VJU 7, I r CHTOM DISPATCH,; TUZD A Y: AMg::gij: Jgglg" ; PAGE EIGHT GRAND JURY; : v ; i TO PASS . ON MEANS ASICS THAT I s . SEIZED PAPERS BE MEANS CASE (Continued from Page One)., .7 7--.. HANDLED TO COURT '..MS. (Continued, from Page One).--,', T , came:to;the conclusion womj bond. . an could not nave Kiuea uerstuj. ; We are going to keep 7 the papers 77' : : "ASt taking the lewder marks into con- in our possession until the 8th of Oc -v- - . , tober when 7the -writ" is ' returnable 7 i w An Which', these' I 7he?i , if 7 thev courts orders us , to 1UC ViiiJ . IUI14B v" - , y 1. x " tifinoH M that turn -xnem oyer, we wm uo u. 7 ris7aBlv a i question ;as5to What ; action would .result from the , serving, of the; writ. if the defense could find 'any y ground for 7critcising-:jthe factvthat outside experts Thad been brought here that ; ; the woman was'"- not 7 accidentally, 77:77shot." v 77 :77f;;:V!7.'7: uy- - - ed v' discussion of ! the experiments . v v''which:the-State,fl.expertSvmade:NVvj, ' V ' The theory of "the experts that Mrs. i i.i .itf - hA.ir n-n tno snnr wnpre .-. , v,f in 4. ha Kilf-of hAhead"L.. j . .4.u .n f coming here. ;; the weapon was diocha ; rit in her right . hand and fired it m ... , r the ' erand Jury - ' .. SoT --wro'tofd 'these expens that,' jKSS S th Pistol vm, in l5!n ,;woman . wnen u was niea : no asueu. k rti.tv f Fo :':;'rv.-ADDlITODAY 505 Chufch--r7 Rooms '. . . . i i . ; $16.00 612 So, 5th -6 Rooms . . . . J POSSESSION .AT'ONCE. 62 Market-8 'rooms . s '..T.l .V45.U0 fi11 Oranee-12 Rbdmd 'i tCi Second ahd Orange-12 Rooms, 40.U0 , 507 Sa Front 9 Rooms furn.. . 40.00 407 Chestnut x , roomsj . ... -lu.OO -vo v iresDdhsible tor I their Tin prnitPTidpd shfi rould have - held 1 ' thumb. U.T. Hartsell, .of .counsel -for, , n,th - ...;th. me couri'. , . .. XT .. rn.inim l case auu iu . inbw .. iuiaauu; uivas" Means, demonstrated to: . . ; such a method of holding the.weapon - as Mr. Osborne described, and thela1 , vestIgators to ;aid f ;the 3 prosecution- ter asserted it could 'be fired in that manner to, inflict a wound similar to that which Kiuea Mrs. ivmg.: , thflthv usine the Pistol In. Question Mr. Osborne argued that Mrs. King , . ch-t hiTnoeif Mrs. KinE He contended thatsthfe testimony of the experts was .-wrong, reiterating he could shoot himself as Mrs, : King nri a ofcrwt ' Of this he nffprpri n Hem. ! " No one seeing to commit smciae, , onstration: which he contended would he said, "would shoot; themselves, in j reguIt ln he same kind of. wound, if xne uacit 01 iu ueau, uui wuum the pstoi were ,ne(j. in the left hand did not' deliberate!;- shoot herself. a-nA tho trfp-s-PT niilloft with the thumb Onthe same grounds he. contend-) tho flTieT nressed -'the safety ed that if Means had determined to'catcn v. - s-"vi:?:;:o':-;,?'v kill the woman he would have shoti , fter Mr.-Hartsell finished Iitwa3 ert in such a manner as would en- J annoUnced that ; ther defense would 1 4rtfl Dnrk 7 Rooms 'O . V V 3&.OU -512 Ann ' St 8 'Rooms 30.0U 209 Chestnut St.-r-8 Rooms. . .'. 30.00 218!So;3rd 7 Rooms ... W.00 141fi Donk 6 Rooms '. . '. r. i' 25.00 f 61l" Orange 6 ; Rooms ! (apt) 55.00 " 204 Castle 5 Rb6ms;K.il?; 23.00 320' Ho.- 4th 6 ; Rooms rx 25.00 .:1U North 4th-r7 Rooms: ..VV. ..'25.00 ; 212 South 2nd 10 Rooms ' i . .;' 25 00 720 Chestnut 6 Rooms : 7. 21.00 8th and Orange 8 Rooms 25.00 504 Ann-5 Boom? "i v v 20.00 t0i Chestnut (Apt.) l-l . 20.00 2nd and Orange 6 : (apt;) .. . j."; 20.00 llO-Walhut 6 Rooms 20.50 1187 Walnut 6 r Rooms . ; 2000 312 South 4th Kooma . ; . ; . 18.00 102 1 North, 10th 8 Rooms '. i 1 6.C0 i 4 North 9th 6 Rooms . . . . 15.00 116 N.- 8th 10 Rooms .. 15.00 X 514 TA.nh-4 Rooms (apt. : .il5)0 125 South 4th 10 Ropms i. . . 175.00 1519 MaVket street 8 RoomsV., 30.00 412 Nun street Rooms : .00.00 i 414 N; 2nd 5 RoWs (apt.) . ; 20.00 able him to claim she shot and killed herself purposely. : Gaston Means would not have asked his friend, Mr. Bingham, to join him and Mrs. King and Afton Means on the automobile ride the night . the woman was killed if he had intended to kill her, Mr. Osborne argued. He also asserted Means had asked Mrs. Mazie Melvin, sistpr of Mrs. King, to accompany them. Means also would v not have wanted even his owi. brother along if he had planned murder, the defendant's counsel argued. "When Mr. Osborne closed his plea for . dismissal. Solicitor Clements ad dressed court. '' ,The Solicitor argued that the State had "presented sufficient; evidence to warrant Magistrate Pitts, if he were trying the defendant before a jury, to send the case to the jury. He also took up the claims of the defendant as to Means' character. , "Your honor- knew this defendant - when he was a bey here and was Ms plassmate at college," said the soli-' citor, "but neither of us know any .thing about Ms character since he left here to live m New York. ) '. The solicitor" said that Means jwould not have bought an automatic - shooting steel jacketed bullet merely for target, shooting, but that he had , pought such a weapon to make sure , of killing the woman. v - ' He said the State's evidence show- .jed the pistol was in Means hands only a few hours before the shoot ing. ... ; : -; The solicitor contended that r Gas ,ton Means sent Ernest Eury, the ne gro chauffeur, away from the spring! rfor ,, rarty had arrived there and that Bingham and Afton Means ai- i"Hdy ;nad gone off, leaving Gaston "Means alone with the woman. Then the shot was fired, he added. 7 . Mr. Clement then dwelt on testi mony of Dr Burmeister and Dr. . Schultze that the woman could not have shot herself in the position in which' the wound was made. 1 "It seems to be the purpose of the defense to reflect jipon the character of these experts," he said, and added LITTLE TALKS ON CHIRO - PRACTIC. - 7 The principle of chiropractic (ad just, the cause and the effect is eli minated) is right. Clinical observa tion of tens 'of thousands of cases, as far. as can be learned every known condition the human body is subject to, , shows conclunively that this science is reaching all con ditions, chronic and acute', and cor recting the cause of disease, open ing the way for nature to cure. , Chiropractic is not a theory any more; Jt is a science of facts and is doing, for suffering humanity that which other professions have been Striving mpritorjously to do for ages ' . tjr ' -y- . 1 ,. Chiropractors do .not claim 'to ?ure,' treat or heal disease ; Nature alone is able to do that. Chiroprac tic consists of spinal adjustments ta remove pressure from impringed nerves, thus ' giving . Nature a chance. , :'. 7 i " make a. total of eikht speeches. -, Re cess was then taken. 7 . 77 Official denial by Frank I. Osborne, leading counsel for. Gaston B. Means; mat appuuauou iui . . ni iv uouwa corpus has been 7 made at Gastonia; i N. C, for his client, left the way clear -here today for' the' resumption of the preliminary' hearing of Means, accused of the murder t)f Mrs. Ma tide A. King, r' : : . " ? The , report that Means ' liad sought a .habeas corpus reached counsel ;for the prosecution .here late last night when E. T. Cansler one' of Means' at torneys,"., conferred' 7 with Superior Court Judge Webb, at Gastonia. Judge Webb later declined 'to discuss, the conference and Mr. Xansler. hurried to Charlotte. Mr. Osborne's denial came after the' prosecution - gave currency ,to the report , here, and it .was under stood Mr. Cansler in Charlotte early today also denied that , such applica tion had been made." " ' - ; 7 7 .The State was ready today for the defenise-to contest its claim that MrsN. King 7 came to her death at Means hands and not through the accidental discharge of a pistol in her own hands as a local coroner's jury decided, f 7 In furtherance of the prosecution's attempt to have Means bound over to the grand jury, -Dr. William Burmeis ter, of Chicago, and Dr. Otto Schultze, of New York, testified during v the State's presentation vof ' its' case- when the hearing opened yesterday that it would have, been a physical impossir bility, in their opinion, for the weal thy "widow to have, shot 7 herself in the back of the. head, where .she re ceived , her fatal wound on the night of August 29 at a small spring near here.-' Besides the experts, five, other witnesses testified for , the i prosecu tion bringing out tha,t oh the trip, Mrs. King was accompanied by Gas ton Means who was her business rep resentative, and by Capt. W S. Bing hamr a- friend, and Afton Means, a brother of Gaston Means. Details of the woman's -death were ; gone over minutely, but no mention was . made of Means' management of the fortune she Inherited from her ' husband. J: C. King, of Chicago, nor investiga tion by New York authorities of alle gations of MeanS connection with German agents while he and his wife ' were living in New York with Mrs; King. :. ;W7 Lengthy conferences, by the eight . attorneys representing Means follow ed the resting of the State's case late yesterday. ' ie,s 7:: Wilder S' Real Estate and Fire insui-anse. Phorii C3ti W 'C 207 Princess Sret Wstm$8 SPECIALS VkriC . Ccrvriht, ' - - ! : '' 1- "J ' . '. ' '.Established iftno ' 1 t.V n r'Zr?""'"1' t "'', " Resources Now' Over $1,750.000 Oft 1 S..r . r-' Jl " a ianK For the People 5t53&Wtt ou '.-STEP iMSiM? ( Mil - V -';ffi?naKi:' "nun 1Ja?p r' tv Z'r Jif- XLl l Aix - f.w,dick;v mmoiwttGuz. V4ii c iv jis H , i', vv-77. - : T -2rrrr7rs. 7 NJL-. ;Uu 131 B Cashier . " pill I llililiiil - A. , MESSENGER SERVICE.' . . t At r Or xnir scnrivo wo mo ins rw ta! Telegraph Cable -' Company's merengrs. They will call . for your "ads." . In the same mann?r and quick time as they, now cover the'clty for telegrams; night let tergrams, cables, etc . - . . 7'- - 7 For 7- further ' information as to "ads," call 176, but for ; telegraph service ball "Postal Telegraph." ; OTHERS MAY SOLICIT FROM YOU Life, Casualty, Auto Insurance, so can'L with the rest, but I have the only . Live Stdck ' Company repre sented lierel Drqp' me a line, live agents 7 wanted. " Jas.7 M. ; Stevenson. 7 501 Southern Bldg. ' 7 e WANTED TO' BUY- SOME SECOND NIGHT-SCHOOL MONDAY Hand Bicycles. . Bring theni or Phone ta Queen City Cycle Co., 209 "Market "Streets Phone 862. 9-16-tf WHEN YOUR BOY GOES INTO THE . Trenches see that he takes with him . your portrait.. He will treasure it above all the gold on earth. v Toltz & Kendrick. - 1 : 83-if nesday 'and V Friday. ,7. ShorUiand; Bookkeeping, iTouch Typewritihg ; and" all Commercial studies taught. Most thoroughly, and. . practically." The Motte " Business ;7College, Inc; Phone 706. Front and; Chestnut : - 9-1-tf " 4 MECHANICS HOME ASSOCIATION "Old and Strong" 54th series. B. :7 L. stock now open. 7 Warier Taylor President; W. M. Cumming. Secre. . tary, 208 Princess street; -6-27-tfez- ! " ; Sun. a -x'': v't,t7"7:?: lxy': ' S:Sx'&K$Z?i HIS .MASTER'S VOICE SEE , THE Window. Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market" street Victrolas and Rec- "7!ords.Vv';7"-y7 75.::-.,vt';0-tf.- 9-16-4t su tu thu sat IF YOU WANT RESULTS, USE MUL- r tigraph facsimile typewritten, let ters they "get there." Our print ing, commercial and job work, is of ' ; the best quality Quick service. En--7 graved stationery, cards, etc.; Hap . riss Typewriting and Auvertising Companyi ' 7:19-tu-thu-sun-tf EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMO- bile at our ..stores. ' Prices, lowest: 7 Ajax Tire and Tubes. Champi ;n X Plugs. W D. MacMillan, Jr. . 9-237t BUICK; LIGHT (SIX ; MODEL . D-6-45 Excellent condition made only 6.000 . miles. Good as new. Price $750.00. 60-inch tread jtnd good tires. Write 7 or wire. W. D. MacMillan, "Jr. 9-23-7t FOR RENT THREE ROOM APART- ment at 7 6th 5 7 and " Red - .Cross streets, all modem improvements.' i Rental $10.00 per month. Water free. ) , jappiy, jaaruni scnniDpen, 4ui xviortn 7th strt?et Phone 1611.7; 9-23-7tj! WE DELIVER ALU MAGAZINES ON 7; date of issue . . when : sq requested; fnone your order; tr 74i-. 7ordon's News Stand. JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF 7 Army Regulation Lockers and 7 Trunks at a special 7 price; Charles Finkelstein No. 6 South Front street, j Phone 642. . 7 l . . TSBtf CALL ; FOR i7 STENOGRAPHERS, , Bookkeepers and .private secretaries i7 Is loud. We can fit' you so you -will 7 be able to answer the' call. Prepare. 57 now. i- Day and night classes: V. The : Motte Business College, Inc:.j7Phone" 706. Front and Chestnut' "77: 9-1-tf if 3L-- I CABBAGE CABBAGE CABBAGE Just received carload Cabbage, Black - Eye Peas. Navy Beans, Rutabaga 1 . - Turnips, v Potatoes, Limes, Lemops, . ' Oranges and a nice line of 7 Candies. Send us your orders. Bear5 Produce and :MiandisejC6.i ;17,719 Market reet, Wilmington N. C 77 9-15tf cah; be' safeguarded against all possibility of 5 loss or jdestriiction 7by placing them in the 7 American Bank .and Trust Company's Safe )6sit. Boxes. . , . . Have YOU any papers that are worth more than $ 1 .50 W year to you? ' American Bank & Trust Go pany Mllff ONMjDER; Vic i v5 OLD FALSEVeETH WANTED--1 Don't matter :if broken. I pay , $2.00 to $15.00 per Set Send by parcel post ; and receive check by. return mail.' IL Mazer, 2007 S. 5th Street;, Philadei- ; . Fhla. -i. r- S-ll to 9-17-J '' ; ljaui fA L imss ia. in no line of disease - dcr we have better success than in the various' disease and ail ments which affect womankind. Be nefits are promptly shown without annoyance which they are subject to under other methods. The prop er nerve supply being restored, nor mal functions are quickly re-established. 4 1 - ' -' ' i r . (Continued , tomorrow). . 7 7. ) )!' 7' D.C. - Licensed doctor - t of Chiropractic ' V Consultation and Analysis Free ' v Office Hours , .' " ' ; 10-12 A. M.; 2-5 Pt M. Other Hours by Appointment. '. - Offices: 401-102 Konthrra Building.. V Graduate of 7the Palmer' School Chironractic NAME COMMITTEE TO GET PATROL BOAT (Continued from Page Six.) liams Company, : was named to work he committee previously ap pointed. The parking ordinance 'was : freely discussed, Mr. C. . W, Polvogt raising objection to anything of a drastic na ture and was supported by others. The committee -that; recently 'appear ed before City Council and 7 urged passage of ordinance prohibiting park ing of cars on Front . street in the down-town section and on certain parts of Princess street, reported that j Councilman J. M. Hall, 'who was des ignated together ' with . City Attorney Ruark . to draft such an ordinance, favored drastic measures; his idea be ing that a car should' only be allow ed to stop sufficiently long in the re stricted area to ; discharge or take7 on passengers. 7 Rotarans. believed this would ;; defeat the ' ordinances as the people would not standi for an ordin ance of this 7 nature.; 7 The ' committee will go into, the , matter thoroughly and it is believed., that .anVprdinance can be passed that : will "permit the. stop ping of cars on the streets mentioned for a period ;in excess ", 6L 15 dr.: 20 min utes..; $C. t'Pjip v;Vl;7 -J&K 77 PresId.e"nt"MoorejSall6d 7'attentipnv ot members to 7 the poor' attendance of late on the 7meetings and 7 steps 'will be taken' to determine ; why . attend ance has' been sd Very poor of late; the .object being to bolster it up. - r POUTIGIAIiTROUBLE- AGAIN IN FINLAND FOR R ENTAN UP TO DATE LOW- erflat, 421 South Front. Five rooms end bath. Deep yard, r See M.7 C." . Darby & Company, v ; 9-24-tf. DODGE DEMONSTRATOR FOR Sale. : Has run only 6,000 miles. . Tires pw Rood condition, 700 dol lars; W .D. MacMillan, Jr. 5-23-7t FOR RENT 103 SOUTH :IGHTH street, $16.00 niontu. Apply J. T. Gordon, agent Phone 745. tf-29-tf WANTED FIFTY LABORERS, . white , or ' colored," ,. to 5 clean land. ;, Guaranteed three, years work. Ap ply M. Lance, Carolina Beach. 8-31-tf SHAND'S GROCERY FOURTH AND NunJust receiyed a shinment of fresh Mackerel - Fr.-sh Mjlkdailv. Prompt delivery and courteous ser--vice. 'Phone 630. : - 3-26-tf NEW i DODGE. BROTHFRR ROAD. ster. Just received.- P.Hce $880. Only .new car we havp. Must hav n ' homo Immediaf.elv. Write or - wire us.. W . IX. MacMillan, Jr. 9-23-7t ' FOR PFNTDWELLING. 310 OR- ne-e St.. 1 rooms in best condition: Anply ' D ' R. Foster & Co.,, nhonp '. . 1220. v . ' , ;0-25-2t . caai; : 1 r If JL . If not now represented we : Hesfre Mcbhetent Agent at ooiyn, X. . WilmhiAton, N. C: I-. OYSTERSi: OYSTERS! OYSTERS! Just received ,v a ' fresh shipment j S uiympia uaie, aoa f JS'ortn Front f 2 ; street. Vjyjr? 7 . .-. 9-19-7t ? ' FRONT SPRINGS . FOR FORD-i- Number just received $2.50.. W. D. , 5, sireei. - , - y-zi-n nUI!irillllllll!!;!IIIIIII!!l!II!lllIllnijl!!IIIIIlIim!llI!!!!l 1 buy: YOUR WINTER LI BERT. LOhi! BOifDS- . Tins Bank is ready to deliver Interim Certifi cates to the subscribers of the Liberty Loan Bonds.. ! .- TIE I0BCIIS0U JAT01 L FOR SALE 2-HORSE MOWING MA chine cheap! for cash, in good order. Apply Paul Caase, .Wrightsville road 9-23-3t-J ; 7- - 7v;:..;,cv,; : v WANTTO BUY SECOND HAND BUG- - y Truck. Drayand Wagon harness. SeeA; Caroenter.Uhe ,jn'f n who re pays 'suit-cases; grins - and etc . 25 North Second.: streets v7( 9-25-2ftJ:77 vi-..; 7.-.7,.: .......... 7.'., , . . I ''---W-7-v- 1 wanted--aVgentle man o f re; , finement and ; ability . to ; sail lota; iri 7 ajiestablished7and v- fast : growing qcean resort . development" Liberal J 7 con tract , and srood territory assteh the right man. : 'Apply " The New Hanover, Transit Co. . Wilming ; .,ton,N. A;7 ;7, 9-25-7t. M;iM)i:W Now! I TITLE OF PRINCE ; 14 on t ;HntlKWf 1 FOR HINDRNRIIRO i rusn. Just pnoneT0 s , :7.";;, ; . i v-.: 7; and say : r ill my bin.;; a ' T ' (By Associated Pf ess.) 7 . 7; j 7.-"7":;;"-r.V7':'7:-w-7:' LondtonSeptT 1 25, Emperor Wil-: . , . .. . . .....J...,..,- . ,7.7 3 nam nas decided that on October 2, the Seventieth birthday of -Field ; Mar shai von7HindeAbUrg, addresses shall be delivered in all the sehools in Ger many' by ::theteax;hers,i who will point lout Field an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from s ..V;-:7.-'";7;.non fund for -the sick and .wounded.;,. It ' is said, adds - the correspondent that '--Emperor? William will7y grant Field Marshal von , Hindenburg .tli'e title of Prince. -'. 7 NORFOLK NAVY YARD ? i J t STRIKE . UNSETTLED ; Washington, 5 Sept 25The ftitua tipn at UheTMprfolk navyyard, "where the first general strike ever called at a naVT. Tard, hpraTno offopHira ' WBfMW to their pupils the ' value , of the 7 Water and Ann streets ?7 s 1 'Marshal 'to ;the fatherland, says H ' ntt '''7qo';:':: -''t'.s Irchanee Telearranh disDatch from f -: 7v .r pODC ' 0;;i.sM; ; You Love Your Vife. and Children " . Are they protected If yon are taken seriously ill. Disease !i plays no .favorites. 7 It is yourduty toprotect them. An accident and health-policy is a safeguard and a .protec , tion to' you and your family, -7 Consider the matter. Consult- r r k ' ;i ( Phone 65V C L. DICKINSON Princess 'Building EXPLOSIONKILLS TWO OIL TANKER 7-. t ByiAooclated . Press. V . f Richmond Cal.;- Sept. 25Two men ' were" 7 killed here arly today4i in an iexplosToh-which tore; out thejforward 'works i and ., suberstructure of , tne ' Petrograd,7 Sept.455.A .renewal' of -vol vfl : Finland, . is k reported: In the prafss; j ctAdiw ic kkrviTi xt 'i .The Diet.: which was dissolved and . T 1 VM JS MOVING T prevented fnrclblv t from ' assembling f . 77 ? ; :K JM THIS DIRSfTTfON 4. CVUVi 1 ;ntly, will make : another 7 attempt 1' ' , 7 . v Lettish workmen; who have ; escap- Washingt to advices to the' Navy Department s lay at her pier here.x7 V Trades that,went out yLSm: prising au out 1 the machinists. electri- cut,-x - X." irr"".1 probably : caused . by -an .explosion df gas while the . men '.were; cleaning the hol.;'-;More7 which had' beon pumped .aboard, es caped 7 destruction. fr- M ; J- - -:7 7 ;TheiMoffett7vof , 4,012 met tons, rnr- cians and shib -fitters wer tni nut . about ; half the ' yard force being. In- (By Associated Press i rited v yesterday from : Vancouver, 7 in 'ress)'- 7 ri-'wrfl ifTH ftr The Bal-JBdbefo on ; Sent 9K.rm .. fillo? ? hei leuwi ' moi j.iHA.-t-viuovio , ui. a local' Kcctistnce on snndav tir report council local 1 Pearance -on SimHav t i n.7.rx7.w nwnv 'AfBMalei or soxaiers .na .workmen' was annarentiv Ant.nT . .4 ' I oi.-js-'j-ri ftWnau.hf rot: V 1 I --a", i"' '' a a : -mm. , r ' i Y.: I II - f I aeiegate ior ; rerus-via5 near ?tne, outh coast of extreme -if ornia-said the pier had-been-closely I t 1 1 Hitot nrk . h'Zr U4 i'V i'f aQq sn was ;; moving., guarded before and since xne moneu s I nJ-V- r- I iJ-J llltar t X I s;:7-according i to :;reports"arrival 'and discounted Apr possibility . . 7 -. - , - - ' , V 111 I-; 7 '":- - -1 ; - -i(-the -Weather Bureau.v ;,.,,.. ..:Cf explbslvs.havlng been -put aboard. ' S ; V - 'Ai.r -'-7' '-v : ' ;7r liilifllSBiilil lilSujiplies t;'; IDepositoiy ifor C.px3iDiie I school s boo"k3. 7 All f the 7? newly 7, adopted books have been receiv $ ed, and readyoryistribuUon 77 High school t and college Text ' ; Books, N School t. Stationery and '. otherrBplies'- '.r.V-'.-.-V.iV V.r . ' fCSWi YATES SAVE! SAVE! 7t7'BAE,1. . 7 We urge you to ave;' we nrge every one to save. Save for yo self." Save for your future. Save for your wife. Save for your "U,J' Save for your pretty little girl growing . into graceful womanboou. ; Save forUhat fine little' boy you are so proud of and who is to Dea 'your name through the next generation. , - - kw l 'Think about these things nd you can't' help You will SAV&. 7 y . 7 r " 1 7 " - - ' The Hbme Savirigs Bank ' . . ' 7'' 7- - Wilmington, H. C. WILSON HOT BLAST HEATERS . It the Wilson Heate keep you comfortable. 1" keep the fireTover night and takes lf3 less fuel. j . , Let Us Serve You CAPE FEAk HARDWARE CO Phone 612 7- ' '7' . . 109 N. Front f

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