 19,(1917i ! " ' X'T make this codicil to my last . will -and it ;shaU be: a valid: devise as such codicil, and if at my death I have no will, - or have Xa ' will - or wills made : subsequently ; to ;:this. ' instrument, : it. shall .nevertheless; be - an independent devise; at all times , and under all cir cumstances of change; modification or revocation pf any prepent : will : or any Will 3 vrlllc.'-. w iiA ui ; friiikji ;" .iV' 'X. XS ' .. - . "? "I . give ;. ahd bequeath to my ius- " band: R. W. Bineham. fiviR million , $5,0D0,t)00) ; dollars; to ,be absolutely 1 1110, wu sutui xiaYc uy uuu . ui taking this from my; estate" In money or . in such securities as '- he and the administering authorities of my es- I tate may agree ;upon with ; repsect to market value. Witness my hand on' the date above shOwn. . - j X X ;':'xXXrMARY;jLILYXBINGHAM,X "Witnesses: 'f'Y;: ': XX;X; 'X-; xx;x-"v- ' r :"W. W. Davies, - X " I ?. HONES '16 'lAi'ly niiiiiiniiiiiiiiijii X'x'x:r- T x.;':'- :.'--i:;:'":'i-':'"rX:t;.- ; -ixx;; -Xj; V

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