VvVr::;VT. ir-T; - :HJl:'r'- i V' WlLMiMCTili '.; , .1-:" WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina Generally fair to night and Sunday. '0L. XXIII NO. 368 FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE ISPA Ten FINAL EDITION WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA SATpRDAY!AFTERNOQNjOCTOBER 27 191 7 PRICE FIVE CENTS ".V giia J Second Liberty Lean Campaign Closes With Today, VvSgton Banks Will Re Open Until 9 O clock Tonight to Receive Subscriptions. Do "YoVBit" Now! tr K Si "l x'" ' 'y fiflS TOO LITTLE FQfT Iff SOLDIER BUT I BOUGHT ) 1 Liberty bond j Artiliety and; Infantry Forces Now Exchanging Shots With the Hun w Hundred Yards Away TROOPS THE IN A SECTION OF FRENCH FIRST LINE American Troops Joyfully Greeted Upon Their Arrival In Trenches By French Case Of First Shell Fired At Germans Sent President ' .' --i;':v;..VV,:;.-. . HIS BIT (By Associated Press.) With TLrnrican Army Jn France, ,Oc27.--TAmeri-can troops are ih'tlre first line trenches on the French front. The artillery fired the first shot of the War at 6 o?clock on the ; morning of a recent day at a German working party. There has been intermittent artillery fighting since. The helmeted infantry marched in without the knowledge of the enemy on the same night, through rain and mud. The French soldiers in the trenches welcomed them enthusiastically. The nearest enemy trench is several hundred yards away THEN FRENCH IT IS GREATER R5T 'REPORTED Troops Exceeded Hopes of the Most Saguine by Passing Objectives j The Supreme. Effort to Push 1 Subscription Over , $5,000, 000,000,000 Mark , - ( 2,000,000 WORKERS v 1 I ARE IN THE FIELDS 1 Every Energy Bent Toward j Showing World American V PatriotismNorth Carolina! j Has Subscribed $14,100, ! 000, the Nation $4,000,- : i 000,000 (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 27. The Liberty campaign went into its final ri tsy rniM;n? in a tim NEWLY WON GROUND felSj nLLiLu uuuuLUULU ' ! Sr J ,IS jf 1 1 FFM IllS 8.1 Ilhrh m mm m. . . mm - ! R H S R H fa B K N m B H I B B fl S Mill M B E M B i mi at s k ma u w mru m mi u i w m m m m m ii mm m m n rj m m m m n wa m m mm wnmm mm " n ;rn; Tni,,nilT OFFSET AT ISOflZO IT 1 0 CLOCK lOllbnl TKe sector is one cf the quietest on the front. It has not been ' Italians Unable to Withstand ; Competition for Second Diam ond Ring Also Ends Tonight- taken over, being under the control of troops under the direc tion of the French. The Americans have shelled German gun positions and troops, the enemy sending back shell fr!XHE LATEST TEUTON snen. l he rirst shell case will be sent to rresident Wilson Onslaught of the Austro- Germans Following is the first official statement issued from the American headquarters: "In continuation of their tr aininsr, as a nucleus for in struction later, a contineren t of some battalions of! our first contingents in. association with veteran French bat talions, are in the first line trenches of a quiet sector of the French front. They are supported by some batteries of our artillery, in association with veteran French batteries. "The sector remains normal. Our men have adapted themselves to actual trench conditions in the most satisfactory manner." of the first shell fired at skeletons of shell wrecked houses, j EFFORTS NOT ENDED Out-of-Town 'Contestants Can Mail Subscriptions Any time Today Last Lap of Race Will Start Monday. ! 4 cj $i 4.' 2 !'' .f 3 TODAY'S LEADERS. Just What the New Drive i Bertha Allsbrook . Against Italy Will Amount if Pauline Underwood Mattie Powell . . to is Not Yet Apparent Crown Prince Quiet Elizabeth Bullard ' Ruth Teachey Sallie Garrell . . Oravp inroads nnrm Italian tprritnrv are being made by the powerful Aus- Mollie Gordon tro-German army that broke through the Italian lines on the northern isonzo front. Already, according to Nino o'clock tonight will thrt CV -i . 1 i 1 1 .1 r j a. J . 1 . ' . yi- j . 1 1 , 1 ; ' 11 Dy tne Americans, wmcn came tne sounu 01 uie ireau 01 many clares that the Second Italian army is to h, Sr.nt to president Wilson, is; hobnailed boots and in the darkness y,as been defeated and that almost the possession of General Si-;t.he dim uniforms of men could be seen entire Isonzo front of the italiar j for as many vote Berlin, no less than 60,000 prisoners j the close of the second period m Tho and 4&0 guns have been taken by the . Dispatch contest, and also of the sec invndine forces. ! end and last Special Prize offer made Never again will 15 clubs now bert. Th funn and i Lat te art A Anipr;r i;: contact with the enemy. The -run used in firm? the first shot On. (J tli.. '-irormc- Vrnnnh 79 On '':y the French shelled a ' ' r- position which was I and the enemy re- j marching, i The ca " h;s comrades in the ranksipocket lamp 'disclosed that t " i ; - mbitd officers ch?ered. Amprican infantry, packs itrr : lur-fheon in the field was at-ibaclS; rincs siUng on their shoulders extremely n, ' l hy tiu- American and French; ai glistening on their , helmets and west' of C well down to the Carso is imperilled the their competitors in tho city. ' The closing of tho second period tonight marks the rounding out of the quarter, and Monday will find the contestants on the home stretch. On ihe quarter all handicaps caja be ov ercome, if time is rightly made use of. The few hours left of the present period may be sufficient to overcome any competition in the field. Speed is . necessary on the last day of thr second period and the second special prize offer if the race is to be won. To halt or falter through false confidence would be the worst of folly. The work done today may be decisive. - - The question has been frequently as they do now in ' asked sometimes by the candidates: S4.300 84.070 83,905 83.G15 82,950 82,700 82.G70 82,450 ' witness count siramme to can. ry ii past tne , ooo.ooo.OOO mark. ,.. , Eleven Thousand Prisoners' "Revised . official and unofficial re-: yui is tuuay 7 strongly indicate," the 'Treasury Department announced. V: : 'that approximately . $4,000,000,000 in 7? bonds have been sold. ' "Additional sales . of $1,000,000,006 " :f 4 today, bringing the total, to the; 'high-'110 i 1 out Hiaft -1irAi- ' Already Counted and More Coming in; French Show Superiority -(By Associated Press.f' W-tv. ii,' t.'v. s ; T-i - " """a uvp6Uviuir, jseeuieu.. not only jth the 1'rench Armies in Franro i ,, , -r. ?j Jw"rr. ,t o xt " : V" .17 yuL8 uie DUl entirely prooaoie. ' ti: at.p fired by a red-haired; Tne cautious flash cf an electric by the Austro-German thrust. (to close and never again will as valu- hey vere It is semi-off lcially admitted m able a special prize of any kind be Liiu-'. iwuiv Liiat tut, iiutuiuu jo wus.ucitu (,'nereu in connection "71tn tne con- serious with enemy north- Gorizia well on the read to on "What candidate at this time seems to have the best opportunity of win ning?" To this only on3 reply can be made. It is certainly impossible at celebration of the first Cf'Tri;; i, lor-; t Pl;fI C'O ic , , the Ai' '' a r:-:; Ar.ii i v- php'n..v Hi, ' r-r-. troop.- TV,,. and . given f. more 1:- ' I ' .. in? ,, 'hi::,. ' ,ic Mill, ..; ,. can:. - . ... can; coats the wind whipping the bottom Cividale. which is some five miles of their, coats around their less which I within Italian territory and seeking were moving with machine-like pre cision. ine AUltliCJI.'S cvx-ift uw. - - .J V,. , u Tt,1. test. It is now the. last call for the this time to even venture a guess as Diamond Ring and for tlio exception- to "who's who." You never can tell ally valuable second period votes. It by the noise of the whistle how fast is now the timft when thp miestion of tho train is coin? nrr is the "honk. an opening to lorce nis w..j to tiu j the final winners is in. process of nosi- honk" of an antomobile in any way Italian plains. Attacks also have been! five solution. inHiPtivp nf its snep.ri. The smallest the begun south on the Carso front but Every effort should be put forth by ' autos sometimes have the loudest the contestants who want th sir names j horns. to appear in the final honor roll to get i -'od bv otherr,. traditionary forces are nrfit cf actual var con- nnaT.tiv a nmii ns though these have been repuisea cy m ! .i ..r, nnmln -nni -nrithsi'tnnHinP' thfit. lanS. ... r- ii' i ( m ill t miaut , . . . i - ;r ,v. projectiles ramn marched miles from the bil- American mrantrymen nave gone in every possible subscription by the! pi AM FVACUATION Anvpr rnns who iomed in lucy u. 7 , . 'intn first line trenches on the French ios 1 u ITLAll E V rtVWrt X IKJI - ifita where tney naa uee siiitu oom- " . . i '""'b lh-j yci.'uu LUinsut. i jkr- nrr niirn -"- c ! V (luel. , j n'y mctor trucks and railway from front, and the American artillery hasj Eveiy proraise of a ,ubsc-iption ! OF HELSINGFORS "''i' wi'l relieved after) As the ranks fired its first shot of the war. should be made a realitv. The timo . Thus the inc iUf""r v. o 0iHier! Announcement of the presence ofiShnrt nTw1 t-nQ Q1jftr. 0,1,1in t - ji ' r . 1 4-. (Bv Associated Press.) rnuld be heard whistling softly to some vaimmmt. u A1"c"" i is the key that, opens the door of vie-! wograu, UUUTI , . p 1 . himself his nearby comrades listen- forces on the firing line was made ir. j tory. A few hours of earnert workare being made in Helsmgfors for the ! " ' tn sontimpntal and Dooular the nrst oinciai siaitmum ihbutu - may be sufficient to produce that, nicp evacuation oj mat city, accoramg 10 a little, almost deserted, ;& s,"t-"t American headquarters m France. ihe Mji . .. . ... !a telegrar;V received here. A report Oct. 26. However great may be the praise bestowed on the French troops for the brilliance of their victory ov er the Germans north of the Aisne this week, it is too small an apprecia tion of their herculean efforts in the face of one or the most difficult tasks of the war. This is the opinion not only of their immediate chiefs but of all who have seen them at work. Fronting them were the finest divis ions of the German Crown Prince's army, occupying positions that were strongly fortified and having the keen est appreciation of their value. Notwithstanding this the French not only succeeded in attaining every objective but exceeded the hopes of the most sanguine and advanced be-' yond the appointed places. More than 11,000 prisoners already have been counted and sent to the rear. Others are coming in and large groups still are hiding in subterranean shelters and their, fate can only be capture. The French line now runs along the southern side of the Aisne-Oise canal without a break from westward of the Auxaillon to Pargny-Filain, while the town of Filain has been complete dominated. The correspond ent today watched 'the French infan trymen who after four days -of almost uninterruped fighting, were busily em ployed digging themselves in along the new front. Their extraordinary exertions had not extinguished their good humor and willingness., Notwith standing privations and suffering from weather conditions, with increasingly cold rain storms drenching them -at intervals, they worked with pick and shovel as energetically as they had done with rifle and grena'de during the furious battle. The German artillery, which show ed activity last evening, was quieter today because the French' batteries had mastered it. The . French su periority in this arm is demonstrated! hv th nrnnnrtinn nf shrl) wnnnfls tn ! bullet wounds among the French wounded. On this occasion only three Federal Reserve banks had returns of I $2,750,105,000, representing . subscrjp-. f - f tions officially reported to them when 3'-? tney opened their books today. Inas- ; ' ' much as this total indicates only sales ' upon which 2 per cent deposits hare -'. ' been paid, the total is well under the C . amount of actual sales. A margin of. vf at least $1,000,000,000 should be given 4 - f unofficial sales over the official total. i The official totals follow: yyrfi'-t-l Boston $330,100,000; New Y6rk $1,- ' 175,000,000; Philadelphia $102.026,000-V" f Cleveland $826,000,000; Richmond " ' $114,470,000; Atlanta ?33,545,000; Chi ' ' cago $271,250,000; St. Louis $93,844,. -C ! . 000; Minneapolis $100,250,000: . Kan-'V. 1 sas City $57,980,000 ; Dallas $37,105,- feV 0001 San Francisco $108,353,000. To- Si tal $2,750,105,000. i "Returns from the Cleveland district show a remarkable advance, going from $234,170,000 to $326,000,000. over- night. Little doubt remains that the : ; district will reach its maximum quota of $500,000,000. The Kansas City dis- v trict showed a decided improvement. Every indications is that; the San ;; Francisco .district has approximated ' ' fis minimum of $210,000,000. vfcf ; The first report from the Richmond s district by States came today remov- ' ing all doubt that it; will reach its-, minimum. The report, follows: -i ' " u Maryland $31,000,000; Virginia. $33,( 700,000; West Virginia: $134G0,O0Oi VP 7 North Carolina $14,100,000; South Car-':-''.. ; olina $7,500,000 and Washington, - D. -C, $17,500,000. ; '..v - i ; "All other districts reported that ; -their workers were driving at ' top speed, determined that, the ' night f- would see the $5,000,000;000 - mark - passed." " -kz&iA - " - v POSSIBLE ATTEMPT i SS g TO DESTROY FOODS i (By Associated Press.) - -Houston, Texas, Oct.. 27. -Texas' railroad and warehouse officials were M ,,rtti-. hns- pieces. the came the men are slatione:! in one o mean the winning of one. cf the prize; Tr I lTTI' " I I H. Kill -1 r. el n ,0,1; w i 1 fiTTi f 1 r - . .1, rtat'.'o oninrc rT 1 ( 111 . v ai. 1 -1 . m . r-i-r- - n 111 - ic" i-" - i rt n rf n timfi wnicn an "i, -- i ' . or me rnamono nne. in at nn otj iu"- -r'K ,, the Associated fie " in lhe with French troops and under rench bscrintion-et.t.iTi worlr tnAxr wm,ifi in Russian ' r n n- v,'-thed the new, a in direction, the sector not having been i Ko ,o1 , !nrnarinr for r.r.ns un in drivn- m -n I ; - "Tinnerarv." It lasted taken over by the Americans ( The OKt.oMown contestants vrl be land, profiting 1 S cn'.':.rnH iiritVi otilrv miin , x .. - . j Wmnih S lfOPSSPR fill UH H.1S11U clli' I . , . -. V.A oh n 1 ""'v .-i oc on rf?-er. turnins. oraereu , eiven an onnorrunitv to wore un un- itt tu uc oc - hid been firing all day :v"J. " , thfi German -British pressure m landers are on- minute of t.hR norinH. Ail capture the Ru "it. tho irar.re";-- Ananxe.A nn n. : -t for the moment by tne Austro- Irpsist.fl.nre and' , , . . T,-,rn ",1parDV lilUll ucpnuu . , . . , . , . n3 .uujw ijj nuiio a;: t oiujc; a uar .- '. tlKrp was consideraDi - p ouietiy, The German blow against tne Mowing oi i will be honored for thfi necond ipn'mi i Tornea. sever I urn ixiuu iuc from Stockiiolm to the Novoe Vremya view of the easy advanco territory, the Germans are a - descent on tiniana men were wounded by sheirsplinters j warned today against possible at to one by the bullet as compared with tempts to destroy food supplies in the ratio of 19 to 1 in the battle j storage or transit. E. A. PedanState around Verdun. food administrator, advised that pre-- The French guns now are able to; cautions be taken against fires in enfilade the German positions in thre9 : warehouses and railroad - Officials directions, namely toward Brancour, J were urged to re-double vigilance ov- northwest of Anizy Le Chateau and'er the transportation : of foodstuffs along trie vaney. to aon, anu inrougii especially cattle. the Ailette valley, menacing the Ger-- man lines on the Chemin des Dames i gaged in the opening day's battle,' and ridge. The canal cn the borders of which the French advance rested is by theTir propaganda, ex-j dry; but forms a natural line of de- , with small forces, to ssian trccps, without to cut the railway at fense The bridges and locks had been de stroyed . during previous artillery ing communication be-, figbting. A - .. vn Ttnlion fnwoo nn thr IsnnT.O HOW- ..... . - Ij. n - . J C"J i trn0fl sr rorner and disappear- x,w - ; ' votes and for the diamond r n? offer, iweea usai uuu oweuwu. i.i-vw - - - , tt, btpat Teuton pttort nas nrT : , . - i ' i j n-n inir.n nru- sr.reeneu luau. w . i ms p nws inn rai ir atps ivm"- mir-i. f"m after a lull in the fir-jeQ ..Hi nMr listening, yet progressed far enough to be call- . n;1vnT1Vfrn r-oTTlU ATF FOR 1WW dk tlt.the first ma-' 1 Continuously at illuminate ed f-ngerous to the future success of xt train- rnp men nuui -jj.c "cu -j. v . "rer1 ) ocr v-;iilie7T m ponchos ana wai"u V. .T" -,r.w ho ontor. General Cadorna's men were over ," cmei uuc'"" . i,iTntJ- ermne-lv hv the massed' fRflAWH cap Ub l - a j 1 1-l--r -.-F Vl TV.O TT ilr Mitifnwed Anstrifi.n ! v,orp waitina: to near n tne uer- ".w , . f Field Marshal von Macken- The Germans last night made ai diately were caught by ithts.-rrtnch . VOTE OF CREDIT ' nvfi men jycj, - V.r, a Ions line of these; m j (By Associated Press.) ; i jjonaon, vjcu iim Buppieiiieit- (Dvr Assoriattxi nMS v jtary estimate for a vote of credit for Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 27 Six of the 10 400.000,000 pounds sterling, which , is leader of two verv 'successful i Germans who escaned from tho p.ifenio be moved m the house of Commons ana t ; ' a ons ime or "F i discover the movements." He divisions i kit h ! mo so infantry rollingnc1ld lSIned and then continued: ported, of , :'V1 off a savory odor of UstenM ami j sen the 1( " llici . nffAnoivoa Qiroinet tho RnstsiflTLS Thfi Mfitpnt'or, rnmn fit PYr IVT-p last eun expect it, rui . ,,,, Ttnlfn-n leader nrnhablv considered it, Tuesdav nia-ht 'were cantnred 1 he form 'strafe if tne oocut better, to withdraw his battered sol-.night by agents of the Denartment of today. .,This will bring the total loans! they had been .without food for three npv 'for the year to i,yuu,uuu,uuu pounas aays ana mat au uieir vuicers rem- ' ! I . . . : . . , . i . . . r - l.i : Jit- . 4 Cr,n of ; his ;-f" m silence. The sprawled on it the !;- who had been taken illlgojns lDr fr 'n" held on by two i'lC, cnnirnrlco pPliPTtsnn i i uesday oy Anarew jaonar-Liaw, unan Ttlcollor ,of the Exchequer, was issued Elizabetn strenuoua effort to establish artillery in the ravines behind the plateau but were greatly discommoded by the French bombardment which left them no respite and quickly silenced their fire. The Crown Prince also hurried up infantry reinforcements to help his distressed Prussian Guard and other ''visions which had -been badly maul ed. -O' V- ?:.';; Prisoners taken from the Empress Guard regiment ; declared ll! Kuius : , , u.u.,v, j v, rtayc- frnm J" - ''"'ti nirvP' in the Justirp Fivp wprp tnlren fit Snrrt. of! No strafe .eyiopeu s northwestnd southwest of iGa.. and the sixths Jobann Adelhardt.f sterling and the ,total since the ''com-'ed and lefts them without command- U-eriuaiio. vK w'".V .'.i- ,r. . , iprt1mln"tA'..- lino from .Mnntfl T Ml!,-,!, .,a. i . -. cni.Ki "Mii'-r si'-per pa.vn w uh 1 ghells-hitting nothing, fvppf navrt W 1. SUCIIB-' - ---- T., tfio-htV -1 - :" ' Wn.Er-.'-n. Trnn-rnmTnissinnprl - off iror ' ,w? n .? if. mencement of vwar to 4. 5,692,000,009 i era to continue-; the ; fightings Seven pounds sterling; v 1 German divisdoni. altogether were en-1 when the German commanders. Baw utter defeat staring them in the face, they ordered -: up, helter-skelter other divisions fr6m long distance. One of these was recently brought' from Gall-' cia and reached the" battlefield in bat talion driblets, many of which Imme- flre or were captured, and the others merely added to the disorganization among the retiring German trjtapjj, . The guards Buffered very JbeaVily -but principally by being captured, for ' the French noticed that they surren dered -more' readily .than . the . other units. . ? Eelements of - five fresh Ger man divisions wete observed , at( va- rious, positions ; on th French front today and the . -evident- intention was noticeable on the part. of. the Germans: to offer strong resistance to a Jurther advance.. For i tha, moment, however, the French have .gained; everything they set" out to .feain and can afford to ; await futiire, developments. .---V (Continued , on Page.. Eight) ,, rested 'here, -t i v-.;: t;- r--:';v-c 'rM,-'.. and its sides lined