" i ' V - -' r 'i t , , K ( v, v , .r- .TrWlLMINto 2. mm :ii-ft5 -cllii; 1 . ' ' p m m si I - - 1 f. , l; tr 4 4 1! i.vi Si ; RFT OF THE SOILS rr, chin dri-p.s east and another, drives we3t Group "C" of the Woman's Auxiliary of tne umircnf.vf"Tf.TT r .With tho self-same winds that blow. D A Rowan, No. 506 South 'Tis thr set ol the sails j s,xth street, on Monday -.night, at K -Vr'nr.k. RefreAhments will ve serv- nveslofi'erlhff received at thp th ? door. Pubis invked. And nol Ihs sales Which tell us ilie way to go. Liko ihe winds of the sea are ways of fate As we voyage along through life 'Tis the set of the soul That decides its goal And not the calm or the strife. Anonymous w Mif-s J'f.nette CHenn has ?.onG to "Richncr.d, Va.. to visit friends. .T'.-sir Kenr.r. '.Vise has for her- M Mill OF TU3ta, Ga. Mary Alexander, of Ai ! Men from Riding Their Toni:rht r.t 7::0 there will be an im-j- Country. or th.-. fr1:-. Glee Ciub ! - - v - cf'tii--' V. V. "( A. ' (By J. W. Pclger, United Press Staff . Correspondent). ai-, C F Hill r-ni dauhte- have ; American Field Headquarters, j bv tho piffling technicalities of our i s iirstcwar nerue. ' .... r-ui:- x;?iiiir '.irf . the ranKS No NeeJio Rub :, Try Sloan's , Lxounenti jund .. see how quickly fjbe swelling x reduced and the pain disappears. No need to rub; it pene- r tratea quickly and brings relief. Have a bottle handy for rheumatic pains,; neuralgia, back ache and all mus cle soreness. Generous sized bottles, a t your druggist, 23c, 50c. $1.00. m (WUl B$mmbmRm& rnvmmu sale KB iilORS Flying Came Nar J Raising Cain in American Ar . tillery. (nited Press Staff Corriipondent; American Field Headquarters, i France, , Nov. 2. (By Mail) "If I were only 10 or 15 yearf younger I'd certainly go in for hy'dit' The colonel was standing, on the lavoi in front of . the American artil lery barracks, pllekiTigr through hid field glasses at one of his youn lieutenants a mile overhead. Youth J haS the call in-the air svibe: Junior officers "will fly" according to the orders Men like the colonel, who wished he-could lob off 10 years of his age, will have t5 go in this war direct- IJ vJLi j ing their gams : frOir the ground whil -Eyery Item lasted to iSe iSold at X9c E lives in Florence, Mrs. J. P. Elliott. v.io visiting h"v dau.Thf'r, .Mrs. J AVirte. nt Sun?e? P;:.rk, has rcti: to her homo in Mnrion, S. C. , ! laws, America HELP Wl shells the, clouds. rho allies. They hope some day to be restored to their rights as Amen- r But -Avhilo.they can i uo iu cans. " " : thing about it tney caii The Willini: Workers cf tho Doc.-; , ;n5 ,i10 Bcches street . arirTian mu.t.i m.-m . B oireadv ficb- cnjcyable r-oclvl Friday night, at the Mo5t of the Americans alreadj tigi--hmn- nt Mr. and Mir. M. J Jack-cu, ing in this war are in either the Lana :-n C" stio street. ; dian army or British or French fl- -X ! in? corps. Their record is a pioyd HALLOWE'EN AT ST. MATTHEWS one, marked by "Sican A very enjoyable Hr.llow. Vn party British and trench OjeJ" wn.! Piwn rridav nfjrht bv -lie youns at least nas v.ou Flying came near raising cainwith the order of things in the artillery. I Most of thq younger officers applied for instructions in flying the very day facilities wore placed at our disposal. I a icw umers were aouotiui aoout giv rtng up -the actual guns but as a rule uut? mgai, was enougn to maice tnem aviationrtans. , "-. ' ' This mornins. as tto6cdtonei follow- ed the liilvery planwrtbiiis glasses, the artillery range learning the gaaio ho will havp to nlav nf tKp frnnt TTo it j (By George Martin, United Press Staff ;.kept up high to be weu over the range nonutnu. of shell-fire and the wireless station Washington, Nov. 2. Plans 'for oa the ground was getting his u;ie. teaching America's millions of boys technical sentences about this shell and that one hittin 'iff 1 y-a. ,da Plan to Otfanize fehbbls Into Red CrpsiRi: fm aries. and girls how to do their bit to help their country win the war are an nounced by Dr. Henry Noble Mac- the target or breaking wild. Another aeroplane jumped into the . i. .- r. . .-oifHTTiiiinii i ) i uri .r- i ,1. ;.i i -in . n r nv.ir tnn mrino- orpnuni if rmwns LuVherai hi'.'rclVi'pih.; Sundny .inLl ism, many have be-nH dhec!? ! and Director of the Junior Member-1 od the barrack. past the flan;- i-nnme n-ii- l-r-o nn-ihp- wpp the Military Cross and hundreds hae - i inK Runs and the sweating gunners, ,;"nt U;tV .'".me -d'.rle -, itcn given 'tlu- French War Cross. Sh:p of the Red Cross. . skimmed over the indolent suasage nntlv in 'playing games, t.'.liri .or-; umlor nomnssen. of! One outstanding feature will b3 pak)on and disappoared on a mapping iii.h..-., j.j-""-"'-- -..v Portland Ore., and tjieuufcuiiut J'v- muving pictures o. tie Avross-oeiors j. icauues. c i .iu w., "'"J ; Manning, of Florida, both veterans ot and nurses in the field and of partiot-1 Half an hour he r I,r?'USf : .. "::mr the Philippines, passed through tnis scrambled out of the a;. 1 :;".;.ul '.1 .V. cp the other day on their way to awkward young hear. M iv.-c, . n -., contingent of Americans v--- '""" a one-niece fur suit, ma Llillli"1" mW - the parting timo com MILITARY BALL. lericauo - ' - -.- ti,,. n-itish st vie of fighting. Thougi to schools throughout il Ihy have been in the trenches for ; ;n. piro tl:e children months during which time uoin we-e T:,r.;chr 8 o'clock at Herman:.-, v.o.md.'d. the (rnned States Armj nab H:i!l will bo given til" iiur.l of those (!elightfi;l dan- es which have been So greatly enjoy. -J by all who have at- ribbons on British uniforms. tended. The Red Cross Society gives tliese for the roldiers and sailors, es pecially, tli.-.ugh Wilmington people are asked to be prer.ent. Desides t soldiers from F"ort Caswell, it is ex- iturned. He cockpit like an bundled up in sked with wido ie country to goggles and crowned with a tan hel met. "B sure to look at the river," he . Our Week-Enr3 sales aire : being spoken oi favorably, much to out gratification, and v. sire to give our customers further assurance th:; values. offereo!. t this time are the biggest pbssibly make them. This, we believe, is il reason for the interest shown. : Just read,. this list of items that will be pL sale this week-end, and then join the throne will take advantage of the bargains we cf. Friday and Saturday Sale. Missed Half WdbT", full range of sizes full 5Qc value ... . . . 19b Ladies' .25 and35c Brassieres-nicely madfe,. atl sizes 19c Ladies' '25c Gauze Weight Vest, (g) 19c Children's Wool Knit Caps white and colorj, . 0 ..... f." ... 19C Ladies' Fancy Stamped Aprons 2$c value, 1Sc Stamped Cushions with" floss for embroidery for 0 m . . . -19c - 5 balls Sansilk .Crochet or Embroidery Cotton for . . . ...... . . . ...... .'. . " . . . 19c Men's Silk Fibre Socks black and colors 35c value 19c Men's. 25c Suspenders ' 19c Men's 25 and 35c Silk Four in Hand '.Ties 19c Children's 50 and 75c Ready to Wear Hats black' and colors ... ..." ... ... ..19c Hat Trimming Feathers and wings big assort ment worth" up' to $1.00 ... ....... .... 19b Childreofi'S. 25 and 50c. Silk and Toddy Bear Caps - . ... V.. ... ... ...x. .. ... .....19C DOMESTIC. 25c Dress Ginghams g ... ...... .19c 25c White Madras ...19c 29c Table Linen ) , : 19c Famous Kimona Outing ...'.. ... ..19c 25c Bath Towels ..19c 25c 18-inch Huck Toweling Fruit of the Loom Bleaching, 10 y;;! tomer 25c bunch Soutache Braid of 12 shades ... 36-inch Romper Cloth (Q. .- TOILET GOODS 25c cake Woodbury Soap for 25e sticlc Williams Shaving Soap for . 25c tube Tooth.. Paste .... : G cakes Butter Mik Soap 2 cakes Palm Olive Soap 25c Tooth Brush 25c string Beads 29c fine quality Writing Paper 25c Hair Brush 25c Comb 25c Middy Tie : 25c Dress Shields 25c Baby Pants .' 25c Knitted Sport Caps 25c Crepe de Chene Hdkfs 25c Ladie.-,' Lisle Hose 25c Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hose 25c Children's Socks ... 2 yards heavy Cluny Lace - WILLIAMS COMP 19: 1 IS The general plan is to organize en- i . . l- - I 1 1 r . - a 1 f ( ! i 1 m not taken them back. 1 ney came nr- sciumji uooies nuo auxiliaries ot uuvist-u, n s a wonuenui signt iror.i here wearing their American service the local Red -Cross chapters. This up there. Wq went about twenty mile ix ing done as soon a:4 the scliool up stream on tus mapping stunt." He mon, at 7:30 p. m. Church of the Ascen.-ion Marstellar streets, lu v. ' rector: Sunday school ;;; Evening prayer and . . p. m. and .''of, :. m. 1:2') 1 L'JT St. Matthew'., pected that --ome of the X.ivr.l K"- American officers were surpri to learn that these two soldiers Kinz's uniform were Americans ning met some of his .old comrad Fnited Stater. Infantry and c.wr. Km.. -ui ..M;.-,,! i'ivii;.: v.'-n c-ouiu naruiy ueneve uil hit vaiiuu. be charged the nominal price r.o an soldier was the man tney cam- of Re2 Cross school pctivrtfls,- Dr. , it to me. cent:;, if 'hey de.slre to enjey (h-pr.ipi wiih i uu ru...ii1m1-r,. .iact:racken said i . i ! ' PRESBYTERIAN. ling, "Perilous Times;" night, "God'3 ! Cl'anahan n?stor: riv.hi a lund otjuai to 2&4.'cnl&XBr was. an am rettr fliTer back home and at. .marewB rresoyienan cuurcu avumi&awiv vxitri. 0111, suw , scd each student for the feu recall of raw can handled rfach&f aloneif thev'i! Fourth and Campbell streets, Rev. A. 9:45 a. m., Mr. J. W. Holiis, superm-; " "V ' . m the material from wiicb Uie bois ahd let. him. Stmot-hfs brother lieuten- McClure, D.D., pastor: Preaching i -nut Kauy li-y program. Junior " ,"C.V - " '' '. .Man- eirl;. win maWPff mfB" snnHa ants saw him loon-the.innn tr. rvvo u at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath B. i. P. Tj. 6:4o p. m. Sunoeams .u"r"'-- es of Ka(.! pupn of thtch.beefMi.a but he-flortntl:ave a chance- to do school at 3:30 p. m.' Junior ChrisUan Monday. 3:30 p. di. Sundv school X;an : they Ki .j rrocs mcmlwrshin when ih -inr- stunts at this ramn Th Uwitfnnr, Endeavor after the Sabbath school, social Monday night. Pilgrim s ; i""l-lt--";. : . ; iliarv has been organized SnpaVin? skinnod off the flvine suit nnd hnnriswi Intermediate and Senior Christian Progress' Tuesday night. Prayer A i - u rt si '.ic- ; i! a. -I i. i C f . "i.U:h-Silb- A al'nil -dances, which win be conducted by Miss Leonora Fantwell. In London I knew stores of Ameri- 'Iloys and "i CHRIST! AM. Endeavor at 7:15 rt .m. Praver meet- meeting Wednesday night. Teachero' intr Werineadav at S n. m. Seats free, supper and Senior B. Y. P. U. Thurs-1 rail SCiuf'TS WUO Simply COlUn t Wait .-;or cr.rv;ro nnnvmff Kn o KpUF The nilOf hankod n turn nnrl T lnnlron' i t. T7ix ,ir:--4 tt y.7.. ' 'ni? Ol . . . .-..t. . : fnr the T n'ted StateS-tO declare aiij, ne lVl A ,i,:,.i. ,:n i 4 etrfl itrhi dnmn ihnt n.!nr ... . . . , . x a. ttt ii.i, ICni ABbOGiailOn, C. ..II.... , t , . ! "w i"V uaj VYUHil will ue UL gieiU. ! T 1 . 'I1 , . . . I . Kill FF . ' . ui; lw- nuu, - w " value to the Chapter, This work may -wnoiner weu lana on the barracks or at i0:30 a. m. Preaching at 11:15 A. day school at 9:45 a. m. Rally Day i r " Z ;,, , t pect.ng confidehtb ' that their own : bp done in complete co-operation with n the gun-pit The guns were there m. christian Endeavor ft 7:30 p. m.'with special program. Morning wor-! lRnY E ' country woid It includes aid" in they couldn't be seen .,thoueh I Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 ship at 11 o'clock, and evening at J fi.iZ?'m Ch iS " b.ick as instructors wnen e entered .-.,,- ,:v, . u-nov' nrart v ti-Vin tn il. " . : .. . i. . t : - Ji m. viium.. 7i7 Rv ti,i ,im manv of thos .'. p 6 11 - l'u-,,el- - vaiiraviig. 1 V ' ' V lml!l- p. m. A Welcome for all Who COm-3. oy tne pasiur. ivnu-weBK service fi.!- Tnnto- C J C h3ve heen lined o uadW :dis,ribution of circur,, gathering of much for the French artists who P Harnett . Street Mission. Eighth and Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Pub- j mI g,,,, , !; ?nd.d i magazines and books Tor soldiers,.,?', on the canouflage. Harnett streets, Rev. W. M. Baker, "c cordially Invited to worship with ' Lun . . "T." wu.i Snmhnw o rtiVtn-i full hn Civangensi m cnarge: aaooain scnpoi nt. S The nuhl e s or.. Lieut. A. II. r-annHi, a i-namam, , :--- -? ... yy? began to be a Dleasure. We suited at :io Virginia, boy, won the British Mill- ine pier, am can be r nuered. over th f. - . - and tary Cross at the battle of Vimy communuy in the saieguaruing of wo df pDed ,0 acros tho rpd rnnfs ' i First Ridge on last Easter Monday by shesr n car? or property regard for the barrackfl aea!n and ihen iutne ange, . . i .7 ij. v : ii.. j n nn c nni ir t- an i tin nKfAHm " - . nraverv ana leautrwnu. nc aa -.u.j, .wju i mi iniyuu- imani tVi,.on fan . .. . '.(.11 '''".VP.- .; pcr.ool vv.at rlr.ikuV :. ;.t 4 p. uay iv gilt iv invited -v anu leauersn wounded, and after recovering, joined ance oi hkc duties or every good cit- piIot pulled gome jipgeTs that brought ch the Royal Flying Coras. Today I re-j izen. , 4. . . us dQwn wJlh & gentle bounce m front p. ceived a letter irom mm saying. , n , . . .... I wii.i will , re lit i ir .-in r ri i null nr- i . . . - 'Of thp hflnwro l am irimmeu up in ueu wiui uui.u a. m. Preaching each second fourth Sabbaths at 7:30 p. m. Presbyterian, South and Or- Rev. John M. Wells, D.D., pas- Then the tor: inere win De services at tnis church tomorrow at 11 a. m. ana eight m., at which time Dr. Wells, will preach. His subject at the morning i emu -t " inn 1-ton Tiisa wi vnrv wu u v tn rliF . -- . . legs up in, the air in aiding. It seems , f loca,itipi, Thn "I T&IXti , twenty minutes I had learned the jected Jesus." and at the evening rear-, since I came to France1 with the ' n th" that makes our young artillery ice, "The Religion of Joy." Royal Flying Corps in; the middle ol . oHed action for rommi.nitv VpI omcors g0.,n for far the most danger- Sacrament of the Lord's Supp Jr.lv. T have helped Bring down scv- ,. f y,tty.i . iU bnu. m u:e war. De observed at the morning i " 1." :..h- f ""d wound-d. Such trainine ,,. serv-The er will service. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Junior Christian Endeavor 3:00 p. m. Senior In New York. and Intermediate Christian Endeavor .ne lines, SDOoung up-anu uiim6 volva nl, ;ho 'iVi:'. I : troops, transports and artillery. The A"' ::, ";."V- V, pw Vnvt QO,Ho frm tho vt weuuesuay o.uu p. in. ;uu me coru suffrage amendment, has centered ? , l""f . ecVu the whirlwind municipal campaign got me a few days later. Som? or '!r"7..0 Vu" vr' . "r"" mey. rector. Twenty-second Sunday imy controls were shot away and we,-':u.s f f: Jl , . " "1Lut!vll".i"ur after Trinity. Church school at 9:45 ' crashed to the ground behind our , rr?,? Holy Communion I 1 !.... I rloi'l- coo ti tiv worpn't -i i n ouui:;-, dim lU'JVlHR pictures Will r. iUllUIiei, UUlllluee Ol II1C T US- . ' ,..-11' j il... , : shortly be ready for school use ionists for re-eleetion: .Tuds'P Jnbn F i - iui;:'u uuiiiKHL uui. i;uisni ul uavuis , - .. - ----- --:-t,, . t ""n,,".?TS 9.n aching the history of the Red Cross, in N ! I, : rT: 1 "11 services to the nation and to other the i'.oio. I came out alLright but they na"s. and ns present organization m Ww Vnrlr Vn,r 5 Ohiof intof ' P- iUiu-wcen. ymyer meeuug EPISCOPAL. St. James, Rev. W. H. Milton, rec tor: Service and holy communion at 11 a. m. People's service and ser mon on "The Higher Self." at 7:45 r. m. All scats free. Everybody cor dially invited. St. John's, Third and Red Cross, Rev. R. E. Gribbin, rector; 22nd Sun day after Trinity; Holy Communion 11 a. m.; Sunday school 4 p.m.; even ing , prayer 8 p. m. Visitors always welcome. Church of the Good Shenherd, Sixth i and. Queen. Rev. W. R. Noe. rector: to attend all of ther t Morning prayer, ncty communion and 3:30 p' m. Evening prayer and ser- j Miss Katherine 15ak( r. ;I. t"'J.T.of former Congressman J 'i iioinp.-o'i Baker, of.. New Jersey, l.ns r-ceivod an honorary appointn ent :.r corporal of a French regimen'. CHICHESTER 8 PsLLS ,. ladles! Ask J a : : i ,'V Chl-obes-tcr's ii.-r. lb nr-lAl k l'fUsiu Kcd tr.i t - -::'AV 2 bores, seaifi T.it;i L K '.r- Take no ;iier. !,(; : : BneMi As'.frS Jij'.TEEl uiAiioxi ;i:.'..-ir ..i.sf-rs SdOBYDnG!STSyRffl Evening Prayer Hylan. the Tammany choice; Wil- f 8 1J. the evem,n5 Se"ice J Inl ' i - .. . .x i a 1 . it. : 1 r . i s s 1 1 1 1 1 f sf a mi nil ii i.iiis.:iiM rai 1 1 -. . t . - courses in nrsr mil nnmr nnrainc is. - r. i-- t i.is . if i ucsciuu r i iu v cuit'iuuuu t'. tured I am O. K. I am very comfort-' ,, fiifttir. tn k ;V i V D"meu' lesumi nt-puuncan, - . Visitors al- ahle and hone soon to be granted lepve and.,tIlf tp f's cin bp 8ven to older nominee, and Morris Killquit, the -,3U- All seats tree. visitois at ic C : TJnUed StX and Canada " rup,1f- onildrcn Bhculd toow- in head of the Socialist ticket-pary cordially welcome. rii r ".-JfbL iiSgU. .m elementary way, the essentials of iines have been shattered to a decree1 Wmter Park Presbyterian church, Manning told me that Frank Burr. iews RllbJect8. They should also be ha? iSuicarMg gueSng!Rev- Andrew J" Howe11' Pastor: Serv" of C! land, r. Canadian heutenanr. taught how to meet emergencies, such Pt nl?ralitl?s to? tho caldid'es liCes Sunday morninS at 11 'clock' broke mio tears as Mannmg said as (-vt :nrui;-h a small rtrn hnW tn cwim ,.?-. .. .... . - conducted bv the natter. Sunday Rc po BRIDE OF THOMAS FORTUNE RYAN "V'an b.R-S'vcn other exercises which at Buffalo. Albany, Syracuse, Roches- s,ohol at 9.:f a; -1KChl 'will doveloD their presence of mind nA Jw:. w.w ..u o4 ideavor Society at 7:15 p. .v. - anu recurcoiumcss. short. rest. A coat with an unusually clever collar effect. No. 2210. Price, $35. It's peculiar what a little "know how" can mean in buying a fall coat or suit. For instance the ' woman who knovs how .wonderfully a Wooltex garment is tailored, and thq greatness of its style authority will end the season happy with her purchsr-. There are twenty-seven rea sons why you get ,satisfac;ion In .Wooltex Coatr, and suits. Will you fine": out? goortrhvo on the nirht too.c the trnin for the American camp Burr T'?3 just rroing . trenches again after a From lay to day he had been hoping to get word of his transfer to the 1 American Army his own Army. It dH'n t arrive. Comcctitcre at J7air ..JULnnt Pla .Fv.t Burros' onefhe very last of the- ' hibiby: Monday. T 1 SOROSOS ART EXHIBIT. aiiimiiaswflp iougnt-m tne so can- . Many prizes will be offered &v the eo- Lo4t Legion 4f Aroericar. The Sorosis in the art deparnentf tbg-1 rest Have Jpen either . killed or in- Corn Show. Tt f rl&n7..thatii V.l (L that all ei-. hJbitP be placed at the otow n&f lalnfv Here capacitated for life wl" Kr?ee,ds ln8truciors;,?o ' than 6 0clof,k Morfdaj evUningf badly that British and French sol- i 'the list of prizes: mers ;re carrying on tne worK. in the British Army there are scores of Ajnc-i icans their number is dwind ling daily whs want to offer Jtheir B.!i! and iheir lives to the country. A legal technicality bars them and 1 sympathetic instruction. r- .. . ....... - DISEASE Paint'ngs in Oils. Oil '.pointing from Xnatui"??, r.c-t tin .paint iris "from:fetuly 0 Painting fn Water fcolofs.' J Be:-;t vater color from life, $1. Be;:t water color from nature. $1. Best water color from study, jl. Par3tcl PatinO. . Best ..pastel. $Lr. ;.!!t.:$. .-3 k Drawina nnH M iof-ilanirtnc Tic-,1 r-nvoh landscape or marine, from nature. $1 P. R. Albright,' general nvm-1 evayon from life, $1. t. X ger of the Atlantic Coast Line, stated ' 1 cuarcoai drawing, ?i. early this afternoon ,that the newwpa-1 est nencil drawing from life, $1. r,er item nf this momine: that. tu I Be?t. burnt, wood, two sDecimens. $1 war a eetfhgPero'se. T a mediationf s- hurent leather .two.jgecen8tUifc: '8.;'. t&dw'-rednciss. of gums NO CONt&ENeE W45 HELD IN WASHINGTON RICGS CAUSED BY BUGS ff'-i.r According to Dr, Wood Hutchiason pronounced by the Hearst newspapers as the world's foremost writer on medical subjects, "three -fourths of us over the age of thirty years have riggs disease, and that its cause is due tol germs or cold VbUgs--" We don't ijtridw lr. Hutchinson, but the following distinctive features are observable in the treatment of riggs di;5?tse by patiepts us:ng pyo- i;iriggi: Thepifogress Of tne disease i.i promptly arrested and soon stoppea. The color of the gums is restored to u healthy, pmk condition in the course. of Christian En-i m. Mid- we'e'E service Wednesday evening at 7:45.' Mission Study .class at the manse Monday' afternoon at 3:30. Vis itors will be welcome at all services. Delgado Presbyterian church: Serv ices Sabbath evening at 7:30, conduct ed by Mr, Howell, Sunday school at 11 a. m. A cordial welcome for all who attend. ... Immanuel Front ancf Orange, itev. T;. P. Allen, pastor: Services at . ll a. m. and at 7 : 30"" p. In.' Sunday s'chool 3 p. ml, S. A. Matthews', superintend ent. Mid-week services Wednesday 8 ' ' J 11 ..... .J 1. f taIrtn' In.iUtMff f . in., luiiuwt'u uy uauies uAinaij. p Bvctherhood meeting 8 p. m. All wel come. irw uu ii The Store That Sells Wooltex Coats nd Suits -t board Iri Washing;fbii of fepresenta- l ives of the Atlantic Coast Line Rail-) Best tapestry painting, , $1. - road Comnany.-and f re",esepfnt;-'-"s Best, display in oil, water colors, of the clerks' union is without founda- Pastel painting and drawing, $5. tion in fixt.. , . .- - . Best nortrait from life in any me- rTviQ t1-" roM have not ei. dium, $2. or confierred with any representative Best work frrpenvand ink, $1. of the striking clerks, or pf the clerks Painting on drrma. Union- and there has,, been no media- Best specimen df painting on china tiorchcld in Washington between ftp $2. ti . clerks or their representatives and Bnst tatives-- tne railroad. specimens, $3. ' .. " ... I .7 "TaJT: m3mmZXws& morning . , . ni,M.r'- Hj2uttT : ni-rstMr. Albright ccnolu led nt Z3ZZZr??Z.?t!2 m " , ; - - --- .,Fvi,iuicii US.tJty, J. dls'appepars. Inflammation, soreneq and sensitiveness disappear- GumB build up and filL ffut, receding stop3. Separated teeth .come together. Loose ujt ui ugnten up ana. Dieeaing or. gums cedses, Pyorigg i3 a new, prescription specially, -for,, riggs disease- , whiclj. copies in the form of a medicated mas .sage tmguentpm -yhicTl .stayn where ft is tilt- "Tin ffor-HrtrV h doHiVq anA to Ho. linlaV Tint Toco nar fhma ' Inir" linn U ., ' . ... r ; piington. Advi Wil- METHOD 1ST. Fifth Avenue, Rev. J. H. McCrack en, pastor: Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor. .Subject at night, "Thou Art the Man." Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. ifally day for all the. children of theA. .church. Come father and mother arra senq a happy hour with your children. 'Epwqrth' League Tuesday 8 pl'jn. . Prayer meet ing Wednesday .8" p. m.;. Strangers ; and ''ito.rs. are cordially invited to attend 'all tfiese services. ; Bladen Sfree'f,' ' Fifth and. jpiaden, Rev. E. . C. Sell, pastor: Preaching at 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m,, Sunday school at 3 : 30 m.: All members of tne church 'afe urged5 to attend. . Strangers arid" visitors cbr dial iy. I in vited. L . . Calvary Ba tori Sunday 7:30 p. m tfA'PTYst, Iras Wxmjt V "-"Sfc: s ill I U - 7- .a r , , - " .' Jtist J, A. SulliVan. pas-l ...t-ll . . - . . , v;sC wctfsntpjTjiaEan u.l.ztu v.T3ri.r,wiu- - . Sernaon subjects, norn . Cuyler," and ts a sister ol DeLancey N coll, 1 B9 Ii 4