- $ " WEATHER FORECAST - V - 'if N-rth Carolina Fair, frost tonight t pcrLion; cooler in northeast FINAL EDITOIN :-. C.-rolma Fair tonight Friday fair.. with FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE i)WAT(r!H TOM V V JUL, vc . Xiii NO. 373. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 1, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS; HWILU- SliLLi UUSBIS : 4 4 4 4 4. 4. 41 4. i 4J. 4.' MANY SUBMARINES SUNK- ! i (By Associated Press). 4! 4 London, Nov. 1. Between 40 v' and 50 per cent, of the German i j submarines operating in the 4 North Sea. the Arctic and the ! l Atlantic r.ince the beginning of ; i' the war, have been sunk, said Sir i " Eric Geddes, first lord of the ad- v mirality rae ' House of Com- ! ' mons today. I it THIRTY AIRPLANES I LIST NIGHT'S Mill i EI6LII 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 EIGHT KILLED; Hill ( By Associated Press). London, Nov. 1. Eight per sens were killed and 21 other: were injured m tne uerman air raid last night, according to an 4 '4 official statement issued today by 4 !4-the British war department. i ! 4 ! 4 ' 4 4 4 J 4 4' 4 4 4 -I1 4 4 4 4 4 JIIP1 SOT TO Invaders Were Finally Forced ! ; Off Without Doing Much j j Damage. I AIRCRAFT DIVIDED INTO SEVEN GROUPS Groups Came Separate WING ISSUE: TO fOOO DEALER X THR 1 Tim V J? JP:rrTTJ?KlK 1 7 RUE BILL A GAINST 1 B MEANS GASTON si But Only One ' Unless They Get License Tc: Administer a Terrific Capturing 60,000 More Men. ALL BRITISH GUNS REINFORCEMENTS FOR RESSED ITALIANS N ITALY A D .ourses, S'.ircscded in Reaching London. Fr;v nnrl Fnalnnd Spndino and Supplies, and Gunners Succeeded in Getting !:.,!: Reserves Have Been : rdod. ni'Miia's reiiring forces to 'iY.pliamento river, have Away from Teutonic In vaders. Ml' nushing defeat. (Hy Tlio Associated Press) London, Nov. 1 All (he British jguns with the Italian army were sav- reports the capture of tu- accprumg iu a nnusn cunesyouu it positions from Italian jent at Italian headquarters, who says ';':uie a staaJ t of i that the snirits of Ihe British gunners : " " are good. Lack of transport, which could not be allotted to them, was their whole trouble. One gun was so : :.i:.iamento una 11k : i itaiian force which . lower court;. .ird the of (Sperinl to Tlio TMspatr-h. London, Nov. 1 About "30 airplanes in seven groups took part in last riiRhtY. air rail. Three of' them pene tr;itej to'lic hear:, of London, si'vs an official rcnort ledav. Thn r-:iii. effort by They May Get in Serious Difficulty. (By The Associated Press.) Washington, Nov. 1. License re ctriction:', today were imposed on the j nation's manufacturers and distribut- i ors of Htaile food commodities in an the food adrainistrat'on to tie:? and damage wji-c r.iight. regutate. tno war time supply A report, from Lord French com-' rmin?. to profiteering abuses. and m , i- operation 60.000 Ital- Miired. according to the m. bringing the total of ; .orLed taken by the in X i mm hern Italy to 180,000, :..iber oT guns to 1,500. ihe bridgeheads captured t Digano which is directly r i :Tli;imento about 23 miles al i i"Ctly west of Udine. other bridgehead lost by the :;: voc. at Codrioipo. This place 'so about 23 miles from Udine 'ying off to the southwest on the FURNISITROOPS i Declared Impossible to Sendj an Army to the Euro pean Front. niy Associated J'ress.) A Pacific Port, Nov. 1. Baron Tan etaro Megata, head of the Japanese Financial commission that has ar rived here, said, today it was impos sible for Japan to send an army to aid the Allies on the European battle froni 'If. in the face of physical impo:; sibiliy. Japan should be foolhardy enough to make a super-human effort to send troops, and if she speedily be came exhausted," he asked, "who would then nrntert tho Oriont. if Opr. i on rue southeastern outsKirtS ci tilt many remained undefeated?" j metropolis. Tne fourih group was J Jo ao ii-ediatcly. "Though we have sent no troops to ! turned back up the Thames, half way j One of Ihe. regulations under which Europe," he said, "we have helped to London. ! business must be done was annoenc- in other ways. Our navy is saving! ut the linn group, one or more the allied cause in ihe Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean and our mer chant marine is largely at the dis posal of the Allies. Japanese ships wo m RANCH VITnN ju uuiiuLiivn I lull j SGUSSED Means Is Charged With the Murder of Mrs. Maude A. Xing. a :c SOLICITOR ASKS FOR CHANGE OF VENURE mander of the Home Defenses, re specting last night's air raid, say.; the German aviators took advantage oi' the clouds to present any decisive engagements. The first group of air raiders drop ped bombs near the coast. Two more groups were broken up by a barr?.,o A warning to food dealers subject to regulations who have not applied for licenses that, they may find them selves in serious difficufies was ! rued trdny by the food rdininistra- tratU v.. Those vfho have noL forward i ed their applications were directed to near to having to be abandoned that ! do practically all of the carrying be- I tween Asia and Europe." ,.,.vaV'll lilt VjlUlUlt" iti3Vv.Ji,v7'vti - , , , Baron Megata said that the great However, the gun was saved even-, h condition of the. tually. ' trans-Siberia railroad stood in the way planes penetrated southeastern Lou.' don. Some of the sixth group reach-- ed the southeastern pait of the c't The seventhh group before it reached th of the city. ed by ;h: feed administration today as follows: "No licensee shall knowingly buy sell any mdle any such commodities for any person re- iwn ui irii? c.i v. j was disoerse"d i "ny commodities fromi or e cuter defen ;ej ' zucx commodities to or ham The official announcement follow QUireu to nave a license who nas not "Determined and repeated attacks secured such license and complied were made upon London last night by' Wlin tne Provisions or mis ruie. groups of hostile aircraft. The firjt group of raiders crossed the Kentish i TTTI ITOWIP TUDCAT Tho correspondent who accompani-1 of sending troops to Russia, for, once ed the retreat of the third Italian , sent there, they could not be supplied. . f- .1 , DriruCTAr ITAnrDC rceeded toward London, over Kent uctifu LUft,uu.v MJ8 111.-1. liic u icn-i i.j x x-,j-r-,w Thev did not ocnctrate fa- in'ind coast at about 10:40 p. m., and pro- it was evident that firmness of com-1 mand could reorganize them into a fightine: force. N The Duke of Aosta. ! f however, but turned in an easterly ! (Dy Associated Press.) T.nndori iTnv i v ounf norco VOll rnmmander of the third arinv. AV'as ' i,..i! i i .. i... r,:. railw;iv line frnni TTdine to I , " V Jieiumg iuus ueea ij-eifu rt.s uii- i vu i ill chilli 111 .iiliimm.j ; i His army naa savea neai i an its guns. . ,.,a(1pr. aerorrlinsr tn snecial T: . iso and Venice i;i easi c. i agiiaiiiemo. i tie do no, nana io na? also fell back regularly from Sabo- iun-d a crossing ol the Taghamemo' in nnH nnrizia. The troons nn the UNIFIES ITALIANS contempiatea erection oi a new muus- (Bv Tho Associated Presst ,Ilal ouuuiug, a usv; uuuns luum, auu direction and dropped bombs at va-1 Washington, Nov. 1. Gratifying ev- The purchase ot juo additional acues rious places in and near the coast. idences of the unifying effect upon the; oi lond tor pasturage, were announc- "Meanwhile two more groups af; Italian people of the Austro-German j tud. Two hundred ami., thirty one raiders were sterring toward London ! offensive is shown by official cable-j children are cared for in the home perial Chancellor by the Reichstag , along south bank of Thames. The : grams received here today. Socialists ! and applications for the admission of Introduction of Resolution to Push Pledge Campaign Started Discussion. (Special to The Dispatch) Fayetteville, N. C, Nov. 1. Last night and today's sessions of the. Presbyterian-Synod were devoted to the reading and discussion of the- re ports of the various committees in charge of the work of the synod. Last night Dr. A. W. Crawford pre sented the report of the Home Mis sion's Ecard. This morning Dr. Wells offered a 'motion to commit the pastors to the 'co-operation with the food adminisra tion in the distribution of the food pledges. Dr.. Wells' motion brought on a uharn discussion. Dr. Raynal speaking lor the motion, and Mr. Adams against the introduction- of such matters into the church. The motion was referred to the committee ",ind will be brought up for further discussion this afternoon. Mr. Goodman presented the report on Sunday school extension, the re port showed gratifying progress. Af ter discussion by Dr. A. D. McClure, the report was accepted. Dr. R. C. Anderson presented the report of the Montreat Association. He announced plans for the construc tion of an auditorium costing .$30,000 and seating 3,500. Dr. H. G. Hill read the report of ,:--:, 1 Immediately After the Jury's Report This Morning, Means Was Arrainged and a Special Venire Ordered. (By The Associated Press) ; ;i Concord, N. C, Nov. 1. The grand jury of Cabarrus county this morning - ' returned a true bill charging Gaston Bullock Means with the murder bf . --1 Mrs. Maude A. King, wealthy ' New l York and Chicago woman, who was shot and "killed at Blackwelder ; Springs, near here, on August 29. Im mediately after the bill was returned! Means was arraigned in court and" a " special venire was summoned from which to select a jury to try him, bt V ' Solicitor Clement asked a change of venue and court adjourned until 2:30 .. -v at which time the defense will make -' its answer to the affidavit. ' ? Means put in a plea of not guilty. .' ; v 7 , In asking that the trial of Means : ,k . be removed to another point in this judicial district, Solicitor Haytfen-,!;-: Clement set forth the prominence 7 the Means family during 100 years in . this vicinity: that the defendant had! employed practically all the lawyers yJ i in this city to defend him; that when-';;, -.v he wanted to swear out a warrant . y"i charging Means with the murder "of t. Mrs. King, the officers were reluctant in issuing same and that the leeung, ance of M40 in uie treasury and the dlsPlayed fsainst he New, Z The right wing of the second army bin it is evident that they are now on .t ;terlv bank in strong force, and probably ready for an assault fhn line itself. Ind'ca'ions from Pa.lestine are th:v. wuh ! advent, of favorable weather, !:;? ish re resuming their active ;! :i tiie Syrkin coast. The i'.ritish troops of Deersheb prr.xauately 4') miles southwest M-al.'-iu. is reported in an of- :.'.;en,ent today. .. .he left of the I Pill. sky was half to three-quarters cover-1 have shown a disposition for a truce! 150 others are on file and will be ad- dispatches from Amsterdam which ed with thin, low cloud?, which ren- in political struggles in order to! milted as soon as provision for nous construe this as a rebuff to the Km- tiered extremely difficult observation strengthen the DeoDle in resistance Jng them can be made. The Synod . peior and a victory for parliamentar- The messages, however. , ' " ;trng Steadily from their mountam p- reritiy were written "beTore the ul'jt1 ,sitions sd as to get into line withman w;rPiess statement was sent appa- Ger- out the left of the new defensive front. LOUISIANA PARTY VISITING IN FRANCE I'd'' !.;-ie aiV; (I!v Tl.t- Associated Press l i Paris, Wednesday, Oct. 31 Tho I .Temps prints what is apparently am operations in Palestine ! inspired statement of the govern p;in?r, the Fritish had merit's proceedings against the Royal-J of the enemy maciinea.t-.Qne the to the invasion. The parliamentary will adjourn late . tonight or ea.rlier 2essittieiralUtu , X .-;- v- m( ntnl . I. - ... . r. -t . i rt Z 1 - 1 .. rt a . rt I imaicu tiuu iiiej wvic jruiveii up uy ' iiiieiiii iu uuuamei yiaiis ui ii'-ujje - barrage fire on the southeastern out-lation with the government and onlv 'yesterday, announcing that von -IXert- skirts of the metropolitan area at j awaits the return to Rome cf their ' ling had been oirereu me piace anu about 11:50 p. ni. where some bombs i leader, Tunti, to take action. Mean 'twas consulting with Reichstag lead- Were dronned. i while tlipv havp let it he lrnmvn thn (uy AssiKi.ttea itpss.) r 1 . XTrt,. 1 rT" T Aii'ninM.l .11.-. the , winch came along the Thames yes-,ernment to any extent short of actual i4. tu v.r. t lat Count yonterday. was turned back half way to j participation and tho abandonment or!"e nces vv.th tne, (Continued on Page Eight.) 'socialistic aims and ideals. Sf I w - visit r KtLiNLri KU I AJLlO I O I was consulting with Keicnstag leau- wore dropped. '.while they have let it be known that PPFPAPINP TH APTlors' I "Tbe fourth group of machines, ' they are disposed to support the gov th to t'ne L'Aclion Francaise, '. ers. An Amsterdam dispatch to Daily Express says that Count Hertling had conferc majority leaders and that they oppos-i ed his appointment because he was1 against the Reichstag resolution fori eace without annexations and the ill.. o w.- - fiiu Tno sinl ' iL- tr ri-r-t' c ninor Li I ' l ur v vn.i uuii: ul uiiu;i . lot lit opapl l , livviix,'. , of Gaza, on the whose editor, Leon Daudet, recently uemocrauc paiuameu.iv of raie.- liern Palestine, while in 1 made charges treason against) their I'f: bt. ! iie.-une I on :i rv of Oeersheba 1. in columns had Louis J. Malvy, former Minister of virtually parallel front, 1 the Interior. It says that the gov- There ernraent has received information that there had been a; leading it to believe that, the Royalist far northward as He- movement was preparing to act 1 ir, less than 20 miles from j against the government.' The matter but apparently there was ! was placed in the hands of the mili- advance of the British j tary authorities and the uepartment 10 this point. Reports month stated that the Brit volrir.g Arab forces from ir.'-evior had effected a . t r t . r I ! . 1 . -ViL operations by these I cerning arms was exaggerated, butj i-r the Turks might be ex-' that the plan of mobilization of the, i I'AMinnrrQnciiicii tpaeiips war found of Justice, in order to throw light on this as well as on other cases under investigation. A search showed, the Temps adds the information received con- Fourteen British Ships Lost. (I'.v Associated .Press.) London, Nov. 1. Fourteen British merchantmen over 1,600 tons were sunk by mine or submarine in the last week, according to the Admirality report last night. Four vessels un der 1,600 tons were also sunk but no fishing craft. 'b v J3 ' BEERSHEBA CAPTURED. (By Associated Press). London. Nov. 1. The -city 4. of " Ell" mill IIAVIAI A V m ja mjm mm m m. n h a ors were accompanied by George Sharp, son of the American ambassa-j dor; Count Du Chaff ault, Emile Hovel-j investigated the circumstances nesses and newspaper reporters to gether with articles regarding them, printed in a local newspaper and; a paper at Kannapolis, N. C, made it difficult to properly try the case here. The counsel for the defense asked to be given time to reply to the' affl davit of Solicitor Clement and ' &H 10:30 o'clock court adjourned to con vene again at 2:30 o'clock this after noon.- ., -'r.'.vi-:-. The indictment charrinef Means. tti:i,4ii1.l' ntie murder ot Mrs. King came alter,; the grand jury had examined witness- -: es for three days. Among those testi fying before the jury were Dr, Bur- meister, coroner's physician, of Cook county, IUirois. whose alleged discov- eries at a post mortem examination b. the body of Mrs. King at Chicago, where it had been carried for burial,' was partly responsible for the re-opening of the investigation into the case : in this State. A coroner's jury which - sur- . lacque, Prof. Bougele, and others. They j rounding the killing of Mrs. King re-. v j were received by Deputy Fernand Ra- turned a verdict the day after the" .' 1 and the fcounicipality. Wreaths and a bronze palm were placed at the foot of the Joan of Arc statue. A recep tion was held later .at the city hall. -.us of Germcn airplanes, :; machines, made a ! :','( :rl to bombard Lon .;'it. but apparently not V"e of 1 hem succeeded in ihe heart of the city, reaching the outskirts. '!"fe:;slve measures bar- 1 ; t t;;c-k . by British air - the enemy formation. ,.. droaDe -. r London) !:-.. ami the easualties 4. ' 4 4 i . ) In.ve been comparat-:4 I ANOTHER 1- 1 . , ':'iing on 1 lie f rencn 1 : 'it was of limited extent.! L'Act'on Franchise leagues war f ound i Brsneb- in Palestine, has been I was daed during 1913-14 and it is nant. bv thp Rritish. it ia an. 4. At.4- nl inMirosj ' Misses lallie Ccok, Lizzie Council, and Big Gains ard Move Into First, Second and Third Places Active Candidates Now Speeding Along at a Merry Pace. ' British Casualties. (By Associated Press.) London, Nov. 1. British casualties reported during the month of October totaled 82.377. The losses were divid- Ulive Brown Made!ed as follows self inflicted. : 1- V, Mrs. King was killed about t o'clock 0 on the evening of August. 29 at Black- "p!' j welder Spring, a lonely spot, 10 inlles;,"? "I from Concord, where she had gone r 1 with Gastoti Means,1 Afton 'Means,-; a - :l i Droiner, auaf c-aptam Hingnam, appar- was found bearing dates during Aia and June of 1917. The Department of Justice is trying to ascertain if there was any connection between the indices and tho plan of mobiliza tion. It is said that the government; does not contemplate arresting any directors cf the leagues. 1 ; f BIG CREDIT. 4 nounced officially 4. 4' I i ts REGULARS SENT TO CHARLOTTE (ltv Associated Press. Charlotte! N. C. Nov. 1. The fiOth Infantry United States regulars arriv ed at Camp Crcen tcday from Syra cuse, N. Y. TODAY'S LEADERS. 4:4,44,44i44i44.4 4. a who retains a place on the "Honor :f j Roll" today. 4 All the active candidates are now speeding, 'along at a merry pace. Now 4 that the goal is in sight and the time 4 for awarding the prizes is so near at 4 ently for target 'practice; Mrs. King was ' fi. guest. with her sister, Mrs. ' Mary C. MelvrHt the home of Gaston Officers killed or died of wounds, ! Means' parents in this citf. 1,445; men, 14,985. Means has maintained that he and Officers wounded or missing, 4,133; i Mrs. King left the automobile party ;' men, 61,814. and started for the spring, Means lead-V- . ing the way. According to his story 4 4. 4 4 4. 4 4.' 'f. 4 4 4 4jhe was leaning over the spring . get- i Lillie Cook . . 4 Lizzie Council 104,365 103,895 4' TRANSPORT DAMAGED BY TORPEDO. fating a drink of water when he heard . 4ja shot, and, whirling around,, ho saw f 4 Mrs. King fall some distance aw,ay. 4j Means is being defended by an L (By Associated Press). 4 ray of leading lawyers of North 'CaStK Washington, Nov. 1. The trans- 'ilma and the State is being represent " Olive Brown 103,489 ' hand, every moment that the candi- port Finland was recently torpe- jed by Solicitor Hayden Clement and 4 1 IRMAN AGAIN ON Pauline Underwood ! Ruth Teaehey . . . I Bertha Allsbrook 1 Elizabeth Bullard (llv Associated Press). ...... .. .jlt-jf-VlA. Wocl.inirinn NOV. 1. A CreUll T i r -r'.hwesl. of Rheims! of $435,000,000 was maue to Gfeat -.;.:. against small posts 4. Britain today by the Treasury to j i.ivi-e, was repulsed byv cover British expenditures m this , A ennntrv un to January 1, 1918. 102,980 102,697 101,790 4 101,245 4 1-- Tnii . ti 1 i 1 i-t n r ju WAY TO NEW YORK J "ua AUi'u I !4 '4 4 J 4 Three bombs were dropped into the (P.y Associated Press. Newport News, Nov. 1 Lieut dates can devote to the contest is be- doed while returning to the Unit- 4; Attorney General James S. Manning.- ing used to the greatest advantage. ed States, but was able to return Ti Campaign managers are enthusiastic- to a foreign port under her own 4' ally assisting to perfect campaigns for 4 steam. 4 the wind-up, and the finish promises 4 The Navy Department received 4 to be interesting. The indications are a report of the attack and Secre- that the decisions are liable to be very 4 tary Daniels authorized its publi- 4 close, and that one subscription may 4 cation. The havy report does not 4 DANISH SOCIETY'S REQUEST REFUSED (uy Associated t'ress.) San Francisco, Nov. 1. A request nx.ni hpfnvr. he m- tf- This brings tne im.en iuo.uo . Cerman attack is slack- 4, Great Britain up to $1,880,000,- v eiK:sing Cnrces are at 4, 000 and total loans to the Allies i :,etwe-.n Udine! tr, :i 5fifi.400.000. , .,n: .fito, where the I tab 4, The credit today is lh" largest 4; .. .il make their first 4 ever' made to an allied govern- ' , M,,i. the German ef-,j, mcnt; The money will be with- 4; k' the tagliamento line 54, drawn from the treasury on'y as orr,ornni!v is . .,1 nA in nn v fnr war contracts. 4 111'. S I J7 l 1 ' 1 ' ' ' v i v . jf, iltUCU l" t' , m,i.u. T" St. 4 firman blow overpow-; 4, j , -.ed the Italian torca Koiif i,-, v ti,,. nicna 1 fii nffipa voo. ! T.rino otyi rvf ViQ jl, c-Q,r nrhdhar thoro wqc a n v ina o.'1 Iap local Drancn oi me uanisn bo- r which certainly wrought hav-i prizes is not beyond the bounds of of life or injuries on the Finland, ! This official announcement was 4 rT " " , , V".r'- iMuvemoer. 5, ueniuam s annual pairi-, : '. . '-v ir Vii-ilJirtir time nnonl tvi rilcl r lit rt .JJ a;'iuL by the park commission, it became uiouaiuco Planum iiiai, - ; , . 1 . " . i known tnnnv Z:- . ... w , " V " .. . r Joe among the standing of the contes- nossibilitv. ' 7 , . 1 1 1. " rf rjtants. The first of these bombs came To win that is the point! It is the 4 authorized: liana u .v u jjirnn- auvi . -iv-. u u- A7;i: i KQ ohono f 7rt . ,,, ;j f 4,r e r, A, T, 1ST return, left again this morning atii"1" """""e" r " iBa u. i.r ju, i ( 10:20 o'clock in the same machine.!""" VULt 1Ui , "c siuij Ho u. ap,ninn;1fiP,l tv n ineehanioian. "luwu uvrl "f uiu ' ' 1 ' " " ' " ' 1 "... . I ! 1 1 . . ,,ri-, 1 V. . A . . rr 111 V. . . .. HI. I rl i 1 In inin (hn,"! i in. iim., tiuu nao iwut,m. uj ouum He goes to New York other Italian airmen who made the tri-) 10 days ago in the land machines. not to be in the race. It looks differ ent today, with Miss Brown's name in third place. spirit of the women of North and ; 4 the transport Finland was tor- ; .... this time" renlied Tndra h Carolina. To . stand pre emi- 4 pedoed while returning from j; &t "Z from the rest, to be pointed out 4 foreign waters. The damage to ..aH,- Lc hOCn nfai. t, 4. 4 4 4 v 4 4.. 4. 4 4 ti nent as one of the successful ones, is now 4 the ship was slight and she re- 4- ! the greatest incentive to their ef- 4 turned to port under her own 4 rot, . . .-. . . .7 1 n V. .11. -..I . . f-n-nt 7 Y H-f H 1 . ' 1. r-1 ii m V "Ci I v t in r a UTinQf Jr. Ajj-i,i r u T7n,fJ2 T euuiiu UUlUU i;a.mc ll um vv line- iui tS. , oi.caui. x uc i- iiuauu r no unuri - INlliW KflliJrvLI jville. In one way it vos almost as I A little over a week more and the' escort but no sign of the torpedo 4 IN TOBACCO SALES ! Powerful as the first bomb, being for; contest will be over, and while a large or the submarine was seen." 4 '60,000 votes, and in another way it I number of subscriptions have been se- 4 The Finland is one of the larg- 4 Cur- isslon; Scandinavia has been unfair to the United States. Through the back door of Dennrark have gone goods and supplies to help the Germans." (Iiv Associated Tress.) Winston-Salem. N. C, Nov. . :was more powerful, as it put -A Lillie Cook in first place. Miss north of Gorizia. i ptmh MO TR AC Jr. Ur record in tobacco sales was establish-. The third bomb was sent from Coun en;, a .-cording to m iiie headquarters, ;,ther armies vir iri.l the tnird army, i the Carso plateau, . ':x-s away in its en gv.a'j and war material. ueai tiiu noi. ue"i"- "i THE TWO SURFMH I d on the Winston-Salem leaf market il and-had' Miss Lizzie Council's name October when a total of 9,095,734 attached to it. It was propelled by BRAZIL ENTERS WAR v WITH EYES OPEN cured, it must be remembered that the 4 est steamers flying the American 4 territory is large and full of possibil- flag. . Before going into the ar- 4! ities. There are still hundreds of pea- 4 my transport service, she plied 4 pie who have not been asked for a 4 between New York and European 4j Rio Janeiro, Nov. 1. President" subscription, and many of these will 4" ports in the International Mercan-4", Braz, in a circular address to the tile Company's service, -.under the 4 presidents of the war States of Bra-" (P.y The Associated Pros) . pounds' were sold, this being a third more than 48,000 votes, which were I subscribe and help a candidate (By iue .ssoeiaieu i . . rnorp tjl0n nas over been sold in any sufficient to land Miss Council in sec-; Now is the time to work, and work : 3 Red Star and lines. The ves- 4jzil, declares that Brazil faces without. Beaurori, W, J"'J " ' p T K mc nth in the history of the market, ind place. This is the first time Miss ihard, as the result of the closing days 4 sel has a gross tonnage of 12,- 4 or tne iwu u. " or'.a w5lo Fo,. this amount $3,lu7 -U4.5. was Council has been near the top of the iwill count. Do not lose time, but en- 806 and a net tonnage of 7,711 nnn ii.iiti iiv. avmi drifted to , wiihHmw found. according faltering, the sacrifices she will be called upon to make because of her list the services of your friends for a v She normally carries a crew of 4- entrance into the war.. The Presi-;;.:?;, Other new leaders for today are: ! strenuous campaign ending. The 4 257 men. The Finland was built 4 i dent urges co-operation in keeping the Isonzo and across ii-- K a no'tion from ' im :agt iight.) af.Ttinns who Fov v-n.v in -man bo-.it pa. to tne growers or inis section, nsi. crate hnc heen the verage pner- g $d4.1o a hun- g l no-ii- - ' ,.,1 -vrmrKla o T-nenvrl t'nr leaf Rnlpt; Misses -Pauline TTn derwonrl Ruth J ennteet will rinse inst n nlreadv an- J in Philadelnhia in 1902. Her home 4-' 'flown ftvnpTirlitnres as well as Increas- " '- . COaS K li il 1 . 1 U1CU . ... 1 1 1 1 : . , ci i v vt - ' - - ' ' - - ' . . . . . .. . v. . . . , . . . ..... v . - - J - . w ... .. . ; vT. ' . th!r. State and more than twice ,Teachy. Bertha Allsbrook and Eliza- j. : tnrliHJ- frnm a. cre.vs f th J r01.th Carolina coast 0,n average paid on this market in beth Bullard., Miss Ella McCarley is nTearch of the missing men. October of last year. tho only one of yesterday.'s leaders nounced .and repeatedly explained by 4 port is New York. the Contest Manager, on Monday, No- 4 vember 12. 4 ' 4- 4 4 4 4' 4 4' 4'"' ing agricultural production, in order ; 4; that Brazil may become the granary. " 4- 4 4 41 of the Allies. fflOW A DTI PAt ABE

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