("Leather forecast- r"yr'";. V' ; - - ' ' ;,lt. . ; WiimngtcIm; Dispatch final editiom : ;; . jfUll leased-ire service 1 V , , i i XIII NO. 380. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSEiAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 8, 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS . . - . . : - . ' - r X:,y'' "- i WyEP Or K1I I El WIS m l 11 I 1 3 mil FRENCH SOIL NO W S B ODIES OF AMERICAN HEROES HOLD U-BDAT SUR AMERICAN GUNNER First Three Sammies Killed in Trench Fighting Are Laid to Rest. HONORED BY PEOPLES OF TWO REPUBLICS ! Fired Tor edo at Freihte - oucn Tribute by French i ire i w;rP pv rf lCi j Officer to First Americans i ana was Lesiroyea oy Vessel's Guns. to Fall in France for Liberty and Justice. Coup d' etat by Elxtreme Class of Russian Revolutionary Socialists. WILL TRY TO SECURE IMMEDIATE PEACE Kerensky Shorn of His Fev er and Certain Members c 1 the Provisional Govern ment Arrested. KEREN'S FALL GERMAN THREATENS HE iT.v Assneiatfil Fress Loni'.un, Xov. S. The Maximalisrs havr obtained control o; Petrograd nnt.1 issued a proclamation saying the nw government will propose immedi ate peace, the semi-official Russian news agency announce?. The Maximalists were assisted by t!i o Fetrogtad garrison, wnicu maue possible a coup d'etat without blood shed. Leon Trofzky, president of the Central Execu V2 corn'mittee or tne Petrograd Council of Soldiers' and Workmen had announced that the ration to the effect that the provis ional government was no longer in existence and that some of its tnem b?rs had been arrested. The prelimi nary parliament has been dissolved. Premier K:'ensky has been depos ed. A wireies? dispatch from Petrograd says that the council of Soldiers and tVorkmen.-i had announced that the 1R l RUSSIA Not Believed New, Revolution : -cis Majority of People With It. POLITICAL crisis m OVE (By The Associated Press) 1 An Atlantic Port, Nov. 8. Informa j tion that a shell fired by an American ' naval gunner sank a Teutonic subma-, rine in the Mediterranean i:; contain- (y Associated Press.) With the American Army in France, Wedno-'1 - 7. The first three Amcric-n "soldiers killed in the ; ed in a report made to the Navy De i partment by the officers of an Ameri ; can freight steamship which arrived i here recently, it Avas learned today. , u ', r, , . i The vessel, of about 3,000 ta:i;i Von Hertiing S Chancellorship ; gross was returning-from an Italia -.i Is in Dcinger of Immediate port in ballact aftor ta?::ng a carg3 of Shipwreck. ; ar munitions from America to Italy. j A report of her narrov,' escape from a KERENSKY MAY OPEN CAPITAL IN MOSCOW Barely Possible That Japan ese Troops May Now Be Sent to Russian Front New Problem for Allies. ' fBy Associated Press) . -s Washington, Nov. 8. Kerenskys government "in Petrograd, into hands of the Maximalists who pose a separate peace with tne T 1 i I T- London. Nov SPhe ' German -crPeda was recently made public, but political crisis is represented as being fthe fate cf her attCKer not nen as as Pver in sner,,! disnatnhe ! tioned" The torpedo was discovered ;enche.; :n France, tonight are sleep- i ing in French soil, honored by the! ! American army and the people and army of Franco. Their final inter- : ment 'ook place yesterday. W:'th a guard of French infantry men in their picturesque uniforms of red and horizon I !ue standing on' one side and a detachment of American soldiers cn t'.ie ot .ier, the flag wrap ped caskets were 1 wered in the grave as a bugler blew taps and the bat FIRST AMERICANS FIGHT GERMANS NOW RESTING TO Will Discuss Plans With Algg . lied Leaders for Pushing . the War. . COL. E. M. HOUSE AT HEAD OF COMMISSION from Count veii Hertiing 3 chancellorship ! an hour befort nightfall and the crew, ! As the minute guns went off, the is in danger of hnme.Iirae shipwreck. ! "" uu,ucu t x luc The refusal of Herr Friedberg, leader i'port rai1' mg in time to see the , ion in this section paid tribute to the of th. Nratinnni i.ih.r.i nnrtv to ntorpedo emerge from Under the ship fallen Americans. His words, which j were punctuated by the roar of the The naval gunners had remained at f guns'" and the whistI6 of shells, touch- their posts. The periscope of a sub-!. ed . both the French and Americans. mariso appeared abov the water, the aware that the torpedo liad gbno un- Ifi. conclusion ,the French off icer aid : many is regarded here as threaten ing Russia with the civil war which all her friends hoped to see avoided. The State Department, entirely without official advice of its own, was silent, wishing to avoid making any statements until the situation could be accurately assessed on the basis Of intimate reports from Am- i;r-:ir in I li d pni!ipi 1 hnr) hppn hpalpfl ' and tl-at a call has been sent out for bassador Francis at Petrograd. a (l-i, -ate from each 25,000 of the j The Russian embassy, too, prefer population to express the will of the re(j not to make a statement until Russian army. ' later and until ttlere has been op. Thp Rur.sian News Agency which, , portunity for communication with as snorted last night, was seized by j . , ... , rhP Maximalists, sends the following Ambassador Bakhmeteff who was dispatch from Petrograd dated. 9:5u traveling m the. south, o'clock last evening: I The embassies of the Entente al 'it 1 AT A. lL . .1 1 A. Th . ,i:,v br-onp-ht r-ortain rhaneea i nes, realizing mat uie ueveiupuient cept the vice presidency of the Prussian j aifd pass harmlessly, on ministry and alleged certainty that Dr. Helfferich is to be retained ss Vice Chancellor are regarded as mat ters Impossible Df settlement. "Count cumbed to military and junker in- i der frehte. be;aue'. wf the name of France, I bid farewell fluence i cargo she was riding high in the wa:;to Private Enright, Private Gresham : ter. TlPP shplls firpd from (ho on in'c ' inI Pr.iirot Uo t t-n The Berliner Taeeblatt refers tn the i . I "l wi. . . . i bow gun and two from her stern cun. missed the submarine, but the sixth shot from the stern gun struck it at the base of the periscope, according to reactionary forces oppressing to nomi nation of progressive leaders. The Koelnischo Zeitung blames the Pro- in the name of the French army , and my. Men After Long Stay Trench Return to Billets for a Rest. mi Party of 27 Includes Special f Ambassador House, Admir- al Beeson and General, r Bliss. lijriT I THE ARTILLERY UNIT FIRED FIRST SHOT Men Come Back Without a Single Casualty, Though Often Under Fire Tired But Enthusiastic. "Of their own free will, they had left a prosperous and happy country to come over here. They knew war was (lav ir. ttn- fif-r.eral situation m tne capital. Tho Maximalist movement made fresh an! fairly appreciable progress, but no disorder;- have taken place. "Tov.-r.rcls 5 o'clock in the afternoon, nil n r a rv committee of the Soldiers' and Workmen's Delegates issued a proclamation stating that Petrograd was in i1. hand:?, thanks to the assist ance of ho garrison which enabled the fouji ' af to te brought about with out bloodshed. "Tlv nroclamation declares that means first of all probably a rear rangement of their war plans were shocked but not disheartened at what is considered a triumph of insidoue German propaganda. The general opinion here among those in position to be best informed of Russian affairs is that Kerenskj and his followers probably will at once set up a new government a' Moscow leaving Petrograd to th( Maximalists and those troops who adhere to them. An armed clash i: fho r. v -ovenment will propose an! counted among the first probabilities immr.di.r,.-.' and iust neace. will handlbut it is said here that the greatei th' i-i!i;l to the peasants, and will umm.'ii1 ihe constituent assembly. "Io!aus from the Cossack regi ments f;;;Krtpred here declared they would not oby the provisional go'v- f,niniH".t agtiin.-f U!. f-fl t r, i , 'The V. - : if'K 'h:'' Zk V ; ; ; i SOn-,.. i, liarp'-Ti -Xik 0T1L'-- ; 'ar. i'. rm.'. . '0 til,. in;: nv third. crisis and would not march I;r Soldiers' and Workmen's hut that, they were prepar iiniriin public order, 'tiograd Council of Soldiers' Omen's Delegates held a meet -iiernocn. at which M. Trot- his declaration that the ' n- nn longer existed; that Mif ministers had been ar- that the Preliminary Par ! born dissolved. hii l.enine who received pro !', outlined three prob i .ore the R.ussian democra : :n:ri:pcliate conclusion of the 'v hi eh purpose the new gov n u't propose an armistice 1 ;' "orenf; second, the hand r o' the land to the peasants; si'Mt-mont of the economic part of the army is expected to re main loyal to Kerensky government Whether the new revolt will go thr quick way of the Korniloff rebellionf no one -here ventures to predict; th realization is that it is infinitely more serious. The outcome, and Rur sia's part in the next years of th war while she recovers her fightin power no one here assumes to cor temDlate at this time. The war council of the co-belli' erents, just about to assemble in Ev rope to arrange policies of co-ordination of fighting forces is now facer with a new and great problem at it; very outset. Coming close on the Ital ian reverses, the Russian obstacle brngs the allies, including the Unit ed States, face to face with action f re-arranee their .fighting power , tc I deal the heaviest possible blows on- the battlefronts while Russia woncs out her part and destiny in the great struggle for world freedom and ItaH holds back the invader through the Alps- gressives and the bocilasits for the re-' the officers' report. There was an continuing in Eurone. thev knpw tha r awakening of the -crisis and says that explosion which shattered the subma- the forces fighting for honor, love of the prospect for a political truce has rine shell and she sank frith all on . justice and civilization were still quite disappeared. board. ' ! checked bv the lone DreDared forces serving tne powers or Drutal domina tion, oppression and barbarity. They knew that efforts were stili necessary. I They wished to give up their gener ous hearts and they have not forgot ten old historical memories while oth ers forget more recent ones. "They ignored nothing of the cir cumstances and concealed from (By The Associated . Press) With the American Army in France, Wednesday, Nov. 7. The first' Ameri can unit to establish" contact with the Germans carr?e back to its billets to day. The men were tired and muddy, but still as enthusiastic a . lot of sol diers as ever came out of gun pits. The artillery, had a longer stay at the i frcnt than the infantry and they came back, men and horses, wet to the bone, covered with mud ana ready to sleep. Their "home coming" was one that (By Associated Press) London, Nov. 8. The special Am- I erican commission to the allied con- - fcrence arrived in London last mid-- night. It is headed by Colonel E. M.". House as special commissioner with the honorary rank of special ambas sador. v "We had a pleasant and unevent-"J" " f ul voyage," Colonel House told : The Associated Press. "The weather, was .. " fair. There,, were no , submarines, l-W wa8the$es two years." ' ' J The commissioners were met by - ' Ambassador Page, Vice Admiral Sims, - -commander of the American destroy er squadron, and Foreign Secretary ' Balfour. There are 27 persons in the party, including Admiral Benson. General Bliss, Vance McCormick, chairman of the War Trade Board; Oscar T, Cros- -by, assistant secretary of the treas-. - r ury; Bainbridge Colby, of the United States Shipping Board;' Dr. A. E. Tav- I lor, representing Ihe food controller ana aui cravatn. Mrs. House and ',:. two women who are acting in scre- will lone be remembered in this sec tion of France. It was late in the &ayl when long lines of marching soldiers lino, a' ,lu eur and straining horses were seen round- .lca?"lti!!l the ing a small mountain many miles away. From the village toward which they were marching, the column could be seen winding around tfre mountain nothing had been, to the valley upon a near hill and them neither the Uhpn Hnwn nenin. The rain was beat- One Subscription May Decide Owner of Briscoe or Ford Cars It Is a Wonderful Battle and All Contestants Are Fighting Fair Three Working Days After Today. desperate hand-to-hand fight. Honor to them! Their families, friends and fellow citizens will be proud when they learn of their deaths. 4,' 44and so evenly are the candidates, that! "Men!. These graves, the first to the loss or gain of one subscription ! be dug in our nauonai son anu oniy a length and hardships of war, nor the me: in their faces and a village, snue violence of battle, nor the dreadful-; eied jn a valley, came into their view i ness of new weapons, nor the perfidy as they crossed the crest of the hill. a . t TiLi x a xi I or tne iue. iNuinmg stopped uiem.; The command was drawn up on a They accepted the hard and strenu-; hillside and a gun, covered with cam ous life; they crossed the ocean at ouflage paint, was drawn out in front, great peril; they took their places on ' on the gun shield an artilleryman the front by our side and they have j had written in chalk "The first gun fallen facing the foe in a hard and J for the Germans." The colonel in command spoke to one of the towns people a moment and addressing the Colonel and Mrs. House were driv en to the residence of, the, Duke of Roxburghe, where they will stay while in London. ; The members of the mission 1 arose late this morning, much refreshed, af-" ter their first comfortable night's sleep in many days, The-first thing they did was to go into conference with Colonel House ; presiding. The meeting lasted an hour. Colonel House outlined a tentative program v for the next few days, calling for a series of conferences with British of-' ficials. Each member of the mission will discuss his particular work with British officials in charge of similar ' men told them the people of the vil- activities in England lage wished to do honor to the gun and its crew and to the American ar my. The Children gathered around TODAY'S LEADERS. may decide the "battle of ballots." i short distance from the enemy, are as' and placed a floral wreath over the The neoDle all over the surrounding a mark of the mighty land we our j jsernice Martin I40,yyi territory are "up in the air" over the 'allies nrmiy ciing to m ms wwmvu grim barrel and a bunch of wild flow ers inside the empty case of the first! Admiral Benson had - an early call to. make on Admiral Jellicoer Pirtst Sea Lord, and General Bliss expected to visit the war office durinsr' the dav.! "I am impatient to see with my own - eyes the great efforts England is allies 11111117 vims - wu"uuu C1 "" . . . m9HB tr u, s Eloise Daniel 140,580 contest and thev are eoinsr to stav ' task, confirming the will of the peo- shot nred. The regimental Dano en,--r- . ;ius Ruth Teachev 140 061 BLtLlJL 1 nle and the army of theUnited States , played the American and French na-;Pblem, said Mr .Colby, "and withy f Mrs. a. (j. sessoms .... 139,840 the names of the winners announced.!10 nnt Wltn us w a UU1B"', T ,fiWiUonai ttUlUBU,Bl Bertha Allsbrook 139.495 Tt i hcrH n who ni i,onnAn i sacrifice as is necessary, until the fin-: That was all the ceremony, ! Mollie Gordon 138,850 p voting TO,v HnHntr tho n.vt fhrOQ i si victory for the most noble of caus- the sight of Americans returning from tnn-nr, ... . " J c"iv' V,4- nf naHfinu thd TOPS fl V ;V. V. nmono oVtaafaA fVin I but I V Mary Jordan 138,560 days and not even the contest Hpmrt-es' that of liberty of nations, the weak combat with the Germans cheered the r Sallie Garrell 138,107 ment would It TfooliS enough to ?ven ! a we" Pas the th! Populace of the village so that when t try to guess who will be the winners. ! of these numble ' "old ap- the troopera dismounted my o d "A' ?. ':r. : T 'lo-.p of the sitting, a dec-? 1 rofid from the represen- ; the Democratic Minimalist j Mh- Soldiers' and Workmen's! . -lating that the party dis-j 't' the coup d'etat and with-i""-' i council-ef Soldiers' andj SHIP ROCHESTER SUNK. (By Associated Press) The American In,.! III' ! l:;ilii,. Tendon. Nov. 8. i' Dfleeates " iv steambiiiy n1"-" X I i uaies. ..Lj-.h onrt sunk at dusk on No- v'-nr.ngo reiegrapn dispatcn , - ''' "os:ral says a strong detach- vember I. . - ,n . , . Fnnr sailors are known to have " '"!r, or me ooiaiers auu , -, . . ;vir, f , , . , i a, i-tjt rneir lives iu luc Diunmg - s ix.lr-gates occupied the ? lost tneir utl : 1 v v trnrinn and r n i r mo - i rr.'.rcr.t ronimandeered all A :-i!ininf? ihe troops, to the bar-missing, motor the second mate and 13 men is j i iJV ill UUL IAXAW - np wir-Uss stations of the Russian lie The captain and 22 men have 4 4- been landed at Buncrana. One ' NOTICE TO CANDIDATES. All active candidates who do '-fr It is most assuredly a znagnificient i Pear t0 us wun exuaorumary .giau- men and many -2. ... ... . .. . . - Hour . tViom tn annko n: Datue, and tne best part of it is that everyone is "fiehtins: fair." I "We will Confidence and determination are the qualities of which win- this end in view, will , pay an early visit to the: great shipyards. Amer ica is now fully' awake to the Impor tance of tonnage in this war, and is carrying out a program of unDarallel- 'ed magnitude. Ship building now" women came up to i takes . Pty over all other work in them to shake hands or put their arms our country effectionately around their shoulders. Some of the members of.. the ml A ft 1 li, - mereiore asK mui iue,Bucv Z , M l sion are hlannine- an onrlv vtult tr i mortal remains of these young men Tonight tne artillerymen turneu - - Tomorrow they will net not win one of the Drizes will imiuuuu- . . p . ff ,fh us foreve- We at 6 o'clock t. . . ," - . . inese are tne qualities 01 which win- .. . . . v iti ,it until timircs nftor the r receive a casn reward or xen per T nprs aro if thaaa -nM 1 inscribe on tne tomos, were ne v "ti- reached London, the. hie- metronoHtan cent, of all money turned in by ZZ" lx " . fl . soldiers 0f the Republic of the j regular time France. When the train bearing the mission them during contest for new sub- scriptions. An active candidate 4 is one '' until th f and in order to receive a paign, they were quickly gained the candidates. Timid, perhaps, at hlir nf tho ! reKUiar llllie; 1 lie men wcic vcij . - - , :. r Diic 01 mi. icsiiia.1 " (station was almost rfPsortoH hnt a tt:.j c-tt foil on the snit nf tired navmff marcneu iur m:-.fly nours. , . ..." .rv, . by iL"1 tTk 7 xZ Desoite the hardships not a man onf ime or waiting automobiles at rictm-e iui ci" - 4. rtractea tne attentinTi or " thr rtmin :;t ituuui 1 , , . " . . f nanus ana a few suburbanites ..who who continues work up;"" -T ' T ' , passerby will stop and uncover his : was heard to grumme excep - u a the start, with a sense of delicacy and lru I L artith fart, that no mail from ho ! v-'uoc ui in wincai, v fo,0 ,o,, Ar,T ' Hau. iiavcicio "v" Mi - - - - - j eatnered about. thP nlatfrrm anrl BTAf. tn rvr ic"or; iiuucoLj. iu unci mem, mej' f tv,;r wav to cotop hro waiting tor mm. ivery oue uetweu - .r 277 nt mKt qulckly overcame thsse negative qual- Xif respect that the firing of f. to the identity, of the ,dta nt must 1 ... nfxt0A Wiu Miu to pay tneir rebpecuve uiuuiea.. p",.. v. i k tmguished lookine ; nartv - with . ! itt turnJn at least one new subscrip- 'ft,th -Private- Gresh-! shells at the Boche would be "fine V tion either Saturday or Monday results they so easily obtained. am! private Hay! In the .name of j busmen' All were anxious to .go the last two days of the contest. candidates are again reminded to France, I thank you, God receive your bacK again if ' . 4, read caretuiiy tne "Kuies that will souis Farewell! . J ,'4. 4 jt 4. 4 tj 4. 4. 41 govern the close of The Dispatch con- j ' ' test." They, are printed on the same IMrRFAQFn RATF Onlir liroo rlT-c ronnj in after tnHaV no rrn no f V nttii;nir 9 V. nn-Ai 1 111 W AVCjlJ VtU z which to, win the prizes offered by dates. If there is anything that is not: FOR MlLJtAfc:D several i-io Dispatch. The candidates and flear or l110 anaerstand, . .. be snrp and fl.slr the Contest Manappr fBv Associaturt Press) the.'r friends realize that the time is h.M,... u , -hpttpr o nv nucctinna1 Washington, Nov. 8. Permission to . 1 1 VI o- mi" wvw"" In this command there was not one casualty despite thelength of its stay at the front and the fact that the Ger mans shelled the American artillery times. The officers said that the night the American trench was raided, the artillery got great piles of newJAmerican baggage. Mr,, Page and 'Mr; Balfour were on the . pcene early and - while . waiting Walked' up and. doWn 'the platform for -ten. minutes chatting; about the -war. Colonel House and Admiral Benson, the' first to alight, were greeted heart ily by Mr. Balfour, who met them on his recent visit to America. ' Colonel House," appearing to be in good health, greeted ; the American y ' ieusei . r hQrra0 intn Nn Mfln-a rrxd. The ZZTZrTriT' "VT , j ev o 1 1 "o'- i I'fim misinnpro DTamirfln tna mass nr - in their power to win. Everything takes. The contest will close prompt- nmeage s were sure they prevented aU the Qer-lmemberedi ,havine known " them - In getfng short and are doing everything and be sure,, than to make costly mis- increase leage that l as been done by the candidates ly at 9 o'clock next Monday night, at oSssfon today by an3 from jeaching the trench indjwashlngtc tSi ne modS m7 up to tms time nas oeen mere pream- wmcu ume aii lytiuus auu railroads ln" Te r "evr Balfour and Mr. Page to Mrs. House inary vork. All the scouts have re-votes, from candidates living m Wil- boutheastern rauroaos. , back ahve . walked to the waiting automobile ported to their chief, the reconnolter- mingt-. and outside must be in The & nniun nv I The members of the crew which 1 and - wask-taken to -the home of the ing is over, the hour of battle is at T atch office. At the close of the. UrliU tAKKILU ' ! fired the first shot at the Germans ad- Duke of Rdxburghe v After Admiral hand, and it finds each candidate with first and second periods, the out-of- THE PROHIBITIONISTS mitted that they enjoyed the experi,:Eensonana General: Bliss had shaken an army of supporters ready to meet town candidates could mail their sub- ; r . - , I ence greatly? One gunner remarked hands with Vice Admiral', Sims, they and repulse the attack of the enemy, scriptions and votes any .time on the ' (Bv Associated Press) he would rather have had that expert-! were driven' with the other members Generalship and true Dravery win uay oi . closing, oui wen is, not ine . .-..Cincinnati, Nov. 8,-On'the unofficial,, ence .and honor .as a "buck pjivate.iof theinission to a west end hotel. boat with nine survivors -nt trrlay and nicked up here, reacnea itosa ry- hat the carrison nnrl nroletar- ty 01 Mayo, yebiwu, ( statr l.'it 'count a ereat deal, but the chiefs can- case at the close of. the contest. Ev- hti -fvntmlAtA' .returns from 'everv one . than to he a: malar fieneral. .The crew i 'Thp vnvava'was nnovontfni -aithnmrh a not fight wit.hr : ' ";-rriunition, and the erything to be, counted, in. the contest cf the 5,756 precinct.i in Ohio, prohi-' is composed ' of r youngsters. They several' aya of - rough - weather put ii! ammunition that will be most effective must.be mailed, in. plenty of time to bition has carried by a majority 2,952 come I from South Bend, New York, the seamanshio of the Americans to roletar-s ty of Mayo, yesieruay. ( - in deciain the victory Wheji the'be m The.Dispatch office by 9 o clock. The-vote: -For- prohibition- 519,171; Minneapolis.; Chicago, Baltimore," New .a 'severe test. Notwithstanding this, - !d the ; a I ' exnbke of battler-clears away Monday, ; Monday '.night.: This, does not mean against? prohibition,' 516,219. -J "-Orleans and Douglass.Ariz: v, U '.Continuea on rage Three). ' : t' ''f- (Hove '"i ; v-,-.'- I . - , .l j il Ml wiSKy government.

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