WEATHER FORECAST V r North Carolina Fair to.ight, ex cept on the northit coatj VTuescTay fair. South Carolina Fair, .slightly ( I wnrmer tonight; Tuesday fair.. FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXIII NO. 377. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MON DAY AFTERNOON, NOVEif 5, 1 9 17. PRICE FIVE CENTS. In n) T7 Imiiii llil ;. r ? : 1 FINAL EDITION M NG i if L - 1 CD IT EGFtECAT n TiTUTfDMAL 1 15 G I ai I 3 Supreme Court Today Killed i Effect of Ordinance Adopt ed by, Louisville MANY SOUTHERN CITIES ARE AFFECTED LRUS APPEAL 0 THE i. G.C. FOR EASE! RATES Hearing Pleas of 38. Railway Systems Started in Wash ington Today PRESIDENT REA OPENED THE CASE Three America,, Troops Kilted, Five Cl) WALKER vvounaea ana i weive re ivnssirig Attempt to Prevent Aliena- An Advance of 15 Per Cent, tion of Property Because of I Is Declared Imperative to Color is Nor Legitimate ' Meet War Time Condi Police Power. j tions R. R. Contentions (By Associated Press.) Washington, Nov. 5. The re-open- As Result of Morning Attack ESCAPES EH BUSINESS IS G BT LABOR SHORE I A COMPANY OF SAMMIES GUT OFF BY A BARRAGE (P.y The . Associated Press) ' Washington Nov" 5 Louisville's ne-. 'gro segregation ordinance was today , ing of the 1." per cen:. rate advance declared unconstitutional by the Su- lease before the Interstate Commerce preme Court. The decision affects Commission today was marked by; similar ordinances in Atlanta, Rich--claims of counsel of Eastern railroads j mond, Baltimore, St. Louis and many that transportation facilities and fin Southern cities. iancial stability of the roads are men- i In rendering the opinion, Justice acftd by prevailing rates. Dav said! "Wr punnnt affrn tn vi q Iro mio. Governor Commutes Death "Trip authority of the Statp tn nass takes," declared Samuel Rea, presi- . Sentence of Caldwell Coun- laws in tbG exercise of the police pow-l'dont of the Pennsylvania railroad, in i I er, having for their object the Dromo- jpeningv Liie. uase. n is noi a lime ! ty Man t;on of t-ae public health, safety and I for panic, but neither is it a time for! j welfare, is verv broad and has been I disregarding the facts of increasing. Minthly rederal Reserve Bui pe(laI to tne uispatcaj offirmpi ;n rnnprnns and rppent Hp. : expenses, ot diminishing: net operat-,. li- t i tj. - "- - - - imi iii iwwii Mfi i r ' x r t c Invaders Cross River at One Point. Desniti Italian 1 Resistance - cm ITALY'S SITUATION IS INCREASINGLY GRAVE SfiV TUT DDnDTCiTeutons WiU Try to Makii Rome Reports Heavy Pres 7; sure On Italian Lines .1 I Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 5. Governor cisions of this court. But it is equal-j ing income, of deferred maintenance, f Bickett today commuted the death sen- i,. of lack of nresent facilities and inahil- pAi-nnc Dnirlorl Q UOl"MPt" PPtlOn rif tcnce of Charlie Walker, murderer of power, abroad as it is. cannot justify;1 to provide future ones." UCiiliailO Jvaivivi V - sweetheart, Flc the French Front Early Saturday 7..AA clemency against public sentiment, G di w. wIlous auu uu- dU auwuw u w MOrnillSf One WOUnded Vjerman V,-Uichf while strongly divided, hadcult PWem ansing jom a feeling i granted, asserted l.iILll : Jt . weight against Walker. Ten 'jur0rS of race hostility which the law is pow-1 38 systems opera T T)osir ienri,t u at0r. pnnviptinr him aH erless to control and to which it must. sissrppi and nortl Optimistic Florence Sutphin, in the passage ot a law or ordinance! War time .conditions with the re- rLUori -1 lMtb lIN courty" in October of last wnlcn runs counter to the limitations sunant increase m the cost of labor j rinv..nnp Kirlrott wqo mrweri tn ul Llit; reucl'u tuusumuuii. : emu uiriifiiai.s liitiB-t; ii iuiijci nil ve mat inai mere exists a serious anu uii- axi auvauw over me present rates oe counsel representing All or Reserve Districts Re operating east of the Mis- tr i . t2 jr.v. .. Dort tixcellent rJusmess Con- iSOUght it after Convicting him, and -'less lu """ wmcu ,L uiuat .Biipy. aim uu.u ui Lue vmu nvwa.. - q.I 1 TP while the men seemed to favor exeCU- &lve a ulBiu,ule Ul tuusmemuuu, may il luv iuaus iue iu uauuie auequaieiy umuus, UUL i-.dUUl 11UU" tion, women do not, husbands and uc "Z ' &-- ,i Dies re Leneral - . YBv Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 5. T he official casualty list of the Italy's situation appears increasing- f ? ly grave today with the announcement y from Rome that the Tagliamento river ':"'J RICHMOND DISTRICT iestablished hi5 new 1Jne after the re- treat frcm the Isonzo, had been cross-.' -ed by the Austro-German invaders. - The crossing of the river apparent- ; ly has not yet been in sufficient forced to compel Cadorna to decide uponj ,N ";.' abandonment of the Tagliamento iinevil nfw flnnPflrinJnn nnnn?itp cannot be promoted by depriving citi- without incurripg the imminent.risk of - iof the petition. , ' ; . .... !ir F5??d. kMJj xiJUWL) - The Governor was persuaded to give privileges. P"tu ut, iuusl u uiue,u, ui wshington, Nov. 5 Business condi- edly will make the most of the BmCM?. the life sentence by the youth of the we wave om,, u,. - j 6"-"- .'tions throughout' the country are re- ing he has forced to debouch aralnsfi -held laws valid which separated the With the successful prosecution of, J .u T, ,. iu tu ueuuutn against v : , i s i u j,... . fleeted as excellent, and industries the Italian positions north and sniithV'iV 1 f A : l-ivi-rA i- fKii- hrCf riHQh With linv mhn vr a 1 Q voq k of a cro n-hon losses or American uuup i x wx "r .i:r-ri .? races on the basis of eaual accommo-! the war the paramount duty of the fll K II IHII I I I V .V. i-t'lrlf-Wk l wriii 11X11 - fleeted as excellent and industries as the Germans follows: and KiUled: nmmiH to rrrv him h,,t CnHdor,iv dations in public conveyances iiad changed her mind and threw him curts of ,hi-h authority have held en- o . TL C cictPr Mvc Marv Iwin into despondency that resulted in the us v.' "" ytuvmt - iu. Private Thomas r . hnr.ight, sister, Mrs. iviary irm, , aration m the public schools of white nation, and the effectiveness of the active, despite a marked labor short- the Italian positions north and south"; of the point where he has gained a- of the r Pittsburg!:. Privai: jamef B. Greaham, mother, Mrs. Evansville, Ind. Wo unded: John J. Smith, brothe r, F. D. Private Charles J. Hopkins, brother, James V. Hopkins, - a St?ri.icn, Texas. 000 words in explanation of the clem- H,nu i"' . P"i iu pm-, iCDuu.f, u ia T"' "auuu l n.JJ 't .onnnf th tllo ileges are given. But in view of the al interest, it was urged, that no fnrvfi'nrr rn fkv 1 l mobilized industrial machine to sup- age nearly everywhere, in the monthly stream nlv men. munitions and foodstuffs, lim-: t'-j . r. x..-,,... . , x. lited to a great extent by transporta-l , max tnis process is already under- I way is maicated by the fact that Rome -I tells of increasing Austro-German pres- sure against the Italian left wing, A summary by districts follows: n of mo.v, r-o,oi;o,io rights secured by the 14th amendment -means of maintaining adequate rail-! Richmond Business conditions hitrh- Is. aainst iwini vaiunua wt-- 4.IX..4.J 1, 1 i A f :i ; ; e ; , 'Wflerfi IP Pm55 n!r wno ofFAA,4 1 j iu. u c it.: 11 l IO ine reuerai LWISUIUUUU. HUUll ire,- i I uau latinuca tu ui Bucusuicums i . jj..j. "e cu cucucu for his first and only crime, commit- ly satisfactory, industries running full j islation must have its limitations and "imperilled railroad credit" be neglect-.,. . ' . . . The spot selected by the enemy for u i: j .i, v, .- Liiiiu, unvaie coustruciion iimiTen.uvi r.., 4.j. A i t d in frenzv of dpgnair" the Gov- cailuUL ue suotaiiicu wucic . ( - -, attempt near nnzano,." Smith, Ludmg-ton, J y " , V ise of authority exceeds the restraints Decision to re-open the case, after banK clearings increasing, labor scarce jabout 40 miles from the mouth of the !& &t'Xi nf ha ponotitntinn Wp think thpsp '. ah intprval nf four months, was an- u .-i, 4.1 i. iriver. and ahnnt 17 milao nn-v,4. -' t. ' ,cii,u w age a 111511. uuliuuk SiH.iHLaClury . ' - """- "u, v cot L. Box, father, James L. Box, Altus, Okla. i Private Homer Givens, father, Wm. h. Uivens, iovercaie. Private Georo-e T " HIRED TB ASSAULT IISTEHS ilimit?0" are exceeded in laws and (Continued on Page Eight.) nounced by the Commission in a re-lrp,, n f . . . , inLaA o ro Tlie report for this district added that (Continued on Page Eight.) Private Charles L. Orr, mother, Mrs. Sarah Regneil, Lyons, ,; Kansas. Captured or Missing : Alleged ePlot to Intimidat Snr- Edar M. Halyburton, father George B. Halybur-. Hylan Voters Uncovered c- n ' t m p By Swann to.-i. b-.onev Point, In. L.. . ! f Cc-rjorrd iNicholas L. Muihall, mother, Mrs. Bridget Mulhall, , (By Associated Pregs ) I V- 1 ,: New York, Nov. 5. District Attor- Jersey City. . . TI . I ney Edward Swann issued a state- Corporal Edvvin H. Haines, mother, Mrs. tLlizabetn names, ment today deciaring that he had ob tV. ' , , ! tained the confession of a "gun man"' Woodward, Ukla. alleging that an organized effort wi'.s privatQ Hrchel Godfrey, father, Wm. C Ubsterst, Chicago. t0 be raadP during tomorrow's muu'-i Private V M. Kendall, father Sarn .Kendall. Roll. Okla. p- JZ Pvsti Wil ham F. Unesbv, mother, mrs. uizzie Kjtiuy, date tor .nayor rCachii::; "FIS 33T3 CONTEST j Many Rumors Are Being Circ ulated, and Contestants Are Cautioned Not to Pay Any Attention to Them Right Now, if Ever During the Contest, Do Not Get Discouraged. i .11 LOUiSVnie. polls by intimidation and assault. wiioviii. , a nnvp l.i mv n jssessiun a ( units- Private Frank E. McDougal, father, K. L. Dougal, IMary alon mads by one of the men em. n ,7 i t-loved as such, that thugr, and strong- 4 VI,ie iV1- xt .11, i ... di... ! arm men P:-v Opnie B. Ga agher, tather iNeii aiiagner, diouuu, have be(i A, ' I the poll . . Tr.n- i T., . statement says Private John P. Lester, tather, Wiliiam tester, Private Ha lytanghman, Ada R. Langhman, Chicago i-Vlvale Dewey D. Kern, mother, Mrs. Eva Tilton, Collins, Iowa. Keckon, cannot be identified. I . $i 4, 4. 4. . 4. $ chill the ardor of some of the lers JU Inniic'iGrartiis n a rw H H a t n c Sno1' rea- TODAY'S LEADERS. ports are always found' to have" been ' e. ,fuel. and transpor "flush times would hardly be an ex aggeration of conditions." Atlanta Business conditions, good. Industries operating full time, con struction slow, bank clearings increas ing, labor conditions fair and outlook good. Dallas Industries full time. B&nk clearings increasing, labor shortage acute, and outlook encouraging, exctpt in South Central and Western Texas. Boston Industries busy, foreign trade good, bank clearings increasing, labor conditions unsatisfactory and outlook uncertain. New York General business active and well maintained, industries very active, construction quiet, foreign trade heavy, labor supply inadequate. Philadelphia Business conditions good, industries very busy, construc tion work dull, labor conditions unset tled and outlook good. Cleveland Business enditions good, industries in fair condition, but with 4 carefully passed out to the right par tation difficulties troublesome. of Udine, was at a point where the marshy ground encountered further to . ; the south begins to disappear, the ' ' banks rising 'perceptibly and the riv- V er narrowing down. . 'i; If Genera,! Cadorna decides to aban- r , don the Tagliamento line, at which it. ; is by no means certain that he in--, tended to fight more than a delaying , action, his next natural stand for the protection of Venice will be present- i ed at Livensa, from 10 to 15 miles C? fuither west. ,;v?3 Meanwhile as She" opposing armies arc struggling for the temporary mas- . v tery of the field tie Entente leaders. - (including the Britist and French prem0;1 1 "v vt n - - Hi l-n J S '1 . icio emu miiiLiir auvisers, are in coun- .- . cil at Rome to deal with the 8itua-:f! tion which admittedly is recognized as ' .' grave, coupled as the powerful attack -: from the east is with the threat , of a flanking movement by the Austro- , German forcesrsouthward in the Tren-' ' tino, to the west of the present . bat t tie rront Berlin's account of, the Tagliamento crossing gives the movement the. ap pearance of an operation in great. ,-', Vnrila? ' Iip tprrrm them Bertha Pierce ls,bVJ. V . ties, so mai iney win luaun tne tun-1 . , , . .. , 7- . . . . - . Y. " : , gor-ilAb, Jo lie teiiiib iatm, mt ritn,c ' t . ... inflnstrips arhvp lahnr. Biinnlv eliArt decided Teutonic vip.tnrv. More than - n hired to assault voters at Mrs. Sol Jones 118,115 ;testants strongest opponent in tne - 6.000 Italians were takpn nrf.;- ? " District Attorney Sv?nn'" Lillie Cook 117.865 hope that she will become aiscourag-. . T . . . I ' , . ,..v,,v ' uiirict Auuiney ovvc.iiu.. 1 luie buun ! : . .... . St. Louis General business and in-, and several guns were captured In o-o Mattip Powpli ll.ZiU f ea. itigiii now, ji evei 111 tiie ine ui , . . . . , . 7 v j , , , . . . . . niKtriPR Jiotivo inhor arapo nl coma. Their instructions are not to kill Nettie Lewis 117,075 .me entire contest uu inui unburn h 11Tiaotlo,7 a: i VVoi- o Garrell . 116.607 DISCOURAGED. This week means- .l""JU,k & " .1. 116 401;a Briscoe automobile, or one of the- . """" r-. will not be enough ambulances in Ella McCarley . . .. .-. .. 115,920 other prizes or aeteat. vvnere win - """" ";; Npw York Citv. to carry -their vie- ' you be at the end? " tims to the hospital." . ! but to disable. If the plans are car- Sallie ; ried out according to schedule, - there Mrs. Beulah Howard -'ate the engagement, declares the officials statement. The Austro-Hungarian and German divisions which effected the, : passage are advancing westwardly, It ' , is added. : v: Signs of a probable impending re-. l.r - r i -i Tho foh r n; o rt;v Nn,ed 25 per cent, over last year, bank ewal of the offensive by Field Mar- -To 'a aM 1,h clearings 40 per cent, over last year.ishal Haig in Belgium may be seen In ri. , ' FKc War cc:i mar. dine pen I The statement charges that the The contest, will close promptly at . "thugs" are under the leadership ot 9 o'clock, next Monday night Novem ! a strike-breaker wno nas Deen prom- Ava 1 1 J; f nf- s A -oJoi " . . , i ii 1 j. n, ooon in o rlnnHhnrct I icT-i-nrf-mnr has reCdVeu a QISIJciluii iiwn iseu i;wtuu. improve tnese uaa iue uest aie tuc " aaT1 pvanpipn Rucitipoq aHo mn uepartmni ictwy 1ITvflir u0Q cmniovH thia inri viri- . . ii.. t: .. i. I Vntino- Saturrtav was light oniv fif- oan Francisco business active, con- 3 wno will wiu tne diiscub a-u-.u- . . n . ctrnptinn shnwino- Q clio-hf r1a.raa contestants casting any votes r. " - a"- "".v. . , . : . ,1 'k .looi.miTi thot ho ic o-oino- to couuiuuus lmprovea, out snow- 1:.. fK fol nwino- announcement; ; ZrZ Z;: w r"LU c"vca "f. '"X - :t: onte ho lB thv ha-'"? an increased shortage, outlook - 1 - 1 A,i t - : ! 1 1 1 j - " ,ij i v iii avw.. m ( 1 1 1 r v i.j sucra iiiiu mi . i uctii pivui rio-ire tot -rtrorir i nrip f a Tin iiim i hs w Axicixv nv-i vy , k v' i 4 1 tJ -.- v ...... - . . - good. V , J.v: f "They have empioyea this maiviu- oneH will wjn the Briscoe - auto- -.o tha AmenCail eXDeUlllUlltAX V l Ui voo c.,Tro :j fn intlTnirlatp j .i.- : oon nnntostant -,k:,. ,vlitrhr. November 3, a salient OC- the voters of the city. His instruc- in old' the S100 in oldi and'the other 'Those who did vote, however, cast I .f0..1; oiaica t licit Ui-iu- . . c Viir, -mT, aa rolatorl In mp hv . I e.m,ir,V, tn car enough to cause several changes or ins: J r a infantrv tions to his men, as related to me oy prjzes ' enough to cause ruction by a company or American inidn.ii Qf the mig to pickquarrels with The canddates who expect to win .among the leaders. tions disturbed, outlook for an active industry and large trade. Vva- i ij-.j.uvi. m i 7. "- -v 1- -1 ine canuiaates who eipeci tu wiii,""- d bv Germans The-enemy put dbwn a heavy bar- the supporters of Judge Hyan as thes must certainly exert every effort pos-! The largest number of votes for the vnD nirrurDO a uy ou.. . gtand . Hne waitmg to vote and pui sihIp dlJlT1 fnp six remalnine davs of ; day was cast by Miss Bertha Pierce, WW YORK BUTCHERS ' .. i i 1 ; " " " - - i -. j l-J.i 1 t r- .- o,flr-c off thP fia imt rrOIH UlCIWl ui i.-i'w w. t,Q, of of lmcinpw losers wptp three killed, five wounded and twelve captured or Mr. Swann said he has sufficient ford ' . 1 1- flr, wniinHft: pyiaence to cause e -uuiu,, it uu winnp. Those who lo not do some' 1 lie enemy S losses arc nut hwyv. -rrest.of the men who hired the alleg- fllirinB. the next few davs willihad her name among the leaders, and THREATEN TO STRIKE German vas taken prisoner. ''I'ovici-i ! rooprf Raptured by the f; v- ;:: t.ho trench raid on the '"' !'' Vfivenibpi 3 probably were '-IPf(l in their dugouts and forced T" mi. j'vndor or be blown to pieces oncdes without a chance the contest. You certainly can't af-ior vineiana, wnicn movea ner irom to stop now if you expect to be well dowu in the list to first place. 1111S lb tilt? UlBl tJV 1111BO X ICltC UttO IT Aat.nt.l-i.aJ Mow . Vnrlr Mrttr K A n'1rA C rd tu-leader. He declared tnat ne , . i .Tu v 1 unf ia moHo hfr manv friends will be slad to see nnn - . r-i :t 11 witii 1. ji iiui vu J.J. l, 10 iu, 1 - .- a v vu. j. i.vj merely stated that the German arm- h d already subpoenaed an important b - judKes. Don't let it be said I that she not only captures a place 'day unless the master butchers ac- lery had droped a heavy barrage fire 'witness before the grand jury about a sector ct tne trencn, cutting the men off from help. The fact that The Princess Pats. wounaca uerman 'lu'c7 rrT 'a ,hvm. hlamp vonrself vou will have "done IV I f 1 tlPLl 1. ilUV. l. x l . l; ' i . i . - the German statement on the western t front operations. This reports ; the j opening last night of a heavy,, de-j structive bombardment along -the'-Yser lowlands and from Hdutholst, wood to the Ypres-Comines canal. This means, apparently that Haig's guns have opened up forcefully along virtually the entire front from the North Sea to the French border. LLOYD-GEORGE AND PERSHING CONFERRED (Br Associated Press.) Paris, Nov. 6. Before leaving Paris one j,i;oo Viq fhp n :;;i rentes without a chance nqwevei, iu A iZ th A nierlcan annou-ced today that Meetcheele. in your I t." vvas maue u, xvnn. ow -uuCB u i ur nenry mo ' : r .i .e .. This is Ihe enly ex- had been re-occup:cd by the American annov cea toaay caDtured las. ax this time reports will doubtless : mington. Mrs. Jones cast a total of er of markets, , I'r, -.;.n which occur to army off i- forces. .... , , wft.,,(! vvopk 'as taken by the -Princess circulated by candidates and their ' 43,600 votes, which landed her m sec- ices to both si , . Wl. other thP men killed and WOUnU- VCeK, WIS J ... - . j x.x i j. j j. A nloa ' ovort o otriVo U lltuni . . . -r-.i... t liorht intQTlTrv THPTinS maT TI1HV IiaVH H. I.HIIUKIIITV Lll ""J w-v. "'HI. oi... that you lost by one yearly subscrip-' among "Today's Leaders", but that ' cede to a number of dqmands; includ- for Rome, Lloyd-George, the British tion. If you do all that you possibly! she also captures the place of honor. ' ins union recognition, higher wages! Premier, had a long interview with can and then fail to win, vou cannot "Miss Pierce cast 52,000 votes. and a shorter workday on one day a I General Pershing. The American The next Diggest gain oi tne aay week during summer months. commanaer came especially lruui me was made by Mrs. Sol Jones of Wil-i Dr. Henry Moskowitz, commission- American army headquarters to meet has offered his serv- the. British prime minister. Field sides in an effort to Marshal Haig, the British commander. Patricia Canadian light infantry friends that may have a tendency to'ond place. i also was present at the conference.. ( . (Continued on Page ignt.j Pershing's- report :x4 - ;,';'-r'

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