It - f A- i-. -S j .4 .-i.' t lr ". -ii.jr -. i i .-1 ltA..iv t - THE WILMINGTON DISFATCft TUESDA't FTERC3DOCTQBEQU9 1 7. ... , .. - -r ,, ... v r , nyaiirih j jjj :p hji Hi H Wj f Ml' rri 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 r t iti n i in 1 1 h f l n 1 1 1 n i rrrt 1 1 1 w 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 iili i fi i f Ti m n 1 n i nn 1 1 1 1 1 in : IS if ?n i n lijti n 17 r i ii i an i iTitTi Mi 1 1 tin r 1 1 1 1 e; u ii iln tTn n 1 1 1 mu 1 1 iTi m a iiTiTu w i ruit j i ; ; um e ft h i m i u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i i t m 1 1 1 1 : and Weatfier News LOCAL MARKETS, ; HTEMHH L , ' - : ' DTOCK8. COTTON. ft---1 13 iSt ?:.V..!ltV.lll POt . V", :-:x i pot 27 5-3 27 5-8 27.63 NEW YORK COTTON. York, Oct. Unfavorable nrws served to promote cov- Eggs .yv.Ho.LEsALp ?r,c?,es- Spring chickens, apiece 2540c wwwu uxucteas, apieco ... iuaaie Ducks, apiece Guineas, apiece. Beet New; York, Oct. SO. Stocks suffer ed further impairment at the active opening of today's market, leaders re- rcordine additional recessions of 1 to 6065c! almost 3 points. The movement bore 6055Cthe familiar marks of liquidation, wita odc a sprinkling of slaort selling. Invest- ti't!:i '.lM ' ' c;'.! r vrKterdaVs sham break rn IrWh Ptt, T;: " xoumect rails reflected their recent pres- ' " tl nnan:Z in nt ho pcjr "vmi' sure, notably the Pacific Canadian be- ; on market and the opening xu, pic. Dags , ti An ' , , . ,, . . 12 to 16 points higher. ThelN. C. Hams! PQun ,V.. 2C4c tt c?S' , that rains in the eastern N. C. ShouldeSa Ribs lb ""SSSte ' eluding United States fltee.. . Mintt-0H kv o.mi,! iv"-w a,JD Pr5ere increasingly heavy with ship- v in e, and killing frost was re- Hides, Green .. .. "... .30c I ,ii Del Rio, Abilene and Pales-j Wool, free. .cf "bey. V. .'..'.'. 65. -iVxas. December sold , up to ! Corn,r bushel- $2 75 ;i;ul January to 2G.?1 after the Bee's Wax . . .. .. io n;;; a net advance of about I Salted' Hides igl i ' tnr X UU T -:' PlIU- 1'raiiow ...... ..e He :.!- .:n;-.- was checked at this ! Wool, -.clean -.-... 50c !. rr.inved liquidation, local and Wool burr ...v.. 45(g506 i siil'.ng Ayliich may have Spanish Onions, the crate $1.7b niy uue to me opening weaK-"uluu oass, esnversKin ..?4.40 the stock market, and later .Onions 2 bu. bags Red. 4.25 or. were irregular. I pings, coppers, oils and motors. New York Airbrake featured the special ties, losing five points. - Firmer tendencies was shown at midday. Canadian Pacific recovered to 134 1-2 and other rails rose an aver- age of a point. Shippings and metals held relatively strong, out mausmais were less responsive to support. i Wells, of Wilmington, are amoc ; those American Beet Sugar .. 73 1-2 j attending. American uan ou i-i I l ! . 1 1 i .- r i : . n clo?ed y irresularity was followed i advance late in the morn-j I day December had rallied u January to 2.63 cv to aViove last night's closing; firm. High . .27.55 . .26.93 . .26.04 . .26.48 . .26.25 WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 47 3-4. Rosin $5.50 and $5.30. Tat $3.50 and 16c. Cruder-$4, $4, $3. tow 23.77 28.10 25,81 25.70 25.57 498 12 Close' , Receipts: 27.52 Cotton . . , . . . ." 26.88 Tar 26.60; 26.41 i SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. 25.24 ! Savannah, Oct. 30.;- iritrptfnWne firm 49 1-2; sales 133; receipts 275; NEW Y'OnK oPOi N, w York, Oct. 30. Spot quiet; middling 28.55. Oiv5 Hundred and Fourth I Meeting of North Caro- ;1 Una Body. ) (Special to Tlie Dispatch.) '-v: Fayetteville, N. C, Oct. 30 Theg v one hundred and fourth annual session of the North Carolina Presbyterian 4 Synod convened at te irst Presby- s' terian church in this city today at 11 3 o'clock. There are approximately 400 S ministers and church officials in ' at- M tendance. Rev. Dr. Peter Mclntyre'S preached, the opening sermon instead s of Dr. J. N. H. Summerell, the retir- 5 ing moderator. The Synod adjourned 5 at 12:30 to re-assemble at 2:30, at, -which time the new moderator will be j elected. . ''" Dr. A. D. Mc'ure and Dr. J. M. .-"wi ' ,i'HMTiiri.,iii. iniminli muniiMi iiwiMiii .iu nnM , pnnjiw , MSHOw!aa 1 . .. . . . . . . v r . . . cv Mines American Car & Foundry . . . . 64 American Locomotive 56 American Smelting & Refining 81 3-4 j American Sugar Refining 102 3 4 Annrnnda fnnnpr . . 611-8 Atchison 92 1-8 Baldwin Locomotive ,. 57 1-2, v Baltimore & Ohio 56 k- -x- -x- -x- -x- -:f -: t -x- -x- -x- 4 FRANK A. SCOTT. 4f -X- -Jf S3 Effective Betlilehem -3teel "B" . . Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago, Mil. & St, Paul .. Chicago, R. I. & Pac. Ry. .. Chino Copper Col. Fuel & Iron Columbia Gas and Electric Corn Products N 'A w . n '. v 1 . . . ' : '. i;:V! "i ( 'ovt v cv, : -! a. cftrriii-.-- I shipments 793: stork 24 9AQ OTTON. i Rosin flrrn coIqc 1 949- rnninfr. t cotton, 296; shipments 1,275; stock 79.906. Crucible Steel Quote: B. D. 6.05 to 6.10; E. 6.07lCuba Cane Sugar .. .. . , i.2 to $.10; F. 6.10 ;o C.I2 1-2; G."6.ViErie r,D, r-AKIC r,,T,-M T T T l. 6.5d: JGeneral Motors ORLEANS COTTON. XT Ta. n r,r. tttttt ' tvt1, T3f,l a, i.ov, vvu-. .oi ww. .DU. uiyai iui iuciu x .. Grat Northern Ore Ctfs Inspiration Copper . . Int. Mer. Marine pfd. . . I. ar;-, Oct. 30. A rise of 28 v, : , 1 j...-; .vs resulted in the first half Ihiur oi trading in cotton here today, i T.,fnTVTTl17 I UYPLI A MC :v coid weather jver the :"aed caruc frcm recent short! , . fi it . r i r aiter ineir pronis. i me snort interest m iuorning grew older but very small in volume. Tcv.-;:-'! middle, cf the day prices u. ." i;1 55 points up net. ('..; ;on cloiicd very steady. High Low Close Pi 26.22 25.r.3 26.18 j.,n 26.00 25.08 25.09 Mai cli 25.77 24.97 25.75 M;'v 25.65 24.85 25.60 July 25.40 24.80 25.50 OFENEC- LATE TODAY Louisville & Nashville Maxwell Motor Co. . . mv PrM Mexican Petroleum .. I Montreal, Oct. 30. The Montreal Miami Copper .. .. , Stock Exchange failed to open this Midvale Steel ; morning. The unofficial explanation Missouri Pacific . . f. . ! was made that the exchange was Nevada Copper . . closed because a number of brokers are in danger cf ruin on account of their heavy holdings, which they had New York Central . . Norfolk and Western Northern Pacific . . been unable to dispose of in the un- Ohio Cities Gas Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coul Ray Consolidated Copper Reading NEW ORLEANS SPOTS. New Orleans, Oct. 30. Spot cotton, ri'dy and unchanged. Sales on the1 sunt 858 bales; to arrive 475. . : noddling 26.87 i favorable markets of recent days, i It was decided to open the market 1 at 11 o'clock with minimum prices ! established similar to those introduc- I ed when the exchange was re-opened Republican Iron & Sleei. r in 1915 after it had closed down be- Sinclair Oil cause nf the war. ! Southern Pacific I Southern Railway . . i i-t I Studebaker Co. ..37 1-2 Trnnpssfio CoDDer 12 80 134 1-4 . 70 . 40 , 45 . la 7-3 42 14 . 46 1-2 33 . 281-4 . 62 12' . 29 I . 161-8 . 84 j . ay 1-4 . 87 . 43 . 99 1-2 . 32 7-8 116 1-2 . 311-4 . 82 5-8 , 30 3-4 , 44 1-2 . 261-4 . .18 . 71-1-2 .105 1-8 . 94 . 36 3-4 . 501-4 . 46 . 22 5-8 . 71 1-2 . 76 . 32 7-8 . 86 1-2 Toronto Exchange Recessed. Toronto, Oct. 30. On receiving the '-liddling Givd middling . . Receipts 11,221; 27.75 news that the Montreal Stock Ex- Texas Co oo'9r. change had not opened this morning Tobacco Products ttork 06 9S iac lne usuui nuur, me uifuiuers ui -iiii u uivu x i Tpronto Stock Exchange took a recess frcm trading for a half hour, begin LIVERP30L COTTON.. ','nLig at 10:50 a. m. During that pe- Livcrpool. Oct. 30. Cotton: In mod- riod they held "a meeting to discuss . . ,. . . . demand: prices firm. Good mid- uAe situation. .!!.; middling 20.42; low middling! .!'mq ID. 92; good ordinary 18.97; ordi- ! CHICAGO GRAIN, r.irv IS. 47. I Chicago, Oct. 30. Cold weather Vdes 4.C00 bales including 3,100 likely to stop -damage to corn and to An:, riccn. Receipts 16,000 bales, in- increase receipts, tended today to ease riu' ine; 11,400 American. Futures tbe corn market, and so too, did fresh unsettled. New contracts: weakness in wan bireet. upcnins t in d weakness in Wall Street, -..rv "or,"!- Marrh 20.1 S ; Mav Quotations, wiiicn ranged Yjs-: Old contracts- (-fixed Drices): ; famc as yesterday's finish to 3-Sc low (ic::ihor Deeemher and Janu- ,i ix 1.- .Tannnrv and FVhmnrv. 1-4 to 1.13 1-2, were fallowed by brief ! .March and April 18.17; May Jr.. upturns, from the d 3-Sc low er with December 1.18 1-2 and May 1.13 and then by moderate gen eral sag. Oats had no independent action. Strength in the hog market gave COTTON SEED OIL. ' firmness to Provisions. The best de- Xew York, Oct. 30. The cotton rcand was for ribs, serd oil market closed steady. j Advices that snow over wide areas M,.di lS.53had effectually stopped the country v r..h. r 18.50 movement of corn resulted later in a ;" --.!)..; .. 18.3! fresh advance of price's. The close - was unsettled at 1.18 3-4 to 7-8 for De- February rr .. v. .. ..- v.: -..18.10 cember, and 1.13 34 for May, 3-8c off " 3 8c up as compared with 24 hours United Cigar Stores U. S. Ind. Alcohol U. S. Rubber . . United States Steel Utah Copper . . Wabash Dfd "A" . . .141 .. 52 . .117 5 .. 89 ..114 1-2 . . 57 1-4 . .102 3-4 .. 80 1-2 .. 42 ipiilr 6 p J I i I 1 1 i! 5 Washington, Oct. 30. Frank A. Scott, of Cleveland, chairman of the War Industries Board of the Council of National Defense, tendered his resignation on account of ill health. jj His resignation has an important Westinghouse Electric 41 5 -8 ao. t in 0 s matter ol tue munitions aammistra- tion. Willys-Overland . . r . . . Atlantic Coast Line "(bid) . Gulf States Steel Seaboard Air Line ?loss-Shef. Steel and Iron United Fruit (bid) . . . . Virginia Caro. Chora. . . . .100 . 93 1-4 . 10 . 39 1-2 .115 . f!0 7-S German Attack Repulsei., (T.y Associated Tress.) Paris. Oct 30. A Cm man attack on the Aisne front, near Cerny was re pulsed last night by the French, the war office announces. d : :ii 13,700 barrels. BURNED TO DEATH before. Grain and provisions prices follows: V; v.'.r Hili f.f h-i... -,. n:?!:!. : is,ipcial to The Dispatch.) CORN Dec. . . May . OATS Dec. . ::v:l:e. X. C, Oct. 6i). Three; may . fii children were burned to 1 PORK :.d lour others barely escaped, Oct. . i':.r lives when the house in Jan. . t i ; f v v.-ere staying in the Mint LARD r:r,imnifv somp miles from 1 inov. Open 1.18 1-2 . .1.13 1-2 .. .58 1-2 .. .60 . .42.00 Jan 22.45 Close 1.18 3-4 1.13 3-4 .58 5-8 .60 1-8" 41.50"" 41.00 24.72 22.40 s 4 WEATHER REPORTS. - October 30. - 27.75 22.15 in English crepe icstroyed by, fire Sunday o; o-ding to a report brought ; RBS !:. S nroiic-htfti.. The mother I Oct. ' ('.iiriren and a friend had gonei Jan tf; r' r ;t liing, leaving the seven lit- ' " f;;idrf.n hnmc Tt i said that! Girls employed tlT iiKMh. r told the children to keep ! factories are forbidden to engage in J fir- during her absence in order to any house work after their hours ot took .ome potatoes. In some manner iabor. The reason given is lest their uy clear, the house caught; hands should become coarse ' ;.rd 'i--( e of the little inmates ; fitted for the delicate nature of their iind to. death. - . .. . t t employment. ,a Temperature. WEATHER f 2 S at I a. m. S - I v a - So. -J Dr. Elisha Andrews Dead. Providence, R. I., Oci. 30. The death at Interlachen, Fla., of Dr. Eli- s sha Benjamin Andrews, formerly pres- id cut of Brown University and later hnnellcr of the University of Ne- braska, was announced in telegrmas jj received here today. AMERICA TO USE ENEMY PATENTS I Vvl Asheville,, snowing . . Atlanta, pt cloudy . . Charleston, cloudy . . Charlotte, rainisg . . . Chicago, pt cloudy . . Galveston, clear .... Jacksonville, clody . . New Orleans, clear New York, raining . . Pittsburg, snowing . . Raleigh, elbudy St. Louis, clear . . Washington, raining Wilmington, pt cloudy 70 72 7-8 74 48 74 84 84 58 76 78 36 62 80 30 34 70 54 22 42 70 40 56 32 62 24 62 70 (By Assoc in ted Press.) Washington, Oct. 30. Regulations under which articles patented in this country by enemy aliens may be man ufactured by American, producers, were irsued today by the Federal Trade Commission under authority conferred by the trading-with-the-ene-my act. Licenses will be issued for the life of the patent and not merely for the duration of the war, but exclusive li censes will not be granted to individ ual firms. The new regulations affect approximately 20,000 patents, includ ing many of paramount value to Am erican industries. .30 .46 With a view of. conserving fuel r.nd adjusting ihe'eeryice on- tho City lines to the volume of travel during' certain hours at this season of the year, the Tide Water Power Ccropany, annpunceq the follow ing schedules effective Thursday, November 1st: On Saturdays, all day, and on Sunday afternoon the schedules from and to all points will be left unchanged. . On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights there will be the follow ing schedules : RED CROSS STREET, will have the same 10 minute service between 4th and Red Cross and the Hospital, except that passengers will transfer at 4th and Red Cross from and to the Belt Line cars which will make close connections. This "schedule wil conform to the 12 minute schedule of the Belt cars after 8:30 p. rn. On Satur days, all day, and on Sunday afternoons between 2 and 6 p. m. the cars marked "Red Cross" will run through as at present. On other days passengers for Red Cross 3treet take Belt line cars marked "Brooklyn," transferring at 4th and Red Cross. BELT LINE CARS from -Brooklyn, via Front,- Castle, 6th Or ange and 9th Street to Princess -will run daily as at present, except be tween 8:45 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. (mid-day) when passengers will transfer from and to the "Carolina" Line cars at 9th and Princess Street, the sam 10 minute service being maintained until 8:30 p. m. when the Belt Line srvic will be every 12 minutes instead of every 10 minutes, transferring as ine r&Qrr$ing afc, 9th and Prjricss Streets t-. (torn arrtr to the MGaroliria'"5ars? AfferH rOD p'. hi. and until cars come off, Belt line cars wil run on a 1 5 minute schedule going through to Front and Princess without transferring at 9th and Princess. Pass engers going via Princess Street to points op Ninth, or on Orange, or on Sixth Street between the hours of 8:45 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. (mid day) and after 8:30 p. m. may take "Carolina" cars or they can avoid transferring at the hours designated by taking Belt line cars going vila Cascle Street to these points. SUNSET PARK. The present 20 minute schedule will be con tinued excepting that the cars will turn back at Front and Princess Strets where transfers will be given to connecting lines. These cars up to 8:45 a. m. and between 1 2:45 p. m. and 2:30 p. m. (noon) and betwen 5:45 p. m. and 6:45 p m. will go through to th Union Station where transfers will be given to points beyond on Red Cross and North Fourth Street. All day on Saturdays and on Sundays between 2 p. m. and 6. p. m. the cars' will run through to the hospital as at present. .. SOUTH WILMINGTON, Passengers to and from Third and Wright Streets will obtain a 20 minute service on the above SunseC Park cars in place of the present 10 minute service from Third and Wright Streets except on Saturdays and Sundays. " On Saturday all day, and on Sundays from 2 p. m. until d p. m. the present 10 minute through schedule will be operated. CAROLINA PLACE: The 12 minute service from front and Princess vill begin at 8 : 30 p. rn. instead of 9 p. m. as a1 present. EXTRA CARS: Will be put on ojuring bad weather and on spe cial occasions when additional service is required. 5 2. 3 - 3 "1 us s " 5 ex S 33 m 25 3S 3 'S3 !!!i!!:n!!!Hlliitlll!i:nillillliHllllil!liilllii:Hflli!ll!IIIIIIIilliHil!!!lil!l!!IM U li aWl ii '" iii TiTH i"TT' T"i i ' 1 o -9 ' & . 45. 4t RISE AND SUN SET. SUN WEDNESDAY Sun rises ., 6:31 Sun sets 5:20 .ii...,. e 7 4fe v 4s at FayetteyilJe, N. C. at 8 a. m. yes at Fayetteville, N. C, ,at 8 a. na. yes terday 3.0 feet. WmaAW tLonatural glschirga; MtttnlAia fiAK.twtWnnAtf ai - , apd will not uricuice. ' EelieveS Id rtbl flaya. . OLD Bir BpGGIiT. -ar4l Post if dcsiredr-Price Jl, or 3 bottles f2.75. , ' Prepared by THE EVANS CHEMICAL CQ,, ClMCimATl, p. ws mmUM UP i FATHER TREO - RMS AUUTHE WAV HOWVE You've eeen EOUtH- DID "VpU ET WO OF THE CAT? U Tl t H I TOOK HM DOWN TO THE RIVER - .r--- ' ; " ' 1 ' K r v THEV f THEN Y00 j Il!.1 9 OHIVWTE L- HIM N - AND- DID ET fS2 LlJ TO .THINK . i AND ft - RID OF J L&Sf. SSMf I II s A - - f ; 1