. llSiiiisii EITHER FORECAST ' 'PPf??:"- - ' " VI V ' - ' V"' litis wwifseToN dispatch final bmh FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE Will NO. 370. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MON DAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER, 29, 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS.- GftBARRUS GRAND . A R I T " 11 r I f I- A JURY TO IT .'.V JZ. f. IE MEANS CASE TOTAL SUBSCRIBED IN LIBERTY LOAN IS STILL UNKNOWN 9 Solicitor Presents Bill Charg ing Means With Murder of Mrs. King MANY WITNESSES TO BE EXAMINED Britain and France to Aid the Sorely Pressed Ally RETREAT HAD BEEN ONE OF DISASTER Teutons Broke Through De fense and Were Rushing in to the Plains of Italy Ital ians Suffered Great Losses I r.V. J r'.'Lviy (It si r f' v fr 'i CHECKING THE TEUTONS. soeiated Press). Oct. 29. Steps al been taken for ren fullest possible the Italians. LUCK OF SUPPLIES Efl DEFEAT THE ITALIAN ARMY The Teutonic Drive Was Just in Time to Save Austria. BRITISH AV1AT0 DO no DISS Gason B. Means Charged With Death of Wealthy Chicago Woman Who Was Fatally Shot Last August ITALY SILENCED FOR WHOLE WINTER (By Associated Frpss.l i Concord, NY C, Oct. 29 Solicitor i Hayden Clement canae here today) wish the convening cf Cabarrus coun- : : ty Superior ('our: to present to the J : errand jury, a bill of indictment charg-j the murder of Mir. Mauuo A. King, i widow of J. A. King, a millionaire ra.sr1 ident of Chicago. Assistant District ' Attorney John T. Dooling, of New! York; Dr. Otto Schultze, a patholo-j gist attached to District Attorney 1 , Swann's office in Now York; Dr. Wii-i t (By Associated Press.) ! liam H.: Burnieister, coroner's ph ,r:;i-j London, Oot. 2i).-Many thousand ; cjan of Qok CQUnt,; Jm - ! of bombs were dropped yesterday on, amined the woman's body after it was! German military establishments in shipped to Chicago for burial; William J Belgium by British aviators. The' T- Jaes, o New York, a pistol ex-j raids ar.i described as follows in a. Pert, and a number of local witnesses ' 4. u c ,t. ....:,... ; were 1 btciLfiiiexiL iruin me iiumiraiiy : : . I . ' jUiy, I me naval air service yesieruay , Mrs. King was shot and killed nc.-. inmate ;1 that thi Tons of Deadly Missiles Rain ed Upon German Military Establishments frobably Be Latter Part of Week Before Amount is Known . TEVED THAT TOP MARK WAS REACHED Taken iri Charge as He Was Preparing to Address. Socialists HE RECEIVED TWELVE LASHES ON THE BACK Reserve Bank Officials HardBigelow Prayed for Soul of at work labulating bub- Wilhelm After Whipping scnptions Reports Must Was Advised to Stav DeinDy lhursday Away From Cincinnati . (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 29 Returns from the second Liberty loan campaign reaching the . Treasury Department early today gave no definite indica- j tion as to the total amount subscrib ed. The. full measure of the nation's response probably will not be known definitely before the latter part of the week. Treasury officials, on the basis of j returns at hand, were unable to say I whether subscriptions to the loan had I passed the five hillion mark, although A. Mitchell Palmer, former Renr- 1 the were agreed that chances are the and a number ot local witnesses! . , , . I "c ready to appear before the grand! en charge or tho encmy s mr-n and j said I 'properties in this country. It is esti-i local as- 4' 1 Italians . r 1 r! : ii: I;, -: Oct. 29. The -. -ug the advance of the 4! - ' I'man troops into the -h ni Xorthern Italy, the war mnounces. Ti Italian troops are fulfilling ir fluty and all movements or- 'J '1 by the general staff a,re be , tarried out, the statement b 4- Supplies Now Being Sent Forward 1 t: res annrnYimaTo tnia ammint sentativc from Pennsylvania, has tak-r T?enort tn tho rior.a.tf that reserve bank officials and 1 1 1 1 1 , y. It is esti-i ioca.i loan committees arter yester- will amount, to about ! day,s breathing speel, were hard at evening carried out bombing raids en : here August 29, last while on a target !o i-n; ,i.,n.. ,,,1,; u ! ySOVK m an enort to complete their elPflPmv irdrnniP at Kn2(.l nrt t i cbnntill, frin iti, n-n Me wti,. . , ' . .. . . I taDUiauons ot returns. They have,' llt nt A ftni AfMiu -inl Pnr:t W Q W5r.r , . . - " . """' l" cv- uum "llu" !... 'v. uiiif,- ,.j i if; pft y linrtoTcttrind that hn xi-ill I-,, Vi (By Associated Press.) Cincinnati, Oct. 29 Herbert Bigelow, head of the People's church, of this city, one" of the leaders .of the , People's Council, socialist and paci fist, was taken into a dense woods near Florence, Ky., shortly before mid night last night, tied to a tree and horsewhipped by men "who wore long j robes and-hoods, similar to those de- scnoed as worn by the renowned Ku Kluk Klan' " according to a report from Florence this morning. One pf the leaders of the party then read from a piece of paper he held in his hand: Another Offensive Against Austria Hardly Probabl Before Spring Belated j Denis Westrem. Many tons of bonibi were dropped close to the sheds and ham. showing Liberty "In the name of the poor women '. and children of Belgium, this man should be whipped." At a given signal another man, clad from ead to foot in white, stepped a huge circle that had been formed, drew a long whip of the black snake" kind and delivered 12 the railway line. Our aviators also A local coroner's iurv decided1 4 -i :m, i . 6 ... .. . . - - i-iuc iiijLiiiui; i i uu wiin i jiu yiuireriy , loan suDKCtiuiion totals ttip lreamirvi . . . ,lled herseli accidentally. Aftonl of any alic enemy residing in this Department anZmced ciiiii tdiHaiu iJiii(,jitiiii Viuif vnnntrv . i, . j iu i -iv- i ijijc-o Yt'itj men tui, uiKeiun The powerful Austro-German ad-nrr-e which has been pressing rh:ough the f; hi? of the Julian Alps onto the plains of Northern Italy is being kept in check by the Italian forces which are faithfully ful fillinz tlinir riutv. it is officiallv an nounced by the war office in Rome 1 to'liy. I l.fni'nn advees say the Italians wiil be piven all possible aid and that .-t-ris ;iirridy Iinve been taken to this f n '. P; .-umablv Italy's own .reserves (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 29 Lacg" of ma terial, munitions and gtins and un seasoned troops on the right wing in the face of an overwhelming Austro German force coming from the Rus sian borders are the causes assigned by technical experts of the Italian mission here for the Italian defeat in the Julian Alps. There must be a reformation of the lighting lines, they say, and a resunip- j tion of the Italian offensive cannot she k iueuns anu ainum rHiiuiicini were vnnntrv bombed the railway junctions at Cor- ! not present when she was killed, theyj ' Begins Duties. temarck and Lichtervelde. About two ; testified. Mrs. King at the time with; Washington Oct. 29. A. Mitchell tons oi douids were uroppeu. unc ot j &,ihiti, ihm. maiv . dk-iviu, v'aa I Palmer eneniv nvonertv custodi-in be made public here until November 1 This decision was reached when ft became apparent that the Federal reserve oanks would be unable to was j expected before next spring, the cam:J paign meanwhile, being necessarily on defensive lines. Members of the mission are confi dent relief and assistance will be forthcoming soon from Italy's allies. Men are not wanted; Italy has an abundance of men. Munitions, steel, i coal, cannon and food are what must '' be had at once. The Italian right, which first failed under ihe enemy-.-, greal assault it is said here, was composed of territor- of n: n and guns have by this time bf"n drawn up in notable volume and hurried northward to reinfect- t!c Italian armies in the great 1j,;1. r.iging on the Friuli plain. f'll.v's soldiers have failed to check tli onrush of Austro-Germans and the (ntlr-i 1 i n i nf thp Isnnin i5 throatpnpfl 1, ; 1 : t i O ..r.i rr .lnnrn ! ialS "i . (.U,ll!imlLIUll. OW-Cpillft c.rr fr,r- fha whnla frfiTlt lllrtUe 11 ucwcoai j i"i. " not seasoned in war. The brer.k . i. iv-iuiii. i r- actually Degan tne iiusmess or taKmg make more than approximate returns "The enemy airdrome at Varssen-! who was her business agent, and over tne millions of dollars of enemy ! bef'e that time aero was bombed at noon yesterday, i with his wife had made his home in property in the United States today,! Subscriptions to the loan by en Direct hits on the sheds were made. ; the same New ork apartment as Mrs., with a conference with President Wil- j ployes of the Panama canal and Pana Dunng the same raid bombs were ; King and Mrs. Melvin. i he body was i son at which the full scope of the.ma raiiroad totaled $549 850 it was dropped on the Stalhillebrugge sta- j taken to Chicago for burial. An ex- Vork was discussed in detail. I also announced Approximately 82 tion near Bruges. ; amination by Dr. Burmeister caused cent, of the men on the "gold iuim6uuu.c UUB pmiuio i . i . 11 . . I WOMtW CANVASS : oil" of the' canal commission or via ucii i it'll uui, .111 tiiciiiy iiiaciiijie 01.1111111; ii.1. ci piciimiiiai.j nt-iums iii , - : 1 r,i ..v,,.. , j x u 1 ,i 1 ... , t. 1 Men? vnni piTVi employe .rk ftiiui li'jwu ctiiu st't'ii iu Cl cljbil l(j ; v.um;i;iu uiiu wi-aus o..--, uuuuu uvci , warned to stay away from Cincinnati and he was released, while the party' made their way back to their waiting automobiles and disappeared. earth." j io the grand jury without bail on Sep ! tember 25. NEW YORK CITY , subscribed for bonds. 3,423 A i TO RESCUE ITALY j ' Asked to 'feevtevvi'PA-af7 j Washington, Oct. 29. President j' Wilson, Secretaries Baker and Hous ton and Postmaster General Burleson There was nothing: today at the : ! Treasury upon which to base an esti- w v Ci4ted Ar8ss '-'f,, tmaenT the .grand total of subscrip New York, Oct. 29 An arvay jpfp-i, tinc t W ei,TnH in TW-wwneD tottay starrest campaign ;' r.,... -i ononnn m v-i, 5'. of repoi'ts, that the banks were busy trr.m Hif. mountains into the plains of, Friuii. the invader? have captured Civ-, i'lak- ;'th1 Gorizia, 100,000 prisoners and 7'i' crun". dt'-jif P. i t a i n and France are re-' pori.i! br taking steps to give the .-'f.'l Italian army prompt and, full iippor:. What form this aid will take ; a. not been disclosed. Tho j.: A D-,nr,l(oc: IVmh r.binet met last night to de- ""a 0 u ' fiil I'nni) iiio manner of co-operation n m - !-li;;n front. Where General vill make a stand is not yet to be withdrawn to avoid a flanking attack. The Italian general staff knew no less than 700.0CO German and Aus trian troops were facing Cadorna's army, nevertheless the attack could have been resisted successfully. Ital ians here sav. hac heed been given byi the Allies to Italy's calls 'for muni-' promptitude and broadness o More of the (OJ J England and France Must! Promptly Send Help, Says The Newspapers (I'y Associated Press.) London, Oct. 29. That Great Brit ain and France must go promptly to Italy's help is the. vieAV expressed by several morning newspapers. Tne Times which prints a s-u'tement, im plying knowledge that such h .dp is contemplated, says editurially: "Our word to the people of Ilaly is to stand firm, for help will surely come -5f -X- There is no need for al.n m but there is the utmost need for vision." I were today invit"d by Senator Bank I head, of Alabama, to review the start) tomorrow of the Pathfinding tour of tne so-caneu janKiieau nigmvaj through tire Southern States. idents in the food conservation cam paign of the National Food Adminis tration. The women will canvass ev ery house in the Greater City. They will carry pledge cards upon subject of the necessity of saving food. The drive will continue a week. HflRflfST RflTTI F I I IBIlliUL.Ul UH1 ILU UU llL I i ! i tabulating the totals which rolled in I by the millions Saurday. Officials re I asserted their belief that the loan had j passed $5,000.00 j Next Thursday is the last day upon which banks may make returns. All subscription agencies, including the ' 26,000 banks in the country, are re-s j quired by the Treasury to have their I subscription lists and the two per cent, of subscriptions required with I bond application in the hands of the j reserve banks not later than ! date. Bigelow was taken into custody by five men as he was entering a hall in the city of Newport, Ky., shortly be- ', fore 8 o'clock' last night He was scheduled to address a meeting of So- . ' cialists at the time of his apprehen- , r sion. Handcuffs were put upon him and he was hurriedly thrust into a waiting automobile and spirited away Recently Federal authorities con-- . ' , ducted a raid on Bigelow's off Ice : in; ! Gittclnnati;-'-wttel! cerning the activities of the local , People's Council was seized.' Sunday afternoon at his People's church sery ices, Bigelaw prayed, for "the repose : ; of the souls of Emperor William and ; the proud men surrounding him." - ,o i ff r. -t- : cannon lost were taken without hav- BRITISH MAKE RAIDS ing fired a shot tor lack oi ammuni-, : tion. That the Allies will now make ev-( ON GERMAN TRENCHES Contestants All Realize That Time is Growing Short in Which to Make Themselves Winners of Automobiles and Other Prizes Miss E loise Daniel of Southport Leads Entire Field T odaj' New York Swamped. New York, Oct. 29. Banks in the New York Federal Reserve District overwhelmed with the flood of last minute subscriptions to the second Liberty loan, will be unable to tabu late complete returns until the middle of he week, it was stated today, but members of the loan commitee reit erated their belief that the district's ouota of a billion and a half dollars! Mr. Bigelow's own statement, writ ten last night at Florence, Ky., bears out the earlier story of the abduction and whipping. He added, however, that previous to his being taken into the woods, he had been blindfolded that land when the party alighted prepara tory to going into the woods, a bag, tv. o positions, capable ot ae-' - . t S1rmiv the Italian army j l)i'.; n 1 1 i T.f : a! n'.niiin" T i - i um.- W t;.,. T!..- ? ar-i- ? f , . ('ai'-i, tin- stip - - S','-, Tn!r;-:::, (;-,. r; 1 -rnak. ! :!.; . firuhv riv ;. -t w!i:,i, ., of N'rivi!, --iV i.i'l :;. in ' : i , , r,(.' Va ; ; , a 1 : Ta (.-.. available. The - d the lowlands (By Associated Press.) London, Oct. 29. "We raided tho are Z'.JZZ. her ttat the enemy trenches last night opposite liles from Udine, CadornaV, Xmerican shipping board had allotted! arenton today, says touay s omciai ailn-.i.itr.rK. The railroad VJC ean 11 Tn itniv nTirl statement. A hostile reconnoitng par- r, "V-..: : n kio tn pnr,v ty was repuisou m uie neisnoornooa or v A S 4j 4 4 "i 4" 4 "S r.orih and south through ' T i. 1 i.'ihi make a defensive line, . , rn,,nitinnti hut snnDlies of i ne.uL-i- . . t,,,-!. T-iTor 18 mi'e- 1UL - . n tne course ot yesterday's oper iii amento rier, is mne-. e , tUr. tt npnn p and thereby .. ' . . r-nino hahw will nffpr a. luy.u "c :" -r on? norm ot MercKem, a Belgian -Relieve tne internal yum,a. ou. u. 'trol captured a German post of 21 me I hi tnrowing net tnui iuuuo !v TODAY'S LEADERS. ! Eloise Daniel SS.620 Mrs. W. J. Conerly 88,275 Nettie Lewis 88,000 -S Mrs. A. C. Sessoms . . . . o1 tionzia a snous men- against the Italians, tne nnssiu.i unc If; lian troops holding th'1 Relieves Germany has played her Southward TO the head of greatest card. The ualianr;, vhev ;r. but General Cadorna turned back were within 35 miles of h able to offer stout re- Lejhach, which, in the opinion of the n a line running through Italian general staff, was the key to G'-moria. Udine, Buttrio, success and the capture of that place f.i The canture of Gradis- hv the Italian forces wdukl have meant the collapse of Austria wnicn. would cause defeat tor uer- a- pa- n ly in the night Belgian troops car ried out a successiui raid north oi 4, Ruth Teachey Dixmude and brought back 22 prison- ;$, crs and a machine gun." ;.j0 4 $ 4 4 complishing nothing. The contestants should show their efforts that they realize time is growing short in which make themselves the winners of the valuable prizes offered by The Dis-; patch Sallie Garrell 87,70 ! busy among their friends and sup- Mollie Gordon 87,750 porters in starting their "home Pauline Underwood . . . . 87,070 f stretch" campaign that will land them i the subscriptions range from $1,700, ! 000,000 to $1,750,000,000. The official ! count of the Federal Reserve bank j last night was $1,335,705,800: j Chicago a Trifle Short, j Chicago, Oct. 29. Tabulators resum oyj'cd their tasks today of. reckoning the . subscriptions to the second Liberty tc jloan in the Seventh Federal .Reserve District. Aitnougn omciai returns probably will not be available before I was thrown over hisj head and he had no idea of the location or - the direc tion in which hefwas being led. He also states that oil was poured " over his head after the lashes ' were administered. In a statement issued this morning, ,' Bigelow stated that owing ta the men "wearing long white robes", he wag unable to recognize any of his abduc- ! tors. He stated that he did not Know , the men who seized him in front of the hall in Newport, but at the time he asked where he was to be tanen. and received the -answer: "To head- 87,915 quarters." f He says that owing to the darkness j he was unable to give an accurate guess ' as to how many made up. the party, but residents along the Lexnig- ton pike state that they noticed a line of 22 automobiles pass on the way to v, Many of them were out today s"" Florence, Ky., last night, some; ;of oH-he mTx $700 -h'hich were 000,000, a conservative figure for pur-ion xlSJ IVll . XJlgClUW, ill lllO 13 LO,l.lii,iV 'that he was under the impression that dv. ! vin .ten nnn AHA 86.B60 among the elect on the last night of ; ; u"su . "-V-i jj 4.4. 1 a- i.c,.:vc" jo Cuba Was Liberal. . XT-ii- Vr.rL- lrt 9Q In o I. hprtv i. k nn n..no rt4 Kir irnviirtimmir A oloo-ar, oF V.P pnntp--J iints as thev are i,cvy . " ..;lltJ waa uciii& wicoLcu ' v.. wt,u.j.i x.. . ,:i. S nl,o i.onnrtoH (n.t T'-iiions, however, vould :r't from the Carso inev- also somewhat of a dins'- line of the Tagliamento jpi ars, would give the Ital- ttrr natural position from fid tho Germans from the '.ri'vs and the over-running ;i Italy. whole Isonzo line is in I-. there is also a ;:rious ;i Teuton drive to the Ital- farnic Alps, and even :'ii:itf., north of Belluno. Field Marshal von Mac- ' ndcavoring to drive a ' .1 thf armies of the Car "i those on the mountains ' i Fdine. Some of the ad !; ii positions in the Carnic liv iave been abandoned ' tliis should prove true th ? ' " r:ver f. ir.s to offer Gen ' 1 hi.-; first defensive line, :;-s stiffen greatly and i!i rs within a few mile:3 nt positions. ) f-Rrrii-d out by tho Bel - i i in ii lookine toward the ' ' f Moutholst forest, north a re ,;' rcl-cin peninsula, south . . A 1 is been capturea Dy a in turn, many. hbi nmn hi niviLinunii uiiii hi ipTnnim p nimr d nunn o Csr.dinn Troons Praised. ! There are four new occupants ' (Rv Associated Press.) high seats in The Dispatch contest, British Front in France and Bel 'as the result of the voting Saturday, ium, Oct. 29 In congratulating roh th eoveted nosition. fell onlv j Lieut.-Gen. Sir Herbprr Plumer, com-,and several others who attempted to imander of the second prniv corns, fnVlfl f t , t f accomnlishins the victory von on Friday on the tner object Ypres front, Field Marshal Haig said The list -s headed by Miss Eloise the performar-e of the Canadians wai:DanieL Southport. This is only the remarkably fine. j second time Miss Daniel has been among the leaders, and the first time . starting out cn the work on the lastly committee in Cuba ported to- et gervice agents and tnat ,he 0V..1 u. y uicu. ouuj. J -v"'v"v . :x .... . pvpvv neronr of ' persons in the island republic would -maae no rebibuiu. uut uulCu ... t . i- ,iJn3 tn! exceed $1,600,000. "The campaign." justice of the United States courts to .rizes .and their menage read, 'turn TP -lap Every thought and the different contestant winning one o efforts are bei :ned out to be ng furthered 'by a host! the most popular movement we have;. Hg &dded any re8istanc-on ever seen in Cuba.' of loyal supporters and friends who imve ueeii uuiu. t- -"v- """ nr Minn r A TJlMrT rrv and rallv around, the standard cf.'SFANloH CAolWr-A their favorites. Each contestant, CRISIS UNSOLVED1 were all around him at the time he was abducted. jhis part, he thought, would bring, troa ; bio upon his numerous friends who Schooner Was Attacked Ety U-Boat and Abandoned By Its Crew n off , - -' - 7 ; - i L 11 1 H J 'she has occupied the pjace of honor,! t0 fight l! j iMiss Daniel, when she deposited her "No M I Votes, said that she could see better on(? an, EPOTS seems to be imbued with the spirit. of her fore-fathers and is determmeai the battle to the last ditch. , (Bv Asociflted Press.l Madrid. Snain. Sunday. Oct. 28. mercy"' is the watchword of:Kn2r Alfonso held conferences with ! Votes, said that she could see better ( one and "no quarter" the answering ; various political leaders during the ine nerce mtoxica-; Hnv lt thp solution of the cabinet ! crisis nromises to consume several "top seat." Her many i C1 y Qf the rest who have assisted here so fion Qf contest seems to run riot m that have come up the rive Action Follows Diroverv of she is certainly to be a strong con- Di ..ri. m I. i tender for one of the big prizes. Plot to Destroy Nation s The thrce olher new I(faders fJr to. Food Supply day are: Mrs. W. J. Conerly, Nichols, (P.y Associated Press.) - . S- C; Miss Nettie Lewis, Chadbourn; t nndon Oct 29 The American I (W AMn-ia-i pr-.. Mr3. A. C. Sessoms, Lumberton. All - ' xynntt 404 ton-I New York; Oct. 29. All granaries, ' of them have had their names on railing ship Fann e Frescou, wwn, epnt(, anft cAhPV paces whef- the "Honor Roll" at different rimes, gross, has been attacKeu uy u, f0Q(.i .,s stored m grPat quantities m and have regained the coveted places from the friends readily will be glad to see her name their veins and no warrior of old evcr;dliys jt js not expected that the new cabinet will be announced betore Tuesday, as it is regarded as probable at the top of the list, and from all re-1 fought with more evident relish for ports tnat nave come up me river, the honor ana integrity oi me -r.ru wu. A T lU , rine. She was taken in tow uy submarine after being abandoned by the crew. Had Small Crew. New York, Oct 29. The Fannie progressing favorably. prescoft attacked-by a submarine is a three masted schoner built at bton- in 1906, for the Atian- ni V ;,.., I.. ""s 'Pn capiureu i in(rtnn. Conn.. 1 "ns. who have also taken - . . Company, of that place. : HPVeral other villages SShiPPingomp Qctober g , ' ,o:i'st- l'"'JioatiTiation not known here, and : h hold the southern side 01 - a &df nmncd by a crew of and a continuation of the orainaraj lf''atinuea on Page Eight) seven men. New fork were under heavy guard The four last names of "Today's iinrir orders of Arthur Wiiiiams, Leader-" are the same as yesterday, Federal Food Administrator for the althr-.igh today they occupy different city, who, on Saturday, was warned petitions. by Herb-rt Hoover, national food ad-1 The. third and last period in tlr- a. . 11 j- i great race for the valuable prizes of- mimstrator, ofthe discovery of whole-1 -ered fcy Th8 D;rpa(ch stJrtpd off sale plots to destroy the nation's food with a .nirl thv. raorn;n;?. ach of supply. Ckids have been doubled the active contestants . seemed to be and TJn'd -f-r.ntor. secret service imbued with the same idea, to start aeents are co-operating in the work. 1 her third period work with the final Arrangements have been made to call out the home guard for service if necessary. signal of "go" and thus gam the ad vantage of some few thousand votes while some were resting up and ac- Each is determined to overwhelm the ; tnat. tne King ill seek opinions from others iii a decisive' manner. Sorties .j cniefs Qf all parties and groups, and' skirmishes to test the mettle and j PV(.n such small organizations as strength of their opponents and direct! those headed by Senor Cambo and charges to rout the former leaders gcnor Ascarate, former Republican fmra the positions of vantage they ! leader have gained, it seems, are already j .' . .- S'S. has been SMALL -NATION ALTTIES mented'to the highest pitch of en-j HOLDING CONFERENCE thusiasm. As the various contestants) advance or fall back before the re-! 1 (P,y Associated Press.) retort and well directed onslaught of! New York, Oct. 29 The league of tb'r aggressive competitors, interest -eaches the fever stage of intensity the small ?nd subject nationalities consisting of representatives of a It is one of the fundamental traits 01 1 score or more pwhwuiu anu im& hum an nature to enjoy; a scrimmage, ed provinces and dependencies, open- a ;r-v.t in this n.-irtlciilar scrim- ed a three aay. conrerence nere if- nii-.i iriu....,'.. . ; T ' T- I , ... mage has resmtea in campaign iuan sers wisely directing their candi dates" to throw down the gauntlet to ;their opponents and come out in the open. - .;. ' v i- Mr. Bigelow was Democratic candi date for Secretary of State of - Ohio ' in 1902, and was a delegate from Ham ilton county to the Constitutional con vention in 1902. He was elected by this convention, as its president. . For the last several years, however, h3 v has been actively associated with the' Socialist party. day with the avowed object of estat! Greek forces would lLshing a permanent congress and to assert their right to separate repre sensation at international peace con ferences after the war. - ALLUDED TO ALLIES AS "INFAMOUS PIGS." (By Associated Press.) "" , ' -Athens, Oct. 29. Among the mes sages exchanged between the royal palaces at Athens and Berlin and "which have fallen into the hands of , the Greek government, was one ;in which King Constantino urged 'Emper or. William to attack the Allies on the Balkan front, : promising that attack General s&rrflil'a armv in the rear.- In another message Queen Sophie alluded to the Allies as "infamous pigs." r .SI Li - ! V 1 . - L -s r