lEHf MI GETS - rnish City Water Cost $140, 000,000. 4 LOCAL MARKETS KM w X WHotirsALV Prices. gf V. 42c. i"ulli per iD4 country ..4 30c Spring thickens, afciecs vif. . . 254uc wu uuitKens, apiece .THEWILMINGTONISPATCH; SATURDAY aWeRNOON. OCTOBER I VViI ,; ,.; ; IPnnfin .ftfTP fliaillirnnlTl Ulll I Mrm nrnnrirf ii. . IWiSoVWWK nn ii DULUDDUnU bt 3 vtnD PAGfitHR CELEBflATE BIRTH .Wvv (fly Associated Press.) X OI K, UCL 12. fV.MUtaiu which has cost I140.nonnnn m money and eight years of labor , line into possession of this city, to day. It Gxtena.-3 .-from -the Catskill mountains, 120 miles away, znd'W l l'.iwu as the . Catskill aqueduct. In , -rii b:-ation of ,its official acceptance ; municipal Bystem which will gup y.ly water to millioHs of persons, a i!.:.eday festival is planned which is , vj, cted.;to rival the Hudson-Fulton juiiilation exercises, here in 1909. I .( cause of tha engineering prob ;t ; t ; which had to be overcome in en al img the city to.draw water frbia , . Acbokan Dam, 61Q feet above tide U-vi'l, the conkruction of the'systen? nils ueen described, as a feat surpass ins in accomplishment the building of t;;.' Panama, canal. It is one cf tht lev.- f.reat undertakings which hav i in n completed both within contract o ana witnout DCing attended by ; ny labor disturbances. cit-zen's committee appointed by v.y.n- John Purroy Mitchel, with tJi-oige AIcAneny as chairman, nas ar ranged a program in which national State and city persons of note will j.articipatc. George B. McC.lellan, i (inner mayor and now Frotessor ol oi Economic History at Prieeton Unl. .r i sity, will be -the guest of honor. It was dui-mg his administration that ili.- project was begun. The iabor organizations which sup P'.inl the.. workers of the Board o: ;:'.er Supply nvhich directed the i;,-ik, together with leadiug civic bod i s. were to.be represented. Charles Strauss, president of the Board o; Water Supply, will notify Mayo:. Mit.hel of the completion of the aqueduct. Each night the city wil be illuminated. More than 25,000 public school children will take part in a pageant called "The Good Gift of Water." This will bo held this afternoon iu Central Pork. The city has conducted an exten sivo campaign to acquaint childr'er v. ith the importance of the aqueduct A million pamphlets have been dis t -Pouted, and pictures connected with lie construction of the system are oi exhibit at the schools. Medals wil be awarded to the two children ii each school who submit the ables. compositions dealing with the impor lance of water and methods of ob taining it for the city. The Catskill aqueduct creates fou lakes in its course from the moun tains to the city. It burrows unde: valleys, tunnels through high land dives under rivers until 'it reaches i depth of 1,114 feet below sea level and bore3 through the solid rock of Manhattan Island. It is tvice a; long as the most famous water sys of the days of Rome and is thrc times the length of the Panama canal The aqueduct will bo capable of dr livering 5,000,000,000 gallons of wate: a day. MiRACULOUSLY CUBED OF MALARIAL FEVEF When Citc l(- U Die By Attending 1 ffysioians. Ti.c ..' "loss of Elixir Babek in tbe treatment of Malaria, Chills and Fevers. Af.".i and Kindroi! Ailments is atlestPd by the following grateful tribute frftia J. P. O.-rlit, of Vienna, Va.: "Ono member of niy famiJv was cured of Malarial Fever by Elixir Babek when piven up to die by pliyslcians. I have usee it in my family for sixteen yaers, and have krxuvn in several instances three do3es.to stop chills. In treating chills, and ma larial fevers I have found it to be even bet ter than you claimed, while as a tonic 1 consider it has no equal. " Keep Elixir Pabek hnndy in your medicine closet for emergencies-. It will ward off all Malarial diseases. Chills and Ague. Loss of Appe tite, -Bilious and Dyspetic Disorders, HeaI aehe. Pains in Back, Side or Lduibs. LOfd for young or old. At your druggist, 50c tottle or prepaid direct upon receipt of vmneas, apwee . . , . , 35c . . . . . . . t 12 13c irrsn Potatoes, Jersey Joint, . pk. Dags. , . . . .. .. $4.40 2C27c si4aoSfift? i 9 M Pound .V;. .'.".'.21 Wayne Canital Bunncr . Fish Eleswhere be Fittingly Observed On the Hill This Week. (Special to Ttie-DisnatehA New BenurOct. IS . Goldsboro gets -TflBSCCfl S lWffl9!:-L"-???: GUNS,, KEE&ilip iXMlUiqN.GERM AN LINES IN FtANDERS. Moneyto charmers J.hari re Hides, Green Wool, free, 91 bur Corn, pU3neI ..... Beo's Wax , " -; (Special io Tfie DJsp.iteh,) ! ' i ; RaleigfOct l& J- September! sale:? of .iooacco , so far broke all prdviolis records as to class it as the month In P&bieh rmore riiioney circulated on a syagie j crop than nas been paid . out : (Special to' The Dispute. V 111 : 1 tT.MI 'TIT - J --k.T Ji '2 CahhaKi (fnn ' 7 ,UiSlutl council or cue nea wortn Carolina Club at the TJniver- apoam (190 lbs) $1.50, Men of the Eastern District of North ,ttv t kiktu fi-Kttrt ut 0C Carolina, this to be held during the . venturing into th nnoxpldred terri- Vo t April, lais, this being de- tory of the county. This club isEi .$2.75 cided upon in the closinsr hours of nrpanfzfltinn'. hf th; faWriuV-..; , ..s .vvax- - loc,the Distirct Meeting, held in this city! dents of the Univra'iT.5 for - 'k: nifBP.e xjurrenCy was ihvehted aited Hides .18c ( Thursday night. nose of studying North tirtinrfiW' jJ: - - - ' ' Woofc-"" llC A meeting is also to be held members woo -......,...... ...SOcjat Morehead City in the interim, the ! take their own county fdr their owiliEHflJffM Shi 1 if;" SZSt J'Vk --Vr4Bf1IBSiate of this to be decided upon later, I Particular -investigation "and find ut ?SZrl Spanish OnIonsr the, crate $1.7b ' w mutu wn ki.. ---vrvthino- tovmM ov .t - . year which was itself, a . record-break- Onionsv2 burbaes. Silverskin . $4 40 " " v "T" ""rJ -rZ'A er. In money ' there is no way to SB!"" "W " " 'mi Onions 2 bu. bags Red :. :;:::-x ft ii mm iw Mtr VAV.W W V- X'.-.'.-V. K"7 t-:..y.:o Si If WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES Spirits 47 cents. Rosin N. D. Tar $'.50 and 16 " cents. Crude $4.00, $4.00, and $1.00. t Vi t vr,tw ffn-omwiflTit' t, tt -x : i ex . , in uiuney mere is no way to n .Ta-nnnrv nr Pehmanr COUntV government in th . TTnitfiiUv. . j . 4 25 - " - c.tooa n hiv iWofw oW w r,rT TtTeacn an estimate, aiDeit tne jfiasjern I ; The district meeting held here this! 1 tLt y i&tf farmers have been making an aver- " week was a success in every- detail, Hnances oS STSJ BMt anu was tnorougniy enjoyed oy tnos Ucs. OT 1, one-many, -or tneir mg DreaKs. rne who were in attendance, including : -0 was- rustiefJ the past iboth the visitors and the local mem-: !ber3 uennquences it aiscioses everywnerei iwjCiiw . ; ,2., fs-L mmrT in some 1 the ware-! Cotton Spirits Rosin , Tar Crude RECEIPTS. Local trainmen who are connected ?!?Ar.a ?r L.Spe houses were busy eery day in the ! jwith the Norfolk Southern Railway, ,waslefully. In-19i3 the cost of cou! feek' that near- ssiM1? - 1 u, " . vT- 1 1 T i j ty government .in i ortu uaroima was The sales 1ver so enormous ! that the strike which was scheduled to i ?n jn .. t v were su euuimuus. p-o into fiffMt on that lino, voctcrilav .' .. . . . .,. - 1 1 w - gim out Wdk luo cioy.lt ! nnrtanpo of tVQ rm-CJaloTn mar. .49-0 has been called off, the difference be- - mpn . 5 officials having been settled. U1"" 4 JTt i Ke5 -n5 monw snows : me mis- Neither by day.cr by night hs.ve the Germans in the trench 5u;Flan-M ' 1 11.11 Ilr .1 IlllCr TI I I II'I I .1 M Ui' ! I ntiln -I -V 'lH n W n v- nn Inn -rdit I . '.. - This strike, it is said, was called wiJefhn 3oilr m v ! V"-"j , ders a moment's resmte trom the st eady npundmg M the shells froTriaiie;? 46 CHICAGO GRAIN. m. . mi ,1 i. , i . - j z - - - - w, i nrrn i. ntrrt.i i v if i it-; ; i ,r 1 1 1. iii n. iiwi ilio.l i w-i ij rr.- be, aiter tne trainmen on tne motor lines rtoimtv nWio. irai- nfio- ot.,3 . l,l,Bil "' ili r3 ciiui.u.uveu!, vuio wiwn a, of the Norfolk Southern had asked fiou cSonS" "wiodS lESit-MTl be to thc Flanders tront !r. ,?!?.e0"rL,fl r.S'l6 ?. ' year.rml,e later. BuU'aoaioOO. tor with about! ' , ' Th-s wonderful tt-asiibght photo show;, a . big. ohell'V he!.- if. regular lines were given and their re- hd,0h voav'itnnv TTioro w,-u v. X.. ; . j;. . . . ... . ---..;t? quest was denied by the railway of-i 1 studieuiihge ar 5Uny B,rthday m . Uy, S s. 'S Chicago, Oct. 13. - Downsweeps of Scials untU. the matter had been arbi- The Universltr wm this weel cele- i'n fhlt -Wftnn ifm Washington. D. C, Oct. 13Mrs. along the, streets of the. capital.,; She the grain and provision, markets gave trated. :. I vjfj f u, io?rH I hfrthfiv S n2 distmcea the great Wlnstpn-Salem Woodrow-Wilson, wile of -the Prosi- drives her own electric runabout, aiirjj ;vraence-today of increased impetus, j A strike of the trainmen iust at- n "V """.r flt, will feach her forty-Sfth miie-.pany oi tae ien or wasnn ginia mountain town of Wythe-' and proves nerseit a good business So Tr as has woman, tney say. U S:? Deen announcea no preparations nave 1 . 1 V ro 17 TT ..... - uiu prices uiwe uuui """J this time would havfi rtonp a. preat ;iun. nn, - nn-Av.n rror Ttr x v. , i &uue w .iis wcatiior . . . .. : . luiiiwii jr. uaryx... wmuwi ".-tuan secona. it means tnat tne i-iea- v.-. uuc V-"1CU' L J aeai or narm. say railway omciais, Rioktt win malcitli r.hlfif nfMrPsa nf -i ,i "s". deal for curing the crop and saying and there is genuine gratification over ! 'he day-the -first address he has er Winston "siem Sd a lo" T110' ctobcr 1,4'1872 yuwuuco "x . ine iact tnat tne trainmen saw tit not,ma nuch warm, wet weather would havo tQ take action been rendered almost useless, upen-. Thur ng quotations, which ranged irom unchanged figures to one cent lower thg witn uecemDer i.n o-o io but these have Deen removed and' During the day he will review the jmy lu i-t, wt.n- " freight is now sharp descent all around. handled in Urn uats, at lira... uiu "- f Rnnator P. M. Simmons, aernmnan intOT1ivp drill made at the University since his in- of the weed and claimed - a: fine Moi,fl or,w Qoi nKeonr.-! And iust as YOTJ say that you rwill --jht ri ij.v 'i ljiuii'; i uiit kj i . i- v wuv Ttj.tjv . augurauon as uryvernor. uovwnw month, but Farmville. next door to i . . xtru -tint nimtiw vottk atvtn of hViTie-wi hursday embargoes were placed ! Bickett studied law here in 1891893, Greenville," came hear Winstoh-Sa- S Zf of thJ NoST" $nt"lndh? Th1 mnut aarM welGOme(lem's . figures while Greenville was go-; S0n7edanby SberlTttK Smf-! ' ' Jht.0rta::b eE- a million better. ; lies. "'A recent shopping trip of the Zl . m - aess but soon reflected the bearish changes in other staples. A recent shopping trip of the ' being received: and!new military companies of the Uni-' The prices justify the estimate that J , .... ..'i.-vi-i v. .. v tfie AAA ajia v k-; . elusion that there is likely to be a not- i in Mine-. versity, which nave ueen unuergoing u.wv.ww wvut iu wtu ltlimciB oM0 Mfnnt, fn Mrc x(nienti0 otttiot-H oiriAo tha TYiirtrllo of flrivi-- tha lncf itlntlth : ThfiV war- I t""lww" w " w " ied by his wife, arrived in me y, September. About 500 students are rant the prediction that North Caro collection of jewels tomorrow. nHicHESTER s mm TUB 11AM.XB CS.A.ND. afi I i Thursday night and will spend the mow drilling every" day. and already . lina.vill again lead the union in'pric-L Mrs. Wilson has come to be known l'llla in Kod and field metallic boxes, sealed with lime Ribbon. a great proficiency has been acquired' es and in gross receipts. The con-i ln wasmngion as one ot tne most uem- fnr- sn Rhort a time. (Jnen order arm Ninons at tne close or tne narvest wiauvyyuir.n cCiiluomcu uvj. Fresh attempts at wholesale liquida- . . tion in pork, lard and ribs .ounono arduous duties ,n c ess adequate demand. Pork suffered a De hc worked mash of $2 a barrel, ine rest ci iut. unugually hard ln the past few monthsi for the past week and on Saturday 1 sible to make them. There was some ist fared but slightly better. ;with mti rest or rpcrpatinn abator! f Ytpnsivn fipld maneuvers wr Hid , wilt in the Granville helt but that is 1 ' ! . jate noxOtner. .Mrrr tr roup Las been consuming most of the time : were as nearly perfect a3 it is pos- Grain and provisions ranged: Simmons is apparently in the very1 for the first time. Captain J. Stuart the ' solitary Shortcoming. U - P V1V. Open Close probablc that he will deliver charge of the work, has aroused Ira-1. The figures for 1916 the same I . . .. . . ... i . . . . .j p month, wp-rp 53.498.064. The mdivid- mendous interest m pnucipics ul - " - - ' , modern warfare. The construction of:uai marKets are reiwiieu uws I Allen, the Canadian officer who 'is in "ITS' .1.09 58 3-8 59 3 4 CORN Dec. . May OATS! Dec. re May . PORK Oct. . Jan. . LARD Oct. . Jan. . Oct 27.00 Jan 22.25 the White House. In -good weather years known as Best, Safest, Always Rellabl SOLD BY DSUGG1STS E YERYWHERE 1 13 5-8 1 12 7-8 an address on the subject of the Eu- 109 1-8 lulJfcnltl ul tut; rair gruuiius uur- mg tne coming weeK. cq io The demand for fish in 59 3 4 lina is so large that, although the o fisheries laws in this State have been .41.00 .41.00 .22.70 .21.80 41.50 40.55 22.77 21.05 27.12 21.35 MERCANTILE PAPER. suspended for the period of the war and it is now possible for the fisher men to catch any and all varieties of the finny tribe, it is necessary to bring in this variety of food from other States. A few nights ago a solid carload of iced fish passed through New Bern en route to Morehoad City from a point in South Carolina. Those fish will be re-shipped from the ! place to dealers at various rnn.ViDO nHIl ho h'psmn thi4 lOWns: North Car-1 week, a supply of picks and shovels : Ahoskie . . having already arrived. lhe band AyA . . .. and signal corps are proving valuable ' Ayden . . . adjuncts to the regular companies, i Burlington I Creedmoor : ; Carthage . , Durham . . Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Eikin . . Farmville . . Fuquay Springs Cured bv local applications', as they ranrpt? reach , n.0idshoro only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, , ureensDOio arid that is by a constitutional remedy. I Greenville Cutarrual Deafness is causen uy an iu- Tjronrlorqon New York, Oct. 13. Mercantile the State. Prof. Taylor B. 1 C. tit 1 I liumrl vimuiiivii 1 . . ' m . J J. nninf5 in 1 the Eustachian Tune. nen tnis nine is aiusiuu .. puiiiLS Jil. -ir,,.i vrni hnvp si rnmhllnc sound or lm- : T nmhnrtnn perfect hearing, and when it is entirely . nrnfl Leaksville AUTOS FOR HIRE . for Pleaseure Driving, Dances, Wedding and Commercial tity Livery Co. Phones 15 and 345. -.-.t.- r. 1.4 to r. l-- sternne ou uny i w.. . oux.. : - .-;-- , nAu ,1T,,i hi hih,. oills 4.71 1-2; commercial 60 day bills tendent of public instruction in Pam-jrest'orf,rt't'0 its normal condition, hearing i Louisburg n bank- 4 71' commercial 60 day bills nco couniy, pem mursuay aneruuun i7f.'7 8J,ipmnH 4 75 1-4: cables 4.78 in New Born attending to business 7',, t,' c,nv sr. 2-4 i matters and while here he told (newspaper representative that the big! the blood on the raucous surfaces of Imotor bus that is now being used to i s-v&e:1.l n nn nniinra fnr You cannot hope to win the war un- transport children in the Oriental sec- .,,v case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot tion to the school at that place, was he cured 'by Hall's catarrh Ajemeine. cir i proving to be a success in every way I "Haraf Y-Chesnex & CO..' Toledo, O. f I 1 . . I- , . n I A I f , A, A n ,TT mil1 fi f . (illU LlIilL lilt? UlllClcllS WUU1U UUl will bo destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which '.s an infinmcrt condition of the mucous sur- a i faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts through f . - , . . 4.1,-, 'ess vou fully subscribe to THE LIBERTY LOAN. WEATHER REPORTS ! - October 13, 1917. 1 be without it for double the price they j 'paid for it if it was not possible for them to secure another. The big bus" maketwo trips daily, I . . nwm S r : V- . 1 jUlUg UUt UVt'lJ' lUUiUlUg, W 1111 LUC j exception of Saturday and Sunday, anu ccinecLiiig up lll pupiis O.UU iiieu carrying them home at night. Temperature. K WEATHER 1 S gj . oi m "L Asheville .. -. .clear . 48 28 0 AUanta .. clear 58 3 6 0 Charleston clear 74 52 ,0 Charlotte ,. . ..clear 66 38 0 Chicago .pt cldy 38 40 0 Galveston cloudy 78 68 0 Jacksonville ...clear 78 54 0 N.Orleans.. ..clear 76 54 0 N.York.. .. ..clear 60 36 .74 Pittsburg ... .cloudy 48 34 .02 Raleigh .clear 72 38 0 St. Louis .. ...clear 50 32 0 Washington ...clear .60 32 .36 Wilmington . . . clear 73 46 0 ; G 4 SUN RISE AND SUN SET. ! ;i ; ! . . 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 ouuua; . j Sun rises I Sun sets . .6:17 ...5:4 j STAGE" OF WATER. Stage of water in Cape Fear river at ; Fayetteville, N. C. at 8 a. m. yester day, 3.8 feet. I I : I w A -1 M il Madison Mebane Mt. Airy . . New Bern . . Oxford Pine Tops . . i Reidsville : . Robcrtsonville . . Richlands Roxboro Rocky Mount . . Stoneville : . . . . Smithfield Spring Hope . . Snow Hill Vanceboro . . Washington . . Winston-Salem . . Wilson Wendell Warsaw . . . . Williamston . . . Wallace Warrenton . . . . . Youngsville . . Zebulon . . . . Total Pounds reported tember, 1916 . . Total. . . 790,312 .. 660,602 .. 749,090 . . 475.678 .. 164,734 .. Ig2,173 . .1,63"0,0D2 .. 259,213 ..4,319,690 .. 778,095 ..2,042,205 .. 774,695 . .6,560,946 ..2,389,965 ..3,259,294 . . ,7,280 ..2,513,290 . . $6,392 .. 753,830 673,567 .. 654,668 .. 843,572 . .1,159,166 . .1,638,851 . . 709,328 . .1,459,517 ..1,334,722 . . 651,015 ..1,171.781 ..8,li9,555 . . 360,108 ..1,976,995 . . 561,841 .. 647,770 . . 308.211 . .2,340,702 ..5,773,510 .13,l6,353 . .1,150,674 ..1,32,420 . .1,663,835 . . 718.083 . . 564,044 . . 628,812 ..1,082,024? A Hint, to' the HOUSEWIFE Now that you have finished your fall "House Clean- . ing" have you properly cleaned arid polished your floors? ? If not use r ; ; NO BUST FLOOR OIL. ;! Phone us 520. Delivered ail over Wilmington. 'S PAYNE DRUG CO. 5th and Red Crpss Streets. - fc l.l.l.ll . Ill I , II Mil II III I I I II I Ml III ' I 111 I II 'Ill !.. 4- iv-PlTOL Pai Ail ii -?i OTEL WAS H IN OTO N ' -D. C . ESBSSKSCSSE for , ..84,866,700 Sep- ; ;. 59,498,064 So closely is the world linked, that , one phase of the world war is be fing sought out in the American kit cnen, where the housewife will be the skilled general who will drive back the menace of privation from the ranks of our allies. DR. N. A. GULBRETH Has Moved His Office to Fifth Floor Murchison Building Phone 608. . The Chesrless Nights will be ,mad'-i Brighter if the boys know that the folks at Home have Done Their Duty. Buy a LIBERTY BOND EXCHANGES CLOSED. New York, Oct. 13. Stock and cot ton exchanges are closed today, OPPOSITE CAPITOL and UNION STATION Absolutely New" and Strictly Modern Renowned for its High' Service and Low Rates. EUROPEAN PLAN v - per day . $1S0 v without bath and Bp Room per Jay $2.00 ; with bath and Bp r i -. All Rooms Outside ; '.:: Booklet lot the asking ' ' " W. T. KNIGHT. Manager; s I'lSSESffl5,;' f 'ill - F 3 si Beautiful Bust and Shoulders ftri TviciiTl mil will r-par n cniATif Ifirallv nnnal rtifT v' ' Bien Jolie Brassiere. - . . i ' i The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches, the. 'upportiug niuscles that tue contour of the figure is spoiled.: put the hnst nack where It be Song'', prevent the full bust from ' j having the appearance .ef Ha.b.J fa-, a at .tn'.cir i Dintss, ci imi ii.nc me danger1 oi ?, ct'iS iy'o ftrr t? C dragging muscles and corrilneihe v DKf'0w,c,,'J flesh of the shoulder civintc a' graceful fine to the entire tipper body. l Thy are tle flanhtVesf land iaost serviceable garments Imagi-'t habe ceme in alLmateriala and styles Cross Back, Hook ? Front, Snrplkfe. Bandeau.- etc. Boned -with " WaloHn," the'i" M rustless boning permitting washing without removal..; . : El HaVe your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock- 'V fi ed. we will gladly send film, pfepaid, samples to show you. f BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warrei Street, Newark, HAVE THL PLEASURE OF VOuft DMJ4HTER"b COMPANY AT A Fl)C UPP DAftTV TCrHICHT WH1 CERTAINLY-' that guy ET Ori MY NERVES - OH' i ThthK HE 1 A VERY NICE ENTLENiAM- r All. hh r r WHAT bo YOU' THINK MOTHER - WON THE ( 7 'booby:; ) ... - 5 .If .): ( 7H f v WHAT" OOE'b HE rvEAN IR tHE mARRlE ThRT BOOSY - JUL DISOWN . her:: . iTi"'-- ' mmy 11 .:.v?r... vv..i- :-ir-'.-v:-t v - r ' V. '"y i-y.T:"ry-

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