V(THER FORECASTS North CaroIfna-Falr tonight' and Wednesday; warmer Wedneaay In east portion. -v " South Carolina -Fair tonight and Wednesday. , y , - . F EDITION :nX; vwjjjl1 JUL FULL LEASEDi.VVinE SERVICE ML vv-.v W-T 1 , Vi.VS""' a u:c m-hex VOL. XXII. NO. 343 5Tr3 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA,' TUESAYAFtERNOON, OCTOBER 2,: 1917:,;;:; fA- ; V PRICE FIVE CENTD. D the i9i7 eyrmN t CROP FORECMMlS 12,047,000 jmms BRITISH CAPTURfe 4,000 ' f TURKS. ' 1 irrra PTT3 Attack After Attack Launched in Effort to Disarrange Haig's Plans ASSAULTS REPULSED WITH A HEAVY LOSS Condition of the Crop Septem ber 25, Was 60.4 Per Cent. Normal mm i," tBy; Associated Press). ;:v London, , pet. 2. Nearly -4,000 4f iPrisonrsr were Yakpn hv tho' firit. ,4 Ish army in' Mesopotamia, whifih (' -captured ' Ramadie, it is announc- j ed" officially 4 l 4 f v . if ESTIMATED YIELD IS j 168.3 POUNDS PER ACRE BEEN i li i CALDWELL COUNTY. fc. H I IONS SENATE Indications are That This ' (By George ; H. Manning) " vvasnmgton, 1 Oct. 2. The United States Senate was petitioned today V-' y:ii f. j In First DiaMtfchf2nrF1av ';by';e of Defense of , Cald ICW !,WUP vv"1 xxceea, r:r . T5- " well countv: orth mHn ': Last Years by HaIf4Vlillionj Bales - North Carolina's Condition .63 British TellpGr man Repufee (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 2. The d917 cot- bled at Lenoir, to take steps to pre , vent Senator LaFollette and other pro-German svmnathizfirs h'tha fion. British Headqnarterr in. France and ate "from making speeches abput the Belgium, Monday, Oct..-(By the As- country calculated to hinder the pros sociated Press). Oneejaore the Oer- ecution of the war. mans have essayed, itn: a series ' ofv The netitinn aisn pc h o. . r ' wMvtwAuyv ; cv Ten Killed and 38 Injured in Last Night's Air Raid On England French Airmen Continue Reprisals Although the Berlin military writers are admitting that the Germans can hardly re-gain the initiative on the Western front, the German high com mand is evidently doing its utmost to keep the British from making the best use of their advantage in Flar 'ts. Apparently dreading the effect ot thn next British stroke, Crown Prince Rap prech. ha? been launching attack after aHack upon Field - Marshal Haig's troops in their advanced positions, in an effort to disarrange the British plan?. Similar tactics were adopted last week on the eve of the renewed British thrust, heavy counter attacks beina delivered on the evening of Sep tember 25, when it became evident to the Germans that Hnig was about ready to launch his drive. The record shows the effort of last week to have been futile. It is too early yet for the" effect of the present att"jipt to be developed. The British commander, however, reports that the attacks themselves, five in number, were complete failures, the Germans not being.aBta to make any appreciable .impression .oj the, ,BjshosUon,s along the Tp'tes-Meilin road? au"atthe southeastern edge of Polygon wood, where the thrusts were delivered. With the whole German line in Flanders hanging in the balance, as the military maps show, small surprise is express ed that the German command is mak ing such desperate efforts to balk the British plan.", -ind is fighting hard for every inch cf ground protecting the Lille-Ostend railway, a scant six miles beyond the present point of the ad vancing British wedsre. On their front in-JMrthern France .'Much Less Cotton Ginned Now Than at Same Time Last Year ton crop was forecast at 1,047,000 counter attacks, to threak the nfiw : equivalent to 500 pound bales today) British lines between Polygon wobd X. by the Department of Agriculture, has- and Tower Hamlets, -across the open expulsion from the Senate because of ing its estimate' on the condition of i u ,5 1 , L T11 theK have his pro-German utterances. ,, , . , been hurled back with. heavy losses. - Qd',tn. rw,.,,, Xi ' the crop September 2o, Which was The principal, result -of three bitterHJ0:11? j60.4 per cent, of a normal. attacks by the enembetween dawn Z X t " 'Benvanwottuceflt I A yield of 168.3 pounds of cotton per and-mid-afternoon habeen the mer-; acre was forecast. Condition by v 8 f11" ui uis ranss ana a and Elections committee, which win .States on Sentpmher Fi wns- v..ciiv, . y. uo - (By Associated Tress.) Virginia, 68: North Carolina South Carolina, 67; Georgia, 62; Flor ri .vr.t T-,stt begin holding , meetings tomorrow auuiu ui ruijfiuu vvuuu uv LUtJ XSIH-isii . j , . 63; who pushed their line' forward smrfri'i'11 :PumDers ? sucn-peti- , , , . - .,i- i . .. .. uoiis. ana wnicn raav rnirp snmo ao. hundred yards in depth behind the Washington, Oct. 2 Cotton ginned ida, 61; Alabama, 55; Mississippi, 63 ;, fleeing , Germans prior to September 25 amounted to 2,- ouisiana, b; lexas, 5; Arkansas,) The first assault was delivered at 498,381 bales, counting round bales as ,68J Tennessee, 65; Missouri, 76; Ok- 6:15 o'clock this morning. The ene half bales, the Census Bureau today iahoma, 62; California, 80; Arizona, ! my advanced in three waves. toward announced in its second ginning re- 87. j the British, but immediately met with port of the season. Round bales in-i Deterioration during September such a fierce fire of .'jifles and artil cluded numbered 60,904 and Sea Is-jover almost the entire cotton belt J lery that he was compelled to retire, land 18,731. caused a loss of 452,000 bales in theilt was apparent, ho:weverrthat the Ginnings by States: prospective production of cotton, and' Gel mans were not ttfrough with the Alabam 94,857; Arizona 35; Arkan-' leaves the 1917 crop at 12,047,000, the attempt and the big British guns sas 48,343; California 1,515; Florida equivalent to 500-pound bales. The' turned loose such afi: avalanche Of 13,752; Georgia 581,288; Louisiana .Department of Agriculture in its final shells as is seldom .seen along the 153V: Mississippi 115,499; Missouri condition report of the season today front. V .p ' . :. ' " o :"orth Carolina 28,614; Oklahoma announced a decline of 7.4 points in 47,678; South Carolina 233,930; Ten-' cotton condition during the month. Thiss "the first tffttb--ii?;-V11', nessee 85; Texas 1,170,406; Virginia caused principal!' ' ' " - he; military ''sltaatfoonth.t3rlttsh- one. All other states eight. , ( weevils. Cool weather, drought, sh$&-: f(ronta';receiTmmvtttei:Assb- Ginnings on Sea Island by States: ding, wilt, Wight, lack of potashin ciatedlFress con-esikiodent at 33ritish Florida 9,982; Georgia 9,932; South fertilizer, and'in the extreme eastern.' lteadua;rtersi , sinceMt':.lrld4y"' when Carolina 67. - ; tbelt, storm damage also caused loss, notice" was . given thaJthe sending of ' The Census Buieau's second cotton Damage from the recent Westsjndian press dispatches frortftithe field head winning report of the season; ; ai hurricane was sm& nouncmg the amount of cotton em- Deme com para uvteiy smair OTOdueniff? utv -.?-v -j::-' :.----"?-ti)a&- ned from the growth Of 1917 prior, to" territory and the. crop ; there largely September 25, compares -with 4.Q81,- picked. " ' -CJy, ' " v ' 989. counting round as half , bales. i Picking of cotton'ls general , and is ginned prior to that date last Teal', being pushed except; in the northern j and 2.903,829 in 1915. -r ipart of the -belL. the-Department' of I ftnlaci ir?liTk1 toot vaot li olmiltii'A - ianmtfA1 ' ThAiiA 4-a wv I ti'on towards exrjj.Dllinf from' the Senatet LaFollttfe ': i: M AQOQ SPEAKS IN OF LIBEHTY LOAN iciui us muiuiic i iitti'rtDDeaia, qt TncDnxrinMc ami tct.--.' f-- atL $1Z5,UUU,UUU; A UAT Only a Sustained Drive Can Make paign a f rriterisive theVCarn- 1 EARLY OEGIS Oili DRAFT Li Supreme Court Asked to Pass Constitutionality of the Act Soon Today Was Devoted to Arous ing Interest Throughout the Hoosier State WAR'S DEMAND MUST BE MET WITH MONEY fipin la , tnnav , wora el a tori of tho : - J raise three billion dollars !f or the sec-: : numb&redT 32:4T2. f : "Te Sea island cotton included in Iaat'uted to a. mipratinn nf . (By Associatea Press.) Washington, Oct. 2. The Supreme Court was asked to pass upon the constitutionality of the selective draft lav? at the cary est date possible in a motion presented today, by Solicitor General Davis Appeals .from four States ; by persons " convicted of vio lating the act.have been made and the solicitor; general askeataal these i&v Associated Pre v oe.aavancea on tne aocset, ana given !a&Jf-"tttor niti-Ar Copenhagen Oct- MajorMoraht,! a,- jbmhearing.V Among . tb-- cases , critic of The- Deutsches Tages Zei AlRICAaiVtltABY AID IS "iPitrVGINARY' pratinn vear's einnins amounted to 21. 2fit f hands dnrino- tho winter 9nH enrino- tung, predicts further offensive move- bales, and in 1915 they were 19,091. ,the volunteering" and Selection' "f ments with limited objectives against Corrected statistics for the quanti- men for military duties, Tcantonment tne Russians on the lines of the re- ty ginned prior to September 1 was work, and the heavy demand for la- cent advances in tne uiga ana jacon announced today as 615,597 bales. ibor in the saw mills, cotton factories stadt sectors. Apparently he believes 1 kindred industries throughout inat aeiensive warcare nas nut uh the South. With favorable weather abandoned in the west. He agrees at prices prevailing for the staple, no witn General Von Freytag-Loringhav- ! cotton will go to waste in the field en cnier OI tne cnei supplementary this vear i general stan, tnat tne general imua- (Br Associated Press. T kt a t m 1 tive must remain .with the Entente Mi fnrri ( 'rmn ( lrf V Tho cnr. .. JOHN L. SULLIVAN PRAISED BY "DRYS" the Frenchare holding themselves in cessful campaign for no-hcehse wag-1 . :",; "X" American militarv help for the En .nprmittinr tho ed this veal- in Milfnrd which rPRiilt-r"""..-0"11""3 uama6C- LUC IB" s, , .0 -..v, , onva "In tho. anfiva itt away at led in the swing oyer of the, town from restraint at presen Crown Prince to hammer their lines most invariably heavy German losses. Two attacks by the Germans in the Craonne sec tor, on the Aisne front, last night, were repulsed. Efforts by the here about two weeks ago. and.todav Germans on two occasions to -,re-cap-;many credited him with assisting to' m - w 1 1 1 . J 4- V Oklahoma and Arkansas holl wnrms lajor Morant aismisseu reporis ui me serious damage." the renort In the entire weevil infested tente as "imaginary. exander jBerkman, r convicted ' on a cliarge of urging men of conscription age, not to register. "The cases," said Solicitor General Davis, "are of j importance to the gov ernment, in enforcing the criminal (Secretary of Treasury Was Guest of Former Vice-President Fairbanks, and De livered Addresses (By Associatea Press.) Indianapolis Oct. 2.- Secretary Mc- T 1 n 1 1IJ lit. - j m . . . a . CillllUKia HI I HK1IIII KH I II 1 III -.1 II H Till III! .Tr ' Althhiii?h ! rotmrts from nil :1onr 'it.-. m. vw - - . n 1 11 . 11 J . n 1 , .'- i ico 1 1 1 i,iyc il auuear juiaL :ine uuuiid v weiconles, the . opportunity. 'tto "-.assist ; thf enTfiTnmpnt in the1 wAsptit eTrtpir" sustamea, intensive drive . can make. , estimated that the yolume of suhsrip ' A ,j i j-j ; i . : T- i i icii s ihiini M nnriiy iin'j iu i I v-v iiifii iiiiit iiuuu amvt'u lie ie tuuciy 111 111a auei;ii- t Tr,-.Mv,y , cj ' ' - " - ... . . T- ri i : . j .11 t . . --.'. , -- Tne srovcrnment. has ntiiiy.ii i vrv? pi acucauic means 01 Dringmg . oeiore ; . the people, .the necessity of -floating "1 Liberty loan. After, a breakfast, giv en in his honor by former Vice-Presi dent Charles W. Fairbanks. Mr. Mc J - i . .. -Vll TUVWT VCJ rt TV 1 'Tl0 llrtl fvn Vft mill aooo met tne liioerty ioan stair or( , , . t-i T, rr . . ' , , , ' j iaddress. theatre, audiences; displayed Indiana and bond salesmen, and ex veftising willv greet thVrpubliarWyeU plaiaed to them,, how, the money, ob-'jin newspapers and on hill: boards and, tained through the sale- Ql bonds- wiU; yarioijscivic vrga Si mg in Tomlrason Hall q be held lm-j. ..-Atlanta 'Ottii fOct:;Wiltth"! mediately after a parade participate 3 tcampaigh; for ; thfeale)of ;egecan4 in bv more than 1,000 troops from Fort'fLiberty bond issue 1began jin;the Sixth Bin Harris, at noon. Z L,'":.. "When war comes to a nation, the " j 7;ir"I "rr"KtT' , says. area, now embracing all or portions c i J kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ten- provisions of the law involved. w'i - began today with a -meeting-of lthe vTsinns n, the drt.nT; ' 7a I try .McAdoo in his talk to the Liberty .i'SL, l" assembling of the army and for those veasons it is requested that the cases be advanced to the earliest date prac ticable' The motion was taken under advisement -ill ai 1 1 inui d wuiv,ii ai- iu v u uluu iui tn mot Liuac; iu iw U fii.i - m y-vi i a o rnnl0H with vMr9'w marVH hv thP nnnnnronoo U1 Lllt3 outllis ul leids- UKianoma, Af Wi. t Villi U. UUlll Clll . 1 W 1 VTU1 1U r? - , . . i champion prize fighter, as an advo-,'!tee:am IOa ana orgia, cate for the "drys." Sullivan spoke 1!! f1"1; drought-stricken section of Texas, and the plant growth was stimulated, but a matured top crop in that section is extremely doubtful. Much of the crop along the northern border of sot ton production will require a late frost to reach maturity." The government's final cotton con dition report today, showing the con dition on September 25 and forecast ture trenches which they had lost in the Beaumont region, in the Verdun front, also were unsuccessful. Despite tho intensity of last night'3 air raid on England, the official figures show that the four groups of German airmen, making their sixth attack in pie-lit rlnvs inflieted rnmnnrntivelv few casualties by the bombs they droppedTi Lord French reports today that 10 persons were killed and 38 injured. While Britishers are urging reprisals for the German attacks on London, the French are actually conducting such score the knockout administered to the liquor interests. BEAUFORT SELECTED AS A NAVAL BASE retributive enterprises. Sunday night i head channel which will permit boats (Special to The Dispatch.) TJeaufort. N. C Oct. 2. After a spiriter contest, Beaufort .won out iniin the total production, was awaited its efforts to secure a naval base for, with interest m cotton and textile cir Eastern Carolina, and the dredge Cro- j cIes. The production forecast from atan. which arrived here tast week conditions on September 25 and al- has begun work deepening the bulk-. lowing one per cent, from the planted TIE IS WOT GREATEST S S ET they bombed the German city of Stutt gart, loo miles b?hind the frontier, and last nisht the reprisals were continued on a larger scale. Struttgart was again visited by French airmen and the Prussian city df Frankfort-Oh-The-Main. with about 20000' population of larger draft to enter the harbor. acreage for abandonment, compares with a forecast of 12,499.000 bales The base headquarters will be on made on the August 25 condition; 11,- Pivers Island, government property, 949,000 bales made on the July 25 con- Optimism, Enthusiasm and Persistency are the Qualifica tions of Which Winners ar MadeFirst period of the Contest and $60 Diamond Ring Offer Will Both End Saturday Night and more than 123 miles from the French border, also was subjected to I Quarters for the patrol boats. atrial attack. The Prussian towns oi which has been used for a marine lab- dition, and 11,633,000 bales made on oratory arfd wireless station. . The the June 25 condition. The area plant- ' base will be under control of the(ed this year was 34,600,000 acres. : Fifth Naval District, and it is sup- Last year's production was 11,449,- posed that it will be used as head- 930 bales, on an area of 35,239,000 & acres and a final condition of 56.3 per cent, of a normal; the 1915 pro- Tr..-.. : and Crthler.7 were the other sPPriAl MlSSIfllV Til aucuon was n,iy2,uuu Dales on an Places bombarded by the French raid- ! ' THE PRIZES. $775 Briscoe Automobile. Ford Touring Car. $200 in Gold. $100 in Gold. $93 Furniture Suite. $75 Columbia Grafonola. oroo nf 51 41 ) fiflft anfrso o -n 1 1 n finl frrn HI -.--V, n -n A t c ffr Of At T W WUKlV Wllrl MUUViiK condition of 60.8 per cent, of a normal, H. Fuchs' Department Store. and the . 1914 production was 16,135,- $25 Wrist Watch. 000 bales (the record crop) on an Two $60 Diamond Rings. area of 36,832,000 acres with a final Ten per cent. who Berlin's account of yesterday's fight-' "lt o1 the FianHorp front, in which the ', .V ZrrtSn Cetii0ni0lH5bfSC- ? condition of 73.5 per cent, of a normal: (By Associated Press.) An Atlantic Port. Oct. 2 Seeking entered in The Dispatch contest who are optimistic, enthusiastic, and persistent. No one will be slighted by these ambitious "vomen who ate striving to be among the winners when the awards are made, and sub scribers and non-subscribers are warned to have their money ready. You might as well pay your subscrip tion now as later. In fact, by pay- fing a subscription before Saturday 4. night at 9 o'clock, anyone win De 1 able to help a candidate more than a,' at any time later.. 4,1 For the benefit of any candidate who reaas mis ariicie, wuu uayytua lvi Vc "Tiro mnof tcan nnr't""" auijoigu USU.BCU Mie-; ! soldiers and sailors armed and equip- 0?.eo SSi2fr- j ..iv ii- .. ported to the committee kyesierdav.i ; and American skill devise. We must 12!?' fi constantly provide them witn nece3-, T r V"' , TT?' sary clothing and food; we must pay fm rSf- their wages; we must, as. a numane v"Lor:o. " '"-hK--i ty.ir.. nAp0n, (advertising work..:v.?;d'cV1;s.'rl'v,; : New York s "Selling fJendii'ilTls, New York, Oct; 2i-7-This communitf ' suDscnpuons to -; tne . second .Liberty loan had reached r$40,281,05 ; at 81 w uuua. luis aiiernpon," 11 wasjin ;, ? nounced - by the .loan committee-.'. cf i; the Second Federal Reserve district. . Osgood Smith, , at -attorney of Ha-- vana and New Yorkhas left-:for Cuba;- nation, supnort their dependent' fam :es while, they are risking and giving their very lives for us; we must sup nly them' with a reasonable amount of life insurance. We destroy their in surability and conscript almost- the whole of their earning power when we draft them and send them to the front. We can do no less than restitute their uciaciWTda. luouiauiiiij ii.-u.va . , . -. , - . ,. , inished earning power. Wo Tvinof inOT-ooeo ct-oti o-tf. on QTl , v-uiuiljr 111 Llio loOUU 1 CUUllU 1U - UB' LlCLlL Ul Lilt-; j xitxix. r:- . t : f , - Richmond Working Hard i : f U banks of the city opened ' Liberty joaqt' . ciuys iuaay itr uie, saie. 01 Donas xo - maintain our navy; we must provide a predominating fleet of aeroplanes ,and air-fighters ; we must build a great merchant fleet, so that our long line diers-ln France may be maintained ana1helP;Ae., a our commerce carried across tne seas i", "V " . " t ? " -r ; : in defiance of the German Kaiser and , en m charge of he second-campaign his submarines; we must suecbr our bere, say. ithat-.Richmond .purchases ; noble compatriots in arms the Briv!f-bmSnfff ' ish, the French. Italians, Belgians'and,ce;tbe.v$12,40Wjsubscred Rnssians by lending -them - .money6- allotment.' Richmond .was only with which they can buy arms and expected to raise $700,000; in the fir3t food and other supplies in our mar- aUotment. The citr is ?expected to . i:uumiisaiuu iu r . ... i i uceu ucai uic j i' i i i- en: iu. ai - x rt o nosaimisr. we WdUl L(J im- southe,sf corner of Polygon wood, ? ,?oa , The 10-year average of condition on all non-winners, who remain Jress uno you ihe fact that you claims -the capture of ground here by '.Z7 Trv. aepemDer zo is ba.v per cent, ot a active, on money ror new suu- p oDDortunity to win in &w ii r "tti ai infi: Tno. tot- ttt o t o it - - ta - ntwmfi rTi a i . mwt Uf-uvc iivit" T tiJ. Ct-t; -4" OVl ipuiut 'ii-rrn-ns to a depth of more than ' rePresentatives of tie British oon vardt: - - .commission, arnveu nere iouay. change in condition from August 25 Russian .nrth.rr, frnnt trnnna have' Tne Sr0UP' described as a special to September 25 is 5.2 points. ' asain shown aggressiveness, Petrograd mis.sl0n. 1S heef rr' ;miif;-'- The acre yield last year was 156-6t Candidates in The Dispatch con reporting an advance of a mile by the ass the ten-year average is teSt are hustling for subscriptions ""issian vanguards south of the rail- re- " j w 181.5 pounds. and votes, and every day there are Wav in tho TfroBhnra.antfnl.P.rmin. JUnCUOU Willi LMl U INUILUUIUC, UUW; A final estimate Of DrOdUCtiOn Will Ta nh,nr0!! in the RtandinZ Pero- De maae in uecemcrer kets. Ail theRe things must be done ind done quickly. - "It is upon the Treasury of the Unit ed States that every demand in time of war forcuses, because everything o-oes back to the gold pile. The prob lem o fthe American treasury is the nroblern of the American banker and the nroblem of the American people: it is the problem of keeping the treas- j PROTEST AG AINST ury supplied with the means to carry forward these great objects under the direction of the commander-in-chief of th army and navy of the United States, your President. raise $12,000,000 as' the minimum and $15,000,000 as theihudmuin'n:?the ; v; second allotment is $120,000,000 wltfi r.vim 111111 111111 titpii .v na rno j.maTim m i i bonds' were receyedf yestefday and t , DRAFTING MEXICATS (isy - Associated s. jrress.j 7 ; - - - Washinrtfin, fit' f 8t'Pho-iiM(tlin Thfl mnnov that wo are raiKinp-.hv "( ;; ,v.y. -.vUu.,,v this contest as someone scare you the KnSDitaTSroun- Ruction with Lord Northcllffe. . now (Ji)li ' ;.f tor directing tne worK or an tne btiuzu i& received if a revolt against ! commissions in this country. 'illlll V.VI111 Vlllllg lA A A U Tnrkf !nn, Central Asia, which is re-1 SJirdofJ ns p.arfmio tho . i-oir-liit?rTiflta t Cotton Rose $5 A Bale. (By Associated Press. Nw York, Oct. 2. Cotton rose ap- After Judge Cohalan. (Bv AKO'?mted Prest. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 2. The Senate the New York Legislature by the' uuiiuui'-j iu vm i" lilts iiiuury tiirti we air: i tx oiiifc- nj t . .,- ' anyone: Don't let taxation and by bond -issues is being e foenon ou out by her big nted to these purposes. More than ?tet!fSnKS V; w it is not always $8,500,000,000 of the money that you the automobile which has the loudr I are going to provide tnis fiscal year, est horn that can run the fastest ora being expended of" will be expended and the win-v give avJr,g oHained control of the military . " t" , "w . -1New. x.vl 18UlT.(uy will. mnm than likelv nick anI installed a revolutionary govern- tTTy " ..I option 01 a rormai resolution; to- - - fflr ' - heine the than this week. I "The Indiana district, which num. - uereiuud.1uliu1w.6U,uu,rta7i requested secretary ot state .r,. - T TOt,. o,w-that. th comnetition for.fcrfSMfi2 miintt-of the-State, iscall- and those who BAKER WILL VISIT Of o; n 047 006s- ; - ... , 1 - 1 , - f I fl - IT -iVi HX II .21.11 11 1 Tl Ltl I I1K liH.LlUIla.1 L1 talking. You know it is not - aiwayB;98f50oooo.iiou or tne.. money tnat; you . - - - S . wd1 I States ? In sbmelcaseMj Ie 1 shown' that Mexicans have' been tak- en through iirregularpractice of the: exemption boards; f the State -Depart-; ment has had - to "men released. In other cases, "however, the cases are " complicated because of the difference in . the constitution of the' two coun tries. Mexico holds;that;a man born abroad of Mexicans parentsMs a Mex- ' ica;n unless he voluntarily; forfeits hi , citizenship. VThe; United States holds , longest, ana tnose wuu uu tuc inwotjupon our army -ufjuii ; n.uiu. i,ay v,vw , talking are often ones who are do-jto 2,500,000 of the bravest1 ..anq most ing the least work. t gallant soldiers that ever donned the Remember, the first period of the' uniform. And your navy, recruited to contest will close at. 9 o'clock Satur- ?the full, with brave tars , under whose pie are beginning to wonder wno are going to win the valuable prizes offer hv The DiSDa'tch. iw J r - UU VVUl. . s 1 , . ' Find the persons who start out! day night, and that after tnat time uniforms beat the true hearts or Am d work a little each day, and you1 each $15 club of subscriptions, will.erican free men, is being built up, 140,000 extra votes, or iu,uuu ; equipped and manned with this money. corn- general buying sent December . con- pat;pie with the public welfare, ners in an affair of this kind. On mism and enthus- t r t 'ii'n i 1 .traMa im tn 24 87 nr 104 noints above - TOMvf ,. i,jjim ' the other MKUKJl IL WUVir. cg figure. , 'nrTwe allegeT pTrUl iasm win- more "battle than any th- - ; - .. . . A T..i. . t-- i er inatrrmenta known. ashingion. Oct 2 Secretary Election omciais inaictea. F. Cohalan, of New York, in German Eakep today promised Representative' New York. Oct. 2. Twenty-eight in- rtr,fvfties, especially with regard to Av fib. of North Carolina that he dictments of election officials, at the xreland. ' . ' M'ull visit the camn at ChariottP Sat- Republican primaries September 19, - ; " - www .Hrw , . t TTTJ11! TUT T)AMAU WAM Wh!le optimism and enthusiasm are o'clock next Saturday night. The ring . is 'to be awarded the candidate (BIG DEMONSTRATION Urd nt which William M. Bennett won over Mayor, Mitchel, afterva- recount, are expectea to De nanaea aown io- Texts of Replies Delivered jfBy- Associated Press. j Rome, (Oct. 2. The Vatican has de IN FAVOR OF PEACE (Hv Assocldted Pre. that a person born; here is An' Amerl Mail v-in-fcn, It is believed that the casOS of Mex icans being held Sfor, military service in New York,1 as charged: by Juan -T; Burns, .Mexican consul general there,: who turns in the largest amount of money for new subscriptions during fco twrk weeks ending: hext Satur itilUX ClH.llU01O.t3Hl l,y i IUV vw I a T-.-v-.Tnrtnnt in a contest such as is day night, wno aoes nut wm uue now being waged by The Dispatch thef the more valuable prizes. .T winner of any of the prizes must have Contesits eed one -other, quaimcation persistency uigiuu ..":-Zl virtn'jthcLtoiin'-? t.! (Br Associated Pre.) Worlds have been conquered by this extra votes, ana Paris:Vbct 2. The German Copenhagen, Oct. : 2. A monster come largely . with'in-th,'T class; " demonstration in., favor of a peace -?. ' '',.' -." ;.'..'' .7 y ' Without annexations as held on Sun-f: , Reprisal RaW.;j ;-'.r- .cities i-has de-' trait of character in many instances.moneyjwnipply iVanMoVn-Theain.Strttgart. ster. the and the Briscoe, and ,BW,AutomW1t3tli . p6frograd. Mondav Oct f A revn- day by the 'grand jury, from evidence livered to r -'h iur i, .'..-":, fc.Aj throTiprw tniiv-shefits sub-text of tho replies of Germany and Dues, szuw.ana.iw L"" f'.v- -rr , Trk;: ;r, fr & B oFElections. Austria to the Pope's peace proposals, the other prizes will oe won tiy those ' portunity to wo r'diTere aeriaL attacks, on. " I UI V11TT1 ncno. VWUi www ' . . . . ....ii 1. . AMilntnf-- in : TnolT - DTTnTTSl TI11I1I1IK. X . -. - ; r - .. tn ' : ' - - . , i . :' miniotni- tha. anrt ir.o Knspnp ami p ura auuhuu- ii i mcj --r :.. ... - - .- - . :ti n-nri i 'AnianK . nrcrn . nnmDarueu miuiui.ii . .- o"u -.- im.!. l,nmtlifl An. Hnn . Tlia rnrt nnmhpmi'inrtT Or i.'co.auu , w. of Germany and biles, $200 and ?100 cash prizes, and -saturoay. - - ta indaVi wereilast night by French Aviators In retai- !U HUU1 IMP 1WU vri. -.i.vv -Mr: .Mr f S ' S . ...' 111..;.: ma mi. i,. . . . . . .. nffino nt nifl. The renliea arA aonnmnatl fid bV a WUO are persistent lumetr euuns. and beater' T" "trlcTlTwSw " " S note 'from -the. VaUcan. ' I There'-are a nutnber ot candidates 1 Continued on - Page Seven) ultaneously. , i French cities.'' -.1' ,. 4V