r Vj J" i , " . r - -- . , - -"Sf-Sf' " - "-7- ""V- WEATHER FORECAST J ."V t EDITION North and South Carol i naFair ni2ht and Thursday; little change temperature.4" ., to in JWSP A Fll VOL. XXIII NO. 379 FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE WILMINGTON, NORTH C AROHN A, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 7, 1917. PRICE FIVE CEfSW, BRITISH GUNSoNOW, DOMINATE iR(WLE&$ : A RA1LW A i CENTER Passchendaele Finally Captur . ed by. the Enterprise of the Canadians, GERMAN RETIREMENT BECOMES INEVITABLE Ever-Widening Ypres Salient Will Eventually Force Teu tons Back, Endangering . German Naval Base. JRGilQiO BE-tSTABLISHtU V HVLftN DM i in eWflr Mitchel Was aPocr Second in Yesterday's Mayoralty -Election. fi n f 1 1 n in nns nin -rn nnni m l u u 1 1 u i n u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in mmi : w was ww;- '. ,.-.w . u b j m.;. :v t;-i:.,.' liiiiiii New Position on Piave 1 00 Miles Shorter Than on Tagliamento. CAN MAY MAKE A HALT AT LIVENXA RIVER Retirement Is in Order ancl According to Plan, Is the Italian Official Announce- ;nt Rear Guard Actions BOAT SUNK BY II Cadorna's Men Have Learned to Withstand German Fighting Methods. Roulers, an important railway cen j ter northwest of Ypres, is now domi ; nated by British gims. Canadian i troops yesterday completed the cap !'Uv of the mportant pr.rt of the I Passchendafc.a-Fheluveit ridse bv tak ing Passchendaele, Goeberg and Mos- . . iselmar.kt. The Germans suffered Italy Has Plenty of Men. De WOMAN SUFFRAGE ALSO WAS CARRIED Question Will Not Be Answer ed Until Judges Will Have w"cu v ana vnnou ncea ineir uecision von test Wil! Close Monday Night and Final Count J Will Be Ma de Tuesday. . (. Tammany Regains Complete Control of New York Ohio Apparently Remains "Wet", Other Returns. 4 4, 4. TODAY'S LEADERS. MORE CANMDN AND AIRPLANES NEEDED (B.V T'je Associated Press) Njw ; York. Nov. 7. Returns mm m DU ,ucav wsh.ami ii aumDer or prison- r ar ( Uhrwe in t-. Al i precincts sua to near from the drvs a i Tr !Raa cut t ! ers fell into British hands. Passchen- daele dominates Roulers and the plain surrounding the tow:;, vv'-iich lies fivo: ,' miles northeast. The Germans had I fought hard to hold Passchendaele to America Situation Looks Brighter. , and several tinir; (I'.y Tltc Associated I'rcss) can, by putting forth your begt" efforts Aj during- the next few days. Two can- J TODAY'S LEADERS. didates are jrnine' tn win antoTtinhiln i v and they will be the ones who will -fi Olive Brown 332,900 work the hardest and get the besVxeif: f Lizzie Council 132.895 suits between now and next Mandav X I 131,820 All candidates should encleavort'to'ts 131,570 . make their refeerve vote so strong' that 131,175 they will, be sure it cannot be beaten.: ? idu,6i Most of the candidates are makinff 4 130,480 records in vote-getting and you should be doing the same: Bear, thl'it, in mind until the verv last minute.1: In C' Who is your favorito? Has she" as- he majority of the wets to manv votes as her ODDonents? Is' she1 4,101, a larger majority of tha nro- All active candidates who do holding: her "own in the race? Have?' - cmcts still to come beins from dis- not win one of the orizes will 4 vnn ,civen vnnr snbscrintion? - If not. tricts reputed to be dry. receive a cash reward of ten per now is the time when the contestant " I : Sallie Garrell j Ella McCarley . . from Mattie Powell . . . 4,876 election districts out of 5.772 in Nettie Lewis .. the State on woman suffrage give: Bertha Pierce . Yesr 60163.7; No, 504,402. Pauline Underwood Wets Barely Leading. Cincinnati. O., Nov. 7. With 524 ' NOTICE TO CANDIDATES. .'.V!e i:oth official and unofficial dispatch-; f ? irem Italy today reflect a tone of : ir.p,.v;iMP.g confidence, although the' itaap'ui is still admittedly grave. J (i. n -ral Cadorna's withdrawal from, the T;i:xliamcnto line and froi the j nounvinous districts in Northern. Ve- nria is proceeding in an orderly v .y, Ro;:. asserts. Dispatches from the The Alcedo, V.ihl - era to bear this out. The Qer n:'i inicial statement claims the cap turr oi a number of prisoners, but io s nut mention any guns taken or indicate any such demoralization in the Italian ranks as during the precip itate withdrawal from the Isonzo line. neiurns rrom ty.zsz orecincts eive. cent, of all money turned in bv neds it most. This is the most Cntl- recently the -Brit- Headauartrrs of ih uau'n a-, , For prohibition 466.794: aeainst nr'rv. them durinn contest for new sub- V-al time of the entire contest.'? lAftecl i One Officer and 20 Enlisted ish hd been checkod in attempts to Ncv. 6.The main fact of the situa-' bitibn 470.895. 4 scriptions. An active candidate next Monday your subscription . wiU" j l,ldKe mesaay tne enterprise 01 ticn coniecied with tue reorgmizat'on ' weff xork Nov. 7. John F. Hylan v is one who continues work up not do a bit of good. . '. H'.'MI .the Canadians was too much for the of the Second and Third araiBV I'dwas elected mayor of New York vea- until the close of the contest. Th rules and conditions" that will ' ! Germans and they had to surrender that General Cadorna's line has b?enlterday fcy a Plurality of 147,975 and and in order to receive a ten per govern the close of the - contest I are i the position which means much to the reestablished. One- element, of the! Can"'ed wi,h llim to victory the entire cent, award, a contestant must 4' published and all contestants : should further British progress toward the new Padnrn.i lino-k th-u 'n, oisI Democratic cilv "t'eket. inclndlr.L' c. A turn in at tm'a nnn nw snhsrrin. rpadv them rnrefullv. ano: be sure that'; u ri . Li. i raiCf tor Mmntrn pr- A Men Are Reported as Missing. FIRST AMERICAN th Roulers-Menin railway, one of WAR VESSEL LOST' several lines entering Roulers. I Each successful effort by the Brit- , 1 ish brings nearer the inevitable Ger- a Vonverted man retirement from the positions di- i rectly affected by the ever-widening Ypres salient. A retreat, however, is a menace to 'the submarine bases of Ostend and Zeebrugge, and the city e are Jei-rning to withstand the German mptroller; Alfred E. s. tion either Saturday or Monday, they understand them thoroughly. , Yacht, Was Victim of a Ccrman Submarine Last Monday Night. motods of lighting, which an differ- &,U1U1' now siicntt og.New York coun- the last two days of the contest. ' Special attention Is called to tne tact' ;; cnt ti-om (hoce of the Austrians. ' iy' SoT President of the Bo.-ird of Al- that all of the out-of-town candidates General drna's lire i- bo'n : dermen' aud Edward Swann for dis- . must send in all of their suT)scrip i strengthened by the surnrisin- artiv ' trlct attorRey- , -tions and vote in plenty of time ' :f or k '!L ity of airplanes. Italian off icer's have ! hc iud,jC;i:tions arp athe Demo- The end of The Dispatch contest is them to be in The Dispatch. office, by ;V tviiiS "cai cum uic yutouuu io u- O ClOCK iVlOnaay nigUl. Al UlC WUiSO l iTicictf.,1 in ti. mrrocnj i WJ11 a iiKi.ioruy in tne U1 a ::rrr:.r,""cuw a3 Board of Estimate which controls th:ins asked: r , expenditure of the city funds. j predictions "Who will win?". have been made Many , of the first ' and second periods, theT about ! rontpstantr, livins out of town c6uld (By The Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 7 The Navy De (Jeneral Cadorha in his report men-: rjartmeht todav was ' awaitinp frnm' tions the present withdrawal as being i . , . , , , ,,i,(oin ti,o rtirBPHnn nf tho t I Admiral Sims a complete report of Bruges, the base of German opera-.., . ,.fS-w .t""6" AUiei Mayor John P. Mitchel, who sought 'every candidate entered, but all- is mail their subscriptions and votes any I tinns in TP1nnrtpr5 and it ia annaront . alllliJt "l tllttt parilCU-1 ,lct f,.i j;,i i I onnionf urn . Whn fVio winners' will hr. ..: v, An,r P nlncinir ond tWa . that Crown Prince Rupprecht, of Ba-. Sage mU mmih aviators and ! though not formally nominated by any varia, is doing his utmost to retain.1 i" . . , ' I party, was a poor second-in the race. the positions now held rather than to; , 11 buper-aDun-j Morris Hiliqnit, the Socialist , retire and straighten his line nee of troops, but never can- na(l I didate about whom rallied most of vonza river. This may indicate he in- UI U1C lorpcaoing oi me American; The American patrol boat Alcedo, :r" us uipim8b rwnicu tney Deiieve the radical elements in the city and tends to hgtit anotner delaying action ,parioi vessel Aiceao, vnicn went aown , converiea yacnt, nas Deen torpeuoeu . " " t: . . ? . lulluCi Wrtliaieiall those who favor immediately ne-l alone this comparatively small stream. ! in tho war no riv itrnrioV mnm.iand sunk by a German submarine in whether it is of resistance or aggres-j eotiated neacn. stood third. ' and Wil-1 x. v aonri i lii.i . conjecture. , Who the winners will be, tjme on the day of closing, and they no one will know until the contest -were given credit. This wilF not-be closes and the judges have given their the case at the close of the contest, as . . decisions. ! there. must be a definite time for all:. The prizes are going to be awarded. ; votes to be in the office, and this Is 9r jWill you be among the winners? You o'clock next Monday nights ':j- 'til P TTnitpri I i: T; n . 1 - j. n vwm - m tt ttt .('ing, with a probable loss of one of- : " 1 V XiXX T ' States therefor -will dn . far .httr ! . "'"""l. i UUXUDD IVlVJVliMO f , the war zone. One officer and 20 en- ion. i listed men of the Alcedo are reDorted. Statt missing. The ship, which carried aVfor allies by furnishing airplanes than j tion from Mayor Mitchel, was fourth.! 'crew of 92 men. sank four minutes af- m sending troops. They say that 1,000 1 From tne time the returns were re. a i wixi liij Liixic tuc irjiui no w v;i c it7 i 100 districts the doubt. It was evi OF COTTON CROP - (Iiv Tlie AssociBtea Press) Washington, -Nov., 7.-Movementw of. some 10 or 15 miles behind the Tag linmcntn nnsitinna hffnrf thp faXrfr back on the Piave, approximately I0,ficer and. .20 men. The Alcedo, a con- miles further west. 1 verted - yacht, apparently , was hit in Incidentally semi-official statement a vital spot as only- four minutes j'ter being struck by a torpedo... from Rnnif flvlarps flip A listrn-fjpr- ' olancwl hofnm c!i o nhinffoit holntr I British Were Undt8tUrbed man invasion, has failed of its 'oolitic- . ' V ( London,--; Notm jr.Th,e--Oef-m i Tv-nrr, tKstrr ' departHWR - pay today av-maafrno 'effort, during the night 16 the Italian will to resist and the fore- oui a 'st nf those unaccounted for : gain tlie ground captured yestoraay Ia iorce inp- nf n wnntp n1rP whil therp ' and announced simultaneously that on the Ypres frcnt by the British o 1 . -,. . i . 1 1 -v il . i in. - - a. .1. ., r a ' ni rn I n not' Yit-t ar c-f 1- i n 1 l . I r i tt..i ' - . - otrnno fnnuif tinti thit the ctririis VeSSclS WClO .OmDlllg IQe V.aierS !1 VII Hie UHllie 1IUI1L LI1I V lt LlUlll- f F'virvnu icii J "sv JUUgf Jriuillb .ji.wi.;-, w ' 1 ' ' v " " ' . .... ... ... . . . . . i ... . . ' rlmstwwm,! 1... !.,... ...1 A .- 1 I -t . . l T vicinity or tne sinning ior tne mg 10 report except interim item jei- u.Vru uumuaiumeui wiruuus-i arisureu ot uis eieuuvui wais w maw rnnnrif nf Ampriratv Vnttnn mqnufar- purpose of saving possible survivor's. . man artillery operation," says to-, es ot supplies, which the retreating! this statement: Vhivp- thP ' shinnine " board nd the BAKERS WILL SOON BE UNDER UCENSE &y4SS24fl cri4oat;;w.aj:,iieeds, oontroynric TPSymmr'K the vernmeht may heJWet ' despite tne iZ&tttmfo,Mlfot (By. The. Associated TressV i i Wasiangton,; Nov, ' 7.- Direct actloil .vy. ;bradiJiiul:xl wi-betak- militor- nmhloma rrrin fori Vix' fho Hriv the will bo solved. "v.- -1 "1 , i,n i ne r .i iut..d nuui ie officers and 85 men, 71 are known to fin in- .unut ... ."nHu.ung ;'have befn rescued, but little hope imjoiuun Kams won uy uieiii yesiei- rt.;Ki. r.oft,r ... ... . ..I 11C1U OUI IV'l lilt- uuooiuii; ai c i lay ;tett-forcers took Bainsizza ,in 'Septera-i j trol vof tie city adininisira'tio'xi..'. inta. -tn "handicaps of transportation, was en soon by' President WflpoiL'lii:u-'pro'-:' i . ber but during the retreat when the : the hands of Tammany Hall. , . discussed here oday ii - i conf erehW lamation plaiihg all; takers iindervt;he?V i th- airplanes protected the rear and also Judge Hylan's first act after being vHAn.i,iinaA Rvstem flrtministpred hv 5Vod " i army nas flay lage rids v. !ncn lnciudeu notaDiy tne vii of PasoChendaele. crowning the whence virtually a clear field' out . those reported missing. The list of t yesterday's attack. j ' "A successful raid was Krif i.;h gun.--. apnai'fni iy but tV.'ile Tin- town j infantry was uiabl-? to do "Our troops have been engaged -in " U js true that the Italian is ' consolidating the positions won in been tampered with and that thp T .on- J zo retreat is jnore of a political than carried out. military defeat. "'But it is reiterated of those unaccounted for'1 nighL by LiverPo1 troPs n0'th'' that the army's heart is sound. The L hTthTZ d.MrtAt 0f QueanL We caPturpd a f( army is made up of young men taught prisoners. jn the school of war and ready to un- uerman Mn-acK nepuisea. , dergo any hardship for the country. raris. fsiov. i. i ne jerinaus maue strt-tchfs rwav to Roulers. five miles was announced oy distnni and alreadv commanded by ment as follows: th- BriM.:hnrnn. The Germans were! lieutenant (junior graae .ionn i. worn out by their tunous -'vm, lamn, uibuujj oita,.t , ottack last night on efforts yesterday to retain Vl". Ui oeiuia, Aid. md 'their remainins: bold on I F. W. Pingerling. fireman; mother, the ri!se c!o;-e hv to the north, and Mrs. C. Tenburin, Jersey City"? N. J. flifl not ivnov.- their counter attacks' Allen T. Edwards, seaman; mother, during tlip night. j Mrs. Lydia M. Edwards, Jackson, N. mento rendeivd ditTculi defense of the C. river, v.-p hve withdrawn our line; c. F. Gaus, seaman; mother, Mrs. toward the I.ivenza. The retirement Marv Gaus, Jamaica, L. I. was iiccomplished in good order, un-! e. r. Gozzette, seaman; mother, northwest of Rhcims (in the sectors tier the protection of northward cov- Mrs. A. G. Gozzette, Astoria, L. I. of Sapignuel and Godat), cost him erins; units and of rear guards to-, James J. Cleary, seaman;, mother, ' losses without any result. Mrs. Albrtina Cleary, White Plains, "On the ''right bank of the Meuse, N. Y. i a violent bombardment in the region R. Wesche, seaman: mother, Mr "of Chaume wood was followed by an E. Wesche, Brooklyn, N. Y. R. W. Riker seaman; mother Mrs. Harry E. Riker Brooklyn N. Y. W It. Holler seaman; mother Mrs. (Continued on Fage Eight.) of reoresentatives of the National ; license system administered by Food Administration Hoover. Tne- oaicers , will be considered as " manufacturers and the term's of the proclamation will make it possible for the food admin--istration . to control price and ,Nsize; of, the loaf. Considerable reduction1 of prices in many localities is" expected iuc iwuii oycans iui noii. x railroads people liave spoken and "in no uncer-,. " ' ' tain manner. Democracy has once' -Approximately 30 per cent, of the more been restored to power. The productive capacities of the nation's people and not the corporate inter- cotton mills is said to be engaged on i .ii i r. il i Bmro.nmoTlt nrr trj) nt-a wliiph nrp esis win ruie ior me next ioui eais. " , 'tn hp thp immpdiatp rpmlt I am indeed grateful for the confl- threatened with delay because of the.t0 De tne immediate result, dence thus reposed in me by the citi- decrease m coastwise ship tonnage zens of the City of New York. 'and the unusual demands on the rail- I want to make it plain to the roaas mans made it has grown from very small dimeh-l 1 want to maKe it , piam to me iuduS. . the Verdun ;sions to a splendid organization. Off i-' that there was no. issue of Am-. At a previous conference m Octo- i front at e haume wooti. i ne war oi- cers cite the case of the development fice announces that the.enemy was re-j of Italy's airplane corps. Two years . pulsed. ' ago American aviators in Italy engag- German attacks near fet. yuentm e(1 in ti-aining Italians in the aviation anu iiuiinwcnL ui ii.inr.no ii"u- scnooi round umcutty in otDtaimng pu The communication ronows: i r.-.rn u.. ir.vniu.) c r f i r hor twn fnmmitrppR wprp nnnnintm tl lcctllioiii . JL iKJjt any iivutTcu, ov ii . v . . - . . c- as I am concerned. I am as good an to, consider the situation and report American as any man, as loyal to my at the meeting today. Two sugges flas. as loyal to my country and as tions considered were that cotton firm and determined in support of- ev- bales be compressed to smaller size If I POSTOFFICE TO ISSUE j 11 PCMT CTAMDC (By The Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 7. The 'Postofflci Department is planning to issue a 13 pils, whereas, for the last year Htei'-leiT act of the government in this war and that steamers from the Great 'cent postage stamp for registered and "Enemy attacks against our trench- auy thousands of young Italians have as any man Lakes, idle during the winter months. es in the region of St. Quentin and ward the south. "Yesterday and last night our air planes and airship:? repeatedly bomb pfi pnt-n.y troops at work in repairing brid;:' ever the Tagliamento or in moven. rr across the river. Four hos tile imchine.; were brought down by our Mvintors." Th'.' L-'venza io the next river -line' bt'lvnd the Tagliamento. Its mouth if 1:? "iiles below that of the Taglia ' ( f;".tinued on Page Six). infantry attack. Beaten back by our Are, the Germans were not able to ap j'proach our lines. "On the remainder of the front, there was intermittent cannonading." T DEPENDENT RECEIVE PAY HUNGER STRIKE BY j GERMAN FOREMAN MILITANTS SPREADS IN A SHIPYARD M CT; vc of Soldier Killed in Fnncc Will Receive $45 a Month. (By The Associated Press) (j?7 The Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 7. The hunger; . savannah. Ga.. Nov. 7 Conrad strike of the militants of the woman s Mohaupt, an unnaturalized German, jis a note Qf encouragement and confl I party, in jail here, spread today to ; ccming within the full meaning of dence in the course of events. : the ranks. Miss Rose Winslow, of alien enemy, was found here by Fed- New York, also was m the jail os-;erai agents today workin as foreman) Crenshaw's Trial Beqins I 'pital with Alice Paul, national chair-, of carpenters at the Terry Shipbuild- j (By Associated Press.) ' ! i man of the party, and both were re-, ing piant. Charlottesville, Va., Nov. 7. Spotts-i fusing to eat unless the Ave other) Mohaupt hel(1 a vermit io reside in) wood Dabney Crenshaw III, son of S. 'militants also doing time lor picket-- Brooklyn. When examined by the of- j D. Crenshaw, vice president ot the .ing the White House got a better tHetjj.pgj.j, h stated ne was out of work j' Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, been using every influence possible to1 1 ask tne editors ot me newspapers oe put-into me coastwise traae. obtain entrance'in the airplane corps. 'in tnis city and in other cities to Slve Owing to Italian conservation, na-1 prominence to this declaration, so SERIOUS FIRE IN tional poverty and other causes of a j that there may net .go abroad to the( pk tiq vril I V unTFl similar nature there has been no na-1 People of this country who have no; LUUD VlLLLnuiLJ- tion-wide campaign in Italy ir an I appreciation of our local situation the i - adeauate increase in the artillerv It ! slightest intimatn that the question (Ly lhe Associated Press) .equate ' t? i- u li r nf thfc war or thTwrr nolicv of Presi-! Louisville, Ky., Nov. 7 Fire of un is hoped by all Italians that the Unt- v lJtte war or tne AVt-r Pllcy 01 resi -, , -f , H nriin in tho WiiiTrH TTr c-.- ...: c . iJrtont Wiisnn and the United states deteimmed origin in the wuiard HO' XT. , .xi.- ... irnvorntnonf nr.. in thp sllrhtp t wav .leli iUUlSVllie IdnUIUdrK, eany tO- efficiency of the officers and the pa triotism of the people because a tern Dorary reverse has been playing into the hands of the enemy. The situation is getting clearer and the steadiness with which the troops are falling back to the new positions give a promising outlook. The gener al conditions, none the less, continue grave, though for the first time, there special delivery letters. Heretofore a 12-cent stamp has been in use, but the new postage makes necessary the printing of new denomination. " The stamp will bear the head of. Franklin and will be of the size' and border design of the current , issues above 7 cents. The color has not yet 'been selected. , envommpnt nr.. ir thp sli Er htpat w'av.''i a involved day, created a panic among the 200 "My first utterance in this campaign '.guests, a score of whom, trapped on in response to a question put by a -e- he upper floors, were taken out porter was that I stood uncompromis-1 rough windows Damage to the ingly behind the President in support 1 structure was estimated ai $100,000. of the acts and policies of my country! First police reports that one fire and that the war must be' fought to a man had lost his life and that three conclusion which would bring an Hon- other Persons had been fatally hurt orable peace to America." Iater' were supplemented by tne state- The suffrage amendment has car-,ment that only one person a pipeman, ricd by a majority that may run far Edward McCut, likely will die from up towards 100,000" The vote in New . his burns. McCue rushed through a . S n... ntt . -T wall nf smnVp nnn firft. tn thp Vfisntfl MAJOR PETERSON ... -. i - (York City' was: Yes, 334,011; No,; 241,315. ! (Continued on Page fhree). j of .a woman he believed in peril. Sev I eral of the hotel guests were slight ly injured. in ; Will thqn the salt pork ana caDDage uu j which they say they have been fed al- most exclusively for 14 days. The !hTinrer strike now is 48 hours old. ! Tt-fim.nrterR of the Woman's Party"..,.. . ,. ,. ron. c;v. t. ine nrst ae-. i"-- - - Tr itr .win ue uiopuacu a ii- i 'u j dprmred todav mat wi.iii' nuusr y.iv- nn Aniencan soldier killed aeciaieu "yy .w he ,. . - pfinc bv s lent sentinels would not do v.niarc to receive compen- ctmg uy w.u.iu - ,,. arn Associated Press) Nov, 7. The first de- that 'My The .''ington, lit .t' 'Ml, -A-iii-l-ir. t r roroivo f-nm non ii.'. t i - siinpndod and Mrs. Ahcr Dodd. of Evans-' coining in now f rem n any bUU.8 to widowed mother of Pri-, resume the ocensive on Novembex 10. 1 : . Ii. (Ireciham, one of the. fit the (lerrnan raid on Am '"'rieh.'s in France. November will receive at least $45 a i'-'! ".' vhich is the regular al- in Brooklyn and had come to Savan-' was placed on trial today in the lr- nah, when offered the place here. He J was placed on trial today in the Cir- j. has been ordered by Washington to ting fire to the University of Vir-j . X . . Tln.1.lnn . 1 . n -. r M ' fT. .1 II lV.ll.in T 1 Q r T f r f '1.1x1 f ri.llTl (T IBIUIU 1U JDI UU&1J11, VYllf 1 e LULU aC SlUia wucuilloi iciuviaiuij f-uu on-aiius about $2,500 worth of platinum. BRITISH CAPTURE GAZA FROM TURKS LIBERTY LOAN DID NOT REACH LIMIT Photographs Are Wcmiedf . T I erusa ilem. in ii $25 the insurance feat- ire session this section in navy, army and the Red Cross, who have gone forth to battle.! London, Nov. 7. Tho British have me i.wuwu,uuu maximum The friends and realtives of these young men have, no doubt, photographs of! captured the city of Gaza, in Pales To Vote on Merger. fl'.v The AsKociatod Press) SalUsbufy, N. C, Nov. 7. The en-. or the meeting nere i'lfd bv the government life the umieu oyuuu u '"T ior which Private Gresham Lutheran church, at which four com aopMed ' missioners from the General Synod n(-io . how that neither o. tne Y"U " ' taken1 It will.be of general interest and will have the good effect to quicken a i gion and capturing two towns in ad "'nTX'leD Hay ?wUb dMta of Ihe que'tton of pe:Sonal ljfe,eSt ia the great war. Will not their Meads and relatives condition to Gaza, 1 1 -i, rt dependents and con- !s not expeciea Deiore iaie ionn, uuu, CJ, "M,c.1- tine which is being -Prosecuted vie compensation will be. (By The Associated Press) , Washington, Nov. 7. Complete fig ures on subscriptions to the second Liberty loan have come in from the ; Federal Reserve districts and after be- ing checked will be announced, to-. ' gether with the allotments, probably within the next day or so. There is no doubt whatever that he loan has greatly exceeded 'the $3,000,000,000 minimum sought. There tare indications that it will not exceed hem taken in their country's uniform. The Dispatch wants to make it a tvature of the paper each day to publish the photograph in uniform of one orj" two of our aimy or navyboys. tine, the war office announces. The British have made an -advance of nine miles, carrying the whole Tur kish system of defenses-in this de- t' I; I Mill I Food Pledge Progress, i (T.y The Associated, Press) Washington, Nov. 7. The 8,000,000 mark has been passed on the iscore bord of the famllv enrollment cam paign in the Washington headquarters of the Food . Administration and indi cations are that when all returns are in. they will show "that half the people Tt will make. a fine, collection of our heroes cud, as theso plates, will be pre-i u"t-' Zl-Z.... J'K ot thP country hav agreed to support . . - ,vvoH nfter ibp w?f is over we hone to reproduce them in some reat SDecial; oro"bV uuvv lIie "yyiBsive ueai tne administration's plan for fobd con- , .. . soived after the f1- we, noye to rcproauce tnem m some eat ?Peaf. of .the..summor,-season. no longer .Caus-- servation The latest comnilatinn Fight Among Mexicans. .edition. We wantlioth the private and the officer in this collection of pho-'es enforced inactivity, is being de- 0tal of S 0201S1 COffilIati0n (f?r The Cfvrws7--Elev-' tograpts, for the . as well as the officers, must fight and are as much en- VeIooed nlone a front extenorneast- glYeS a i T&1 f S'1S1v . .' CXfiia i .20 miles, nnrth f tho Flo-trn. ' tn. mn- ' i -j.-s-i.-j, v the coast, it is Petrograd, Nov. 6. The preliminary outhwest of Beershe- barliament tonight voted to "work in IS UNDER ARREST In Statement Explains Appar; ent Shortage in Paymaster -, General's Accounts. 'j 1 ' lii'ii.u'.tion to be paid any of ' "."'!'v.cl soldiei-s depends on- ' - m - .if rl-inir i-nln-rioa Pnr ' -.I'.'-. ' I ...1L 11. .. ... - , ... en bandits -:.m-ni uisao.iuy kiIled ln a fight between Chino ..i . i-.- i nnHPharcft Escondido, , , ... . .-,-.ni'.A -nrd nsr to a dispatch leceived m Jviai- ,....;lHi o mim wm amoros today, from Colonel Tiizo Gon- " io looe.ve allotments of-pay amoros toaay i t ii.ily allowances. - - ? and one federal soldjer near the Tarn , : Let sured that rta than taV-fRA nhnrnf'ra nh nt vnnr hnv wit hniir riplav .inn hp as. a, ...v-v -Tn;t ' : , hnrHfln ' near. . ., ? . . ii r in.. j. i i aDOUt oU niii s alcs. leader of .the federal forces. I .irvj. -1- i - x---- nfl wn rn rnp, i-srinsn nanrnppn a taw rnniarr wiTn- tha nvommont" i-rv vo: these sons of New Ha hover and of North Carolina are to. bravely bear 'a noble, davs aso and 50 miles southwest of soonse Xo Premier Kersnkv's inwni . m . - .- , ----- ; i Jerusalem.. 1 i for a vote of confidence. (By Associated Press.) Raleigh, N. C, Nov-7. "I admit that there is an apparent' shortage in my accounts as paymaster of'' th North Carolina National Guard, but it is due to disbursements pYOperly made for which.no vouchers were issued by; the adjutant general," declares -Major George L. Petersonquartermastep on the fltaff of the Thirtieth division, -Camp Sevier; Greenville S.C, in a signed statement given toi tni jlAfiso"-i' ci.ated Press Here today. Majbr Peter-.' son w.as arrested here la4stvnjgnt,on ; a warrant charging .embezzlement of.. $7,600 of State funds during, the f our V years he held the office of paymaste' general of the North Carolina Guard, r He was released on $10,000 j bond 5 furnished by a local banker, and ex pects to, leave for Greenville : this af ternoon. ''.-. ' J '-''.. ''t-Ziffi$i;: Major Peterson explained that while the National Guard was in camp and v he-was thre on onlcial duty, he, from time to time, would draw from the " general fund several .hundred ; dollars 3 tq meet current expenses; without ob tainiiig .proper receipts for" which the money was expended, v In ; this way, during ' the progress of kn, : encamp-, : ment, he . says, he would draw "out a ' considerable- sum or expenses as they, arose -v without, 'taking - v receipts i ot s youchers. " v A- I' - 4 I 7 v i J , 'I' , 1

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