i lit anil finil 11 ;ni!f nnim i rrvr PENS&'GOEA -m CUT: ; MAJ. C." S.IDLEY,-WH 08 U C- ;C EEDS. COU HAR TS AS ' SU PT. -OF PUBLIC BUJLDlNGSlAND GROUNDS AND AIDE TO 4 THE,' PRESIDENT, .. 1 1 I I I I II I I v I I If I I -II".' . t u iu l y a I a u h a Lfr ; - v ' " ' '. .r. FROM.QBTSME BT-KST-OREa Tiir;nmiTliSo;iiiir:-'i. 1 r'O ki n H:IL Ma I! IL 1 E- : " ii- hnmiiBriin nrRiirp t IB IfflHtUMU.tlilU t I II '! . TOPT MUM Contestants Who Expect to.win an Automobile or One of ilf The Other PrizesShoiild Do Their Beet This Period; Aggressive Contestants C 'annot! 'Complain of Laclc , 1 ; - ; of Support. 1 !'4 l. THE PRIZES. Cutting Off of News From Flanders Creates .Air of ; Tenseness. J" . $775 T.t scot, " -Automobile. $200 $100 ni $93 furniture suite. $75 Columbia Grafonola. 4 to do even- more next- Week f . v As thecoritst oiBot close until fi: six weeks, frbm MonAity .nijt -tlwnj.lr. ' ample time for; any, lustl? and -.a'm-' i 4. j hitious, young . womam tc i enter . ; the ,1 Va gold,.' acf ".f e ndpr. Jhe irea win- t ni gold, ner- -Thi9, .cspociKv itrueiiif, therE the towns in the territory ""where there i V V NOTHING TO REPORT, . SAYS GENERAL HAIG Heavy Artillery Fire Along the French Front is Reported. v Germans Fare Badly, in' : Air Raid. ; ; 1 (Br Assorted PreBa.1 Field Marshal Haig is extremely la conic in his dispatch 'today from "the British front, in France,, and Belgium, "nothing to report except Jhe. usual artillery activity on' both sides", -"lis the essence of it. ' ; f V- The warnings yesterday from the newspaper correspondents , at .the front that nothing need Je-expected from them for . the ''."time being, read m this connection, jcena 10 create aa air of tenseness with vthe possibility seen of bis events impending. ' Mili tary observers, not on the spot, how ever, seem. at sea over the probabil ities. The Interval since Wednesday's big attack appears to be too shOTt" for the launching of another extended of fensive movement in Flanders ;and there have been no patently visible signs of preparation for arrive: in any other sector., The possibility exists, too, that- the veil which has been drawn over tlia activities along .the fighting- line, is only intended ,to coyer; te lorces - until the change, is complet Will Not Abandon Any Terri- tory, Occupied During the , War - HAS FREEHAND FOR : PEACE NEGOTIATIONS Declares That Imberial Gov- ernment Has Not Commu nicated With Any Enemy Government. ed The comparative quiet that has pre vailed for the last f &Jr days on The French front is continuing. Only the artillery has been at all active, chief ly in the Verdun region. East of the Meuse, in this sector, howeverr the gunfire reached a violent pitch last night, Paris reports today. - w The latest German "raid on England 1 s ' (15 v Associated Tresa.) -. Copenhagen Sept. 29. Germany has not- renounced Belgium and has not been in communication with any of her enemies, according ; to Berlin reports of -a speech made beforethe Reichstag main committee by Chan cellor Michaelis. The Chancellor is quoted as follows : f r i 1 ; , l "A Liberty deputy, correctly, stated thati the attitude of the inrperiargoy ernment as regards: its war aims was the;;PapalS 6tee-rlV!ceresoixh tion of -July 19, was expressly men tioned in this reply, and' further ex planation i thereof JsJ unnecqssawr. . "Moreover, .'I - declare that state ment that the 'imperial government had already communicated ; with yx this or that hostile government, and that it had, ;.in advance, renounced occu pied territories, thus abandoning the I most valuable advantages, in peace $50 wrchandise ordpr at J. .W ,ha-VBn practically- .nothing . dono,- H. Fuchs' DepartmeAu Store. . - and, where thousands. Of votescan bo x B , v J them.lv - ' f ; - 1 . ,y $25 wrist watch. Tvo $60 idiimond - Tings. .U.Scrae of thoe wM 4 'ttle la.e Ten -per' cent ' commission -to im beings nomina'trfV ..jri.Tid. mothers who all ion-winners, -wLo remain' have been una b' io ? tart their cam-! 4 active, on -money rfor nw;' suh- j pai?ns,-soom-to bo. .9 jthc opinion thatv sciiptions. ' , 1 - they- are too. late to-.h":5n,"now but in 4. 4. $ 4 4 4'$ Next Saturday, night at 9 o'clock h?s they are very much in error." Now ig : the very best - time? Jo-' commence i-;. The workdonn thus 1 far has '.been. (mostly pf a, preliminary character, and. the competition for the $60 Diamond as the, campaign was( a mew-and un-J; Rine will -come to a close. The. Rinzilniown' propositior- if was neces?ary to spend a great deal "of time explaia- lug 7 1 ne rums auu ? uuuux ujuus. ; u r.',,-,. nearlv everyone-'in .this rsection , has read .all' abdutrihe ; contest caad Is: watching j its -.progress vwlth -,interpi5t. This condition will make subscription : " - . Jfettin'sTi much easiertn it .was at .ine tirst, or preliminary, period 01 - the; contest will come to a close nexti xt-- A'trrXV2.AiaUZ. is r to be - awarded the contestant who turns in the largest amount , "of ; money for : NEW subscriptions during ; the two weeks ending next Saturday, who does not win one of the more valuable prizes oaiuraay mgm; at ine same ume Jis,n,,- nf nf '.mnrf if . ' the. competition for, the special prize Jth d u , oniy'becau3e they have - 1 Innnor this narirul iafh liw 1 . nnW h n-P '- ': . - ? - .-. -i - ... ;;.. During this period each $15 worth pflfQ,; Miw.thou m, Vnnw.that -.i subscription gives any candidate 150,-it,eiV A.t fa ; ThPn'nnrt During the second',,, 'frfn1,iy:r,rimAnlhfirt . berioi the number of extra votes will sirer n l? knwn. Mny pe- uBieuuceu lu.uuu ana aurug me tnira when unsolicited ?bys the' favorite,,-;", and last period tMre will be another hciv wnM nfcP-mntvtr rpp win! vrill - reduction, of 10,000 votes. . a nhBtPrntinn to V ftPi-nnrl hoicp " sThe, contestants have only ix more if that candidate. happens . to ask for uajro ,iu wuir iui iiic aycvicii pixae auu;it.c tin -tUlS IVCL ies -utu ft.-uiui-auuj the high first period extnf votes; and a warnine to'.the. intendinsr. contestants - the ones who expect to ' win should, do to get into the ' race and let" everyone t their very best duringUhe short ,.time know by their energetic solicitation of, V.it remains. y AU of ; thv active' con- Riibscrintions andifvof ?s andiby the testants " have done : wellV this week, position they occupy il the list, thai itvuiug' auvaniage 01 ine- nice weaxner, they are in tne race , t win. I: I -' I lift ( I s? - Xx :' .- . - ' W :, - " "? i ' i. i si :-ftR I v.. I fr "4- ;KwHf F rn n f q :q i i p r r nn r t i iiulu u ui iiLiuiL : I I.-..A '.;V;'---."'--' -';' V..: - I i ;u enters into -r ignt to oave juov- No Comrhiinicntio'nvWith Flor-. K ? ts V ida v,ity pmce r nday: ; v V1S..!-- t"r 1 . - . -v. -.s..-rT W a I w m m mm m u . LVvn tUC UUU O 1 A 1 iL&a " i'V-5." " ,1.'.. .... 1- jr ' " .. . . .'a ' v " i " tvr T .''..v., uwipg. io ninpie jw armngs, . : JiuuuiiiK nqauicu aic iriar- , j.ua l oLorrri.' is . ivinvint7 5 ' - INorth:';: DRAMATIC JNrjnFNTS V i-'pt TMrTI T ATF A rlni?17QC NewV Orleans;.- SeptJ 29.- Word ; was , anxiously awaited heW (i , f from Pensacola, ,; Fla.'! which '; 'Vas f" i.truciE; by;, the - tropiea. hurricane-yes: IW sPt to Coii-. ensacoia had been cut off C since - fel inue the W ar rremier m: about "1 clock yesterday afternoon.0 r ; pected Before JSayvEndsl! iv'-A ,.,v.",.; - ..,..-.; (By "Associated Press.V ': "Peirograd,: Sept. . : 28. (Delayed ) 5-sivtJreos5H.yi. iovK iae. imuauve jtodayj' idjfacted 'ldlyi whaBmay be .thsupm6, test of the'poer of . his i government At the ' very . beginning ui . ine :;4jemocrauc, .uongress,r called by jeMaiihiajajM' the iCburicil of Workmen's question hi '-jb wer and ..perhaps to de- il' ?te?-goyernmemV the Pre iet;. accepted i: HeiJoW gtme hajf; savei ftussia infits darkiest j,t Jwtn."5 - jV A- je 5?eyent . A V V turned out badly for the raiders:,Theirf n6goyaaons, is untrue. I declare the, " Imperial government nas . tree hands' faf eventual- - peace . negotia- airplane formations failed to reach London, although ; repeated . attacks werp made and two of the 2i) ; ma chines engaffad were brought down by the British." Only insignificant damage was caused by the bombs that! were" dropped over. Kent, .Essex, and Suffolk, and there were no causalties. British aircraft, on - the ; other hand, are reported by the admiralty.; to have worked extensive- damage by raids' in Belgium, particularly at the' subma rine base, at Zeebrugge, and airdromes in the interior. ' ,1' I Mi Y BONDS FOR tions. " This also refers . to ueigium." , ' No Supplement. ' h Paris; Sept 29. The diplomatic courier who brought the Austrian re ply to the Pope's peace note to Rome did , not brin the supposed 'supple mentary German communication con cerning "Belgium; V W - V ' i! ; "That communication," adds a Hav as dispatch from Rome," "can then be considered as non-existant." V ' CABINET FORMING A JOB IN RUSSIA No Proposition Seems to Suit v the Many Political Factions. A ' dispatch from Berne given out by the Wireless. Press - in London, Sn September 26, said that Germany has agreed to evaquate Belgium on cer tain conditions.: 'The ; proposal was said i: to? biave been made in a supple-. I meritarv' note to the -Vatican. It was f in ; the . form "of : a rTerbal .coi tion . made by Kuehlmann, .JunicbJ.li communica- ;Foreign ;;' Secretary to the-Papal nuncio at Charged With j Dynamiting 'qMjNATIONS fqr ! H 1. C. C. CUMMllUIN Postoffice at Lowlands and : Resisting Draft Law (By Associated Press.) . r . Xew Bern, N. C, Sept. 29, Reve ue ofiiecers i ;;W (By 'Associated Press.) ;-?XV Washington, Sept.: 29. The follow ing 'were nominated; -today by ' Presi-( ' . (By Associated Prens.) Petrograd, Sept. 29. The Minamal- ists' and the Social. Democrats. at yes terday session of the Democratic Congress voted 81 to 77, in favor of a coalition cabinet, to include represen tatives of the bourgeoise, but 86 to 51 against the inclusion of the Coh stlttuional DembcratsV v The revolfc 'tioh . Socialists ' voted in favor of a coalition, excluding the Constitution al! Democrats 91 to 87.' :: I - ' ; Premier Kerensky conferred with reptesentatives of the Moscow . indus trial,! group, regarding their possible entry; into the cabinet. They replied they would participate, if the cabinet was wholly independent of any party br political, association. ' ; Vvk ' The government, iq. replying Jto the , demands of the Maximalists for the inviolability- of NikolaKLenine at the '.Congress, said he would not be ar- 10 EERIUIAfi AIR ; SHIPS SHOT SOWN Another Air , Raid Oh England Last Night, But". No jj I, . .Casualties.-' . 1" ,1- ' ' . . . - ''"i ;r v'i ".(By Associated Press.)' v r London, Sept.- .'29 Two German airplanes V which took part in last night's f raid - over the Southeast coast Of ?Ehgl?.nd; were brought 'down, it is announcea -.oiuciauy. cxo oasuaiues were .caused ; by the raid. - - ;..., 1 ; r The following official announcement was .madeV 'I:.;-,-?.- VLord French, commander of irniiRnMitjrlni uuii uuinii-iiiju rmm$mnmmmi L I lull I 1.UI1 lUIHI UJI New York is oiiEveC of ; Most " Spectaculati Gamt? : -The ygyeriim cnt alsollndlcated its policy' MjTsfrm war; when" General i Ve jister of ar' pledgedlthe .cohvention to affinal Victory J over Germany, if aisGtpane (,in. tne .army was ' restored. The" general's- reference to 'the return of ' discipline 3;ahd hsl announcement th;tcerw6uli be-"4edb3e messages - from ihat city, ptat I,cd the - wind, was - blowing - abouV.100 ' t .miles an 'hour'and . indicated ' consid-: .; erabl ; damage?' was -beine - done ' tb-. nmnB. ' .' . ''.! .. ' -'-.',V.v t' " . if Efforts trt. bc4 .' tAnAw- witfc i...: y f if tl 1 w IT . nriin n n.. . n . J . - . . navaL radio Station , h6ra thrnnhrtnt - .... ' -I'f - rv ' Tr t me nigai ana eanv toaav. j Teieernnii !. ana - teiepnone, ; companies h offlews .would be restored befo v. tomorrow . ine IjOUlSVlIlfi r NAehvilTo roHo 4 - .owing j td a ;, sertouo washout" inear ;here.' j was de;tourin& : it ' ; trainst ' into ' .' itntg city .on the; , tracks Pf y another line. V' 4V ; .' A 6;: v vv"--i-; : V ,v Some f stortf tdamage r.to , atanding i timber; and a1; tipvCri)ps was reported v f .no - estimate .was : available as '.to 'the ' icxtent of ;;thelqsses;,:;v, ijt';. f HounlSL La'J I Spnt; f29:-A: ;: omn?' ; about: 25 miies; south.yof ihereVlate stormand Ahewne trfhi ''anil nfo-ftl V. A L--. ' -" ' ; - : Kev , uiuci "UBuenuen .were - hekf superiors, -instead: of I elected ;by ed jhere today -from a pomt,tnVth0 paign. . r V" enemy machines participated in last night'svraid.ii Bombs '-were dropped in a number of places in Kent,-Essex and Suffolk, . but no casualties r and"; only insignificant ' damage; has been report ed . up to. "the present. 7 Repeated ; at tacks yere? made I on London but in no case, did the raiders' penetrate the outer defenses. : f li, St v'.. ' . ' (Br AsPociited Press.)"1 ' ; . New york.'Bep,y29.5 nered contest" for ? mayor was; ' assur- ed today when :. it ?;became Virtually certain -that MaybrohflMltic would make a; fight for i re-election, despite-' his defeat ; by 'iliiam .; JI. Bennett, a ' formerv Senator,"'; for- the, Republican-nominatioriLeaderg; the ' fttsibnrlTDpvement; whic x was tre-J sponsible - for :' the mayor's :-?lebtion f bur - years .ago;-; began ytodayl" ta mak"0 'arrahgenients';! for ; tleampaignT for declared :v iprevented7it 1 destroyed dt.' its: existence. When x the . Premier declared drtyned; acceding ;torepOrtdF recelf"' I .. M. Kerensky ' in a .speech referred j ;''"' Heavy; Damaga Reported.. ' . : 10 uj.e-revTiL or -uenerai JvornnonT: and i v ?r. " ' "5"--i -uw: jli.-- &;A'j.?v'; r 4 center, or nrunt,',of the tropical hiir- 1 1 stucK rensacoia. lav earl v- iastt f trh t " ... - -.. . ' .. . . ' r " i ; .3 , crP8 1 and buildings in .West Pjorida, i l and SOUth and Cnntrnl ? ATihatrta : 0L uuoci vauc vi uiuBi.i auu uiscipune, i ."v r uwoi wuco wcui. uuwit ' cany 'i laoMuiAuu O.JJ.U i.ijiiiiiiiiiiii ii 11111 . 1 u iinu. . here; today'" vi-v 1:.it-; j'-' ' his fje-election. .I' Already petitions JLord:iFrench, commandeorhe bntainlngHhe namespi -several thou home defenses, reports that the Jatest i - '.A0, ' ;f ' . infqrmation.. Indicates' that about 20 sand, voters h in circflatipnri to and: others ; are place 'Mayor; Mitch el's - name On., the , 4 OrHEAVyi CASUALTy list; - -5v 4f -Jf 55- 'C- V i ' .' (By Associated Press). . f IJojidonv Sept 29vi-TBritish cas 4Kiuaities ',; reported during : the; 3f month i of September total 104,- de late vosterdav arrested I vit Wiiann t't iha fhrpp vfic.aTif'iGa onfrostpf) in the . hall of the Consrress. 4fr S98 divided" -as follows : 'iA.' Wiiliams, Kelly- Watson, s Mitchell , the Interstate Commerce Commission: i hut would .' bW. abDrehended if .'found i Officers killed or die4.;C ff vatson Christopher Carroway, -and , Robert :W. Wooley. .o them In Vow Horn anH orr-il(m fio l r,, 0 v Aif Vi?6rtT o I've men before Commissioner vHfll,f the term endings Pecemb?rr3r,cn.921M. iirr namea on a warrant cnnreine " fjpnrs'B - w.:?-Anaerson. oi Bbstott, 2 resisting the draft law,. and the "others Mass., for the, term ending in ; 192 .Lowlaiifls. N. H on th nii?ht. of , I rviVTPllffC'D iltf II I KTll 'i ' September 17. Their nrelhninarv MTr!V?n official .ballot , t r Fusion ; readers f rankly :admit that the "defeat of Mayor Mitehel in"' the Republican ;-prlmry;rwasV'dlne;j'to.vbu'ngi ling, and that; the: nomination ' of .Ben- Hall one of .thfemostdramatic heckling in- J A. - j t -1 A. V A .. ciaents wuica punctuatea nis.aaares3. occurred. He had ; reached a "pause in his address, ?when' a ; ldud vvbice ine "the gallery shouted. "."You are the great mischief worker Of the country.'', ' " From a bedlam of hisses'- arid', ap plause v ybicesV from ltie; floor chal lenged th6 heckler 4 to arise. A com mon .soldier in the back gallery aros e and with, arms folded across bis brown blouse.- stood calmly. 'facing -a torrent ot: hisses from the supporters . of -PreH mier' Kerensky.f -s h:. .. .j ..; V ;.'. ' ? ; There was ,.an air ' of - tense excite ment as a .result of . rumors that the agitator, ii LehineviWas -; in Petrograd an4t would? attend the convention. This rdied "dowri, however, J when he Brewton, "J Evergreen, ;v ' Ahdalusli. x. lorijiia, jjotnanxjiroy : ana , oafk. nett; created a j situation itf local , poli-i?-; nawFrnwi sreeiea. ,j tre trcsmuclito" the likihgvof; Tammahyf Vtet Kerensky ;inded thate; x unv tut; ty ; la.- uii .,iu& tfve vi The. apyliiUse ' which ' greeted -i Pre- a : smau .minority ! witn nim. ?: The Socialists supporting him eon- tend that he has ,a ' majority; of the convention. ; iThie government ";minis- ers j had: a 'meeting late ' tonight' to discuss the ?effect of ;his f appearance, .putvpne4'bf'the;.;mmisers would talk. A -Bisis : pjcqbabl will come Saturday, when the' work of preliminary organ ization .iiks been '""completed - and ' the irie from his : hiding !lace. yxaniinaiion was continued-Until Oo !ober s. and they were ; committed: to Jail in default oj $3,00d bond. - . .; ; ine ( vmim ii-iTur nf tho rr!tnffi ' " "-(nj Associated Press. Canadian ? Army Headquarters, acrorn:. ";r.. rZ'Z. France. Sept 29.-A, German outrnn,,. a. I. ,r .a, 'A.-, f .. brought .down wounded ui nit? reiusai oi pusuu at- , . - - iis-i,t..!aeoo thoriiu., .11 i.-i .w..i.--w prisoner last night, asserted ers 7 ,.; . r1? -nemer-m famous,' Froneh.; air, Genr,,; ' , "u l,. 'Vi1 ,.; whose fate has1 been uncertain s:nce . vvmun recenuy . was ; aeme' . - ... .,ii.iT3j- 'v.t.fcj .- ,... ::p- "wiuiis privilege because Qraft articles therein. ' ASKR ; . Unos was killed ;H1 battle With': a , i fii" J iierman airpiauer.. vuju3auic woa uui- ' - 1 , .; ; ' v- rie(j the , prisoner .said, -just behind . the LAFOLLETTE'S EXPUL-':m Vr lirM5r-Vif ATTLJC yr SION. . i vyu muivi-. JJUr. w i. AMONG AMEKICaAINS one of the most spectacular mayoral ty "campaigns in "many : years ' is.' ad mittedrbythevleaderaoi political factions; iiRepublican?-Ieadefs;'mahy of rWhom -are affiliated with- the fus ion "cpmmittee,; following; :,a meeting last nightannpunced ' that .tney'f would support ' the ' nominee" ; of " the." primar- va. w i..- . . u4. - . izaunn Deen cuuiuieicu ana tne ift' oiKi.'mW fiQ Rna ,' ; sruon aiia assist mnue crg.inizauon fvt OTznj-.., ,. - - , . ... Al&l; men 86,byy.; , .fe,?':;;;:..,;.. -s uT -... , w? The section of General ?Vorkhov- - .; -. -7- ' : .r, ..7T " ' '' ", ; any tft.nhtMn peace at; the eX- :HOiMbS;OPGERMAN S .r '"J t 4 , v"'. . A- :: :-4Mwinisteraid. '. ' 4 ' - " - - 1- 7, w.v...;........r,,,..!..........-.x -i-T i .4. ji- J fc-krS s -i -u t: Jiit-i. me nusawa ai my ..ssuiv. win utie il I'breastyto free I JJie fatherland." ' rThb;" general said he "would handle If theS iarmy withpufgloves although it had menty s of lgodd : intentions.-. He :?;i,?The Twelfth ariny; beforeRlgadid ;cot; fefiise to' fightrand die but" we neea men lu -iisuw uuu: wm- viuiunes. ferpiloes ut j refuseto fight; bpi ;iathMsame time, it. murders its . i , ; jit- ( Hi. A 1-A.--J -T.- " .. . j, ' 1 ; ibuuiaieu tress ; . - v. munic:.t!on frcm , the" Governor ' lI T , -.a- . . i- m- 'r ' . . r b v Assrtclai (By Associated Press,) Cation frr-m tha Ci(vrrrnr "WachlnETton. .; ffenti 2. l"WO more - V . AAV. ; . . . . WW T7 . tf; ... ( . "I A IJlnntiAfn j' it.. rtA.A. . u I -i Ai.' a!m..a4 :..Via. Amai.itnn ' 4-yt-ir- a ic fa My commission requesting abroad Hwere annbunce4 .,todayv;in,a fr,niKion from the .Senate -'.nor J.aFolIctte of. Wiscon -j, v:;;i prostnted In th Senate l?!1;iy ly Senator Kellogg, ; of v try: regiment,' died SeptemberX24iof p'nno f"a. and referredby Vice fcerebra Pspinal meningitism taeiine of;; -cablegram, from? Major uenerai er- -" shing vfiiv- -vcM W:0?::K Private W. C; Sullivan,?of an , mfan- 11 "IJL. If T !mmCr1K I u i i ' ' ; wote;Wefherany wo ;wgpl3 - X 1 WCl ' ' h i I lif 1 r!i;'haviif at, great many, deserters. , The j,- The - damage alPngthe water front' r---UltlWkxD 1p4ff fer t; WA '-W Tli Vv-vgloriqus:Victorfes;:onrthe; southwest fwas. slight: .Taking advantage, of the V -mtWst m m ! II ?J.fi. fr i.jOTrpnttiny' J iMiiistreet-Sayarin 1- aridrain.-;:HundJ:eds of small ' build- -ings, , gm -iouses; V cottonseed . oil mUls'-.and'VotaerVstabli8hmens.;,tLf -f : wooden : material, ' and vmany Vcablns. and barns were demolished: V T 4 The wind attained av high ' velocity in ! Montgomery shortly after niKht- F fall, at which .time more ' than five inches of rain had fallen. : Gusts of rainf accompanied' ihe 4 wind, which ' raged r. all night,' the maximum here t beings between .i 5&."and 6Q iniles ah hour. , Trees and . small. 'i.hiiildinA -' :were -blown1 down ilhi 'an sections; of the .city.;. So, far ,no xasnalties;, lav.e: ' .peens reported. -t; , ' k ... r.: . :? y-f, . -Street 'carV traffic tp . some Bubu'rbs .;: todar is; interrupted.; r "No trains have' moved - oyer: the Lbuisyine. '& Kashs; v yille . railroad since. Friday. mornhig more than ;500; passengers fbt CpoibitS 1; south ; being, marooned here. - ::' ! v. U - ii: Pensacola Ctii tOff -Atlantai;;'G'a.Sept;-.,29.1eMacol$i' Fla was cu off i frbiii: all' wire coin V munication today; as .the result of th$ :: hurricane that struck, the gulf ' ocas t yesterday. - . Wires to : the i Western?" Floridacity were lpst" ; yesterday af-. 5 ternoon : and telephone and telegraph " compahy Officials today Saidchancea - of restorihgvhini' before tonight .! were'not bright. . Praftically .all ' wires : hatb ; Pensacolavconverge to Plomaton;e onHhe AJabama:Fi6rida;jine? It wat beyond ;Flomatoii that i the breaks 06- ; curred: K-j f'Xrst V 'V i. .., Mobile-H9ded arnins..'-i ;;obIleWAia.; .;Sepfc v 29-Becausp ; warnings had - been . spread . broadcast" . V pver - .Mobile atid ' , surrounding ? terri " tory; lr eecjioh- passed ;;thrOngh the , v hUrrijcane vJate vyegterdav.and-r ? inkf ! L night, wth a, mlnimunt-ot damaged al , though , the velocity of the wind reach-, v ed 96vmilesanhdur The business t, and itesidentlal ;; sections :Of '"thei;city rC' today iere:littered ' with, sections df roofs; galleries, signs, trees and other 'pra refill. retreat. : "in? tne:irear w e- renxoree- ;';. -i;'ments;biut Jth ;men at the front : do ricane, "shippingsoiight a safe' harbor.; -l, l : 3 ' m . i - a i TA Aj.'v mi . . ueumu- i weive. (inue isitinu. ? jneriv-, erlwas' ?elearof ' all.' manner; of craft ' accent them' because thevi brini Llotie' before hfi? cale struck 'Mfihilft 1 dlseorft and j regiments vith 1 historic; And -at , the river front ' this morning f recordiji cannot accept; such f men." 3 litwas said not v boat 'had been lost; General f-Yerkhovsky; V4riepeatedi his l announced f-program of changing 5 the 1 armi ComnanderSi educating'-' the Wisttirbance ; thisi morning is ; central- f troops 'along' free; revolutionary 'lines. .pasea on mutual - xFust.Deiween ... om-i iovef'jthe interiors of ; Southern Ala-? bariia, iV, with; decresed;-' intensity: Stoniy: warnings .are. displayed ; On the ! trom on ; Monroe .10 on ' the Gulf ccast. : Carrabelle Fla.-

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