ATH FORECAST North Carolina:3.tfarruln TEast, J I jn west porjtortoniflnt; oauv-: day rain. "' j-vSSnS carorina-7iPairT in East.; ra urday c-,,Hi Carolina:,; jfa.f in. - Eastj ehowers in West $ftron tOftigHt-c'ui-day probably showers. v0L. XXIH NO. 367. i . ji j i i v - - -II vv 'y- r:- x i l v s - i i i 1 1 1 1 w , j 1 1 1 1 . -V - ! v FULL LEASED WIRE- SERVICE -' tTWO SECTIONS WILMINGTON, .NORTH CAROLINA, FRID-AYAfTERNOON; OCTOBER. 26, 1917. v x PRICE FIVE CENTAL . rvci . iM a -a m s i - m m Mbi -. mm S m m 1 1 m m a. - , t m t t i .1 t w i i v.. ..r-t-& m , i v, v -.-t -nm . -jr. . ; . v mw- mm,, i s. x i .on u . h . m mm u - ivmm mm m m mm - mm j mm .j- M m ta M 3 tl itf II I f! ' 5-r--5S5 v 3gi:J "iSSS?SSS: . ' h H Hi 1 Hl B II II IT" I H 1 ft f 1 OH 'V la Ki Ri - l 1 1 -II V I zSSfe v'- "l$P2SZy 'j Ss; .' 111 11 B II II J I. SB B 11 1 H !l ' Unm fHIHlit .. Illlli l Iffl l I P I 1 1 ' IhHMUH MINIS IT KtJM. lllHiMI M. ma - - mi mmm. m I ' ' I V-T lr- ' wrmMYWT T --r- T ' M, . u vr 1 111 F 1 11 17 il I I t hi.n I L I 111 I I 1 1 Mmm. mmm, mmm m m, m mm mm m, m, , - m m m mmm mr mm m mm mm mmi m m mm. . - -v js. s ' ' -v 11 am im.m m,m. m rtTsnwi1 t. r i t. -. m . hi i . --- vi. 1 i 1 r i i i t i i t i i 1 iiv 1 i m a m n m mmm mmmm mmm m uLH -uii x.,uv I saBsiQaHaHffl t i,' : Hr-niTS K HS -RBiSlflOPM i Limn u ii.uui u i r':9r' ' ' "' I THE ONE BEST TIP M'-M ' . TT-rr .rrr ,. . . " ..'' 1 ' .... . ' g0th British and French Went "Over Top" This Morning GERMANS FORCED TO YIELD GROUND Mew Towns, Fortified Places and Many Prisoners Cap turPfJ Attack Made Under Unfavorable Weather Conditions front w- herivy tcrri'.i1'' ground. today .: fVn-i'v " Gprmans on the Aisne 1 smarting -from the .eneral Petain had ad io ihera, leaving him unin- m o' canizing -the ca"'"ired . . y wpre called up co . .tion of the Entente of- r;anders. y; Marshal Haig and the :!lep-report the launching . attack, which is declared eloping satisfactorily, al most adverse weather If General Retreat By Germans , On a Wide Front is Probable Pan'. of t!i 10 b' condi'-r.r.-. Tip rrnch were obliged to wade ihrouc!' waters up to their neicks iri ero -; n -i rhe St. Jansbeck 'and Cover beck rivors, but nevertheless they iad important progress on the left tak of the field of attack, capturing .taeibank village, Papegoed wood and mny farms where the, Germans. iad Hui.lvetls r Germans fell into ftp h?ru! of the French as prisoners. Thp front of the thrust, apparently is a far more extended one than that of la?f wook, as the London official stateiwn' mentions the attack as be- ine launr-iK'd "northeast and east" of Vprps. T: the British have carried thp fi'il of attack to a point as far sou'.-, a t'i batrlr :'r-.:i rtly east of Ypres, the the day is on a line approx;n-.!: y 10 miles long, extend ing 3:r-;r Moarly the entire curve of th Ypr -alient. Desperate Attacks. British "Tint In Belgium, Oct. 26. Fi-M .Ma---b;tl Haig's forces this uiorn in? r. a i,. ' wo desperate attacks on '!w c;p,r, in positions north and east 0i Vr iifar Ui r.'r:! -i '.vprnoi' i way "in-i? dirpr'io", I v uri n t r mPllt 1; Tf'l-P .; tf'i'iPs (i i.- Asa in )'Pr (' prs. "Tl wa.- iv tha had (' Th- f,. attack - 34 ;!-.; 'ajrv r,; . a'injr P'ly flaf-l, . a iv, : A t -rrT r " . fpnr, , Vwi: f-tri- bv , The first was from a point r. Janshoek, westward .-outhern fringe of the ' '2;p. to the region of Nieu T'i'p' other assault was on ' the Ypres-Menin high to Gheluvelt ridge, in the i hp town of that name. i u i ,,t onpiriy guns on the high hnt of Gheluvelt, consti of the main defenses, was !v ouiet. This probably r. t1 British heavy bombard ' ii z'it. Many explosions i in the region of these bar- thp night. r nn r ' ' i t irear l eutonic unve rias Captured 30,000 Men and 300 Guns v.;---'--1 CADORNA FORCED BACK INTO ITALY ITALIANS FIGHT OFF MASSED ATTACKS f Austro-Germans Launching Heavy Assaults Against dorna's Troops Lack of Confidence in Italian Minis- try ' TH&QREA rI WIEEWZ From the heights of the Aisne, the JLUAJM DRIWE Eism URDA1 3?- s Nimfw German Crown Prince is being driv-tBanks All Over thOUntry to -1 en back relentlesslv toward the fort- V i ress of Laon and perhaps to a general retreat along a line from St. Quentin to the Champagne.- His .strongholds wrenched from him, 12,000 of his men prisoner. Remain Opei&Until Late Saturday am ii MINIMUM IS PASSED, .MXINKCOMING the predicament of the Crown Princ is most serious. j General Petain's great smash of' Tuesday, opened the way for further advances, and Thursday, under French f pressure, the C srmans were forced j back to the Oise-Aisne canal, evacu-. oti'ncr volno HI i Trva i 1 r-n a in t n oil rr- I Reports i oday 1 ell or increas SOUR r . - - IS-Sill II, 11 Hi TO 0 llEPt ! Vote of Confidence Carried Slightly More Than Half of the Deputies (By Associated Press.) Paris, Oct. .26. Premier Painl eve's j ministry obtained, 346 favorable votes f on October 19; and Ms new ministry ) yesterday obtained only 288 votes, . t slightly more; than: half the votes in " the Chamber of Deputies. The-oppo-jsition votes numbered 137, - parti? from the Socialists and partly fronl the Radical Socialists. The same groups supplied the hundred members j who abstained from yoting. " . " '.. ; fl I r n 1 n The vote testified! once more ;. to 1 1 1 T H KH r hesitati0n' of the Chamber-toi L STRIKE Northern Wing of Italian Army Defeated and y the Huns Have Passed Their i Objective Italy Loses Her vains A ; -j j. r i... .'ir;:V. i teat any ministry , by a direct yVote '. " . . ':!; ' I during the war. Premier Painleve re - " - ' - i r . . .1 l - t . j 1 . ; El r . o L iusfu i-o or urawn into a tnscussion ederal Conciliator in Rich- ... - - ? . j . .- pf .-v A J j. i 1 B JcsijBuauuu oi ivi. rtiDOt, ills raond m tttort to Adjust , former minister. He beean his .snech . , i by -sayine he would, put aside ques .tions of persons and . ,,woud not" be; peiicto.- deba tebn .-ur elosed , snbjftct, Italy's armies Jiave met seridus re verse in the Isonzo battle, losing 30, 000 men, prisonerfiyand 300 guns to the Austrians and Germans, in their concentrated attack, according, to the-' ;'.;'.',. German claim. y','- " $'Wifai - Admittedly the Italians have been forcedvbaikp their border line along;::?l (: ! jErjnt from Montemaggiore to the west :-j,J?'til: ?za, compelling the evacuation 'ii ofvfhBainsizza plateau. y t s Thus' General Cadorna has : throttgh y a . single hostile stroke lost much 'or ." ' '- the fruits "of his long months of cam- v X r paigning against the Austrians j-i - Apparefltly the Italian forces, which so brilliantly fought their way. across ; y y the Isonzo. below to Tomlind'last snm- ' . Jmer and pushed for the east,yhadrto"y the Differences" ing Effort to Secure .$5,.- Mystery Surtoundtf Shoofangl - nnnnnnnnn qUow; m Charlotte Wednesday of hTOl,0" oar L 000,000,000 Subscriptions r r t t rerore i omorrow is Lions . Wednesday Beethoven (By Associated Press.l Washington, Oct. 26. With the tirement. More than 2,000 additional .$3,000,000,000 minimum of the Liberty j exceeded by subscriptions, 1 (Bv Associated Press.) Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 26. Frederick von Beethoven, of the ammunition train, 116th company, Truck 10, of the prisoners and many big guns fell in-;loan rn ivrpnr-n nnnns x ii.. a .Treasury officials announced todav Lctuu, me iuiuws t - . . cated at Camp Greene, who was shot end of the Hindenburg line, is now .that the drive would be continued; y . . Hut icrv,t TTiiioQ fmm ihe French linfis. ti,rhi- ! yesterday on one Oi the principal 41st division United States army, lo- and Petain's big guns can smash it' morrow, in an effort to bring the to ot will 'F'tio nf PhnvifnnTi thp con ter of the French advance, stretches ,tal u to $5,000,000,000. the Ailette river on the southern bank of which the Germans havei street corners of the city by a United States plainclothes officer, after he From V(,rv PoHnral T?oer Tli, HaQ OIOKe irUUl IL piUVUSt gUHIU, IS 'come re-! ' oi rne greatest DarrageE - ; raployed by the at.tack pifliminary bombardment tup effective by the re forward of the guns over V" around. A brisk wind ' the ground wonderfully. " " ; Ind been expecting an i.1'! made preparations ior m Monday. British mili i sav the Germans had '' nn a:-sault in this domin ion. spur, vest of Passchen ' t;p Dritish entered one attack began, had been (low- r ;in r..v Wi; irr.if.ine guns from wh'ch in recent battles had ' -'''v.!"y to the westward. ' ' r look, the Germans ccn i ' a w artillery fire on Bel !" 'ho British stil were ba ' o' i a r iong the concrete de- ' n- r . npor Bellc vue, which re- 'ip sf."iio of nanguitiary ras(-d ;u an early hour " ":s -i)iinc Brii-sh forces. y ' iv.,r.1Uj north of G'ael ' r n d by the British in a 'hp i ci hrur and a half. I i.ut tj crack, but pr's ' r' iiauled out and sent " '-nin road. for several months ly captured positions living today, although his body was pierced through by the bullet from lrom tne new-, cxj ni or tv,r m- rmv rvnlvpr. Thp local hosnital .uauA , ,.'T , , trict," it was announced, Deen ngnung lO noiu uacit iue rieuuu. i that nlans r.ontemDlatc V k O tblUV T i" - - the i drive, the biggest one of all. where he was taken and operated on, jne, majke a hijrried retreat irom .the Bain,; - -fALK OF A STRIKE .-ON-FOUR-RAiLKOAU ' t. - . - " -lit was necessary t6avoid Idurlhg &v&cK r'"' board, Chesapeake and Ohio, and Central of Georgia Said to be Probable q j i:Mau uj,. ausviuuueuL iue jcrjemier Seja- . Spoke chiefly on Alsace-Lorraine. WILLIAM HERSCHEL DIED WEDNESDAY (Special to The Dispatch.) TnrkByn?te.:.- T Richmond, Va., Oct. 26. The Unit-' tTLon?,n' ?.cL 2r'-Sir William Jas. , . . . . , Herschel, discoverer and developer ed States -government has taken a of the gystem Qf identification by n hand in the situation which today ger prints, died yesterday. threatens to resolve into a general j strike of railway clerks throughout I the Southeastern territory. General ;' Robert McWade, special representa-i tive of the Federal Department of La bor, . has come to Richmond to act as ; conciliator and endeavor to bring; about a settlement of the differences; between the clerks and the railroads. J Grand President Foresster, of the I sizza ..piateau -.and. back across the nr? -4-.' -i er because of the break; inUhe'tr'linei y -'i io. the north, suffering" Heavily, la.' the i&Vyy vOrt Itafian ..Territory. V- LW&V "Berlin, Oct. 26.f-(Vla tLondon: 'it The Austro-Germans In ,-their offensive :, '. on the Isonzo front have "captured ' y more than 30,000 Italians, the German" .; y war office announced today. More ' ''"--l- than 300 guns also were taken. J At many places the Germans are -now fighting on Italian territory, the announcement says. ; yfj? The statement says .the northern V (Continued on Page Eight) . 1 r J C . , , t i-T, O "1T oon T n o i-fprn MB IIH HI SIS VV 1 I 1 1 ... -f, j Lm0 f ortiiiprv fire Every PssiDie agency ior raciiua-.-, iyes little Lnfornration as the case is iC,uo Wi 1 . , -a ing the taking or last minute sud- Every foot gained by General Pe- I tn, k .(i,m. tain in the Chavignon salient weak-j gankg in moat cities will remain Camp Greene. Mystery still sur-1 Brotherhood of Railway .Clerks, has! ens the line northward thIP"h ";0pen, not only during Saturday after-j rounds the shooting. The case is be- already discussed the situation with! padvre on Three ' sides' of LaFere, lnoon' but also at night The day's i ing handled entirely with the military I the conciliator, and General McWade i - . icq a wi 11 riis:i- 111 v w 1 1 1- 1 1 1 r 1 n 1 niau ... t- j ri , iseeinoveu cuiiie tu uaiup prnnfiin nrnmn inni i n ri 1 1 1 lii 1 9 rr n ni i uluuiuu 1 t.giiuu uuiLL CLOSE SATURDAY WIGHTl 1 11 1 -.1 A a -V tin- 1 o cf -rvn o ri nri St. Ouentin has all but fallen in- wm .""Jr"". authorities. to allied hands several times since wnc , aesires a oona nf S n ' Greene sever'al weeks ago with the National Guard from North Dakota. The only statement he roaue after be ing shot was that, "he had rather die than be taken prisoner " -iwir.T, rotroat nf last sririTie-. i IOr IS great, UUl lilt ucramumnuu 1 : : r. -.m Vi woatorn frnnt as far north as Ypres. .achieve the maximum Quota is great- Probablv the two most important er- m , , x, T , . siient3 on the western front from) "Totals for the Liberty Day sales the sea to Verdun are those east of still are incomplete Iir- the Boston Ypres and south-southwest of Laon.'and Cleveland districts particularly Field Marshal Haig is hammering at they are piling up with great rapidity, the one and General Petain is smash-! As an instance of the movement in ing through the other. A German re- Boston withm a few hours last night Urement alf along the line might re- the district's reported total advanced suit in surprising eventualities and $25,000,000. Individual purchases are suit in - - iu. cur am nine PlovolanH hpnriniiflrtprs and there are reports irom uermany txidu CrZr'"' HEAVY FOG CAUSED WRECK OF TRAINS One More Day in Which to Make Yourself Winner of the $60 Diamond Ring or One of the More Valuable Prizes- Miss Mollie Gordon Furnis hes Big Surprise (Bv Associated Press.) Macon, Ga., Oct. 26. A dense fog which prevailed over this entire sec-, tion of the country at an early hour? today was responsible for a side-swip- j ing collision between the Royal Palm, j northbound, and the Kansas City Spe- : V , v, rooim everv town in the district anDears to such action is nut - - - . ow. : . rial ;,m,thbound. on the Southern J Italy's armies are fighting against passing its maximum quota, the massed attacks of the Austro-, "Boston already has subscribed, for Germans along the Isonzo north of the city itself, $112,000,000. Gorizia General Cadorna apparently! , "The Kansas City district, which h checked the Teuton efforts on probably has reached its minimum of the Bainsizza plateau at the southern $120,000,000, gave a partial report by end of the line Near Flitsch, at the States today which indicated great ac northern end and south of Tolmino tivity in the southwest. lu will prooably confer with the railroad officials this afternoon. ! The striking clerks have been in ! meeting since 9 o'clock this morning. They sav they will not be surprised j if President Foresster declares a gen- " y eral- strike affecting four railroads in I , ; her credit in the paper. Mrs. Coneriy '' the Southeastern district before tb-j is one' of the steady, every-day kind--y ? night. These: four roads are under - TODAY'S LEADERS.. !one who does a Httle each day. In a : stood to be the Atlantic Coast Line, : - voting way, she has been advancing the Seaboard Air Line, the Chesa-, Mollie Gordon 80,600 ; each day, until today she finds her- peake and Ohio and the Central 0f Eloise Daniel 80,420 self among the leaders. y ;V Georgia. ' Mrs- A- C. Sessoms .. 80,180 The other leaders for today have - I Sallie Garrell 79,370 all had their names On the "Honor" -; 15 nPriFRFn Bertha Allsbrook .. .. .. 79,500 Roll" before, at different times, al- ' t , I?VJ JZ!?, Nettie Lewis 79360 thoun ere is a general shifting t)f i 1U LLAVL lKlINlLr'ALI Mrs. W. J. Conerly .. .. 78,375 positions. ,-;;.. - j Ruth Teachey .' 78,360 ' - " (By Associated Press.) - fr fsn or spam, Trinidad, Oct. 26. i 4 ' .j. tilt; u3U U'UCl liiwiu -.-w.. f C7 x -r .-i. xn'J , i . 1-v iv nnnnnnnnn morir voatorriv ia flrivinw i into the siding at Keids station wnen fSL SZX. S o'T. oi to its iSm ,"3 it hit by the northbound engine. are noweing given during the sec- After Saturday each $15 worth of sub scriptions will give 130.000 ' extra votes, 10,000 less than during this pe riod. v The $60 DiamoTirl Rinc ta tn fo at this season of the year-but is pre-1 patch contest. The friends of Miss awarded the candidate who turns In Dariner to denart. He hu!Mollie Gordon, of Mullins, S. C, Willi the larerest amount nf ninnov fnr na- The southbound train was pullin? -expulsion to American intervention. ! be no less surprised than her oppon- subscriptions during the two weeks tiieii ineiius. miss uuraon entlinar Saturrtav nie-ht whn Hroa not . f 'tt -0""f 4 " V UVr0 UVV Railway, at Raids station, 10 miles Cipriano Castro, former Dresident ofi south of here, on which a negro fire , Venezulea. has been recmested bv the! The candidates and their friends government to leave Trinidad. The are in for a big surprise and a big General declared h:s residence hern shock, for that matter when they see had no political significance and pro- f,, , t v. , ' mi. tDotoH Qo,-nof the name of the leader in The Dis- man, William Mathews, on the north bound train was instantly killed, and Engineer H. K. Burgey, of . Macon, was seriously injured. None of the pa' sengers on either train was seriously hurt. Never again during the contest wiir so many "Club Votes" be given, as' , General C.aaim haa hoon traveling ! has Certainly been making history "win one of the mora valnohlA nyfraa ':' h nl nf the Isonzo and the Teuton $1,500,000,000 with high hopes of sue- Engineer Burgay claims he was lostfrom oire land to another for vears,)he readmS of which will cause the or the first special prize., OnlyT new : I hriiqt forced them to cross to the cess. in toe iog anu u.u t WuCu c finding many, ports closed against him. j "i er iair opponents business counts for the; spec-a: prize. '? v rj. . v 4t 4 4 -RrANY OWNS A BOND. -Vociated Press). "-hOia. Oct. 26. The Im- "niir n government is ", , r '' liberty bond. -it'.orney has been 'vr.v?. of German es- ": :"r'1- about Philadelphia, . :' ' ' 1 ; 1 i hit one account re- 4 Berlin claims toe cap-. WCOCtiii , , ill.. C n..V r.rr. V. i J turo nf 10 000 prisoners ana mucn mu- cuiiimnusc ut vuua bujs uu&tiuuuus t rial ' on the island may reach $1,000,000,000. The fighting on this front is ail on The first 144 subscribers took $392, Austrian territory tod the terrain i3 250 worth of bonds. Application very difficult which should be help- blanks and posters are being printed ful to Cadorna, who has proved him- both in English and in Spanish, self ar master of mountain warfare, i "Total army subscriptions are about Lack of confidence has been voted 65,O00,000. They have come from in the Italian cabinet by the Cham- rydry place on the globe where TJni.t k' nf nenuties. The troubles of the ed States troops are. located." Boselli ministry are apparently from i its handling oi me loou qut . WAlCMMtUN JU15i fUK ftv tfwitowLt RETIRED SOLDIERS ing front Signor Orlando, a member i : f the Boselli cabinet, is mentioned ! (By Associated Press.) Of tUe BOSWi - WnsshlTiB-tnn flet 5!fi Mtn whn A letter from the Liberty Loan; reached Reids station . Five empty Recent accounts of his travels- said he ! to beat a little faster. '-.:! he ' I:-'!'1 a balance of $60 !''-n-v''d to the Imperial ; ovprnment. Yesterday'fS $,o of that amount to 'M , v brmd to help the United ;- m Uip war. COaCneS On tne nuuuuuuuu nam wen- annnmnnnied hv Amarinon conrot ' f telescoped. ; service agents. Those who have been following the Last month, the fo-- standing of the: different, contestants, mor rtintanr nf . Vono7iiola ofi-or from da V to rfnV! will reeall that TVTiac ' " short stay in New York, 'sailed for; Gordon's name was not included Trinidad! .. ..vnv,u nnw lender of tho as tne yiuuumc " p'arflian Parliament votes to-Jtired frcm the service of the United " A lit? j. a Ctn too o r.f ivQnta1 in nQnitol o ti WUCI.UC1 . .Tv-, x, WHAT A $50 LIBERTY BOND J W,LL D0 HT,NG B0 YS' AMERICAN OFFICERS ' Here are some of the things , GREATLY IMPRESSED that the proceeds of a $50 Lib- , , erty loan bond will purchase ior : (By Associated. Press.) v Uncle Sam's fighting forces: ' American Training Camp in France, Four months' subsistence for a Thursday, Oct. 25. (By The Associat- ! soldier in the field. I V ed Press). Major General. Sibert, re- One hundred pounds of smoke- turning from around Soissohs, where less powder. - he witnessed part of the French of " CoT-mete uniform and outfit for 4,fensive on the Aisne iront, said that ! c?', .-4--v.fci,ii-nepmiinv. Presi- watchmen in the public buildings. A SLrSsz also' has. Asked for the pas-.register oi! eligibles is being, made up lMf the measures for carrying on ror service ax tne new war ana navy i SZuioa The torpedoing, of the buildings now being constructed. nrayiilan steamer - Macau prougxi 1""""'' miuuu suuum Z.llZ tov head. Brazil revoked; be made to tn superintendent .)f the ottirnde- of , neutrality several, State,. War and Navy Department among the contestants in Wednes j day's paper. ' It was printed yester Kx&y iui me 111st time vain oniy o.uuu votes to her credit, the amount given on the nomination. Today, Miss Gor don has 80,600 votes tb. her credit, and leads the entire -field. This young lady has certainly demonstrate ed what can be done in a 'short time; and we predict that with such energy and of the big prizes will probably ro to Mullins. Miss Eloise Daniel, of Southport, is a new name on the "Honor Roll" to- have Been honorably discharged or re-i' an enlisted man in the navy. .the French losses had been extremely X ! J 6 XT 1 J ll- . TT !1 1 . -1 t " o 1 al 1 f iL C ill . A ' 1 m . . ... ... . luignteen gas masKS ior soi- v.smaii. Because oi ma enecuveness oijaay, ana secona on tne list, at that. dires at-the front in France. 'the artillery preparation. He and thH This is the first time Miss Daniel has Enough gasoline tb drive a sub- other American officers , were eulhusi- marine destroyer 150 miles. astic over the : Importance . . of th3 Thirteen 13-pound shells for de- French 'y "victory, especially as to the; had her name among the leaders, and it took 34,000 votes to get it there. Mrs. WV J. Conerly, Nichols, S. C; ! amount r of material and number of; is, another' who gets 'on they'Honor months ago. building here. stroying : submarines: ' Four 5-mch shells for the same jprisoners Htafcen. , The American oni y purpose.. ' v 'cers were impressed 'greatly .with- the , preponderance of the, French artillery. - r oyer-the. German, Roll" for the first time. Mrs., Conerly hasS been1' doing" goodework-in fact, she .has-been too busy getting. vote3 td think about having", any placed to but both old and new subscriptions ' : ; are affected by the reduction to be ; 'C made on clubs at the close of the sec-'o " ond period.' ' s : . :. If you would be the winner of the .. Ring, or if you would be numbered '; y : : among the happy ones who will re- ll"',' ceive the other prizes, make every, "y minute of the last day count. With . : ": the right kind of work during the few ; hours that remain, you can secure a -reserve vote which will win one of the .:. i y big prizes or the special prize. Let ' ; ' ' your watchword from now until 9 o'clock tomorrow night be, "Subscrip- V tions, Subscriptions, y and Subscrip- ? tions." Gets as -manyas you can, ey- eryone that yod can, all that you can. Do hot hold back at this critical time in the race. Jump in and be a win- jier. You -can if you will. ' '''' v v '" Wilmington contestants Ynust.haVe . their subscriptions and yotes in the office by 9 o'clock tomorrow night: In .5 order for them to count . as this . pe- ' riod's" business, but- out-oMown ;can-f y didates cari ma'l ' their; subscriptions ' -any . time Saturday and - they will re ceive 'credit" for this Deriod. - :-',? 4 --

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