o 1- r 1 THE WILMNIGTON DISPATCH, SUNDAY MORNING; OCTOBER 2 1, 191.7 - -J: -' , - . A n ' a OCTOBER. Miss Ellen Rose, of Wallace, was ' visitor in the city yesterday, - a!-; Mrs. W. F. Corbett is visiting rela- I'll'.-- : irx--nnn G P" Si.Ir. i : v. !. ATr. and Mrs. Clifford Padrick, of Richlands, after a pleasant visifctoi rel- ' ' atives in the city, returned home yes- 1 Miss Minnie J. Thorpe, of Jackson- terday afternoon. y '. V i villc, is visiting friends and relatives J Ar -:? 4f 'V here. j Miss Maude Bryant, of LiimbeTton, - returned to her home yesterday'-after Misses Pearl and Eioise Sparlman, spending several weeks in the 'city of Rocky Point, were guests of friends witn. friends and relatives. ; here yesterday. . vi .-a - I Mrs. Daniel Smith and Miss Johnnie Smith, of Warsaw, were guest in the Mrs. J. C. Cowden, and little son, J. C, and been days. i Jl f L A. J V A Jr.,-have ieiurnea lrom Auama Birmingham,, where they. have visiting relatives for several mu littu nnrnlo astprs blOOIll- luur;:rwH7ihVhrnok. ! Mrs. T. S. Kern, of Castle Haynes, Thcrr's a sound 'of dead leaves was a visitor in the city yesterday. Uropping 111 uie wuuu, There's a hazy, lazy pale blue veil where'er the eye may look, There's an atmospheric tank that's sweet and pfood; There ae fox-grades in the thicket, there ai'e jiuniykins 'mid the curn, There are milk-weed pod's a'burst inrr with their silver mist and Thcie's a 'dreamy line of fcg above :ci;' yesterday ih,, mi'iiiriiu-j iivnrv mnrn. 1 There';) a "far-off Aint of winter time Mias Laura Beil Jordan has return- and fast-;inroacninc cold. x . 1IUUi T6""1 . " ' The Whatsoeve? Circle of , King's There s as plendor at the- sunrise and ,the Mcore-Best wedding. i Daughters and Sons will hold-Mheir a splendor when it sets, , v" regular monthly meeting Monday aft-. Tlr ar0 twliightn full of mystery i Mrs. W. D. Campbell and littla ' ornoon at 4 o'clock, at the home of : and charm.' 'daughter, Virginia, of Wallace, were Mrs L . Crocker, No. 205 North Fdurtli There are glory girdled woodlands visitor:; in the city yesterday. J .street. - , i where j: s;ul may lose its frets; j '' ' i -X-Subtle magic hovers all about the ' Mr. and .Air.-. Clarence Mason lef t j The Ladies' Aid Society of Bladen farm. 'yesterday for Steudn:an, where they.SUvet Methodist church, Mrs. ,W. F. 1 Far away hallooing neighbors coa:; I will visit relatives several weeks. Craig, president, conducted a su cess-, thy cattle and the swine, ! '-' ful rummage sale yesterday after-' The horizon holds the level, cloud- Miss Bessie White, of Charleston, : noon, at f26 North Fourth street. ' !ik r.'-nrkc of (iistan; town. ? roturnc-d to her heme yostGi'day, after They raised a neat little sufti which Wall iii :'c;e..; pathway rustle:? to j a delightful visit here with friends. will be devoted to some line of ihurt;,i , your early feet and mine, j vC- vr iwork. . 4 j '?i;d the new-laid autumn carpet 1 jjiss Annie Bell Teachey left last; that is crisp and rich and night for Wallace, .where she will brown. 'Tis Octuber grand October; not Eat a rioting of colors as the ycar'nas spend the we,ek-end- with relatives. 1 .ss 'Daisy Foster, of Hamlet, who been visiting here with friends prepares to go! j anj relatives, has returned to her Rioting of sound and color, gorgeous home, haberdasher, rober ! Gclden tulips, flaming maples in the frost-fraught breezes flow. Somehow, when I get to heaven, after earthly toil is done, I'll be strongly disappointed with that other world, I fear, If it isn't autumn-colored, if no haze obscures the sun For I've always though of heaven as October-nll-the-year! STRICKLAND GILLILAN in Farm Life. v 4 4. 4. 'i. & 4 J4t PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. C. II. Hopkins left yesterday morning for Asheville, where she will spend two weeks with friends and relatives. , 4' 4 -fr 4 4 4 4" Mr. W. C. Waters left yesterday aft ernoon for Maysville to spend the wrcek-end with his family. : Mr. J. S. Jarrott, of Middle Sound, was a business visitor to ther'city yes : terday. i Mr. C. IT. Risley went to Hampstead a! bou ;!. We have just received word from our buyer who h present on a f lying trip to New York City, that he b a trulyv beautiful line of Satin and Serge Dresses, worth f'jHy $20.00 and $25.00, which we can place on sale . .$13.75 We expect this shipment to reach us Monday Morning, at which time we shall hasten to place them on our count? :r . May we add that7 just as we took advantage of this op portunity, so, we counsel, ought you. SOL 1! M if Chadbcurn, yesterday to spend Sunday with. r$l- Miss Annie Blake, 0 hr.s retuvned to her home, after spend-.atives. ing several days in the city with rei-1 Mr. L. M. LeGwin has gone to Jack sonville. N. C, to visirhis sister, Mrs. " W. H. Jarman. Mrs. E. V. Mills, of Spartanburg, 1 Ar T u atives. 01 scott s Miss Jennie Daily, of Durham, who has been visiting friends here, re turned to her home yesterday. SoutKerland returned to Her home yesterday, after, Hm was a bushles3 visitor in the city a delightful visit in the city with ; yesterday. I jj, ! Dr. J. W. Bryan, of Lumberton', was j Miss Lula Rogers, bT Goldsboro, re- tte cii yesterday, leavingr in th3 'turned to her home last night after 1 a"craoon r Snead's Ferry to visr. I ,5: relatives. iams Comp cLlll 15 6 it SCHOOL BUYS A BOND. friends Miss Eunice Veasey. of Williamston who has been visiting friends her .has returned to her home. X Miss Julia Dickinson, of Burgaw spent yesterday in the city shopping, j been for the past few days on a busi- conduct religious services today. ,s j j Mr. J. E. Fuller, of Navassa, was In ;the city yesterday on business. Miss Gertrude Sawyer has returned! Rev. Edward Wooten left yesterday.. Maxton Graded School Sets An Exam ple in Patriotism. (Sperial to The Dtenateh.) Maxton, N. C, Oct. 20. Maxton ed a preedent by purchasing a Lib erty bond. On Friday patriotic exercises were held in the schoolaudiiorium. The children of the seventh and eighth grades sang patriotic stings and there were speeches by the young folks on patriotic-' themes, especially that- of COUNTY IS STILL BEHIND IN TAKING NEW LIBERTY LOAN THE COLUMBU S ASSOCIATION . to be (Continued from Page One.) Bogue Baptist Congregation Host to Union Meeting. (Special to The Dispatch.) Hallsboro, N. C, Oct. 20. Baptist' ministers and .Jay workers of the Co- returning to her home in the evening. ;ness trip. MAKERS Cleveland' New York Mrs. R.-, G. Haiidwiek, of Greens 1 boro, returned to her home yesterday j morning, after a delightful visit in the' 1 c:ty with inenas. . Prof. J. S. Bryan has gone,.to rfcbtf s Hill to visit his parents, Mr; and Mrs. R. K. Bryan. a v,o e,, fnd I lumbus Assoc!, on will assemble as 1 - tf- ---x . rrr the .Unit- I e suesis 01 me and energy of the people of ed states; the whole world looks to us to omit nothing that will bring about the complete triumph of those principles and the complete vindica-, tion of the honor and sovereignty of our government which have been so grossly violated and invaded. "The response ought to be such as of equally devout worker church home and equipment them an established posiliu rank among the organizailv- denomination over" a wide .e,-(ic The church building ;nul r have been recently rei)!."d-!- 1! improved, offering to the gu ..::, will arrive next Thursday : n ; tive appearance on Ih1 .'. tnat zm w ef (hat cv! !;:!. home from Raleiglj,' where she has for Lake Waccatnaw, Iw&iaro-he the Second- Liberty loan, and many j will put America to the front of all logical reasons were given wny an . ovuizeu peopte. should take part in the purchase of I ' "Sincerely yours, these bonds. One youthful gentleman 1 "WOODROW WILSON." j becoming almost epigramatic by stat- 1 While twenty-three American cities e congregation of. the will arrive next Jinmxhiy : n Eogue Baptist church at Hallsboro ! appearance on t;ir " ; ,:: next Thursday, Octozer 24, in the po- j a harmonious arrangement an-i c i: riodical union meting of that body. I tort within. Distinguished visitors from other as- I he union meeting will Tasl lor t v. 0 sociations will impart additional im portance to the event. Members of the Hallsboro congrc- 1 gation, in co-operation with their pas tor, Rev. 'A. C. Chapin, are making ex pensive preparation for the accom modation of the numerous delegates who will be here, it being their de sire to extend a splendid welcome to were Mrs. C. L. Patterson, of South Bos ton, who has been visiting here has gone to Burgr.w, where she will visk ho?nre rpturninfi' home j-j .. cent m tne xsortn I'aronna scnooi lor ! Mrs. J. 15. Carter , and children left ' ooaf mUlCS- - v- this morning for Sloadman, where1 Mr. J. W. Kerr. o?'-'6astte Hayne, j they will visit Mrs. Carter's mother, w;;:; in Wilmington yesterday cn busi j Mrs. Phillip Greening, i-rcas. , j J I Mr. A. D. Merritt is visiting rela- 1 Miss Maggie Thomas returned to i he ; 1 in S.omnsnn count v ;city yesterday YOU may want coats and 3uits tailored by the Mak er who knows style ani its youthful interpreta tion. The creations of one such tailoring house The H. Black Company, Makers of Wooltex are shown exclusively in this & j store. Fall and winter r- models now on display. Look for the Wooltex stylemark pictured above. New Arrival of Georgette Crepe Shirt waist. thrilled by American these aerial "at- j tho Visitors. vr tix. t- j x ' OHO I t'Ul tiStJUlit IIJI1 III lll 11 riltica III I liUJlvs, X IclllVCr. ouai cu uici L 11 iiiuuuuuuig i Hi v. . ctiiu flyers in France operation in the A. C. L. hospital at. Rocky Mount some time ago, is rap idly recovering. Mr. J.'B. Taylor has gone to Mor ganton to visit his son, who is a stu- from Fayetteville, , where she spent a delightful period ,vith friends and relatives. r TENDERS USE OF HALL. showered thousandj After the exercises proper, the school purchased a $50 bond for its j posters on the German troops, the La own account, which so far as is known j fayette escadrille leading in the as is the first example of a public school j sault from the skies, making such an investment. The ! Half holidays in many districts and schools was divided into four dis- I a snow storm in the Northwest re tricts with two captains, a boy and ! tarded sales today. Many years have passed since the Bogue church was host to the union of Liberty loan 1 meetings, since wmcn lime tne cnuren nas grown trom a small Dana oi Con or three days. DUPLIN COUNTY GFRL ' SERIOUSLY SCALDED (Sppeial to The I is::: i '. Wallace, Oct. 20. Tin- v. year-old daughter of Mr. and Mallard, living nix mi'?.; ens' was so badly scalded by .-. 1 hot water being overturned that it is not believed l.v i.'a secrated Christians to a strong body ing physicians that she cr.v. a girl, for each district. These cap tains chose 10 others to compose teams of 12 each for each of the four districts; all of whom got busy at once soliciting the sale of bonds, and all citizens will bear witness that m his vast domain Uncle Sam has no more loyal and indefatiguable workers t'nnn these children of Maxton. T'my Mrs. Haywood Page, of Wallace, re-j r,r- Xi Shricr Places Building at Dis- aro to report their succes on October i r i : 'turned to iter home yesterday mora-! Jt;J", u' l-JU,t'5- j ing, after spending a period in the! Mr. I. ShrierT the well known Front , ci(y wltlv relatives and friends. street merchant, has placed the large nau over ine ouice ci me t osiai ieie- graph Company, on jgSkkxU k Tsnt 24 th. ! Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Davis returned to their homer in Rocky Point yester day evening,; following a pleasant stay .here with friends and relatives. j Miss Hilda Marshburn, of Hampton, Va., returned to her home last night, cfter spending several weeks in the city with relatives and friends. Mra.- Tabue Bavksdale has return ed to her home from a pleasant visit with friends rr.d relafivrjs r.t Colum- bia and I.r:ncastcr, S. C. The Dolgado Uaptir.t Sunday school I choir. Mr. P. "Wheeler, leader, will J render several selections at the Unionl , Sunday school att. Scott's Hill this af- t ternoon at 2 : 20 o'clock., ( 1 : . ivir. ana Mr3. u. a. Keaaen, of fnu adclphia, Pa., who have been visitors here for the past few days, left yes- ! terday for Washington, D. C, where they-.; will spend 10 days before re turning to their home. ,t ' .si' '..' " I i Mrs. T. J. Carr ha returned to the .city .frtJm Baltimore, where she spent' several weeks wjth friends and rel atives. She was in attendance upon Uhe we5diiing of 'Mf si-'' Beatrice O'SullI jvan and Mr. James T. Smith, Doth of this city, which was solemnised out September 18. " 4f X 4!- Last Friday the school children of Wrightsville Sound began devoting an ihour each week to Red Cross work un der direction of Miss Normal Louise Xortham, and indications are that they ... ', 1 1 . 1 .11. '!' mi street, formerly occupied by lie Jbaos t Business College, at the" disposal of I i the ladies of -the city for tJieir fr.ee: I uhe in giving church bazdafts or 9ini-. Itll V. I i i . CONSPIRATORS FOUND GUILTY BY JURY (Bv United Presa.) Chicago, Oct. 20. Gastav S. Jacob- The hall- is, feet lifen 'x, m t ,i rto wr., size aud well lighted and ventilated.! b Federa, No dcubt a number oi organisations . 5 s jury ui cuuspiniie aim sciuus.uu uu. , u , 7 i i a military enterprise the hall The offer holds good as long;Britain inyIndia. va me nan reiiiaiiis uiioeeupieii oy a regular tenant. ' ''!' against Great FUNERAL THIS .rT..EftNOpfjLJC; Blaze of Liberty. (Bv T'nlted "ress.t Washington, Oct. '20. The bon (D fire which starts the blaze of Liberty Inter- from mountain peaks across the coun- itry Wednesday night will be such a BROWN The Store that Sells Wooltex Qjats and Si? Conducted . From Residence: ment irt Bellevue. Funeral services for Carroll, four- licht as never was on land or sea year-old daughter of -M'anf Wfft: 0.1 In the fagots to which Mrs. McAdoo Wfl Dowdy, of No. 610 South Fifth touches the match. will be a splitting street, whose death occurred at the from Lincoln's log cabin, a piece of James Walker Memorial Hospital late wood from Washington's home at Mt. Friday afternoon, will "te icanduted Vernon, one fren-Jefferson's homeat from the rc3idence of the bereaved Monticello. and twigs from trees parents this afternoon at 3 o'clock by around the former' homes or tombs off Rev. J. H. McCracken, pastor of Fifth America's Presidents. Avenue Methodist church, ah'iiP inter-1 : ment will be made in "Bellevue ceme-1 Strange to say, tb,e first fruit cake tery. The following will act as pall- sold this year was mailed to one of bearers: Messrs. John ,P. JFowler.lour boys in France. -Is your boy ex-j Simeon P. Branch, F. E. Eure arid G. pecting one from home? We mail Wnrvev Palmsren ; taem for you. Ferris Bakery A Herculean speeding-up of all Lib erty loan activities is pledged by the entire nation as the last lap of the vace begins. "Only the most vigorous efforts will make the sale a success," national headquarters declared tonight. Detroit tonight claims the honor of being the first, big league city to pass its maximum quota. The automobila center ha:; subscribed more than $43,-G(-000. Richmond, Va., and Tucson, Arizona,, have also oversubscribed their quotas. Grave concern is felt by the Treas ury Department because of "utter .ipalhy" in many, rural communities. The poorest showing so far has been made in agricultural parts of the At lanta, Dallas and St. Louis, disticts. Special efforts to "wake up" lagging farmers are scheduled for the final spurt of the campaign. Secretary Mc Adoo, will devote the last week of hia Liberty loan tour,to the South. An army of SdO'.OOO Boy Scouts took the field today for the Liberty loan. They will conduct a house to house campaign tor suDscnptsaH. Spectacular "sturs" will feature the closing . week of the campaign. Liberty bonfires from the Washington monument to Pike's Peak will blasa forth on Tuesday evening the coming of Liberty. Loan Day on the morrow. Mrs. WG. McAdoo, wife of the Secre-! tary of the Treasury, will light the first fire. Samuel Gompers tonight called up on the working men of America t6 rally to the loan. He declared that a Liberty bond is by all odds the safe e?,t investment in the world. Woflderltil Coat and Suit Vain COLORED PRI ESTf COSTING; Will Lecture Here Nightly During the i Entire Week. Eeginning Sunday morning at 10 o'clock the Rev. Father Dorsey, the el Winston-Saler-Moreead City-Seay-fort Pullman Sleeping Car Line Be comes WlnstorrSalem-Goldsboro Steeping Car t-lne. ; Southern Hallway System anncun- Lilt-, iiWIXIji mVVJIT TV j RUDELY INTERRUPTED (Special to The Dispatch.) Durham. Oct. 2-0. To wed, to be ar: rested, jailed and sentenced to the county , roads and workhouse all with-j ; C f 1 I.. il 1 JS TTT.M ces effective with last cars into. and in llours isviue experience oi wit oquent colored Catholic priest and mis sionary,, will open a mission, at St. . out of Beaufort Sunday, Atig. 12th. the ; Winpton-Saietn-Mo'-ehead Citv-Bean- will -accomplish ''"machi; They have Thomas church on .Dock strea Fath-, fort Sleeping Car line will be shorten entered into the work .with much zest jer Dorsey is a well, known orator who" d t0 Winston-Salem-Goldsboro Line. uu uo,mi t,orV, tu o,.v,ij u Ar wui, continue ii uts iiauweu ing the Gospel of Christ to the colored 232? . t rr,t,T us . x i For furtter details ask. Southern mineton He TSSIS Rai1 System Agents, or address; -! to,fix-inonthB each. They gave V $200 mmgton. He is a w'eli-Matu.detkt rt- rii -n.i BDOn. Un onH' thn ant or, thoir hnm and has fifteen VPnra nt n nn "H""',1'0" xcooos .feexxc, y, IZ:Z ""f Ralegh. N.C .... - and already have made 21 handker chiefs and a half dozen pairs of foot warmers. ' "' ' -J"3- Group A of. the Woman's Auxiliary of the Church bfilfa&vtfood Shepherd: the mission Dlatfnrm vill give an automobile ride Friday The mission ooen Sundav mrvvni-- liam K. Herndon and. Lenora Frances Brockwell,.-white. They were married last night , at 9 o'clock, and a little' while thereafter the home of the, bride was: raided and six quarts, of whisky seized!: Both were tried for the illegal possession of whisky ,3 a,nd sentenced night, October 26, and the public gen erally is invited to attend. Refresh ments will be served without charge bond and', then went on their honey- mopp , Herndon,- however, ... spent some few painutes in jail before the October 21, at 10 o'clock an will co f unue tnrougnout the whole week with a lecture at 8 'o'clock each night. Alk and a pleasant time is assured all who without exception, are cordially invited ttM$mtiAfiu 7in bA to attended bear Father Dorsey e ,r i rp rtkft t ade from, pllffatll0 eii thsfefeftrn. ' tv hall, cirac of fla:.li and iueen. mission .will m,v r n ,1 . streets, at "8 o'clock. vml8ijtiniviil. ceuno to;a,cloaa next Sun-f S-j triaL OOAST LINE HOTEL CAFE. Roms by the day, week ot mbEtH M-Eeaso-n-Eltlefateg. " Meals ft .nnv, ho,ur. Fresh- Ovsters. Fish n "SjirlnpfW V'f ' QHfrvfitvclSt- Frnn f street. ' Phone 20S-WI ..5-24ai ti Troop Larrd on,. Dago. (By United Press.) Berlin, via London, -Oct. tand inc rf troon.? on Dnpo- island -vrhpro .detachments hadv previously:! gasneaa rooting. was -; lermally Beautiful Fur-Trimmed and plain models in trie - most desirable materials and shades as Burgundy, beet-root taupe, green, brown, navy and black at i $7.9 to 1 ;:y...:lUVM iM?2r Made of French Serge cr S:.' -'-in popular Shades at 112,5 to "IB&m ROSEi for women and children $1.25 to SB. Corduroy Kimonss . -v -i aayfc October 28, - 5 t sa! ipoung; .was, no.nnaily w-t - ',. J. j..,' r. -'-Ni 'I . "-'t- r- , f ' .l-nqunced. tonight. . . -V.ll - - . y