THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY AFTErlN002I, O i 7 i J Market Rw Mating COTTON, mv . .'- Wilmington Charleston , Savannah . 25 3-4 4 25 '34 26 NEW YORK COTTON. New York, Oct. 3. The eotton mar ket showed renewed -activity and ex citement early today'. ODvernight con sideration of yesfenfay's government reports appeared to ? have brought in a broadening buying movement Tand after opening 30 to? 48 'points net Kigh vr, the market s66h - sold 113 to 127 points above la9t night's closing fig ures, with December touching ,26.11 and January 25.30; There was Southrn lu dge sellings ahar good deal of real izing at the advance; but roreign and domestic trade interests were again buyers and ; bullish sentiment ,was si i inulated by a belief " that reduced (.,,,)) estimates would strengthen the I lan of yesterday's conference at New Oilcans to demand a minimum of 30 c iits per pound ;fof cotton. Cotton closed steady. High. October . . . . ; . 26.60 Pecember 1 26.15 January 26.00 March 26.13 Mav 26.20 Low. 25.55 25.15 25.08 25.20 25.35 Close '26.55 25.9S 25.84 25.91 26.02 NEW YORK SPOTS. New York, Oct. 3. Spot ready; middling 27.25. cotton NEW ORLEANS COTTON. . New Orleans, Oct. 3. A rise of a cent a pound featured the first half hour of trading in cotton here today The continued cold weather over the blt and overnight buying orders, bas cd on yesterday's bullish reports on conditions and ginning, stimulated the demand. The active months rose 100 to 101 points. Cotton closed irregular at an ad vance of 92 to 107 points. High' Oct 25.66 Dec ..25.11 Jan - 25.15 March 25.30 May 25.38 Low Close 25.06 23.63 24.10 .24.95 24.35 25.00 24.58 25.15 25.09 25.30 NEW ORLEANS SPOTS. . New Orleans, Oct. 3. Spot cotton firm, 93 points up; sales on the spot 1,852; to arrive 3,554; low middling 24.62; middling 25.25;" good middling 25.75. Receipts 4.817; stock 88,711. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Oct.. 3. Cotton: firm; prices 60 points higner; " middling 19.77; middling 19.32; Spot! good. I middling 18 82; good ordinary 17.87; Sales 3,000 bales, incluring 2,600 American. ; Futures closed Arm. New contracts: January 19.00; March 18.75; May 18.50. n Old -.contracts (fixed . prices) : .i L ifhl i TktMAMkAitlaiiii4inr- 17 TA January-February 17.60 ; March-April I 17.42; May-June 17.26. . CHICAGO GRAIN. - Chicago, O-nMekTSablSf and a prospect that no unseasonaoie cold would bo experienced for sev-' Aa h,i a morieratfi bearish A-,rfv 'nti mm. Estimates.! however that the yield was 60,0fld, - K bushel" less th.- was expected month aeo led to a runy from 'ear- , , . 4.; lv weakness Opening quotations ly weakness Upenmg quotations which ranged from l-8c oil to a liKe ; advance, at $1.19 1-4 to 1.19 for.De-; i J--1 It 1 A 11C Qfi fr -: May, were followed by a general downturn, and then a reaction to slightly above yesterday's finish. uats i em cum,uat., Realizing m which yesterdays chief nnrcnasers muuiseu, leu io ti uuvm-. turn in provisions. Strength in the hog market was ignored. Grain and provisions ed as follows: prices rang Open Close CORN : Dec ..1.19 4 1.10 May .1.1614 1.16 3-4 OATS Dpc . : . . . .59 5-S ' .59 7-8 M?v 615-8 .617-8 PORK j?n ,.. ..47.00 46.75 LARD Oct 24.60 Jan 23.87 23.92 RIBS Oct 26.57 Jan 25.00 24.87 COTTON SEED OIL. Ne w York ' Oct 3 The i cotton seed nil market closed strong. Spot 17.60; ( October 17.66; December 1-13; Jan-; "ary 17.16; March 17.27; May 17.30 Total sales 45,200 barrels. Emimsmis I HATE TO CO 41 . 0 HOME.- I eg 17 . . : ;S wnf" ' - :,,r-n o J too come-an- ii.--- '.tl: V v j c.hb: , : jeJ tW-' . : . 1 LOCAL- MARKETS. : '"V? Butter per lb., Country, ... . . ,s30c Spring; chickens, "apiece .. . . .2540c Grown chickens,, apiece iV. U.6065c Puddle Ducks apiece . . , S055c Guineas, apiece ; .-. . . ..V.35c Beef i, ..... ..;;12-rl3c Irish Potatoes; Jersey Joint, . ; . 11. Pk. bags .. . . $4 Kn cv Hams, pound ..U 4i..i.2fi27c -CS. Shonldera and RibsV lb . .2526c Cabbage (100 lbs). . . . . .. ....... $1.50 tildes,; lireen . .. . ..... .......... .20c Wool, free of bur . . . .VI ... . 65c c.orn bushel .. ; . . ..... j , .$2.75 Bee's ' Wax -. . . . . . ; . . . . ... ..,32c Salted Hides v. V. . . . . ...;18C Tal tow ; ."v . . v ... v. ...... . ... vile Wool, clean ' . :.. . . : . . ... : :50c Wool, burr ,4550c Spanish Onions, the crate .. . . $1.75 WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 44 cents. Rosin N. D. Tar $3.50 and 16 cents. Crude$3.75-$3.75 and $2.75. RECEIPTS. Cotton-. . Rosin .. Tar . . . . Crude . . .1006 . 21 . 100 8 LOCAL COUNSEL ENGAGED. District Attorney Carr and Iredell Meares, Esq., Employed. It was learned here yesterday that District Attorney J. 0.r Carr and Ire dell Meares. Esq.. had 'been retained by Shepard Bryan, Esq., of Atlanta, 'fa assist counsel for Judge Robert Worth Bingham, of Louisville, Ky., and they have been asked to obtain certain information relative to the ex- humatibn-6f the body of Mrs. Bing - ham in Oakdale cemetery about ten days ago. ; PROMINENT MAN PASSES AWAY. . , Mr. H. nniivuvcr uicu ouuucmij ex l Fayetteville Yesterday, qtiH tvv.,rri, Qrota .win marDt tn )Dom n oth nf IU U VjL HIV OUUUV-fi UUUJ Vl. ATA X , H Withcover, which occurred yester . Mr. Withcover was; prominent for years, in insurance awl fraternal cir- !cles. More reecntly he has made this Jcity his headquartereor his agency t, t.. ' ui mt; reim iviuiuai uiic iusui cuitc i , o p ooSt, i i ViCl ax. lie uau aiou c i imtu j-ri uuiin ;the 32nd degree Surviving the deceased are two LQ"I Sters and one son, living at Ma- ,rion,'S. C. The funeral wiU be held; tomorrow at (Morence, s. cj., wnere interment will be made in the fam ily burial plat. Rev. S. Mendelsohn, ,D. D., left this afternoon for Florence city just a week ago. A large circle of frifends will mourn his loss. DESERTER TAKEN TO FORT. ia.:rhi Arimite paii,.rA r Joseph Janichi Admits Failure to Re- spond to Call. 1 V. Beca.usef . refusal to resoond to. the cal1 of .the. selective draft board, " "" ... . i LUU.y yesifciuay ;iiiu iiihiiiiuk wits . . . , taken to Fort Caswell and turned ov er to the commanding officer. Jan ichi admitted - that he - had not re : nc, T.Q000 tTint ha ' i .i." ": "T teers and had been rejected; that he did not know where, the Y . - e ,nnta , M. C. was located. I All men wwj uavu iumuu icsyuuu . i i ; l .1 . j to the call will now be treated as de serters, and a reward of $50 will be paid to those apprehending them and bringing them in. This is in accord ance with the order issued by Provost Marsha). 'General Crowder a few days ago. Rubber Stamps Made to order on Shcrt rctlco. We make Rubber Stamps that glvet the maximum of service and Satisfaction. Promptness with every order. Send us your order. LeGWIN PRINTING CO. 8 Grace 3treet. Phone 220. tup fFmrsaEm r STOCKS. ? " Nel? '.York'Oct.' 3. Railway stocks w ertj again a irag pn tme . genera iisr at the opening . of today's markets St Paul fell 1 the new low record of, 49 vl-2, Delaware and Mludsonf. lost almost ;lwo points and large fraction al recessions were made by Union Pacific, Canadian Pacific, Reading' and New York - Central. Industrials yield ed at the outset ; with i, coppers, oils arid pxo tors,, but were" Inclined to hard en, f Ftirther bullish activity 'was" not ed in .various 'specialties. ' American Beet Sugar (bid) American Can i.vv'.ii . American "Car & Foundry , . American" Locomotive American Smelting & Refining American Sugar Refining (bid) Anacbnda Copper . . . . .... Atchison . . . r-. . . ..... Atlantic Coast Line .... 83 . 43 3-4 69 60 95 1-2 109 69 7-8 95 7t8 107, ' Baldwin . Locomotive . . , . Baltimore, and Ohio gj! i' Bethlehem Steel "B" . . . . Canadian Pacific ... .. .. .. Central Leather Chesapeake and " Ohio .... Chicago, Mil. & St Paul Chicago, R. I. & Pac. Ry. Chino Copper . , Colorado Fuel and Iron . . Columbia Gas and Electric... Corn Products . . . . ..... . . . , 147 S-i 84,3-8 53 5-S 50 tjjt f Aoi 38 7-8 31 1-2 mt st I Hnha f!anp Sup-nr n- -i . 1Q 7 r Erie Great Northern Pfd (bid). Great Northern Ore Ctfs ,102 . 33 1-8 97 , 49 3-8 , 86 . 38 3-8 ..38 3-8 119 , 331-4 , 93 34 . 50 '3-4 , 28: , , 20 , 73 7-S 109 99 1-2 . 45 3-8 , 513-4 50 . 24 7-S . 811-4 81 . 11 Gulf State Steel r Inspiration Copper Int Mer. Marine pfd Kennecott Copper . . . i Kennecott Copper .. Louisville & Nashville ' Maxwell Motor Co. .. I Mexican Petroleum .. Miami copper .. .. Midvaie Steel , ' Mssour Pacific .. Nevada Copper . . Norfolk and Western I Northern Pacific . . Ohio Cities Gas j Pennsylvania Pittsburg Coal Ray Consolidated Copper ' t: 'A,: ' "cp"U1 a r t kmi ! f ab.rdnA1tr Lin (bid) m7lair u" ' Southern Pacific . .. . , 35 1-2 91 1-4 27 44 i.4 Studebaker Co. ,. : Sloss.-Shef. Steel and Iron (bid) 42 . Cr-rT 160 71 127 . i cAaa . tr ' " oV" 115 3-4 - ,T iU. S. Industrial Alcohol 135 571-2 10& 3-8 90 . 35"l-2 46 78 U. S. Rubber ; U. S. Steel Utah Copper . . ... . Va. Car. Chem; .-.-.." ' jXf m f-e fIeclnc 45 3-4 25 Willys-Overland ' ADDITIONAL SOCIAL. A , . . . . . . . . . - - -- -.t-'T--'' ':0f $25 to be used in equipping ahd. Alurani of state formal College, ! furnishing this room. Upon recomj jGreensboro, are urged to .meet in sor - nsif? niuh rooms tomorrow evenine at. 6 o'clock. . . License was issued today by the Register of Deeds for the marriage of Miss Annie Meade Lynch and Mr LeRoy Simpson Cruser. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride's parents on Saturday aftei noon. v 4fr PARCEL POST SALE. The Women's ' Missionary Society of St. Matthew's Lutheran church will have a parcel post social tomor-, counties, was called up in the House -row from 4 to 10 p. m. The Sunday -today by Congressman Rood and pass school rooms will be divided into four ed The bill passod the Senate last zones, representing one to 50 pounds, ; week and now becomes a law. ? 1Q cents: 50 to 100 nounds, 15 cents; r , 100 to 135 pounds),. 20 cents; and 135 pounds, or over,' 25 cents. , Refresh-1 ments will be served free. Vocal and instrumental music will entertain the guests and a good time is promised, The general public is invited to at - tend. Proceedings .Begun. Attachment' proceedings were begun in Superior Court late yesterday afternoon by the Hyman Supply Company against the Southern Stave and Lumber Company. Property of the defendant in New Hanover and Pender ;was taken- un- der the process. Kenan and Wright pre the attorneys appealing for the defendant. J ITfl DRDKiaiiCE S: lUCiiiG is it ' ' S - t -fl-t , f vj'i J Restt ictions,'.cTri Motorista as Itq r Car Parking. Dbwr Town StUl tha Safnel ; ; Action was- again- deferred; on;. the reecntly" drafted "ordinance governing the parking of automobiles . ml Front and Princess -streets,1 in';., the -downr town section, hor., restricted;, area as It is ..termed..: in fjhe : oHmance, at this morning's regufar ; session. 4 of . City Council. The ; delay was, occasioned when Councilman Merritt suggested that motorists be ! privileged to, park their :- machines on Northt Front be tween Red Cross.' and Grace' streets. The whole matter will be further, de? bated before the ordinance is enacted. Mr. Will Rehder, .florist, was ; be fore Council to .uTgerthatie.e.-iven better watei service bis green,-J house, advising i the boardthat; thg half-inch pipe of the, city's connecting 'mitW tilo , fuTA-i nrH main . vita iafftiroT-tr inadequate to keep his growing plants WjllKlcu. iiC; aiovcii iuai uo unu uccu after this relief for tbe past -18 months, and, becausCofi the fact that he pays a healthy water- bill quarter? ly, ; was of the opinion that the relief Bradshaw suggested ythatkthe; matter I leii up . iu mmseji, a.ymg mat. lie believed he 5 could remedy the - condi-: tinn. - ' , r . t.-r' : i A number .of real estate . mem i eluding Messrs. James Owen ReillyJ 1. t ' 1 mvk t mi., 9g 3.s'and Thomas H. - Wright, were before tne Doard to learn wnetner any ac tion bad been taken ; &s. regards a re- cent request max persons not -pe utv Thsf nira? t wt f.. r.nar lowed to sell lead copper and.brass tax becomes operative in thirty davs to junk dealers without a permit from andTthe second class Tmail increases the chief of police, and were told that -jiy . j; , ; . j while no action had been taken, that ' New income and war excess profits" City Attorney Ruark .would be. in-1 taxes are, based on Income of the" 1917 draft an ordinance mak- calendar year, and payable before ing it mandatory, upon one having - March 3 1,( 1918. , junk to sell to secure such. a permit. ;,.f-, .ah... famjp . taix6r including those on Rubber will also be .included in the I parcel post packages, become effective list 'of contraband. ' December !. , Amusement admissions The matter was first .brought to the ' and taxes on club dues go into effect attention of Council by Mr. Reilly, : November . 1, as do taxes on freight who said that vacant houses were -and passenger transportation, sleeping being stripped of all pipes and other -car,", drawing room and steamship plumbing fixtures, and he suggested . berths;', pipe line transportation, in the permit' proposition in an effort surance policies , and telegraph and to put. a stop to this petty tmevry that is alleged to have been going on for some time. Mr. W, M. Cummirig. speaking as a citizen, suggested that' a better course would be to tax the junk dealer out of 1 existence, and thought it a good idea .to have these dealers in Domes , ana ! bones and rags either discontinue business or pay sumcient tax to give r, ilTolthe police, firemen and street handaent advanced Belgluin-imother. their increase in pay. xne city attor- ney !nfnrmaH him that thov mero I paying an annual tax of $500 at pres- ent for the privilege of doing busi-t' ' nnoi! inH that there wnc nr siirh ! T j lumg as iaa.iug lueiu uui tri uuamcoo, j as tne law regards tbe junk, business 1. legitimate business. The ordi-l jnanc.e cQyering thsltuation will bei drt prior to the next : meeting of tne board and will, in all probability,"! be passea at tnat time. Speaking for the New Hanover I Food Conservation Commission, Chairman W. A. McGirt asked for an ! appropriation of $10 monthly as the . city's part toward maintaining a resti room and demonstration quarters, 1 . and also asked for an appropriation . raenaauon 01 iouucnmau men in me j matter was referred to the finance; : committee with power to act. J : - ' WACCAMAW RIVEK BRIDGE AUTHORIZED, 7- -U By Gebrae H. Manning.) 1 Washington, D. C, Oct. 3. The bill granting authority to the Whiteville Lumber Company to build a bridge nornss Waroamaw river, near Pirewav between Columbus and Brunswick SUN RISE AND Slfa SET. i ,gttn rises Thursday: 6; 09 5:53 Sun sets .. IB. TI UILL .IS mm i mm - . r- r-r r r an Two and One-Half ion' Dbllars Levied . 7 Washingtoni Octi 3.rrCpnress finish ed.' its, work on the great' war tax-; bill latfe yesterday ,when the Senate, fol lowing tb eiampls;et Monday by the House adopted., the cpnf erenea r sport without.a .roil-call.; More, than two and a half bilfionidollars in new taxeA sre lieidby the,.measure, which has been J iu uie- maiiing; since last. j. ,r.uw v ; v As soon;aa the bill Js. engrossed and stgtfe,d by , Vice President Marshall and Sneaker Claf kl- it - will be senLto Presf- '.de'nt Wilson who is. expected' -to -sign it immediately, probably today.- - "As finally,' drafted vaf ter one of. f be longest andimost -strennpiis s.truggle'S itf dohgrsslonai . His tdry, the ieveritie bill;whien was passed by" tbe Hou?e May .23 and,;b the .Senate, afier a montn's debate,' ' September,. 10, draws "p)rincipalyr.up'on incomes ' arid -war ex cess profits.' ' -,' . . .. ' The ' bill now is estimated to raise b6ut ' $850,000,060 " frond inQomes cor porate and . individual and about . one billloir dbliars'frorii war excess profits. Other major levies are $30,000,000 on tobacco; about $275,00(,000 on liquors; ?7;00O,0OOL!;&n first-class mail; $40, 000,000 on automobiles; $77,500,060 on freight transportation; $60,066,000 on passenger; transportation;' - $32,000,000 from starnp taxes and $60,000,000 from amusement admissions. ; , ; . 1 . , All new taxes in the bM' become effective., when the' President1 sighs it; eAueyi certain sptjuineu raies, j telephone messages cosMng 15. cents or more. t . Tm.)pilt wais s'nol by Speaker Marshall t Clark and Vice-President j shortly after noon', and was sent at once to the White House. More Money For Belgium. (By Associated Press.) 5 Washington, Oct. 3. The govern- !-y-,-m- rrrVi"" r-"" Ol (,auu,UUB a UlUUlll IOr SIX" i months, ' and a special twan .made sometime ago of $4,900,000. . Pleasure Drivinf, Dances, . i Wedding an J Commer-cUf tity li very Co. 'f. Phones 15 and 345. cM6n -Ma s()c Lb. ion Earth High Grade Coffee 25c Ih ' . .. .CD, Phone 679. 16 So. Front ... - , v - .. . . . . i.'-i ' I' ', " . Souvenirs Saturdays. MorcTh rZ-XMffl AUTOS Kenny Co TIliiBisUi sPOLVOUTfCBuPllllV! HotiSevFuiiiishin-gs? $ ::; pUR.iNE.W FALL STOCK IS Shades,' Blankets, Comforts andt AutpRqb; " ji Linoleum, ;suftable for ofllce, kitchen, hall, and bath rooms; t target "tock to select from. "'p:w -:H 'V'-'i-V .- I LACE CURTAINS AND NETS You willen joy our large assortment X 6f popular-Scranton Lace Curtains and N'ets.;'; .They' are .Vxtremelyr smart; and sweety 1 .n-.- ';i-'S X - Have' ypn a room that, needs Wahp'aper?' We have" Paner in atbcK fknd competent workmen to hafig paper; Prices1 reasonable. : -f $ i':0A$; I . v -A'- r THE CAW.;P0LV6CT ATi-ANti.C C OAST L INE . f vsiacemeni ot evenues ana txpenses i j . Month of August. Operating .Revenues ... V . Operating Expenses ;.. , . Net Operating Revenues Deduct Taxes i .... Operating Income -1. . . . , January 1st to August 31st." Operating Revenues . . . . . . Operating Expenses I . . Net,, Operating Revenues . i ieduct Taxes . Operatirir ntfojae '. .. PASSENGERS LUGGAGE SEARCHED FOR WHISKY fPv" Asocltf(l Press. , Richmond, Va,,; Oct. 3. Operatives of the Department of Justice, assign- ed last week to the .work of breaking up the liquor traffic from . Washington to Virginia and other Southern States, last night searched two trains here and ' subjected Several; passengers' .lug gage to - investigation, whenever " it ap peared . suspicions. Day- coaches were searched but persons in parlpr and it DEAR,- 1 teian hair lifeless. . Your coat collar, is al ways; covered witn Ugly scales; Stop yoDdruff now; ;Y6it da;nV : ust idbfea'. tr'f half. The": Dandruff is :.' ""entirely ;goiie arid almost overnight i Pompeian HAIR Massage made my hair, at tractive." ... ... 'i'i.'-'- jj.- " The sdc6ess f Pbnipeiafl ;H AIR sazei -is m its name Mas sage.":. is a treatment;, ijot merely ) a tdnic. The massaging (rubbing) of the scalp; wakes Ju the foots , of the, hair to new lift. This ; ihaSsaeine. also ; : opens the . pores of. the ; scalp, tc the .wonder fully, stimulaung' liquids m Pom peiari " HAIR ! Massage. ; Dandruff goes. Your hair will become and stay healthy, vigorous, attractive. JAM that ' is needed is a little massaging' onceor , twice a week One application. ? shows results. Your scalp will' immediately feel HAIR romc "JfaTiffftL has,? .; made? f your stfag&l thttitlooking and MvfMrMfiiHs iN-Art: BquaresRugsr:praperie3 III 1 - RAJ C R O A D CO M P ANY 'IJk' S J .'.Ifcvw"; -- " 1917.. . .. .-'1916., .v:.,. 1915.: v:.'-4-. . .$ 3,355,674.04 $ 2,605,922.94 .: $; 2,0171732 , . ... 2,531,780.11 1,929,933.11 :i 1,788,184.28-1 '5 .v.v 823,83.93 675,989.83 4228,988.944, . . J. . ; :. 220)00.00 160,000.00 ,:. f ,tl40,0O&.6 .-g , . . . 28,018,0 Z. Y b fZ4,Z0U,ZZS.Y9 i f ZV, iZ6,(Ki l.Z i -V t . . . . 19,618,815.13 7 15,758,195.00 - 4,745.651.95 . . 1 . . : 8,999,857.63 " 8,491,433.79 -. 5,977,885.47 V,' V' lj497,000.00 . 1,256,830.70 1 1,041,156.80 v.; ,602.857.63 , 7,234,603.09 ?i.mMi.r?;.7? sleeping cars were not ' molested.-' .One .i negro "woman: wis arrested." Several A t ; trains have been searched' retently at Alexandria and a numberitjf suitcases ! seized. The Secret ;Seryce agents are working without the assistance jbf 'ri J.( Sidney' Peters, State Prohibition.': ; : Cbmmfssioner, who i said (Sat; hfe menl f , had been 'instructedf not to ijearfchf. any ' baggage without' a warrant 'for'5 each. ' ; , particular piece. . Railroad ; officials . have announced they Will protest the 'kM i ' action of the operatives f in'- that; it ; ' ; may make , em-ltabMl'iIie ' t suits our 1' '.-i'-iHrl 2 '.i.-'iiv '?..;;'fei-. kljuSJS: init. :e." 7- clean r and " mviorate'dT - In" one ' 'month youiDattdruf -will be; ione.; jfjompeiaxi: rt axk massage is a, clear amber liquid Not oily. Not sticky, -Very pleasafirtt to use; f 'Greatest treatment -for" Dand ruff iri theworld,, sajjn? :A, ' Y Chicago, .IIL, "and I. speak ; from experience. My hairiff before li started ttsihg. itihd 'gbiie beyond i the ordinary stages : of ? Dandruff and was. covered .with scales which embarrassed me greatly. I- have .sasre,,to;my- friends?! jy , . Practically : i every . nseic says dhe'i bottle r shoSV Sctual results'. Get Z56i?50c 041 bottle at; the; stores and ; sayithe;same.' &tzft ' Have your, barber every how ana fhehapply . a ' careful . Pompeian: H AIR 1 Massage.; vUsed A- h .. - over 30,000 - of the best barber ; shops from Maine to California. r f Made by the reliable makers of l the famous Pompeian -MASSAGE Cream . and v Pdmpeian NIGHT Cream.vv Ad.-3P j' andrun iviassag '.S'it''