ll fi WEATHER FOkECAST 4- ' v1 4' North Caroma-Fa,1r; continued cooler tonight; Friday,: partly cloudy, probably raliw t co;.th Carolina Fair, somewhat warmer; Friday, cloudy probably ra'P- EW"EDiTIOi FULL LEASED; WIRE SERVICE V OI XXIII NO 366 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY- AFTERNOON; OCTOBER 25, 1 9 7 PRICE FIVE CENT3L DA I Dispatch ...... - .. - .fc.. . , . .. ' ... rnhMB - -THESipWMltefe IRfiRI V FIIIIR ill H IB" Ul M I ::Y:H Ia II f Total Subscrimions' of V. General Cadorna's Skill is Now put to Real Test Along I sonzo Front GERMANY IS SEEKING A NEW CHANCELLOR Emperor William Forced to Consider the Wish xf Reichstag Germany's in ternal Affairs Reach Criti cal Stage ITHI16 MORE UNI THAN Total Subscriptions' of Yes terday May Not Be Known for Several Days Apathy Has Been Routed vi ALLIES CONSOLIDATE NEWLY WON GROUND A "SURE THING" Contestants Should Keep This in Mmd and Secure Every (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 25. Treasury offi cials announced today their convic tion that Liberty loan subscriptions had passed the $3,000,0(f0;000 mark and were well on the way to $5,000, 000,000. Indications at 11 o'clock were that Liberty Day sales had carried the to tal to approximately $3',500,000,0O0, if not beyond that sum. West Ireland Reported to Be On Veree of Arm Heavy Artillery Fire Rebellion Marks Latest Reports From Flan ders German Officer Shot By His Men (By Associated Press.) London, Oct. Z5, Tho seriousness of th? situation' in Ireland!' s insisted upon by a correspondent of The Daify Mail who has been following the Sinn Fein doing sfor several weeks. He : an Belgium, Oct. 24 (By Associated Press.) With the British Armies in France S FOR TOTE 1 5 fh i" !: The consolida- says the whole or West .frelanc is onjtion of the positions won by the Al Jmue7"ge Cf ai'med Febf f n N d COn-s :in Monday's attack was being "The ycung prlesU -n -Prof. Ds Vaj-! rapdly coni?leted today under a era's training have su&dcnVy awaken- i height sun which is" taitigating some- ed' to the danger of the spark they ; "what 'the difficulties of the work in' SM ITH-HUGHES ACT Arkansas and Texas Only Two Southern States to -Receive Grants ... LU IIUL11V11 II.. ULIL 1 lt .ll II. IIMS dll". bUDscnptions olficially reported to too far. Tho milit.nt SJna FeiUe j lery fire. parked the night, in the re-j THIRTYrFIVp STATES are at tne top ci xno-.v sitk;. They gion 10 mc east ana '-norm ot Ypresj have been allowed to cairy their pro- The British big guns have never i. t T TJ ; the morass-like ground. Active artil-1 PLANS SUBMITTED BY Steamer Only Saved By Time ly Appearance of Torpedo r ' tJoat. ABUU1 r 1 Vh. .HUNDRED -SHOTS EXCHANGED ; Seven' of Crew OnAme;-I5i' Ship Injured Submarine !! V Dived When TorpedoBoat , Hove in Sight . , Gmc i! radorna's skill and strate-J Possible Subscription cv. wM;n iiKuic possiDie capture of the h. iJils n the eastern bank of'-jyfclSS RUTH TEACHEY ip.o l.-niz... i- neing put to the r-st by j a pironz Au-tro-German offensive o-i i the t.T SECURES FIRST PLACE lir-: ! A-:-: . Flitsch to the Bain.z-1 a (... o v J t i . , .tteast of G0rlzla. n,. After Saturday N.ght There win Ee ieauction or iu, 000 Votes on Each $15 "Club" been struck, but appar-l :io great success for the! ing i !.':' i.!i i';M( TODAY'S LEADERS. army could do little Italians, who were press- . a. a .steadily and breaking of tho Austrian army. The 4, -I,:ured Ser!ouS.y ana Po.a, the fr." .'. givat Austrian port, was in danger. V Bernice Martin Tf;- ;talian efforts were having their, XhJrd' l Pauline Underwood Germany, which up to this time has 'j. Ella McCarley sen; little of men-or munitions to th:s Mattie Powell from, has c-. c to the help of tha . lUMug auninaus ana iiiS Ajejmna . soj-; & . , f. 4 4, . 1 . 77,160 " . 76.900 . 76,860 . 76,650 . 76,550 4' . 76,370 . 76,050 . 75,915 the Federal Reserve banks up to the close of business last night, with re ports from three banks missing, aj proximated $2,200,000,000. Banks reportediofficially to the Fed eral Reserve banks subscriptions to talling more than $400,000,000, but this sum, officials say, represent only a fraction of what was really sub scribed during the day. The full ex tent of the Liberty Day drive prob ably will' not be known before the campaign closes Saturday. "A flood of telegrams from every part of the country," the Treasury Department announced, "told the I samp stnrv nf siihscrintioTi ne'e-noiftq possibility of making accurate esti mates of yesterday's sale before to night, at the earliest. ""Out. of all the confusion that haa resulted from the overwhelming flood of business that fairly swept sales committees off their feet, there is evidently a fixed determination to at tain the $5,000,000,000 maximum to tal The" sale already is a success'; it enemy has re- gram to a pitch which it .seems almost ' W J..-Ii.. . , r , . , , -v tcttocu -iu yum a uuvastaimg nre intoi hopeless to break by pacific means.' . f, ' "The Sinn Feiners are sublimely L"y wruan- P8 aion me lan confident and say that. Tuesday's de-1 vers front and the bate in ' Parliament shows plainly the jsponded vigorously. government is arraia ot them. : mi- J j 4- i - L V i iT aQ5.lS the sector between Ypres-Menin high Last night the 1 Germans directed a heavy fire against.1 tional Education, the Fed- eral Government to Match Dollars With States r.T "Cfc 5 1 DOfiiUons of some of those eontes- Tlifi- defenses along the Isonio. The ItaW Ul suulfc; U1 comes- ians. General Cadorna reports, areitants who are really doing things, "steady and prepared." ; This time it is Miss Ruth Teachey, After a heavy bombardment thejof Waiiace, who makes the Jump and Austin German infantry was thrown! . x A , foiur.nl against -the Italian positions ! moves into first place- There Wi" be nea- 'lits. near oTimino, and on' great rejoicing in Wallace, when the th- northern part of the Bainsizza j many friends of Miss Teachey see Plat,,,,, a front of 5 miles. The . her name jn fiVSt place Aisi;-(. (;. 'I'mnns. hv their own renorf. -iiiri.u'.: onlv the foremost Italian de-Misses Elizabeth Bullard, Pauline Un fensf x :i i hose points. derwood and Ella McCarley. Other 0 : til v the Italians have some towns represented on the list today - 'in terrain, but the Aus-arf Allsbrook, S. C, ChaJbourn, Mar-'rian- :..n-.i G'rm;ns bold many high j n, S. C, and Acme. n;"in-,.';. position.-? near the Italian' There's nothing more uncertain Iir-. ; ii Italians also are -fighting! than what is known as a sure thing, wit! ti. backs to the Isonzo river, j Bobby Burns, the Scotch poet, pro- T!i- r.i'i-man political situation is ' claimed years ago that, "There's many still riM.ii-fi, but the absence of defi-a slip 'twixt the cup and the iip," an niu n. v. r.Kiy be the calm before the i aphorism that the contestants in The st'i!!! j).-. Michaelis, the bureaucrat ! Dispatch contest will do well to bear chttPr. '!'r,'. is reported to have placed in mind. The contestant who becomes his 1 1 . it;.' ! ion in the hands' of the satisfied that she has enough votes Kw.n : ,,; , ijjjf there iias been no con-1 to win, might as vell make up her firmat !ln j mind that she will not be one of the N' iiil tho political parties in fortunate ones who Will receive the 'h- Hp : !,s;aA have joined in the drive; Briscoe or Ford autOK, the $200 and Heair.M n:. Michaelis, which became - 5100 in gold, or one of the other priz nu.si i:itt-r.-?f. when he attempted to cs The ones who will win will all throw the blame for the mutiny in; bo hustlers, who will not be satisfied ' ..-m navy onto the Independ-j with past achievements, but will keep hh Sofi-Msls who have been persis-, gathering in every subscription they i r.r l . r k;- ;-s of his poliices. The . possibIy can, up to the hour the polls 'y" ' uiis-i oy tne announcemenL o,i,close 0n November 12. has subsided, apparently,! Th vntin is vprv snirited each J fin to tho faet that it is easier for u. fl Michaelis and Admir-Uhem tQ secure subscription pay J HM!P. 1 ... 4 :e i u A,:;2:!;':;y lo h, t0 sele f?r th. behind '!. :i-.'i.-n'p. rrince von tsueiow ii Tbepnrpose .to sell $5)00,0K),000 worth of bonds, born of a desire to show the world, and particularly the enemy of liberty, what America can do, is asserting itself today in every nook and cor ner of the United States. "No section of the country can be said long'er to be asleep to the mean ing of the sale. Until yesterday, the Dallas and Atlanta districts and cer- Sinn Fein Congress which opens in Dublin today may result in, checking the military section for although the military Sinn Fein camp, it is not om nipotent. "There is not . the. slightest doubt," he continues, "that the. rock around which the troubled, water? are .now swirling is the question of conscrip tion. If it were definitely announced by the government and leaders ot opinion in Great Britain that no en deavor would be made to ; force con scription on Ireland before another general election, it is possible large i 1 t1 T TTt i..!.-! ' way and the Ypres-Roulers railway. Shortly before dark last evening the enemy launched a counter attack againstthe British to the south of Houthoulst. with the Cy Associated Press.); Washington, Oct. 25;. Allotments totalling $423,532, the first Federal grants of money to the State under the Smith-Hughes vocational educa- tion act, were made today by the Fed- assistance as the nosition of he sub t forest, near the junction ieral Board of Vocational. Education vo marine .was such ;that. -escape;; vasi.i French, but this was repuls- i seven States, which have complied j nearly impossible. :. '''X't ed with machine gun and rifle fire, j with the law by submitting plans for The gun crews of ;the' submarine and . " j Both the French and British were ! the promotion of vocational education-the steamerthen began to exchange holding their new positions in this dif-and agreeing to match every Federal shots fell short. Te r submarine Jtept .-fv.-..; (By Associated Preas.1 ' . A French Seaport, Wednesday Oct. 24. Escaping from a Ctermai , submarine, after a bitter. -.fight jlasV ing nearly four hours, and with seven of her crew wounded, two. of thenx5- rived here this morning from an- Am. : ; 1 erican port. The timely mtervenUon of an American torpedo boat alone . ; : saved the ship from being sent to the.'. -bottom.- .. ' '- . v'r;'"f' ; A few hours after the vesselsnad v entered the danger zone 'f: lookouts sighted a submarine on the pprt Dow l but before he-had "time to ; report "its.ji.-' , presence the submarine fired a'shot V.; ? which missed the "stern -of thel sW nfi! ; only a few yards. The captain Jmrne!, ficult terrikJry, on the edge of the j dollar with money publicly raised by forest, strongly. ' jthe State or local community. Texas The assertion in the German offi-j has complied with the law so far as cial statement 'that the. British, on! agricultural education is concerned Monday, also attacked on both sides 'and an allotment has been made for numbers of Sinn Feiners - would re I of Gheluvelt and were repulsed is en- j salaries of instructors in agricultural train from fomenting Jtrpuiilev."1: jtirel erroneous, as no ; such attack j schools; , , . , . 5 was made. The British offensive was j rue -(payments are -maqe lurougn confined to operations along a narrow (State Boards for; vocatwna-.edn.eation front several mfTes north of Ghelu- andare divided into d three "general V-eJt- ' - i- ' ' i v .IclassesV a'fonows: jfevf tountr af uermact onicer who aia ijee4lWTOlw"1r1' - ,r CLOSES HI having the hands bound behind the back, has been confirmed." JThe inci- tural subjects;' money allotted n-tlic basis of urban popuhatiqn for the salr Has Made 85 Speeches in 31 States in the Last 24 Days (By Associated Press.) Atlanta, Ga. Oct. 25. Secretary McAdoo left here late last night for Wilmington is represented today by tain parts of the. Middle West were causing great concern, more, in than any one other than those in di rect communication with the district mmitl00c. rnlH renl vo Tint t 1PV -c ii m6 came through with flying colors. To- JshinSto" '..bringing to a close his day they are moviaB swiftly along in- 24"day speaking campaign in behalf of tent on achieving their maximum. Jhe scond liberty loan. . He expected "Next to the glowing reports fromi mfk'f a brief stop th.s morning a nn oh Atiot tho most, Pneour- Charlotte, the condition of his throat i,- a f,.nm making it necessary for him to c aging news of the da came fiom tay St. Louis district. It passed its mini-;frt lus vlslt to th orta Larol! mum work of $120,000,000 and set w; ... o ..n it. nvimnm nf 800.000.000 ' Smce beginning the campaign . Sec 1U1 - -r ..fo fAA)n Itoo ,1H,,a-a,1 CC ucv.u.uov. , , cut na This is particularly gratifying speeches in 31 States and has crossed i'' . iny Dir ti;.. government has taken tt-iis t) prosecute the Socialist dep- r Wilnara probably is m a. . 4- u tend Tth pro-GermaniHr.1 and apathy.! continent twice. In addition to ni. o.ctoH itcoif Qtrnnrfv in . nis civilian audiences, the Secretary me TiTn o rk'has spoken to about 90,000 soldiers certain sections ol lower Illinois, Ark-: . j , . ansas and Mississippi. But yesterday j f athered in camps and cantonments an of these sections came to scratch." rh"ut the country. He address- New York Celebrates Today. ed M se!f ct m?n at Camp Gordon New York, Oct. 25.-New York to-' yesterday, discussing the war insur day celebrated its second Liberty loan j anCe law- i XI ft, il 4- n.tTr.n 1 1 o 1 to in A? VP- ' aay. vvune tuc 4, . J. 4, . 4. I teraay causea pusi.puucmcui . parade, it failed to dampen the ardor rf tho T.ihertv bond salesmen and T dent occurred at. a ' redoubt south of i aries of teachers, of trade, home eco- Poelcapelle during. the recent fighting. jnomics and industrial subjects: and There were 14 German soldiers andlmoncy allotted on the basis of total young officer holding this place i population for the ; maintenance of Whenxthe British troops stoormed this teacher-training courses in these redoubt, the German sowiers surren- branches. dered and the British found the dead) The total available for use during officer with five bullet wounds in his the current fiscal' year is $1,800,0(JO body. The. reason for his execution and an equal amount must be raised was that the men desired to surrender. by the States. Thirty-five States! and he refused to give up his strong-1 have so far submitted plans to the bold without a struggle. 'Federal Board for approval and they This affair is another link tending! are being passed upon as rapidly as to substantiate statements made by possible. Negotiations are in prog-i prisoners that the German officers jress between the Federal board and commanding certain bodies of troops States which have not yet submitted : along the Flanders front are' losing! any plans. control over their men. There Is no! The two Southern States to which doubt that there has been a very! grants have been made and the considerable deterioration in the mor--amounts follow: ale of many of the German troops in Arkansas Agriculture, $13,898; in this region. But the German fighting Jdustrial, $5,000; graining courses, $8, machine is recognized as still being aj590. powerful one. j Texas Agriculture, $29,974, One non-commissioned officer be- j Althougzh grants are made on a rel longing to the Tenth Bavarian divis- j ative population basis, the lar pro ion, who was captured about the mid-jvides that the minimum shall be $5, dle of October, asserted, as had other 1 000. prisoners before, that the officers were at arrange of 9,000 yards;but:;all;the:j shots fell sliort. IrTe submarine, kept -;fi&r same time maintaining a running fire'--.7'-. in an effort to disable them. The': v ' merchant ' ship,- after' altering- her ' ; ; . , course, 'started: at full i speed ;,iil,taa-' ;:: attempt to escape.-;., '"".' '' t Vr " . . The tubborpesC v QjtheCbato indicated . by ItneJactJ that v thefsul marine fired 234 shots ?ai jthe steamer, ; which responded Tslt&sv&Te'th&tWfe'lf!- 4 cj. 41 WAR BULLETINS. Tho ononnd noriorl of thp p.OTltost 1 by the Socialists, and other, wU1 cjQKe at 9 0'cIock Saturday eifnieius ao not warn vou:(Tlt.h( hv wKi.h tiTrio nU podida.te. IloMwrg returned. But.livin in WiImington must have their J" ' " 1 "'11-110 '' lis evidently Avill go in order, nH h mmpv tn nav ' -v.r tho wrath of the Reichstag. jQr them deposited with the Contest mi; I i r. it ion oven the Emperor Manager in 0?dcr to count toward the ' r.econd diamond ring and the high, I . ... . . .-I c Hnf jif. town candidates will be allowed to 1 .r M M. S-J a. M. - ---- - , WMmW k 1 11 111 X 4nW i c- WATCHFUL WAITING UnQTII F PI T7FT : mail their subscriptions any time Sat nUOliLX TJL.1LE.10; u wm be cred;te(1 j this week's business. I!' ' that . pfter be a decrease Saturday of 10.000 served to give the city another day in which to increase its subscriptions toj the loan. The flood of subscriptions yesterday (By Associated Press). Petrograd, Oct. 25. The Ger- man retreat on the northern end 4 4 of the front continues. The war 4 v vaneruards lost touch m some I Kwi tv mor- ri;i nnt lmmv wVioi hor i ... ; i i i t. i : .- . j a t,o ,mrVDra in thir F euiur wim i.ue leunug -er- V X11U r;,ivJuuiao,-u ' A . , , $120.000.000 caused the minimum T, "'" lcr,lD,luai ,lut ' ' ' . . . allotment of $900,000,000 to be passeo - i rrr.A Vio umpkora in thpir kh i,at tho n.nyimiftn nf $1,500.- v """' wxl "esuuyea an oriuges, 000,000 would be reached by Satur- ros and buildings " ' German attempts to make an- Thousands of men and women, 30 ' oth nding on the Werder bands and 40 floats, symbolizing Am-i peninsula in the region of Tomba ZStZ intn.the war. were to be were frustrated yesterday by Rus- Piiv.ac .J, jn artuiprv firP i tlm nnstnniipH nnrnrfp. nn . aiuiiezy 111 e ill 1 1 il r; a xi. mi. - vvvu.vv r j losing their erip on the men. 'He said that desertions in the rear are very frequent and cited the case of 13 men of his 0wn company who had de serted a fortnight, before, declaring Capt. Francis Bryan Dead in St. Louis. (By Associated Press.) St. Louis. Oct 25. 'Captain Francis T. Bryan, U. S. A., retired, oldest alumnus of West Point, and of the thev were coins home. Some of them! university ot iNortn Carolina, aiea at were arrested on the way but ot;iers rhis home here today. He was 94 years . . ii T. 3 il. : l. . aciuany reauiieu men nuuies. Four of these men were brought back to their company as prisoners, old. (any of them had been punished. Hej added that this was not an exception al -case. the Fifth Avenue to Central Park this aft- fice announced today ex- war of- Paris, Oct. 25. Further prog- ! t-h3ep meadows at -Central Park and statement issued this afternoon j if. ', i, Tuesday. Oct. 24. Remembei, l..n optlnn in tlld'e Will ' ..... n.., -.r t-;..i..,i ,i,i. votes on each $lu club, ihe last two ,wo days The Russian ' vreeks of the contest will give 137.000 j-, ts place alongside the captured says that the farm of R h . extra votes. If you do not want to , S1lbmarine TJ. J. captured by the French .' J rr"n,:,,i ' 'n'.a lose votes, if you do ,nof want to lossir tha ta tho imdpr.water " a number of prisoners were tak i i . ttio nnze vou have been working l r,f. i Misiori n nm- en Ge.nr.ucceUs'in the secure every possible subscription by .. No measures of evacu-, Saturday night. ''en taken except that the: , -fficlals have been advis- - BIG SUGAR CONTRACT Ihe Finnish capital, owing UAC DC171M rI rQFIl JL JL A ML Jh mm mmmmw -mmw mmw L i SINNERS' REPORT i UliUIIU W Am W llbll.WI. 1 rpnimrn nrnnnfliup r.i .urr krn u uiun ! - ' - -- .: - n TILL IMCUP! Reported, to Be in Atlanta, But Officers Fail to Locate Them , emoon. Secretary Daniels vas r.ntrA tr ciTrlcilir HlD n TTflt t! c i riTI - I 1 t-,:j,u ,11o OTlV tno .1 ress. was made last, night by the with its crew of soldiers from "Some- frfench n .the Aisne Xront whprP Tn Fiance." one of the feature. tween Chavignon and Mont Des . of the parade, was to swing into the Ss- Teench war ffioe .Cotton Ginned Less than Last At' ct" 2S.-mouglr a rumori (Bv -Asfolatel Press.) aljdjst-. two "hours and -.'several shots had Vstiuckih;e hIp ' wotirdin&vidur K: exploded in the ' ehgihet omipU : and rendering the ship helpless. German commander then approached r- nearer and the submarine continued . LVJ iCllii klUil lAJWX 1"V U1111.U.V1 .... , f A high sea was running at the Jtiine,-;,. i.j and there seemed little hope oft fekv- : ing the -ship, when a low streak 4of: I blapk smoke was sighted on the horf-:;- zon. It later proved to be an Amerl-'. , can destroyer coming at full speed; S'j running right into the sea and f at v; times nearly disappearing -froinjiewi..,-; The destroyer had heard the calls ' for aid and traveled- at 'a speed ,as :; high as 30 knots to come to. her assis- y - ) tance. She immediately made for the ' submarine which dived and1 disap- f ? neared beneath the surface: The A& IjV?:. ; erican warship circled about 1 ;thd 1 spotdropping a few -depth' 'charges' but no more signs of the U-boat were .seen. '"'- l While coming to the steamer's' as-. : sistahce, the destroyer kept sending ' assuring messages such as "Hold n!.' . "Stick, we are coming!" 'yv??; The steamer's wireless apparatus," ;; : however, had been disabled soon af--ter the fight began and the messages ... . never were received J so, that the ar-.; rival of the American destroyer, was - -quite unexpected. The submarine ap- ;" parently was aware of the destroy er's presence, because she submerged before the destroyer would get within ' . range. - A doctory and two, assistants .board ed the merchantman and attended lo the wounded. The. engineers had -. great difficulty in repairing the steam-- -er's engine and during the night the, destroyer and the merchantman lost . each other but finally the steamer made port in safety. : '"'. - ' The wounded were transferred to ,t a hospital in this dty. ;Two of them ; belong to the gun crew? and 'five- to ' . the ship's crew. The steamer was not hit below the water line," but. her car-' go caught fire during the' engage- n -f ment. The amount of damage has' - (-. not been ascertained. - -l i 'tv of provisions. V CIV;?. I 77 li.il! ( POPULATION . ii (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 25. Contracts 7I5.to innMCTAnT were made yesterday between Louis- Ai'io mwiiw . .ana gugar growfrs and the American pI 7T77. , ' Sugar Refining Company for the deliv- ' vT PJS ovarna-'erp of 200,000,000 pounds of raw su i, i il nrJnf tZ - gar at 6 1-2 cents abound. The Food '''H K,vm , ndt has be-un- .Administration, announcing tne m.iraat has Deun. . mean a -ce to the -,l "eivinan from Kron- whojesale, of : "' mjportant Kussian nav- - Tt. - , y ,s a muuaiy , ghipB t0 move one-half of the $13.- ' .0 vAt. .rTS ice A purchase, to refiners at New - ,' wVrtocow. York, PHL . joeen engageu, rit.:."" " "'l.ini i..,.., i ' V,;i i(,ii;iiion of Reval. -another im o ''I-. TU-d 1 n the Gulf of Finland, the. fir cargo J - frleanS ast week. . t for New lork next eek. A J ' nA . . e . t na Q T.lKiirtV 1-1 nn (1 V A XJUllU CliiLi UDCU CL3 Cb UlUl -J .vi.'.. sales station. P.mma Officials Subscribe "PannTna Oft. 25. Dr. Ramon Vi ' r . Duno Hani nf Pnnuiiia unii moan- X iplUUIlj .V L ll..W"'. Twenty-five German and that airplanes . Year By Nearly 2,000, , 000 Bales persisted here last night that , the 10 One French Vessel Loot: . v ' (By Associated Press.)' . - Germans who escaped from the prison ir Pans, Oct.- 15. Only xtne frenoo camp at Fort-i McPherson sometime vessel was . sunk by ' a submarine , or ., Tuesday night had come to. Atlanta, miner during therweelr-endirig: Oct a search in many parts of the city by ber 21. The vessel lost measures -un-r (t wen? uiuuguL uuwii uy jf-Tencn pi- e Drior to October 18 amounted to 5.-i"ce and tne ponce eany toaay v lots last night, or compelled to 571.624 bales: countinsr round as half i to reveal their hiding place, l. v laiiu m a aaraageu conaition. bales, the Census Bureau todav aii-t The fugitivesr all ol whom - TI - . A ' . . . ! . . 1 T. . a 1 Wasbineton- Oct 25. Gottnn tinned local agents of the Department of Ju?Hder 1,600 tons. f Four, vessels were ; tailed. attacKea unsuccessiuiiy - ayj.-auuuiiMrjt j rines. were! i . "ndnncedw - Round .bales' included num- members of the former German sea- " ,"4 ''r.;';.4iv-f-:; nf hio nuh npt havp s?unse.rine( u,u -j. io.iv.iiiK i'uvau-Tt horori nn lii-tx nnii sr nn was i-raiaer rnnz iiiiiei rneuncn anu ino . ' ' f - i.--?.-f.-.:-v-- ... i il i.:. T 4 ta 0-A nf thoir- hrirlp-Oi-loari nf Cnn Jl . .ni x.i irr.ir, cViin Ai-vom iiinolniln V.-,- .p'A; . ' OUftT? OV,' nCClCO V' : llDrTaiiy tO Hie AUiei H.aU iJlUCltjr -t-o ..v. ...u.0.uu.u wj. kju- -- Dli, uaict?.. . .iiHmc oiiip iijnuu,. IUVIUUC IU1CC J1- T - r.iv... f wr .'i lnnr ta-Mana and banta Lucia.- the ; . Last year, to October 18. ginnings ; ficers, one of whom is Lieut. Han3 . ' New Enaland Still Short. Austro-German forces which yes- anibuntedHo 7.303.183 bales, includins: i Berg, of the .German navy. LieUt' J r ( cz, B 'on, Mass., Oct. 25 Liberty terday began an offensive on the 13-6.S80 round. bales and 65,040 bale: Berg commanded ithe Appam on her ,4f- CharlotteN. OcU5-Fred: K Day subscriptions of $52,770,'000 as Isonzo front, brought the battle of Sea Jsland.- if. -i-i voyage to Hampton Roads, after the erick von Bethoveh," private . mem-l .. tabulated today from overnight re- onto the slopes of right (west) Ginnings by, States this year follow: norts. brought the First Federal Re- bpr of the Isonzo, says today's ' -Alabama 2.196 Arizona 1,291 ; maris from the British. " " Forty-first ivisior& Camp;Greehe a'; serve district total in the second Lib- ofneial statement vtv loan caniDaian ud to 5290,690.000. . Arkansas 546306; California 6,H9;T Investigation at - the internment was shot and mortally wounded 4 Florida ; "27,502; . cr&orgia 1,043,993: ucamp , revealedthat the men had es- .byi United tate8?--Secretft:Seice.'.,4...-; " iV : MA nrtfl AAA 1i o m in itn nm $ T lAnrlnn fint X 4iv il-inur, - T f-.ini ATt 90- "" f ir-c-Jcmni' O'TK I ro vrl Kir -v W '1 ' Utnl. 1. airAnl W V a Krlrv ? fft win tATrt A f:V:" allotment. j prisoners - were taken ,by -the 078; Missouri. 10,608; North Carolina-they had dug from underneath tM ; military pphCe who iwas serving Nashville Passes Quota. Austro-German Nashville! Tenn., f,,Qct, 25. Nash Italian . front in" the ville's LH. - ' - bond subscription their offensive yesterday, when t!:b Jvivo was resumed this ing to Vienna advices, morning, totalled $6,150,000, over a the Central News niilliou more than the citv s maximum m Amsterdam. quota. 4i South Carolina' 976. , forces on the ' 151,858 Oklahoma 341,776; South Car-rbuildfngs . used ;: as ? sleeping auaTters-..a..wa3rranL'ati..S,,:t'cldCk-;;onr-;th - beginning of . oiida-08Tennessee 4L072 ; Tex-,to about 20 feet- beyond .a sentry 1 post ' principal business street here-toi- .v.-:. accord- as 2,07467 ; : Virginia 1,368, and alii outside of the. prison grounds. V sent by other States 1,157. -. ; : The crew of thjePrinz Eitel. Friefi :alocalihbspital;.fbtttlitue"-hope"j'ij-i-; correspondent 4'. : Ginnings of Sea Island by States: i rich and Appam recently were irans- Is 'expressed tor 1.:'1:a rl-' : Florida 20,351; Georgia" 22,364, and f erred here from Fort: Oglethorpe. Ga, . - - :S .' -.. -- where ' they' had ? been confined. ': .'" :',-4t:4 , 1 ' ' "iJ-? -vi'i',.ii'-' . ' r fx i i ; - r - 1 A - " J1 . i r -;.-