- a- 5 JHE WILMNIGTON DISPATCH. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 2 1 , f$ 1 7 I t "- i "" t. :. ft ;. Household Goods of Every tlind Greatest assortment aiid, larg est stocks of first grade House Furnishing Goods in tKeSouttu Our business has been growing year by year for twenty-eight years. Merchants in all South ern towns, large and small, can carry our lines to advantage. Brooms Wooden Ware, Toilet Paper Enamel, Tin and Galvanized Ware Lace Curtains and Shades ' 1 Crockery Clocks and Watches Baskets' and Hampers Bed and Floor Coverings - Paper and Bags Twines and Rope Lamps and Glass Ware Portieres Padlocks, Tacks and Nails Smoking Pipes Our officers and buyers are all South ern men, fully alive to changing condi tions. We cater strictly to the wants of the Southern trade and handle only easy sellers that give satisfactory service. Don't wait for our salesman; he may be a few days late. Write at once for our 200-page illustrated catalog. See the thousands of articles quick turn overs, every one of them. ATLANTA WOODEN WARE COMPANY ATLANTA GEORGIA VOTE COUPON 5 GOOD FOR -VOTES- 5 For . Address In The Dispatch Grand PriZ6 Contest, subject to conditions govern ing same. Coupons to be counted must be carefully trimmed around border, and deposited unfolded and in an envelope or fastened together. This coupon will be void after October 31. OW To get best results Evergreens, Shade Tree3, Hedges, etc., should, be planted in the fall. The service ' of the Audubon Nursery is at your disposal for this purpose. A postal or a 'phone message will bring their representative to see you. Ask for illustrated Catalogue j UDUBON MURiERY Phones 258-1 and l ii Jul.. ADOiTfGNJiL-STATE SOCIETY n MARIETTA. 4 GOLDSBORO. f v Marietta, N. G., Oct. 20. Mr. C. A Oliver has been critically ilf since last Saturday, but h?s condition today k more favorable. Mr. It. M. t liver's con.liti nn if! m ported serious. Hi' hs been an m vc.lid for a long time. ' Mr. Huggins, of this place, is sick ' with fever. Mr. J. A. Olive, of Florida, is hprr 0:ftli1ahr,r- 'M n rrt on inr-w on,i Mrs. Wyatt A. Taylor, of Columbia, J1S orower. r. . m. ouve. wo S: C., were visitors in Gojdsboro this 1S slcK' D . . . . :' n week. Mr. Taylor is field secretary Of ' uV.Pr!?c' of Mlms' S" C - vi the Christian Endeavor movement. Uig fns here this week. Wednesday evening he delivered an' Mf3. a Henley la pcndlns this Address to the young people of Golds- 'n Bennettsvilie wuh her broth boro at the Presbyterian church. The'er' .Mr- 97 speaker was greeted by a large afidi-' "ua. ",uu? dna Mr- O- fence. Mr. Taylor told of the wonder- Ktman,-of Fairmont, spent TuosBay .-, 1.- -With their brothers-in-law. Mocr.ro n cui wuir. auu rapiu progress oi jurist- . , -, . ' . ian Endeavor in Dixie in recent and R- - Oliver. mnnths nnH atotoH thnt rtcr tfci MSSi"s' Joaeyn auu ronton Face. past two years there have beenl,700 wh0 are students at Wake Forest col aew Endeavor Societies formed in th,? Kv' "uur " -s weeK 10 see Uieir Smith nnrl nhnnt 19", in Wt-tl, P,rn. uuw - W"Vt)l. lina. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Holmes and Mr. J. J. Oliver and Miss Mae OI iver spent -Thursday in Lumberta i Mr. Geo. C. Royall have returned to .bUUms' .he city from a visit to their sons,' iilldt Mrs. Z. Page went to Fair- ,vhb are quartered at the training ,mom yesterday- :amp in Greenville, S. C. L ,iVei" J. age eturIled home yes- Mrs. Norwood Spicer very delight . from his "ncls Mr. Kir! Page, ully entertained the Tuesday After-'. Mesdames Jame Oliver, T: V; Par loon .Bridge Club Wednesday after- hamV J' We D. M. Rdgers 4pon at her home n West Centr spent yesterday m Fairmont in the treet. After a pleasant afternoon er?J L e Gfoss- Ty went . pent in playing bridge, tea and tana- to smpleB ?f sarm.ent8 to b 4e. iches were served the guests, who as .th loeal epter is young in the were Mesdames H. M, Humphrey, A.:e ffT' ' ' v. Joseph, Leslie Weil, b: M. Land' Mr? VVifl Jones, of Nichols, S. C, V. H. -Smith, E. R. Vick, WiUiam.fs',Tlsltlarimhe,,e '.mith, TPaui Yelverton, R. C. Dun, eeMHS: 8- l1Vr' ;L T" Hamilton, Infield, Paul Borden, Ross McElwee. S" Hi -nCx aild. D- J- 0liVer sent of Statesville, D. R. Kornegay, and , Tu,fday juyeiJPn-, . Miss Sallie Kirby. and rs- w- M- 01lver sPet last Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamilton, Misses ,lday i moerton. . Verna Griffin, Ruth and Christine Mid-' ."a ,vlt"a w arson was a Lumberton ; dleton, Mrs. W. E. Borden, Mrs. L. M. vlsor i1" k hti , j t- tt t, i Miss Nellie Hamilton is In T.uinv.c.7.. 1 Mesdames Sim McClellan and Rod- have returned to the city from a visit ? Sealey are visiting their mother, to Raleigh. Mrs. Paul L. Borden entertained a bridge Tuesday evening at her home DArr rrir"T,r,r?M We ..'Take Orders - '' -m i "Make, Bake, and Mail I "A CAKETROM HOME" . ; I r "' ' ' ' ' Phone 626-627 ' iIIL. I . in lirann affirms that neutral countries i In tho three ycara o.r war n-arl - i f ft ; ooon - i rey, Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Miller, Misses with her sister, Mrs. Grover Britt, NEUTRALS TO SUFFER Margaret and Virginia Borden, Mrs. u" "f yueumoroa. . . MHST WAJ?'are likey suffer most from this aft- -1.000 Scandinavian ship; hv.:c Lionel Weil and Mr. Borden ' Cobb, ' "2 "n . a"u oa" i' Z ' " ermath of t.ho erm vun torpedoed or mined, and COO Mrs. Sarah Adams. f ' 4. . .Jr . 4. Prrir, (By United Tress.) on Mulberry street, west, which was r.ons he alleges is the following: Sea' currents, which have tin nvmero. --.nori-l me; rriine.T and unexoloded torncdocs P 10 -i 1 , . 1 - V of 12 miles an hour. haVo a tondonv liiueu. JJO (By Ma:l).-Float- grea'tly enjoyed by all present. After an interesting game, delicious refresh ments were served the guests, wh 1 1 were Misses Elizabeth Borden, Mar;. WAT HA. fir Til r-m : - 1 - .:.Wh?fcL. i-Vl ci s lUUJj LJtlllV; tl.LLL-1 .'I'llUU 1 1 11 '5 T-v 1 3 i 1 i Ti n "V'iisl;.;:ii.o- mT -inv- iU iu'W.v ui'j -saaie ccurce, anu it has jmionai capital, the lu already been noticed .that they ci-. 'of Hr kind in the wir!d" bearing the mine? to';a.rd Humphrey, W. H. Smith, and Wiilliam Smith certain neutral Baltic cn Sea by Jutland, ok'.rf- blocks of granite eaca . a- P,teS in all parts of the world. l A ' "'.Charles. Nordmarn in Lc Matin raen.- uons that recently a ship off the Cape numpnrey, jviary scott Munroe, mps- c,.ftnn h :.. ,.1 ...,,,0,, ,n mi r. " " :L. '' J. , V- ' UZV'V ! ive hundred Y. M. (! dames R. C. Dunn, of Enfield. H. M.I t 7 V, .1""" ,ia,tm'-i mrs- i.;j;viVr . A,"l'.t s rx-n coar.c anu nnany reach-'.i,avo bec:1 r,t.?,!i:sw ,-, it The currents of the A. in Iho ts.ooo ICC 11:. Mr?. Fitznugh Iee spent Friday at ffl- ovor year alter the tall 01 Pert towards 'Scandinavia after ' sk'rtini' ' Th litprarv deniirtmont ha VUnn. v " 1 .- - - - .---u-.v a nwwnu anu JJCUmant. KpaniSll W3 x . J R.li-. IV an's Club held an interesting meeting Tuesday evening with Mrs. L. D. Gid- the Lcslnninc cf the v. MVS. J. II. Parsons, nf is visitor: Mix J. M. Jee. - . Parksley, s mme ana sanK ott Honolulu. ters would also suffer as the current1 Last year l,0fl pcrsovv She was- Y . .'; U""UI W!1' uc co?,lwon to Hay of Biscay -sets towards the and 5,589 injured in railfc in Great Britain. dens at thp hnmo nf Mrs w v Afln' "i an'CQ nr tausrhter, . Mrs. v " -wiu- iiuxiuein oyanisu coast. ley, on George street, north. After .JVy ana cwwrca, of Fayette- the business meeting was over refresh- Vli!e- vl h'lVO Peen spending the, ments were served. V,'o;" j -r " j : d id accidents ummer at her old horne. Hon. O. H. Guion, of New Bern, was ' 1 n watn chapter cf the Rod in Goldsboro this week attending Su- c'rosa had their regular meeting Wo penor court for the trial of civil cases. , ,J oycamz w in a very good at- There was an unusually interesting meeting held by the Goldsboro Baraca P'hilathea City Union last Sunday af t ernoon at 'the Christian church. After th bUMness session, "Miss Ruby t)or rity sang a beautiful solo, which wai followed by an address by Mrs. N. Buckner, of Asheville, general secre tary of the, North Carolina State Bar- aca-Philathea Union. Mrs. Buckner ex tendance.1 Mi.sr, "Dafry Wolls' attended the "lay at Tmchry'a Friday night. . M.J, , j-vvitL tian ana Mr. usnnio iNewKu-K attended the Raleish fair They returned Friday evening. Miss Ida Black, of Wilmington, wasj ' wuirj coiuiuijj' uiiaamj soy -.AAVkn Tt M II . ri . horted Baracas and Philatheas to' Mrs. J. M. tee returned home' grasp the great opportunities now Thursday evening, after a pleasant' l" "a ""' udvit-. oun Visa, to ner mothor, Mrs. M A La stressed the forming of a pastors' and'Barbe, of Asheville. She- took -n the superintendents' aid committee, to be Stnto is. i. always ready to help the pastor and; superintendent in the making of a'v,fcAAAAA.,..- . more efficient Sunday school by letting 7'?7?TTTi inem Know tnat tne memoers ever a , A, Ma pSubk r To help bS up both, ;;j X A. , ... mat every ciass snouia nave a secret Alma, N. C. Oct. 20. Mr M Pppi service or praying Dana. At tno con- son returned from New York thU elusion Ot Mrs. HUCKner s address, week and rpnnrforf a nine triri ... - o Your Plantmg Miss Ludie Montague read an article from The Herald, after which the meeting closed with a short prayer by ir. B. P. Parks. Mrs. Abe Cohn, of Winston-Salenv and Mrs. Simond Rosenfeld. of Atlan- ta, ua., sisters of the late Mrs. David sister, Mrs. B. W. Gentry. awaras, who were summoned to . Mr. Henry Cottingham and sister xtoc.Ky mount last wee Dy tne aeat'i Mis3 Montie, went to Charlotte for there of Mrs. Edwards, are in the city . a few days this week miss JPora McLeod returned to her home in Baden, N. C, this week after I spending a few days with friends here. Mr. W . R. Andrews, of High Poin, : spent a few days this week with his to spend a few days with relatives here. The Woman's Christian Temperance The ladies of the local chapter of Red Cross are doing right much work, making garments for the hospitals.! Union of this city held an interesting The good:Jadies of Alma are dmnu meeting Tuesday afternoon at. which their bit to help win the war. plans were discussed in regard to get j - ting everything in readinees for the The most expensive fur is that of the State convention which will be held black fox of Kamschatka, the skin of in this city November 1 to ' 4. j which, when dressed, becomes a very Mr. and Mrs. W.vi, Borden were ad- attractive blue. A coat worn by the viseti tnis week or trie promotion of ex-Csar of Russia, lined with this fur, their- port, W. E. Borden, Jr.,; who has cost $10,000. beea advanced to the rank of first lieu- : iteaajafc in the United tatee Navy.' . Lieutenant Borden is a recent arad- bridal trip North and are now at uate of Annapolis United States Nav- h??re to 1 h6ir many young friends in al College. i mis city. Mrs. R. B. Miller is spending a while an evidence of the faith of Wayne at the home of her nephew, Mr. An- county farmers in purchasing Liberty drew J. Flanner, in New York City. bottds, as we'll , as Of thelf; patrjotism Mm. W. S, Farmer, of Baltimore, is fr sustaining the war, Mr. R. N. New In the City pni a visit, to friends and some, chairman of the Board 6f-Coun-. relatives, khlij whrfe iter". Will tie the ty Commissioners of Wayne county, guest of Mrs. C. D. Taylor, on Wil- Friday subscribed to $5,000 of these Rani stet, south. ' ' ' bonds. M.aiorj. Ged, K. freeman,, who has' Mrs, Dr. M. E. Robinpon and Mis3 been a '.brief visrit to his mother filizabelh Mose3 are visiting fiends j here, has returned to his post Of duty ana relatives in summit, w. J. to 0ijB9TiltC'S. C'.'y. v t Miss Cordelia Taylor, of Rio Jane- Miss' Grace Phillips, who -has been ird, Brazil, is in the city visiting Mr. spJIournihf In t'Wf.jteii C M. Richardson at the home of Mrl ,S,e''f6s,'-ir-' 'h'ei n returned C. EL Wilkins1, on . William" street; home very, touch improved, : . south. . Judge F. A. DaielB .iHpent several Mrs. F. K. Borden, who has been days at .Ws .hdnie . here this weefc be- spending several weeks at Oglethorpe, Iwpen courts. ' ? ... . 7?b&t$ 6erN$p 'g$r&p3)L Bprden is in ine oenwr . ciaas oi ne. poriQ tuaisg, 3 recumeju vo ae cixy. t&SgaBQl St. Jdriqa. Metodi$t cHucch 'l)r. and Mrs. I. Cashell have af- gave a , delightful en tertalnj-iettt Friday rived in. Goldsbord where they will :&f$tdngK... .fjii0Wiat: "wft rf-lreBh- make their; future home, br! Casne'l Events were serted., A featur$Qf the as recently unanimously elected YfeiLl-tg's entertalnnient was S'musl6al health officer of tnis city, program, espiciaHy interesting and Miss Annie Baker, who has been higi!y enjoyed being tne sliectibiiV&pfefadinjg several weeks Iff' Aiericus, rendered .by Misses .Clara Lee .and 6al,.; visiting; friends, has returned Euler Johnson, Mrs.' R. G. Edwards, home. '' " Misses Li2ie Stanley, Beulah West- Mrs 'C, B. Miller and daughter. Miss! moreland, Belle stout, Q.Bsle Tyson, Ethel,: accompanied by Miss Louise Ludie Montaguei and Messrs. Wm. Powell, are visitine friends in Raleieh'. iojihsbn an.4 J. R, Raper. , aiid .re" the guests, of .B. R. Lacy. A large audience enjoyed an address Miss Hattie May Morrisey. a stti- $Jlejr-d' 4iAWj"-jjB4a3r evenins dent of Peace Institute,, was a visito'r in the . Oheb. Saoiem . Synagogue by here this, week, the , jguest of Capt. and Jildge . N:v Fledelson, of Savannah, Ufa O. A.- Clemeixt. " Gi, who spoke alon patriotic lirtea. The Sidhev Lainef Llterkrv Soci- and espetiialiy urged and expjiainpd ih-s ey .entriaiaWsFri-tay tli other Socf- necessity- JOT fiurcfaasing Liberty eties of the Goldsboro High J9eBoti. A bonds. I v pleasing feature of- the entertainment Mr. .and Mrs. W. G. Bi-itt, Jr.; have was; a lively debate , between Misse irrivea to! the cit7jiromftfttxteftaea 'Rutft ;wRkins- and jpisabetft' orrity, ; - " l : - ' ' 1 : 1 - st&f 652v I a I Ea aviiv Y vuivilL laeais. - duildme t entite v in mir ram r-v- : M l 1 Value fl Attraction U - - ..inajces jttu? a cat that falls your evtrvdesfece. .. , ta ii s . .... - ' t v fc " ' '' - ' ' - ' " - v? - I' SEE the new model B-4-24 Briscoe a big, powerful looking car. It will make you say "Thi. Briscoe satisfies my ideals.' Buildfng it entirely in our own new factories alioWedus to make the price $725. A LARGER motor, additional equipment, finet finish makes a cay value, we feel, never .equaled before. Ten big factories, and an experience dating from the begf n niog of the industry, enables Mr. Briscoe to give so much for so little. PLEASING design, 6ne upholstery, unusual leg room, easy-to-understand controls, accessibility of every working part ..makes hte a cat that fills your every 4cske. .. . EMW2&$i&&- fti.--. Cp-sWff"---""' " '; ": t850 All Fnce$ F. O. B. Jadoon V , MOTOR CORPORATION ierit 00 JACKSON. MICHIGAN ft X : at. I lllllllll'illlllllllllll.llllilllllllllllillllliliilJiiii 1 . ; i'watit -a good live deal er in each county where we are . not represented, ; Write me for agency proposition. ti. t . ir'tlKCJlj;. JDistributof I t - mm - i ? -v : r 1 - 1: - -