I - a weather:forecast North Ca roll na ; Fal p" ta n ! aht and": Sunday, colder tonight jywittf' frost. 'Sr -C V-a ; .. Use Dispatch :. i Business Specials in interior. v , rJ. - South Carolina: Fair tonight and Sunday, cooler tonight ,,. VOL. XXIII. NO.,347; ; WILMINGTON, NORTH lOAROUN k SAT URDAY "AFTERNOONOCTOBER 69 1 7;" . . - - ' ' ' - - ' PRICE FIVE CENTO r7 v'j'sf i - :-v&7 h 7i . hl-.W FTv, . 1 :C$TJ)rK Hv; ' x Al: . Wilmington, north garounA sat Urd ay "afteiwoonoctober 6,U9i7r- -NS ill f 1 I I " I L r 1- 1 v I. I i tef 5 A 1 I J I r. - 1 I III I l , I I I 3 PI WD I WW It Eiillfliv w ii 1 'lilii HO UBAN THROUGH lit PARK THE BST HOURS OF - GONGR&SS&m?QT:lN. J Dawn Found a Long Line , of Persons Waiting For : 10 O'clock. FAIR AND COOL DAY PROMISED FOR G AME LaFollette's Speech; .Drew : a Crowd Which: Jammed Senate Chamber , Battle Took Place in European Waters and Lasted 22 -Minutes. BRITISH ADMIRALTY PRAISES AMERICANS Submarine Sighted As it proached a r leet of Mer chant Vessels and Was Im mediately Attacked by the Destroyer. 1 -i. (T.y Associated Press.) Washington, Oat. 6. Details of a fight b.-'tween an American destroyer in European waters and a German submarine, in which the submersible was destroyed by depth bombs were announced by the Navy Department today. '' " -'. ' The name . of the destroyer; a4d the time and place of the engagement are withheld in V. Navy Depivtment's announcement. . . .-.rn.--.Je.,r.fM'::- Annotmcement following statement "The Secretary of the Navy author izes the publication of this account of an engagement-between an American destroyer and an enemy submarine: "This is c;:e of a numDer of en counters of a more or less similar nature, the details of which have been made public in this manner as soon as possible. "(A feature of interest attaches to this engagement because it was the occasion for a letter of appreciation from the British admiralty which ex pressed admiration for the efficient and seainnn-like conduct of the offi cers and crew of the American de stroyer). "For military reasons the name of the destroyer and the date and .the location of the action are withheld. "The following account : of the en gagement was prepared frotn the corny plete report received by the Navy - De partment: . . , "'The American destroyer ? first sighted the submarine an the early morning of a clear day. The sea was entire calm with hardly a ripple of foam. The submarine was running submerged, with only her periscope showing. A large -number - of imer chant shins were in "sight. The U-boat was less than a mile off the nort beam of the destroyer and following a par allel course in an opposite direction, when the periscope was discovered. It was throwing, a column of water .several feet . in height, so like a nearly spent torpedo that the officer of th" deck thought for a moment that thi;-, was what it was. PERU VOTES IB SEVER BELATI WITH GE The Early Drizzle Was Dispell ed, and With The Coming of, Sun's Rays Hopes of The Crowd Brightened ALL LOOKING FOR A SPECTACULAR FINALE Two Hours Reserved For Any Jv Who ,lJesire ; to, Kepiy to LaFollette's Three - Hour Speech- Adjourned at 3 1 O'clock. -'. " k :. 4. .( 4. 4 XWQ' MEDALS FOR HEROIC t', DRIVER. n h I I f I ONS MM Probable Line-Up. It appeared therefrom tlhat the lire-up for the game would be as fol lows: New York, r'urns, If ........... . Herzog, 2b. Kauff , cf. Zimmermann, 3b. . . ;Fletcher,--ss ..... Robertson, rf f'Holke, lb.....: 'McCarty c. . . Chicago. . .J. Collins, rf. .McMulien, 3b. E. Collins, 2b. . . .Jackson, If. , .. . .Felsch, cf. ' . . Gandil, lb. .Weaver, ss. , . . Schalk c. .Cicotte, p (By Associated Pfress.) -Washington, Oct. 'y.-Congress on tered the lact "hours .of the session with all attention turned to the Sen ate where Senator .LaFollette took the floor at 10 o'clock to make a threehour speech in .answer to ihe critics whp have petitioned,, for -his expulsion because f of ;ida coirrse 'and public ; utterances- tcriru : the warS - By pfe-artanscn:entv wb hours 75?- reserved in which Senators were to reply at the close of his speech, and i unless some unforseenu developmen iook piace, aajournment 01 congress ly Votes to Take. Such a Course OVER SINKING OF (By Associated Press.) Chicago, 111., Oct. 6. Local news papers today were reasonably certain that Cicotte wouid pitch lor Chicago A nrrti TT7I A M r A r V rcivu V iii o.iiv and Schupp for New York. Second Peru Demands That Qermany Pay an Indemnity For Sub marining The Lorton in -Spanish Waters. . , , . Schupp. p -ss Almost UnanimouL.u , 3- in imp iiirii:n.n ijhhi: ik: ivihiii hiiii r j.t.; jm. Rigler, of the National League. i Memhrrs of thft TIohra ' wh,vt, nniv was marking time waiting for the! Senate, flocked to the .Senate cam- i ber where galleries . and floor. -were! jammed; in expectation; of a spectac ular finale to the session which "has appropriated hitherto-5 unheard of Mil lions for America's participation in the world war, and has passed a score of war measures in1 an incredibly short time. , J I -" - : LaFollette, always a;specta6ular fig ure, in debate, and " acknowledge as ho mean . opponent? by his enemies iliad' spent, yesterday and " most of thd scaaumg. at k nis . seat - in me row before the Vice -President' LaFollette' began his address,, reading 1 carefully and deliberately -his; manu '.script with Senators giving close at tention. The prospect was that his carefully chosen . words would not evoke some of the hot replies plan ned. 1 ,. -' - LaFollette, facing in turn the Re publican and Democratic sides' and the Vice President's rostrum, held up a inss o- clippings, too .. .jm e, and ho had printed in ;ho C 'm; is siiMDl Record instead. Once he stopped sis a rebuke to a (Continued from ! Page Eight) cboice was Faber of the locals and Perrltt f or the invaders. Papers, helped wonderfully to while away Jthe hours for the waiting men J at the park in the early ; morning waiting for, their turn to buy a bleach er ticket. ( ' ' , ' It was not much of ft light sd . early eemed to ta'fe" ceasiedc'definitely s and spirits Thursday. At some points on thevrose. New: arrivals" came now ; in front, the Germans have been com-lgroups and the lines grew rapidly until pelled to retire till- further than they wound out of sight of the ticket they were carried by the drive of thewindbws around corners, Jnto $siiie British. The positions they occupied streets.. Vendors with pennants be were, found too greatly exposed tojgan tO;appear and Others with horns the rain of fire rom the Allies. . and other noise-making , instruments British patrols discovered this con-'and eten toy balloons. The business dition when they were sent forward i of the coffee, men, which had languish to reconnoiter. All along one sector.-' ed when the newspapers came, receiv the forward shell hole uerenses were etl quickly and many a-small boy or abandoned. The British are firmly j girl came running with hot lunch in holding their new lines. By.last night! a pail for some one, who had stood they were well dug in along the -ad- the long hard viwail, during the night vanced front and ready, for any fur- Watches came out of pockets. "Only ther counter attacks. four hours more till the gates open," ' On the French front north of Ver- said the watchers, and it seemed lit- dun the Crown Prince is continuing tie to those who had waited more his effort to win back lost territory. An attack north of Hill 344 last nignt resulted in the Germans gaining a hours than that in the" darkness and cold. By. 7 o'clock 1,500 persons were in mm mm f . .t.;,.,r ,.,.:l3.V' ,r''. N OF FIRE His Defense Not Personal; But Applied to Ail Withr v . : ' " ' w mm i?:.vj?vsi' FORCES E British Patrols Discover a Re tirement From Exposed ; I Positions BITTERLY ARRAIGNED SO-CALLED WAR PARTY Declares Those . Who Opposed ' ; War! Have BeenSubjected ; : ';: tO;;IjWoUaJAttacS.a ;. Campaign of Tierror Pre J vails. - r3 CROWN PRINCE AGAIN ATTACKS FRENCH LINE Germans ' , Gain a Foothold Near Verdun, But are Ex- 'vpeUedBnsh::teypugc - in and-Await Assaults. , " . yjfy Associated -Press'. ty Associated -Press.) i .v;-'r ,,e; si f ' Washington, Qcts ; 6.r-Senatbr Laf 7 v" . Follette, J whose ;expulsicmfrom'thej Senate for vdislpyaltyhas beenutgea ?t in: viC'Us ;petitions;" replied? to rcriticii ; : of hi cp,urtein-'the;"war;-today ta'.av-'-' long and carefully jprepared speecb; V He asserted that the "war partyV -be -sides'carrying on a campaign ' of libej , '' . and character ' assassination", against " members " 'of Congress ; . who voted agam'st ;tie war, wasttemptlngA to W: suppress fdiscussion! A otiwar; . issues, w-- r. j and" fntimrdate', the 'peopleihemselvea - tuyuvaajpgeirnomes anajmiaw ;v w :.:.v.v.';o::v.v;::-:: a . ' tions ; with Germany.ii' The first--step .'was ; taken today when "Congress, ? by 'am nlnJLi ? J ' J 1 J H J o.u ixixuusL uuuuiuiuus vute ueuiueu . in favor ofsuch a rCourse. f , " ii. - - ?Ldma :PeruyCct5nelaTed); w soon -oreaii. ou .uiyiomauo reisp'L . ue pwuutur quoiea; at lengta" rroiat The Peruvian government, on SeD- rtember 26, instructed -its minister, at j Berlin to present to the German 'gov I ernment a demand .that satisfaction ub Kivtiii wiuiiii eigni aays ior me sinking : of the Peruvian bark Lorton. It was added that if the demand was; the 'Non-partisan League at "St. Paul,', footing m the advanced French lme(ihft llneS , There were probably thir from which they were shortly after-;. w0men among them. They were wx.?, I? and 6 lme compietely'for;thevmost part well dressed and esutLHisiieu The ' i.- . . t at . . , . : xtV i,.- prosperous-appearmg. ouuie ui lueiii. xne xNavy ueparuuem "i,"1 explained that their money had been ton gave out a statement detailing an back to fhem afteJ the reserv- encounter Jetweenan American de:led seat9.nad been allotted and that strpyer and a German submarine in t ad ft games," and which the U-boat was destroyed had. sacrificed some hours of sleep depth-bombs. r lt- ; There "were also a number of sail ors . rtNix on the names," they told a reporter. "We're supposed to be m bur hammocks right now." j At 7:30 tarpaulins were removed from the base lines and the grounds , were pronounced reasonably fit for the historic contest about to be put on. At this hour, also, the score .card salesmen brought new brightness1 into LUC uvea ui Luvroo iu nuo . itiiu x-un THREE KILLED IN A: RAG E BATTl E next instant the destroyer Men Greeted With Shot cries of "you can't tell the players .-ii yon hornlw rn tna loft JTlfl i " in i j ,, ti c a iv. iLYFElliSlll WORK FOR fllllDill Driver Foley. R. F. A., who at the investiture at Buckingham Palace was not met diplomatic relations would be 6xCil xuuB umsB uic uu ciuu. The Lorton was sunk inside . Span the Military medals. " . ' . ! ish territorial' waters last February. nv a .German submarine. . Declaring that the - sinking was i unjustifiable, Peru insisted that Germany should pay ' an 'Indemnity. . The German gov ernment offered to submit the case to a prize court, : . :; ' . ; A" dispatch from Lima, on October 4, said the Peruvian government had discovered that A. von Der Heyde, the minister r to Germany, had snot delly- 'ered to the German foreign office the? Mexican - war speeches : of . Lincoln- ClayV-CWebstef and Sumnerlri: supfv port of his defense pf vtierfght Io ft ,D member of Congress to : assail the poRV icy of the government. -and dwelt- at length upon the constitutional duty of; " congress, . ratner tnan the President; : -to proclaim ; the- nati9n'srpurposes in taking ' lip arms. He naade . no r4f er. i ence to'Jthe" inquiry, ordered i yesterday ) 1 "' by the Senate into his; speech before ; and dealt with criticisms of - himself 5 ; only' "generally 'y0('P ; pix .memDers ,oi ,tne;enateana, as I recall,. about: 50, members of the House, , voted, against the declaration of war,"; he , said. . "Immediately .there was let loose i upon those - Senators " and Representatives ' a . flood " of in- . . I vectiye; and "abuse from'; newspapers V . and, individuals who had been clam , j-orJng, fqr war, uheaualed, ; I f Relieve, in the iistpry; of; cvllized sopiety. , ; , ; ., "Prior, to. - the " decoration "of . war; every man who had 'ventured Vt&i op pose .our entrance into it had , been " ' First and Diamond Ring Perio d of Contest Will Both Come to a Close at 9 O'clock Toni ght Contestants ar.Urgedj ' to Get in Afl Possible Subscriptions J Before C16s-:; ' ing Hour. . .. . , : 1 THE PRIZES. When They Called For Negro. fhanpi-d course harply to the left and hfadfd for the U-boat at full speed. At th same time the forward guns op'Tv-d fire on the periscope, The commanding officer ordered a course sr. er. d that would bring the destroy- :.' .'(''ss-.tne waae oi ine,...u-uui,: - ft -Gero- three wwte men are surged through. Policemen mam mtif to the rear of the periscope. . . . . . . T t,, ,tained a semblance of order. It was " As the destroyer dashed across oeaa anu tme w , stimat6d ,,15.000 persons were the line of bubbles, a depth charge : Ala., 35 miles soutn ot nere. , line. was dropped and a column of clear!- The dead: Oliver Enzer, aged .60;; it' was nearly noon before the Na v. r t 'hrt- vii foot- m rn TnoniT: - , i n destroyer without a score card." Most of the t dyed-in-the-wool fans" there could jhave told, the players in, the dark, but ,they bought the cards anyway. ' (By Assoeiattf , reas.j ; , The gate to the bleachers was Montgomery, Ala., Oct.' 6. In a bat- opened at 10 a. m., and the crowd 4 4 4f 4 ' ; -fr , ' 4 -ferepce m,tie:numberHpf .votes issued . riod may determine the winner of the Briscoe and; Ford Automobiles or one f of the. other valuable prizes; ; in $775 Briscoe Automobile. Ford Touring Car, . $200 in Gold. ..$100 in Gold. $93 Furniture Suite. - I 111! II II .1 .11 I 1 ii in i to n i ini nffr U10I I u UilnnLU! 1 l r k. . vein Mill niinu luc ill. it-- i 4 of votes you- have received 'this spe- 1 riod ? ' ' Have you gotten at least "one j T No doubt' many of yoii are sat: du reet into me am "!jHuD Cannon, aged 35; W. 'L. Grif-t Clonal Commission assembled. The turned to the right sum- fith - commission first met thei four world's fniy circling, a,nd her; starboard fains rrened on the oeriscope as:she fith, aged 35J The injured: $25 Wrist Watch. Two $60 Diamond Rings. $75 Columbia Grafonola 450 Merehandise Order At J. W; v . - t ' " . 1 miT IT VH UlHTH. IK .IlIUaL UL .r UU ! . . . . . . ..t:.v,m H. Pucha- Department Store. ' . -w. f .von --otilr BaKer,. 8rji.iW r, f" , tJ Ltnmo, '"oy.,: .rmporarv . commander f Ten per-cent, commission to "TOO-n-nw, flT1(1 nine 'clock tonight amP Mrene.- ais ;jta,tu all non-winners, who remain J?vfS oXmf amof r . - j . . : j ii. . . j!. .i tiAin i.nh a -- - - -;-ij-- "v - - zpns irrnn -inH i nan ueroi v jIiiiiiliki i.e . i Hus-ii Emzer 32 wfU series , umpire ana apsigneu uieui v iwtjye, uu muuc, yi ucn , BUU- r UX1U itlSU JUSU UUICU, U1C1U UH lUlClV'C- T av if -.vx.t. ;,. , v . . - ,- - . 4. 4 4: 41 4. : ' 4 4 4 " 4 4 r;im across the U-boat's wake again, die; Prof. L. H, Hudson, shot in both tatJO of obscure playing rules. The Ajrain column of clear water showed j arms ; Justin Enzer, agedf 35," shot in baseball rulers- then had an; appoint that the depth charge had -not reacn Gide v .- ; - v . . . jment with- accredited moving pictuYe zens from the .Chamber of Commerce i Several, of the contestants hare ex- a-parad that - escorted the;; secretary bresseda determination to . win", the fnm tha rfliirnai fstatlOTinit th,Manu- This :is the 'last day of the first ! Special .Prize.; One of the yoS Jadies f acturers' Club, where an informal re- b;n th twno thA flesrrover turned 80 Pl:--;n.ly that she was able to jcome J"wn ;or a third attack in the wake f th. submarine, The Jthird '. depth fhnvzv brought, up ra. column of clear uaii i- rind the. r?a?tffnvpr wbeip.led bnce WSl ujr ui cue -j- - -rii oc. 4oll trto';: fTnn. .7 T 7 :j "aT3r 7i i. ' - n &e last day of the competition forjhe testage ti-u. . j ,1,!.- wkiXw x i n ;nared to deliver the; ring to. hertnat thp .tv aiKHtoriunf and later In 'the I uWmatum s a coward or worse and . wirnin - i v 1 1 1 im its i f it- i iim kiiik inc in i - ... . - -- - r , 7 , evennefresiaent: naa ny , no means : : e LortonThe ministeras jreprl- ben immune: from ; -these. -attack ' j M Z V. - - r TT l Since :tne declaration oi war, the trl- ordered to make the presentation im- ar party has pursued tbose mediately. : , ' ? Senators and - Renresentativpc. whn' voted ; agains.t;-,warf5.V;.wit;.;5;malicIous ; -O falsehood and recklessly, libelous., at-1 tacks,; going to; the extreme limit of charging them wth. treason; against : their, cptry. u- t-.Jt ''-s , s :. "It ift not claimed that the Senators who .opposed : the .declaration of Jwar have sin6e thatr time acted : with) anyf concerted; purpose :-"either regarding j war ; measures, ;r; any others : ;They have -voted, according to .their Individ-, C uoji uyiiiiuuB, uttye uiieu uwu uyyu-- ed to each Other in bills, and; accord- , -ing to my recollection, have never, all . : voted .together . since that' time 'on any , -single . proposition : upon -' whicb the Senate had been diridedV v " ; - Senator LaFollette declared that if lio alone. had been made :theV victim ot , these attacks) he would : not - take the Senate's valuableMime :f oi:itheifon-! Siderati6ni:'i::"i?: -,' ;"4'But, sir,' Jie Icontinuedltis not V f alone the members 1 of Congress that y y the .war. party . in' -this " country, ' has' sought- to " Intimidate; 5; The'x mandate ; has . gone . f orth vto - the sovereign p eo-' pie of. this : ebuntrythate they must - be silent whlle . thos things- are being done.by their government which most ! vitally concern, tbeir ell-being; their; " happiness;v;and; their '. lives, sJoday inspected Vamp ureene Delivered an Address to i' Citizens. : j. ".- ? - (By Associated Press.) : - Charlctte, N. G ., Oct. ;6.4-Newton . ' . . A--ni .t, tr,--ii. nnrn A'A camera men and staff photographers ''A-rtW nliifk. turn trt the.r'ght 5 i-tomcu Uj -- , 'm.--.. . - brouKiit the starboard eurisvfo bejvr, non. Griffith and -Hudson ;.. went.-.n) -Z m ,nTO OTJ(r nhmmrt Piri? wwh a imecial i Pared . tq;-,.deliyer; fhfl i hArnn nr i i lvpr n;nzpr inm iuiji ii-" - - j- i . - : ; . .-, . M hmifia j .ifi, ' i n o vi ii ii v i iw.ii v - . . i i i t . - j . at. i o -n n ' vrnr opt ..Tna - ritrnra - nT Tna Tit-f l n 1 4 .n r-i ho t-nrn nrootrc onniTicr in. ' w." "sf -. - -a.1 ; unci uuuu. 'uc.-.-iu mail. va.xuu uic;.. i w , ..v-.,, r.--,. . l;rht wth win Tirt nrnmntiv at The:)ne,who will be the owner of, the It is ; stated at Camp Greene -that ;no , ing jcitizens of ..this country 'are bein terrorized .and. Outraged in their rights t -tJ a V a ' ti TJ,t Trvt ' . -. " i , 7,. J ..I Paris, Oct? 6. The .Germans made !after that hour from contestants liv- Piace. i ne request ; ior , me utw : Rn attack .i-ht "'' linin Wilmlngt j remaining hours. The ;, young ..lady. military-honors will be paid other and , protect the t who expressed ' herself ,:: . so : forcibly than Iby the officials whof will go over I bave inmy inav 'not ' be - the - winner, but her en-: th -j,mii with lh ffoprptaW on-an in. t affidavits . establ on to count toward the IUOl'iJ tMc- fimi tna Toft arid .. fl. f t it, cto -rl nroc nTofifPrt With fl ' hMhinf nnr :ioaifHil1 ,5ll- .TllV. PafnoiT ui jJT rl.Vv -Vnta'a. "1" ion guns opened up, but without The casualty Jist resulted. : ioot ng in" the " rencn u.:or lo apply on th,e Diamond Ring. i '4. 1$$ visihi ie-ult. , I .v.,--- --.-:;.:;. Th, iast time the destroyer ;came Keports trora i.arine ?f.Vbfttro''- " " the attack exactly in , vi? , Jiiua-.i cwvw ' ?r . , q:SKi .f- -7 neared the end of the line of wn ordered them off the place.1 .v. i'1 Associatedi.'resB.v x v- Pr-'ze if they maU their subscriptions should -be.-, ;The number r or : extra , . v;v j V t.. , . ;i iHibbi, ; the fourth depth charge was mrn ana..oraerea inem.ou iue vf-, : British Front in France and Bel- z!i 7nv ti todaV ; ' . Ivotes on each $15 worth of subscrip-V. .Washington, Oct; $.-Fair and mod-1-1 ; (, thil? fnw , eJKl The?posservWhich waa.armed-itM 5!! H-r : lmilinr Af fto Gnrfoi.o nf thAl Rearch twarrant refused ito leavfc and; n t 1 41 1 HVt hiiii mi ik . i itri t f n Tiininiiu 111 , Nil lira . x iiitxj rw ou. - v.. a j.u u i . . - - - - rxv. f v otiii. tiityi in ovcrv-.nnK. iif v, t 1 1 n. l 1. 1 tztxcii. vx. - ua'w ,v w- 1 T - - w . -. - r 1 . ... ... . - :u reported tCKiayTo.De; m rsucn exposea -""f unant : tim o I rT-T ' ' j; it,.-3i. weeKiv iorecasT -01 vinff weameri iofc-hiii 'cVinrtt ti? became general ana rowuisnipaw a jShottehowerDerioa ffi Beginning 1 film or oiL 'hi destroyer ''Ki for far ossessiori jnumeroua : camp with: the Secretary pn;an in-f affidavits . estapnsning vtne iact tnai tmir . " . people are ueing- uxuawiuiiy arreaicu, i thrown into aaji, , ueia iincommumcaGo :' AiOTI "rrsni' lor;;.aays-oniy5:to ofienyjuy:,ais': - FOR NEXT WEEK ' taken. Jnto, court .because they. - have committea no ;cnme.j;; private Resi dences 'Care ; being invaded, floyalj citt zens (Si, undoubtedi integrity and prob tty ajresteL.crQserexammed .and Uhe ; sacred n constitutional; rights guaranteed : to fevery American citi- are .being .continually; violated. iapears tto be Jthe purpose ;cr. i thosei conducting this-- campaign; . to V- D0;" but none Pro(.,.,.(ed on . .(Continued An .Page Eight). 8agcment lasted 22 minutes." - lJw&M 1