- ' V WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina and South t :aro lina: Fair tonight and Satur lay;; little cnange in temperature. I' WlLMI NGTON ISPA FINAL EDITION FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE 1 VOL. XXIII NO.381. K & WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY AFTERNOON; NOVEMBER 9, 1 91 7. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SERIOUS 'FIGHTING RUSSIA -WOUL SUflPH Possible That Kerensky Now at Head of Loyal Troops. Northern Russian Army 1 Reported Marching Toward the Capital. KERENSKY'S ARREST . IS ALSO REPORTED Russia Appears Torn to Pieces by Struggles of Fac tions of Extremists Chaos Gaining the Upper Hahd. ARWY A DISPUTE OVER NC WOMEN NEW GOVERNMENT IS NOT LIKELY TO LAST fii v Tim iiiiir liu dfiTts raiTidu ; M B U,BL' ! ?y u muiiL u UU11 U U U i Li Tfi msfunii aria rkk.:2Mrtw w ur D D HH HUH nB D - KB II 4 M II I D II " All 8 IBB I Bill 1 1 1 I H 0 BE I H HQ II nifi iwni ana. AAflii ?Mi II B II II I0f I H H Uh II II Finish Is Certain to Be Close and Full of Excitement Over This Section People Are Discussing the Probable Results of Contest and Predicting Who Will Win v a 4 4 4 4. Only Resistance to the Maxi malists Reported Was at the Winter Palace Ke rensky Has Fled Capital. Reports from German sources today ! 4 4 4-1 4 4 TODAY'S LEADERS. furnished virtually the news regarding the situation in Rus- 4 sia, where the Maximalists are in ( 4 . come down the home stretch. It's j anybody's race, and the work done 4j between now and 9 o'clock Monday night will have a ereat deal to do Ruth Teachey .. i81?611 4iwith determining, the winners. Even s rauane unaeiwooa .. ..ib.bad Vitoo weakest or working candidates 4 Ella McCarley ' 171.00S can turn defeat into victory, if the Eloise Daniel . . 187644 ' right kind of effort is made. j Bertha Pierce 166,727 j All over this section of the State "r Mary juiuitu . . .. .. loo.d'ti anu jiaBieiu souin uaronna, wnere Mollie Gordon .. 161,314 'ever The Dispatch in its daily visits only fresh Mrs. A. C. Sessoms 160,323 makes its way, the readers are dis- Militants Say They Were th Forced to Eat, Jailer De nies It. (By Associated Press.) . Wasnington, Nov. 9. The hunger - MARCHES ON PETRO- 4' strlke of Woman's party militants in GRAD. 'tne jail here has resolved itself into a dispute over whether the women By Associated Press). Wprp fprt fnrrihK- nr whothor thov T r : 1 took food willingly. Today's Woman's ' reaching Amsterdam rrom a Gc 0 J . J r.;an source and forwarded by Party headquarters announced that ( . iitral News pays the Russian 4 Alice Paul, the leader, had been forc- j; 4 cussing the probable result of the con- ' 'h test and are predicting that this or control Of Petrorad and arp anneal- omuu,"'J. l"c uiuaic,mot ia.ui.ic iB ouic iu uuiue uuuer coniroi or -etroerad and are appeal ag sh6wn today is the result of the the vdre a winner. These knowing ing to the army to support it against ,iast count to be made by the Contest ones always believe that their own imperialistic attempts until it has ob- Manager, and there will be no more candidates are-sure to win. If they tained a democratic Deace. One of changes until the judges make the could, only realize that subscriptions final count next Tuesday. The lead- count much more than good wisnes ; ers as shown above will have the hon- in a contest of this kind, their eandi-: or of holding their positions until the dates would stand a .much better! last day and maybe longer. The chance of winning. ! IMPROVEMENT ON ese reports, which was entirely without confirmation, was that Prem ier Kerensky, who left the capital be fore the extremists gained trfe'a3 cendancy, had been arrested. The other report, also of German origin, and similarly unconfirmed, de clared the Russian army on the north ern front had joined the Maximalist movement and wras marching on Potro-grad. The great majority of the members STOCK 1A1ET Allies Send Troops to Aid Ca dorna in Holding Back Huns. ITALIANS RETIRING TOWARD THE PIAVE -it leaders on that day will hold, the po-j The probabilities are that the bal sitions of 'honor for life. That is THE.loting will be very heavy tomorrow DAY TO LEAD! land Monday, as these two days will With the end of The Jispatch con- be the last for the candidates to de test only a few bourn away, it is posit their votes. The contest will Better Support Today,- But the Undertone Was Still Uncertain. 'Piave River Selected as Scene for Desperate Stand Teu tons Cross'- Livenza Brit ish Advance. ' (By Associated Press) York, Nov. 9. The stock New market after yesterday's severe re versal dllft tn tho now Pnenion ,1q velopments appeared to be receiving Nov- 8. Both British and French the v Italian Army 2one; Thursday, 4"; to nick the winners. as the race is I The Dispatch office will be locked. ! substantial support at the opening .? roo?s are going toward decidedlv close. There are som can- All persons who are in the office attoday although the undertone of the T il - . -i Mwotn. Tor-noc or-rv in , i , that timo win ho ffiimn o i genera 1st nrmtinnpri ntifnrtain ; nciicu ana cnusn renre- L"e.i:eL!n c,r.,7.!!e mLade who are not afttive. so far a indinal inity to turn in their subscriptions and Steamship sharks were the strong? sentatives who have come to fil L 'D:. if-iflf Hon, rovonl. 'but thft notivp oont.t. derosit their votes in the ballot box .1 est features, Marine preferred soon T !taly had a conference of . two me iiiici roiaw, 111 wmcn iney nan r.uirching on Petrograd. Kerensky Reported Arrested ants outnumber thern to such an ex- The ballot box will then be turned rising 3 points. War stocks and equip- J ,ours today With King Victor tent that the finish is certain to bo ove- to the judges, who will seal it moms, as represented by United' military meas- army on the northern front has iblv fed three times since veaterdav -taken r?fu.ge' was bombarded by crui.s joined the Maximalists and is ifr-oD- and that Rose Winslow, ! Ztl uuei curplieu ninoo nni) fn f ;t0,( t.,! and nlarp it in 9 vault nf nno ftf thJStates Steel. Bethlehem Steel. Raid us called for by the present sit- tSLIIIrilllll-1! I f IP V 51 rp 1 Ti T ri O TrtrTro'l a I J v wo uuu 4.u -'. v. i . iiiv ii i. i in; x v.vv.li..ihi.s - t - J-i i . J . V 1 IMV I-. , and St. Paul and are to majority or tne active candidates have,1Jdl oanKs. in the Korni-1 been so well supported by their friends and relatives that the final h IS & I - comDanion. had been forciblv fp ! . twice. Feeding Miss Paul three times wphT n , t a littlo mnro thQn 19 nnrC h!be.trledt0r Complicity M.Mm. Uj i I l. , X A A A. VJ 1, l-J. 1 ft. .A. 1 A X -I J k. J 1.11 , loff revolt, the Maximalists announce . V. a T1.. Dhn all 1 J . JJ T. T w l." 7." " I. e . ? uuu"uu "dS " I General Korniloff himself is also to result is problematical. T V1110 n,,w Z e muVman- ; . , . , t. be brought to the fortress for trial by The best workers are crowded right; Kssen. Germany, publishes a . Superintendent Zmkham, of the. ,fOTO t,lMl yi,m in front nv nn nan c kv Stockholm telegram saying that jail, freely admitted .that Miss Paul , p J h ' . ' , , . Homier Kerensky has been ar- had been fed three times, but denied LSlUtJ whiVp S T lasted. " had been done forcibly. 15 LllennSfy S Appeals to Army. .' "There was no forcible feeding," 5"?!S V t?? vu5f ? ' , r - n . . T . ,. . ,, . . ! downfall of the provisional govern- Petrograd Nov. 9 -The Con- said Dr J. A. Garmon, the jail phy3i-i . authority in Petrograd at least gress of So diers' and Work- cian. "These women took the food j came -md&eBjZ anA without great T "reu xfeco -uu, M1,i . , uuuU. .vuuv.. -.ww " bloodshed and several ministers of T to rrip rtussiaii itniiv lu- slu.hu. -r . jjo auvenise menisci s uj .ajms firm and to protect the revolu- they have been fed forcibly tion again..;- imperialistic at- Paul's condition is not critical, it ia win Locomotive, pnd Hpntrai 't-path. uation were discussed in ant.ivA er, were one to two points higher. an?, cort,ial collaboration. . On Coppers also developed firmness. J leaving the King, the party visit-' 1 Rails strengthened, Pacifies and ?d French and British troops go- ' Reading leading that group at aver- v mg lwara the front. ,. 41 age advances of a point. Minor rails; In the party are the British tempts until the new government not even serious. She is doing well." had obtained a democratic peace. Sv Woman's party headquarters, how- ever, declares Miss Paul will die if' illlSS TTi.!:l ::iiL uiiumi-icii upiuiuu in ameu ua.yii.aiBi seems to be that the "Maximalist at tempt to guide the destinies of trouble-torn Russia will be short lived. Civil war with the more conservative , ,,. , . , j x v a a t c. 1 1111 uic: ha 1 vwuor 1 Taut r; 1 a"th?,rlties continue to feed hei , elements of Russia( opposed to thc 1 -OrciDiy. ; j fnr in enmp nnnrtpvc: it i;l etros:raa, xmov. a meei u8 ui a thought that even now Kerensky at th, congress of Solders and Work-, CRENSHAW HAS A ! the head of loyal troops may be mfn; Deputies held last nignt, a mem- ninRHFRFD RR A TN ' marching against the Bolsheviki. ber ol the revolutionary mnuary cuui- mittep paid that on Wednesday Pre-! - mkr Kerensky at Gatchina 35 verstsj rJZTKL ,.,o v j Charlottesville, N. C, JSov ' i 11 1 H I 11 J 111 J- cnwiau, uuu vouvu niqnRnF.RRn rratn i News dispatches rece I Petrograd are subject to the censor 9 An : ship of the Maximalists and probably nahnovi nortrav onlv one side of the situation. f.'M" dunlin o n ? v- - j The official count will be made by the judges Tue3day night, beginning at 7:20 o'clock. As soon as the count has been completed the result will be referring to. the published standing,! be published in Wednesday's paper. and in.aCtiv specialties and utilities jj JJff ;ph wip!TW; f and all of them have nearly equal The candidates, their friends and the Kere irLeJ.ar at m.0e.rat.6 res:i ?l.nC'emr' Paul Pain- chances of winning, they are bunch-'public in general are invited to be' ' YTSS Trly Iarge b.utl rZ nr tLlLffemi! . ed so ;very closely ,tht the Contest present at . The . Dispatch ,-dffiee " Tries- ' w ? , lfc!;1fsu -. wiifoplvr11"1" T 1 v ;fss , b The more settled, condition in the neauarters; Major -General' WU-,.r. - sfaTO;-.!.. ' "irTr P . rrc" o-TirTrisssM -tne-.?y uwx-ptieriusii- Oeff- -r; f ; T-.... 1. n J. n . . 1. . T. 1 "V I 3m I - 1111 - Pli.lli, lln II ' . B ' 1. jhibited further weakness in rates on merly, the British commande in f. j Petrograd and iRome. Rubles were) South Africa; the TtaUari Foreign quoted at 11 1-4 and lires 8.45 against Office. Minister, Baron Sounino; (yesterday's closing quotations of 12 lne Tench. Minister of Missions i and 8.38 respectively. ! Abroad, Henry " Franklin Bouil- Russian government bonds which lon' General Foeh, Chief of Staff j ii .1 u a a j it. . nf tli q EVnniU U7 iirj ii . . . jaie ueiiii in uii lue uuru reuecieu ine - - x iuu war laiiusiry, -ana ' (lower exchange rates. The "6 l-2s their staff. ;;'.;'.' Isold at 54 and the 5 l-2s at 45, repre- ' 1 1H: V IM. I . w -r. w- . . I T . I ... ... . . I JL Pff- . .1 . - - . . - ived from ames L. Beavers Reinstated Normal Conditions hollow sentmg further depreciations of - 4,- fiT LflNTA'S TOL HIE CDIFF EXONERATED UII OIIIET TODAY AT MONTGOMERY )! 1 1 i n -,r ttt ofur h,-a orroet lagt.mir. rnp nreseni outDreait or ine raa- fro- the front to Petrograd After a - winter for settting fire to the chemical I icals appears to have been more suc ronferenre the soldiers decided not t laboratorv of the University of Virgin- j cessful than the abortive effort of last proceed for the time to Petrograd. j .& disclog-ed a brain disorder( Dr. Bev-1 July. Nikolai Lenine, who fled Petro Lf on Trotzsky, president of the ex- R Tucker a Richmond specialist grad after the July failure, is again prutive committee of the Petrograd esjge(j today at Crenshaw's trial. The leading the Maximalists, who were rounr ii of Soldier?' and W orkmen s phygician aso said he had never seen aided by most of the Petrograd gar-Dfk-ates. explained the arrest of cer- wnrp rasp bf rhp enlareement of the 1 rison and sailors from the Baltic fleet. tain members cf the Kerensky Sv"iveinS- The action of the Maximalists has frrmont was not an act of vengeance! There was a reaction from the op- been endorsed by the all-Russian or Dolmen! repression. He saia ui :in nr tupUpf tPstified and eenerals. of Workmen s and soldiers ovemu-eiiL; Crenhsaw had recovered satisfactorily . ; Councils. A proclamation nas Deen ! issued by the revolutionary govern ment declaring that it purposes to ne poll the rn'-TTibers of the late would bo tried for complicity in the Korni!cf movement. as Head of City's Police Department. (By Associated Press) Atlanta, Nov. 9. James L. Beavers, Last Night's Threatened Race Rioting. (By Associated. Press) land 3 per cent, respectively, to newj ln Northern Italy, the , Austrb-Ger-! low records. i mans have forrpd n rmoa? ,0 ? JSJSPi0 oS(fU9S; Livenza "ver and the Italians are re- toward the Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 9. Condi-, quotations since the time former chief of the Atlanta police de-tions were normal bene today after listing on the New York Stock Ex partment, convicted on charges in- tne excitement caused last night volving inefficiency and insubordina-j when negro soldiers from Camp Sher tion, early this morning was exoner-lidan visited several sections of the ated and reinstated as chief by the 'city and suburbs in search of a ne police comnhission before which the . sro chauffeur who they understood case was tried for a third time. Beav-was to be lynched for running down' ers waived all claim to back salarv. . a white woman ;nlnn. Anirlnnnnh t- Oft OA I iiii.iiiiiiii niiciii-1 I r i.ii aii .11 nr . i-t i and Paris 6s at 85, were at lowest "11" lowara tne Piave, the -last of their OLluus natural nne before Venice. General Cadorna's troops are making a more spirited resistance to the for ward movement of the invaders, gs Th. political parties to which the Deserter Arrested. (By Associated Press) amounting to approximately $8,000 I RIO JANEIRO'S PORT IS CLOSED , , (By Associated Press.) Rio Janeiro, Nov. 9. The govern ment has issued a decree ordering pecially on the upper Tagliamento and the upper Livenza ;'.,. ' The larger units Italian ar my are retiring without iom the Austro-Germans but strone ;otiate an "immediate democratic I fina in An mi of 1 Q1 r f 4- r-w V: - lin n i i . ,, I Wi..ii,t ,iiPfn . hlnnrr havo decid-' Tnhilp Al;, Nov Q Eiureno Ca-'" nn Tt olon nloc tn turn nvpr all'"" a.U8"1' as usual ana lew 01 the SOU '"J' . a 1 I L 1 li 1 1 1 1 .M v l O unvufj vv a i a vwiiv., v. ycatC. It ulOU Liuiiu - ' Qg0JJ f'fl To turn nvr all the ministers, so-'iacob. a German, arrested here rialists as well as others, for trial. Federal authorities on suspicion Chief Beavers was dismissed from of- dav wpvp -that mntmo ,..o.. iro gressing as usual and few of the sol-1 convicted on two charges. Theldiers' knew anything of the trouble! Fy.Oiiki Dvinn oy the land to thp neasantrv and to sum-i .... x t.w. ; cj.ujt.uiu6 ui me tiuuoie ...n.,f1. tyaao , - ' - . , cast was carneu lu tne f unon ou- until tney reaa tne mornme nsnprs i TT , ' ir' , "mon the constituent assembly. Lprinr rnrt a writ nf Mrtin.ri 1 rt JfnSi Jul 7i?5-?pera: Honolulu, Nov. 8. (Thursday). In the meanwhile they are being held, according to agents of the Depart-j Little serious fighting attended the an(J returned to the commission under UOmiCUiary arreL. , mrai ui juouw, a ucuo. "'-" - i revolt, Uie auu&i liuyuimui. cm,-, "c. wv,ph ho wnc a-ain rnnvirtprl nn ' Confirmation was obtained that the from the army. They say Cajacob ,bombardment Gf the Winter Palace, ! ZZ r?trV tC,, ft! mur ministers of the provisional registered at St. Louis under inc the seat of the provisional govern-t . . ' ri rnt fnr r .eminent who were arrested by the draft act. but when called for pxam!mentf by the warship Aurora, and second time on anothe? certiorari and i.ary revolutionary committee have nation failed to appear. He will b? the fortress Qf St. Peter and St. Paul. :S5a ?.lr?fS .. . . ... rear t.uaras are ei vino- tt t..- Reports from Camp Sheridan to-'fhe closing or the port ot Kio Jane- battle at several lolntV An ttHn attempt to hold on the middle Taglia mento resulted in theiorce being cut' oft and 17,000 Italians, including a tiui-jti, iiemg taiten bv th Anstm. , ait-1 soldiers' at camp would be curtailed 1 A j j , . A n ; p u uc ,-'Ui idiieu. . reported dying today. Physicians said former military revolutionary lern incarcerated in the fortress St. P!er and St. Paul. The confirmation was given by the fninmissionpr in command of the fonnvs. who received the Associated Prr correspondent and personally, f-xplainxi to him the details regarding tin- M;n!in'-ment of the ministers. Tin cabinet members, he said, were .'ill arrested at the Winter Palace aft- n :-hrrcnder early this morning. TIl'-v were tcikon t win-,-. , li(.v fonfir,' ni.-nt, but rwrre courteously treat fd. He gave the list of those takii: i in o custody as follows: M. Maslov, minister of agriculture; M. I. T-'i-estchenko, minister of for pign affairs; M. Nikitin, minister of the ;i-i..l:0r; m. i veresvsky, minister "f wa nnd communication; M. Bern aky, minister of mance; M. Smir- n''fi'. state controller; M itch, ruin is -M. K v The case then was TWA ANn nWC UAI C mil VM ATllflll reported dying today. Physi j she could not live many hours. CENT COINS NEEDED of 'tried bv court martial. DESTROY BRIDGES BEFORE TEUTONS jThe palace Tield out tor torn noura 'wMch n&d been tponed three times answering the bigger guns of the rPRnltintr 1t1 h- PYnT1PT.fltinT1 an(1 Cllhj i warshin and fortress with machine A , TTT,, sequent reinstatement. (By Associated Press) Washiugton, Nov. 9 Agitation for Cantain wil- cumil6e 01 a lwo ana one-nait cent 1 guns and rifles, before its defenders Uam M appointed police Piece has been renewed by the recent chief after Chief Beaver's dismissal. ldpm LPwara movement or prices i surrendered. BALTIC FORCES 1 ! I iNEHISTS r r- -r a t n n 1 1 in r n n t 1 1 1 I Hill I'll II II I II I B. r III II Til PHI If. 111 s ihii t in 1 1111 1 UL.I lit' uui 1 uii 1 o the fortress, DAfrpJ1i.:ncr Italians Use Everv Hlsin?foIs' -Qr- ntarcH in solitary . gates iium w,C ... . '1 I. IJ iviean3 10 viiccr. 1 igicoo of Invaders. The case has attracted wide atten- caused partly by new war taxes, and tion benausfi nf the Pxtpnrlpd litisra- a .bill probably will be pressed at the TAICF A ST AND, tion in the case and the local issues next 'session of Congress to author-1 involved. ,iZeT the mintage of such a coin ' Idea of Annexing Poland to t 1 Indications are that, a numhpr nf . . ... . . Petrograd, Nov. P. A dispatch from - - A T street railwav comnanies whinh nv Austria INot Well Ke- fmist of justice; M. Gvozdeff, (Bv Associated Press' Italian Army Headsuarters, Wednx dcy, Nov. 7. A dozen bridges have been blown up or the Livenzn rive: to arrest and delay as much as possi- Mr.lyantov-the advance of the Austro-Ger i Finland, says that dele the Baltic fleet and army command have resolved to adhere to the revolutionary committees. The revolutionary committee at Re- r- ' an the important strategic points; - 1 1 ft" 1 jm considering raising fares to six cents WESTERN FRONT wil urSe legislation authorizing coin- age of a six cent piece. ceive d. mans toward the Piave river. The ANTI-PROHIBITION FORCES STILL LEAD (Bv Associated Press) Cincinnati. O.. Nov. 9. With 69 r of labor; A. I. Konovaloft, ivenzza is a smaller river than the counties having reported officially and o! trade and industries; Ad-( Tagliamento and offers fewer -dim- unofficially, and apparently reliable ''i rvski, finister of marine; cci;ier, to the invading army to cross an(j complete figures from 19 others, -lilin. minister of public velfare it tut e retiring Italian army is the anti-prohibition forces still main- t ;:kovKkv w:io succreo'":! Gen- r,nw hotter oreanised than it was 01 tain a. lpad in the w?t and drv elec- il Veri; 1 1 cj vski as minister of war; tanks of the Tagliamento and is tian by a majority of 2,534. Kart; c-heff . minister of religion, ranable of greater resistance. Some i 1 tyakoff, president of the Qf the Italian contingents are animated -t, a) council. by such ardcr to fight the enemy tha" i ion. Chief of Staff Bagratuni tUoy are losing contact with the main y ': his subordinates were ar-. body and risk being surrounded by the ! Austro-Germans who have advanced cqy Associated Press) ornmisTionor said he did not cither higher or lower on the river v. London, Nov. 9. The entire ''ie wlierc abouts of Premier than the position occupied by the 4j Turkish army in Palestine is re- v ho h;id "run away. ' Italians. ine towards thp north. Brit- (By Associated Press) London, Nov. 9. An official state ment issued today by the British war office regarding military operations in Prance and Belgium says: "We made a successful raid 1 night, to the eastward of Hargicourt. yard yesterday and announced he : idea There was nothing of special interest would enlist in the service, fie w:T j poses to report. (By Associated Tress) CoDenhaeen. Nov. 9. The nronosed j settlement of the eastern problem by, annexing Poland to Austria-Hungary uermans, increasing their esntnrp acmv'nij, to Berlin, to 250.000. , Along the Livenza. General Cador- -1 soldiers apparently were more suu.?ssful. The invaders crossed the Livenza only after a vigorous attack and in the region of Vittorio, the Italians were able to detain the ad-, vance. The Livenza is but a scant 10 miles from the Piave. waere n-. ;eral Cadorna probably will make "a en uiig sluuu. British troops in Asia Minor con tinue successful operations. In Pales tine, General Allenby's forces have made another advance toward Jeru salem. In Mesopotamia the British advancing up the Tigris have captur ed Tekrit, 90 miles northwest of Bag dad. .. BELGIAN CONVICTED fe OF ESPIONAGE ACTS anvifle, short stop of the Boston Na- many has few friends in Germany,! Tnnd m q r., ast tional baseball team, visited the navy, aside from the proponents, of the ,': mP7W9I ;!f1hannoime" - irA ,.o(nt ul iri... . . ment was made today of the convic- vncuiy tu uuxe piess "P" Ition of a Belgian as a.BpW Vne state it. The conservative and nsL-r'mr-rinma. - 1 vaai. Aviiu no t Maranyille to Enlist. (By xssociated Press.) Boston, Mass., Nov. 9. Walter Mr-( and Courland and Lithunia to Ger-j Photographs Are Wanted take his examination next week. ! tionalist organs are against it be- ' i cause they fear the eff ecT of such a step upon their own anti-Polish pol- 'icy in regard to the Polish provinces of Prussia. The Liberal Socialist newspapers are indignant at the-attempt to decide a question involving the wrhole future of Germany behind nrii m "nit .... it; :; ami ma i ; Tin' km iv. it i ; fl 4 4 4 4' 4 TURKS IN RETREAT. 4 4 The Dispatch desires to keep its readers in tourt with the young men of the ba ofth? Reichstag, and also this section in navy, army and the Red Cross, who have gone forth to battle. et!of See pSIJ? torth'ta The friends and reaitives of these -oune men have, no doubt, photographs of , "na?nP!!1.y S6t 101 m m them taken in thair country's uniform. The Dispatch wrants to make it a rpne gocaiist organ Vorwaerts of' TEUTONS ADVANCING 4 "A Belgian subject , was tried ' by ' the general court martial in London on September 24 and 25 on the charge that he had come to th e" United King-i dom with the intent to commit acts , 'of espionage on behalf of the enemy.. He was found guilty and sentenced to (death. The sentence was duly con- ; firmed a.nd subsequently was commute ed to penal servitude for life." - TOWARD THE PIAVE "'am-th- ri - r Palace battle, although ducittg it to scarcely 30 miles m lengui- j, f hem. 4 i-' ported not to have been This favors the concentration of Ital- Forty Turkish guns were cap- 4 " iio fighting proceeded with ian forces, for defense. tured. says the British official 4 il forces alternately in posses- a, otatprnt announcing the Otto- 4 ;''('n r'( the huge piles of wood stored . Bandits Loot Bank. man retrcat. 4 ;n 'h' plaza, a part of the city's win- ' (DwiJ Pqre!!The Farm- British and French naval forces 1 Ji suddIv jcuttauii, w ---- . ' . uppiy. I -cXr in thf villafire of Con- are Kiare of an arc light illuminat- jr." "" " 7Z f wa. I ll'i" 7-nilirTi f rna in tHft.'COra. IV U"'" ; r.."'.:,Mn vinovt feature of the paper each day to publish the photograph in uniform of one or Berlin declares that this adoption of 1 two of our airay or navy toys. ! nr annexationist DOlicy in the most? It will be of general interest and will have the good effect to quicken a irretrievable form puts in the shade (By Associated Presa.) ' ' ' : personal interest in the grsat war. Will not their friends and relatives co- the crisis regarding the chancellor-T Berlin, Nov 9.- (British Admiralty ' possible at this hour to as- Meanwhile th.i Italian retreat nas lgt airplanes are following ud the operate? Let us have the photograph of your husband, Drotnsr or Doy, m uni- snip ana an otner aeveiopmenis or per wireless press). The Austro- what the casualties were in creatly shortened the ngnting line, re- - -rirn Turks and bombing form, and, as we can have the plates made they will appear in The Dispatch, tne day. 11 reminas xne government 1 merman ..forces, in Northern Italy, ov-,. )o tr '-i mi oc in 1 pn r ! 1 jl ,ti . -t i j n n as t 4-v inM '-m'fii v -n-wi rnar rno Mansni rv . ri iiirix ri" 11 v. iw 1. prrnm rno roaiorotinA r i ri linn s- ed after the war is over, we hope to reproduce them in some great special Parts of which are absolutely non- rear, gnards, are" advancing toward ion. We want both the private and the officer in this collection of pho- German, wmie. m tne tmra. the uer-, the Fiaveriver, thewar office;' an-; tographs, for the men, as well as. the officers, must fight anct are as much en- '?1mfl "u t lue toI",uuaD iouowb; j j I 1 ' ' 'retain its influence, may at no dis-j "The Livenza river has been cross-" deared to .their countrymen. . .!w tim Wnmo .9 miiihrv rfanmrr1 oiua .4r Let us, then, have the. photograph of your boy, without delay, and be as- GGrmany. . , - . ' ies. overcoming the resistance of th sured that the actuating motive in this proposal js to. inspire a deeper interest The Kreuz Zeitune reminds the au-lltalian vrear. miards ar - advnncfne in and contribute our part to tho warlike?eiiterprise of our nation in which thorities of the- repeated promises" to j ceaselessly on mountain ' roads and on - ana pour- 1 co-onrating against the1 wa 4 Turkish ' : -'cations along , P'aza while the rest of the city was vrrecked by burglars - early today. tne imcuciiiu these sons of New Hanover and of North Carolina areto bravely beara noble ieaTe definite settlement' until sthe the plain, in , driving 'snow j almost lotal darkness:. : this condi-1 The bandits 'escaped with about $18,-f part V W ''rV: " 'ir TvC- r '"l ." end of the war. V : K in t6ward the Bave."

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