1 . THE WILMNIGTQfDISPATGHv SUNDAY MQRtNG OCTOBERS 1 ; U917. Market Review, Marine and Weather News F WeWsectatim Desire Ymm tmeuce 'M$:rWee&: I ' . TV I -I . f.OTTONr : w i-OCAL MARKETS; at Our Bis Store to STOCKS 9 Nil. spot pot spot 27 1-2 27 3-4 27 1-2 27.63 WHOLESALE PRICES. NEW YORK COTTON Oct. 20. Reactionary v iy 1 ! it lov.f , . 1:1! y,:. in '!'! : TT 553 42c. Butter, per lb., Country ..... 1 30c Spring hicken3r apiece . ;2540c Grown chickens, apiece CO 65c ruaaie uucks, apiece 50 55c Guineas, apiece 35c uci. zu.- iteii;uuur.i , neei . , 12 13c is reflected in a good irisn Potatoes. Jera?v JnJnt lizlng in the cotton market j 10 pk. bags $4.40 T'l-.c nnoninc wi i harp-. N. C!. flFtlTns nniVnl ' ne tt. ot i.y t " - - I 1 v. ..... jCUVj' J i L Cabbage, (100 lba). $1.50 Hides. Green . . . . . v alter the call with De- Wool, free, of bur ................ .65c .Z.iO ,,iv l an advance of one point , ('j,:H' of 17 points, and the ac rold 10 to 23 points net , uiicliing 27.38 --1. - t.r- : n;ir is of the Eastern belt .! ed Hldea t r. O .1 V. i v and January orn Dusiei man showed . - --- t Tallow New York. Oct. 20. Speculative Interests were aetive on the bull side of today's short session. War issues scored extreme gains of 2 to 5 points, chief among these being baiawin lo comotive and Texas Company. Leau irio- ctonic oir rnup 2 to almost 4 points and shippings 1 1-2 to 5 1-2, At lantic. Gulf and West Indies featuf ing that division. Coppers threw off their recent degression and rails were substantially higber though rel atively neelected. Gas shares prov ed the only backward features, dis- ninvitur further heaviness. Ihe C10S flUJ ") iner was strong, i Sales aDDroximated 400,000 shares. Liberty bonds were taken in large resses an ... siM(inr vvooi, clear tU'Iiy nau iriuiuo iimii-uuua j y00 burr 45(52)506 h:ll , ginnt-a prior to Octo-, g onions VhV VrVto V.V. . .S1.7SAmer!can eet Sugar " pointed to a crop of lx(- Qnions 2 bu bagg Silverskin 4-40 j American Can tol-inf into 5P. . . 001"'' ha- I,-.,-; WITIIOUI .;. . last cold snap. .Hulhsn , tiv'.ci1-.. however, secmod toj ioice as an imniedite raar- w oi'. and the tone was un ; the first hour. Oct. 20. Cotton closed ?;ea pec lat'fi' High. Low. . . 28.20 28.00 . . 27.60 27.20 . . 27.22 26.79 23.5.") 26.4S 2G.90 26.73 Close.. 28.15 27.29 26.9?. 26.69 26.5S WILMINGTON NAVAL STOrJES. Spirits 48 1-2 Rosin $5.50 and $5.15. Tar $3.50 and 16c. Crude $3.50, $3.50, $2.50. NEW YORK SPOTS. York. Oct. 20. Spot cotton middling 2S.65. Receipts: Cotton 1,163. Spirits 20. Tar 187. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. Quote B. 5.95: D. E. F. G. 5.95 to!u.ba Cane bUga . .... U'fl A AA. TT " AA T O A A AC. 7." t? Oil X1I- loC ...18c -t ;;;,lotS at 99.10 421-8 ' 68 3-4 59 1-4 .88 7-S 106 3-8 64 3-4 . 103 941-2 .. 6T1-2 58' .. 86 .. 150 5-8 .. 77 7-8 .. 52 .. 491-2 .. 22 7 8 .. 441-2 42 . . 35 .. 30 1-8 . . 69 1 8 .. 30 .. 19 1-2 . nor- J?r Ponnrlrv ' 'American Locomotive American Smelting & Refining American Sugar Refining Anaconda Copper .. . A C L (Atchison iBaldwin Locomotive . . . , j Baltimore & Ohio lBethlehem Steel "B" .. Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chesapeake & Ohio . . Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul Chicago, R. I. & Pac. Ry. CAA KIKI A LJ MAAI CTADCO Savannah, Oct. 20. Turpentine firm n , vJfl 45; sales (-); receipts 159; hip-" mtrin. . ents 10; stock 2u,12o.. ,n Prn(,r.t9 .. .. .. iiuoiu i' 11 111, sait'a liii, 1 UwCifi.i' 435; shipments 796; stock 79,592. Crucible Steel fc.uu; ii, o.uu; 1, o.uu 10 o.ud; iv, o.ou , Motors 96 3 4 M. 6.40 to 6.43; N, 7.10 to 7.15; WG, SLrthem Pfd 100 fa-8 5 40; VW. 7.50. . MftlherT1 0rft ctfs .. .. 29 1-8 many pn.s m iuu u.t - - 95 CHICAGO GRAIN. ) Inspiration Copper .. .. .. 46 1-2 I Int. Mer. Marine pra 10 risrr rr, o.n V'nrz-if qWq zon i Ti'nTinofntt fnnnpr 34 5-8 ditions for the approach of husking I Louisville & Nashville (bid) .. in the main sections of the corn belt Maxwell Motor Co. (bid) .. .. - aided today in casing down prices: In Mexican Petroleum , s Miami fanner j aauuion, vne general iun:i;ith.t yunu- t at 1 ' 4714 sr. of short cotton, based onjed to welcome fair weather and low Midyae Stee 1 . . . .. . . . . Orleans, Oct. 20. Frosts at pr.inh; in the belt caused buy- in- on opening of the cotton mar-1,,1-t- today but the resulting rise IV-rvinHM! to" only one to seven hint's. Realizing met the improve jr, , r. . an,i it the end of the first half Vur ii-uling months were 12 to 16 r.ir.i mid. r the level of yesterday's Offi-fin expectations of a prolonged reaction, r,n ;h-' part of bearish traders, weigh ed further against values and late in the session the market stood at a net loss of 24 to 27 points. Cotton closed at a decline of 19 to 27 points. Oct. .. Dec. . .Tan. March f 11 V High Low Close .27.25 27.24 27.25 .26.30 26.00 26.02 .26.10 25.77 25.84 .26.04 25.76 25.83 .26.05 25.77 25.76 NEW ORLEANS SPOTS. x- ' 1 . .New iuia, rr.RM steady, 25 points up; sales on ue December ;.o' biu : to iirrivi; tzv, iuw iuiu..uo ! ?r,f,2; middling 27.50; good middling1 28" Oct. 20.-Spot cotton . ... a j. o r ivi 1 ssi 1 1 1 1 1 r nuiuvj . " temperature during me next 00 , 7 ,7 18 3-8 hours. Opening prices, which rang- Ax , rCtr-Vi " " 74 ed from the. same as yesterday's fin- New Jrk JJentad .. ... . . j4 ish to 3-8c off. with December 1.15 1-4 gra to 3-8 and May 1.10 1-8 to 1-4 were ern P acme followed by moderate declines a psyjvania ! 50 7-8 around. PHtsburg Coal 47 1-2 Oats sympathized with the. weak- consolidated Copper .. .. 23 1-4 ness of corn. Kadine- ' 76 7-8 Lover quotations on hogs depress- Republic Iron & steel 80 7-8 ed the provision market. Assertions G A T. 10 1-1 were current that the current supply o'inflair "on '. . . 35 nf hner, for feeding was larger tnan c,, ov. afooi unrl Trnn . . 41 C7-- w . oiuao-ouci. Uiv-V" m.lv. - had been generally supposed. southern Pacific 90 (Southern Railway i Rtndehaker Co 42 34 ClOSC ' rr-n-n fnTinpr . 13 3-4 . Tovoc On ' 149 M- WW mm - 1.14 3-8 TobacCo Produets This is a special feature line and vou should be sure to these dresses, before they are all gone. Plaid .Silk Combination in all of the wanted colors, with Georgette sleeves and collar? special ............ .$15.00 Silk and Serge Combination. Silk and Serge Combination A very snappy and desirable style, with white satin collars and cuffs, special (a . . $15.00 I. I F S V Tip I V I see 1. 1. ymss&gmSi&msi 1 mr- - 1 linery Departmeii Our Milliiiory Department is alive to Ihe d. mauds of the sea'som ; Haying a full line o now and stylish.,' Export Hats, rtcady-to-Wea and Trimmed Hats. Two-tone Sailor Shapes Velvet Brim, Silk Beaver Crown $4.98 SPORT HATS A full dine; received, special for this week all of the wanted colorn, priced $3.98jfco 6.50 All trimmed hats, specially reduced for this week. Wc Make a Specialty of MOURNING HATS. . Fur Neck piece, Brown Black, Gray $3.50 to $12.50 Fine Marabou Neckpiece, ...$4.98, $6.00, $7.50 Grain and provision prices: Open. 1.15 1-8 1.101-8 56 COTTON SEED OIL. w York, Oct. 20. Thd .cotton ,1 oil market cloeed quiet. Spot :. bid; October .. 19.00; December LARD JT,- Januarv 17. oO; Marcn 1- "ii Tnh,l an es Z.MV uarruia. May OATS December 58 3-8 May 60 1-4 PORK 1 October January 40.10 1.09 Union .Pacific I24 United Cigar Stores a ' 08 1-8 TTnited Fruit I25 .59 3-4 tt o Tnlnctrial Almhnl . . .. 117 3-4 November 23.97 17r.ii ' ntai saies -.owu uano. Tonnnrv . . .. .. The following ladies will oc patron- Rieg January 21.45 41.90 38.00 23.50 21.00 20.50 JL 4. A, .iJ A 4. SAMMY EN ROUTE. 4. a v t 'i tt TnduRt.rial Alcohol TT Q TJnhhpr t)9 O-b TT S steel . 106 3-4 TT o Vi Pnnnor 83 1-4 Va. Car. Chem 2 WoKncl, Pfll "A" 44 uVctlTiirliniian Ti!! fr t r i c. . . . . . . 43 1-4 (Willys-Overland 24 i I CT of fhem prnprullv DUt it. rmin nre tootinsr Sammy away from frt n whnt thev can to cheet home. It isn't one engine but hundreds hig trip As nearly a All over the country Sammy is still fn ;e,r;:i" for Somewhere, as he ha0, ! .-. n f. r weekv.. Bnf just, row "Some- v.ii.re." that flexible war-time wuiu the 16 national nf them that are grumbling their stac cato warnings at him, as he lingers for a last joke with "the bunch". It isn't just one woman, but thousands of them, and of all ages, whose tear-stained faces twist bravely into smiles, as thev wave eroodbve. It isn't one Sam my, but a whole army of him, who is gaily to come back Kaiser along. Thprp has been a lot of talk about how the men in khaki pull out of the W-:. means the 16 national can- QWnv with bravado, promising torif tnerts of the United States. To- ., t come back and bring the vard Oiese cantonments our some what bewildered Sammy, of the new rational Army, still without uniform, wi ir.u: r,revir.n military training. ..'it hour even a very definite idea 'vjr i-xr-cpt that he .it-.. e" "on;. tt i';'--!en. d mountaineer of the South, ?.'.!, i v. il v.er.r his new uniform when i1.' r it about as comfortably as if mustard plaster he 'is leav his trip. As nearly as one man ran know the heart of another, they know this drafted Sammy s. lhey have seen him in that first tragic mo ment when he begins to realize that his face is turned away Irom norae to ward unknown danger. And they re port that the average Sammy, no mat- ter what class or wnat part ol m-s count vv he comes from. is more afraid of those first few hour- on the train than he is of the battlefield. The stories of these V men, tne Neckwear Department White iNet or Organdie collars and Jabot, a very effective neck piece, 69c, 98c, $1.29. We are showing some etra special values in Christ mas handkerchiefs, all neatlv folded in holiday boxes. Make your selection now, 25c, 39c 50c, 69c, 98c, and $1.48 box. A full line of new and stylish neckwear for fall at prices "A Little Lower." Georgette Collar sets, square cupe effect, tucked and hemstitched, 98c, and $1.48. . Large square sailor collars, of Crepe de Chine, 48c Ladies' Waists At big, and inviting line of Ladies Waists, of Silk and Crepe de Chine $1.98 to 3350 mi B UY" A BOND AND BACK UP THE BOYS AT THE FRONT a Jo H. Re You will find prices at Refers "A Little Lower." We Refund Car fare on Purchases of $2.00, or Over. Co P ny B, n W B . - low lUK meu ui ; 1 ne STOnes ui uicsB i iuv station, to the flutter of handkerchiefs, . j one3 who have traveled in this O- , ii. . ii ill F Vionilo TT?VPT1 Without iu l ,1 1 V ntnn. definite idea o tfap thrill Qf bands. Even Without is going to fight the.r uniformS( the drafted men of the . A 1 . V.n1 T All" new National Army nave tucn share of attention. It is quite a dif-foront- matter when the train is a few miles on its way, after the excitement of departure has died, and tney Degm r;:l n1- :!!!' ' -r 1 1 1 j'ini'.:' r-,rn the silk-stockine precincts, !if i r.r.lline out of New York tor Vr.Mi ;,i.k. A slim French youth in the abQUt going away t& fight !i-rn laies, me pauiuum yA Sammy, ana ne isn l LtuwiiB. . " i.-, oiazmg up in ms vyco, c wav with the soldiers to the canton ments, begin where all the others leave off. "Says Sammy to the Public" is all very well, but "Says Sammy to Himself" is quite another matter. tam mv strinned of heroics and of bom bast, Sammy homesick and human, is the one the trainmen see. Above the rattle of wheels aud the shriek of the engine, an Alabama train laden with soldiers shooK with a beHow like that of a bull that has Li!::;aiu 1""'"'-' Qt departure lias UlCU, auu i"v.. 0... home he has never been ten tQ realize that home is behind them, frnm hnfnro in his life. E - , i.l -VT-Krtfiv has flp- lji - anu me war aucau. iuuuuj thn Cashouse Gang, raw , concatinns nf Sammv en . scnueu me ou-uv m Hell's Kitchen, or college , -i mi. a : rTrs- not zz 1 .i mtiA n f :zLa la that nobody knows exactly how Sam ed his way int0 a beehive. With out any irouDie a.t an uic x dc tary followed the noise to its source, a two-hundied pound Sammy possessed of the contradictory attributes of a rlnuhlp chin ail around, a sure-trigger Uand, a hard head, a soft heart, and the self-control of a child ol six. riam like hands over his distorted face, he is eyes, as he f f weeks Raiiroad ?: i he train near Fort Carinou. Y M C A. secretaries have been 'i young Servian, not yet six , a ' 'wit te.mGn of the new Na 'vh; in America, he is learning his. cantonments all over ;r Knslish words in the chorus of "J" C5tates Gn more than Ku; r imr on the station platform, the f tfhave already been ! 1 ZTZA. the! "following the soldiers on wheels," was blubbering- at- the top of his voice: - "I want to go home! I want to go, home!" Down by the mass of shaken avoir dupois the "Y" man sat, and soothed him gradually, till he learned that the man came from a mountain settle ment where he had left a wife and three children. NeveMn his life had he been out of his own county before. War? Dang it, he wa'nt afraid of that! He'd be "darn glad to bust the Kaiser," in fact. Only he wanted to go ho ome. Lots of other men in the car wanted to go home, too, it appeared from the murderous glances they cast at the fat mountaineer, who dared to "'rub it inF like this. So-the "Y". man' sent them home for a few minutes by hand ing around post-cards, even stamps to the ones who hadn't any money, and 'Y" man won their hearts by urging them to write home. : put your whole mind on your piay, to "Go to it, fellows," he said.- "Send the exclusion of feeling homesick, your first messages to the home-folks. ; What witll ihe unexpected moves fore- Touyow a fromyU,!ed;on them by the train' and the y You might have thought the soldiers j comradeship of the game, the men had been gone from home six montnb I began to feel better instead of a few hours. They didn't j The Y man w0 story, but they did indicate by th3Jto drink wrth the lunch the goveuv general tenor of their messages homement had provided. They began teil that it seemed to them a long, long : ing him how they feit about things, time since they had thavmom-j R ain.t ar j mind ing iram. ttiu, ! itf, rol,, away and leaviu' the kids were well, and hoped the folks athomQ s goli. ajay arid J , were the same, that they were naving -"" "T ' " i "some ride" and. meant to put seSwe ld pl'ay the game on our "some fight,"' and sent lots of love. , fji7 nr6 gown bunch A'ter that the secretary pau ; - - wouldn't' be rind checker-boards a great game, - . - o nna. Ml rhrlrpr-hoards a great game, checkers! . If you don't want ail your kings jumped off-'the board, you mu&t half bad," summoned up a young col lege fellow. TOWN TOPICS. .; " 4 8 ""S - 'r Monument' to -Dr. Burba nkt.lie Carolina Cut Stone Company has just completed the . erection of . a mpnu, ment in Oakdale cemetery at the grsfra nf th Mr nr. Thomas S. Burbank. Thin monument was erected, with;thl permission of the family, by a number; of the friends and patients of Dr.. Bur bank as a loving tribute to his mem ory and as a memorial of his untiring and unselfish work among the sick and the poor of our community. ; 1 mmmmmmm - -"- Congressman's Son Indicted., v i&j United rress.) ; ' .; J Madison, Wis., Oct 20. Byron-Nel- tt vri . t son, son of uongressman jouu ..uiei-, r son. was indicted as a slacker late to- day by the Federal grand jury. , sl.: .- ' - - ; gmmw. rflsnimiRRIfiSK " S-:r$l . . -- -r - : Ill U llrf w ' V , 1 7 5 TT" HOW Din VOO DitSTX MOOfE "TOLD i f " o 1- y Wf i m that too 4 MTW- vere the lsoSTu Ktfp J-f ' ONE WOLE n . x f I BKP:MRJONE5ib. - MSE CoSo THE FUNERAL? CHEF HOURNER ; 4 UL Hlt HACT , , 'l- v I " '