WEATHER FORECASTS North Carolina: Fair tonight, Wednesday and Thursday; ... cooler tonight. moderate , temperatures j lijreiifter. ' L South Carolina: Fair, tonight (irj Wednesday. FULL LEASED ?WIRE SERVICE OL. XXIII. NO. 357. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 16, 1 917. PRICE FIVE LfiFOLLETE SSKS Redoubled Efforts all Over the Country Swells Total Subscriptions. TWO BILLION MARK BY END OF WEEK The Intensive Drive is Now on In Earnest Hawaii Takes $1,516,000 The Cam paign is Feverish. i '.y Associated Press.) W :on. Oct. 10. Treasury of ficial !ared today that "unless all the Liberty loan will have Wr i in; i'n' of hi' mi ii''" ;i n i ed of : : :u::- : be, , i:i Ia F THE FORMAL CHARBES RUSSIAN; FLEET POSITi IK i TO ST 1 ISI imi Te SMI JttFFfiE TS AIlilGi 116 GAMPS THE OF Also Wants Privilege of Sum- Landing Could Have Been Visit of the Marshal Proved More Eventful Than Was Expected s-: GULF TO BE A GERMAN RIGA VIRTUAELm 't. ,4Ji r:'.A 1 r i moning and ross-ixam-ining Witnesses, Averted Only at a Great Danger. HE IS STANDING PAT ON ST. PAUL SPEECH ADMIRAL'S WARNING PASSED UNHEEDED PERSHING AND JOFFRl SPEAK TO SOLDIERS The Senator Walked Into the Russia Devoting Mere At ten- All in France Believed Amer- Gornmittee Room Todav Presented His Letter and Walked Out Asain ICG PERMITS METAL EXPORTS An Agreement Reached Be-; tween United States and Her Southern Neighbor the (By Ass.ciated Press.) Mexico City, Oct. 16. An ment has been reached between ena-,rul was con ecu -ie cum-, uon wi..n i-remier iveiea-ity, out u tIie borabing a littl - too close. for sae-! nre -ins aisciosea almost aany. ana fin T.r.Tll1l5. the- Mdtipqti a mV oom IIIlltLeG JJ -.-lm.j j V x- i .V. lVt-ll ULUUUOCl-l.l 1 (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 16. When Senate committee investigating ator LaFolletU-'s disctlssetl St. speech began its iirst lie.lriBg today, Senator LaFollette presented a for mal demand that the committee suo mit a formal copy of the charges against him and that he be permitted to subimon and croiss-examine wir- inesses. This delayed the start of the proceedings, as the committee wen: linto executive session to consider iz. Senator LaFollette presented his de mand in a letter which declared he be lieved every statement made in his S'.. - tion to Her Political Dif ferences Than to the Enemy at Her Door. i : j (F.y Associated Press.l : t'euofavu, uct. Jo. Tr.e landing cf Gc:':::: troupe on! iylan..! r-GUnl l;avo b;n averts;!' opjy by r'.:-ic-;i!t:; bailie nnci:i- imCavo.blf' eircum- ' stances which might' Jr.v: irsu'tMMn ica Would Do Great Things in Delivering Humanity From German Rule. Amerie-.n Training Car.ip in France, 'Monday, Oct. 15. When Marshal Joffre fame to visit and review the contin gent of American troops training for the tranches today he brought some or tap surssj-ne or France witn mm. the openmjT c.i uie uuii c, t mi and to D,.Ipplng clouds, which hi :he caw, Aduul-; ovd?w-ir rn- r American army zone 01 v -u:- iIK muv' fcitrigJit. broke awav in RM'A! PLOTTliC CREATES CHINA GRAIL SITUATION Disclosures of Intrigue May Result in Internment of Teutons. 4 V Not Likely That Operations Xr-Sft- Will Extend to Gulf of Findland. 1 ARTILLERY ACTIVITY v ,.v '.: V ON WESTERN FRONT ?' ; .'British Guns Are Pounding , German Lines and Waiting ., For Better Weather J ' French Repulse German At--" -.v r tack. THE MOST EFFECTIVE WORK IN MONGOLIA iuan fleet apparently w:u-. in no posi tion to hinder th ("erraan.j. "Since March," the admiral f -' I have several times drawn atien tention to the possibility cf Giicli a blow and I also discussed the situa- .d overhun? ; propagandists Have Fabricat for-the pact. I j i D. r- cu jviciny jrvuinors concern ing War Conditions Have Money. the forenoon j pep Diue sity. tn tne ; afternoon, however, a violent hail and! raia storm broke over the training; grounds where the marshal was wit-! . nessing bayonet and bombing drills Dy (Correspondence of Associated Press) picked American companies ! Peking, Sept. 10 German plots to The party, at one time, approached,?101110 internal trouDie in enma as said it does not question one paid any attention to the gov- are at Wothinn-tnr, o-,i tt-.;i afnc,:the accuracy of his speech and Sen- nnment's warning Although ve Treasury Department, according to re- ator LaFollette demands to know who r.t, cur pol-.acal diiferenccs nave ueeti g.iveu uiwi -v i:i tuu iitiu Al ports received here, by which Mexico will take off the restrictions on the ! -iport of metals, which required tha does. 'I appear her 3 to submit to you in the people. ifs first $1,000,000,000 in sub- hy tonight, the billion dollar mark :n r today, treasury officials weic 10 believe that lhr rpmainHo- 1 . . . ! rfi-imnnrtatinn rvf tin pniinl amount ? ; lnpaign would witness a tre- 'r ... . i'ttip." sal.-i Sonntor LaFollelte as he vantasro of it." &oia lor an goia Duinon exporteu an.i A i i , 25 per cent, on all silver exported. In V? Jhe communication and German pojer - 4l, - thenleft the room. i rrealer than thai of u 1UU SiW 111 yUUl Ulltl, Wiuiy OfU- lU'U'. u n:i w . i-..n -' " th:3 the form of a letter all the statements into recount and events sliov that I deem it necessary to make at this they have been aide to take full, ad- 1 ji ?i 1 - , , . . ty General Pershing suggested thatiine sunaiion is so serious mat tjnina they mote back" 30 or 40 paces, "for 1 undoubtedly Will find it necessary to France," he said, "has but one marshal,! ,Tltern Germans and Austrians, rnd we cannot let him be ir slightest lf not a11 of them before the end of dnnsrer." us acceleration in subscriptions ; '..'00.000.000 might be reach '! end of the week. ht s from every section told ':hied efforts to quicken the .Minneapolis, vhere the of actual subscriptions had nor iiTtiil yesterday, reported that Kii,n'-" woi-krrs had taken the field and th;,r entire district was alive with n !r: i:;-m. OiTicials here expected ivpor; ioni?;ht from all reserve banks " r in large figures the result of ye.-U: lay's intensive drive. A? !'!! reports sent to the treasury ttx!: v was one from Hawaii. A total of !;.)00 has been subscribed uVt" and other; were reported in proaert. Ford A Large Contributor. Lintrty ' loan drive receiver! powerful impetus today when it via:; announced! four tiraris a, the acl- tra lo Mexico will be' paid in gold. I ator LaFollette, "that the question, the Gulf of Riga did everything pos- "Qh, but she could get another mar sh;1!," smiled the "hero of the Marne, wish a F.hrug of his shoulders. The visit of the marshal had been looked forward (o for a long while and proved to be even more eventful than had been expected. Ho mqtored with more tnan a in Under the agreement Mexico w ill re- f.ivo nftft AAA tmiA thic mt!i ; lan me oniy quesuoxi, vuu aio uw . igi- u " Wi "4V ; General persuing tnrougn 000.000 in Novpmbfir and $2 000.000 considering, since I have furnished ; mam; ami will con muc to carry out ,corc of French villages port month thp-rftr nndpr a rti.'you vith a copy of the speech, id 'the crders 01 tne Ki.-niBiei0i maunc. i American troops are bi rtnrt nnrdnnmn, th.t Mrvin. m,, t ! accuracy of the statements contained t he minister or ma me fc-oes no im-!coived r(JnJarkable dem 1111 I III-" I lit 1 11 - 1 . . v . - - - - - 1 111 nit; cytitu 'The speech contains of not shin the eold to other countries Mines and smelters, which discon- t uc --u tinued operating 10 days ago, have re-! statements relating to a varies ot sumed activities novr that an agree ment has been reached. subjects. "You say that ' the. . committee has challenged the accuracy of no isser-' It is also understood that Mexico j tion in the speech. Then 1 must be will have no difficulty in cbtainin,; entitIed to De advised who has chai iron and steel for railroad v;crk and lenged tke accuracy of any statement repairs. in thp snppfli hptorp anotuer stcn is tnlfpn in thi nrnpppdiili? ! tack ill the GUlf of Riga "The . resolution : of Jhe Miuaesotaj Commisssion.x.ofi Public Safety," upGnJ which you assert ybu are acting, does lle-ted, and re onstrations of -i'c esteem from the soldiers and of affec- to enter the Gulf of Finland. He cx-( tion from the French people. Late in pressed the belief that owing to the th( jay- the party motored into a little lateness of the season, the German town where a French division had been operations will be localised- i drawn up to receive the marshal and The Petrograd Council of ork-j where a regiment of American infan men's and Soldiers Delegates has is-; trv al?o is quartered. The marshal :ued an appeal to the army and tue;w;.3 introduced by General Pershing, feet to obey ..their -commanders and wno said: to fight, lo "save the country and at- "Marshal Joffre is familiar with the year. The extremely uneasy over the situation. China, with its lack of adequate ccrr.micaticn and great.-terrifsr;-, of fers a fine field ior German plots. .bor many vars German agents! have carried on commercial undertak ings in Tibet, Turkestan, Mongolia nd other interior parts of China. which .Consequently, . they speak Chinese fluently and have great influence with the lower classes. AH Feel Good Over It. (By Associated Vress Santiago, Oct. 16. Replying today! not challenges the accuracy of any! Henry Ford had contributed $5.- to a note sent by Peruvian govern- statement made in the speech. If '.""I'M' no ripfi t !,,) tho Ford Motor Com- ment, announcing the severance of anv statement has been challenged by ; v-i' vS-a 1 s. rany r ui; t'o;i. ;" Td's p r,h ! '! ; : P ' i ( (for Ton ynsrn Tn m - ,t ( uci d Tiic Dnnoi ILLI I fit- 1 UU1I j America and with American instjtu t tions and-is deeply interested in Amer to "liaVe Uinl as our guest todayf ' ' lhan ah bandits ia The marshal made his speech in ! French, saying he, was sorry he could 1 a similar contribu- diplomatic relations, October o, be-, any one, I now request you to advise .script ion was acconi-' tween Peru and Germany, the ChU-;rae by whom it has been challenged ! r.Knt declaring that can foreigu minister said that. Peru's jand upon what evidence. s in making war on action was applauded by the Chileans-j "if there is any truth in the newspa- host thing that cv- The foreign minister added that his per reports that your committee cx- I -1 t , i-: ,1 i-. ;k : . . . - - utpvor-ia. , government giaiiwt-a vy .pects to accept mere statements or in-; , America drew the sword and no one in '':nt of Ford's sub- course taken by Peru as it was a ;dividuals as a basis for any report Kemarkable r leading to the France doubted she would do great 'at ment was made lurtner step towarus lav unincauon ;Gf the committee or for any action by guage. ! After considering the various j of Germany, the marshal went crs on. The German operations in . ... and Asml around the Gulf of Riga,, whih ' have ; 4 .J centered attention upon the Northern -'fv4 ! Russian front for several days past, yr?. ; are not likely to be extended this falt' 'y to the Gulf of Finland, on Uie;rot.;',;"-y to Reval, Cronstadt and PetrogracI,!:- ' the opinion of Russian nayaKau thorities. The lateness of the season will have the effect of localising; the German effort, the Minis:er of Marine believes. " ' ',t':fvf The situation created by the. Ten-.,,. tonic move, however, is serious ' !- l .1 enough for the Russians in its present aspect. With the great naval pre . y.V, i ponderance of the Germans in th ;'. ' j ; J Baltic, there seems little to prevent viiv S the movement making the Gulf of--. ' 'Riga virtually a German lake and '!: I solidifying it into a strong naval base tfyi f allied ministers 'are Ilom wcicn muuary operations;, as-. :-y&-js.t well, eould easily be pushed aavan;y t tiagepusly, under propitious weather, ' y ! conditions. . -y ':y!2i The iailitary situation on theya- I rious fronts in the western war 'afeayi y l'-S was virtually unchanged overnight''-' '-', so far as the off icial statements" Te- y ir ? veal. The German reports have be V j. ; f gun to lay stress again upon the'.vk J ' of the artillery fire in Flanders ,f ' but there are no indications that the' V..-.'. : bombardment ha3 yet been , worked up , , to the point, where the British find ' .1 themselves ready for a renewal of '.i their drive. rjff Evidently much depends on the v. ';- y 1 weather' in this region. In the lightly y" of his. Jast week's experience with v'! the handicap of the Flanders mud. '.it' y- '. seems probably that Field -Marshal Af:-f'yl Haig will await the, settling ofj thQ yyy l ground "into a somewhat more pasV' y- ' sable state, although the hope of ; seH;' ; ; curing eyen ordinarily ".' good "cbrMivllv - ortATMrP irTi A i- ' V.- r--M s 5 3r9 ' etviolt' j y ' . 1 cnii jiJW' iu uc bvi.iuci yu , qiMi.y;!;sr .; p jOn the French front '. the; activiWesyy ft . are centered on the .Aisne and beforo ' ,: Verdun. Last night's fighting in lK)thfy' y I regions was- mostly monopolized s by Vy ITie German infantry, '-' 1 however, came to life on the west Through the German and Austrian legations in Peking these interior agents have been supplied with nion "y to stir up dissensions. They have 'aroused the Mohammedans in West tern China by telling them that this is a religious war designed to elimi nate Turkey and Mohammedanism. Similar arguments have been used among the Mohammedans in South western China. on Page Eight.) of the South American republics. OU) BY FIRE Thousand- of Head of Cattle Burned jn Kansas City rds Todav. LEGATIOH WAITING FOB INSTRUCT jyou, I protest against such ex-parle . j proceedings or any other ex-parte pro- ; iceeding in this investigation. If,; ! however, in spite of my protest you ; i determine to accept such statements,: Charge of Larceny by Former Town Officer. the monarchial movement and havei done everything tn their power to uh- not deliver it in English, but that as aermine me innuence 01 tne reKing a matter of fact, he was not accustom-! govemmen-.. ine wore 01 ine agua- ed to much public speaking in any Ian- UUh u'u mm(- Hieuive 1U JUUli"tthe artillery goiia man cisrwnere, as iney nave '. been ablS to harrass the trans-Sibe- j banfc of the McuSR attacking north of nan line by encouraging the Mongo- Hm 304 Thfi Frcnch found , uttlo y y Pans to move north into Siberia and diffculty in repmsing this assault Manchuria and to attack railway) hile on te Aisne froU French par-- ; towns ; . - ties made successful incursions in to (Continued on Page Eigh,) Lb(1 German Jines. :.; (By Aesociated Press.) ! things. He referred to the great power j of America in. men, resourcefulness ' and material wealth, and concluded: 1 " "Our enemv believed in his foolish I i lull Plymouth v. Oct. ' . "Benja-; Pr'de th?t he could dominate the uni- nn , , . 1 verse. Your reply to him already has in C. Reed, 63 years old, former tax bepjl mQst eloquentmoro eloquent 1 r-.' 1:1- 1 : 1 j A l . ; 1. .. . ...... . i . . . . : 1 ueinuuu iui uiut- &ittiei::cuis u iii;u i.ceu, u .tai.-. um, iu...ici "" been most eloquent more eloq suDmiitea 10 me or xnat 1 ue gnenau, rollector and treasurer cf hitman: thnt he pvp-,- rlrpnmpd Von have m J lopponmity at a suitable am- anil and widely known a "Honest Ben," f here to join the" Allies in delivering ! I place to examine tnem ana nave a iun- roday began a io years term m tne- humanity from the would-be voke of opportunity at a suitable time and'-,ouse of correction after pleading German intolerance. Let us continue if I desire SO to do. But 1 assert that ciiiliv vpstpvdav in the lareenv Of hp nnitpd'nnrt virtnrv anrolv will ho Lsuch a course on the part of the sub-1 town funds amounting to $25,000. 'curs." , ' I i-V, M,onf,'m- sxAT'-rli'cK Ityfiil committee is in violation of the weilr In the Meantime, bwedish Mail stabHshed accorded to every: Pouches are Held by J0fJ;;y. ;, !'j.-t;i:v y V.'H . iman whose words or acts are the sub- British ;ject of investigation by any body or; -J (tribunal, and I insist upon my right (o: r.v .sKot-iated Press.) Uace and Question any witnesses that Washington,- Oct. 1G. Minister Ek-'may be called to challenge the cor : engren, of Sweden, conferred with jrectness of any statements made, and Secretary Lansing today regarding thereafter, and not before, to produce the Swedish diplomatic mail pouches.; in my own defense such witnesses; removed from an America bound and evidence as I deem necessary or; under control, ! steamer by British naval authorities j proper to cont rovert an hucn auvere 1 r ViqIH nt thu Hriti-sh pti nassv . eviueuce its may ic. e uteu uiiucu. 1- AmoriMn e-nvpmmpnf 1 "I repeat what I have aire knows nothins: officially of the inci- in this and previous letters dent. The British government has euto your commute-?, mat 1 am most pay thph. taxcs offered to release the pouches u Swe-, anxious ana ue.iruj. mat . uiveo.i-, re,:ed niany of thc den will con. cat to disciose their con- gation .be made tnorough ana com-.-taxe. hp. went cnt tpntc; ipiete to tne er hf-;i lni.n H - Ti-pss.) Ar,.. Oct. 1C More : ti.,L' Kansas City - ; : '-eoiiil largest in the , 1 rey.-J by fire early .t im-.ued after the V(,V.. two hours, that sev : h--..d ef cattle had been omf es;ti mates ran as There was 47,000 cat- 'I.- at the close of busi- ;' was stud, and while (:) liberate most of tents !iy did the flames gain t iiiany were caught and Reed made a remarkable .statement! Three real American cheers wem to the court in pleading to the chaiyye. given for the marshal who acknowl "1 may have done wrong. I realize 'edged them graciously, it now and am willing to take my Hail d raJn did -nrit iT1.prrnf tha I ' .1(11 t llC 0 f f rrTt ttt cr ro m r P w-.t1j- i-n r C . L.l 11WUU J J. W X CA Li Ul XV Il l. Li. ' With a - rain coat punishment," he said. uesr. 1 coaiu. iul uav 01 uir tra:ninj? schools ?'o,000 m inv detaltatjon has ueen ovpr him"jhnnldprp, thp mnrshal hravprl appropriated to my own use, bat rath-: thp eienients and watched the men for er to meet outstanding taxes which ja iong time. ' threatened to exDOse my own pecu- j , . . . liar style of bookkeeping." . ,riiU s asTsr I , ! approaching too closely to the place 1 , me eld man related that at the nt w1lirh thp p.iflt hnmhs wprP h-ini-i. illS 0.CC 0 llll i.e.. ' TTvr.ixT-r nrnirarl r lin f i vt- rl t- -T 1 -f r2 -. Every Subscription That Can be Secured Will be Needed byJ Those Who Expect to Win Automobiles or One of the Other Prizes Ten More Days of Second Period.,; " 'ph ndv ni:ume 01 manipulating nib acojau.. , thrown proved to be timelv, for lat T ,f ofdres - -busIness was duil m Whitman and!f.Pveral spiinters fell not a g-eat djs- '..many of his friends were unable to't,-r frn the. -flrtv I THE PRIZES. T tance from the nart.v. that if Ii Tn thnir tnnr tnHow .Morcln Tr.ff- ; - cattle liberated from : K Uires reached the 0.1. of both Kansas Kis:;., City, Kan. discovered by two knew Lr WnO OWeu rind flpnoral Porohinir trovplor1 ot liopt he' went cnt, "it mean the 500 milp At the pnd nf the- ri th ' & af hundred'-, of hmnp.q nnd thp u 1 ;;j v. a .! ' J; . .- . . ;i,.',)n tn n nart.nontc anrl chall oftn. , : nuusu a-aiu iu tus Assuciaieu rress:. ; l no mail poiiciies, iifivciiug vn.:i t , . , ;.. wiping out 01 siuaii uuiik. iieeuuznt.-. i rhe Swedish commercial mission, weref3tuuie an nouuiume piuui wiu-j .s.i-.-H snnn aftpr it had been disclb--:ever so grave a matter as the propos-: "I collected money ed how Sweden s legations m Arger.-cu "uiou w x.. .... .. i -vwuu.o - v.ia. ,. MPxirn had been acting as a shall come before the United State, 'not pay year alter year, and the two -'i w -" uiuu mm meet . una ana Mexico naa Deen doimt, a ; ' ..' , thp rnpmv thpv wi t rivo th. .v channel of communication for senate. . . , , " yy.iuie i u , - nf';.:T;. I When adjournment was taKen, ar-imo to transier ircni one account to -v,v.-.. ..u..o i $775 Briscoe Automobile. Eerd Touring Car. $200 in Gold. $100 in Gold. -$93 Farnicure Suite. $75 Columbia Grafonola. prises, or the first special prize. Don't forget that each $15 worth of S. 3j subscriptions, old or new, . turned. ln. -'f " 3 this' period, will give 140,OM.i6xtra"'5X votes, and that after this period eachJ' !"Club" will call for only 130,000 extra c votes. . I nave been highly giatified by what t 0 Morcliandise 0rder At j. w. md applied it;eseentoday.cran; rattk H. Fuchs' Department Sore. se who conid v"en the time comes for the American wrvt-Waeh . S25 Writ Watch. Two $60 Diamond Rings. secret Germany. , Sinde the arrival of the pouches ter an hour's executive 1.- rr a - -r.rrnt ho. o-f. Chairman Pomorene announce - .1:1 t::nmon apparatus, fered to' release them if the Swedish because of Senator LaFollette s reius !,n;, nnT.anienabi.e. ntinn aR a demonstration of good ' al to furnish any information, the . 1 -i faith, would i.atpu trie Uame:;. 1 ue 1 iPra; j0n here asked stocKnoim ior in- " " ; - , , . j . , - , , . 1fl0 fin, was unde-r.nined. USuons, and it was said today has arrangements had been made to holdiofiicc since I90o f h, financial Ions was i'ceived no cables at all since. hearings the Ohio Senator replied in. from other sources. session, ! the other. Part of my p.: d that, was used for this purpose." i j District Attorney Kataman admit-' 'tod there was no evidence that -Reed : : used the money in any other way j Asked if any i than he had stated, lie had been iu; TV aiO -.j lucj uiu xii yicnunu lUL'.a. ol;iy. tho negative. fire had been ex-i 1 icTDI A'Q PFRVPNT fireja. had been ' DESIRE FOR PEACE ; (V.v AsJiociatea Press.) London. Oct. 16. The Deutsche n. r,c, rrcj iir)c Rprlin. as auoted in an, ; i I.A V O i."tj, - v - . , - WvpTianpR TeleerraDh dispatch trom . o YEAR'S WHEAT CROP HAS GRADED HIGHi iii- : 111 Jth approximately 100 ; -.pparatus and with dy-j : .-i:;ate& as to the loss; until insurance adjus a a census of thc num- iur.vd, since the;-re; - r't n-Rrnin ' high at the markets-No. 3 or better :he cattle pens which; "t1 . minister. r-um'er 'the Federal wheat standards .t "A vr v" v v Vi w v v CERTIFICATES OVERSUBSCRIBED. LLOYD-GEORGE?S LIBEL SUIT ENDS Ten per cent, commission to & all ncn-winners, who remain active, on money or new sub-i scrip tions. ' . Don't forget to call on all ol your ,; friends this period. Some of themrjvho .' did not help you during' the, first riod will likely do so now. If.' there are any that you cannot see. be sure laud write to them, or call them over s v ;the 'phone. (By Associated Prvss.i Washington, Oct. 16 A large part "lis year's wheat crop has graded 1,1 E, '-.ger part of the yards of cattle which were ; the pens are being cor rre finding difficulty : tieir property, as a of the stock is from . . -i carry no identify T:o Kansas City stock " ! and controlled by a lar.y of the officers of .ic rn men, and a large ' stock is held in the I ijf tjf tp a Jt J j j jft' f tf iff There are ten more days of the see iond period of The Dispatch contest (Bv Associated PrPS.) !and the competition , for the second London. Oct. 16. The libel actions $60 Diamond Ring. There are twen- , brought recently by Premier Lloyd- ty-three more working days of the l George against The Exchange Tele- contest for the automobile, the $200 graph Company, The Westminster m goia, tne $iuu m goia ana tne otn- Gazette and The Daily News for pub- er prizes. Jishing thc statement that he. left Dreaming of the prizes. will not do London when an air raid warning was any good. Success will depend upon Washington. Oct. 16 The i given, has been withdrawn, the terms the amount of work that you do be- government's latest offer of cer- j being an apology for the publication tween now and the close, especially Don't fail to get every possible. sub-' , scription, and remember that " each new one counts for. twice as :. many votes as an old one, and that only new 2 j subscriptions count toward the special 5 .: . ''-'..'.ivy.if (By Associated Press). recently requested the German Chan-:maae enecuve tuis m w,,- c-llor Dr Michtwlis, to state- Ger- cnt r-f Agriculture today announced, many's peace terms, urging that Ger- f Persia .-nf. false rumors have beer, many make concessions in the West. ..-cirimjad m the gram trade, and par-e-nrn,-n ronnivpd a "vasue re-1 ticulariy among country snippers and ly whereupon he stated that he producers, says the .department .that T-.. - noHatfl with Dr. hinder the new eoeral standards lor Mirharlis inasmuch as the Chancel-, wheat, very little of the marketed j, aggregating $7SI).000,OOQ. w madP va-ue statements when .crop is being or has been placed in! bearing 4 r- cent, interest and SLrnls and frankness were imp.r-, the higher grades. On the contrary, -X- the .first three paying 3 1-2 per -Jf :m cove tho rpniiirpmPTitK nr Tfifi P'pfl- -sfr rpnr . . f no inrpfiT. ikrija c&-r- - 1 Lt DOlJ k-. 1.11V "V U -i J.- - - - 1 - - - - ' - " " . -.U ' V- A tificates of indebtedness, $300,- 45--X- 000.000 at 4 per cent, has been vfr heavily over-subscribed. -:f The offering of certificates just closed brings the total offered by the government in anticipation -5C-X- sof second Liberty bond receipts up t' ?l,:oo,000,000. The latest I-2- lSKll'. wnr' tho fifth twr rF t V. r .it atively necessary. Tnese statements of The TagesZei-feral standards for wheat are not such: O! -, HoniPfl . hp d RDatCfc aS tO WOrK U ' "PS Oil me uuuuu; have caused a Lg. narticularly , i tificates matures November 22, and is . convertible into Liberty ho morning rifle men 1 tung, uc . rr&t sen- shippers rnji-vr. ""'.e-cs, for under -if bonds . if presented :t6,, reserve. in Trenton, a suburb, yesterday. Mr. diaate who turns in the largest formation, oryif he can be of anyas-s: ; y.' ' -hmiJotW illustrative Uhese standards officers;! sauon, "fe-1- ; ; ;;na'"nn been eivenVto a heavv percentage of ''.ararapr bearers under di riiann society high grades 'have! banks November 15. and the payment of a certain sum, of the second period, and the candi the amount of which is not mention- dates who take advantage of every ed, to indemnify the Premier for his available moment, and work to the costs in the action. The Premier was limit of their energy will come out in present when the case was called at the lead. . . " a special sitting of the King's Bench ; "Yesterday is gone, today is here, Division today, where the settlement and tomorrow Will never come." Then was announced. .why not work now today -and se- Icure the advantage over your oppon lents that will mean success foe you Don M. Dickinson Dead ' , defe for them -- Work today, 'By Associated i-res.j while some o fthe. candidates are ta- ' .a)etTOit,'"Mich., Oct. 16. Don M. ing a "day. off." . '. Dickinson, postmaster general under' Don't overlook, the $60 Diamond President Cleveland, died at his home Ring thatMs to be awarded the can-'Contest Manager, if you'want anyla s nrze. Don't forget that someone is ;goingfy to get a $775 Briscoe Auto, a Ford y Touring Car, $200 in gold.i $10(ry;ln gold, or one of the other valuable '.y prizes, for a few weeks' work. :V ; j : Don't be one of those candidates who -iwill do little, if anything, this . , ptriotV because you did; well the, first ;i period. Those who 'keep going" are goinfe to be winners. ' t iVv l" Don't, overlook the fact that if . yOu. ! fall short of winning the automobile, or one of the other grand prizes. ;you'i y a re " almost assured of getting the" $60 f' Diamond Ring if you work this week?'.y" and next' ..V; Don't think that because ' you .have ; ; done little, if anything up to this y time , that you cannot win ' the: ring ?; Youj opportunity Is even-better thanS? ?. those who have been,' working, .' be- ;;y. cause - it is only the money for new' 'i : subscription turned in this week and next that wilP determine the- winner V ' of the special prize, y - y; y ff y ' Don't" hesitate about calling on the Dickinson - was 71 years of age. He amount, of money , for new sulwcrip-Jsi tance to you. had been in poor health for three tions this week and next, who does' DON'T LOSE THROUGH v OVER. I the wheat 'inarketed. not win one of the more valuable CONFIDENCE! - . . v . o i kj ui up 1 the part of Austria. - -Jf years. I :A j "'V -A V J 4 . 1 t - 4. i i -it xi , nf thp fervent uesirti ii v" ,

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