vK ; : Pi v- frHB WILMINGTON .DISPATCH, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 30, 1917. GE FOUR 'A HE WILivTINGTOP I DISPATCH Published DAILY AND SUNDAY BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. TELEPHONES: NEW YORK ELECTION. That Russian campaign by the- Ger- r . . v ' ... . . jmans was and still seems to be an en Next Monday is the day for the-mu- Igma to the war critics of the Allies. nicipal election in New;, York City. It There seem to be as many opinions lis a rathei uiusuaf oneSon account of of its whys and wherefores as there the number of ' candidates, there bet are critics. We doubt If the Germans ling four, all with large following. Ifr themselves knew' exactly what their is going to be a hotly contested elec- purpose was. , ' . . I .. . C 4.V .ti-,. General Manager's Office 44iuon, yet me newspapers ui iu w.v Advertising Department " are not as engrossed m it as orumai Circulation Department. Manning Editor "Jitv Editor Wholesale plots to destroy the na- The war has the fron seat now tioft's food supplies are the latest dis- 1 7 .!ilv. .205 and tne election is almost in the place -coveries of the secret service men. If FU LLL EASED WIRE SERVICE. of a side issue. This shows what in (such plots exist in New -York City I tense interest is taken there in the they are likely to have ramifications " press proceedings at the front and the prep-throughout the whole country j and Mt'ImI5a!w"liJ i!' Press is exclusively enti-farations in this : country. While the wherever there are any considerable hrVmm-s I'ihTmiT is 3ust'as Patriotic as any other quantities of foodstuffs stored precau- cn-.Iitivi in this paper and also tne lor-ai 1 iw,r,in Ail ricrhts or re- puiiiati--n -r special dispatches herein are anxious to do Its part, it is said thers cendiary fires also r 'served. section of the .country and just BY MAIL: Daily and Sunday $6.00 Tv,;i.r otiI snnd.'iv Six Months ... $3.00 ciii' . , fie tv..:i ..,,,1 Ci,v,av ?. TVfnnth?! Sl.aO,3- SU.UUiine centers oi uunvnjr auu escc muvu Friendship eternal . to the U. 8. A. You owe with all your heart, And remember that France wa3 in the frav . - 13 not the same excitement here as i about Germany's mode of warfare to J An(J he ug make a new start as tions should be taken to prevent in- We all know enough THE LIBERTY.. LOAN. A million dollars .fn liberty bonds Changed hands on, the mart today. If this .continues ! among the throngs, It will drive the old Germans away. 4Have you bought- your Liberty bond, old man, . , 1 To help the dear boys win the fight? " If not, go and get it as quick as you can, And know that you are doing what's right. t (Incorporated). Mail ;OrdersIGeiye personal Attention Special purchase of fur Jrimmed Coats Yesterday a shipment from our representative in New York brought a line 0f coats and suits that are much in demand. They are marked under present value as they were purchased the same way. An early call will secure one. some other sections. This Is natural place us on guard against all kinds? because of difference in circumstanc- of deviltry by secret agents of that Here the, people, are cut off from country, Sunday Only, One Year DELIVERED BY CARRIER: Daily and Sunday, per week 15c Or When Paid in Advance at Office. Daily and Sunday, One Year $7.00 Dailv and Sunday, Six Months. . .$3.50 Dailv and Sundayfi 3 Months $1.75 Sunday Only, 0 le Year..- $2.00 Entered at ths Postoffice in Wilming ton, N. C, s Second Class Matter. Foreign Representatives: Lcrenren, Green & Kohn, 225 Fifth Avenue, New York; Advertising Bvilding, Chicago. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 19l7. ' f WITH THE EDITORS, The News says Greensboro needs' The Rocky Mount Telegram another apartment house. We thought that city was perfectly satisfied with herself. It is hoped this four-minute speech making nave lasting effect on some c:' vhe long-winded orators of the country. less of the preparations. Tammany is making a desperate er fort to get back into power and asT indication of its prospects of success ,(. 4, f, 4, 4, 4, 4 ) v the odds in the bettting on the result Hickory Record The best pun that are in favo of its candidate, Hylan. has been pulled since Wm. Shakes While there is excitement of war prep Pearf 5. the business was extracted by the Chicago Herald, which declar ation visible every where in the ed thaJ. LaFollette would be "Hun-hon- city there is an undercurrent of po- ored, Hun-wept and Hun-sung." . litical activity which means that all I the candidates and their managers are! ,Red Springs Citizen-The boy you cheered when he marched away wnl putting forth strenuous efforts io se- stand knee deep in trench mud, ne cure the victory. :will face poison gas and deadly flamo. I He will endure all the terrors of mod- GOOSE THAT LAID GOLDEN EGGS. jern battle. That is his bit Your bit 1 perhaps, is to save one slice of bread a day in order that he may not fight ?s dis- in vain. 0 ex Quen Sophie of Greece class es the Allies as "infamous pigs." Reckon she learned such sentiments rom Brother Bill Hohenzollern. Wonder if any of those secret docu ments found in the royal palace in Athens explain the particulars of tha: little family row which ended in the ex-King getting a stab in the side? Charloite seems to be looking for big things in the society way from the coming of the families of the offi cers of the regular army who have been ordered to Camp Greene. appointed because the suspension of the State fishing laws has not increas-l Concord Tribune Let it not be for , . . euiieii uiiti we utseu money in tne yros- ed the supply and reduced the price ecution of the war just. as mncJl a3 of fish and oysters on the market cf we need men. In fact it is folly to its town. It says it heard a great send men to the front if we are not deal a few weeks ago of the need for oinS to furnish the money to equip . 0i 4 , . them and to help our allies. Those the suspension of State laws as affect-wno are not subject to military serv ing the catching of fish off the North iCe have no less a duty to perform Carolina coast, and following reports in subscribing for Liberty bonds and inHiootaH thot ,Qt-q wro mnr0 Aon in many other ways. The man who , ... ... . , , fails to do his whole duty at home is coming m and that this important nQ lesg ft slacker than he whQ degert3 item of food was expected to take a his post in the service, drop in price. It says that to date all t thing's have "happened except that part' Greenville News It is a matter of ... . . , . . keen reproach to the ranks of organ- which was expected; namely, that of ized that strikerg &nd dirb the drop m price and that has not oc- ances of all kinds should be rife at curred. It says also that it locks like this time when the nation needs that there is a scheme to keep North Car- we snoum De one as we never Derore olina nvstprs off thp markpt nidini.' . . . . rf o sc n nrttv frw And now she is down, pale and bleed ing she lies; Too brave to cry out in her pain. To the brave sons of the west she i3 lifting her eyesr We must help her the victory to gain. Stop listen! 'Tis the call of your country s?o dear. You are urged now your duty to do; Buy a Liberty bond with never a fear Ths bank will arrange it for you. Then come buy your Liberty bonds today; Invest to the largest extent. Our boys are .fighting for us far away; On victory their. efforts are bent. We have pleasures and comforts; yes ease at our home, But our boys they will suffer and die. We must call them back, let them no longer roam; And the tears from their mothers' cheeks dry. What is money to us, if our freedom so dear, From us should be taken away? Buy Liberty bonds, and the end will draw near, And our boys will come back home) to stay. Coats Velour Coats, with large fur collar and wide fur cuffs ; has full back, button trim med, wide belt which "goes . all around ; comes in taupe, navy, green, beet root and brown, a $30 value, for a rksale. . $22.50 Suits Tr eo, ropnn, Velour and Rhodia Coat Suits, in new est styles; some braided, i others Seal, Coney and Plush trimmed; large col- i lars, in Pekin, blue, navy, beet root and brown, valuer to $32.50, to be added to our already popular li nnc I it begins to look as if the Italian I are in position now to catch any ihing army was not as badly smashed a, (that comes along, no matter how small If every one would do his part; , And a Liberty bond would get. Our country dear to every heart Would e're the sun would set. i When first the call to our country came, The boys had a lively run; To register quick in America's naic; Uncle Sam had reached for his gun. strife in ordinary from the announcement from the port times under ordinary conditions. At Now some will try to keep them back; i towns that none are being received present, and under the conditions that From foreign shore to fieht. i this late in the season I face this country, it would seem that, Of courage they have shown no lack j if fieh t w,ioMfi k while the world is called upon for sac-! They know this cause is .right. , If fish are not plentiful on the mar-!rifl ,, , . . ... , . rifices in all relations of lifp. lahnr ' ket it must be because they are not; might consent to bear patiently a few To fight it out on their own soil to be found in the waters of our Jnjustices, especially if to remedy Far better it would be, sounds and outside, for the fishermen' thos injustices the safety of the But selfishn conutry is to be jeopardized. t " . Ifew I Jttilli- I nery V Came I yes" terday only . .. ..$25.00 first floor Specials Ohat Jlre jfttracting Customers i The End-of-the-Month Specials from the First Floor and Balcony are receiving a ready response from our patrons. In fact, one of the specials will not be found by today's shoppers. 15c Stayfast Hair Nets are priced at Up to $1.50 assortment of Ladies' Neckwear; .special purchase, to sell at $1.50 assortment of Bon Marclie Special Corsets; to close out at 36-inch Fancy Silks, all colors, stripes and plaids; priced at, yard 36-inch Fancy Silks, all colors, stripes and plaids; priced at, j'ard 56-inch Fancy Silks, Satins and Taffetas, chilly fine value; priced at, yard ... 3pe- ..0c ...89c ...98 c SJ.39 SI.65 10- Jnch fur $6.50 yard BLACK MOLE AND BEAVER I PLUSH first reports indicated. If the English 'or of what kind. and French can get ammunition to them in time they may yet block th-3 designs of the Central powers. Considering his offense and the Winston Sentinel- a man Dr. Edward I And the longer the Graham is State fishing laws are suspended tho.ldeals- He is a college president with scarcer will the fish become. uJl- "et.beUt.Ves that a? eduC,a" , , tional institution has a greater mis We cannot but think the suspension Si0n to perform than to hand out a of those laws was a mistake based little instruction to a few hunded stu nn an errnnpnus iHpn rf rnnsorvaiinn dents every year, eoine throueh th Now let me bee on bended knee I m a I 1 : It 1 of constructive' . ina.1 ou u ,uouu, w uu- American win men op iree; And fewer boys will die. ! . . . kino I SNn r A o ts MacRAE LANDS FOR PARK (State Journal). The Unied States government is rrvam rtii i loyal I Fetrofrrad. Oct. tup ueraians - William J. Bryan wants it distinct-'have evacuated the Werder peninsula ly. understood that, ho is for carrying ion the Gulf of Riga, where the-mad.' the war to a successful finish and i i a landing recently, the war office an- . a. Z C 1 A. .1 Z .1 I nrviiTA.M. it luval to our Kovernmeni, even u n uiu uuuj-o Have vou ever stopped to count the greauy mieiesieu m uif 1Mlt a fax on Chautauqua tickets in in Western North Carolina donated by! dinnapolis Star. money would :Mr Hugh . Mac Rao, of Wilmington,; low Bigelow ought to be thankful that he got off as light as he did. We are surprised that Kentucky crowd let him off with only twelve lashes. cost Or think what your , - , i . 5 for a national park. This land con If the Kaiser rules and our cause is - 1 . . . n I r, 4 n P linn v -- nrr rr 1'inn in Then money is a worthless thing. the Grandfather Mountain seutiun. I RHEUMATISM work-' crowd that got hold of him that, fel- it is too much like killing the s, f.am? .rone session after session He believes it is the nrimarv fnnr that laid the golden eggs. The fish tion of such an institution to serve,! aiu. "v--ii ""m-ij "iuhc vruiuii un wciiio, uul (icvernment experts nre nov. somewhat of the same opinion, iudg- tne People of the State as well. He Thpn rnmp with vour Garnines small . ine on the abstracts with a view to Physician Believes a ing by what they said in their reDort , lue .UI1.v.iy lo.Dea moro ' 4. . ,vuai iorce in tne nte or the common- to the Governor announcing that, in wealth than it has ever been before, Luxburg ought to feel mighty grate-compliance with the request of Mr. and he is bending every energy to ful to the United States for helping 1 Hoover, th pv hH susnpTirififi tho louro make it so. him sret out of South America. The Thev wprp in rirmht hut o--, . 1 t! n 1 i r. T4- FT1, T i dauauuij rusi X ne (JUUiUiUUII IU more of his secret dispatches that are published the deeper he gets into the bad graces of the people of those republics. We hope tome of the Wilmington girH will take pity on those poor young fellows way out in Hawa.i and cheer them up with letters now and then. Those fellows were in dead earnest about wanting to hear from back home. Now, we suppose, the papers have got to go over all that Means-King case, only a good deal more of it. The grand jury has the case in hand this week. If a true bill is found the defendant will in all for a continuance. emergencies the benefit of the doubt. On this subject they said: This action did not represent the best judgment of the board, but was its response (equivalent to a command in the present em ergency) to the authorities who have this matter in charge. It seemed better to run the risk of making some mistake by co-ordinating, as far as possible, with these authorities than, by ques tioning their wisdom, to act con trary to their ideas more than was necessary. We felt that personal and local interests must be sub ordinated to the general good, even though some hardship might result. get the people of America to plodgo j themselves to save food begins now , that the Liberty loan campaign is closing. It is the duty of every one of us who wish to win this war ro sign the pledge to save and conserve food and after having signed th pledge to keep it faithfully to the let ter. It is time for us to realize most definitely that those of us at home are more important than the fighting forces at the front. If this war is won for America and her allies it will be by reason of the support given it by the folks at home. To send the fighting men to the front and then refuse to support them to the utmost, would be disloyal, cowardly and criminal. I , STATE NEWS. An exchange says the man who ex pects to have turkey for Thanksgiv ing had better begin forming his joint stock company for the purpose of buy-1 ig one. It's good this idea was no sprung on the people till after the Liberty bond drive was over, for few would be able to subscribe to both investments. Good. Datriotir. words are tVirvao onrJ it probability ask'-. Vl . . , , . i if the commission had legal authoritv i . to suspend the laws it pursued the J , I Among the pleasures enjoyed yester- Genuine Rem- . p- it or great, j clearing up the titles ot tne various j eay Tor tne ussease nas And God will make us his tool. I tracts so that. Secretary -Lne can ac-i Been Found. 'Twill not be long we'd have to wait cept the gift. A special act, introduc I Rheuma, the wonderful rheuma To conquer the Kaiser's rule. i ed in the Senate by Mr. Overman, j tism remedy sold by R. R. Bellamy MRS. TRABUE BARKSDALE. made it possible for the government j and all 'druggists, gives quicker and ' to accept tho offer of Mr. MacRao. ! more lasting relief than other rem- Everything is ready now except the edies costing many times as much, iities, and they will be all right soon, j Rheuma passes the deadly poison Immediately after the titles are clear-; ons secretions into the bowels and ed the government will begin the do-j kidneys from which they aro quickly velopment cf the land into a beauti- thrown off in a natural, healthy way. ful park, which will add immensely to i Read what a reputable .physician the attractions of the mountain re-Uays about Rheuma: "I have made as a summer a most careful investigation of the ' formula employed in the manufacture of Rheuma, and I heartily recommend i it as a remedy for all forms of rheu- ! matism. I find Rheuma far m ad-, j vance of the methods generally em- j 1 ployed in the treatment of rheuma- j j tism, and altogether different in ( ' composition from the remedies usual-1 ly prescribed." Dr. Lyons. j This should give any sufferer from rheumatism confidence to try Rheu-1 ma. Advt. . . ; The announcement says Werder Ma or has been burned aud fiat provis ions have been stolen. No fighting has taken place in Gulf of Finland, but trawlers are act ivc there. Cor. llth & Market Stn?et5 j r mm Phlladerphi ro. only course open to it in the circum stances; but that does not negative dav while visiting the Fayetteville the proposition that Mr. Hoover made 'Fair' Z meetin , fof th?, first time i c since his return, Major E. J. Hale, a mistake from an economic ttand- Minister to Costa Rica.r-Scottish ixian-iug iub request or tne unier, commission. Publishing the names of the Liberty bond buyers in Asheville is a good thought it will discover the slackers, says Th Asheville Times. The idea Is a good one not for Asheville alone; it would be a good plan to have it Col. W. Preston Wooten, U. S. En- ffin rnrc? r-P T o t-i cr- T m- r it 4- it Don t you know those Senators and headed a regiment of the troops Congressmen are already sufficiently which marched, through London in amused with their foreign junket? August, comprising the first armed Some folks will say they might have iovein force to be seen in the Brit" v i. . ish capital since 1688. State Journal. uuuTru ovrjLuc tiling wuuiu nappen ro them. There were thirteen members V-JiYFTOir IV- GLASSES L 'THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS Afford a comfort which is appreciated by those who want near. or far vision in one pair of glasses. They keep your eyes young in looks as well as in usefulness. No line, seam or hump to blur the vision. EYES TESTED FREE. Br. Vmeherg gior of North Carolina resort. m S rvl k. li V I a?. mi 308 N'orth 1Gth St. M. Phone 1160-W MRS. JOEIi GOODLETT, B Teacher of Piano Special Tiipil of Alfredo Barill (Nephew Adelina Patti) Barili Conservatory of Music Atlanta, Oa. Graduate of Dr. Henri Hubert Haas Pupil of Rubinstein. :" Better Than Ever Thoroughly Modernize! Remodeled and Equipped NEW MANAGEMENT CAFE and ROOF GARDEN In connection Special Cjub . SreakfaW and tiufcneoHl " ' Bates Without Bath, f 1.80 With Bath, 2.00 and FRANK KIMBLE, ttt- of the House in the party. - One of the worst tragedies in the . history of this section occurred Sat urday afternoon when Carl White,! We haven't heard of Dr. H. Q Ale-'who lives some eight miles nrthvest .anuern rrlenos nrrerinp- tr triva riaV , .. ; . done in everv ritv Tt mav ho , :nentea ana Kiiiea nis wire, ana two aone in every city. It may be done on his re-election as president of theT small children. Mr. White was at m some where it is thought some of .Farmers' Union since the publication, the home of father, Mr. W. E. those well able to purchase hnnriu'nf n t-.i".Ax. , White, who was a former rnnresentn- . yjL JTJ had failed to do so through unpatri-lanent Governor Biekett's letter to htm, tive in the State Senate from Alex-i otic motives. that rubber, stamp signature 'ander county, when the killing occur-i to his commission to the farmers' con-'red. Statesville dispatch to Charlotte i gress. Observer. The secret service men should run down those fellows who have alreav 4x - Jim Washington, a negro wr.o some begun to start false renortl nf TZL I rned Germans who tun- weeks ago was arrested and plat d Degim to start false reports of cased their way out of Fort MjPher-'in jail on the charge of poisoning a awuiig Auientan soiaiers m the trenches. Any man who starts such a lie ought to be severely .dealt with. The people who have friends anc' rel atives at .the front son who have been captured will wish norse of one of nis neighbors, was for before they again "get out of prison lheSeC,n,d me on yesterday brought Rubber Stamps Made tp order on Short tctfet I We make Rubber Stamps that glvet the maximum of service and Satisfaction. Promptness with every order. Send us your order. . LeGYV'N PRINTING CO. 8 Grar? Q .reot. Phoni 220. tuat tuy naa oeen content to stay in; hearing. The first time the justice' connnement. we do not Mrnpnt rhov .thmkine -the carp out of hi inriaMn. Suffer enough will havo ac .r.w.F-n.t-i itinn RPnt . th nuco. tVio f',,T,r through anxiety as it is. without hav- and as easy times as they did before ?Urt and during this wee's session ing to undergo unnecessary distress their e.ean0 jeiore,it was remanded back to the lower through the false rumors put afloat1 I 6SCape- They must have 1 court, and as -a consequence Washing fcr sinister purposes by German ' TA m;y&thiz the outside, ton was again given hearing on ye pta y u rman It is a pity the latter cannot be appre-i terday and a ne of $50 was imposed, ct&ems. . .vj-. . --... . .whlfh xtr'aa hs limit AUTOS FOR HIRE for Pleaseure Driving, Dances, Wedding and Commercial tity Livery Co. Phones 15 and 345. LEAGUE" A superior Black Pow der Shell. l REFEREE" The famous "Referee" Shell loaded with Semi-Smokeless Powder is in a class by itself. TARGET" A high grade Smokeless Shell with steel re-inforced head loaded with Dupont, Dead Shot, New L. L. Powders. "HIGH GUN" A high grade Smokeless Shells loaded with Infallible and Ballistite-Dense Powders. USE FEirraS SMEWS QUALITY COUNTS THEY WIN! n. jacobi Hardware co. 10 and 12 South Front St., tkm Agents. Wilmington, N. C mm belong., avi rBrfluri.vt "uc - U1"-