- -,' .:v- ; . ; ' i . v." " ' - 1 - -7" ff PAGE TWO. pi ii t 5? mi v gig ,1 :l f 'S- ' ' 1 tillS. m!; .. ivt : "! J ! .1 J. i i p . i ; . t ';! - . i? II: s I ii "I" t i V.: r I! 1. I V; Colds, Coughs, Croup and Catarrh R lteve3"1nTwo Minutes. ., .-v ... jH Is your throat sore? 1 T ; Breathe Hyomei. v Have you catarrh? ., . -r Breathe Hyomei. r; Have you a cough? SORE THROAT; '.v . ' Breathe Hyomei. I '.'' , Have you a cold? '' Breathe Hyomei. i -. ':-' ; Hyomei is the one remedy for all C ' nose, throat - and lung troubles. Tt i : ;(Joes not contain any cocaine or mor fiM phine and all that is necessary is Ho '"''-:- V breathe it throughhe little pocket in 'fPff:' haler that comes with each outfit. V : A completo outfit costs, but little at Isui -r druggists everywhere and at R. R. Bel lamy and Hyomei is gua meeu i banish catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat and bronchitis or money back. A Hyomei inhaler lasts a life time and extra bottles of HyOmei can be obtained from" druggists for only 50 cents Advt. . . FOR WIFE MOTHER . ' SWEETHEART Before going home tonight to mother or wife, or the visit you contemplate for tomorrow "drop" jiL and slip a "surprise joy" in your pocket. There will, be smiles for the giver and a treat for the recipient. Fresh Shipment of Delicious Whitman's Candies just in. IIN & -FUTHELLE Phones: 211-212 107 Princess Street lTHE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS Afford a comfort which is appreciated rGANoTj JLY.-GLASSES lib f i; :; vy f nngvj 'TPftfr WAflL Bfifl.? W Taf Wsrtftf - in one pair of glasses. fTTK 1- t 1 1- iuejf fteep juux ejfes j u uug iu luu&a 1 as well as. in usefulness. No line,-seam or. hump to blur the ;:; vision. EYES TESTED FREE. Ply VmeUeg - r. . SEABOARD AIR IM: RAILWAY ".:-'" The Prorresslve Bailwar of the South; ; IP : Effective Nov. 12th, 1916. -' " DEPASTURE OK TRAINS FBOM ' WILMINGTON. .? No. 153 55 P. nr. Train for Charlotte and ; Intermediate Points PULLMAN PAR .. i. LOR C'Alt, WILMINGTON TO CHAR vS:LOTTE. r-j-i No. 19 5:00 A. M. Train for Charlotte and O , 5 Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR - .BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHAR 1; it fti LOTTE. Open at 100 P. M. for Passen . V gern. . . . r j ' ABBIVA1 OF TBAINS AT WILMINGTON :, No. -1 12:30 P. M. Train from Charlotte :ry.fnnd Intermedt.te Points. PULLMAN ? PARLOR CAR Li ET WEEN CHARLOTTE , . AND WILMINGTON. No. 20 12 :10 A. Mv Train from Charlotte -v. . find Intermediate Points. SLEEPING VCAE DETWKES CHARLOTTE ANJ "WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAY i- REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL 70 yJxSX'&Of 'detailed information and reserva Hons call on City Ticket Agent Orton '- i Hotel Building. :-; 'r- - 'Phone 178. ; : ,- R. S. KOONCE, T. P. A, ' Wilmington. N C. r fJJOHNT. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. a 'V V-J-- 1 ".. -'. -T- ' ' V - FOR HIRE -for ;:- Pleaseure Qrivinp, Dances, ; Wedding and Commercial: City Li very Co. : Phopes 15 and 345. its".," ;. ' FOBECLOSCBE SALE. " By Virtue of a power ol" sale contained In a certain - mortgage deed executed- by Cnafleg Nixou and hl$ wife-Martha Nixon, recorded in- Book No. 82, page 345. at seq In the office' of the , Register of Deeds of New Uandver County, the undersigned atJ torney ;' for tb . mortgagee,. 'Wechanlcs' Home'rA-gociation'V 'Mil on Monday, the 22nd-da.vl of October, J9l7,;at l2 o'clock m., 8t the. Conrt Ilob?'" door of the County of New .Hanover, -elt -at:- public auction for cash, to the highest blddef;tiieNfollowing lost of land and premises : v, " Beginning In the ."western line Of Twelfth street at A point jone hundred and sixty '-sis j166) feet south of the intersection of said street with the southern; line " of Pawson, street and from' thence running in a south ern course along"-the said ' iln . of j Twelfth street thirty (30) '; feeti thence westwardly and parallel with: said lineof Dawsrm street one ; hundred and - sixtr-illve ' -(165 feet. thence northwardly and parallel .with said "j line oc Awemn street tmrty iee, anu thence eastwardly and' parallel' with, said line of Dawson, street one hundred:: and sixty-flre (1G5 feet tothe point pf begin ning, same being part of southeast quartet of lot $ in Block 41 in the plan of the City of Wilmington; N. O; together with all th appartenances tnereto pelonglng The said uartte nforwinlrt 1m f aulted' in the Jpaymntf according to the terms and provisions'of the aid mortgage. Attorney for the Mechanics' -Home Ass'n. mm BRILLIANT' ,NpW( PICTURE. . Jhe Vweetestirr in: Europe 'isthe star : of ;'"WhB- True L Love DaVns,rt the briJUant ne picture published by thewBrady-Internatf6aial "Service World-Hctures.' 'She "is: Susan G?&n: daise and all those , people who ' see her in; this production vat the Grand theatre. oa tomorrow will -.be .5 royally entertained and thoroughly delighted. Miss GrandaiSes- the charming youn girl (Who made. . such a splendid cess, in "A Naked Soul' V . which recently ' released by this same fee. v Miss Grandaiserhas superbsup pork in hTTr Albert - Signer, -who played the blind, schoolmaster in "Mothers 'of France,' piays opposite aev apa maKjs a .ietr feet vchaTacterizationv ol ' -a,5 wealthy quarrif a beau tiful girl mVoyouteban' - Wialelf.; All the othe&bjrsj- of the com pany are cast, m roles that ht tnem et'actly and as the whole produclion has b'en staged on a truly elabof ate scaler it iseyiuent mai uere is; uu exceptional entertainment. X NO PLACE FOR A GROUCH. "The Girl With the Million DoJIar Smile" has smiled her ?ay into gtar- dom; In otherwoaisjr Gladys Lellie for one. year a prominent Thanhoier player, will be featra-ed by Thanhiis' er in a new, five-act 'Pathe Gold - jtMst er play called: "An Ainateur Orph!d,, wbch;is the attraction at the Grand today. v !'1Jp!TkS Miss Leslie's nickname was given to her by the critic of "the New -York Herald when he reviewed "The -Vicar of Wakefield" In this classic the young actress appeared as Sophia, the younger daughter 'of the Vicar. Her work": was so excellent that 'Ed - win Thanhouser, president of the com pany that bears his name, decided she was worthy to play leading roles. And during the negotiations that followed Miss Leslie-smiled happily. Miss Les-' lie's smile is attractive, because - it is a natural one. She-is the kind of a girl who always looks on the bright forced. They come easily because 4 they are spontaneous. The new star's first screen experi ence was gained at the Edison studio. She left there to come to Thanhouser, "1 Where she appeared in a number of features. And almost every new re lease was followed by a flood of let ters asking, "Who is the girl "with tbe beautiful smile?" Apparently, the theatre going pub lic yearns for stars who regard ;the world as a beautiful place. If this is so, Miss Leslie is assured of a joyous welcome, for she considers this life as one worth while, and the happy. creature who is seen upon the screen : is simply a correct photo reproduction; of th&-reali"Girl With a -Million Dollar fille." - - - . - , - 1 If you like being grouchy, don't see "An Amateur Orphan." Use Mi-o-na Tablets, they are one of the most effective 'a!hd safe remedies for out-of-order stomachs. Besidep quickly stopping the distress Mi-Oraa soothes the Irritated of the stomach, strengthens and builds usj, the digestive organs. Do not suffer, another day, get a 60"cbox at ence. For TOMORIiOW . Bray-lBtM'nat tonal ''''Service ' - : : - - Preseiifs" :-r.r : SUSAN GRANDAISE "THE SWEETEST GIRL IN EUROPE" .. .: ... iT"!: . J.$r, LOVE DOWNS" The Story of a Young Girl Who' Sac rifices Her Young . Love at Her" Family' Vashfw-apid Marries For TODAVOrady r Leslie ln"An Ama teor Orphan." . ToiiAY V '.' . r-. CHABLiEsJSOtiADAR'S 71 i. Gr I WW. New Specialties iyi:fclV,rr&;t Earl j ftHlftfflS "WHENsTiRUE USUALLY hST AND S H Are"' yotf - brlht'4mdv hap5y - 4n;.ilhe mornings - 'frequent - - causeV of chronic dyspepsia Catarrhal, condi- tiojig, Cf the nose," in many, cases, lead 0 afnesg , EVen the lungs are effected because catarrhal -inflammation' finds an open w&y to the .. lurig "substances through the bronchial tubes: 1 ,v 1 v , If you are not bright, cheerful and catarrh sufferers is pitiable but it is surprising how many people puffer ?rdm catarrh vben they fully believe something else is the cause. Catarrh cannot" bo easily - detected. Some of its commonest symptoms arpi )dull, throbbing headaches watery eys. constant sniffling, dropping 'of' mucous . i J 1 A ' i J lx J 1 2 in tne tnroat at nigui anu awasenius half choked and nauseated, . sleepless ness, dizziness, fullhead, stopped up nasal passages, dryness of he mem branes, pains in the s'tOinacJl side' and kidney region, faulty digestion bad breath and coated tongue. ' r-5"1"! t )f; A Peplac was created particularly: to combat 'catarrh. Thousands are t'estl - tying daily that Penlac has .fulfilled its vital organs toning them up -and en - abling them to perform their proper functions, so that the impurities re 4 f", i Vfr'i FN t & A N EW YOR K ttAVrBY.DAY, (O. O. Mclntyre.yr 1 : . -!s. , -....:.-. 1 (Special Correspondent ot Dispatch.) New york, Oct. 5-Th'e downtown hotels now "that winter is oa the way are formulating plans' to put, the skids under the Lobby Loungers, those Broadway pests who consist of two thirds clothes and the Vest nerve and free lunch. The. Lobby Lounger lives on the fat of the land and has most of the fat up around his ears. He has appartments in the corridors of the best hdtels, travels' in the high est class revolving doors, smokes the finest cigars to be found arid -dines whenever he can reserve a fork at a free lunch counter. He sticks; to the hotel lobbies like a mortgage dn a farm and you cannot get him farther away from the radiator than you can Uixcjv Trinity church: by.it& .steeple. Ho strolls about the lobbies with, a fuzzy, hat, a hand painted Ivest; an illuminated necktie and a suit that would mak a chameloen cuss the Ad- ulT rfw .ir ministration. He talks of -his -.yacht and, when somebody throws away a slightly vacant cigar, he is injured in the rush. The Lobby Lounger is the only indi vidual who can wear a derby hat in July and talk of millions at the, same time; When it fs his turn to motion for a waiter he tells a story. Using ) the same kind of toothpicks as- Charie3 Schwab ia enough escuse for him to offer to his friend Charlie. If you try to put the acid test on a Broadway Lounger, he will dtfnk it and- dodge: the check; His lde&j lmi.lta-t portant ' engagement is looking in the mirror. He will butt into, any private conversation arid walk away with tt-j and if he is snubbed he will only Jnaflfel Hotel .men realize., that the Lobby Lounger is hurting dowijtowji hbtel district. Many times they succeed in fleecing guests, but in any event they are always bores. : Now specfaL squads oKprivate detec tives 'will roam Sthe'Chotel lobbies and spot the loungers. They will be given whispered iristruetionsitQ "get the air" and If they do not they will be thrown out bodily. -. The horrors ' which jwarf may! bring upon an innocent people - tiaSfe tegun. Song publishers are swamped with pa triotic verse by ambitious song writers, who realize that now is the psycholo gical time for the war song. The following apostrophe taf Mjercy was received the other day ju Tln Pan Alley. For fear of a successful misun derstanding upon the part qf the read er, it is offered .as its aufco-Would have it in poetic form. The author also condescended the information that the lyric was compos-, ed following a day in the Zoological Park .in the ... Bro,preum,abJy,i,,as . ft. ecttori W4ft ri'fslf1 ''Wb,ere.is my. wandering, v boy to night? ' ' The little Bronnix mother said. Perhaps he's on a battlefield Among a-bunch of dead: --Maybe he's in a hospital; Without a leg or arm; 5'Havins r ,I hope my wandering boy Ain't come to no harm." . - fHBuffraee has, invaded JBroadway,. Along : wihf the Gaietv Girls- and the Wriggly 'Chevers, and all the. rest of the collection that winks and twinkles nd-.'-lep-Tnsi aifiplars at the throngs ; pn ;the Great Whitf! Way, votes for p'0,epL B3 sailed skyward, to join, the JQ(Ifr''.co'rhanyl of electric stsfp gprrfom. -th tallest ; 'bufldkiig at WQiX-fifii th Street and Broadway 'the jn&w is iishiTg in huge letters Umt an Suffrage party, a heartbreaking sum. fTUg sign ads: - ; v fcte'Orie Million New , Vnrlr i Wmw f-tter?:; X'm ''XXz , : cU'THe'spiiitVf hEarly D ay Into Your'Being' and. Be Queb'ori of Property InheiU v , j . . - - - cheerful ;and Live , Longer. ; X VX V ' , tance From Ancestors - - - . - - . . n- n.' 4 . " Wpddp.d in Slaverv. gi- rptirrh is the great Ameriaan 'all-' Monal treatment-ana getsngnt at tne .-.iguf - iv;,.uci. t: J esuc- '-V its eaecta are far jnore general root of. the trouble by removing tne nreme ourc, caiiuiuK uuwu.up: probably is the cause r ! Wilson " feLeeJIood .& Grantham; ea P7 1 iiirio- mortal oti'H nliVRin'sT ennditinn nf : Hiiiro '"PI. TJ , Thnmnrt' lmrrRnn W. T. niam y -jajhe!32A tor all ailments that and iicjivniver sSthi as sick: head- ache jeonsiinatjon. '-'sotir st&macji. nei- youstMigesf i6n, f ermteatatibn of food, paJpjtatiou;t)f vjhe Thieart :, causpdi3y gases 4n the :tomVet'A'uauft' Flowe r ira gentle laiativfrestffa both' in-stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile ahdimpuritiesaithft 15 cent-bottles Sold by Green's Drug 0 U t D -fi E ; B R I G HTEST - i 8oWelimtaatedfrom the system m a ' j natural way. ' Peplac 4s a? 'constitu- Learn more about Peplac neignoorpr interview we vs. -Fleming, from .Pasquotank -Yeoun- pert .at llamy's ,-or ask about it-at t -iniwhich lh9 rigM to hold proper the following j leading drug stores:.. Har- t h descent from,siave mar- rfage lo the exclusion V a second j Fenire!5s. -Bunting, of. - Wilmington; vir.aZ .WiiTr.iTi.rton' Burgaw, Dees Drug Sioro, C, Harrell & Son; Benson; Peacock Dm . Co. ; . Cliu- ton, Robt. W. Ilalliday, L. E. Cox, fier- Porter;:Faison, Faison Drug Co.; Fay- ette yllje, Brown & . Graham ; Florence, S.'C. Zfegler Bros.; Garland ear tsr & Carter, "r li.' Carter; Goldsboro, Pep - lac Drugstore; Kenansvllle, N. K SputherlaMr Latirfnburgr Blue's; Mul- lins, S CAadeh's Pharmacy ; Mount Olive, Aaron's" Pharmacy, H. R. Home1 & Sen Guy It.. Ross Drug'Co.; Magno- Una. F. D.'Scott & Son. J. H. Groves & Son: RosBboro. -D. Wi -Tart: Rowland Rowland -Drug Store; Rose Hill, Rose Hill Drug Store! Rocky Point, -A N. Rhodes; Sputhport, Watson's Phar - I ' ' t-tptp -r . . . " I Co.; Whiteville Maxwell Drug Store; - Watha, Jas. G. Blake: Warsaw, Brown ! Dn:-t Ctorej Wallace iRobinson Drug C! jrgajus V-yinjBlarA N. C. Price 11.00 per bottle. Advt ' mAxton red c'ross. Officers JEIected--lnjured Man Will i Recover. (Special to The Dispatch.) TVf n -rt nn M Opt K An olofftinn . . of officers was heldjLt the headquar-j Adding Machine vs. Morrow & Co., ters of the Maston unit of the Red Pitt; no error. - . ' - Cross, the . following being named:' Johnson & Stroud, vs. Ins. Co.; Pitt; - - " no error 1 Chaiiman, Rev.. 4,. L. Ormond; vice,' Randoiph vs. McGowan, Pitt; no er chairman, Mrs. McKay McKinnon; r0r. secretary,- Miss; Bess McNair; treas Qr.snight vs. Mfg. Co., Pitt; affirm- urer, J. P. Stankel. ' ' ed. ;. I Kornegay vs. Cunningham, et al, These have, been serving as officers Greene; modified and affirmed, heretofore, with, the exception of Miss 1 & Van Dyke vs. A. C. L. R. R. McNair, whT6 succeeds Miss Bessie Co., Pitt; no error. Williams, the .latter, on account of! West vs. Hisgs, et al, Pitt; plain Other 'duties, being unable to serve tiff's appeal affirmed; intervener's ap longer. , pear error. ' ! J " " V - ' j Simons vs. Lumber Co.,' Onslow; A mee.ting of tao ex3cut!ye com- no error. N mittce of the, Chamber of Commerce! Williams vs. Lumber Co., Duplin; was called to discuss advertising reversed. i plans, .the. following members being Robinson vs. Johnson, " Sampson; prestt-rflMfegjpyES- T- Qaifowan, J. affirmed. , v M. Armstrong. A. P. Mitchell andi winders vs. Sautherland, LDuplin; Cnairrmin D. M: Clarksbn. - i i' -it. jf - Li : V"" Armstrong was appointed a comnut- tee to gather necessaryvdatar and ac tion deferred . until a 'futuie meeting. James Ivey, who was injured a few days since by falling frcm a carload of telegraph poles in the yards of the Williams Pole Company, is re ported today as improving. It was-at first thought his injuries were very serious. - : - : : : GREAT REJOICING BY . :. RHEUMATIC CRIPPLES 1f So Crippled You San't Use Arms or Legs, Rhcuma Will Help You If you want relief in two days, .wift, certain, gratifying relief, take a "'small dose pf Rheuma.once a day. If you want to dissolve every pa'rticle of uric acid poison in your body and drive it out through the natural chan nels so that you. will be jforever free from rheumatism, get -d bottle of Itheuma from R. R. 'Bellamy or any druggist at oncc?rv It must give the joyful relief expected or money re funded. Rheumatism is a powerful disease strongly entrenched in joints and rous clesT' In-order to conquer it a povex ful enemy must be sent against it. Rheuma is the enemy of rhenmatispi an enemy that conquers it in nearly every-instance. Judge John Barhorst, of Ft. ' JL10 ra mie, Ohio, knows it. He was walking with crutches; today he is well. It should' do as much for. you; it seldom fails. Advt. ' L . ; -.On':'iciqnri$V from "Fort t?isw&ll, rV --W; .rv. ; - . STR; WILMINGTON will leave Wilmington tomorrow ( Saturday ) October 6th, -i at. 8 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ' grocer f oir s'dozca ttKttlej of this tlelicioias' digestani, a' gTf s. t .hoprgei tor tKc first dozL tised. 'fV ; " T?PCg- DiQESTIfS" MOKAVICS WITH sruvAB tiimsxteim and mm . Wcra put storrsacKs, cpxyertinfood 1 r ii;to?riclv blqcd aad sound- flesh. I CRESCENT CANDY CO. : oknacE'":;'- rhdrie. you? druksist K - - . ' - .. ." "-'- L...-- v ' . Settled and guaranteed by tKe cele j Xi?&jk3. SHiyar : Mineral Spring, jSliel- SLAVE MRRBIREEVi HLLQ VALID :. CSpeciaf ,tor Tlie Dispatch.) rT-. marriage, was -up., i r : - , I property The'; inheritors of v the came from a marriage after 'slave time.: The earlier marriage -. which took place during' slavery was follow-1 the sale of the slave. A second j age resulted in other children j ciaim-.properiy unuer un3;aasue.j The court ho ds thevform of marriage to slavery-valid, but aot-exclusite. ) 1 J- A. AtKins-of Halifax gets $500., damages from defendant Mad dry b-J cause in aomg some worn on a tin r6of Atkins sustained injuries, ; , He was asked to remove a tin! roof, hut not warned ; that this roof was attached to a neghboring -'bulldins? i ' without- dipper t.' The court holds ! 'hat warning shqald have been'giv- en: 1 v . The folloyfag cases were decided: versed. Walla allace vs. K. R. R. Co., Beau- frt: no error . Bray, Currituck ; no er-i ror. 1 J Eryan vs. L. & N. RR. Co., Wilson; reversed. ' " .' i McLaughlin & Lumber Co., ys, N. S. R. R., Harnett; no error. i ' Atkfns vs. Madry, Halifas; no er ror. : Thompson vs. Coats, et al, Harnett; i reversed. - . Br.rham vs. Holland, Harnett; new ' . . trial. . . i 111111 utrii. OS. HIDE That Cannot Ee Controverted. Facts are stubborn to bvercoms. Notwithstanding the amuiing state ments one reads in the . newspapers by somev people trying to foist manu factured articles. on a confiding pub lic, Ironized Paw-Paw stands out.,hold- jly with a dependable -record of nearly a quarter of .a century. It is -fiot a "cure-all." but prepared simply ' for what we claim andj.no more. Thou sands upon thousands of letters con taining the warmest praise reach out headquarters, and while we do not believe in promiscuous publishing of - testimonials we occasionally feel com- pelled to give one as follows . Mr. A. P .'Mefntef, an upholsterer by trade, livjng at 2211 Wheat street, Columbia. S. C, says: "I 'suffered from indigestion, liver troubles and constipation so that I could noit eat nor .seep after any fashion,-" I saw: your Ironized Paw-Paw advertised m the -new'spapers, but was at. first some what skeptical, having tried so "many ready-mkde medicines ; however, I ob tained a bottle and used it according o directions, 1 tablespoonful half ah A hour before meals, and in a few days before using up the first bottle I felt. so much bettor that I wish to congrat-; ulate you on having such a splendid remedy. I am sleeping well again .and my indigestion . has disappeared. I . need not tell Voul shall continue the treatment which has made pie feel so much better.". . .ijt:'Xtr--;i ' If you ard suffering " from' any trou bles similar, to Mr. Meister there1 is vno reason why yau should nol obtain the same relief as he . has had. Step into the nearest druggist, arid 'Obtain , a bottle. If hej is not up-to-date, call at Elvington's Pharmacy. . ' Formula on every bottle. " Price for f-i5-ounce bottle only $1.00. Attention jiven to mail orders. Interstate Drug;. 1 .V., iNdW- X.UItt.. i.tlVU 1 ll Stamps ' Made to order, on Short 'ctleb. ; We make Rubber Sfampa - thfet gives, themaximam't of -;6eVvice and ; Satisfaction. - Promptness with every orderv Send ti t your LfGWir.' PRI.NTIMGCO. 9 Grace, street. t Phone 220. from your .7 2 a" tii COLUMBIA, 11 1 T The Luzanne Guarantee; ! If, after, using the' contents , i of a can, you ar& not satisfied in every respects your gro : eer will refund your moneys Ask! DEAR,Stop ompeian "Dandruff has made your hair straggly, thin looking and lifeless. Your'coat collar is al ways covered' with ugly scalcsr Stop your Dandruff now. You can.. , Just look at my hair, i' , The Dandruit. is ? entirely,;' gone I and .almost overnight Pompeian HAIR Massage made my hair at tractive." . - The success of Pompeian HAIR Massage is in Jts name "Mas sage." It is a treatment, not merely a " tonic. The massaging (rubbing) of the scalp wakes up the foots, of the hair to new life. This massaging also opens the pores of the scalp to te wbiSder- fully ' stimulating liquids iu .Pom peian HAIR Massage. Dandruff goe$.' - Your hair :will ' hecome and stay healthy, vigorous, , attractive. 3 AH that is "needed' is a ' little massaging once'r; twice a .Week, One - application shows ' results. Your scalp will immediately feel Il.wi-Amll Ui sSuSV AiMfiX - JAS N S fl B j j IheReily Taylor Com tb im . w mi .-. f ...... mi . hp cjt 1 1 To get best: results , evergreens, shade trees, - hedges, etc. should be . planted in the falL The service of the Audubon 'Nursery; is tit your dis -V.-. 'posal for this purpose. A postal or ' a 'phe message1 will bring - their . : i representative tp.see you.. , -' v" v . . ,.-... .'.... -. Si. '; ;'.' I-----..-'.-..'.'.'-.- fry-' ' Asik for Illustrated; : Catalogue f Fhone 25clllind 28 K i - COAST LIME HOTEL CAFE",' 1 Rooms by-vthe day, ,week ov inonth at. reasonable' rates, V-Meals at any hour. Fresh Oysters,: Fish and ' Shfrimps.--' 208uNortn" Front .5-2-lm - ' ,- - Si' f. 4- o pinion Mf He knows coffees-rhas mixed, them .and soldi them for years. He knows Luzianne. Ask-him what he thinks . of it. - - Ask him "what ''most of his v: Mstomers";thinkAof it. Luzianne will stand or; fall :rby: this test. If the re port .is favorable, take home a" tan and try it yourself.' Make up a pot ac : cbrdinto; directions. - Ytou have nothing to lose, for the guarantee assures your money back' if you don't ' like iLuzianne. t Buy a can today. for profit-sharing catalog -Your :;Pandruff using . assage clean and invigorated. In one month your Dandruff will be gone. Pompeian HAIR Massage is a clear- amber liquid.- Not oily. Not sticky, r Very pleasant to use. ' "Greatest .treatment for". Dand ruff in the world, says-J. : A. Chicago, . I1L, 'and I .speak '; from eerinae:.iJlyi hair t &Gtorp I started- using it had; gone ' beyond the ordinary stages of Dandruff and was covered with scales -which embarrassed me greatly. I, have introduced Pompeian HAIR Mas sage to my friends." Practically every user says one bottle shows actual results. Get a 25c, 50c or $1 bottle at the stores and - say the same. -; Have your barber every now and then apply a careful Pompeian HAIR Massage. Used in over 3O,0OQ)f the .best barber shops from Maine to California. Made hy. the reliable makers of the v famous Pompeian MASSAGE Cream and" Pompeian NIGHT Cream; "A C,- - Adv. 3P ( - I.RSERY ,.-V. MXX&:t-: '?:-vv';'V. : t. -i tiilf (N lit It tl If l 4iltiJiJH..;T. g Rooffl,STO. Murchlson Dank D!dg. H Phone 298': WILMINGTON,5 N. C. iiini:!yii:iat;i(fl;::i!fit!i'a:;ji !I!;!IIt;'!ii:il:!:if,,,, HAIR : M 3 to

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