1111 FAR TF TT i if i niwi A WEEK'S ORE CON ER T .First Smash Will Be Delivered Sunday Morning by the Ministers ITALY TR YING TO STEM :ONRVSHING AUSlRO-dSERMANS HMPiiMTr&n?mv LW vx i I 1 JLf I 1 I Jsr l Ln It II i ANOTHER STRENUOUS WEEK FACES PEOPLE l . L i inmsir n r a i rmn & H Rt Or lilrnfin ! HALTS SHIPMEfiT Von Mackensen's 600,00 Troops Threaten to Over 1 run the Plains PLIGHT OF ITALIAN NATION IS PITIFUL Enlistment of Five Billion Dol lars Followed bv Enlistment OF WAR SUPPLlLi Arr'.cri. Triumphed in Its Sec ond financial Battle jfor Democracy M'ADOO PLEASED WITH THE OUTCOME A "Second Liberty Loan is Overwhelming Success"- i on need the Secretary of 1 reasury. IG THE SEEDS OF DEMOCRACY TO UNSFAT AUTOCRACY of 22,000,000 Household to Help Win the War I The Government Redoubles 1 Its Efforts to Adjust i- Differences 1 Her Military Commanders Without Ammunition 'and Her Civilian Population Without Bread, She Is Fighting Her Verdun (By United Press.) Washington, Oct. 27. Italy's Ver dun is being fought tonight. Lacking heavy" r-rtillery, General Cadorna's (By United Press.) Washington, Oct. 27. Having com-! pleted the task of enlisting 5,000,000,-'.'M'WADE IS URGED AAA . j t ii . i . uuu more or us aoiiars at midnight to- Trv- cwn TRF TRTKT men are trying to stem the irresistible! night, the government started at 12: 01 1 Lyj Jca-r a. ae, j l xvirvi ti(Jo q 600 000 German troon under 1 a. m. ih week s drive to enlist 22,000,- m . . the Teuton commander, General von 000 householders to help win the war, It IS Reported I hat I here -IS a Mackensen, that are trying to overrun I n n b M. .a w -t mm mm mm mm ; hi " m mm mm mm n - mm . mm m m mm "".. b mm IW4 rm men h h u i i ia n r n n oau n u u i iv nu jtivL -.-.iiL'nuii ivuv ,nrnrrnTiORi, ; ftmiUT y a 9 IB B If H H Bm B DiflHIH i III H I HI II S or IBM kss W W B U It W U U ' ' ' - .vj" ' f . aMM U IIIIBft-Mill 'h 4 4 4 German Republicans Start Propaganda for Getting Rid of Hohenzollernism through food conservation. Ane hundred thousand ministers Kwill deliver the openings mash of I ! the big food pledge week with ser- mans urging housewives to conserve1 i wheat, meat, fats and sugar. j j An army of5f0,000 men and wo-. men volunteers will followin this up ' Possibility of the Railroads Making Concessions, Whic Offers Hope the plaina of Italy and threaten the i rear v of the Anglo-French forces in ! France. " i ;' Official Rome cables, received to- i ! night, emphasize the pitiful plight of j (By United Press.) 1 aliaa-7ation. Torn by a politi-j Richmond, Va., Oct. 27. With Rich- cai "Peavai at Rome that has wrougnt tne, cabinet's downfall, Italy's TROOPS BEAR BURDEN 0F COUNTER ATTACKS Infantrv and Arfillrv 1 Branches Represented . in ".' French Trenches' Jil Jt tj a 2 rrtary McAdoo's statement S is a great honor to be able 4 'f- :n announce to the American - pi that the second Liberty IiKtii is an overwhelming sue- J Cess. ' ir has been greatly over sub- 4 sr-ribed. The extent of the splen-4 did over-subscriptions 'of $3,000,- r 000,000 issue cannot be definitely . uted now because full reports have not bcoii received ,ajid baaks all over ffie'' "'couiry "are holding '-! open into the night to accomino- date subscribers. v publicans are sowing the seeds of de- "It will be several days before ! tn nvoPthl.m TrQio' final figures can be given. The THE MOVEMENT HAS APPROVAL OF WILSON The German People Are In formed How the Prussian War Lords are Striving for a "Peace" (By United Press.) Washington, Oct. 27. German re- Bavarians Fell and Were Soon a Swallowed up in the Mire patriotic people of America, men and women alike, have responded i' gf norously and nobly to the call oi their government to support 4 t and -ni.-.ta n the gallant soldiers 4 ;;nd s.nlcry of th'e republic. Tin challenge of the German Kaiser has beenanswered by the 4! !';! people of America in un- mis akable terms." 4' mocracy to overtnrow tne Kaiser s autocracy. They have informed the German people how the Prussian war lords are striving for a ",humlug j peace" while still holding the mania' rmnPxms r;ri - it m wife will be visitedpersonally. The army and nav statin Norfolk, and' commanders at the front are in a plan will be outlined to her and an to a lesser extent to Southern can- .greater frenzy of doubt for lack of s jsj.-.- i . . .. . . ' : , , nmmiinitinr! in stnn the Hnna inviiatioii 10 sisn ana live up to tne tonments, tne government tonight re-1 " r ' 151171 c" T ITIMlT' food pledge extended. 1 doubled its efforts to settle the freight' A11 of tne Bainsizza plateau gained ElvK.ir 1 -riVininlVji At the same time they will receive ; clerks' strike. by great sacrifices in General Cador- the managers, cooks and waiters of; "The strike must be settled," was ? 3 " e Ausust ana &eptemDer the country's 300,000 public eating the urgent word received from Wash- haf P ee? . Siven up to the Germans .nia k PMH,. - and Austnans. Monte Santo has fall- rp, , , , , , i eh, the cables . state. And the moun- ( Thousands of school chldren, spe-; Knowledge that no government tain peaks of San Gabriele, the Vo-i" ' V- vT J r l i rreigni was moving in tne j-mner's dice ahd Nero , will next be surrender instruction has nrovided bv the. food . PnmMnrMi- f.nm;nni , , s - . , ... . v . , , ,T" '"iiWxv iciuiai luuism esci v- ea uniess reiniorcements or neavy ar cruiting officers to help the army of , ed to stimulate vthe Laboiv, Depart-uillery and aitmunition . arrive trorn 5W,W8?of their elders ge the.r moth- rother maior iviadsr mreltf hfYwn iTiIT- , , ' " ' ' -"- .'-. i Hammering tne Italian positions is ers, fathers, sisters and brothers at j to the clerks strike, resulting in home interested. At the same tirre, 14,000 Minute men will spring up throufh out the land and preach the gospel of j food conservation on street corners, a greater-concentration of artillery 1 ! , ?L i; le S,UtieESl,a?" than the Germans brought before Ver- tion. UNDER DIFFICULTIES Back and Forth the Contend ing Forces Writhed Over the Stining, Quivering Quag mire. k'nnr ,i 3 a i x? a . w;ut;u tu lIie puryifAiuesr ot me situa-1 t, JJ1 nrt 97. : UUU CL L lucn uisi doca uxl., we UUlUldl " for world rule. President Wilson's approvel was given to the efforts of the Republi- and factories, colleges and ships Several appeals to the people join j the conservation campaign to get cans tonight when the Creel com- .wheat meot( fats and sugar to suppiy a plenty from America and make up the shortage from our Tllies abroad i' 4 i:.' An '& J 4" (P,y United Press.) : on, Oct. 27. America tri n its second financial bat ; : hoc racy. r-vorwhplming success," was mittee made pubic a propaganda article German republicans in Switz- - j A. T T 1 eriand are using to unseat nonen-j;iav been issued by statesmen, labor zollernism and establish r, republic. , leaders and divines. President Wil Thearticlo in effect, is also anotner j gong appeal head the list, note from President Wilson to the ..w h ,, said Food Administra- , liennan peopie, ampiiivmg nib iuuQT Herbert Hoover tonight, "to en i on neace. Tiiot nearlv as nossible 100 Der cent. The pamphlet, headed Peace, A America's households in an army New HumDug, is a Jiuer attach on the Gterman ruling clases, an expose of :i ' i.. i : I dip i i fasui y muauuu a i " - , . . . . h their insincere peace overtures and a. clear statement of tne Allies cose ;;(rty loan campaign drewjagainst a "rotten" peace dictated by ::!ilnight hour. the German militarists. "mt of the splendid over-T Almost paraphrasing the President's ..1 0f the three billion dollar own words in previous statements, t -w ho I'the article declares that a peace on n-M bo definitely stated be-1 t&e Kaisers tevms now WOuld signi- ; j orts have not yet beenj-fy "nothing but an endless period of ; id Air. T.lcAdoo. "The' everlasting wars, a period of renewed ,r tbn (inrmsTi Kaispr has I i-nmnptitinn in armaments, that will. -d by the free people oflviestroy the last remnant of the spir p unmistakable terms." itual and moral force in Europe.' their mney to support; a true peace is declared to be im- nao just eniereu me possmie oeiweeu iuucD - Si in i" " -nbr.c; in France, the men ! nreseHt German ruler who, says the nd children of the United j pamphlet, 'unchained this war, violat , -or' nvpr SR 000.(100.000 , pH Tteleian neutrality, and who is re- to the loan, accord- sponsible for the slave nunts m aei- f gium and Northern France. J1 After declaring that the G that will whole heartedly food conservation. "Every food pledge from a house wife, is in 'direct support of the next Liberty loan. Saving is the essence of our bond, issues. The cost of war invarip.bly comes from a nation's sav ing of food as well as cash. Savin? is all important in this war. "Hence when a home maker . is aroused to sign and live up to the food pledge she is doing a work that helps concretely all other constructive war efforts." Press Staff Correspondent). With the British Armies in Flanders, Over stinking, ' quivering Cables State. 'fmncmirpa wlinsp all eneiilfino- slimp A ray of hope was afforded by the; T1Qf nwma, w dnwir owniw bndio nf th dnd. and ferocious offensive has a double the Canadians today pushed back des- is the opinion of military at- perate German counrer-attacks and taches in the diplomatic corps here. . held firm to that which they had gain- j The morale of Austria-Hungary in a . ed in Haig's latest short arm jab. , panic at the Italian advance against I Last night was a nightmare of muck I Laibach had to be reassured. There and rain and slime and smells. Eyes Among the charges of the disput- was danger of a general Austrian de: were dazzled by sharply bursting rock ants was one by strike leaders of bade. ( ets and flares as mud bedaubed shapes "exploitation of the patriotism of j The other German aim is to put strained forward the Canadians slid workers" by the railroad. Italy out, of the war in "the same man-jing up the rain-washed slopes of a Strike leaders assert the Labor De-iner that Russia was put out. I low ridge from thd bottom land along partment has possession of a pledge "The German staff knows perfectly Ravibeek river. circulated by the road among its em- well the strategic importanc of Lai- In the hummocky marsh they strug- ployes binding thorn not to join the bach, an Italian official said, brotherhood under guise of an appeal "Through the summer and fall Gen- supportj. for loyalty to your country at this era! Cadorna had driven at Laibach time." (Continued on Page Two). stntpmpnt rf hrnthorhnnl r Vi iofa of , in theatres and at public gatherings koaHnnartor(! t.t t, Q, maa . i ui tui luu,. vm Buuy0 u d t mak concessions regarding ! Z7h union membership for its clerks. If true, this would bring' almost imme diate settlement. Then, came the hurricane of HON. E. J. WATSON DIED SATURDAY WILL blAhl IUI1HKUI i ! , on: raff Bliss cabled Gener- ?rman t , It JTl 4-1. --v -i-r-vl s ri V congratulations on the; war party tal" the boys "over , peace uu m - ; oiled up in : I V03. And General Bliss Ovi-r r.-a : so r. i.r v i r h addition to! to heavier sacrifices for the junker s own ends, tne arucie si-iti.c. , : 3 miry nas vuicu c rtll 0 wvvorr.mp,nt this Ktrbscrintion of propotwu ui.bhwu . s-" f h!ivp no choice. To a peace nrnnm scuptiuii "--" - , thar. 9nevpr than uo.f.00,000. handsomely! -ney ca;u uw. the maximum amount (Special to The Dispatch.) Columbia, S. C, Oct. 27. Mr. E. J. Watson died at his home here early this afternoon, following r. long pe riod of declining health, but his con dition having been serious but a very chnrt time. Mr. Watson had State commissioner of commerce and industries smce 1904 Second Period and Coinpetiti on for Second Diamond Ring Ended Last Night Winner's of Briscoe Car and Other Prizes Are Yet to Be Determined tp pouring ln tonight: tn rnntinue fighting "Who ever still retains sentiment fnr thp freedom of peoples and the lL' . ..r'Un nnri 4 Vl 11 TTl H Tl 1 t V if ie nti chort of im-lHonor or men, wuy " " " . i . - hinr mnrp tban a nera oi caL- : them. Ufticiais."'" .-Qeoraf1 I! be Monday before any; a of the total bond sales The second period of The Dispatch the final gong is sounded. bpen'contest an(i the competition -for the Confidence and an effective determ: csinrp 1904 special prize came to a close last winners are made. And confidence suit, Polderhoek Chateau" is again in! waJ,.f' urman batteryand Amerioa . . . , , i "nieht. WhilP thP snprial nri7 was of, in arm's self what dops it mean ? Bavarian hands as this is written. ".u mciiuy duu i,urniauy eniereo toe Hp nan neia a numuer ui liuyui - - - -- . - war gled. steel. It was a violent German storming attack. The whine of machine gun fire rose in inferno rage, blinding flares lighted lines of struggling wet,1 sweaty shouting men. The Canadians threw the enemy back. The German wave rippled writh- inglj broken and bleeding across the evil mud and water. , Bavarian sol diers they were. Bodies twisted in death or agony of wounds which the shattered wave left behind, lay on the surface and then slowly sank beneath the boggy slime. This was one nightmare of the night's fighting. Another one might have experienced was around "Belle vue 5pur. There it was the panadians who also repulsed another heavy at tack. Like that around Ravibeeek river, it was by the Bavarians too, once again. But at one point around Polder hoek Chateau a desperate massing of German infantrymen did succeed in As a re- A rUdl-UKAUUAifi COURSR IN WARPABtf : ..1 i . i ;In "Quiet" Section of Line-- 6 Will Be Relieved by Other Troops Story of Trip tb tne front (By J. W. Pegler, United Press Staff j Correspondent.) American Field Headquarters r In France, Oct. 27. American infantrv- ' men are in the French trenches. Am- 1 erican artillerymen are working with ' French. gunners hurling shells over the German lines.. .; - "Some battalions" of. infantrymen . auu oyme uaiienes; oi artillery; now represent, the, first tangible . evidence ' -to our allies and to j .Germany it -Germany' cares to seek. a brush, '.that ' ' Amteripa's; fighting machine is: reach-' iS tfej:p.0ItrX.ftt4 actiybarUclDatloiL. How many tattaOona, "how-, many tat- - -.rerfes, ; by,, whom'- commanded,' or on .-uouaiB Amexicau ngnung men thus besan thM'r " stond-'oh der with Petain's heroic - poilus may ' ' not be told. X'". ' ua,LLainjiis ana Dattenes are gotting first hand experience In bat- " tie conditions. They then will go back : to their training camps to instruct other American Sammies In the tricks 1 of the war trade. Other battalions and batteries will replace them and' others, and others. ; M - ' Historic announcement of AmerV-V ca's first fightinff men nn iht Una wo '- made today in these phrases of a for mal statement issued '.by American - hparlnnartoro- . , ..v.iMW1VlWi - - . ... . . r. .... "In continuance of then- Training as ' the nucleus for the instruction of lat- t er contingents, some battalions of our , . first contingent,, in association witli veteran French battalions are in the-; first line trenches of a quiet sector of -the French front. . . . ' "They are supported hv teries of our artillery in, association -with veteran Prennh Ymttalinna "Vhn r,n l- . a nc bcvlui remains normal, uur - men have adapted themselves to ao . tual trench conditions in a most satis factory manner.' ' ' "A red headed sAmerican artillery , captain and his husky gun crew of ' morning before the infantry marched i quietly into the trenches, of firing the ; firs shot of America's war on land - against Germany. - -t 4 It was on a certain misty, gray';' morn in f Prorioelw t C v .ik.vJi; cl. V VI 1,1 UV; A., ' dit the men stood tense. and alert) the gun" ranged far awnv anmaa thn cirw American captain gave: the short com- ' , mand to fire. The gunner jerked the V-;, lanyard. A sharp roar and the first r American shell sped screamingly to-. tir.c Lt nnp time r-v-pn nre?-ifered for new business alone, the rc- Simply a belief in one's ability to do. One Bavarian officer declared to-i , , . , . , -' 'ifent of the SouL CoTton Cong in the voting schedule appli- it; and' if this belief were lacking at night it would be held by the Germans Wde asaheU loTLt nf the National Drain-! ed both to old and new subserip: !.,s the start it would be quickly supplied if it took 10 whole divisions. I "J.iiSJ? SL!1?. and president or tne iNauonai m-, - - -r 'L"Tr:r; I " ,;r",7. ..C: .r"7 r;v,;;;" " and zealouslyguardedjSt- Sometime pee Congress. Prior to election tO ' naequcuu; an uusmeos ui.n uy me 1CJ.UHB aumiiuoucu .t,iiu txic luux&ucluc wcauia uauicai- it -eacn president Wilann the bfficeof commissioner of agricul-; could be secured, whether new or old, ea.e with which they were accom- ed I'the gift of Major General Sibert.' tiirp he was engaged in newspaper vvao luiucu m uy tiie auuus wuieai- pnsiit-u, uy aiic uinyaitu wuiivciq. xix uic uuac u6uuufi ui luc cuvuuu- , ThrniiP-hmit iho tirifh ir.n-.' tie which deserves to.be mastered by work in Charleston and in this city. ants. termination likewise, if not a natural ter now raging, light British field guns ?French gunners beside' them likewiap' Lilt? O L - . . ., . i I A J 4 , . i i t -i xt rr t-n ; j. i. L mi X i 1 1 1 - C 11. , Q . j. A : ' Vicit that HTHii wuuiu j avuui - county, oouiu kjcllkjllxcl,. o u.xj. w- . " ' sent its sneiis nuriine: across sparrn- nd Wednesday before the, Jjj1 cragh of civilization itself, to j u y' . the diamond ring offered in the first al preference for The Dispatch and in the war. . ! ing out the. Oermn - . ; 1-f ported by tho 1- tea-, pruHSirn German empire of the',.. -4, 4 4 4 4 4' .4 4 -4 4 period: The question of the winner of the readiness of the friends with their. The French attack in Belgium at-j Back to the rear American Infan-' brinks. r f a T,.0!nnl7ofl pa rth would . capli nf tho enpoinl nriapc will T-r-mm'Ti holn isvo snnnlifid thf pnrftilfagfinpnt tainpd thp rtav'a fihiftdtivps nnmnlfltp-i i I? j n.. . - ... - nrnr m - 1 1 unitLii.u... . - ms . " ' m-m., k . - - x - ' ' a i.if i.v. . v els . . . ir j rvu pn in I ri u I T- m qtb nAnw f'.O,- iiAdoo discourage -ling $5,ono,ooo,o0'a admitted - n hi that the maximum! ntit. " hut ihpv. an nservatism. "It will be e3ti Mis Trivntelv worth living. - . . , privately " 0m-,ri7Ps th Allies' viev, . . 1 1 itm., 'r. Kn nir :n'r I d it has fresiaeni. whsuu o ua.- mean 'the end of all that makes life GOOD WORD SENT THERE." ! Following the same lines of his an-1 UVE,n 1. luc ocuci me icwiud un 111 ui" ueeucu lu uuim up uuuuucui.c cuuui i.r , a.i tuu uju iuc g,i vj uuu uiu nuiwi wf thp qhpll lrnPTir trtiT hrrttho- nt ' 4 night of the final canvass, when the strength. A little while in the race a the troops charged was in a fearful j tne field piece "were " in action" and 4 records will be gone over by the com- contestant hits her stride; then noth- state. British troops ,who have ex-'waite(j impatiently for the nieht lo'.;. ; (By United Press). 4 mittee of judges and the winners of ing can stop her. No difficulty is then penenced similar footing m their at-l COme wiien they too should take their ' ' Washington, Oct. 27. The 4 all prizes, including the Briscoe and so great that the contestant cannot tacks, generously praised the French J place in line. -vvV4" - - :" An Up. 11' v ''' in;,!( i,. IH. ..... vv-as Secretary . McAdoo's i o . . TTCtOUlUbWU., - ' ... . . " , .. , , , , ... . , . , ' J , . x... . 1 " " neals to the German peuyie J,Ji" . news of America s financial vie-...ora automooiies win De announced, surmount it;, no ODStacie so large tnai ror rneir ieaness rusm?3 over me when night had covered the roads1" ' with its darkness;, the : American - in- - k emir i r thoi.f a. ...1.. finnl fimra Cfin ytraxo w - - 1n , y niuciivw a iiuu.u.. - . , ' - "na A,rtnG the world democracies, tne pampniet y was immediately sent to (This committee will be made up of. she cannot take her laughing way treacherous bogfe Liberty loan is thrill at the news that voice .11. fham trt rpn lize that undo: , vans u- --- . their present autucia the boys "over there" in the fol- 4lmen- of Wilmington whose, standing around it. The contestant accom-i British capture of cmtnnvn P.V their SUneT- . . , -i , j. Do.. .V ia nnnnflofiATioH an i t, xirVt nn. rs VrJr ores " Kooncfo cno Vi a e ilavaT. Vi 1 11 a nvop Vl o miiHHv ttqIIov ixrcia nrn. ti' i t . i . . . .. : , 't.... hir opnllirTTl'' - . . i . .... r- -t . . ... . u.i. 11. mi . tfj J T. . T 5 . . I . .... hivuuui. 4 shine trom tne cmer buii.. icbiuhb nm uat o ctaj wuuusutc. iiyeu liiu nm iu ouuiiidu lucui. j. u omcivu . umuaui uit.T cuacu-. inn- truugeu . aiong wim tne eiapu'j" step :v: -ops are in , ;,-,ro )nfrpaSfi 1"6 . T, f' their, fate. - " trnipn in tne UlSCuaoiuu vx. . .. j. ti-mn wtlaa in "Secretary of War congratu- r vvitn, tomorrow the great race tor will to do that is tne - Dig tactor. onerst aeciarea. tneir omcers neueveai that is the marvel of bctli tb eir . Bri win-, tne spur was impregnaDie. it th--5w.t linP1 "Who at tho nreeent time ruieb i i &nd patriotic com- the valuable prizes enters upon the Where" . there's a will, there's a X! over .Germany?" .askedA.the author of m; on splendid total roUedrup , "home stretch" period. In the period, ner. pushed the loan" over business, tha V.)0 goal, officials said aruae, - " nexationists to .secona iiuei ty ivu W1"r"rjr' . ncrtv Tt 'ine rest ui m anur i pan 21 hours over a billion hrt .a ascriptions were 'All- their peace projects W9Q TW tn t.L I ( - - - - - lou auu ncwu uiuuieist in hi iiis. t ,s heavily enmeshed .with barbed 'wired I saw them as the v; trad eed throucrh f'" o , i i i i i v i j. a j x j j a : at :ii i " v ; . - . ..x vnicn nave gone Derore a conrestant xne contestant wjio nas nesitaiea auu stuuueu wuu pm ooxes, eacn one, the sniuagy blackness, rain pelting' has fol- may have felt that it didn't ' matter so far to make a real earnest cam- spitting aeatn. aown on tneir cioseiy outtonea over-. a .i i j Ktt nilitKr nn nnmiirh if nn nnnnnPTlt rllfl RTirnass hpr nsipn Rhonln en VP, nerrsell, a cnance. ine SOUr ltseil into a DOffcrv P.ea OI enste rtrinn nr frrm tliolr tronh Viol.. rolled rules a little short of absolutism, noi addit onal $75,000,000, makins a at the time, for there was still a full A candidate should make a try at least quivering, sucking; slime. , Struggling j'niets of 3 dun-colored $teel over rifles tfr of opposition, but it rules. - . total of m0fe'than $80,-. period or so in which to make up any at the Work of, securing subscriptions through this level, plain of . muck, the 1 slung across their shoulders and packs cHcrintionl -Air.uiB" - . t- 4- 000.000. and the ...rii. i-- l .;mHnn i air. - - Y I II II I I II M I a.nn Tne WUUUJ xia,o wai. g, wumu. j-u- iv-Ti -"".u ia. auu v-m. V , ht thP Treas most niodest, agree on V' voied its endorsement with a 4 has entered upon, the "third period raally not until then, the contestant the spur for some ; time, craf tily with-L Their serviceable' shoes clomped 6v- t Vuion had Colossal increase -of 'J T. subscription' of 'more than $5,--,the're-'is no time left for delay there realizes" how easy it is-to' secure the drew, luring s the enemyto attempt a er the "pave" Of the;street of a cer !,r,r,o,ooo.ooo -ufC(.H of the cam mark The through robbery aTLa m c T!aJy 4. 000. 000 000 handsomely over-sub- is no period left after the present one winnisgy.vote, and capture one of , the counter attack. ? ; " lain" little town ! and echoed 'softly, in.. Inrnaiffn for herewith the leadership or uerma y gclDlnJr the maximum amount 4 in which to overcom any advantage valuable prizes." The prizes will re-' The result turned the swamp into a the sodden rain, soaked? air. .There , was llKeueu .. , - .- Bnortv.. ntifc.fA'n'f 1rtTr '4,14 il-li-f l-fme. .wKAn .;!(XfnRKl-'"ano1l4 ,fmm KTnrthv AmiftTion !mottf hom n.'h1tJ r.lvi1--HWaP'wf train r,,,.Ti'ftmTi Trflmn. 11 ( kindled I'ir.'kf'ti m ... npace overtures .'was aiKeneu w means work, steady, persistent. dav This is the time when WORK spells from North. Araenca meMhem in bit- Civil War enhadatlasttak-tarcer U0 .V- a Sree - '.' " " after, day work, right .through- until SUCCESS.-- ... - - ' M qontinued- on Page':Three) ; J (Conti (CJontinued on," Page Eight) (font! nued en Page.