4" .. - - .1-'. 1 WEATHER FORECAST North and South Carolina Fair to night with frost probably heavy; 'Sun day f3ir slightly warmer, west and couth portions. Wilmington BlSPATCH FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE Mi L EDITION VOL. XII NO. 375. - r I ' WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINASATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER '3,1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS MILLIONAIRESS SONS IN NATIONAL ARM- British trols Sink Ten Armed Pa and an Auxiliary Cruiser. RAILROADS EXPECT BATTLE TOOK PLACE IN THE CATTEGA t Details of the Fight Are Lack ing Another Clean Up of German Ships in Scandi navian Waters. i fiN UNPRECEDENTED nnninTnnfln minii n na unniDiW) nuon Tr T. line ann ( :"" ; : Y !'m !V.. A- a;:?i iron.;;. !:Vm (i:.v AssooiatPfl Piss.) i "n. Xov. 3. The admiralty an- that cprtam British forces; engaged in the Catregat, au! North Sea between Swe-i ! Denmark and that pr... rs! :ii brouglit in. No further .Mow is yet at hand . ' : "in I statement issued by the I says that 10 armed patrol! a addition to the German aux-; cniiser which was equipped! i'-inch gi:ns, were destroyed. ' Eye Witnesses Report. i German commerce raider and ;:rmed trawlers have bfeen sunk Chairman Harahan Says Ev ery Available Car Will Have to Be Used. SOUTHEAST WILL FEEL CONGESTION Military Camps in This Dis trict Will Add to Difficulties An Appeal to Rail roads and Shippers. (By Associated Press.) Norfolk, Va., Nov. 3. Anticipating the busiest Christmas season, trans portation lines in the southeast ever by British destroyers in Spanri.n.vi,, fhave faced- w- J- Harahan, president! wan rs. of the Seaboard Air Line railway and The 1 Left to right: Captain John W al army, and Corporal Kingdon Gculd newly-xveds. Captain Wana maker ma Kingdon Gould surprised the society ananir.ker. Jf:,: V. S. R., attached to C a on D'x. n -ant(nment of the nation , also of Cam,:) D:x. Cr.ptain Wannr. maker and. Corporal Gould are both iried M !r,.v" Paulino Disoton, of Philad elphia and Nsw York, at Newport, and world by 'marrying Mis?, Annuncir.ta Camilla Marie Lucci on Juiy 2. TWELVE MEN FROM AMERICAN PICKET OA 7 ARE MISSING win costs R OIITEO -STHI S RUSSIA HAS flit HER PART NOBLY SAYS NEWSPAPERS Newspapers Realize the Great Sacrifice Their Northern Ally Has Made. KERENSKY FACES GREAT DIFFICULTIES Boat from the Ship Michigan Foundered and Whole Crew Lost. e 00,000 MElEHllE 1 sinking of rh airman of thp son then stem Hpnart- a German rairiar'mn,, n-w,m-,r v.. ,f named Crocodile and of five German' ice, has forwarded to railroad officials armed trawlers is renorted hv rr, in his department a circular letter ".vo riiey IJanirh steamships, sighted ..... German on say urging them to make all preparations - '"-J tn hfinJ n f ho ) ro t r i fi In thn TlinQ 111 . Q atau rF fVn omithoactorn flonflrt. n?mes, and later sew them sink. jment are located more troop camps The commerce raider, which wastnan n afiy other in the department iguised, and the trawlers were sunk'of the war board service, and the vesterdav in thP st,,Mi- n J movement of an enormous tonnage u XT , 11(lim ut:Qf Christmas shipments to and uie ixurin ea oetwesn Denmark MECKLENBURG COUNTY MAN AMONG THE LOST Boat Was in American Waters j Fod Plee . Campaign and Foundered October 30 j Progressing m a Satisfac and Entire Crew Believed; tory Manner. to Be Is America Pays 1 4 Times as Much for Each Soldier as Germany. One Paper, However, Says the Statement Sounds Like German Propoganda Asked to Hold Germans. (By The Associated Press) London, Nov. 3. Most of (By The Associated Press) ' Washignton, Nov. 3. Germany is morning newspapers -.mtfinr 143 er.Micra into tha fiiH rr. '. Kerensky's interview the same amcunt of money which the United States is paying for a single fighting man, according to calcula tions today of government experts. They said the same general The Crown Prince Retreats Along a Front of Thir teen Miles. HUNDREDS OF GUNS CAPTURED BY FRENCH Since October 23, the French Have Taken 422 Big Guns and 720 Machine Guns- Retreat Necessary. 1 the print Premier 1 with the Asso ciated Press conspicuously, but the comment is not general. The Petro grad correspondent of The Daily Tele graph, who is now in London, writes: "Premier Kerensky's statement Lost. thu raa; from orway and; them is expected. The British .dpstrnvpis! Tn mm- offJont oornVo ivrr W 1 iilll 1 V liiv.. . . 1 . 1 - ' . - I t. Harahan declares every available bag-. n naval : 'ices in Scandinavian jgage, express and mail car must bej t(TS (pressed into service and suggests that ; 1 11 tlnnri rtrmHA-l I T!:e Crocodile was a new ship i.:ii i,uuu tons ana carried a crew ( !' lun men. Vcundsd Land in Denmark. El.Unore, Denmark, Nov. 3 Wound- (By The Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 3. Twelve men all of the crew of a picket boat of the battleship Michigan, were lost when their little craft foundered in home waters. In a brief announcement of the dis aster today, the Navy Departmenl seems to have been taken a little ton ProPr"l seriously in some Quarters. It evn jtion war, true also of maintaining the . has been construed as a hint that !armie3 in the field, or. in order words.! Russia is toying ...with the idea. of a ,3,-With probably j America must raise $14 30 -where s?Pte': Pe'ace,,;-..thi8;;stheory should purpose of carrying on the war. "Probably all Kerensky wished was north bank of the river. (By The; AisociHted Prss) iwashingtoaj nine more Tuair- nair 1 me country? ceai-d irom, returns jrom the food pled.ee week campaign today passed the 5,000,000 mark. The official tab ulation at campaign 'headquarters here showed 5,000,402 families enroll ed as members of the United States Food Administration. A statement is sued today said that it probably would The difference was said to be due ' to indicate facts familiar to close stu- to the higher pay of United States dnts of Russia for some time, and ... ,.1. A - they are such as to arouse sympathy soldiers and the greater cost of sup- ratner han suspicion. It is true that plies in this country and the contrast , Russia' is wcrn CUI and it has been true for a -much longer time than has Blowing up the bridges as they re-; 1 front in Northern France have given-" j up their precarious hold on the Chem- in des Dames plateau and retired to r . I the northern bank of the Ailette riv- I Qi n 1 ATi fv n A i m n 1 ' oiuug ct Hunt ui approximately x& miles, closely followed by" the French. This retirement by the GermaA Crown Prince has been in prospect since the recent successful drive by , General Petain, southwest of Laon, " which carried the French ro tne Danks ' of the Oise, Aisne canal at the wester t ly end of the Chemin des Dames andw gave them artillery domination of a large section of the German lines t the east. I . ' , ' Many Guns Captured. ! Paris, Nov. 3. Th -ftench-are ftd- vancing between the Aise canal, and" ' the region of Cordbeny, and 'have " reached the south bank of .the,. Ailejte, river, the ; war. jffljnnouiicV The Germans iretrkiiertoli The bridges ' if practicable. he-, at Ipast 10 rlavs before anvthms ; gave no details or wnere it occurrea i ,ik comDlete results could be an- since New York State has decided to carry its drive :her week, and indications are Jan tH"'!""1"' -"-i 1 rresumauiy in ia:st nine piuh-et UUtil j nounced OIibe put in condition and released from on Datrol (iuty and foundered in1 nt . ! V. V, IVnnmKnr 1 rvP oirlicr 1 . . " - leyciii suyij-j u; utcuiuci m, i t.ii , neavy sea or met wirn some acci- ( ! was used as a text ror admonitions that resources alone would not win the war, but that strict economy was necessary. l.'ild- (I sunk in the here todi'.y. North Sea were make shipments earlier than is custo !marv during the Christmas season ! In order that delivery of Christmas Three bodies have been found and packages may be made before Decern-! jnasmuch ac all the others are miss her 2.".. Mr. Harahan urges that rail-nny TVio k'mw nennrt.ment. assume.-; d im-n from a German auxiliary V&t the department made this formal statement: j "The Navy Department announces j that on October 30 the picket boat of, the United States Steamship Michigan j foundered. Apparently the entire j crew were lost. The finding of tho The southeastern department, com- bodies of the three of the crew and ; to find any trace of the occupants led the depart- j ment to believe that all were last. ! Tiie Navy Department made public i the following crew list of the lost picket boat: Joseph J. Schultz, seaman, brother, Herman Schultz, Fort Wayne, Ind. Tospnh H. Hendrickson. seaman, fa- C. Hendrickson, v orK, , :This not only will be appreciated by CATD iJCATUCD rnn 'the government and the public, he de- r A1K WtLA 1 nlLK rUK -dares, but will prevent disappointment ALL NEXT WEEK ; to the senders and recipients because j of delay in delivery Wellington, .Nov. 3. r'air weather j prising the States of North and South , the failure w;ti. rptnrn tn nnrmni tpmnpn tnrps ! Carolina. Georgia, Florida. Alabama, boat or its i-; indicatPd for the South, Atlantic ; Mississippi, Louisiana Tennessee Ar- . kansas and the coast defenses ot New :.nrt East Gulf States dunng-'the 'eeK:0rleans and Galveston, contains nine l"-uip.nin?T Sunday, according to thelxfational Guard camps, three National that about 20 other States will follow suit. California gave the biggest sur- prise of the campaign today by re porting 114, 51G new cards signed, making a total of -251,178 and putting in the lead. Gin and Mill Burned. (By The Associated Press) Odum, Ga., Nov. 3. The gin and ! grist mill of W. J. O'Quinn were burn- ed here last night. The loss is $5,000. i Reports that the town was threaten ed, with destruction were elapsed since the outbreak of the rev olution. Unfortunately until that event military exigencies prevented the truth from being told about Russia's share in the war, which h?.s been erreatelv under estimated. The essen tial fact is that what Russia had shejDan across the Ailette were destroyed l)y the Germans, since October 23 ' the French have captured 422 guns and 720 "machine guns. v , The announcement follows: J "In the course of tbe night, - our troops continued to make progress ; between the Oise canal and the region of Corbeny, and reached the ; south i of the Ailette river, over this has given." The writer then entire front. (Friday night's official I j tions. 1 o,- Mureau's weekly, forecast is- f.cay. Heavy fFCfst is forecast or Sunday morning. of- HICHAELIS I 1 n en ! U I, I I nrnnr UK I IUL ther, Albert Scott, fireman, brother nrmv cantonments, three reserve ficers training camps, one quarter master's and one increment camp. Mr. Harahan's Tetter follows: "I beg to call your attention to pros-; Pa. iira innrpnse in number, amount! Roscoe pnd weight of Christmas packages to, Frank C. Scott, Denver. j the railroads tnis saniey j. vv uis, ,"ul"X'j of the very large ; Mrs. Sarah Wing, Detroit, Mich. j Austin VV. Aiwooa, seaman, id.ii.-ei, : a result' auuui - a", , ...... , T ; James C. Flow, Matthews, Mecklen- , burg county, JN. , ; mate, French communication in which the beginning of this movement evidently ' was announced, has not been .':: re-: ceived.) 1 ;f "The enemy has retired to the north ' tells of the im- exaggera-i mense sacrifices? m men tnat Russia has made and recalls the revelations in the trial ot General souknomimoa, former Minister of War, of now Rus sian heroes stood up with only sticks, stones and hsts against the organ- Hv nf . . m ized German troops. He believes thatbank of the river- waose bridges and the Russian casualties have been high-ifoot-b"dses were cut. y ; er than those of any other of the j "Artillery fighting continues very main belligerents. The writer also vigorously in the sector of Chavignon emphasizes the privations of the civ- , , . , . - m ilian population and the shortage of .and at certam Pmts m the region of food since the middle of 1915, and,tne plateaus. . , adds: "In the way of material cantnred Ernp-ror William Will Con tinue to Use His Form er Chancellor. be transported by I season, by reason i c 4 r in tlin Tfarmiia fnmn. ! m niDPr ii huu-jo jh , ii-.r r ti,0 lorp-o number of people in the; George Aiwooa, oauuu,. southeastern department as thereof. "As you are aware, there are more i ,1 jaMilir itl men away irom nome aim the military and naval service of the. tt-ua,i Qfotno than ever neiore i" Seven More Days After Today to Secure Votes Necessary to Win Briscce Automobile a nd Other Prizes Friends Should Assist Contesta nts Before It Is Too Late. "Already people are dying of hun ger in some of the northern provinces and it is not pleasant to think what the situation in such districts may become early in the, future. -X- -X- "What Kerensky wants apparently is not a release from the bonds which unite us, but indulgence for Russia's weakness and Russia certainly hasi since October 23, we have actually counted 200 heavy and field guns; 222 trench cannon and 720 machine guns. On the right bank df the Meuse i front), t there were violent artilleVv' engagements in the region of Chaume; wood. An enemv attack north nt 5t- TODAY'S LEADERS. 4 the friends of the contestants should bear this in mind and give them as- sistance before it is too Lite. One of the features -of the contest ...114,401 5 which is full of special significance deserved indulgence for her efforts I Mihiel was without result and sufferings. All wo can ask ofjwaa calm everywhere elge ner is lo uu ner uesu vve iuuoi uuli be impatient if that is less than we expected." The Daily Express makes a similar The night ;".v Associated Press.) Ligcn. Nov. 3. The all of whom will probab-l Henry J. Anuiew x . ivjiut.., b-"" Mrs. tieiuan nowara iit,ui wuicn is iuu ui apcai Bi6uni auvc , , tn . statesman ev- mother, Anna K103Q, -viiKesoane a. - Oliver Brown 114.0S9 at this time, is the confidence the j . face(J more appall;ng difficulties vvaiiei n. riMnci, uuA..a, -je lizzie council iiii.syo r irienus anu suppui iws ai-ti snuwuu. 1' IDV-uci , vu,v.wSv. Clarence L. Jones, seaman, mothdr, 1, rvnv histOrV. ly receive Christmas parcels of va rious weights. This enormous amount of mail, express matter, etc., will of - -1 , j - i. V. 1'irtri nnitran hp in auUlLlun 1 u i."-- Tnm t Vniinc r-hint nimiors " . ,. . Vion I James x . 1 uuuu, v... o - f business ordinarily nm-. . ow- ivTavP-rpt Ycunsr. Brook-1 : died during tnis period and of greater N y. consequence than ever betore on ac-; Gcorge m. Hidmarch, Jr., seaman. Kationnl Naval Volunteers, no detail 4 Ruth Teachey 112,642 in the outcome of the race of their 1 than those that German , in a rescript to Dr. Michael- . -ring Cnancel.or, t-xprcsseu thfm ever bPf0re on ac fwrthpr :n the ntr-na nrpvailine. due to : ervicc. ' ith war. .ndorstood that Dr. Michaolis "To take care of this traffic. remi rp every avauaui'- utt,6h-i Aura F. Jones, BucKsport, ivie. - Edmund L. Tamillo, coxswain, mother, Bessie Tamillo, Chicago. A James P. Young, cfiiet will ex- ovt-r another hign imperial, , it j SU,eest- nrMSK 1 (1 iiiiiii jm. Mini; '''.i:r. r ' ; 1 1 Mil- ' which his qualifications are -! Teneraliy. i rivT-oti-nfiuTito. renort that von. ifertling has succeeded in ;r.rc' Krt.isfact.orv working ar- r.t ; wiLh all parties except ness. M: scciiiiiutc end th Pfnervatives. ' repair 1 n ;h Socialists, it is added, al t hrmuh no; abandoning their attitude Ella McCarley 112,420 friends. This may be taken as an m- Mrs. W. J. Conerly 111,843 dicatioh that the various candidates Mrs. A. C. Sessoms 110,773 are amasing reserve votes, which Eloise Daniel , 110,3b5 . are considered sufficiently large to fr enable them to take their competitors fr 4 v & 4! by storm at the close. The time for winning the valuable No candidate should place too much prizes offered by The Dispatch is "confidence in the reserve strength National iNavai volunteer, mj "-l-'l"-eradfliiv.Rlinniner awav. That is. it is she has secured. It should be re ed information regarding enlistment. gradually slipping away for those membercd that while one candidate rriiATinM jwho are doing the most work, while is piling up a good reserve the other UNEASY SITU ATIGN 1 those who are just waiting, in the candidates, with equal cleverness, are FRF VAILS IN DUBLIN -hPe that tney wil1 get one of the doin likewise. From present indi riV ' jr,rize3) the time js leaving at i mer- cations all of the prizes will be won Iry clip, and but a few days remain in by very small margins, and with the the j which to make a showing. Monday candidates running as they are now every subscrip- - it j. . Htf hTiry nnc. ed. in fact urgea. mat eveiymuis Y sible be done to render smtan im, service every piece pf equipment ot j (By Associated Press.) a x thia nns - .nnnon riiv o. vuiitciutiir-, -" i the class requ.reu iu ju, - - m", -.UnaMrx in Ireland. The moraine will usher in the last week, each one will need tracks bv the first of Decern- Mail, in its- second edition today hpr- or earlier if practicable. s.tys.: "To further help the situation, it .nere is reason to behave that a v, mons nf nub- 'in2r 0 disquiet has developed in vnaiufi i im i rrvtiT juj - i in Chrir.tmas U' It is a pretty race and it would take tion that can possibly be secured. a prophet to predict which of the sev- In considering the probable out eral hard-working candidates will win. come of the contest, it should be not As the last day approaches, and it ed that while the marked gains of e in seven more working certain leaders show them to be do- j mMin tn nn' Hn and rottip country districts ov-,will be her s Dackages a week er the Sinn Fein situation. Prof. De days, the interest is becoming more ing admirably and more than hold- i'5 mepnnes lixed tor sunaay at intense, tne cauuiuaies are geiun ing uien uwu, mac aic uiucib amuu kin ( '1 Vit.m .-,. r imtort iinnn to ,:.,..,!.. ,,r rnv.!l'itV be USd to i .cu.ti iui "?j:''n-t,tr rhrintmas nackage i unless nniorseen tuuun."" ,,i n Vn -.1 ? mpeTines nxeu loi ouuuaj ni-uiicubc, iut uauuiuairo ax 6 This virtually amounts to a or ten days c-iier uwu u 1.- ar.d Kildare have been! closer together, and it begins to look the candidates whose ominous silence the existing Reichstag sure sa oidinK dis. pr0h;b ted." ;as if the race would be won by a porten the active support ot me Detore uie , r tw ! throat-!" ch. as the turfmen say. uer- nenair . , x. AMt wnz n nn r uni l ui. , ... 1.1, . . . -i tji i.;iw,r,ic in the. Rp.icnstag, a npo.'u tu"--" - . . , . Uoioro ;q n mpmiiov or tmn ic thnt. every siihscrintion anv entiv inactive canaiaates tnat surpris-, ment, snouia De reminaea ....o. . .., ,n 99 the recioient. --wi. . - ----- . . . . . 1 . 1. j . icrv:itivp n nnp mainiam an giver r " - - - , Tinrvnnt for- TCnct (lare. but. lias r-r hriate secures mates ner lust tnat mg leaures 01 me oauoung may bb trance anu ureal oriiain nave ueen - - "---- , oirtnnr r rid 1 1 r 1 , " . s t i.nii.v 111 i. l " ' i : - - . i Every step wcn (Continued ..on Page Eight.) forthcoming things in their It is from some of the appar- attitude toward the incoming' lines ' Parliament 1 never taken his seat. jmuch nearer the coverted prize, and expected. "In the period between October 21 and 31, twenty-three German airplanes, were brought down. Of these 21 were destroyed by our pilots after combat and two by our special cannon., Fur- thermore, 28 enemy machines were ' damaged seriously and descended within the German lines." ' - . ; ; GERMANS CAPTURE AMERICAN TROOPS Berlin, Nov. 3. The cap-' ture of American soldiers by-a German recoinnoitering, party. 1 . i! a T 1 1 ft n i' n - r y- I pect no more num xvusnici cti, yicscui ; j t .1 r than that she hold her frontiers!13 announced by the WMT OT-' she has found hersef, her gallant sol- tlCC diers will re-appear in the active ranks of the armies of liberty." The Graphic says: - we should hate to regard the j the Rhme-Marne canal as a re- siatenienis as auuieimc. iuey nave t tilt' i ins Ji fiiruciiuau yiuVA6aiiua y The newspapei; tnen says tnat Ker- 1 t4Z 1 1. J . - enbKy, 11 iie uas uiaue sucn a staie-. j .1 k j - ' that 1 11U1 111 American soioiers were daily confront Prc: mier Kerensky. It admits that Rus sia bore the burden of the first months of the war and that the in vasion of East Prussia probably sav ed France from being overrun. Re gret is expressed that- the changed conditions of warfare have made it impossible for the British fleet to j . . 1 t t 1 FTl. T7 ' operate m tne fcsaiuc, dui 1 ue nix press maintains that all Britain has been able to do to help Russia has been done willingly and she will do the utmost in the future to help Rus sia establish her freedom. "Meanwhile," it adds, "as we un derstand the situation, we are to ex-i The statement says that on suit of a recoihncitering thrust (Continued on Page Eight.) brought ul nor. BIG W-Cllff FAIR iitiilli E3 r 4 t -1 1- v; ' V"

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