A PAGE SIX THE .WILMINGTON DISPAjGH, iTUESP AT AFTERNOON QerebiiHU;i:t y J. J jj? ; f 61 mm 31 !t1- WW ft I. 1 ( 4 ft if; I a i .-if'. -I 3 ; -if ' 8 1 ' 0: - 3i fjSSTXr S Tnf Making Your Ouin B V t-TC- flat T"l ft i n ft J 1 nJUUI fi j I - 1 rlri'4rSrhr'Uiir'SF'rJViM;l.JI.JLJLJ i'U (M : I -GAVE GOLD HOLD KEEP- MEN. (Tunc "America" Key F.) Gold hold your precious men, Preserve tiiem to the cad, CfOd hold our men. fafo in Thy arms so strong Hold them from every wrong, To Thee ihey all belong, God hold our men. GUI". I Mrs. U M. Syfces left 'last nisnt-ior h- .ii er borne in New York City, vhero she xras called on account of l he death o iic. brother, Mr. William Ghuisy Sykr3, who died1 Sunday morn ing. - - A Hallowe'en party will be given at i the South Wilmington school tonight. i Refreshments will be served and the proceeds will go for the benefit of the school. There will . also be novel en- tertRireni features and the public is cordially invited. 4c- ?- The Red Cross Unit of Carolina 'Place will meet at the home of Mrs. jToler, corner of Twentieth and Wooil- i COt' avenue, tomorrow aneruoun tt t o'clock. All members are urged to attend. The black messengers of the Na tional Special Aid are distributing i Hocver cards today. The' messengers j arr requested- to sign on the reverse J side of the card as registrars. Block messengers who have not been noti- ..... .. i..t,... .wr -.w- If you combined tho curr-.tive proper ties of every known "ready-made' couh remedy, you would hardly have in them all tho curative ,;power that libs in this eiteple "home-made" couirh bjtup which taJvCs only a few minutes to "prepare. Qe froni any druist 2 ounces of a-mex tnw cents worcuj, pour it into a Food Conservation Advocates Spoke at aV rious County Schools. God keep our own dear men, From every stain of sin, God keep our men. When Satan would allure. When tempted, keep them pure, Be their protection sure God keep ouv mn. REV. C. L. EVARTS. God save our splendid men, Send them home safe again, God r.ave our men. Mfke them victorious. Patient and chivalrous, Thy are so dear to us, God save our men. ' fied will call at tho work room tomor The last stanza of this beautiful row afternoon end receive supplier poem war thA first to be written. Its I an instruction::, , The FOod: Administration began its campaign today when the speakers, pifit bottle and fill the. laoWa xviir nici appointed yesterday, addressed good pramilated sugar svrip.' The total cost sized audiences at the various school i iut w raiis ana gives you a, iua houses. of the coynty at z o'clock tnis heard It AVISF? BIrPi? afternoon. The. speakers were. Tastes pleasant and never spoila. with much interest as they sought mis l'inex and sucar author is unknown, but it has been sung quite extensively in Canada rtur Jlandsomely engraved invitations in,- the present vorld war. The first 'reading as touows nave Deen receiveu and second stasaj? were written by; by. out-of-town friends: Roy. C. L. Evarts a c Tontrpat, N. C.', j "Mr. and Mrs. Charles William during the summer of 1917 as the 'Worth request the honor of your pres third and fourth-stanzas. On account ?nce at the marriage of their daugh- of their beauty and appropriateness, ,' ter, Louise Gaston, to Mr. Benjamin lust, at this timo, nnd with due npolo- WTashburn, Jr., cn Thursday, the 8th ?ier; o h nuthors, the undersigned day of Xovorber, 1917, at half past .", has arraigned them in their present 'o'clock at First Presbyterian church." form and is requesting that they be No invitations were issued in the used as a song in the schools of our city, country. j r.- H. H. McLEAN, j REHEARSAL TOilQHT. Superintendent Maxton Graded , The o.econd rehearsal of tho can Schools, Maxton, N. C. i tnta "Thn Pifv of God." bpine nro to 1. . 1 svrtm nfenara. lmpyess upon tnose pressenv me vil-h tion gets ripht at the cause of a cough importance of the practice of economy and gives, almofit immediate relief. R in the consumption of food at this tated membranes that tine the throat! Rev" J- A' SuUin, pastor of Cal-i chest and bronchial tubes, .-' gently vary Pst church, aaaressea tne and easily that it i? really 'astonishing. People at Carolina Beach andx Oak ' A day's use will usually overcome the Hill ; I. C. Wright, Esq., spoke at Ma ordinary coiurh and for bronchitis, sonboro; Louis Goodman, Esq., at Croup, WllOOplna COli??h find hrnnphist Wrio-htowillo- r T Kowpnmho THsn asthma, there is -nothinff better. t. a?at-.' Mrd P.Pllamv.' Eaa.'. rrnex is a .most valuable "concentrated at Myrtle Grove- South Wilmington compound of cenuine-Norway -nlnf. . dl iuy"Ae Ajrove, souui vyiiniiuv,Loii tract, and has bevn used for generations was adrtressd by. Mr. W..A. Mcuirt: j to break up severe coughs. Wrightsboro by Mr. D . J. Fergus : Ea.st ; lo avoid dugappointment, be sure to Wilmington Dy Chairman T. cooper, ark your druggist for "2V, ounces of of the Board of Education: Middle Pincx" with full directions! and dont Sound by Rev. R. E. Gribbin: Acorn accent anvtr.inr? plso A mmrom,,. t k., t n rr-- -' - fc. mii j- i ; i .j lit i : iiv i.. 1 1 - -I in i . . ii I . Ljrtu . . v refunded -w?'- ey V? Castle Haynes by Iredell Meares. Esq.; &rSCeac"iaTUratl9,U ScU'S Hi" by Mr" Roger M0re' yreS J ' u ident of the Rotary Club; Winter Park by Senator W. B. Cooper; Delgado by ' S. Rev. John Jeter Hurt, D. D. . PERSONAL MENTION. '4 MPrn nvpRr.AATs mMnnnnw Mr. Robert C. Rantwell,' Jr., a stu- Loca Weather Observer Promises dent aviator, is in the city visiting . . Cold Wave, his parents for a few days, en route tobef !s 8lated . g out45in ref" to Pensacola. Fin w'rp ho will ,a. rration style, according to information plcte his training and be commission- &iven ,out oiri the local weather bu ! ed in the regular service. loau thls afternoon by Observer Fel-j ger, who is authority for the state ! Lieut. Claude C. Cashwell U S R Iont an unusually cold wavo will stationed at Camp Jackson, Columbia,' striko this city tomorrow morning S. C, is in th3 city with friends. find wil1 continue indefiriiteiy, although) with an abundance of sunshine. l I -;-'f AUf riMXHAT I aOlTnfET.i AirCDPA T Ami DON f ypmi vguwiti mi I Vrt't wntif ifrrn ripfl'frr . "--N S HI credit on the wearer's taste, III 1 . .. Zt. ,1 I i,- VtiSr A. - V III dmi yuu vdiu " iu 'c ' V-d M 11. the most of your appear- f'Y' j ' til You want itto rbfTect credit on the Wearer's taste, and you want it to make the most of your appear ance. When you take it off, you want to have a suit underneath that will "show well. DON'T YOU? ' We have Styfoplus Suits and O'Coats at $17.00 and $2 1 .00, and Isaac Ham burger & Sons suits and ocoats at $25.00, $28.00 and $30.00. We know none better in their respective class and we invite spection. your crihccii Rev. rorwl iVr tho DofnmMinn rplcvhr-.i. . . u.!f..i it o , I OM.iy Htin Deen OUO Oi inOSe Dldc' Miss Lillian Collins left last night ticn. v.m h hrld m tho Lnthor Me-1 rnmn-i n " try cays; threatening at timer, ant ------ " " " I A V t, Ul UVU L - .Vj . T T T 1 . ioi nctnipLun. vj., ncie sne win , moriai nall at tno corner cf Sixth spend the winter with relatives. f ?nd Princes-, streets, ton'gM, begin " ! ning promptly at 8 o'clock, and r. The weekly danco or the Cant well fulI attendance is urgently requested. Dancing school will be held this even- Much progress was made at last mg at o o clock, at the Hibernian ( wcek-s practice, and it is hoped that Hal1. , (tonight's showing will pla? tuc work " w, in shapo for beginning the finer points Messrs George TI. nnd Ferdinand D. , of renditJon. Considerable interest is Fick. of the United Staters arrny arc boin? s!vown by mo singers of the 2 iSe,tH m; R 'cr-nmuftUy.-and. everything goes to No. 305 South Sixth street. j in,jicnto ibvJ this . effort will be high- ,T , A" ;r vr , , i ly successful from hoth religious r. ml Mrs. J. G. Scarborough, of Greens- c.-, sf Th ror,;o boro, is here to attend the Bagby-a-. choirroaf?t er of st. Jaraes. Episcopal , " ' " I tuurch Has Been entrusted witn Hie uie nome or airs. w.i. creasy. r condcting; na the ministerial com , , ' ' . . . ! mittee in charge trur ts that the sing Mrs. Charles Lodor has been eler- of the var1cu5 churfchoS win ren I superintendent of a union Sunday; M Robertson every assistance in r s : . - ; i -I ; . . . . T;NTQNM"i:tJFPFi - : ii-lui- SEEADLER CAPTAIN CAPTURED OFF FIJI i -r. of :hc Indian summer tpe, witi the sunshine chasing the shadows ant the lowering clouds of early morning wafted away by the high breeze af-J to,- onjy ;j tew drops oi rain had fallen. iiniGTO AFTER IE Work wUl begin as soon . as 1 . . ed school to be established at Park quarters are secured. -3p -A- Rev. F. S. Love, who has been in attend?nce upon the Epworth League t - Institute, has returned home. While here he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Branch on South Siith street. AMERICANS IN WAR AS SEEN IN LONDON (Dy Associated Press.) London, Oct. of. Commenting on J the advent c American soldiers in the reaches, The Post says: "Were the Geman success in Italy Miss Rose Bonitz underwent an op-jt eration for appendicitis at the James j " Walker Memorial Hospital this morn ing. She is doing as well as may be or in other theatres to become much expected, though her friends are anx- j greater than the Allies consider prob ious about her. able, the Germans would still have to -x- j reckon with the, fresh, eager, stern A Hallowe'en pai-ty will be given at forces of America' It would seem the store, formerly the Wayside Inn, j that Germany is putting forth her uf at Winter Park, tomorrow evening at .most efforts during the interval which 6:30. An dyster supper and all kinds 'must elapse before the weight fu the cf refreshments will be served. The, United States can be brought to bear (By Associated Press.) A Taclfic Port, Oct. 30. Count von Luckner. commander of the German raider Seealdcr war, captured Scp fen h" 21 off the Fiji Islands y Fijian constabulary, according to word brought by a ster.mer arriving here from a trans-Pacific port. OF NATIONAL CONCERN. 1 1W VMM CONFIDENT THAT y THEY WILL WIN. (Continued from Page Pive). Flat Feet Caused Many Rejections Frorn the Army. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 30. Foothealth that before the war was considered i nized by the government and that tho 0, j D i i rr ! brotherhoods had shown that collec- ibheppard rrohlbltion Law Hi-, tlve Action is necessary. He oxibited a telegram which he said shoved that the government was exceedlngiy anx fecdve With Coming of November 1 c fin GROli M Washington. D. C, Oct. 30. At mid night tomorrow night tho bars of here until soniclhin Five German members c: the See- of comparatively little importance has War,hinrton will close, probably never j the blame is on the lcr's crew were taken with their now become a health subject great.y to b? re.opened. At that hour the so. f ran't fight for democn mntander, officer.-, of the arriving to be reckoned with. Flat foot oriCalled shpppard iaw providing tbati tleflelda of Europe and ledermans were in an wpaK toi as Dec,n iouna 10 unnt as ;pron5bition 0f he liquor traffic shall citizens here," continued the speaker ana were pursued by ' ...uu ,uuUB men iu. u: prevail in the District of Columbia,' " n adl con vessel said. Th the constables, who were aboard the navy service as any other one defect. , m intQ operation. wholesale steamer Amra. jms report or tne " iciu.t-u .uuu a w ui jw retail liquor stores wilI bc ciosed, captv.ro of the Germans confirms a tion m the navy. Defective vision was local brevcries shut dqwn and thirsty message to this effect received some first and defective teeth third. It has 'residents ieft dependent upon the cri t:me ago from Australia. been said that the physical standard yate iraportation of liquors from bft. Just what become cf r -.hers ,of the of fte ent!re American army has been . thQ confines of tne District. Seeakler's crew is not known. On- greatly lowered on account of the Am- Vyon that last ho of the alcohoiicai. report was that they were at" sea in a e"cn foot; It seems that this part , inclined is likeiy to be destroyed commandeered vessel. lue "w ueil'!whon the courts decide whether the; Tho Srealder. wrecked cn Mopefca ed or has b,een sadly neglected in theiRe(?d bone dry amendment prohibit? . lsiana m tne aoum i-acinc r.-m- 1 j-- . 'the importation of liquor into the Dis- months ago, sank three American Incorrect standing and walking are ( . t f Columbia as into a dry state. vessels during ner cruise in tne raci- V . 1 ' luaco ld ,cl 1 Once before has the national eapitrl nc. Previously in tne Atlantic She ieuca, iwi auu mauv uuier v.0 pur. an ena xo id ve ious that the matter should bo set- i tied. He came here to cooperate with I the officials and was going u remain was done. "All officials; you mocracy cn the bat- and deny it to the :e:.j ul proceeds will go to the Epworth League of tho Wesley Memorial church. -v. -v- Mrs. C. B. Davis, of Charleston, S. C. left this morning for Fayetteville, where she will spend several dayi; upon her weak and decimated battal ions. ' If we assume for the sake of argu ment that Germany can conclude a peace advantageous to herself before the UnitHl States can intervene, it is with relatives before returning to hev 'still to be remembered that America home. Mrs. Davis has been the guest jis i lodged to break the military power of friends here for the past 10 C' ORIENT LODGE NO. i95, A. F. A A M. ft An EmergeDt Communica Vrf tion this Tuesday evening JJ at 8:00 o'clock, sharp, for th-1 purpo;-'- of 'jfiiM-i i ing the BELLOW CR ViT S DZ WEK. member-: a:: "equested :o le on hand promptly. of Germany and make no peace with 'the Hohenzollerns." PRIVATE JOHN ALLEN OF MISSISSIPPI, DEAD (Bv Associated Press.) Jackacn, Miss., Oct. 30. "Private" John Allen, member of Congress from All Master Masons of the city and Mississippi for .16 .years, until his re visiting Brothers are invited to meet Sarement in 1810 and one of the pictur With us. e&que figures of that body, died at By order of the. Master. his home at. Tupelo, Miss., early today, C. C. BROWN, recording to a dispatch received here. Secretary. vHe had been ill about two weeks. , troubles, while unhygienic foot wear ha-dn no way aided the situation. I ' 4 . V. I J . - ; - - . - ilV I U illl Ull ilTTCUi. Uiri jVL II . News oi the destruction of the See- Excessive weight combined with lack , . ' , miT1v lovinirl heara, the meeting was adjourned cdler was announced in Wash'.ngton of exercise, and prolonged standing TIT..-... nr i wiHinnt Mlnnn. Thnt wn-s i tcl"" iwajror JViuore aSiieU It lAf"T- TF n a wrr i-tn --3 ,1 A 1 ' . ' ' opposition and whrt no rrniv wi ttr r n i ri enronr nirnr f ' V- - - ' - .7 i necessary, we will tic up even road in this Southeastern country," continued tho speffkfer, nff'We' Mill not let the company prescribe for us the time to sleep, eat and work," he concluded. During the discussion it was state-J that Mr. Elliott in addressing the clerks last Friday had questioned the patriotism of the clerks. Loud cries of "No" and "He did" from the au dience indfeated a sharp division on this point. At the conclusion of Mr. Forrester's there in s Menhaden More Pi a Run of Mullets ! ported. i ii- cn October 4. arc other important factors causing foot trouble. Correct posture in walk ing and standing and correct shoes are I recommended as the only cure for flat feet. The Life Extension Institute There was little or nothing in the Hill U; n ,r.Oi.o UTI- . i- . """"I. l"C bCUCiai uuiucs tne unusual is transpmng and , that perhaps a walk-out and tie-up threat ins. The work of the clerks is still Washington among the arid sections in its wake ever, ed and the saloons pprmitted to re- rume business. The present abolition Young Man Electrocuted (Special to The Dispatch.) " ,uauiulc of the liquor traffic is the result of a Vr-.x-ottAvillo NT P Hot .fl T?nhAl-t SaS. : . .-j.xi x .j.- Toi n r Ri v. son of M rT H . M Rav. of . "The nroner nosture in walking and 'li?!"" iUI1SJi t I conducted in that quiet efficient! . t ' " - . UCl IKJKl KJL T V CI Ctl J XJ. -Li- V LAI 1L uu ix tnis coumy. wasacc;ueniaiiy eitc.ru- sianuuig is to toe siraigni aneaa or nas onz been stron0, in Congress. (Special to Tlic Ii.qi;ili !:.i Southport, Oct. 0. 1; iokg as though the menhaden faciei;; in !h" lower Cape Fear were soea :., cont' into a season of good-r.izid c '(lit.;, after the weeks.of delay an "i vx,wv .tpyayebeei nit to in orc-r ;o to ready. TOc"' three ""big "i'aclon . yk below Old Brunswick, Tayit ; V. Caro lina Products, and the Neptum Oon pany, are splendidly equipp.l m ; l,u iness. The Carolina h?s foul torn fairly good catches Avit 1 tii- i s week. The Neptune has done somt business, while Taylor's ha i po steamers, but some are on llio way from the North and will likely be here by tomorrow, they having loir Norfolk Monday with or-Jer.; lo bo cm the lookout for cosries. ?o thai they 1 may come here' with full i;cai icads of fish. That .there must he plenty oi mcu haden coming down the co:;s; enn judged from the fact that. ;) s kw: reports, having passed a school c! these fish that was 35 miles in length The fish are now very jat. .seme- of the recent catches yielding live Viili cutod at Columbia, S, C.Saturday even slightly inward, rather than out- 'partlv through personal conviction and- f cvr" mornmg. Mr. Ray was, employed as a ward. In standing the feet should partlv through the personal attitude) cnXE nf h lineman by a power company, and form two sides of a square. By prac- f members who dared not votcY. - came in contact with a live wire, drawn on the floor, the habit of toeing " -nt ,r hPir Hi , . . i x mi . .. , ., . . . . . , .. ,lLt?xJL III lull. Ul ceatn Demg msianianeuus. me uvuy siraigm. iorwara can oe acquirea. i-.Tonnn,. ,-ri,jv. xi. iuuzj ux. uii iu uic uanei u xxi,xxxxx iuiv,u; .iaa.i-ctv;uciix,t;S Lilt eu- 1 1, ' , 1 ,r,l x; uS j, xu. x,:..x.. . such a yield, with the nnce 0. oil Lue wumiug ui me Atlantic uoast' , . .. . r otittp its uigii a;s il jk lit. iJi'.-i ui, i' ' m.r T 431, .-. T-Tlnfl P TOftPtintr loot nio.--1- U41,C1 "A iilfiiU-. a gl.. members who dared, not votc,.n( ,,,5. jnornimr Mtitinn tna AnJof at ?5- ... 1 , - --0 "-uwu WUO e or a morai 6enu-jgided( many clerks contending that a strictS' vhica they;crjsjs was rapidiy approaching while was brought here Sunday night for burial, and th efuneral was conducted yesterday afternoon at 4 o clock. FUNERAL FROM THE HOME. feared would be transmuted into hos tile votes. The Hobson constitutional amend ment for national prohibition actual- Remain:; of Little Elouise Thomas In- terred in Beilevue. others were confident that the com pany was merely sitting tight, readv to throw its ace mtp tiie balance nieht frnn c Pr- m v Ci-anl Shnnlrl tho nr-i in norin it V mSUt trOEl Cape t C..L t OJ LuJ-U lv onrHAd thR House in the Sixty- Tav . ' .sianon mat quantities ot m-iii. . ' - - - - v I IxiWlxJ CxVX 1 1 T Another important piece or fsS news that will be heard with joy along the Brunswick comity cc?st, is the 'nhnhp mps?a?p pn liprc third Congress, 187 to 189, with 41 not! Funeral services for Elouiso. in-'necessary to carry the amendment- North Atlantic Gtorm Warnings. (V.v AssiiM'i.-itod Press. 1 . 1 1. 1 ; ri '1 1 1 sorv.inoo mr H.ini'cn iti iurLcasai i lj ai 1 j iuc umiiuuiv ' . . . . , Vashington, Oct. SO.Northwera ; '7VT''r :ri; Ithrmh ' the measure failed. The A5?rican People drank iy.4U .llons IUjIL llUUi.ll t.ri l 1 A X A 1 . U.UU ATAXlI. I A. 11.. .wmw. Z1 - 1 s 4-An;A.A.Tu I : . . 1 VVAVo, n th hntirror from Thomas, of No. 119 Meares street, same ed tooay on the Atlantic cost, rrom - , j ir,0. Norfolk were coming around the cape. Firferoen along the shores of this co:imv have been vratchina: for a run oi' ni'i'I-.-is :" order to lay up a stock for diipaV same Congress, however, passed afof intoxicating liquors per capita, at besides many farmers living r-ar th iv mecwus Bu-ei,i wus'Mg' "",v,v". :an pvnprfit,, j-.ir 19 nnn ftftn nnn j u ..i ix xi Hi-oatirt rootritinu niinr law nr ihp ' w ' v.u, .y to Boston and Southeast "r,." JTlL 7"rr r,: " V t. sin. the consumption per capita has C It n n H lUn Cl VtiUl UlUCdi). i.uwi.v. - . - . . . . 1.1-OJJi suiuui--iic;au, - . . , . . , ' sea have been anxious for th!; come along, in order that tiiey m?g"- , - . ' , .... FQIi WOMEN, MISSES AND BOYS ? A large ohipment received, by express last night. ...) Attractive styles and colors aiarnoderate prices. r.orm warnings w,xrt, nf xh' ,tQ toiiiti nntv nWnt th. BUIie u18ai as n..r w-gaiions. since tne lay in a supply tor the winter uoi.-i.-- :to Eastport, -Maine. Strong "7-- ZT-mmZZ mVohTh tion law f-the 9 War But tie universal trend,' Just-how-much of a run thi, is 10 st winds probably with squalls Co": Tr - t:Z " .for prohibition is irresistible, and the "will soon be learned. It car.nor De afternoon and tonight from Bos- " x t '"tr 1 ' .rliquor traffic is doomed." " sn-eat. for,th demands hcroc'oouts. Mass north we this IUU C!C tuuiv.au. tra- rriGrlo i T3fTl-,w no namctorv .M-inv fcWt it ftrnc onftn oiriflCTlt that tho ma. VI tfcO UXlMjf Xxl A.M.tl A.J VVaauvui j . :iii,uu f U a,j X lb (I VV ixV iiuvuv aa mv friends attended the last sad erv'ce jority sentiment in both Houses wasf sympathv of the entire commun- favorablv disoosed tsward nrohibrtxQa uenerai varoevenor weau. ny oeing extenaea-tne oereavea piir ("Dy Associated Frcss." ,lf v Athens. Ohit. Oct. 30. Gen. Chas. H. Grosvernor, former Representative! from the Eleventh Ohio District, died at hj&. home, here. today, aged 84. -SEE THEM TODAY Jr T"3 1." r BROWN -.'-:;rv ' ; msl , Jy " ..- 2 jmTI ' I . iiiii r vJsk ssss punt r -IL af j , fciJA 3SSrY$0gr -o- sua "sk 1 IN SUPERIOR COURT.' :Aitej 6Ko$cg ot after aliard day are - xjvickly reiieved"' With Sloan's tsnhnent. krieaay to Rppi, no rub bing,aaf &,ptptpily effectivts. C3ttner-aad idore? kxrvenient than mossy; piasters' -and emicient3. It does not Stain tlse skirl, : pr clog the . pores. Every hom&fhould have a bottle handy - for sprains, strains, lame back, rheumatic . pain3 and stiff, bra muscles arid joints, iff-ixad bmsht all dxiig- Defendant Was Not in Debt to Plain tiff, Jury -Says. for the District. - The action of ana State after another in abolishing the saloons had left no doubt as to where the nation stood on the prohibition !gue3tion. Consequently the support ers of -the measure encountered coin paratively little difficulty in securing its adoption, although the "wets" still ' The case of Margaret Cronley vs. IHept up a -fight, setting forth as. ther J. . - 1 J xLt A. TTT t A. J W. E. Reaneker, begun late yesterday , principal argument. ium vvusiunuii afternoon in Supesioy Gourtj cobsuui- 1 hpuld be the last city in, the country ed the greater part of this . morning's '-that should hav6 the rigors of jrohibi session, the jury rendering, a verdict ''tjon forces upon it, if for no . other in favor of- the defendant jusfr before Reason thah that its citizens are help pnoa. The oiUy issue submitted and! Ie6s against all legislation by Con which, was answered in the negative gress affecting- , their interests or con was "h tlte defendant indebted to the veniencei - ..' : plaintiff, and if so to what extent?' LThe barring of the saloons from the ( District of Columbia, will complete a I The taking of, evidence in the ca3edry belt from Maryland south to Floi ! it.-t.ed John Gr?dy against Emma Jida.on the-east and as "far as New Orr Exum eT al., was begun immediately, , jQjang 0I1 the .westward. ! , , , v-m cr -ui b.rdly be rendere tj iTlie anti-saloon forces naturally are before late this afternoon or tomor- jubilant over their success in convey t- j row uioring. . - , . In the national capital , iiito a dry , city, because of the effect it may have j . . t . . ion the sentiment Of the entire coun- i DR. TANK&RSI.EY RETURNS. try. A request has ; been issued to . . r-r - -. ministers of all dejaoininations -through Attended f :njcal Ponftrieps In Gh out the United States asking them -to. c ago Away Tyyo Wfteka. - l set. aside next Sunday as a day of op- Dr. J. W. Tankersley head rof the .servanco ikr this latest irphibifjoh vio TanUeriDley-Harper Sanitarium, return-. Tory and to preach prohibition 5 spi ed to the city; this morning from a mons on that day. ... .-if . two weeks visit to- Chicago, ama otlt j T'L-et us appropriately celebrate the ; r pointsi While away, Dr. Tankers- .coming of prohibition: to . the capital . Icy attended ,cUsiai congrs oi sur- jf our groat republic' says ,the.tappeal 1 gery, held ti&XJhaojlnapt t. the njinisteps. -i 'XkovjM not-et while in Rochester, Mini., yigiting the Qu3itha-seia49ef: going on! r-Mayo3,. aldb"v stopping over for a brief , for centuries and we, have. hardly -tak-' '- visit in Philadelphia," on; the return-, est the 15 v line trenches, for, accord - xTrs 1. 44 That I S C&ee" The Lnaanne Gnarantee: If, , aftef using- the content 9 of a can, you are not satisfied jjjrif vjsfx reajxtcf, your gro- e'er, will refund your money. It's got the smell and the smack that ft make you say, "Set 'em up again. For it's always fair weather when good folks get together over a cup of steaming, staving-good J-uzianne. Yu dort buy , a pig in a poke when you buy Luzianne Coffee. No, Ma'am. dearly states that, if it doesn't meet your idea' of a better coffee, you're entitled to your money back and it Buy a,-can of Luzianne and re adjust your idea$ of what good coffee in tzsf be. Ask for profit-sharing catalog- .1 II a l 11" IMI Sff VIUM W, XV III VJ III CI . 7 coffee r 1 ' ,y.r m : wmmtn 1 hit m 1Ml-Tritiv'iWiTWrMBiiM '- fcHifimml - ' ' V x . x. "trip,- ing t. latest statistics,-1910 the '