.-: Vj- V C .:; PAGE-SEVEN DIAMOND, OSEEEED j ' -- ' . .:, iz., ,; T Ttssr- TODAY'S SCHEDULE. in t T, T 7 5 ; r "v in. i i n pnii,i , I,, limn ii ., . v . r . ' v.J-:- t iT-; -T.5- r.-rf' . v S'r. vwwi . ; y ' 1 . " -1 To tHcWilriiingtoir patcft Wilift as'a c:a-w . AMERICAN-LEA GU E7.-Mu,; Z'yt Erocldyn at unicago; . . PUiladrlphia at PUtsburghr vXy .. Vrlr fit St. TOllfa. : :. .. ' ivrw i vx v . - Boston at CinciimatigTWi 11 ir:i 1 . ;, ; ..-.v A" v ' AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chic;'R at Washington; clear; gt Louis at Philadeljphia,';cloud7.' petroit at New York, clear. Cleveland at BbstbriivclduidyJ' '?:t AMERICAN .LEAGUE.: Results Vesta rdav. At Boston 3; Chicago . 0. ' . :.hineton 3-2v Detroit R.O At Philadolphfn;4fIeVeia;nd '$1 jt Nov York-St. Lou'l$,; flayed ;Sat- : " i Stnndrng ,of the CUibs is ,v Chicago .. Boston . . Cleveland .. Detroit .. .. Washington flew York . . I St. Louis . . Philadelphia Won.;:Lnst; Pet. .. .;86 1 -.67 :..601 ..85 63- : .574 Grace- AnttV; ??fTlt:i '1? .StftSfrf K&iShtaS fei'it.'?'; -1- (Dy? H. CvQHamHton, United Presp ; . : .t.- &tarf uorrespondent)n :NeA?r .Yorky 'i Sent25Some probably languishing now- on a Is ; going to find his ,name blazoned through out. the country ' before a White Soxrimiforni is oing' to be J Dcia proclaimed 'lLhero.'';':i5 Mart iFJvpTV wort rl SArina lin TinH Ht ! Atla btiftfrdm the thins y-CaBhweliii 6,000 5.000 fans- lachleTement of Babe . Adams ; in rto- 76 " .73 : .5l0 i ning"Vthe i ' worlTrs series ..68 -75 .475 1 almost jingle handed for , . 67 78 .462 ? Likewise, v what genefatiODk; ..55 4 r 93 ' .372 ' ball , f ans "e ve'r:wUlr'pa-uae . .. ,S. .v-; . ' ' II. iUliiii.-.l ..ii - - I I tr-,iii. u I .nlynW.li'lHllilWin -) ::"S6arttKri,.tC.' rs,J.:-vpS:;;- e;930Mi , . Krt - ? ok ; 5.171 Frank Bakfir vwon ,hiav title of "Hoina NATIONAL LEAGUE. Results Yecterday.: : , r At Chicago 4; Brooklyn -2. t At Pittsburgh 0; Philadelphia ; 2. A St. Louis 1; , N6w r-York -2 Standing of 'the Clubs At Cincinnati 2; Bpston: , . it1 : f : f th Wrtrfil'a" bpHp9' nrt VL ft1thn!?h' the Won. - Lost. - Pet. !' pub; ttack - was centered - on this. New York .. .. . .Sv M9v; ?53' i;iniini5nea. wixu , ;a v onuwa? 99 , CI ' 579 I J131U1IU: Tecum HUU BU UtSLUUltUlUK ULr 7q ;f;fi K5 r-nK--recora.--' tiw-h' v? r-:..vj-v.s:MM-..--:- dead and made it nossible for his team i H112aDettt UUXflam to win -'the .world's, chamnionshto.tyaVbouxneriana , . . DTinn : iHA Innf IVlM hoooMiM. t-Yxa V J-VlU t ! C3 US V. S. C T s . White Sox when: ther met tho. Cubs iniVmm lam-vivs ;sr - , - ftl? w""!;r: . r 3 j. Philadelphia St. Louis . . Cinc'nnati . I Chicago Brooklyn . . Boston . . Pittsburgh . e c 55r i -ting record.- " ;. - ' !73 77 .487 ' back to. the. ropes that held the" crowd ... mn'"': 'ir t ft thft JHiifTyieM in the final e-aTiie ..63 ..48 78 .447 99 ' ' .327 of the 1912 ' world's -'series. 1 Liirry Boyle had mr one hard enough tor home, run, but Hooper, by a maryei Winnie' DraashaW ".." r.-.-. . Berthas Edmond -. . . 6380 IIEED OF TONIC I ous jump and aN stab into the crowd, fhtb the crowds He' isaVed the ' v ball ilank Gowdy got so many hits hr the Iay Jtirdau .;. v-. ' 91 r worJ(Fs5sat4they?are still; Ma WjafdT? T. !. v : : -peO diking :f1"ut'1t:1-'Pnsth:--aad won-- ! :C.Clarktonr N. C. ? 4 r 9121 tiilkiwer'rthtoutirlf 1'pnsfKri-Hind W( cring .why. ' For Hank,' before and af Go to Drug Store Get a Bot tle of, Concentrated Acid doing more than IhstDrdiniry execu tion with his mauL&r;, - : t f ' , 4sc T i : : New TorKBw-aaoxna uian" iron Minerar r - " Ihnth have nlentv : of world's . series ( veterans on:-their- payrolls. " Although 6.T0O Sessdmsti .-. 6100 ;Staryng. .-;; :-T .6,010. Ros H ill, N. C. C rTfte-""."Riilt''' rf tho 'AthittiJ '' fienrffe ft their I uvace ..xw. . jcjernara . . .... . . o . a Bush a green kid; stopped the Giants, m rs,pnaowtten k. v jj. a. ?, ; fM1 ;7,S30 Mary-1; Cv Clifton- .: Beatrice .Monroe- v?18:.- P.r. c . . 5,420 ; ?o scotts;.Hn,.-'N.. 'c. ' M.rs;;N. L.' Toy ; . . ,; . 5.9.10 ! Mra. Ji L..-Gbgsett - .-..;!6;2g0 :-Betty Smith-. VWf. 6,440. Berta Bulfard . 1: 6,310, Glara;. Bulldck:, Z, ' ' . - - ;V .5,550 Mr.-?. J.- "B,;? Ppx1 , .. ... 6.210 ter. has only Toeeh, a so-so hitter, nevarPfcUyiRs 11.1:' x2.s .rr ... r r - vkit--- m - 5 r Anna race i . . . . .-.c J, Clinton, N. C. Fannie Holmes .. . . 8.0.70 3lrs Eiila'Montroso . ,: : '. 6;640 itH&&-& -Matthewa' -;..r-: 610 6,100 Nellie Phillips 1 Pertlia Allsbrook . i ' . Connie BeHamy - J'. ; : " ? Jennie Cox . ' . i ' . V ; ; 7,070 Marlon, SiC ; ?i i;5'? ; Bernice Martin .i' '.,VV. 'v 12,090 lftPaiv, -vi . 8,330 ttubU-Hdams-i:- tphe?KUt vV- O ir-itt.' i. 6,500 6,400 Mints, N, C. . : Mrs. H. A Grady .;i . -. i 5,410 , w - " ?'vu icatie Gwdn 52ooi Mozelia Hcdley v ... t . dussielah NCN - ALCOHOLIC; NA-1 neither , of these cjus havarticip4t5 TURALIRON. ed'in the autamxtr-baseball clasic for. . - several jeare, vu uuu . iiai wuio v". I'whA Tinvo tAlrpn nart ; in the-hiff Erames Just plain, old-fashioned, natural Thft white Sox hare Collins. Mur- lron, witnout-a sngie arop oi aiconoi , phy Bvrne-,-;and Danforth TheGiaitfs or laxative of any.kind. has builtiweak- j ztmmertnanHerzog;; Fletcher; ened, run-dbwn people: up andbrought iT.n ' i TrttTPstn- firs - r:, the rich, red blood back for : millions of people, and doctors all -over the world have prescribed it. Just, iron- it is iron that builds you up and puts I f the rserfes Wifl: be ; Eddie: Collins fifth" "cut into the J fall ?pie and will bring him within one -of the mark ! set by Jack J3arFy in his; 'Six entries in makes heartier, stronger, more ener-1.,, nnU;' a t, n ; w v; hi-' getic men just plaint medicinal iron, as Nature herself compounded it, then highly concentrated, tested and bottled under the same of Acid Iron Mineral. Acid Iron Mineral, is of , course more economical . than, othef prepared iron tonics, yet it h stronger, jgpfes furlJier and contains .no alcohol, or. laxative to derange or affect, 'the. system;T:; Iron Has Many ,Uses v Iron has many uses when -highly. Collins? certainly1 Is due for a world's: series surprise party self-staged. His battinjris Inst now. beginning to reabh' concetrated as Acid. IronMmeraLn . A irA.w - - . ,w teaspoonful in a f glass of-drinking wa ter makes a delightful, Tinusually-invf-: gorating tonic, blood medicine,; appe tizer and remedy, for indigestion. -.It will not Injure UeethJcausvconstipa? tion or harm the ; most .-"delicate stomach. nr";'?--;:.:v . Use externally ft stop at bleeding acts as a healthy agent preventing soreness and festering. Is an antisept ic and germicide too,, and- old orefar Pimples, sores ;fn the scalp,, etc., are! ouickly relieved " without- the V uteof anything else besides Acid IronJ MI Heral. People with . : sore,' : bleeding wns, dilute atabIespopri -of : Acid Iron Mineral in a glass ?'of, wateran$f (use it as a mouth wash exactly asldentists ao to stop bleeding and' 'prevent in fection when extracting :'teeth;4-? A child with, sore oi wound ;'va cut ln camp, at the shore v at .' 'homo' or.: abroad, needs nothing else: ' Just -pour enough on the cut to com"pIetely cdVer ma Acid Iron Mineral does the rest, Acid Iron- pnly medicinai s kind in t contains marksr and -his bad ones In-thes: world's series "competition. One series :saw his . batting - endeavors : 'reach K a 421 peak Another" Baw it Mrdpto::; 241 Quite a difference and one that will cause jnany'perspna Jtxx. say ithOr figures '-.Council, N. C. Llzzio Council ..v s .i" --r; V-:-Delway, N. C. Ima Castel "-V ' . Mrs. W.".'S,Sy aria ' : v ; ; Dothan,t4. C. Mary I Marlowe . '. . '. I. . - . . Mrs.. L; ' L. Porter .' '. ; - , 5,700 5,220 . 7,100 .;5;070 ,t :5,410 : 5,170 v.. v6,66o;7?nmNrgr rI . . . . . .V 5,9001 Bcra Fink :.;.;v.: . . . : . 5,700; naouii :ji,uarit. . . .. . .. . - . . ; o.uty Emma Stone ' ;i ,n i 'i'.T-Tl - 6,00 :;Biapc6VHarTli 5,810 ' jsioise panicrr:-;; n r: i.'-' Myrtle QaUoway . . v. . j? ; ?,110 Boulah Lewis, j i . . . ; 6,220 .- :: 1 V Swansboror N.?c; , . ' ;;. ' Bertiaollowayji Uv.. i', T ..V. 5,201 , Edna !Merritt;h, . VVv ; 6.0S0" piivovPitman: iK VvV 5.4T0 i 7,460 -V &egwpped. Are you tone, of Mi hundf4"fi hvS i5utu s1wy Diiidifu 11 so, Tcmemoer, roinpeisn ilillu tftehnent ia carefully deicrihed Viilaflei!16 sHaSr. "in4i Ite Cat."; encloiJ in yeif package. .v- '.'0 . j I .The taatsaging (robbing) of the scalp ; wake up the roots of the hair to new Hfc ; i; This massaging also opens the porea,: oestdwonderfuUy Btimidating ; liquids in Pompeian HA I R M a s s a g eT.,f ; DaudrvuT- goes.; , 'Kour hair will become ; and stay heahliy, vigorous anq attractive' Yelma; Bell : iV . '.V V.5,8O0 r-- j wecKio uranatn the White VSox- and ; when the w w eii v &;ir?mt Mrs: ' HViL Cromartie V. tito i?"i - nor i.TrmevriT-.-T.nf sai' iu ku .t-t r t . v. t"L5 ot-niJLelai. Herring,,. i Heinle's ;ltemper7liaiinprcd won-1; V " 1g dcrfuiiysmce ne Decaraev amemuer nr .ih .ruanta hiit' it , still ?i treat f !SV S1? n 1, rontVifiit of the Phillies ;tdfMr- .WWve08 the POlo Grounds; Zimallowed George Whitted'jta' run him from third ; basi i-J'Jvi:-i i i- r tut- i i - : .f .:- Vr-W-'-C fr-- f he.' periprms., mat .way in t me ; comig. .... s ar.;. , ;;: . 5.4003?-' ; ,i3rni Mmeral.tmGM kromthW big nis-u iron mineral-dposidtUs:-l thew0rld.:AnalysiprOvcsWeer;J in aHiHrt-Tv ttithmay? be k sicked pnto Charles Ueny'tmyiiUilitf vf- ittdni-x - unns. calcium; SddiunvotassiumiandiWso vK"0" ee sulphuric acid.---Ask; your f a combination of i these Jements'?mykon-v?g s janimfe to;Ci? Wasn't wonderful, medlcal;:I valued N6lCfi i " demist has o UrimmM f ate Acid Iron Mineral,-hich-?;like; PPagetUngtn; adl. is another of Nature's ;pti ' aomena. - v. v i 'xmtmr- , Most druggists-have it in 50c.and. was -ffmmf Wiyl ' gtles. The lessorsrof, the aeposit,tyBennie J rodine Chemical; Corp, of WWf S-e Stf Md&i m i 6,110. m "OKo. Vn will ,-A a v..i tTf. 1 ,'l-imfnnint Of the GiantS. Ifle rreDOifr i - . ... .rA.-. . ; .-- waimg effect, to some fiesma 'to'con-bteja& ptrit J"n alum, but such'ls not tbe icas-l. 1 game tO-tKNeWkY tlno1'' f auilips use it. p No home should fv,V7V"'-;,,t'; ue Without . it t KM.-ii,k Aw't--7-;-.'-:--;PinliJ',Eea I . .i. " . uciug -uacu vi i v-:.- f ,r..r 7 I L ' Kianey, digestion, or mooa J Rubles, and the. bowels are1 '".not reg- I . lr' We recommehd that-you lpr6cUi:0: Advt A-i-MLiiver fms aiso.-; ,. x 5,990 .. 6,900 j .. 6,010 6;320 - Flawny"- Melv-'ri-sT I 40 ; Duck Creek, NVCV ;. V; , Mildred tGflteFUvVV" Cv.- 5,30 .v-Miv ." -'-ElrodN. Cv.jv. ' .. i-T Thfilmal BulJard : :.v; JT, . . .;. 5,840 -: . Eliaabetritown,; N. C. 1. ' FenceCal;f v; "V v. -. ? V55,060 Carlotta' Love r .V . . . .. ; . . Sadie; Marahbum?.4.-.. - ...... 5,100 ; VCi;- Exam N. C. - - .. Mrs JanlEdwajrd ;? v . - f ,V "IV Mattie Evans" iwV, . '. : . .. . MvV EvergreenN C. . j:;., MraeGv: E.l! ollomani V!- . ; i Mrs. iW. CVhomas . vVV V ... V 1 :Fairmont. N. C. . ' Grace Fisher'4 vV . .-''V. .. -5,370 Kath6rhlL:VFloy4 ; - -V - j , . . 600 Katherine Galloway r. .-i:V.V .. . 5,090 bertha: Jenkins . : V; ; . V ,620 Rubr .Ward.... i';V;. ; . . i W . .V 6,010 Cletus Thompson - j; .' . . ; 5,573 Folkstone, N. C. 6.660 -7,880 5,660 5,690 660 eerous ! -Henie! Zlmmerjruin5 p.rob will get; more attend world's series ; than, any player' oh either club! Heihie ; possesses ar gfoaj part; of the timebat Ms- waniloi f "Rii V , Weaver's . main ioh J nrrthahTv will he1 to corral that anedfa I Mildred; :Duffr. . i and ': keep' it . feeding in the . Sox outi y. History- records many strayings Of ' 9mmnrm!o n i TV ''-''4 W ainiv- ifl'iirini" Flossie ;Harrelspg VVv . VV? 6160 Hattio .Purvis- . -'-..'r 5,460; Cordelia' Prihcb; . V ViJ.''.V;T. 6,110 SaraU' StontvU ; . ;Vi-VV ; 6,280 May Strickland 4...V'k.V. .... ... 6,040. Parkerebura," N, C; : ' 1 -r-.Tar ' Heel,-; N-C-'i ' ' V- - Annie 'CoblorVviVi.V...' 6.100 f Alice iambbell ;'i;V.v! V ."V'-.V C.500 , Aiinfc BU Mcryin-'w ; . . .7.5001 Ruba tJunham'V; ;Vv. VV V-;VTV 6,080 Ltnian .i -:. , s.soql "r.; v:ytomahawki nvc :'; x :-: i - .. r'arKtoir, w. u.; ; Mrs; jjuue- uarten &,vuu iNOta .j!iverew-A--4 .-sr.-:. .v -.-.y . , . j . - o,oo f mrsi jiumm. jueyanc c: v i i, n"ir P.opw Katie lyey v i1, V; . ;? 7,3601 Fay Newton V.V ; . V . ; . . r . . v;-? 6,370 Mattie JlcArthur .V ;V; V . .V tUOOT ! " V- r Town CreJefc, NV CV'M t Eadle; McKehzie . lyw.'' . v-. v ' ;. 6,670 ) NydawEvans,tR. - F.' D.ri 1 ... .550 Pembroke-, N. C. . ; ; . r : Carrie BV KrioX ; ?.! ::; .;;; i VV . V i7.820 Mrs.' Mary H.v Cook .' ; .' r . . . . . : 5900 1 Beulah'McKeithahvi; V; W vv: . 5,430 011iea Mclnnisr tV ! . 6,010 1 VinelandV N. C. ' ; Mrs;- 0. S. 'Miller-,. ... V 6,730 Bertha fierce ... . . . . r Vi. 600 R; F: D. IPembroke, N. C.f - Bene Richardson ;;vVV. .VUi6,Q0 ThetisPrevail .vV CFroetor Vnf. ?;V C310l PearI MrsL. ? s.' comDsrv- eaio i Nannie ; Katea Powell V;; Vvv-Vj i 6,240 ::v.. DaisyvWIHiams?: i vV V-VV-'7; 0,880 pAnnlft M -Pjnt Caswell, ; N. C.:y:.may6 LotvHunt .rVi, -. . .V . . ; . . 5.360 Edna :Atkmson ... : . . . 7,0401 Madge southerland . ; vv . ; 5,000 l-Mrs.; Maude.. J?:oy . piiePI?. vv; ;4-.v- r-- .-. - v -y it Avici h A(iut m-.:.'; iiuuivm cj . . .. . . . . . -,iwm ;-:v j. ' . e-eiA I Garfand Nrf C, ... .Marj4rtine;Tolar . ; .'V Elizabeth. Weatbrook 6,300 . - . Gladys: wfchvaw.V"i -is . o.atu Mollha HamiK0'nn i .;r v. 5,610, . : v: -vfi-:nft nwrs flB-Rlake; : i ; 6:7001 Mrs,: :Bettv: Jones. &.&SU IVMrsK BKWbstete;we.v5,450.:f .;'.w. iSaJf -eX'tC Mrs...J.:A.:,Dhnham ; . " 56fOvSa;me' j;uc V . V;,'. . . V", .,:v 6,450 1 -W--'.-i "V,,. . ;,: : 1 ; MTs Lou ;Bearrj; V. V.V;v 5 J30: ; Ruby;Sm"ith VVV; ViV -V. i -:5p0 rPaei; .Vg:. f V K --rtWiKlchardson JVvCV' 2 Ka'thleOnBaldwih"sVSV Vt5,0 Geiviee Jgsburj ;XV- -':-5;710 ! McCABE & CO.N g 18,130 COAST LlWP urnrrrl r.airp "ms-bythjefdayV'Veerbr:'-. nth at reasonable rates. Meals " any hour;,VFresh Oysters Fish ?fl Shrimps, j 1 208: North Front lrppt- Phone 203-W. ,.5-2-lm Yorkers. Escape-, PfJonV'l:S YCorresntmdencbfiAssocIatedPfss) :V London, AugV 29. Nearly a hundred Russian? sold tersr who ' Jhalrftr icape4 from captivity in Germany areThotr in- LOndonr, awaiting repainauou They; ara period" of ' . Al; Sss7ravlldiiel3r ist affairs' Estate;1 apasXesol " y Svable : phase' of devolution-- Lucile Johnson .. . ; ... f . : B,00 nrv activity in their nartte land. Th6y AlmMelyin?-. MB , . ! t firt -in rrfc 1 a n a-y ..:;-: izy "s. ;r:-;i I : is a: dea ambV, liqui d (nVt a "v ' : ; cirean). ot.o. Not sticky. Yety V V " JJ :;: ! -;bthr - ; : ! v Don't hesitate lq: use Pompeiaii '-" 'fS " r'' -V. -V'" : V I oid'and, reliable maker s 'Tt:-f?sL-t'': 1 j vt ; -; Pompeiaii MAGCieaial i V4y f : ? - if ' ' V ) Pompeian NIGQteanWpllI v'v'';:? f y' - ..vr?'V . mended" ; p iy ' .;. y. , L . . , . u M..-- Wilmington.: N. C. RtheiAUenV?.:.tf.V n,;V.;.7,210 jbiizabeth; Ashley V . . . . . . . -5,740 Mrs. . B.;. "4- "- Emma Malpasp .. Sariv 'Laye ;;Vr. VV;. Lee Mearcs ; .'V . Mrs. a"' L..: Myers jr - - 10,440 5,910 6,900 .S-,200 F. Britton .. ... A. .. . 6,700 Mrs, Georgia F. M emit o, G; Beach' 7i... . - WOOj' Edna LV; Myers ....... fJ- Bessellieu r.l -VV- .V V U 8,910 Sophie K0rthrop v; Osi. Bright ;;V; '9,170 , osar uryeru - - v;'-- v S''X- Mrs: G.tY Seittor : V. iV." 10,820 r Annie pfeelps V V ;i,i.V. ;'-.?,,660. XV, VOW , 7,040 ,370 6,910 : ,&,450 ; ,7,040 5,850 I Florette-SChioss ... .. .., p,w 6 770 Julia; Schrador: VV - V V ,'. ; .. -.-.;. 5,460 ; Hattie Graham ,;-,--V . 5,250 Rcth Teachey . . , -18,340 j Donnie i.Gurganious ; .... ,- . , . . V 8,390 r?5a: lnii- ' Vlll ''-r-':- '" Griham. .r '. . " V . -' 6,860 ' ; V -Warsaw, 'NVC: V, i l Thelma Howard v . V . .. 7.100 f - ; -rvr.-j-KUWIt-'N :.. - f- rr. 4jOU1SO Annl0 ChilbretnVVt? JV1. 'v. V . . : , 5,770 if Mry..-: ;c, Rayn ham, N. v. '.;;-'- - - V 1 Fannie Mrs 5;600 Fatthie Wilson ": M5tM;BelaS ifer?" m'"" ' - v A irTnfjai .:--1 "4 ;iv--r " Winter, Park, .Nc. x:; ;; . s srard v Register, . . .: ?. WrlQhtsvitle, N. C.,: fiietfvmams 6,660, ."Gertrude qhnson ;.V ) 5,660 Mrs Edward Register 5,840 S3'' 810 Murchjson Bank Bldg, 2 irtc '- 1 ?ififi i nil iiAnm ,i i.'-r::':?..-f-'- ? '...' I?. MrsiVBfenWHoard ' . W ' r EddieMaHinr 4?i; v f"'. - 1 T Mkry-Malh; S5J-' -,JI:I5" JuliavgV - ; ;bc' cupyingtneireniorc4."f nnfil I m :W0 mmmw :-m0mmm:4- -m- smm w-mm-; iv -i - . liKVXv'v:; -1" s?A i i . .vi::.. x ,!.:x Sa;:i.k:ii. . x.x:.:.vA.:;..M . . ,v -::vx::::5::vx-xX:Xx::x": Frnm left ' to rich t.; ton rbw:' " Wolfgane.- E. Collins, Cicctt, Ben2. , IlaElirook;. Murlipy.- Weaver, ' Gleasa.n, CahdilLynn.; Mlddlp : S 1 chalk, Uza- ioiuns V v ouraan; eischf vWOw-lanu, fiiauagerjf , v a v v , j,.r -y viuiw, v v vw;i. . v. . - I 10 olmoH "lift -x.k :;' Ci-..