1 t:H.Hii,: 1-i " ' WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina: .; Rain this af ternoon and much colder; Satur day fair and colder. South Carolina: Fair, colder to night and Saturday. ... FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE i 'AVAV', v AI iCV Y VOL. XXIII. NO. 353: k m k u KimK mm mm Attack on a Six Mile Front Was Launched This Morning. THE BRITISH STEAM ROLLER IS MOVING Battles Are Becoming More Frequent Despite Unfavora ble Weather Drive Down Hill Faster Than Up After j Whole Ridge. The British steam roler "soes up lull very slcwly but it is now going down hill cfi(i battles are following c;c!i other juore and more r-"11y," w'" Major General Maur'ce, dirc'Tr of :vir;itions at the British war ofl.e Vf f ' truth of this as?ertion was driv- i" lrss lian I liours niter it :le l)y tlie beginning this morn 1 another British attack in Flan- f Only three days had elapsed the list attack made on Tucs- (!;'. V. Tuesday's puh was launched after a !"ur-day pause, th last previous ,tic fleet and his staff have returned !ri- having been carried out the prc-;from En'giand, where they participat ceding Thursday. Previously inter lpd in a naval conference with the vals of a week or more had elapsed , Alieg This announcement was au tctween the British attacks. Ithorized tod?ay by the Navy Depart- Good progress was reported early 'ment. by Field Marshal Haig along th? six! The statement authorized by Secre inile front northeast of Ypres on jtary Daniels follows: v,h::h today' assault is bein: deliv-i "Admiral H. T. Mayo, United States ered. Appare- !y the objective is the .Navy, and his staff have returned that pas6enger train men on eastern remainder of the ridge commanding ,fr0ni. England. The purpose of the rajiroads would shortly, present Se ttle Flanders plain- over the dominant 'visit of Admiral Mayo to England was ndg .for ir.crease(j Waes exet points of which the British have al-;to reaay passea ana are urning uu-vn-,0l ward. .Another notable frc in connection with the' present series of drives is that each i:- now aupr.rently being made reg'u of "weather condi - tions. On" - ofi (h-y tor airplane cb-j every courtesy ana evei.v idcuny lu lion, it was said. servation w? enough for the British j promote the success of the mission, j raHteni railroads hope it. is in thi; msv.ir-' r: c-t (heir ranges,; "Admiral Mayo will proceed imnir- ,ai(l" ,nat tho western and southern laurcli thvir drurri fire, dop their jmiately to Washington, and Wlll,0ads will also renew nleas for high . . . barrage ana pusn w me ;.t taci-; ; through the' mud and renewed ram - fat!. M'.iiiarv observer;- in this connec t:on w i ' i ! at t:.; Ar.; is ti: n,t M p RvirNh hieh eommandland French waters in order that he !' bfiirf tliat it is probably of j l. 11 wait for good weather i tiv.i" r.f the year in Flanders. ! !". r c;i :Vi nitinn nointe l to i ; :.o'--. v. c-nkening state of the He: morale, an oppor-.with tnn'-- ! -. V... ,-. .1 ,ili .ill t-..o 1. : Kl a ; prompt it ;id.- if th utmost advantage is to i a km o; it. Th.-vf ;.. no i:u!:en:icn that the tion the trip m published statements Frer.cu loir,- ,n die British left,: until an auhorized statement was is-whic-h pished forwa'M approximately j sued. Except in one or 'two in a :uii . h- edge of Houtholst wood stances, the request was generally in Tt : ;:".; attack, arc- participating carried out by the American newspa- m locay .- r.dvanr-e. 1 heir task lorjpers. th.- '!r,.iK Ti i --eems to have been ccm- plfte.l l y ir.e bringing; up of their 'ences has been made public nor is linf-s t,i ; point where officient pro the nature of his instructions known. ton km would be given the British; 1"!t fi-jt.K- -n the eiew?l of the. More Ships Needed, v ' eh. ,ii iv.'i: : process ! ng carried; Washington, Oct. 12. In its requi- out between Passcjiendaele and Ghel UVt'it. Cnoffirial dispatches from British k-Tl uicirturi; reported that the Britisn ; than 1,500 tons dead weight capaclty able tnat an actie recruiting ediu at nr, kuI y hour had pushed several , instead of 2,500 tons as first announc paign will be put . on to secure the l.iiiid.i . ; v.-lids into the German lines, i ,i Tho srreat need of'trans-Atlantic; 3,000 or 4,000 necessary to fill the :hf ;:(iv.ir.cr: along one wide sector a.v- o ) i o- nearly half a mile. On Passchendaele ridge Haig s tr'ps hai found their way within 'rrop.- h.-;d found their way within J';'-.- (ndaele village. ! T!:- (; ---.-nians e-:m to have sensed! 'h- approaching battle, although they M-;b;'bly were ignorant as to just !: :i,r hOV7 woutd fall, as today's I''- : lin statement reported that the C.-iti.h tire was directed on the front 'id : river Lys to the vpres-Men-This area is south, of the r; tially attacked. As a pre- i : rn ! " ' ' 1 v in pn sure, the German dr.ippi.d ga:-, shells on the Brit- iv'int nearly two hours before thej !: w;:T-launched. I i n 1 r A :- t" i :: of nnsnners already naa , ZL 'STr?- n vTon ihp'nio.t strenuous campaign during the i rm by tue British- when the; u working days, the- Treasury I , .!,! nts fi'c d their morning j tmeat announced today, can the ) Satisfactory Progress. j l-' ti l-.n, Oct. 12. The British troops ! m: ! :, ii'!1 ; s attacked the'Gormans this j on a front of about six miles, r.r Ypres. They are repor ' ! .:.kine r.a tisfndorv DrOgreSS. it, i ;i j.-avily during last night rrLfField Mar-icommittee chairmen to send out hur t irom v leia ivui n their armv "'nl report "T,iX)ilfifcl.)-) yj .j .v. - aMncked ' ' i in i r of front of abou t six mues Ml hnavily during the ,up by October signing, it is realized, can the de- - t j i f (wt ; i sired goal be reached in the remam-;u-sh;ii Haig's latest effort is f1RJ, Bua , t hnne. u-.ii-d m the same region as r: (ii Tuesday . wwh th'tui n P '-n i i- :n co-ooeration with theiiy Vv .ii. drove back the Germans along " nr . -f n aiilep. and captured (Continued on Page Eight). . . m IP II A il III! MS m m m 11 1 RETURNS ROME Head of Atlantic Fleet Con ferred With Naval Officers of Allies. SECRETARY DANIELS ISSUES STATEMENT I I Visited the American and Brit ish Fleets Now Doing Ser vice in War Zone No Information Given Out. (Bv Associated I'ress.) Washington. Oct. 12. Admiral Mavo COmander-in-chief of the Atlan- permit hira -to confer . vith officials.. the Allied navies. 10 Become inn- Q mate in every detail with txe snua- Stion" as it is atpresent, what had i been done before, and to discuss the plans for the future, ! "The British admirality extended . -1 n:i. tnere maKe a iuii repuu lu me ;re ary ot the JNavy. ! "Admiral Mayo visited the English ifleet and our own- forces in British might familiarize hftnseW with the conditions under which the Allied forces are operating." TIip fart, that Admiral Mayo had 'been sent to England for a conference Admiral Sims and the British ,1 .1- A ? e ro ac 1n nrpas fit i the time of his departure with the re- 'quest cf the government not to men-., No details of Admiral' Mayo' sitioning of ships of October la, Vie shiroing board is considering taks over all American vessels of more , tonnage, it was said today, has maa this step' necessary. Only by Strenuous Campaign ing Can Liberty Loan Be a Success. Washington, Oct. 12. Only by the U iur lmn rpafh the subscription ! ffic-als are hoping for. ":",fi wfraiinn of offi- . " nU iHora! Reserve . ROM ENGLAND l mm pleads- i FOR HARD II i ' ' .'koniro that oulv S325.465.000 in sub iai ------- . . i ...tinc urn hoon rpnorted to tnem, moric tho announcement, "caused 11"-1""0 " .Ma. calls today to their army lmon This amount is iea n . of the total of $5,- subscription it is hoped McAdoo will be rolled ilncr I :s SHI 1 I II & KXCLJ O. r - - . virtuai! Sign iu dh.i" - j" nniarot nn nf district unanimous declaration of district ' ILUO UCVK"""" , . ' a A ' 1 & rt 9a 111 chairmen that tne omcmi nguiw of ep e.enmg actl sales nan of u,, board of directors of the mr anon, oi i Canadian Northern railroad. MO.lA ' "... - WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, EHENT MAY BE REQUESTED TO HELP RAILROA Money is Need to Enable Them to Cope With Heavy Traffic. INCREASED FREIGHT RATES ONE METHOD Earnings Almost as Much asi' Last Year,, But Operating Expenses Have Increas ed Out of Proportion (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 12. Reports that the railroads: are considering infor - mallv asking the government to helpj them, in some way, to obtain money ' with whieVi to maintain and enlarge their nresent nlants and eaniDmenti to enable them to cope wiih the high cials here as forecasting a concerted move soon toward that end. What form this move will assume apparently has not yet been decided hv Ihp road themselves It is re- ported that they have under consid- j eration several courses. One possible method is a renewed petition for a general increase m.Lllclt; Wlil UU1J lwu more weeits freight rates. Another is to request 1 tlie government to lend the railroads j 'mrj-nov rn mi man "SPnnriTipa H nr this, however, special legislation would be necessary. Other plans, details of which have not been revealed, are said to be un der consideration. Railroads are earning very nearly ru: much as last year, which marked the high tide, but within the last two months operating expenses ' have sliown an increase said to be out of all proportion to the increase in gross receipts. Railroad executives say that as the government has a practical monop oly through Liberty bond issues, of the investment funds of the country, they have found it almost impossible to obtain funds. Discuss Plans. New York, Oct. 12. Coincident with the announcement yesterday tfTe3 ofastern trunk lines 'arranged meet in New York today- and dis cuss plans for making another plea to the .interstate commerce for high er freight rates. The new demands 'of the railroad brotherhoods for more pay will be a factor in the roads' peti- rates. TO CiP SEVIER "" Men From ump Jackson to Fill Ranks of 30th Division. (By Associated Press.) Greenville, S. C, Oct. 12. Drafted nmr-rrn nn r i nn 1 1 1 1 ii I ii ii ii ii i m I'll URHtlLU WltN bU confer-'.Tennessee men to the number of 3, 704 from Camp' Gordon, at Atlanta, drafted North Carolinians to the number of 3, 704 and drafted South Carolinians to the number of 2,592, from Camp Jackson, at Columbia, are to come to Camp Sevier to fill the ranks of the thirtieth division, head- quarters has been advised. It is proh ranks. The number to do brought from each State was determined upon a basis of Congressional representa tion. The movement is expected to start about the 18th of October. COALITION CABINET FORMED IN CANADA (Bv Associnted Press.) Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 12. Three mem bers of the new union government tor Canada which it was agreed to form flnrir-r on all niv'llt I'llTI f t T'fl fi ' '.f l)f .IVCCll '"ac m.o muinr vi ipr? . were sworn in at one o'clock today. Thesa portfolios were announced: Premier and Secretary of State, Inr External Affairs. Sir Robert Borden (Conservative). . Minister of Militia, Newburn (Liberal). Major General Minister of Overseas Service, Sir Edward Kemp (Conservative), Tmrnfm-ation and Colonization. J. A. r - Mnr rUheraD. . . k,. n , interior, Annur lvieigiieu ( iuociki tivc). A-rtculture, T. A. Craaar (Libertl) rr-.triTTis A. L. Sifton 'l ibera) . Pi "--ident of. the Privy Council, N. W. Rowe'l (Liberal). Railv-ays and Canals, J. D. Reid (Conservative). Kscretary of State for Mines (new), Martin Burrell (Conservative). A? Minister of Overseas Service, Sir . Edward Kemp, succeeds Sir George j Perley, who becomes Canadian high commissioner rt. London in whiih ' canacitv he-h :- been acting tempcx arily Frank Cochrane was appointed chair - FRID AYTFTERNOON, OCTOBER 1 2, 191 7 MIlS DR PERIOD I II BRISCOE TO Winners of yuable Prizes Are Now in the Making and This Period Will Go a Long Way Toward Determining Who They Will Be Your Su ccess May Depend on '4: What You Do This Period. THPRIZES $775 BriSjBOe Automobile. Ford Touring Car. $200 ili Gold. ?10O in Gold. $93 Fairnicure Suite. ? 7 u aiUuUlll "lerunauuise uraer At j. vv l8 ucns uepariment S.ore. --$25 Wrist Watch, Two $60 Diamond Rings, : Ten Pcr cent- COmmissicn to all non-winners, who remain active, on mm$y or new tub- ,7 scriptions V One of the most important periods . J? - XI. X J. A J- 1 1 . r 1 ui lQe coniesi . sianea last Monaay morning, and will close two weeks, trom tomorrow night Saturday, Oct. I The contest manager has been con 13, 1917. After-- this period is over j tinually ursine: the candidates and - 1 !1 ! 01 ine contest, at mat time a hiris - coe auomobile, ''Ford Automobile, jmuv 111 casn, $iuu, m casn, rurm - ture suite, $75 Columbia Grafanola, $rK) merchandise order, $25 wrist watch will be awarded the .people !the ones who will get the votes and who have secured the most votes in j subscriptions. No matter how many the contest, and two $60 Diamond ! candidates have canvassed the same Rings will be awarded for special street, rural route, or town make the work during certain periods. All ; territory just the same. You will find others who remain active until the! that you will get subscriptions where close will receive ten per cent, com- others have failed. It is all in the mission on all new subscription mon ey turned in by them during the cam paign. 'ihe winners of. these valuable prizes are now in the making and this eriod will go a long way toward de termining the winners. The prelim- mary lest or Ptrength wdl be this pe-jhas been seen or heard from." Now riod. All who are going to try to win! make this period your period and win. will have secured 'a-great majority of (Continued on Page Seven). fit llll! lliELE fi Killed Wife and Policeman and Was Himself Killed by Mob (By Associated Puss.) Danville, Va., Oct. 12.- Walter) BHiBSTY jTFinniR Miiipr Clark, a negro who murdered his wife i tro-German troops are renewing their in their home this afternoon and aft-1 nt. .n - . ... erward barricaded himself in a house ; attempts to fraterniz with the Rus in Wilson street, where he shot andlsians' but so far every effort has met killed Policeman W. M. McRae, who Wlth faliure. according to a statement attempted to arrest him. and then . lssue by the Russian war office bas- nrobablv fatallv wnnndpH rpnntv!ea onieports irom the front. The j Sheriff Boisseau, was killed when he attempted to escape from the building j in which he had taken refuge. j i nr no act lvj iuu uuuutug ctuu the negro was forced by smoke and flames to leave the structure. The negro's body was riddled with bul lets. Andrew J. Parkinson and William Wells, who were wounded Avhile the fusillade was raging, have been re moved to the general hospital as has also Boisseau, who is probably in a dying condition. Mobs soon dispersed after the ne gro was killed. Clark's body was placed on the truck of a Danville fire department and taken out of the city. The building in which the negro took refuge was destroyed. Ten thousand persons surrounded the house in which was the negro. The body of the dead policeman could be seen at the house. A terrific fusil lade ensued, scores of guns blasting away. Mayor Harry Wooding and the judge of the corporation court soon arrived on the scene. Mean while dynamite had been brought to blow up the !hbuse. Fire, however, proved effective enough to bring the negro to the front, where he was kill ed. McRae was killed after Clark de manded to see the warrant for his ar rest. The officer turned his head mo- mentarily ami was shot. Deputy Sheriff" Boisseau hastened to ' the scene ana was covering ud the dead roliceman when he was shot. 4 4 4' ' 4 4 4 4 i4 4 TIED UP GERMAN FLEET. ' - - 4 (By Associated Press). London, Oct. 12 The inactiv- ! ity of the German fleet in the S Baltic sea recently when there ,Jt X were obvious opportunities for fr attacking Russia, according to a 4 V dispatch to The Daily Chronicle from Amsterdam, was due o the mutinous outbreak in the Ger- -fr man nvy. The outbreak affect- e(1, at least six important units v cf'the fleet, putting them out of 4' action and causing the authori- ties to doubt the discipline and v1 loyalty of the crews of other large ships. It was impossible, the dispatch says, to take stern meas- ures on a targe scale against tne v offenders, because that would have increased the evil. 4 4 4 their v6tes by the time this period is over. - Those, who have not made a start 4 I toward securing subscriptions and ivotes should start at once today . and do all they can this period. Yourj opportunity of success may depend UBOn what vnn nernmnlish this thfi second period of the contest i Each $15 club completed " this pe- riod will give 140,000 extra votes. A great majority of the candidates have a right idea about this vbte offer. They believe in taking advantage of every vote offer made to the limit. If you have completed a club then hustle for another one. If you have started one then hustle .to finish it and get the 140,000 extra votes. Each candidate is entitled to as -many of these big vote ballots as she can se cure by the close of the second pe- riod jtneir lriends to make a house-to-house , canvass, taking a street at a time, I and calling at every house, every 1 store, every shop or factory, and up nn every person possible. The can didates who follow this advice will be way you approach the people, your personality, and the way you talk. In many of the outside towns practically nothing in the . way of subscription getting has been done. There are a great many streets in the city of Wil mington where not a single candidate 'fir- i - v However, the Spirit Among the Russian Troops Shows An Improvement. (By Associated Press.) Petrograd, Thursday, Oct. 12 Aus- general situation is quiet althousrh some of the armies as well as some of the Cossack units still act with some suspicion towards the command ing staff. The question of peace is said to agitate the. great mass of the Russian soldiers. At some places there is agitation against capital punishment, but at the same time demands are made that punishment in . the rear of the fight ing front be enfbrced with greater strictness. The cases where orders are discussed or not carried out, are comparatively rare, the soldiers who refuse to obey orders usually being brought to trial. The war office an nounces with regret that the evil in fluence of the gendarmes and police stil asserts itself. So far no meas ures have been taken to isolate those elements. Complaints of want of discipline among new recruits are still numer ous. The. authorities of the bodies elected by the soldiers themselves is increasing daily. The soldiers are re ported to often express desires for in structive literature and lectures. On the Rumanian front, the idea of a strictly socialistic government has not gained popularity. The general opinion of the army is that a coalition government which would unite all fac tions should be formed. LAKE HURON STORM MOVING EASTWARD (By Associated I'ress.) Washington, Oct 12. Southeast storm warning were ordered displayed today from Norfolk to Nantucket, Weather Bureau reports indicafc'pig that a storm over Lake Huron was moving eastward. Increasing south east winds, shifting to strong north west early tomorrow, are indicated along the Atlantic coast. NAME SEQUESTRATOR FOR THE BOLO MONEY (By Associated Press.) Paris, Oct. 12. The military court ov inquiry into the activities of Bolo Pasha, has appointed a sequestrator for the money Bolo advanced to Sen ator' Charles Humbert, owner of The Journal. The money amounts to 6,: OC-9,000 francs, which the sequestrator will deposit with the Deposit and Con signment office, a section of the min istry of finance. . The sequestrator ; ..was appointed at the request of Bolo, fortar Humbert move. Ei! TBf F ITEIIZIhE not opposing thels'jolis. This district has not yet re ported; - ' ; . PROPAGXtNDlSTS HIT LflFOLL ETTE III TELL THE m : : ' Invited to Appear Next Tiles- j j JMUI.. c,.t I anQ ViaKe a State- ment. WANT INFORMATION ABOUT LUSITANIA Will be Called Upon to Sub stantiate Declaration That Bryan Warned President of Munitions on Ship. I (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 12. Senator T T11rt c itt: : j I ir h , , XT q i ' 7 y invited bv the Senate committed in- vestigating his alleged disloyal speech at St.. Paul to appear next Tuesday before the committee for" a hearing regarding assertions in his address. The hearings probably will be public and will be confined to the statement of facts in the speech, par ticularly regarding Mr. LaFollette's statement that former Secretary Bry an appealed to President Wilson to keep passengers off the Lusitania be cause of ammunition alleged to be in her cargo. The: committee advised the Senator -that its investigating authority does not extend to this right to make the Non-partinan League speech nor into the motives of his critics. To the letter sent to the.comittee yesterday by Senator LaFollette ask ing "a hearing and suggesting exten sion of the investigation, Chairman Pomorcne today replied: "Referring to the rpquest Contained in your letter the subcommittee -begs 10 auvise you tiiai. it uues nui uouueue tnatms powers extena to n inquiry into your -right to make the " speech r delivered by. you in; St. Pal -uthat I -'-.IT ' 1 : ..-J- 1 j 1- ' jr 1 1 committee for its 5onsideraticm ; ' nor 4 dQesv if' belief ' Itself jttthoriied " to in quire Into 'the motives' or . animus - of . those making attacks on you. "The sub-committee desires, how ever, to afford you an opportunity to be heard and to inform the committee with reference to the accuracy of va rious statements contained in the speech referred to, and to that end you are invited to attend at the en suing session of the committee in the capitol next Tuesday." ' Senator LaFollette is expected to be the first witness on Tuesday and to submit much data towards substan tiating his statements. Other witness es may be called later, but the first and most important question which the committee plans to investigate is the authority of Senator LaFollette for his statements regarding the Lu sitania. The committee is awaiting the statement from Mr. Bryan regard ing the incident. It has not been determined whether Mr.. Bryan will be asked to appear. FAIR WEATHER FOR SATURDAY'S GAME (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Oct. 12. The official weather forecast today for tomorrow's world's championship game between the New York Nationals and the Chi cago Americans, in this city, reads: - "Saturday fair, with slowly rising temperature.." This prognostication des not nec essarily mean warm weather, as the temperature was distinc, . old today with an occasional stray flake of snow in the air. FALLING BEHIND Must be Subscribed at Rate of $333,000,000 a Day to Come Through. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 12. Within 14 working days, the American people must subscribe to the second Liberty loan at an average rate of more than $333,000,000 a day if the $5,000,000,000 hoped for by the government is to be obtained. If the minimum of $3,000,000,000 set by Secretary McAdoo is to be raised, subscriptions - must average about $191,000,000 every business day until the end of the Liberty loan cam paign on October 27. To date total subscriptions are $325,465,000, or at the rate of only about $36,000,000 a day, whereas, if the maximum of $5,000,000,000 is to be raised, subscriptions must aver age more than $208,000,000 a day. The figures represent total sub scriptions actually .reported to all Federal Reserve banks except Minne- MEANT IN SELLING BONDS PRICE FIVE CENTS .t..;-..!M K SD GROSS A ing Issuedto AinKd- Chapters Throughout" tne s? ' United States. ' V TRY TO EMBARRASS THE SPLENDID WORK. WORK. ;r v r ii. a ti j. n ii -ppears iixtxv. tx vmupdii . of Criticism and Innuendo Has Been Launched Against ? Red Cross Information ; Wanted. ? " (By Associated Press.) k Washington, Oct. 12. Declaring that efforts to disparage the work of the American Red Cross are being , made in various sections of the coun-'" ,try as part of the anti-patriotic propa angda, General Manager Harvey D. Wilson today telegraphed all" Red Cross division managers to begin a nation-wide campaign to trace the movement to its source and combat' it. ', "It is evident that rumors and in nunendoes, critical of and calculated io embarrass the Red Cross, are be ing industriously circulated as part - of an anti-patriotic propaganda," "thd ,V" telegram reads. -' ; "Insofar as such statements .or questions are merely efforts, tq obtain information, they should, be earnestly ' 1 and sincerely met, but many of th stories, utterly unwarranted in lacV; ' emanate simultaneousi.jnrom ; tpo1 . nfany different parts 'of " the'country to be merely accidental. "Suggest -to advise all chapters to; tell all workers officially and advise ; .local press and every one with whom they come in contact of the character, of the movement which is on foot, and the members and public general-. ly to proceed on the theory that noth- ,. ing against the Red Cross should be believed until investigation. Ask each ' chapter to send to division headquar v ters account of all such rumors and , ' criticisms being circulated, as wll as , Cross wiir bring- facts to attention,: ; coine "Eyery-criticism should Je ' Careful -. ly investigated, and if fotfnd to'.ba;, Justified the cause, for critltismBlwnia i be removed :elttier? rinf- tbi ha&ter,at " division headquarters.- or alt 'national headquarters. In all Ceases the 2- Red -clsm or innuendo against Red Cross of interested persons. Very import tant that division headquarters and each local chapter be made to under- " stand that reputation and standing ol ; the Red Cross locally is in hands of , local officers, and interested workers,, and members, and that every critl- : cism or innuendo aaginst Red Cross should be immediately challenged and ; followed up. The Red Cross is being run as an open book; it has 'no se crets, it is making a sincere effort to -serve mankind and is doing it as care1' fully and economically as it knows how. Its accounts are to be audited , by the War Department and utmost effort is beir.3 made to give publicity to all its activities." - RUSSIA DEMOBIUZES? f SUPERFLUOUS TROOPS (By Associated . Pre'BS.jf Petrograd, Oct. 12. The demobHi zation of superfluous troops attached -to the Russian army has begun. - The ' classes called for the years 189S-1896,' which include the men 43 and 44 years -old, are the first to be relieved -from duty. The men are- being getit to their home villages in special; trains, committees at the various towns on, the way assisting in their return. , s WOULD HAVE WILSON ' TO VISIT EUROPE - - : 'i ? (By Associated Press.) 1 ' , 5 Paris, Oct. 12. The suggestion that President Wilson Tisit Europe Is ; made by The Information in Its lead ing editorial today. It says the , Al-V lies needs the President's counsel, -that his influence would be powerful -in establishing unity in regardHo,th' democratic ideals and. .that such" a visit would be of advantage also , to .' r America. ' -.."- .. ;- ,-,.; .'. . :! 1,. . -L. .-.' . -, ' . VIRGINIA DEMANDS f I 1 TAXES FROM RYAN (By Associated Press.) i ' Richmond, Va.. Oct 12. Suit has v justvi been instituted in the Circuit Court "of Nelson county by Aubrey B;' Strode, Edward Meeks and Volney TS. Howard, attorneys for R. K. Anderson and. 32 other taxpayers' of Nelson: county, against JohnT;- Fitzpatrick; treasurer of Nelson county; "the Unit ed States Fidelity Company; " C. M -Kemper, former "treasurer of - Nelson county; the National ..Surety Com pany; the Board of - Supervisors of" Nelson county, and Dr. W M. Tun-, - stall and Forest Coffee, members of the Board of Supervisors.' - to compel the present treasurer ' and the former treasurer of that county to account for and pay to Nelson county. the' sum of $239,250 taxes alleged to be duo the county byt.Thomas 'F.j Ryan:the : New York financier.. The suit; lsv the. . result of a. compromise agreement, now pending, in another suit TecenU . ly. Instituted in .the same court against Mr. Ryan and the authorities of Nelson county. ;. An iniunctipn has. .been granted o J prevent !any other settlements' to - relieve the county 'treasurer, from liability for the taxes. r i : : -.?- 7-

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