i - . - K . - A-v ; . .. , ; -- 4 THEWLMINGTON DISPATC Page rntet " V . UWUAW,i MARKETS. BERN SCHQDLHflllSEAARO DWJGEfl IgfelPWift! 1 COTTON, t f f : 26 1-2 --.. 26 3-4 26 1-2 26 l-a NEW YORK COTTON. X, w York, Oct. 10. - cotton nii'iket vas very nervous and irrgu ,arly today. The opening was 47 n .!;1; higher on t)ctoer wlklch sold . :7 S0, a new high record for the r.-)spn. but five points higher to fire ,Mi:;i: lower on later months; and r! ., was evidently a dispositiori to lf.i:.- profits on long accotlnts.' The ni iure of the weather map to show ;i:r, severe frosts in the Eastern belt a;ii: the appearance of increased celling around the ring, doubtless ac- ni( i for part of the realizing, and b, : re the end of thfe first hotir D3 r. raber fiad reacted from ' 26.79 to , . 1' Tnin-... n r pet n t a ahout IS to 20 points net lower. NEW YORK SPOT COTTON. New York, Oct. 10. Spot cotton, ijiiit t ; middling, 27.50. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New Orleans, Oct. 10. Cotton open ed slightly higher here today on con tinued cold weather over the belt, tril ling 7 to 12 points up around the ( . 'i Realizing met the improvement a quick break resulted. At the end oi th first half hour, prices were 12 to 13 points under yesterday's close. NEW ORLEANS SPOTS. New Orleans, Oct. 10. Spot cot trn quiet, 13 points off. Sales on the spot 481 bales; to arrive 2.285, lojw middling 25.87; middling 26.50; good middling 27.00. Receipts 9,446; stock 90,950. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool. Oci. .10; Cotton: Spot, quit f, prices firm; good middling,' middling 20.07; low middling 10. "7; good ordinary 18.62; ordinary 1S.U Sales 3,000 bales, including 2, ino American. Receipts 8,000 bales, no American. Futures closed easy. New con tracts: January 19.6; March 18.76; May 18.50. Old contracts (fixed prices): October 18.97; December- March-TpV,! 17.56. CHICAGO GRAIN. Ltiicago, uct. iu. tonarp drops m Wilmington S;iv;mn;ih . . me vaiue 01 gram auu piuviawu 1BiL. M. Bunting, of the department or suited today from peace talk and from uncertainty as to the extent of price- reductions whicn mlgnt result rrom ii. ..u new movements regarding food con- trol. Pork especially was weak and dropped more than $1,50 .a barrel. i Free selling which characterize! tne corn marKet, came cmeny irom commission houses. Opening prices, v. hich ranged frpm 1-4 to 1 14c lower ,,o1A l.lo to 114 for May, were followed by, important tuxxuer ueumCB uats gave way wuu corn . ,& 1. i Vj . -" 1""t " the leading holders carried down pro-i visions. The market lacked any ag-J gressive support, and prices tumbled rapidly as stop-loss orders were un covered. "Unloading pressure seemed to be chiefly on pork.. Residence Burned Friends in WilTninfrfnn nf Mr. James ; gret to learn that his residence was nartiallv Hestrnvpr? hv fire rerentlv. I a ' J J "J '-' I no tn nwintr ic trnm "ho Uovnoo. ville Courier: "The residence of James E. Carraway at the corner of Walnut street and Branner avenue, was about half destroyed by fire Fri day night from an unknown cause. About 1:30 Mrs. Carraway awoke and npnrrj the crackling of the flame below their room. The fire started under the back nnrrh. 1t is sunnosed. The local fire, department responded quickly ana did fine work. Fortunate ly ihe nrocertv was insured." BEFORE THE RECORDER. Only One Case Docketed Before Court Today. But for the fact that Will Graham, colored, "lit a rag" last Saturday, this would have been the second day this week without a session of the Re eonler's court. As it was, Will was tried for an escape from the roads, having; been brought back from Mon roe, N. c, where he was located shortly after he decamped. Recorder Harries thought 60 days additional to the original sentence would satisfy justice, and Graham was taken back '0 the roads with two months extra tin;' to serve On account of -his prema- tun break for liberty. THI MUbT THA?r STORE THAT M AE WU TELUN ' ME. AOOT - i'LL. CO JN W LOOK AROONO! ' i J - ' V WHOLESALE PRICES. . g .; ' 42c Butter, per lb Country - .30c Spring chickens, apiecd . 2540c Grown , chickens apiece . . . . . . 6065c Puddle Ducks., apiece 5055c guineas, apieci . .... t.U5c rJ? V " ' .12 13c friah Potatoes Jersey Joint ... . 10, pk. bags i. .. ... $4.40 N.. C-Hams, pound 26 27c N. C. Shouldernnd ttibs, lb . .2526c Cabbage, (100 lbs) .$1.50 times, ureen .. 1 :...30ci wool, free of bur 5oc Com "bushel $2 75 Bee's Wai . . -; . . . : . .15c Salted Hides ,18c Tallow llc W601, clean 50c Wool, burr 45 50c Spanish Onions, the crate .....$1.78 Onions 2 bu. bags, Silverskin ..$4.40 Onions 2 bu. bags Red .'. 4.25 WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 46 cents. Rosin $5.35 and 5.15, Tar $3.50 and 16 cents. Crude $3.75, $3.75, $2.75. RECEIPTS. Cotton .1216 . 7 . 50 . 49 2 Spirits Tar .. Rosin . Crude . GOES TO NORFOLK. Lieut. Earl C. Dickinson Takes Up Military Du:y There. Lieut. Earl C. Dickinson, of the Vol unteer Naval Militia, left last night for Norfolk, Va., where he will be stationed for shore duty for some time. Lieutenant Dickinson, who is very popular in a wide circle . of friends here, has seen two years of active service in the Philippines and is well posted in military matters. Friends here look for his rapid promo tion in the service. REGULAR MEETING TOMORROW. Conference Vas Held Yesterday Aft ernoon. The regular monthly meeting of the ? i'Lwv . tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. 1 The streets and wharves committee . of the Chamber met yesterday in con-' ference with reDresentatives of the Atlantic Coast Line and Councilman geets and wharves of the city, to QVo nn the Watpr Rtrpt itrmrove- " : ' . i men After much discussion a plan . wag adopte(i and will be submitted to the Council at its. next meeting. The-meeting also discussed the im-' PTOVement cf Nixon street between Fouftn and Smith Creek bridge and,u. S. Rubber .. .. 57 5-8 Councilman Bunting promised early u. S. Steel 102 7-8 attention Mr. H. Lacy Hunt is chair- Utah Copper 83 1-2 man of Chamber committee. The membership committee which ,H mpptiriB- vosterdav renorted an increase of 15 members since the start of the campaign. REALTY DEALS. Only One Transaction Filed For Rec ord Today. Just one deed was filed for record today. The Southeastern Realty 1 Company transfers to George W. iUUl1 " ' ' I , - XT. . i F.crtVi lot. in iiie ectateiii unc -. xy : . , nn ducci " feet trom its mierseuuou 1 with the southern line of Swann' street: dimensions, 33x50, being part Lot 1 in Block 310. Bureau Discontinued. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 10 Twenty-three book paper manufacturers, answering today the Federal Trade Commission's complaint that through their bureau of statistics, they had enhanced paper prices undulyr announced that the bu reau had been discontinued and ask ed for a dismissal of charges against them. The commission will render a decision October 29. AN IDEAL LIME TREATMENT for those suffering from chronic or acute pulmonary and bronchial troubles, or cou&ns or colds, is ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE The Calctura. preparation -which may be taken by the average person -without dis turbing: digestion. An efficient tonic and tissue butlder. Contains no Alcohol, Nar cotic or Habit-Forming Drug. , $2 size, bow $1.50. r $1 size, bow 80c old by all leading druggists. , , c Bckroan laboratory. Philadelphia, FOR 6 ,' v" ---- .V.'- k'T- AA -'. ! - .. ' . ;" : 8TOCK& ' :: . a New York, Oct. 10. A further slump; of 5-8 points in Peopte's Gas to 44 on suspensioB of the ditideend, was ,'the' overshadowing feature of todays ekrly dealings on the stock: ex change. Ohio gas dropped 5 1-2 points and Laclede ga two. Changes elsewhere were mainly downward, coppers, shipping:, oils, tobaccos and the general :waT group sustaining losses ranging from substantial fractions to 2 ;l-2 points. United States Steel hardened at' the outset, but yielding later with allied industrials and rails were irregular. A. C. L. (bid) .V :;r .. .. American Beet Sugar . . American Can . . American Car & Foundry .. 103 78 7-8 40 1-2 66 54 58 1-4 104 5-8 American -Locomotive . . American Smelting & Ref 'g. American Sugar Refining Anaconda Copper Atchison Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel "B" .. .. Canadian Pacific . . . . . . Central Leather (ex. div.) . . Chesapeake & Ohio ...... Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul . . Chicago, R. I.. & Pac. Ry. . . Chihb Copper .. .. Col.. Fuel & Iron (ex. div.) Columbia Gas and Electric Corn Products . . . . Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar Erie . . ... . . . . .... Gulf State Steel o'n i 56 78 761-2 149 1-4 . 7314 52 34 49 3-4 23 1-2 43 3-4 38 3-4 33 14 2712 64 3-8 27 14 19 1-8 90 96 3-4 101 29 1-2 General Motors . . . . . . Great Northern Pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs.- . . Inspiration Copper . . . . . . . . 46 7-8 Int. Mer. Marine pfd 82 3-4 . Kennecott Copper 33 58 .. ... 1181-8 32 . . . 88 -. . . . . 30 , .. .. 44 1-8 .. .. 27 3-4 (Louisville & Nashville I Maxwell Motor Co. . . Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper . . , Midvale Steel . A . Missouri Pacific . . Nevada Copper 17 34 New York Central 7134 Norfolk and Western 106 Northern Pacific . . 97 Ohio Cities Gas 34 14 Pennsylvania 51 Pittsburg Coal 45 Ray Consolidated Copper . . . . 22 1-8 Reading . . 76 34 ' 76 . S. A. L 10 siosS'Shef. Steel and Iron : . 37 3-4 Sinclair Oil 32 Southern Railway 22 3-4 studebaker Co 39 1-2 Tenn Copper ..12 34 toC rn tit I w- Tnhao Prndnrts 60 United Fruit Union Pacific United Cigar Stores .. u. S. Industrial Alcohol 122 . 1251-2 ' 128' jva. Car. Chem .. .. 331-2 Wabash Pfd. "A" .. .. .. .. 44 7-8 Westinghouse Electric 41 14 23 3-4 Willys-Overland 4 '-fr "8 ! 4 i & 4' SUN RISE AND SUN SET. a ',:..... .. 4. i ! Thursday. Sun rises . . 6:14 "Sun sets . . 5: 43 A, ' . V ft. V rfU W V JUL JU JUL JUL JUL X 7T TV 7V- IT 7f I V. TT TT 7" 7T 7T . STAGE OF WATER. Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. C. day, 3.9 feet. at 8 a. m. yester- WEATHER REPORTS. Vf x October 10, 1917. Temperature. ! WEATHER -g 5? g 81 SJ S -1 I Asheville .... cloudy T 4u" .04 I Atlanta .. ....clear 54 42 .01 ( Charleston .. . . cloudy 68 48 .01 Charlotte . . ... clear 44 40 .32 Chicago .. ..raining 48 42 .16 Jacksonville ..cloudy 82 56 0 i N. Orleans .... clear 68 54 0 'N. York .. cloudy 50 40 .32 Raleigh, cloudy 46 42 .42 Washington . . . clear s4 40 .24 Wilmington . . cloudy 54 45 .01 09i3HE TMAT VHATTpt) THAT? AFRICAN ESATTLE 2 WW ... -v.": - - -7:...' Double Daily Sessions Inaugu rated Large Fish Catches Reported:' (Speeial to The Dispatch.) , New Been, Oct. 10. An hour for lunch and then back to resume their studies is the schedule that the pupils in the New Bern public schools hate begun, taking up a double daily Ses sion which is expected to prove to be Just the thing. Prof. H. B. Smith, the superintend ent of the schools, is a firm believer in the double daily session and in a i. j j 1 ' J - 1 '1 lr. , i ... .1 A delegation Of New Berttites wfid will have as their main object the tsuii thA . fair at that nlnr. anil rtn . oi- k,ton,. 0 !Kl! ' invitation i'6 the visitors to that ex position, to coule to New Bern during the week of October 16th to 19th. The delegation, a dozen or more strong, were to be armed with O; large amount of advertising matter to distributed at the Goldsboro fair. Reports reaching New Bern from Morehead City and Beaufort are to the effect that already have the catch esof edible flsji off those places beguri to increase since the suspension of the State fishing laws and that dur- ing the course of the next week or two this will become apparent on ev ery market in the State. The fishermen can now catch ariy variety Of fish that they desire and can use any sore ot net and any meth- od that they think will enable them to make larger catches. Although the jury in the case of Mr. L; J. Taylor vs. Mr. J, W. Stewart and son, " .James, in which the plain- tiff wps Kiiinff for damne'ps in tho statement av ueciacpq. tnai it. would nui m eneci. prove to be much better" in every way! . r. . : , than the former method. . u 0tle Calota 011 the -tongue- at bed- - "r : ""- , w iud nuc auu tuiiui cu, Lilt; juugi sum of $25,000 for the death of his ment will be suspended, son, Earl King Taylor, which occur- red a few hours after an automobile Baxley, has been in tne insurance accident in which the lad was injur- J business for many years, having rep ed by an automobile driven by James iresented a number of the large insur Stewart, decided in favor of the de-1 ane companies in the capacity of fendants for the second time, the general and district agent. He was case is by no means ended, the at- .Pr a number of years located here as torneys for the plaintiff having given I district agent for several counties, notice of an appeal. He has had responsible positions with This appeal to the ..Supreme Court , will be filed within the course of the j next few weeks. The case is one of the most interesting civil actions ev- er tried in this county and the final ! result is being awaited with much interest by the people. A combination or "monkey rum" ( auu a CUlureu uaniisei, is saia lO- De.whon a -warrant was cent tn tho mi. responsible for a shooting ' affair which occurred at Bayboro at 5 o'clock yesterday morning when Mil- ton Morris, colored, went on the warhodged In jail in default of $750 bond. on Garfield Moore, colored and of tiaxiey is said to nave lert nis iam this city, who was stopping at thely. a wife and. two little girls, in home of John Jones. j Wilmington, N. C, and his wife not Morris is . said to hate poked the business end of the weapon through a broken window pane and opened fire on Moore while he was lying in bed, half asleep. The load of shot tore off one of the negro's knee caps and lodged in one thigh At last reports the gunman had not been arrested. ACADEMY Tuesday Matinee GUS HILL OFFERS THE BIG MUSICAL COMEDY HANS and IRITZ BY R. DIRKS ORIGINATOR OF THE KATZEN JAMMER KIDS 40 People 20 Song Hits WITH A PEACHY CHORUS You'll Laugh Your : Heads Off SPECIAL MATINEE 3:30 P. M. SCHOOL CHILDREN 25c. ADULTS 50c COMPANY ARRIVES SPECIAL' TRAIN TUESDAY NOON A CAR LOAD OF SPECIAL"SCENERY AND ELECTRICAL EFFECTS MATINEE Children 25 cts. Adults 50 cts. PRICES Night, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Tickets at Elvington's Monday l AN A LAOV Cff THE- nXhe - OF; MRS. VRS IN XETE-RbAV i y I HunQHAE IT: r ,. , . 1 mm I mm'- v.V V ul - rMediehthl r Virtues Retained 7 aMinijprc . hdattg(rOU Qualities Variety ed vJalotabs The latest triumph of jnedica Sci-, eiice is a purified calomeL ; known as Calotabi" -The old-RtJfe calomel, as hall doctors know, was the best and most generally Useful of all medicines,,' The new variety, known'as Calotabs, is purified and refined from all objeo tionable Qualities, and is most fielight- I M 1 a. f awouuw i waierinai s an No taste, no griping, no nausea, no daa-i T i. ' . . T 1 1 6cr. . i-xtjAt muruiog you awaae ieeung ayyeme iur orejK- fast., Eat what you please. There is U10 ; restriction 'of , habit or diet. Calo tabs are sold only, in . original, sealed packages; price, thirty-five cents. Your druggist recommends 'Calotabs,' and will refund yourrmoney if you are not f delighted with them. Advt. (Snectkl to The tisp!reh.) Whiteville. N: C M. 1(1 William J H. . Baxley, prominent in insurance circles, formerly having headquarters here, where he is well kiiown, was tried, here Monday before- " Judge Maultsbuy on a charge of abandon ,ment and non-support. He was con-i. .victed and sentenceqLto 18 months on (the roads. However, prayer for judg- t merit was continued until October 15, " and provided he is successful in rais- i ing $1,000 which will be turned over t hio v, other companies, having headquarters in Wilmington, N. C, Atlanta, Ga., ' 'Jacksonville, Fla., and Petersburg, Va. He left, W,ilmington the first of this vear. and has been located in is K- ' sonville. Flal with headauartersn that city, until about two months ago, thorities there, for his arrest. He was. arrested and. brought to Colum bus, 'where his "family reside and being provided with the proper finan cial aid from him was forced to return to' her home at Hallsboro last Febru ary,, and she has not received any ; support from him since, it is alleged. Mrs. Baxley is a sister of County Treasurer W. H. . Hickman, and is highly respected by everyone knows her. v.IlO of MUSIC - Night, Oct. 16 hK3WMUCH t iT - llL IbOT IT- -. r -m a i -v ' r r. 1 1 1 wi - . s Offers 1 Call and Detiv&y 'Service1 Shipments called delivered. .-1 Efficient Service Receipts given and taken responsibility assured. 3 Prompt Service AH shipments transported on fast passenger trains. Personal Service Responsible employees handle every package as an individual shipment and keep a written rec ord of each transaction. Southern Express Company "Serve the Public" Prompt iervice MR. JAMES HOLT DEAD. Former Wilmingtonian Succumbs Pneumonia in New York. Mr. James Holt, who formerly lived in this city, died yesterday in New York City, where he had made his home for many years, according to in formation received here by relative's. Following an operation for appendi ces, pneumonia developed and was the immediate cause of death. Th8 deceased is survived, by his wife and two children; also his moth er and brother, all of whom live in f 1 "gg- New York. Mr. James C. Stewart, of u gm iraius on ouuuay subpeuu . . , . ed during the war. In presenting-the lUiB . uuwe ui tuC ucceaseu. mt 2 :n i i. . The remains will arrive here on the 9:45 train from the North, Friday morning, and will be carried direct from the station to Bellevue cemetery, vbere interment, will be made. t tor Mr?. Mary Fennell, R. P. D. , Po mona; Missouri, writes: "I wish to say a few words In the praise of. Peruna. I have used It with good results for cramps in the stomach.. Also ; found it tha very thing, for catarrh of: the head. My sister was cured of catarrh of stom ach by the use of Peruna.' Mrs. E. T. Chomer,. 69 .East 42nd" SL, . Chicago, 111 says: "Manalin best laxative on the market for liver and bowels, very good for indigestion and heart burn. r Those who object to liquid medi ernes can secure Peruna tablets. DT.OlJjt-.lT CLAD TV! AT) 4oNE: . ..-...4.. -S-.,. Ca w. -..:;.:.. .-.I Ytu f for and Delivery Rspt mm -1 Personal .Service Funeral of Mrs. Todd. I The funeral of Mrs. Mary L. Todd, who died at her home, No. 713 Castle street yesterday evening, was con ducted this afternoon at '4 o'clock from the late residence. Interment was made iir Bellevue cemetery; - Would Haul Frefght On Sunday. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 10. Representa tives of all the principal railroads op erating in Georgia"' have appealed to the State Railroad -Commisfeion - "on grounds of public safety, military ex-, pediency and patriotic service, to have the Georgia law prohibiting operation a ii ; i a. a j j petition, the alleged menace of 'a ... . - treignt congestion, mat woula en danger the rapidity of both troop ; movements and the transportation of military supplies, as well as the sup ply of such public necessities as food and coal,; is emphasized. Made Well By Peruna. My Sister Also Cored Il of Stomach

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