4 '' if-' i -1 PAGE TEN THE WILMNICTOif DISPAICHr SUg) AY MORNING, OCTOBER 21 , 191 7 TH E1ATRICAL That musical comedy lyrics need light, movement and melody ulmosl not necessarily bo scries of nonsense beyond imagination. The changes or ; costume and scenes are bewildering in syllables thrculi which to string tllcltJ,oir frequency and the final picture thread of the composer's melody, isj0f the famous "Joy Zone:' at the Pan illustrated in "Katinka," wliich Ar-; ama Exposition and illumination of the thur Hamerstein will send to the I "Tower ef Jewels" presents as bril- ncxt Friday ii-ojyt a spectacle as anyone could ae- handsome peon, a brave bandit, or a youthful American army officer. - For a time it seems that matters are about to go wrong withthe girl and the man she loves. But; she fin-, ally wakes up to the fact that her heart has been with the handsome Mexican lad all the time, and she re mains happy with him. . THE BIG TREAT. The big treat the Royal has bec-i I promising for the week -of O&Cbber ( 22, i;i now announced, and it is nono ;icalt HONORS FOR DUKE OF WESTMIfa STEH Britain's Richest Peer Proves His Real Calibre av a Naval Man British armies in France. At head quarters, it was said, things did not move rapidly enough to suit him, not withstanding the fact that he ,tcok over to France three automobiles and five hunters. On one occasion he sav ed the life of Captain Grenfell, who had been left behind in from Mons. other than that will known musi London, Oct. 2&. -The levelling pro comedy organ-ration, Guy and EJsio cesses of war, giving the man of ob- opportunity to distinguish himself. N Johnson and their Dolly Dimples Mu-.scure antecedents a chance to put his ; expi0it of lhe war Rives evidence o When conditions began to grow! monotonous in France his Gra'.e ob-j tained a transfer to the Egyptain front, where he was given command of : an armored car section and an early; No' ifwnlnit nf Ihfi war erivef! evidence or men ; splendor presenting a no around , beauty, all presented by Acxdemv oi Music on for one performance. One or mo ; s;ro. Tuneful songs, that win siart songs, for example, "I Want To Mar-1 your feci: a going, hilarious dancing, ifi- rinoro"o" li n p hTpniV'Sv "c.t'' a wild li.iv.i f orsfott ?n all of ti-ic-l idea back of it. The fair tbe;r troubles and look only for the ! cical Comeay Company, a show tha ; name m history by some feat 01 signal - more vaior -than the Duke's rescue wor cmr n'-.enrch of a husband i raietier, of life, costumes of great i Wiliningtoniaar. remember, as th-, courage, has given the Duke of West-; mo British captivities in western puts forth the theory that four would bo little more tro tho hnv,if than one. ana having four. of people who look only there would always bo a chance thaLlride of life, carry the audience along, one might amount to r.cmpthing. until one "can alinort imagine he if; real-Aroun-1 "tis idea, could be built a i !y on the Joy Zone at the Exposition, full-grown farce, though probably, it ! It is one of the biggest musical offer- rnnnw tsi-o " Fr.-nrhman ro ao it. iings 01 me sraauu iu m rcij n vfuia -ti ik '- iv - - - i Another song. "Ycnr Photo," sug-1 represents the ver gests that kissing the glass that j travaganza. t of color and greater sensaucm 01 me wuaie sua- ,inimsifr, rsruam s ncnesi peer, equcu- Egvpt who were the survivors of Tara, a company' rcn wnen pescnteu cj. me noyai ias-. w uuance 10 prove nis reai canure sgp,aed by Arabs when they landed. on j upon the gay year, a return aatc ior tnis organi- ciave man iuu or resources as wei. tne Arabian coast after their vessel' v best in musical ex- Breaking all attendance records wherever it goes, Johnson's show comes under a guarantee that it ia VMWGS GREAT XHiU&CTER-CRFATI?N l in ah ahazihg modern mmmatic cfiEDY 3 I GASP L ' 1 GIANT5 s fir pf Dip I mou will eiyogtiij- iWteMH MAC ISTE A The Giant of "Cabiria" i n "Marvelous Maciste" the K 6 Amazing Modern Melodra matic Spectacle at the Grand K ft Monday and Tuesday. ; )l zation has been repeatedly promised, as patriotism. To his Grace, already na(J bcen torpedoed. out comu not oe uutaiueu, us is mo,iC""""c civiaLui, yuiu ya.w. most popular company whicb ever hunter, horseman, and all-round sports- Having exhausted the possibilities plajred in the South. ' Jman, the war came as a relief from of stirring adventure in Esrypt, th-" noreaom, lrom which, h:s inenas say, puke Fecently retprnea to junnna m he was an acute sufferer in the sum- quest of a hew assignment. His wish imer of 1904. has noAV been- gratified by appo'nt- iiarly m the war the Duke obtained ment as second in command of one of a position on the staff of Sir John the tank battalions operating on the French, the commander-in-chief of the western front. If half of the stories told of the Fsporience of the "tankers'' are true, his Grace will have ample opportunity to satisfy lr's desire for dangerous adventure when he gets into Flanders. mcny singers; and dar.c:ng; The Curleys, singing Louise Metcalf, the charming ingenue; The Spellmans, a novelty acrobratic and equilibrist act that will create a sensation; Ward :nd Richards, comedy and tos danc- ii uwi in i i ..nmwf ai I.,, The Duke r,f Wes'mjnis-cr vn;; ".8 years old on March 18 last. wa-:. ing; Baby Vivian, the child syonaer, educated at &ton, ana served as a. v. miu the Ruth S fJters; singers and Q,. to Lord Roberts in the Eor vnr, dancers, rot to mention charming. J899-1800. It was in 1899 that his Marie Johnson, Guy's daughter, and' grandfather, the first Duke, died, Elsie Johnson, the leading lady cf the leaving him the vast estates of the company. Marquisate and Earldom of Weslminis- This show will undoubtedly turn ter an Grosvenor. respectively, much ' the crowds away tomorrow, so those of which is entailed 600 acres in the Corr.cay Singir.n and Dancing, With Jcnccrro Dc!)y Di:np!e Girlc . . . . ... i. l -t - C T ,1 ,1 n.- ! wuo can do so, snouia aucna tne most yaiuauie pan u iudw.i mu matinee performance and thus obtain 000 in Cheshire 'and Flintshire. Th ? . rood seats. second Duke also fell heir to the fa-: mous Grosvenor House Gallery, ani after the Eoer war added to his domain ; lOflOD nr"-oa in ih.i spectacle presented at the Victoria 1 tc r, , i T'n ii yutii iinu a. hail ugu; mioc- ed this greatest picture ever filmed, THE C URLEYS. al This Wcik. ';t the Roy. aw AfiTrti i m ni n a PRnnnr.TinN r;H C 'naHiria" tht tn vpoI bv purchasing the time of Charles II., when his an u fc . -X;," ;,' cestor. SirJThOmas Grosvenor, married ! ou certainly have heard about it and only . daughter of Alexander Da-! l course you heard about the won- . . . , Vll'S, LUC IclIllUUO UlUUC lCUUCi . A CADE f you derful "giant" in that great fl!m. H;3 work was so unusual that he became av of this greatest of all photo plays, even though the part was not .1. finally considered a star pa'rt. nd now you are to see this won- In 1901 the Duke married Constance ; Edwina. youngest daughter of W. "C , Cornwallis-West, from whom ho waj separated by deed in 1914. The Duch- j r.s, it is said, refrained from suing der man again. No, he is not a col for divorce out of consideration for red giant 116m Africa he Is a white Queen Mary. Their two daushte"-1 gentleman. "Marvelous Maciste" is divide the year between the Duke aiid the name of this astounding produc- the Duchess. ; ion, ana it is tne auracuon at me Jiiand Monday and Tuesday at rcsu lir prices. I WY OF MUSIC FRIDAY OCT., 26TH ARTHUR HAM MERSTEiN OFFERS THE BRILLIANT AND SPARKLING SUCCESS The separation of tne Duke and -'?,es.s surprised nobody. The Duch ess. Invfilv in far.fi and fiernre. thnrmich- ' ncfi-"' ffio nnmr in " a- - . .... ..... t oiria ' and nov.- and forevermore he frames it is a "chilly occupation," and it v.-culd be well for you to hurry home. The prices will range from 50 cents to ?2. Tickets will go on sale Thursday at 9 a. m. at Elving-ton's. WHOLESOME LAUGHTER. Fair senoritns and fierce bandits fill every foot cf William Fox's newes' 11. A. Walsh's photoplay, "Betrayed," which comes to the Grand Wednfes- the be:;t show ever presented by. this veteran tabloid musical comedy man ager. Fourteen people every one oi them an artist comprise this year's1 show, and there are eight great vau- I day. Miriam Coper, well known to , deville and specialty teams with the Fox audiences for her sterling work J show, the niftiest chorus of a hall in "Honor System," "The Silent Life," i dozen pretty girls with the neates' and "The Innocent Sinner," continues j and most refined as well as beauti her entrancing acting. j ful costumes ever seen on the Roya1 'Betrayed" is full of good whole- j ctagc. some laushter. Miss CooDer nlavs a I ttnv inh ed in costumes of great beauty and va-1 charming, flirtatious girl .whose fickle j blackface comedian, heads the list nety, presentinga-picture of color, j heart doesn't -knew whether to love a followed by the Singing Platts;.har- "THE MILLION DOLLAR DOLL." "The Million Dollar Doll," coming to the Academy of Music matinee and night on next Saturday, October 27, is an imaginative, melodious, tuneful musical extravagance, reeallv arrav- ly frivolous and lacking in dignity, was ' i not nnv mnrp rnlnahle than the Dnkp. '1 ,v:il probable be known as "Mac.ste. Hc lived the 1fe of a fast with i The new future Him in which this mor0 m0ney than he knew what to do!? 'supcr-mrn" has been starred, was with unrestrained by-any matrimonial I vr.t'en especaliy tor him ana it is obligations. He was anxious to sue a wonder work of amazing acts, tan- the Duchess for dlyorce, wanting his talizing thrills and stirring struggles, freedom. She wanted to sue him. to Maciste fights with scores of men and pet nor own . The wishes of King seems to enjoy the battles. George and Queen Mary finally pre- The most remarkable thing about vailed, as those of King Edward had this very unusual film is the fact that done before. There was a deed '''of it is both comedy and tense, exciting separation, the Duke's colossal in drama. There is an element of mys- come, estimated at several million dol tery wrh:ch holds and the action lars a year, was divided to provide for moves with a speed that will bring the Duchess, and each began a new you to the edge, of your seat. life alone. If you didn't see Cabiria," purely ; , . . . . . A , vou have heard of "The Giant of Ca-' hls and "ljl?ate neuds , tt .,; f.the young Duke of Westminster is mm m mJ "ee him in a modern melodramatic comedy, that gives him every oppor- called "Bend Or," He received the nickname on account of the famous tun'ty to display his super-huma. De J power. And he is not only a marvel, w of strength, he ix a finished actor. j Never in the history of motion pic- Turner, the great painter, was one lures has a film production received of the shabbiest of men in the matter the comment that this one has, and of personal dress. To save troubling Grand patrons are getting it at the about a collar, he always wore an old lowest prices at which it has ever muffler round his neck in winter or been presented. 'summer, indoors or out. A MUSICAL PLAY OF INFINITE CHAR BV HAUERBACH AND FRIML AUTHORS OF "lilCr? JINKS "AND "THE FIREFLY" ' ONE YEAR at THE LYRICans 44T.HST. THEATRES, NEV&YORK mihl 0RIBESTRA 0 FfilFiE Fn'ces: 2,00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c. Seats villi go on 3sie Thurr.day at Elvingtcn's at 9 d. m. FR LIST SUSPENDEt I . i .r days nn Beginning 1 1 lrri-iti-fiMiTHMriim -i 1,11 1,y-'TH",',""'f wfcM.MmauuALi. lv Kf .HIPI'.iHJlS.'l Now Showing to Crowded Houses at Admis sion Prices Ranging from 25c to $2.00 In New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Pitts burgh, Denver, San Francisco. ROYAL Guy Johns V DOLLY EAT Possibly You Saw Him in "Cabiria." You Can Now See Him in Qne of the Mpre Amazing, Modern Melodrarntir S ensation o f Two Gontineiitss 'ThelK thins: of the sea- "ThrlllJhx, exciting, in- "Entirely new anl highly "Maciftte's stronar work has son up to thla moment 1 tensely and iKthly ingenius" M. P. never been eqitaletl" P. XEWH. TlRBOrDR?1IV : WOBLD. VARIETV. 9 A Thrill A Laugh In Every Scene D'Annunzio's Greatest Character Creation Is Seen for the First Time in a Modern Production Abounding in Thrills and "Tragedy. : '-vV- f. This Giant Production, WilBe Seen By ptaiill Audiences Monday and Tuesday at the llioWelt REGULAR HOUR AND A HALF SCWeDUIOPEN cllAv M-m 1 Itefe -MM NO INCREASE! ALL THIS WEEK The Show That Has Broken All Records in the South. A L L PEOPLE A R T I S T S Featuring Guy Johnson South's Premier Blackface Singing Platts Comedy Singing The Curleys Singing and Dancing Louise Metcalf Charming Ingenue DIMPLE GIRLS THE PLATTS, SINGING AND DANCING. SHOW ir tut rfirnpj New i crK il- Hit:: 1 tt FLOri.I: Ths Spcitec:--" Novelty Ec;i:il'hri-.'v Ward & Rk.a3. Comedy Dr.Ptincj Baby Vivian The Child Wonder Ruth Sisters Singers and Dancers Fifteen Big Musical Numbers With Elaborate Electrical Effects The largest musical compariy "ever of at Ponnlar PnV?? fUn WKnlpsnnic. R -?ju iuuy vjuy juuukuii 8 auuw oi wiu mis is Tils Diggest and Dest l et. IMSIS?' J!11 TwyHorty Hamilton Series, Bad?mdf tfae Week. NIGHTS, 7:30 and 9 lB-25c m J i. r- i.