' r, l v. -A 5 North Carolijiatvv : Falrr.arydVild t0niqht: heavy Tfrostc jnC nitr6r; Sunday fair. - - r ' - "tl f' South Carolina:;? vFalr tcfnlgbt and Sunday; frostinriterlor in. tx- ocsed places. ' (-"j, - 4 TT a rrt mmmm, --S ?k ' sTfcf-T1 , , v. JLlLiiVlliLJL n VJT FINAL ED1U FULL LEASED WIR SERVI VOL. XXIII. No. 361. WILMINGTOK NORTH CAROLINA; SAX : -r PRICE FIVE GENTa U WlfP ': 1RLLUBUI df naval battle i DID WELL pmsrr ' 11 1 tnt0 1 wun w w flOiWi-aJ S"rn c dim A SUPERIOR ENEMY DliD IpflTlflll! flP I FflflFRP rati li isii -vi ii il i im ii- rf.i n , n u - ? iici r .tv. im 3 Hil H .1! ! fcl l V II - uaenacsra up a owvc DefendexS Put Up a Brave Fight Against Overwhelm ing Odds germansTattacked Three Torpedo Boats ; ' ' . 1 V ZEPPELINS SHOWER 1 : BOMBS ON LONDON I THE TWO WITH STRONG FLEET, Last Night's Raid Resul6mi Death of 27 Persons aiict ; Injured 53 Artillery; Active in Flanders - 1 WC11 Ly ijiupo III A 1101 uvjuuu j ron Attacking and These Were Reinforced, Forc- R Transport Was Homeward Bound When She Was Stiuck by Torpedo DETAIJ.S OF DISASTER ANXIOUSLY AWAITING Had Ship Been Going Ovr ! Toll M ould Doubtless Have) Reen Heavy Stricken j Ship Sank Quickly I GENERAL MANAGER ALBRIGHT ISSUES: PLAIN STATE i Just when it appeared that th$ jtjcr jmans had virtually abandoned the se ;of the Zeppelin for air raids: OBlig- 0 FliS biL 11 REACH! 1 , M Three New Leaders Today M any changes in Standing of Contestants as Result or vo ting Yesterday bix More Days to Secure 140,000 Votes On Each $15 Club of Subscriptions TODAY'S LEADERS. Elizabeth Bullard. Considerable Aijathy Still Ex-! Ruth Teachey f p.f Qrts,fl-. ' Bernice Martin . isis m Farts ot iJouth E1a McCarley mm ' and West ,'- Bertha Allsbro'ok (By Associated Press.) Dnti.r Vr A ) V Cint 1 Q TVlP Russian ministry of marine has is.j land because of the eflftfo j AVIATORS 'AND BOY ministry of marine sued the following detailed statement regarding the naval battle in the Gulf of Riga: , 'that had been established against- ithem, another Zeppelin has penetrated i 4 Nettie Lewis Sallie Garrell , . . . Mrs. A. C. Sessoms SPOUTS AT WORK L 1 jS. ' At A- Wl -t A A i t r r r r . 64,650 . 64,520 . 64,150 . 63,915 . 63,500 ... 63,360 ; 63,175 ..62,990 VP V V V? AUNT the Eastern and Northeasterj-coun- Q Bombarded With Lo " -Interest in the contfest was greatly tioc ofl rPr.rheH at least thfi-l?f. nf .1UeS DOmDaraeU Willi ..1 "Tupsv r.iirht. an enemv sauadron 1 " i I J C 4"&u W Lue yuuiicanoii, iui iuo - ' '" ' j,e London area - A i-.cieiiuic, unu Dtuuia nic of 20 ships penetrated the Gulf of, The bombs dpped by theaider.3 Busy Even 'German Riga and at 9 o'clock the next morn-;killed 27 persons and injured, 3 qth-, :t i Jnfnrlpfl ' ing was discovered making its way -era, it is officially announced. ' ; - rencnes lnciuaca throush the channels south of Moon! mese casualties cover an ine qis: qound The sauadron included two! " , . 1 wasmngton, uct. zu. ine uiDeny, ou v-a .tv,v. I, , : itc .V.i.1 wool; r " "V " first time yestefelay, of the "Honor Roll." Voting was heavy and as a result there are three new names among the leaders today. Yesterday, one . of the out-of-town Allsbrook, S. C, Chadbourn, Tabo Vfr,v - -J Rr wr n . C; structures weie udiudgeu lu wmc- cjl- . . . , . . . , eportS of Walkouts of battle ships of the Koenig type. tlur;tent says the brief statement: Xsaaed. , lo-an campaign closed its third wee r.v Associated Presa.l j !mron. Oct. 20. The' German !'!!,!; Mr.:- claimed its first victims; IrcM .Vni'-rica's war forces. Within 24 hours after an American df snuver had been disabled in an un- uer.M'a attack, a torpedo crashed into i tlu- i nline room hnnip-comine transport Antilles, and' sent her to the bottom with the-lossj of 70 lives. Sixteen sol&tefcs-sev- tne supmersip a, Jg-A Are i tletacnments unaer Aamirai a.un- ( effi aboard the cruiser Bayan, accom "! oanied by the battleships Grjdani All the big raids in recent weeks j today with excellent prospects Treas- vthave been conducted, by means of air-. ury officials announced of bringing, do nj planes which" proved extreiftgfcjdifc- ttte ,total in subscriptions up V 42.-1 he land Slava steamed- from the eastern; cult to combat on the moonlit fijfchts vimW tn . day. Miss Bullard is closely, followed j part of the Moon island to engage the; checen for their operations. k ; Alter v.. ""v:- 4,y Mfss. Ruth Teachey, of . Wallace, of the Wilmington candidates. Friends of Misa Elizabeth Bullard will no doubt be agreeably surprised to see her" name at the top of the list'to- Coast Line Clerks Exaggerated f HP fOMPANY H AS I MAnc wn TUDEATQ rn em v. nreceded by torpedo boat pa-1 the last series of raids durlng.whicft . day. - : : land Miss Bernice Martin.6 of Marion. t lVXflM-i l-J , 1...,. s.i, j tv , ana. Koavir no olio Iti oc nrniirrpfl it lira's .nr!-j x it. irmc Q-wnoTruiiiuVj .i rxA'J.k-w. . i n... j bulkhead of the' Jpplains Why the Company an I IrTMoQ I niATl Or t'JPJK Thinks the Situation Will Adjust Itself 5 my. nounced that a reprisal lMaj wide sectlon of. tM 3mpany! At 9:30 o'clooklthe enemy opened been decided upon by tne Brmnagov- . t ft MiddlPWest MissEllJifCarley, of Wilinington, Clerks fire on our torpedo, boats and our de- ernmeni. .wJ iTTnL" TO. ?htl1 Placesterday Today 1 tap.hment. 1SSU1DK irom Uie cnauuei, : .- - -r ai;JManage: AfrifSi'ralion oTtTciaff'yrT: 'iwa& h -Atrinlr'r.oast L.ine Railway Com-1 attacked wiprofound7fitrt tooay am- pany.Mhelt aed this morning by a u m ar. cation of the meagre details ca- . Q n,9T1!1tr.i rnn ! At lO.oO o clock the Werden and Weiland light houses .tember 24 when an aeroplane, mding near Moon isiana-5.-- y uuv apyiou-- fire of the hostile dreadnougnts was m Sed to the Navy Apartment yesteT- representative of ,The Dispatcn con engaged the enemy squadron Hav hv Viro Admiral Sims. Names of cerning tne possiDie enect 01 iue uu victims are mArrme rpnnrtPd walkouts of clerks on j directed from a t !' 1; 1 (Mi me j" "v v- hickins, yt.-Mrday's dispatches giving 'the company anfi just how far reach- only iho - lour navai seamen . thpge walkouts would be, issued o th;t port I cm officers of the trans- our detachments 1 ' The Germans lost two of their big. Tile " SIilP!S U11 iUVC144UCl 40, Ul J Cftl , when a raid was being attemp..ea ana distance often be-, thereafter, all through tte TO, summer anu eariy iaii ui tins jeai, airplanes have been used almost ex clusively for" these death-dealing visits south into, Texas ana eastvtu tiw v-tKfisR Mnarl- i in.foMth-1a took up formation in a radius between an tor amg, purpubei, wsb iPiHanic seaboard, ; general ncatiiy prft- v other towns represented today are I ctively: ana LumDerton. . -- Many candidates, aside from those who are among the leaders far today cast big votes, and are so roar :the'"', top, that before many daysVave'', passed, it is expected that they f will be in positions of honor. v Only six more days and the second i period of the contest will be a thmg C-v of the past. Six more days tO'getV:l 140,000 extra votes for; each $15 worth of subscriptions. Just six more- days ' '4 to work for the $60diamond ring, of'j fered as a special prjze.CAlloi these, J offers will close ' at 9 o'clock next Vn Saturday night. .,'.r- -r 'a'i The candidates will be. reiuired to : do some effective work during these 'i six days, if they expect to )e vnum- ' bered among the winners on Novem . ber 12. Most of the candidates are t; I doing better this period than jthey dld4 t! the first, and are securing subscitip tipns from people who failed to 5as-tr sist them when first approached.; Phb-JJ lie interest is much greater nowihW any-time since the contest begahand wherever one goes in'1 the territory reached by The Dispatch he hears 1 he contest discussed,,, In a huhiber.: j ; of th towns tha ' ".'-rnst ' imnAftsinf .. ' , topic of conversation; - each day' 184, "Who's (Continued oo Page; jwe Vo4lt:U LX1U. VVl.V4AiVlo if -'V'-J,i . J - -j -- - - ' -v'n - , , . . . , , , .! "Tbrongh th section oi e A.uu -j . . . . - a. Mnvm mem mm m m m mmm a mm a m -.mm i a a i i a bb-bbbh- b a m -. m m v trv." tne official announceimsut. iiny t . niiii imui 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i ti i n 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 i CASES DiSSilit FOR ALL SliES jthe following statement: yond the range of our old type ves sels. At noon, in view of the ene mv's superiority and the appearance cf new enemy t v.a- :t'pi li.-- i German Zeppelins last midnight ; eastern part .01 tne &oum, uau wedLu- iblo early today to "Reports oeing puoiisiiu Bakhiren oraerea ins V"'1"1-.:" counties of England and approached wl ,,, wmo warships, Admiral "narticularlv ' in " rural ' communities, subscripti)ffs are not coming-in rap idly. General apathy -appears to pre vail in mparts of Iowa, Illinois, Mis souri, Arkansas and Texas. In the tit-Th 111- v.-c c( 111 j . :'.!' OiS. U'hi!.- f-.7.4---:-' ,livt'-i. r I n c 1 1 1 . 1 t wliiic h the '.v; v troop.- :u. unv'k . loss of apiKillin-r ti'l si-nr til-' r !ju; tho : Hl;':'.; plOt, (: tOlpC'!') rl bowi'ls ( p identity , of the casual-1 gerate( as tJ the number of our clerks the crew and soldiers. who nave ieft tn& service at various 1" All mnot ba compietea untn points. into the interior of - Moon roll el ' r. mr.de up at the , Qn last Tuesday morning 28 out j in retire sound ( ward and withdrew from Our ships then turned nc-ith- flronoed in the ugnt- :f.. - . ... ... ' p4atc3 u u t iiicj uiu iivju ci j pmhnrkation. can be nf mpn nuit work at our Ricnmona the roster of surviv-! agency, and their places were prompt ly filled. ,: epest sympathy was, 'On yesterday morning about 2. 1 ' v in official circles for : clerks quit at Jacksonville, Fte., and r. e;iiiant!y gave up their' 21 at Florence, S. C, this morning, . . 1 1 . , T. . 1 t. . j. Cj-.T ,1nirr! eoVDTfll mPH i" ! war. general uvei t.ie , i;uring uie paMn ucijc.v. -- 1 net Tinr fqtP'nt Gr.ritVi RnrkV MOUIlt. d,IlU a ; luU nivjt -- cx c "ThP battleshiD Slava, the last of tha line and which had been damaged ' severely under the water line, finally sank by the head and tounaerea m the deep entrance of Moon sound. "The remainder of the squadron entered this channel. Part of the enemy squadron begaiwto fire on the and .1 few t r n t rori 1 . 1 fc 1 i i' i-ii.r; 'i i in i i iiut.rv t j w - v ' .' . i. n v, r? fnur nthpr smaller n t nnri wonlpTi batteries and st- ' lllf wp rd DOUna iinu iiul ciei KS ctt coi n v. 1.""-, - , iviuuii a''" ----- nmh0ra n nannnioa miif ' " '"r t i 1 nrf Pfl ana rteStrOyea llieill. uui (ivr rd. Had the dlivero on ii ?r trip successful ; . 4 r . t oil nninta vapanrip,.', are rapm- i,..o0flic! enffprpd some damage, aubi d while the An- ly being filled, and there has been ab- j snemng the batteries, the enemy en- to France, theisolutely no delay in tne nanunug UM tered the southern part 01 tne ,.oi.i .ni,! hnvo been frpieht. and we expect none. I wast, roadstead. h-va- struck in a vi-1 "There have been no complaints During these movements, the crui - Mdun-ed b-low so swiftly from our men at any points justifying ger Admirai Makaroff and some jun--m.na atively few could, the action that has been taken by , boatg and destroyers in inner Moon V - them. The clerks at Richmond stated d otected that channel and the ner.that their action was me icsuh " -" ' m0uth of Kassar uay ueiwfcu li.-- T-aiirnnrl's failure to recognize uiw . . .a f nagrn. Oesel ana Moon. intense in the mann inc managed to elude the,: of these . i- 1 n 4-. r, f. or5 firH 14iaUU41. i."- I r ', ':,.,. t-no nosition in this matter is tnat h , , Tuesday i OUitH'U Ulltxuv .. , o pipes' or. c ---- ,l oorllir Mflval officers urauy uoes iil - " .7. i coast of Uesei ismiiu auu xj ships remained nierht near the latter ia tL u throughout desire a clerks' or- 6 n d.vai u" Oooo nf thp conhdential . .. , , i, v,j rQV intr ihe- nninion that the German B""" " - "." tliP com- attemptea to variou out a very definite attack Cambon Says One Was Chari ty Worker, and bther. i a Spy Paris, (By Associated Press.) Oct. 20. The Associated is expressed by committeemen in charge of these districts that they will be able to fill their quotas Although a few bombs well in the thn fflrmprs ean be aroused to the Press today asked Jules Cambon, gen- London area, the prptective batteries! f subscribinff to the'eral secretary to the ministry of for- were busy only a few minutes and ititaI necessity or suoscriDing to ine, affirs if ne had seen the at- i-i... v. ; nvietinir nptWPPIl Tne CULU- .. . tr. Kor t u iK eel oeneam , 1t.s i nis tho c"lc,u 'v,iV. " : . . aro of i! : ; , .' " " .,;::' ; p.-.ny and this class of employes, .- i . ; f the statement is a rope- "';,': ",.:,0V,'hnf t", tho nature ot whose work make them , rep- 'ho 0icial statement issued r :h'n t, e'e Into ea resentatives of the company and wHch annouCed tjtat ,ed.yO alleged, nale been!tw , trawiers h,d been H.e :i fron Admiral SimJmade against the men hy the com- njre , r.,,;, ,i.Vt Ehii;ent down in a." w no demands made by IM mines inhe Moon sound region f. ,. ; rn. ... nnnn with ..... --..4. Diii ' Thursday, n auut., nwTCi, . - i'w : i i i 1 - i r i . i ;i i : i.. i.uuunu " i i . iwr nninr pytp i . iliu - , ,:,,.r-vr.. UU1 VIC v I rescuing suiviv, nfl fof reCOgnition of their organic it is believed, any , . otner point were any L1W11, " - 1 'demands made. , Tr woa nninted out by the company - , j.. w:i.; ;:mor.g tne engine nuu- M lst last a yoiuntgry in- ,1 lilUL Stunned or maiuit-a th ni'": ai'i:: fir- lv t!;p ha. tin fact, coupled with' dty of :':? -Mt)!?, it IS locate the U-boat. . . i loss of life, if is, the crease was : I no-pin an tnrriedn beat escorting main squadron ran mw a. "uM.aU mine and sank. Defend Gulf of Finland. p0trmrrad Oct. 20. The Russian y 1st, last a voiuu.i, . entirety could not made to the clerks of 1 Baltic neei m :;:haforv r Mi3tW.. - rallies among the army made a vcluI1tary increase oi out - Qerm'an8f. he said, "effected cers aboard is attributed cent; on the same class cf em- Ve on Qesel island i;it thpir state rooms tay pioyes." r-ks from .which they, Tonriinp nnerations on Oesel vith 12 transports, an enormous num- and 30 uestroyerH h.-l ;i nt onTi'linrips to the waters below in Northcliffe to Stay Mere. impossible for our entire Bal- nicked up. (ByoA81atirdeSNorthcliffe tie fleet to meet the enemy without i-ved that the attack was; London, Oct. ItSvS resnonsibility for the pro- , -:mce it took The Daily unromcie Tanrtih Gu" of Finland." the disaster to quested tq announce has , nc tention etion Qf - 1 1 i , v - i raiwai u o - -" j i f-1 r tru. L to th. alorm couM hor Tn:(lr. 1VO ( tlioni; Entd; Tii- lo-.s of the Antilles marks the !';, h operated successfully , vast quantities o. BWP11 . showlrs that they were carrying -out Rinpo m,, in.-, n(iM entrn(.fl into forwarded overseas with eompiete uu " orfliiftTls with a minimum tlf' Sinro tho unsuccessful at iiio ronvov nf the first con- sea warfare put at ' sea I'nr nv.'s of .siiinRton. Survivors ar: ui-rr hie- nnnointment as The Ol 1 Kllliquioiiiii6 rr . . 4i, , i tt, v.i e tKfi -Pritish mission LU wui ' ii'- ru i auui ' ' or Irfdand. United States. ns a Drecedent of the impossibil- itv nf ;ins submarines to advantage He rdded that the Germans are us- that took Oesel ;;;;B,rt Berv.,-tinnt. large numbers of troops ana nS " naeo island, thus " - ... i -. ..... . i-nnniios nan oeeii im"i QQro nf under- their operations munuy u" fnrpp is believed the raiders were checked j loan. effectively from making any serious attempt against inner part of the city. No reports have been received as to the damage or casualties caused, if any. Apparently the Russian fleet in the battle in and around Moon sound, north of the Gulf of Riga, Wednes day, gave a good account of itself against the superior enemy.' The Russian admiralty says the . entire third and fourth squadrons of the German high seas fleet and probably the fifth squadron took part in the en gagement. The three squadrons com prise two-thirds of jthe German fleet. The battleship Slava was the only vessel of the Russ fleet lost while the Russians accounted for two trawlers. Three German torpedo boats were sunk by striking Russian mines. The Russian fleet withdrew into Moon sound before the sinking of the Slava which' was the only vecsel to be dam aged seriously. The Germans have landed troops on Dago island which lies to the north of Oesel island and forms the north ern boundary of Kassar bay. What progress they have made in occupying the island has not been established. This is the last of the large islands in the northern part of the Gulf of Riga yet' in Russian hands, and bars the way to the Gulf of Finland. On the Flanders battle front, the British aerial and artillery activity continues intense probably in prepar ation for another stroke against the German' positions east of Ypres with in the next few days. The British temps of the German press to . point . "The outlook in other sections of out similarities between the execution 1-.-, rtnimt-riT fn-r n1vo?Tir tho weplf with of Mata Hari and Edith Cavell. M. IJ-LC lWUtl J -V ' x I 1 - J $2,000,000,000 subscribed is good. Aviators from all the army aerial Cambon replied "The German audacity in daring to compare Mata Hari with Edith Cavell training camps are snowermg ciuus surpasses belief. Miss Cavell was a with Liberty bond paper oombs, and woman respectable and respected, and 300,000 Boy Scouts began today an intensive campaign xyr the loan. Buyers Ambng German Born. New York, Oct. 20 With the Lib erty loan campaign entering on its devoted to charitable work. She was shot for aiding Belgian soldiers to es cape to Holland. This in German eyes may be a crime but not one that en:.' dangered their army. Each American Soldier r and X, Sailor to Receive a Red Cross Package' (By Associated Vipm.I ; Washington, Oct, 20. Every Ameriv 7 can soldier and sailor will have ; the- j best Christmas the Red Cross can giye v P him. Each one in this country: - or : V 'abroad, will receive a Christmas pack-: ;; age, approximating a value of $1.50 ." and containing chewing gum, tobacco, . 'r writing material, games, dried fruit, candies, puzzles, mouth organs.. 0T:'- other articles. Each package is to ( be T wrapped in a khaki colored handker-, T crie and tied with red Sbbous. 'f. v To expedite this million Christmas" package. Harvey D. Gibson, general' , Mata Hari was a courtesan. It was manager of the Ajnencap Red Cross,?; .nrnvorl that, sho was a snv anri tho C.ntl-' inAarr annnrtinnerl tho' malrinp' ftf - th last stage, a broadening of activities;ter of a . spying system. Her corre-, kets to the 13 Red Cross divisions" ..1 "U . -1 . - tt V.t. XT. ... J-.. t. .4 ,T..3 . Federal Reserve district today. Boy Scouts of America took She herself ad- into which the country has been divide The work will be divided among' V mi. Jmnnev f mm Rorlin . . mitted that she was one of Germany's ed. ,rViiof cnioa in TTVaTino who iip.pH ttlp'tlm 9 BAA Port1 Pmoo ntiantora Q71H nnt. places in the ranks of tne army of observations she had been able to third of the allotment will have to be - . workers, and visited thousands of make by her mode of life. She merit- in the division warehouses'. 'by ; Novem--'.- homes in their efforts , to sell bonds; ed no indulgence. No comparison is ber 1. ' ' v': -tP-th- i fleet of airplanes from Mmeola was possible between charity and spying.". Money for the purchase of tho pack (By Associated Press.) Paris, Friday, Oct. 19 In the cussion preceding the passing of a ages is being raised through contribu tions by individuals for this specific 'f purpose. No part of the Red .Cross war fund wilLbe used. . rjt.' dis ! FITZS1MMONS STILIi DANGEROUSLY ILL ' v:- -: ' 'jfltl i prepared to bombard the city with loan messages, and hundreds of spe- ALSACE-LORRAINE - cial committees made direct appeals 1VII TQT" tlI7 D'CQT'OPFiTl to crowds in the streets, theatres and j IVIUO I BE Kilo 1 UKcJJ department stores. Liberty loan bond holders of ' Ger man birth or descent will meet Sun- on Riverside Drive for vae announced .?ot of confidence m the govemment r-.c t a vi n by a great majority m the Cliamber , Purpose of aemonstratmg that Amer- T i , i, : . - . , ct DeDUties. several members cnticis- ' icana ot German lineage are not oniy ministry as be- Robert Fitzsimmons, former heavy8- , ' ' lnvq hut .mrme t.hfi snhRtantiat in- . - ..... ! . . . . ... .. T ... "-:... vtiStors of the bonds. day reached.. $605 ,000 000 a gain of - fe Sie restltu. proximately $60,ap0J00Q ..for the day,.. Gf 1 Als' Lorraine thatrwe are unicsgo Keacnes iviinimum. c v c.i umcago, uci. avs ntgagu (By Associated Press.1 Ji A Chicago, Oct. 20.- The condition or. coming incoherent and lacking in en-1 weight chamnioiuv, critically ill! here ergy. l nave aireaay saia wnen ex-; ot lODar pneumonia was reporxea ar- ly today by his- physician as "un changed" from that ,of - the last48 i hours. - ;f,f. j-.; While his vitality was considered v, determined upon. X-LcL O ... . . i X 1 I . i Ti J " ' 1 M H A. . . , .1 , rti-T i tituiion wnaieer may u me laic ui remarKaDie, it was saiu tuat , ma rc'iimon iru ii n rniiiii .' uiiiniiiuni in . - . airmen haye been favored with fine! -"rVr T TiTrArlSZ battles. For this, we should push the weather m tne last two days and ' tn w.oi cm. tar to the bitter, end." work as well as bombing against German supply depots. raids Zeppelin Brought Down. (By Associated Press.) Paris, Oct. 20. A Zeppelin brought down in flames late night at Rambervillers, near the Alsa tian border and two others were fore was last unofficial noUncement of he campaign. mana: kjiT5c,r gers and today preparations were ViKlalINlA.IN llNJUrCEXI chance for recovery was slight.. ;- ; gers and today preparations made- to swell' that figure to $180,000, 000. before next Saturday. The man- agers expressed the - beliefs 'that a mark of $200,000,000 will be set in the city. y " ' " ' Reports from ove" .the ON BRITISH FRONT FAIR WEATHER FOR EARLY NEXT WEEK (By . Associated Press.) '"A'-fh-'i'-XA Washington, Oct 20. Continued .fair j fBv Associated Press.) Washington; Oct. 20. First Lieu- weather with rising' temperatures the : tenant P. G. Hamlin, of the Medical first half of the week, becoming un- Seventh Reserve Corps, was wounded Octo- settled with rain and; lower tempera Federal Reserve' district are regard-ber 5 while engaged with Kritisn ture by Saturday, is the forecast ior ed as optimistic and those in charge forces. His father, W. B. Hamlin, 'the i -South, Atlantic and. - East: Gulf J i: i tv. fsmnoiffti hfilipvfi the maximum liven at 1020 West Mam street, Kictt- States durmg;tne week Deginmns,,&un ion COmposeu Ol u,- uumuei ji --" ---- . . . ' J ' : -: i Ix-S Zeppelinc .which new over tne vosges. ut ?iu,ww,uw ueuwmcu. . i :- ; o vpi: ed to land. They belonged to a squad- 5l i ; , - ; i-u-i i , !S; .V vv ;- - ' ' " ! ' ' - " ': " - ' , '"" . " i"! ( '''.-'..:-) ' . 1 .,t .. - "

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