fifiiir-llQlni ihV-l.. VAs - leftopen Ydung-White tWomari Tried " ' '"' ' . ,,.. iianiMiri nr-ii-rf-1 i ' i i.v-aira iinnw ifiiiiiiii illlaaKIMamammmmmmlmlmtmmmlaamaia . 0vV&srcysttanfge t . The feature rase' of this morning s GOLDEN HOD. f DACIE OF' THE GC 'fnsiwirip Rfias of -autumn gold 1 K. ho rnspf. fade' -r 1 . :; .vj -" " , VS-JCt" Ar..imn'a frlnrV all Unrolled - ' ..." - r .. 'V --Rova! scepters oi iue ueiu (Uturan now wus, . . : HResal robes the, woodlands yield; . 1 1 thv ar-strpwn ut-us. x , fMpfitlv tTlua. thevolden rod; . : . -i ,1 thiKi hr r1allfS nod JlClf OUU - , rinh nf e-nkl tJiev bring. ' &i 1T1FIT7 CnilTlll lilt-- HIT lllf I 1 ULVkJ . X CXUWJ fcJV MMU m,..- ' " "xxrift K4v" Giifitpt srlnws! - I AAV X s Wii v t ' Dance the flowers to the lutes Whom hn WP!t WITlfi DIOWS. Mr. ClFIttra; ot .nawboroN. C.; vuiumeai3 lia iJtosi qui u& : Tiet Sclfei Infuse Piiiff; Gleaming .flower of. the -fall, Torch of golden fire; . -The last to hear the: frost-king's call, Thy beauty doth' inspire! The painter and the poet, toor At thee would fondly glance, Where 'neath a sky so clear and blue Thy merry minstrels dance. Blenheim. John Jordan Doughlass, in Colum bia State. " isr here s toattend CrusersLynch j f wedding" tpirrWT. . v"-4 Miss - Jlamie. Polleyj. ;f Richmond, returned to ner fiome'last night, aft; er. spending several 'diys, iri thecity vith Mrs; a. j. jacoDs, ai neruuuir 226 South Fourth street - MrsAs. C. Boo&a&pt Wallacepass- ed through SthjcH3fyjpsterday.; en route to lier; .home frotax Chadbourn, where sheVnas" been tne 'guest of rel atires for saYerat -weeks,.- t it- v - ?! V - r fhe 'cdnditioa .of Wrt'-W. 1 Vann, wlio, has: been-critioally ill,, at tfeej James Walker Memorial- nospiiat sihee Thursday; a&o'wVrio' improve ment1 today' .irShe suffered a stroke of t, paralysis yesferUajpr r - . -Mr. G. D'. Wek$ , will. leave . tonight on a sinesjMd.' pleasure trip to New York and Washington. Mrs. i Weeks - and daughter, Misa M-iriam, andMfeKGafolyn D.uffy ,wiU accom pany him on the trip Mrs. S. J. Morgan, oi Montague, has returned to her home after visiting friends here for several days. -sf - Miss Isabell Brown, of Rocky Point, returned to her home last night, after j visiting friends herb for several days. Mrs. W. B. Rivers, of Hamlet, re turned to her home yesterday, after visiting friends here for several weeks. Mrs. Roger C. Weighman left lastjpubiic night for Washington, D. C, wnere i Leag she will visit friends for several weeks. . Mr. J. A. Taylor and family have moved up from Wrightsvillc Beach, where they have been spending the summer. w A rummage sale is to be held by the Brooklyn Unit of the National Special Aid Society tomorrow, begin- mng at a o ciock a. m., on iNortu Fourth street. All those., desiring to make donations will please deliver them to No. 517 NBrtfc Third street..--.- Mr. and Mrs. Cec Cruser, of; Nof- tend the wedding tomorrow of Mr. ILeRoy Gruser and ' Miss. Ainnie Mead Lynch. Mr. Cruser will ber his. broth er's best man. - : T 7 TC . . w - . The Epworth League - of .Acorn Branch church will give a oi:suppei tonight at 8 o'clock, to .which tw generally and - Epwortt in particular are invited Proceeds will go to the orphan fund of the league. Refreshments will .bt served without cost. ' .- . CONCERT TONIGHT. The Whitlock-West orchestra , wljl render its weekly concept tonight at the Bear Memorial school, and the k ' Sheffield, Ala. Abotrtr' f oticyEar Rgo, says mrs.; . i otonecipneri o this i; town, "I got in W-ery ba ,-aa pretty bad off for ,af . yea :andi j half . . tad difficulty ( and pain , fi walking could scarcely ynatik "at' ' aU I got awfully thin i'ri'a'pnfinedj.ti my bed most", of - the time. fcr J$ years could r scarcely ? ever do an work. I suffered dreadfully. ,and suffered intense pain in the right side ; had Jh'fflSdfdalWr-tos- trouble . . j. , and Xhe wanted r'pse.U have an Operation performed,: but i could not bear the thought ' of 'submit ting to sucha-'tlun'.V . He gave mt medicines which dQ,metn S then had Dr- ofr-rrv whb.;gavt rne medicine which gave me no perma nent relief.- i . . J 1 ;- A- , " " )My neig-hbors said fo)wl bad oft:, wasand advised me to take. rGardui. 'J' MyN husband was so worried about mt ihat he went and - called iJr "J3r. ' :f- , On "second cati I tolt lum ... I had taken about a bottle o3 C"ardu,, which, had, beeinnrpving mt i great "deal i i . Hei said: s Well leave off my zn&dicine and' take thi. Carduf,4 it's a good medicine. Aftei the ' use of the econd , bottfe rwai :ured and tho cure was permanent.? snouiatfpy0u, zoom iryix AGENTS RAIDED NUMEROUS BROOKLYN HOUSES (Continued from Page Five)!' Mr. M. Croniy and sisters, after public is invited to be present. The ispending the past few months at Sum mer Rest, Wrightsville, have return ed, home. -x- -K- Mrs. D. L.. Smith, of Warsaw who has been a visitor in the city for sev eral days, returned to her home last night. orchestra is giving its concerts id the various school houses of the city and will do this for s;ome time. 1 -5C- A meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Fifth Avenue Methodist church waa held' yesterday afternoon. Im portant business . was transacted, and the following program rendered: Vo- ' Mrs. M. Woodcock, of Atkinson, re- fl-f Mr cr,nrt nnH Mrs turned to her home this morning aft- G T K'een; heading, Mrs! H. W. er Visiting friends at Sea Gate for the Kecjr. goIo Emma Donnelly - past week. -Yopp; piano duet, Misses Mary and 'V . . .Jliucile Shore. Mrs. Lawrence Grady and small i -son? after visting relatives in this 'city, have returned to tneir nome at Dover, Md. ? -rr Miss Alice Robbms, of Richmond, returned to her home last night, aft- er a delightful visit of ten days with relatives here. ' 's 'Mrs. George Huband, of No. 110, South Ninth street, is hostess to Mrs. "Norman Ely jmd. little daughter, of ' Richmond, Va. ' Miss Ethel Ashcraft and Miss Cath erine McRae' have gone to Fort Smith, - Ark., where they are guests of Mrs. O. H. Shoemaker. ! Mrs. Ethel Wessell and mother, Mrs. W. D. Malpass, left last night for - Rocky Point, where they will visit relatives several days. 4 j .v. Mrs. G. C. Baggett and little son, Charlie, left this mornings for Rose boro, where they will visit relatives and, friends-v for several weeks. 1 v"' j ..V-Mis3 Martha Ann Peden, stenogra pher Jn .the oflice of the. city clerk and treasurer, has returned from a trip; - through New York State and Massa chusetts. ' " x - Mrs. I. Shai'n entertained at her ' linmo nti Worth Tfmirth fttrppt. Wed-, sLnesday evening in honor of Miss Gol-vnlsnt' die Kamlnsky and Mrs. J. Dlugin, who" ;'f leave tomorrow for Manila, Ark., for an extended stay. The affair was in- terspersed with dancing -and .the play ing' of 7, games and delicious refresh- .. ments -were served. I J" . The ladies of the Harper ' Memorial have decided to make weekly, trips to Fort. Caswell for the purpose of sup plying "the soldier boys with delica cies, which may be sent by friends. Among those who were in. the party last summer are', Mrs. Swann, Miss Vaughn, Mrs. Rothschild and Mrs. Toon. The steamer Wilmington fur nishes free transportation. N The Sunday school , teachers of all the Episcopal churehes in the city will meet next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at St. James Church, for the purpose of planning the winter's work. The gathering will be address ed by Bishop Thos; J.-Darst. All who take interest in religious graining are this Store Sells Garments made by Young Women's Coat anaH.nuen NEW5 ADDRESS LACE CURTAINS CURTAIN MATERIALS : - CRET ONES AND SUN-FA3T DRARERIES urged to attend. Altejoher,'s training class will begone of Ine matters that will be taken up. v The women of "St. John's Parish are meeting this : afternoon-at the Parish house, at which All the societies of the church are represented. The Sun day school of t;John's Which dis continued all t Workduring the s sum mer, will resume again5 next Sunday. The Primary Departmeritwill take up the Christian Nurture series. V The Mission Kindergarten, .;wnich opened Monday, i3 doing-sflnely' with a large attendance. , The Vestry of St. John's church, will hold, a meeting - Monday seiferT-rowe, ( New Bern, N,cC.-.Oct. S.-r-A inar riage of interest to the friends of the contracting paf ties took place at We! don last night when .Miss Florence Rowe became' the bride' pt "Mr. Davie W. Seifert, .the contracting parties being resfIents of that town. rMr. Seif ort is the ' son of Mr. an'T Mrs. C. J. Seifert of this city,- and V well and, favorably knx?wn here. Mrs. Seifert and Mr. G. A. Seifert, a broTh ter cf the groom, attended the wed ding. : 1 MEN WANTED. j four shipments of whisky and one di beer. ' ; Luvenia Bristow, 622 Swann street, two shipments of whisky arid one of &eer- ' John ;McKcy, 1206 North '-'Ninth street, three shipments of whisky.' . JMve Willi?.nr3, 1212 Nor Seventh street, two shipments of whisky and two of beer, and foii? ethers received whisky at same house.-' ' Charles Miller, 1105 North Eighth street, three shipments of .whisky and Tout cf beer. ' ' ' ' , Robert Ashe, of Love's alley, thrc6 shipments: of whisky.- Fraiilc Herring. M North Eleventh street, one trunk of whisky." !,i . The batch of defendants were' ar raigned before United States Commis sioner A. S. Williams' this afternoon at 2:30l o'clock afcd their trial begun! It will be late in the afternoon before Jbe . docket will be cleared. 1 Much lei tat taTerif Is- employed i& th&H ftal 1 and the cases are being hard fought, even at the, preliminary hearing. ,r The trial was flrsl set for 12 o'efock, but because a number cf the lawyers who had been retained were busy, ii Recorder's court the timi? s''n)oved back two and a half : hours. V session of Recorder's 'c irt was thaf; charging Lena Lee young ,.whf te worn aii' wjth vagrancy.' fhe jividendo was heaM.-, but Recorder Harrlss decided f-td ieavethe case .ppei. until tomor-' row will "be disposed-ror. The Lee .wom'an was,anestet Jtast night by the -police onr a , vagrancy charge about the time .Federal officers .were scouring" Hfooktyn in' their "hunt for violators of the - Reed amendment , to. tho prohibition laws: rVWhea- nome cfsthe Lee, woman waa visited tour negro men were found there v and the State sought to ;shoW-in ' court this morning that ; they-were frequenters of the ti lise. - KThe defendant - was represented by L. day ton C rant - and- xne . evidence intfoduded was-to the effect that the four negroes' composed a "'darktown quarjet" that had been ; instructed j to go to lhQ; homo; to serenade, and that it wis-their first visit? that they, had visited mother houses in' tho city. for the purpose of singing for the amuser ment and pleasure of the inmates. Miss Lee,; was undersOO. bond for her appearance in court today, and al though, her c 'tins cl made a strong plea for a, reduction of the bond, the Recorder expressed nimseit as un willing to reduce, it as she had : not been put to any v apparent trouble in raising that amount. , Lessie Garrison . . , and - Ellen Jones, charged -frith ?violation; of the prohibji tion law were both sentenced to serve three .months otf the farm with privi lege to be hired out; ,They Were also putv under $100 bond each to report to the court monthly after the expi ration of the sentence, for. a period of 12 months, unless they leave ' the State. - - , , aEd?ard Livingston, colored, on three charges of house breaking; waived examination, ; and was bound over to Superior court" under a bond of $200. ; - : a Son Evans, colored received three months on the roads for receiving stolen property. ; Charles George, colored, house breaking waiyed. examination and was bound over under $rty mnd. ... Another T case . against Charles George, and . Roger Moseley, colored, was dismissed ( for want of evidence. x McKinley Calh I irn, colored, paid the costs for violating the driving ordinance. , Louisa Williams alia3 Willetts, white, was up on a. charge of vagran cy and" cent to the farm for three months. .. III .; yy I f V JMK' 1 ' I Iw. -;r - .v "W :-'.--:mY ft II 1 III HM V. -n-, . , m m m I - I 1 I f -IV' ...X K M mm I III II .. . - '4 . " - - V- .. ' - I I llll it, .! .H '-., ,-. r7 , II IV.. - I 1 -"- . II ' - - I R CENTRAL COMMITTED : ON APPLICATIONS - ." ' . (By' Associated Press.) Wasington, Oct. 5. Centralisation "f appropriation authority In a single House committee has been endprsed by. President Wilson., In a letter! to Chairman Fitzgerald of the House Appropriations committee, the Presi dent declares Mr. Fitzgeraldjpend rig resolution providing such centrali zation, has his hearty &pir6val and that only by such a planih mis takes be avoided- during Vherer?war mergency.. Action on the proposal .vllf be lirged . at, the next session? dr. Stevenson appointed. Former WHmingto Boy Chosen Chemist in Sanitary Corps. " Dr. Reston Stevenson' ip .until ecently has been ati ;lnstrncf 6r in the lepaftment of chemistry in the Col ege of the "City Of New York, has jeen selected by the government to be a-' member of a sanitary corps in lhe capacity of chemist, with the rank f captain. Captain Stevenson ex pects to leave for the front shortly; but will probably visit his relatives here before embarking for France. ,: - Captain Stevenson is a brother of Mr. James M. Stevenson, of this city, md his -many friends here will learn )f his new position with much pleas Many ..Additions' to' Naval Reserver . Desired. Information has .been received tha' more 'men in all grades of tho Uniter ! States . Nava -Reserve forces are need ed and enrollments will be mado ur on applications , to Lieutenant W. M ; Atkinson,' in-the Tniit . Building. It. is desired that the applicants en roll before their; rubers ate called for draft :' ; - ; Information will 'fee "furnished upor request by Lieutenant - Atkinsons A GYMNASIUM OXFORDS i md .Tennis Shoes at Peterson &;Rllfa. (advertisement.) ' 1 - TAYLOR FISHERIES: OPEN. IfirBROWN; Erciilln Window Shades; Ncw Plant "oK . lvirReady ' to t Begin "i , It Operations. ;a "t The Taylor fisheries, ; situated -on Tie . rver below" this city, have opened for the season The plant- has been equipped with thoroughly up-to-date machinery and .is ihlfine shane to h. ! ginswhat jis . hoped ' to be a most suc- C52Sful r season; X ?,Th plant has a capacity of ;i5,00O barrels oil daily vid will employ . a large force, of men. The new. firm- will be welcomed- in the i industry - which means so much to our city.' ; - , , ' -1 , ! GYMNASfUlvi "OXFORDS md Trnhl? fihoes at Peterson: & Rulfs. Skin troiible cos many a manhisjdb .-NoVmatter how efficient a maniry . be;aff he" has an uly skm-erapdbh',. there arepositionsih whTchj he cannot be. tolerated "He may'ftriow that i5s ths least contagious feat othfr: pfef)Uare afraid, they ayoid him; ande must rnake yrayior a man- cfth clea WTtJby skSi,Vhy ran'jhis tisK vh Ointment anc MAYOR SMITH HELD 5 ON CONTEMPT CHARGE (By Asgocfited Pregl ! Philadelphia, Oct. 5. Another sen-! sation was sprung in the fifth ward pUllUU41 1CUU YT ucu xuaui Smith, charged with conspiracy to murder in thp killing of a polioeman, was b Imdpyer by Jdg Brown, in municipal couft for contempt for re fusing to produce original reports xtaido to him by city detectives with regard to conditions in; the, ward. The nxayor and eigat other defendants are being given a hearing before Judge Brown. . 4 ' - The mayor has turned over to the district, attorney cop:es of reports made to . him by the detectives, but counsel for the prosecution wants the originals. It has been Intimated that the reports given to the district at torney -were not true copies of the originals. : When Vou: consider the fact that in thfe fiifkt plac6 pur prices are always lower thsui you expect them to he,6u niust realize that wherijwe have a salev 6ut prices are necessarily Rock Bottom. L TTris Week we have a smaller list than usual, as we have j made a particularly special price in one article in each deparbnent. We feel that our v Weefc-End Sale th&time is avery unusual opitunity; sehd a Kttle'ahd save a WHOLE LOT.: just nrethe,'ditference.hejtwri actual valuepf es gartides and , our prices' orif them, and make a point of ; shopping with mMmoivQwit Saturday. .. i. J! Ladies' JStff JSiUcwHi6aStis 4 wiue nounce; wiui ; mree-ruiues aiiu .popular i'.'V.-' JC ss Ladies' alf WoptHhKhit Sweaters, k Ji-.s---'i-a3" ishccoflajf i Scriiabj Children's Gbr Belted : i moldel,riivp 'Karami JbHmme ' quilted ! Kning, sizes" 2 to 7 years , . . .$3,98 Misses' and Children!s White Wool Knit Drawers m aU iizsv SG& Vailues tvi . . . . . . . . .25c (IDDREN'S MILLINERY ; FOR Children73 Fabric School Hats, all colors and ;, ; gcbd assortment of shapes valuesr -7$c:Mm$i fsp&M for Friday- Saturday ; . . .JUfc :(:.. CARPETDEPARTMENT - 9J2Aja ue New FaU Patterns , . .$9.95 t TOILET v GOODS rate's; 25c Tooth Paste (3) .... 17c DRESS GOODS SECTION 4d?incgf ail Silk Crepe de Chines, good ,' uJit all shades, , ; worth $1 per yard ; special for riday and Saturday 1 ..... . . .98c 19c Bath Towels full hleached, good weight (a) 1'. ; 1 . : . . . . . . .12c : HOSIERY SECTION JWK$';pmeM Hcseblack ''"'or wnlie-jdi'&ei J LADIES' SHOES T , Ladies' ;8-lnC&Tc;:BUu Kid Boots, Cuban heel, : lace or button, f - $4.00 valuevspecial for Friday and ' Saturday . ; . . r . . . . $2.9S " MEN'S SECTION Men's Light Oxford Wool Sweaters, :iafgef6ll collar, all sizes, $4.00 value . .. ... . . . ... . . . .$2.98 SeJM f f f f $ 4. 4. 4 4 4 P h is W.ork 4 . - TOWN , TOPICS, v ed; States Army Aviation Corps. Lieu- .'-- 4 4 4 f tenant Rorison recently visited . the -- . ": icity: ' - ' - : ' ROBBERS LOOT THREE PLACES IN FAIRMONT Fairmont, N, C, Oct 5. The rail road station and two hardware stores here were robbed Wednesday night. Three quarts of whisky were taken from the depot; watches and pistols from Andersons hardware; store and, Commerce reDorts that 13 . new - mem - Bay Light Out, Mariners will take,- aotico that the Winyah Bay south jet ty light, at Wniyay Bay, South Caro lina, Is out temporarily, but will be re-established as t soon aS possible. Goes to. Southpbrt IJey. J. . N. . By num, of Wiiiton, N. C has accepted S' call to SbuthpOrt, where he will take charge of-tneVwork of St.-. Phil lip's church, n . . , , ' . . I y : !Car Hits Truck. A beach car and a delivery truck of the National Oil Company collided .yesterday morning about 7 :o'clock. near the corner-, of truck was badly damaged, but no (ne was hurt. . , . . . Many New Members,- The member ship committee of the Chamber of Full Amount . '. Received.1 Cap t. a number of. other articles from Pit man's hardware store. There Is no clue to the robbers. Deeds Filed Today. . Deeds filed lor. record, today are as follows : .. George Waddell . to South eastern Realty Company, for $100 and other valuable considerations, the southwestern corner of Sixth and Swann streets- being part of lot I, in Black No: 308. P. F. B. Price to J; R. Williaroson and wife, for $100, etc.j part of the eastern end of lot 4 in Block 240. bers have been., enrolled since .th'e membership campaign began, and that it is thought many more will come in. Has Arrived Safely. Mr. C. C. scriptioh. - ' "j,.:c :i- r-f '? ,' pllSfc relict of the; late James H. Wells, died yesterday morning at ThosD. Meares, supreme master . of 7: 45 o'clock at her home in New Ber- the i excheQuer of the Knights .'of ilin. Mrs. Wells had been ill for a Pythias has .announced '..'the repeipt of 'short , time,' though her death was not the sum of $1,790 " from. the Domain.of unexpected. ? Four children and three Nevada, D. O. K. K., as its full quota j grandchildren survive. The funeral for the war relief fund. This is the was held this afternoon at 1 o'clock, first: domain to send in its full sub- at the home at New Berlin. 1 1 1 ' - 1 1 1 1 " v' ' " . 1 1 " 1 ' , . . . - . . , - ' .. 'Z1 ; ? CJ., ' y'. -J! . M&omrthe System Byl the greatest of -all purifiers; A common - mistike in - the treat ment i of scrofula'. haS been, the; use tures, the effect of which is to bot tle up the impurities the blood, and hide them from the .surface.: . 1 he impunties. and .. dangers - are Chadbourn yesterday" received, a ; ca-. only added to in this way.. Insurance. Bii; FicaCy. .. Washington, . Oct. 5..-T The adminis tration soldiers' and saiiors' insurance bill, the last important measure be ore Congress . beifore . adjournment, lanned tomorrow, vsras placed in form, for final action toeay wiien, the Sen- ; ate and House, conferees', reached com plete agreement, including' retention of the Senate amendment promoting Ma jor-Generals -Pershing, ahd Blisa to the rank of general. ; To Clean Mobls of .Vice. (By Associated Pfess.) Mobile, Ala., Oct. 5 Mayor Patrick J. ' Lyons issued orders today to the police department to -clean the city of fall vice and declared all immoral places k will have to go in the bi sweep. , . ; , -" r blegram from his nephew Lieutenant J. C. ftorisoh, sta.tto&nthafe: he-; iiad-ar rived safely in London and will take For more than fifty years ! StS. S. 4 hasibeep the, erjgedcreliabl with MgHy "Satisf actoryVresults f or S(crottlaxBemg made of the .roots and.-herbs ; of he iorest,it is guaran- of - laercury and other ; mineral, mixwa PTOvegeiable, and '-absolutely freer front all mineral ingredients. i; You, can obtain -S. ' S. .S from any drugstore. Our chief medical adviser is an-expert on all. blood disorders, and. willr cheerfully v give ';' you full advice : asCtd- the treatment of. your QwnTCise.? ?:;Address Svift .Specit Co:DeptrF" :t Atlanta, Ga. ' lv'. " -. -4 -V'"1 ' " "PERSONAL" MENTfU. . - . Mr., It s: Hafrell, ot Point Caswell, Rneridfng the .day in ther city. , . " Mr. A, J. Crampfpn; t)f jCharlotte, who hasr been joshing Jn -Qnslow county, -was & visijor 'tixthe city yos terday. v-; vW; : PolicemanBuJlard,f or ;mahiy; years In jibe service of tbe city, handed Jn' ni -resignation 'yesterday. - f . Bishop ' Ttiomas CJDarsT.lefr thUv fafternoon for' New f.Bern,J where he !will attend the. meeting" of .the colored convocation;'; ,Th$re us avacancy in the EniscODairDultrft at New, Bem anS Bishop;parst:wiIIpreaca-..there Sun day .hSdVnrn ,Cv--y"' V ' - '-Buy your'hbmVthroueh the RiifldiTi auvr juoau ana sxop -payingrrent. see . 3 c: U4 HEEL s A X A L C O JL; r cann nnannnHHBBHnnannnaDDDBnnnnnnnoninap DBDBci a do a bb nun a a on a a no a a n o d o rj a a a d o i u l. i - ws ii i. i 11 , . . -: ..... .. . ' n - ftvfH fi i - tan - - -.,.y ?r lie r:r ss t and" --V an an Bit BB DH BB BB on mm DP an BB an BB 'Good taste Has nothin to do wkh geography. The same love of smart foot wear influences ' the" send women v or CJahrornia : Milady New .York. 4 35 OB BB BB b b Their Vosue increases as bb -. men exact;morei than slavish nq nfotmity with- the trend SS',- of fashion-and deirnd - S5T! comfort and: quality 4- J 'UUH UUU H H H BU MUBUUUUuBDuQUUUUDDDDuUuUUU DO onDaDnDDrjunDacnonannDODDnnDthaDDODDnaoDQ lRes!nblS6aDStoDitchu3 newjp an. New, series .xpens Sat , - A -xt JL-r 'il iLil S VJP ii M 3 S. I ' V -. II away eema an 6imikiav'Jctot)er 6tn- Orton; Btxildtos? IJ: . " ' ' " - V?Tw .'tvn "' .; r'T " H ft and clear humors, so -, ', ' j , lauyenisement.) lis . ... . 4 , - s, a v s p. . . ; j -1 " . ' " .. i . . . ........... i - ,. V

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