,THj ViLMilwVCW DLrAYCK FiUJ.Y AFTERNOON, CgOBSit PAGE EIGHT BUSINESS lilL OF TOUT ; good for: Tfr HUNTERS HUE GOOD SHOOTIHe V". 'if ' . 4 " t I . V ; ny cum byiwes.-,V" .. - -;r --:.V - i 1, ;. : 1, 3 !-?; 'ft-. Mi if. mm i"- 1 -I if il : ' Marsh Hen Hunters Have Fine Luck Welcome New Fish Law. t ! - - - (Special to The Dispatch.) v " Southport, Oct. Jh Continued high tides has made1he marsh hen shoot---ing splendid for those who have been ' out in the waterways after this fine mrd. The law prescribes the limit at 1K WrHQ npr hnntpr most hunters be ing glad to return with this number. Auarty of four,. Col. Robt. Stride be- --ing one of the tour, brought in 48 .birds on Tuesday, and they favored H a number of friends with liberal sanv i -t f pies of the result of their shooting, v : ; " There would be a ereat fish trade i developed here, if the proposed law of letting fish be caught 'as thy may, taking off the limit as to size of net mesh, was passed during the war pe riod. The fishing steamers and smacks engaged in the lower Cape - Fear menhaden fishing would be bringing in great numbers of edible ; fish, together with the menhaden. At j times when the pogies failed, these fishing boats would be catching mul lets, sea trout and other kinds of i fish'. Then the shrimp boats, instead ;Of ' throwing away or eating the fish themselves, as the law now provides, the , splendid fish that aften get. "-'.caught with the shrimp they could ; separate shrimp and the edible fish, and; sell both. If these fish were of- .Tered to the local consumer it would mean a saving to the families that 4 now must buy meat. ' The return of the government dredge, Cape Fear, to its work in this vicinity, on river and bar, is wel comed by men who live here. Since ! beijfg laid off months ago, many of 7 the crew have found work elsewhere, J ; so that Capt. Lund, of the dredge, has to look up new men to fill vacancies. In these days of h. c. 1. no man can t . lay off and wait for a job to return or the government get up another L appropriation to get him back on a former position. He just has to get out to work, as though he never would have the chance to return to his oldi The mayor and aldermen are busy , Jooking after the bids submitted for Lthe erection of the new municipal -pumping plant, that will soon be built at the present water-works plant. Next Monday, after their accept , ance by. the County Commissioners, '"the county tax-hooks, which are now ready, will be turned over to Sheriff Robinson for the collection of taxes. t. A FORMAL INQUIRY INTO LaFOLEETTE'S f - SPEECH AT ST. PAUL (Continued from Page One). ; v -vote, delegates to the California State . " Federation of Labor convention adopt- ; ; ;ed , today a resolution endorsing Unit 1 1 1. ted States Senator LaFoliette; asking : ; : . for hlra the right to express the views ;r' of ."an intelligent minority." and ex- . pressing confidence in his integrity , :. and loyalty "as a True American cit- l izen." 1, FRANCE GETS DETAILS ' OF BOLO CONSPIRACY i ?j - (Ry AsRociatefl Vresa " ' ..,, .' New York, Oct. 5. The full details , ' .of the sensational conspiracy whereby , j v f Paul, Bolo Pasha, under arrest in ; -J Paris as a spy, obtained the transfer, 'ii -; f'fyjjftoagh ' well known and. unsuspecting i if banking houses in New York, of a ; ; : 1 : German peace propaganda fund of $1, , f - . '. 700,000 to France, will be delivered to - the French embassy today by Attor ney General Morton E. Lewis, of New York State. Mr. Lewi3 announced - I f last, night that his investigation had ;'.'" v 'heen completed. ! : ' v. iu uiiiiuai tuyy oi me report will - be sent to France soon, it was said, to be used as the chief evidence against . Bolo Pasha, when he i3 placed on trial for his life. H Dr. Ehler of the University of Wisconsin says there are 5,000,000 school' children with lateral curva- .... , ture; of .the spine in. the U. S. In '.1,000,000 of these the curvature is , great ' enough to pinch, press, dis place or injure some vital organ. ;' The Individual mother is not in terested, except In a vague way, in the, 5,000,000! She is very much in terested in her own child. This is where the 5,000,000' angle comes in. If thefe j's asmuch of it as that, there is a pretty good chance that sojrie dne of her " children has a crooked back; ; .There is even a fair chance (hat some child of hers may be In' that o6o,00.0 group. (Continued Tomorrow.) ' GfC ELLIOTT. D. C. .,. LICENSED DOCTOR ' -V 'of Chiropractic", ' - -Consultation ano Analysis Free , Office Hours , ' ; 10-12 A. M.; 2-5 Pi Hl. Other Hours by-Appointment,' . Off fees: 401-403" Southern BoUdlnr - -v Phene-838. -s Crad aate .of the. Palmer School pt . Great Crowds , Prepare -j to Storm-.Gates at White ' , . ' Sox Grounds. ' ".- Chicago, .Oct, ' 5. 'The. reserved Beats for the world series games at White Sox ; Park ; having- been distrib: uted among the lucky applicants,"" hun dreds of 'baseball' fans .planned t;i - i stand' in line tonight in order to havo I aavamageous ;posiuon wnen me oj fice opens : at the .-'park .for the1 sale of unreserved seats tomorrow. -:.v The weather prediction for the op ening game tomorow calls for fair weather with a slight drop in tem perature.'. This, followers of the game say, war not worK any narasnip on either team, as both squads are in the pink of condition,' and will not feel any" slight change in weather. " Scalpers, who had promised to have plenty of tickets, for the opening game, were busy today making deliv eries to a few customer? and return ing money to . others. Their supply was said to be far less than the de mand. At the first appearance of tickets at the offices of the brokers $50 was asked for one ticket, good for the three games, for which was charged at the park. As the supply of tickets in their hands became ex hausted, the scalpers began to talk of a raise in price and it was pre dicted today that the price might be double thei amount first asked before i the game is called tomorrow af ter- 1 nnnn Grandstand reservations, selling a' the park for $1.50, were not to be had from the scalpers, although one brok er offered to deliver tickets of this class Saturday noon at $15 for the three games. Corporation Counsel Samuel Ettel son caused some uneasiness among purchasers of scalpers' tickets by an nouncing tnat any one round witn tickets purchased from scalpers would be denied admission to the park. H3 stated that the name of every bona fide purchaser was known and that all admissions would be cneckod. Scalpers are refusing to take any liability for the tickets and also ?-" fuse to take back the. two unused tickets at face value. The National Baseball Commission met tcday for the purpose of giving final instruc tions to the four umpires who will officiate in the games, and outlining) the ground rules and other playing conditions to the arbiters, scorers and managers. , Much interest today centered on the question of the two pitchers in the .first "game. Manager Rowland refused to commit himself, but many have ' picked Eddie Cicotte as the probable starter for the locals. Ci cotte worked out yesterday afternoon and said afterwards that he was ready to start the big series at any time. Ferdinand Schupp, the left handed star of the Giants, is the most fre quently mentioned to cpen the. series of the visitors. The Giants will practice at White Sox Park this afternoon. They will be given all the time needed in order to become accustomed to light and shadows peculiar to the park. GREAT VICTORY ACHIEVED BY THE BRITISH TROOPS. (Continued from Page One). Sharp lighting foDowed, but the Ger mans finally were forced, with rifles and bombs, td surrender. Both Poel- capelle and Gravenstafel are masses of ruins. The latest reports snow the British have swarmed over vir tually all of Gravenstafel ridge. South of the.Ypxes-Roulers railway, which cuts the Passchendaele-Ghelu- Velt ridge where the Gravenstafel farm joins, the .British are on the crest of the ridge or beyond through out the remainder of its length. They had little trouble in reaching it There was a brief battle near Molen aarelsthoek cross roads, which was fortified. Just north of here, the Ger mans held a farm from which they poured heavy machine gun fire into the British ranks until the place was subdued. . .1 ' Prisoners were secured in Polder hoek, and the chateau, near there, was carried after sharp fighting. Joist farm, near .the southeastern edge of Polygon wood which had been a sore spot to the British for days, still held but at the latest reports, although the British had pushed beyond it, on both sides. This was the only snag of the kind encountered as far as is known. Brookseinfie, which lies on. the ridge, was the approximate center of the day's lattack, and here was the deepest point of the adVance. From this village, the line tapered off grad ually to the north and south. A twentq-fiye cent share means one hundred dollars at maturity Stock pays over 7 per cent Subscribe now. New .series opens Saturday, October 6th. Orton Building and JLoan 'Associa tion. Office James & James, Inc., South ern Building. Advt . GYMNASIUM OXFORDS and Tennis Shoes at Peterson & Rulf s. ..(advertisement): OF MALARIAL FEVER When GWea Up to Die Br Attendlas ' :--r -. Physician. - . The effectiveness of Elixir Babek la the treatment of Malaria, Chills and Severs, Ague and -Kindred" Ailments Is attested sbfc tne iouowiDB graieiui. triqute irom j. Oerlet of Vienna Va.i x "One member of my family . wag cored of "Malarial r Peyer bT Elixir Babek when Ifriven op to die by physicians. I bare nseo it in my family for sixteen yaers, and have known in. several instances three do3es tr I stop -chills.. In i treating chills, and " ma larial fevers I have found it to be even bet ter than. you claimed, while as; a tonic -1 consider jit haa-ao equal." - Keep'- Elixir Babek handy In ."your medicine closet for emersrencies. ,It will ward off all Malarial diseases.- CbiHa and Affue. Losn of Appe tite, Bilious and Dyspetic Disorders, Head ache. Pains in Back. Side or Limbs, i.oorl or yonajrs or old. . vAt your drnjrjrist, 50c. bottle' oiLpfepald. directs upo pt - : JVIESSENG5R SERVICE. ': For this service we use the Poar" tali i, 1 cicgrapn wauie . vwmbh messengers, : They will callfot:. your ads.w in the Lsame I nannerv ahd-qulck time as tney now.wvcr the,cty,for telegrams, nrght letter grama, cables, etc.- v For further ' Information a to "ada." call 176; ' butf for "telegraph service cal( "Postal Telegraph STENOGRAPHER . .WANTED ONE of limited experience will do.. Work is light. State full particulars, -Incud-ing salary required. - Address MB" . care Dispatch. " . " 103-2 WANTED FIFTY LABORERS, white or colored, to clean land; Guaranteed three years work..' Ap ply M. Lance, Carolina Beach. 831-lf BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR RENT Good location. Already established and J dding good business." Immedl ; ate possession. For -particulars see T. B. Prease, 210 South Front street. 10-4-7t-j I AM NOW LOCATED 'AT 218 MAR- ket street and am ready to repair your Suitcase, Grips, Golf bags, GunJ Cases and Harness. , Phone 444. A, Carpenter. 10-5-3t-j SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO THE NEW series of stock the Orton Building and Loan Association which opens Saturday, October 6th. Office James & James, Southern Building. 10-5-lt . , V,- I' . - 'FOR SALE SECOND HAND BICY- cle. Apply 113 Southern 17th street. 10-5-lt DIED FROM BEING HIT BY AUTOMOBILE (Special to The Dispatch.) Goldsboro, N. C, Oct. 5. Hundreds of sorrowing4 friends attended the funeral "this afternoon of Morrison Wilcox, son of Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Wilcox, wbjo died Thursday in a Richmond hospital, which was held from St. Paul M. E. church, of which Mr. Wilcox is pastor. -The untimely death of young Wil cox Was the result of the latter being run down some weeks ago by an au tomobile alleged to have been driven by Malcolm Southerland, a young white man of this city. Following the accident, young Strickland was arrested charged with the crime and later released, after fur nishing a heavy bond, pending the out come of the Wilcox lads in juries, who was then a patient at a local hos pital. - ., While there, young Wilcox continu ed to grow worse and was, upon the advice of attending physicians, rush ed ' to -a"Rrchnlond hospital; where, j following an examination there, ; phy sicians1 stated that his case was hope less, and he had only one chance in a thousand to. recover. Yesterday afternoon Solicitor E. A. Humphrey, of: the county court, issu ed a warrant for Mr. Southerland in which the latter was. charged with manslaughter in connection with' the Wilcox boy's death. The warrant was served and Mr. Southerland f urnish e I bail. ENTENTE AIRMEN CROWDING GERMANS (By Associated Press.) - Amsterdam, Oct. 5. A semi-official statement , issu'ed in Berlin refers to the attacks of Entente airmen' on German towns and says they prove it. is necessary for Germany tq press back the enemy aerial bases as far as possible. "If today enemy airmen had . bases on the Meuse line or in Belgium we should, discover, that not only western Germany; bijt' the heart of Germany would be exposed to enemy bombs," says the statement. It draws the con clusion i that Belgium must no,Jonger be dependent in a political or military sense on Entente powers. NO GENERAL COAL SHORTAGE IN EAST (By Associated Prsa.) Washington, Oct. 5. Reports of a general coal shortage in the East, either present or prospective, . were denounced by Dr. H. A. Garfield, the fud administrator. "The East," said Dr. Garfield, v,,ia being supplied with sufficient coal for .necessary requirements, but increased shipments are not being ' made fcr storage purposes because all surplus coal . is being shipped to the North west". . . . ... . .. ..... . : . , . .Increased coal'' production will; be obtained, Dr. Garfield said, in the near;, future . through an arrangement ,giving coal cars, both loaded and emp ty preference over, other slow freight l muveiiibuu 'i FOBECIOSUBB OF MORTGAGE. ' By virtue and in pursuance of the power of sale contained in a certain indenture of mortage bearing date rMarch 4th, lD13v and auJVirecoraea in tne omce'orf tne?Kegister of Deeds of New Hanover County in Book 71 at page 322 and made by John N. "Rich ardson and wife to Martin O'Brien, and. by eaid Martin O'Brien duly - aeslgned: rfftrt transferred to the undersigned, default having been made in:' the-.payme&Jtef-.'tho note 'secured thereby the undersigned will, on. Monday the 5th day of November, 1917, in the County of ihe .New-Hanover In the auction, for cash, to the highest bidder all that, certain traet, piece or parcel of land lying, being ; and situate In ; ptbe Clty of Wilmington, County ot . New.iHanover.jand State of North Carolina and bounded and described as follows: " - - , .: Beginning at the southeastern Interapo. tlon of Nixon and Fifth streets and run ning thence v southwardly along said east ern Hue of Fifth street 30 feet, thence east wardlyj parallel withVNlxon street 75' feet, thence - northwardly, parallel with , Fifth street, 30 feet to the southern line of Nixon street and ; thence along said southern line of Nixon street .westwardly 7o ,oet to the BMipMni the same teinsf a !partb itot 1 In Block No. 324,: OceOrrting to the offl Cial plan of the aforesaid City of Wilming- toU.V. ' J ' ' "" " This the nthday of October, 1917. , , A . - MARY-FLANAGAN, JKlO - Waw - iit - fH - " I WW t Mortgageej 11 g-Mg:i : ; NEW SERIES SATURDAY OCT. 6TH. - The "Hanover Building and Loan As sociation will open its 26th Series of stock Saturday, Oct. 6th. There is no better way . to save money, in small Weekly or Monthly instal ments that will pay 7 per cent inter est while ; you are cultivating the habit, all stockholders,that hold 1 or 100 shares receive the same benefits per , sharelVAll of the ' assets are First -Mortgages on Wilmington Real Estate. -The officers are J. W. Yates, President; VH. F. Wilder, Secretary and Treasurer; C. D. Weeks, Attor ney. Offices at No. "207 Princess I street; How many shares do you want? Drop in or call Phone No. 631 and" they will be reserved for you. - ' 9-27-tf 1 CABBAGE PLANTS EARLY JER-j sey and Charlestbn Wakefield, Sue- cession, Flat Dutch, from pedigreed seed, immediate shipment By ex-1 press 500 for $1.00; 1,000, $1.50; 5,000 1 at $1.25; 10,000 and up at $1.00 f. o. b. Young's Island, S. C. Delivered by parcel post," 100 25 cents; 1,000,, , $1.75. Enterprise Company, Inc. Sumter, S. CV . 10-3 we fri sun tf FANCY APPLES, ORANGES, BLACK j Eye" Peas,: Navy Beans, Rutabaga Turnips; Potatoes, Limes, Lemons,! and a nice line of Candies.' Send us s- your orders. Bear Produce and Mer- J chandise Co., 17-19 Market street, ' WUmington Nv j 9-15-tr ,,- - v,y - i r' -V,:i -if YOU JUST OUGHT TO SEE A "HOF- flin" Middy that Coster cleans. Looks ' like new! We specialize on bcIioo! children's clothes this month. Phone . 148. 10-5-lw FOR RENT STORE 'NUMBER 12 ; Market street; 2 rooms, second floor ! 315 North Front street. Immediate! possession given. Sam'l Bear, Sr., & ' Sons, 311 North Front st 10-l-7t I WANTED TO BUY CLEAN COTTON rags suitable for wiping machinery. Wilmington Printing Co. 10-4-tf -NOTICEON ACCOUNT OF SOL diers' trips from Fort Caswell steam- jjs er Wilmington will leave Wilmmg- j ton Saturday, October 6th, at 8 A. M. ! jS and 7:45 P. M. 10-5-lt 1 POM-POM RECORDS AT QUEEN i City Cycle Co. Phone 862, 209 Mar- Eg ket street 10-l-tf ! WHEN YOUR BOY GOES INTO THE m ii. . i i x n . , I s ireacneB see uuu ne lanes witn uim - your portrait. He will treasi're it above all the gold on earth. Foltz & Kendrick. S3-tf CAN YO'J BEAT THIS? FRESH Sauer Kraut 6c lb; Wesson oil. 35c; canned tripe, 28c; assorted Jellies, 10c glass; small sliced peaches, 10c; bottled vinegar, 10c; best creamery butter, 50c; Oleomargarine in pkgs, 35c; full cream cheese,' 35c; sliced bacon,- 40c. We also have fresh mac aroni, noodles, prunes and raisins, at B. May's . Delicatessen, 24 North Front street 10-5-3t ' BOOST WILMINGTON PRODUCTS P. K. Candies, Smacks, Fudge, Choc olates, Wrapped Kisses "made in Wilmington" Handled by Frank M. Ross and Hall & Durham. 10-l-7t .MECHANICS HOME ASSOCIATION "Old and Strong'; 54th series B. & L. stock -now open. " -Walker Taylor President ;Y W.- M.. 'Gumming, Secre tary. 208 princess street. 6-27-tf-ex-sun. NOTICE ON ACCOUNT OF SOU- diersVtrips from. Fort Caswell steam er Wilmington will: leave " Wilming ton Saturday, October 6th, at 8 A. M. and 7:45 P. M.- - 10-5-lt WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of. issue when so requested Phone your ,ord$r to 745. Gordon's ' News Stand. ViVsV , "'' 10-7-tf - HORSE AND WAGON FOR SALE eight-yearold5- heavy. sound, ; gentle horse,-bne of the best in town, and , new. strong; medium,weight;-covered wagonj , at1 very low i price to ' quick buyeri rA Renik, corner Fifth ; and Nixon streets, Phone 827.' 9-30-7t ' FOR RENT ,105 SOUTH tflGHTH : street; $16.00 aonto";'' Apply J T. Gordon; agent. Phone 745. : :.B-29-tf - FOR. SALE TWO FEMALE SETTER - Puppies & month's old $5,00 each w ua street. , , y - -j.U:&-xir FOR SALEf CHEAP BLICKENS-' derfer featherweight typewriter. ' Never used; cost $50; bargain at $37.50. Call early for-quick sale is desired. Chas. Finkelstein, No. 6 South Front street; phone 642. 9-30-tf V WANTED MAN TO OPERATE, A Hoffman pressing machine, also a boy over sixteen. One not afraid of w.ork. Appy at once to'T. C. Dickin son, 416 North 5th street Dyer and Cleaner. ; : . :"10-2-tf- NEOLIN SOLES Makes Walkln a Pleasure Attached by SULLIVAN, King- of Shoemakers Front Street. -J Phone 6SS. 217 N. Buy i Liberty Bonds 4 per cent Net. , c W. B. Cooper & Co. Wilmington, JN. C' ii i 4i;;il!ll!lllI!IIIIU!l!!!!IIIIII!llinIIIIIII!im!IIIIIIII!lllliniIllie BUY I YOUR WINTER 1 5 Now! Don't wait until the g i rush. Just phone 789 1 1 and say: "Fill'my bin.. . 1 (W. B. THORPE & CO 1 Water and Ann streets j I Phone 7jB9. : . ' lll!l!ini!III!l!IIIII!llilllllII!:ill!l!lllinilimil!II!iail!l!l1 School Boob an.IS.huoi Supplies ; Depository for N C. public school books. : . All , the v newly , adopted books have been Tecelv-T ,ed end ready fois distribution. High , school and " college x Text Books; v School Stationery - and - other supplies. -'- :V 117 Market St; ,Wnmfnatbnr f North Carolina; ;J'l- ;. ' - "w s.S ' - "- ,V rf I , mm -?-rs For 'V . j In The Dispatch Grand Prize'Contest, subject to conditions govern- Ing same. ; - , Coupons to be counted must; i and deposited unfolded and in 'an This coupon will be, void after The Jttandaral Railroad of Th Seijth. Arrival and Departure of Trains at. Wihnlngton, Effective Sept '8th, 1917.' Arrivals, schedules ana connections . given as information, but not guaranteed. ' ' DBPABTUSES I , - r :-TO AKD JBOK ii, , AKBIITAXOt No Bl - Florence, Coluihbi. Pnllman Sleepers, Wil- Na . MtU A; M. t j mlngton andCoinmbUi. epen to receive 11 "o aV m . N48i- Goldaborov Eichmond. Norfolk and North. No. 40. . 8:00 A Hs pallor Carr WUmbirton and Norfolk. 0:0f P. M. . 7!,.Cr FarvineBanfordfand Mt Alry, : , 8U A .M - . : 1 ' " n 'jr ' 11 ' '111 iimu ' ofOO -Jr JA J No, 65. i': ,Jackionvlll:;and SeBem -': - "JIZ ' m, Florence, Columbia, JLaguata, Atlanic and. 1 the West. Charleston, . Bavannah- and No. 88. Florida points. Pullman Cars WCmln- No. 64. 8:45 P. M. toir-"o Atlanta Via. August, and between i:60 p, m. Florence and, Columbia. .: .J ... ' 1 . : 1 " ------ n ; . : 11 - 1 Elohmondv Norfolk, WaBhlneton and New - No. 42. , York, Pullman Cars to Washington and No; 41. 6:45 P. M. j Norfolk. ., - - U . ,y . 8:50 A. M. ' j i I i For Folder Reservations, rm tea of fares, etc call 'Phone 160. W.j. CRAIG, . .;":;". C; : .4 ;;v T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent Wilmington, MISS WILL HAVE W&tXXEW PiEllSr S FRIDAY ROYAL TH EAT WILSON HOT-BL Let the Wilson Heater keep you comfortable. They keep the fire over night and takes 1-3 less fuel. . Let Us Serve You CAPE Phone 612 You Love Your Are they protected If yott are taken jserlously III. Disease plays no favorites. It is your duty to protect them. An accident and health .policy ' is a . safeguard vand a protec tion to you and your, family Consider .the matter.- Con sult - : C L DICKINSON ; Phone 656 , ' " T SUBURBAN v " , I N' EFFECT' OCTOBER fe:,- . WINTER IKWRIGHI VILLE EAST BOUND. Ieare Xeave v-:, Titmm "Electrlo "Electric "Electric Center",. Center" 7 Center". ? for ,' for " for .' i Winter, Park. Wrlghtgvllle. Beach. 6:30 A. M. 6:30 A. M. b:30 A''M. 6:50 " 6:50 ....... '....V : 8 .00 rv M . 8 :00 . " t . . . .:. 8:30 .80y,"J bS:30 ' ' 10:00 10:00 . ui . 10:00 11:30. u . 11:30 ' -11:30 ' UKJO P."M. !1:00 P. M. !l:00iP.!M. , l:10 .1:10; " xU:10' :f ol:55 ' ol:55 ........ 2:30 ' " N 2:30 " ' S:00 " ' ' S:0O7' " v 3-:00 ;.-" U . 3:30 ' .-i'.-i: i o4:10' " i 4:30 t' - , 4:30 . ,4:30 " -': ." o4:50 " .'. ; , .5:30 s" ' 5:30 " ' 6:10s"--"." 8:10 ...:.... . . 6:40 - 6:40' .x6:40 ' 8:1, f . . 8:15 " jj. V 9:15' " 9:15 9:15J " , - 10:13 4 10:15" '! U-45; " " U05 tllil5 V? "V."iV 'V.VTllYt.' ....:w..jri ; 8PECIAI. t Trfiro Ifrnnt eilll PHnnooa ofMota Leave Beach every half boor -from i Daily except Sunday. , f i unnaays only. h - v ,'o Superceded by haC hour 8Cheduies. - Sunday Afternoons. Hi ,.w ' , a ,d uoegnot run Devond station 3: on : ' "FREIGHT- SCHEDULE' f; ;; Leave Ninth and Orange Streetsv WjlfcAZJ:. V, "UkfA ' , Freigbt Depot Open from 2:00 t0.; 3 W.YylIt'i'p::(0, lyv::: -'i).'--.'' SPECIAL NOTICE This table 'shows" the time 'at which' trains may he ex V'Ttected; to arrive Bt and dena; from the jneveral stations, bxit thearr1vnl an" : ;: aeparenres are. not -guaranteea -VOTES. 10 - be. carefully trimmed around bordor envelope or fastened together." October. 13. s N. C. ;v BROWN RE BUI LDl NG. HARDWARE CO. 105 N. Front St .v.? : Princess Bulldfng SCHEDULE BEACH "'i'"!i"i ' U -i l;VESTBOiJ N D." j -Leave WrightsTUl y.fot: VV, Wilmington. Winter rart ; tor-,- . . for -Wllminrton. Wilmington. 6:i5 a: M. !7:15 . " 6:26 A. M. : !7:26 " -7:31 " V81 . " 8:41 " !9:26 " -9:36 " 410:31 " tllK)6 "w 12:36 P. M. !2 :06 " '2V01 " 2:36 ' o3:ll " o3;50 " 40 " o4:30 " 5:10 " 5:36 " 6:21 " x!7:05 A. M.; t'7;20 7:50 . "j 8:30 v 44 . f!9:15 M , : 9:25 f ",; "110:20 " i 10:55 - M . ' z!9:05: v9:15r'- H2;15 P, M. 1:45 . sr.45t-.' '..V. 12:25 P. M. !? !1 :55 ' : 1:50 2:25 o3:00 - ? g3;55t! 3:45 5:15 5 :25 " 6:10 " 6:45 M - 7:20 ' - S8:45"' 10:10 V" 6:56 7:31 8:06 8:56 10:21 u 1000 .'ij i 10:45 -.12:10 A 10 JM " 12:21 A M. 12:00 M. M.! FOB SUNDAY. : airorir half Iiaiik frniTI to 5 P. M. 2 ;45 to 5:45 P. M.VXffc';.'--v'',- - x.j loes not run Deyona auu ; Oi 3.- .;f;:.!:.;-v I Si snnaays. : :' - :,i:" .5 7HX' Leaves frpn-Statt6'oiK'..(., (DAILT EXCEPT "SUNDAY.) ; - Wfe and Children J 1 ! 1

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