4 5- r - i 6 w -w THE WEATHER FORECAST; I North Carolina: Fair 'Sunday;. and Monday, except. probably ,v showers Monday in extreme west portion. South Carolina: Fair Sunday and Monday. MING FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE TpliMpM PAGES.-:. TON V V HU VOL. XXIII NO. 383. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA; SUN DAY MORNING,; NOVEMBER 1 1 Hi 9 1 7. PRICE FIVE CENTS. EVERY CITIZEN IS CALLED UPON TO HELP THE NIT HUNSANmiTAMANS ARE LINED UP FOR TDM The Dxama of a National Tragedy Is Unfolding Be- hind the Curtain. mm mm LITTLE NEWS GETS i TO OUTSIDE WORLD! i 1 DIPLO jucn .News as is rermuiea ioj Come Through Is Contra- i dictory Germany's Hand in Revolution Is Shown. of a iV - Fn (Fy Ed. L. Keen, United Press Staff Correspondent). London. Nov. 10. Behind the cur- t,r:i 't censorship held by the , Bol- t H!i 'i!vi in Russia tonight, the dama ir.tional trasedy may be unl ld- But few telegrams, anJ j exceedingly contradictory, have ' received from Petrograd since! dated Thursday night. Of two messages received this after-! p. 'libling their government with I f-nine and Trotsky at its head, and ( other merely stated that the fln ar.re. commerce and foreign minis tri : had suspended their work. Pre vious messages, dated Thursday, had f!i ( Ia.red that Premier Kerensky, with rr3isional- troops, was approaching Petrograd. London eagerly waited for Turther word of the possible battle. So far there has been no confirmation -of early report- '-Hay that Moscow had joined with ''. j Maximalists. The revolt, however, has spread to Fin land, apparently, judging from Copen hagen dispatches. They reported that delegates of the Baltic Russian fleet iind committees representing the Rus sian arm j' in Finland naa decided to MATS SERIflUSTHOMT Officialdom at Loss How to Deal With the Russian Situation. President Wilson Issues Foreword on New Draft Regulations. LAWYERS AND DOCTORS! I ! a DECISIVE BA Englis hand French Troops rives on Banks of the Pi- -ave River. NATU ALLIES CONFIDENTLY AWAITING THE ISSUE ARE ASKED TO HELP, English and French Troops Join Italians Only Men- Preparations Under Way for Classifying the Remaining 9,000,000 Men Within the Draft Age. ace Is a Flanking Movement from Asiago. E AT LAST RENDERS AID TO ITALY'S ARMIES close foiiolraii All Votes Must Be in Dispatch Omce by Nine O'clock Tomor- row Wight Last Chance to Make Good That Promise to Help Final Count WU1 Be Made Tuesday Night. (By Webb Miller, United Press Staff: Correspondent). - I LonJon, Nov. 10. The forces were ' I arrayed tonight for Italy's decisive 1 hnl-tlo nf the w5 TIt a ,. i HIP i" " l" rV A T if T 1 nrw Washington. Nov. KX-Calline imnnl , " : .J 7";:'.- "r-TItllLL RLAK bUAKU ( ' c , i 11 ex 1 1 I if v tliililii rll i.J . I N (By George IVIgrtin, United Press Staff Correspondent) Heavy Rains Swell the Piave River Making Passage an Impossibility. every ciitzen in the nation to put hv hnt' Rpviin nti.-i pmi ... Cr. j norsnnul torf, .,f.; .,,,.1 7 : . " -. imvc " ii .y tut reached tiie line of the river Piav; ENGAGEMENTS FOUGHT nn nfto f remaining - Behind the river, facing the German 000,000 draft registrants, President ovr n. frmt of rwlv An ,, WH.on tonight issued a foreword on ; italian3 with- French nnd Br'tirfi r'. WASHINGTON EMBASSY DEFIES MAXIMALISTS Russia's Diplomatic Repre sentatives in America Re .::2 to Recognize Au thority of New Cabinet. (P.y United Press. Washington, Nov. 10. Russia's de facto government set up by the Maxi malists was tonight the biggest ques tion mark in the Russian crisis. Ker ensky's star was in the decendancy, even Russian embassy officials admit ted, while declaring they would nev er accept the Maximalists authority. Russia will be allowed to work out its own destiny by the United States and the Allies. None will recognize any new democratic government there until the atmosphere clears. But Allied diplomats stated they would not deal with a Russian government which clings zo t policy "immedi ate peace. He asked every lawyer to volun teer his services and every doctor to do the same, in order that free legal and medical aid bureaus may be es tablished for thek registrants in con junction with each local board. The President estimated that the classification, which the Provost Mar shal General announced will begin throughout the country about. Decem ber 15, should be completed m 6(7 days. The questionnaire itself is now in the mails to the local boards and will be made public in a few days. Under its terms the exact physical, mental, moral, social, commercial and industrial status of every registrant will be fixed. It will give the gov ernment data on how many ship builders, foresters, brick layers, hod carriers, musicians and every other type of man power .is at its disposal. Speedy mobilization and equipment of units for any war task will be im possible, efficiency that was practical ly impossible under the old (Iran syr,-i inforceiuents, were confidently awa't- 3 All of Italian Forces Safely Crossed the River Destroy ing Bridges Behind Them Stage Set for Battle. !ng the isu Front' dlsp?. tehee; t?uij:ht declared the situation was improving with ev-1 " ery hour for the Italians. The re-' (By Jcnn Hurley, Unitsd Press Staff treat to behind the Piave wao meth odically carried cut. Italian cavalry, Ccrresobndent. t: 'Rome, Nov. 10. Nature which cyclist corps and the famous Bersag-! bailed Italy in drying up the Taglia lieri continued their herojc S.icrifl;.mentp s0 the Austro-German invaders of their own lives that they might n ., , , , ' 4 screen the movements of their own!easily fordcd lt- came to tne -ue of troops beyord. Relentless execution ! the sol'eIy beset Italian troops to of a few deserters restored the re- -Jight. With Italian rear guards safe treating forces to a high standard of ly over the piave aft hayi discipline and morale. In s ueiul As London saw it tonight the only cally coveied the retreat of the main grave menace to the Italians' posi- ;anny, the Piave suddenly swelled to tion was the German official claim c flood stage under two days of steady having reached Asiago. This city is ; downpour in the Trentino, and is 65 miles be- AM u ' hind the Piave river line on the Ad bridges across the river have plains. Clam of its occupation indi- i been blown up by the retreating eates the Teutonic command ij once: Italians so that for the present at again trying its favorite strategy of ' least the river offers a sp-t-nald nat tx flanking movement. ! , . ' UAL' The Italian official statement mv- Ulal barner to -further stop Teutonic cated a contact with the enemy over advance. practically the same line of thV in me mountains to the north na- Wilmington and sunounding terri- One minute after nine -will be too fcfe-V tory will witness some lively work'If.you come to the office jusi a few Monday by the candidates in The Dis patch contest, as that will be the last day in which .votes can be secured, and the last day to deposit them fn the ballot box. ""This 'is the last chance for you to "make good" that promise, Mr. Man. A subscription before nine o'clock Monday night may make a winner of your favorite in the race; after 9 o'clock Monday night it will not do her a bit of good. Excitement is at the highest pitch, and all of the candidates and their campaign managers are planning to cast a final vote that will simply "kill" all competitors. There -have been numerous startling surprises during the past two weeks, but there are more to come. The finish of this minutes before nine o'clock you wJ'f be given plenty of 1 ?me to ; turn in your subscriptions . and deposit yQur votes. All that is necessary to be in the office before the clock strikes 4 t nine. , - I On Monday night, as soon .n alPof - the candidates will have turned in their subscriptions and votes, the, -box v will be turned over to the judges, who will seal it, and take It to one of the banks, where it will be placed in ' a vault to remain until Tuesday night. At 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night the.' judges will bring the ballot box to Thf : Dispatch office and count the votes, and award the two automobiles " and ; other prizes. As soon as the judges will have arrived at their decision thes result will be announced to all. who are present. All are invited to-rwit-n grand free-for-all next Monday mightiness the conntine- nf th vaWohh' is going to be sensational. J several of the candidates have - sign!- - Ail contestants who have sub-1 tied their Intention of attending. The' scriptions and votes to deposit Must final vote of each candidate and the i be in The Dispatch office by nine 'winners will be-announced in next' o ciock Monday night, November 12. 1 Wednesday's paper. . . , - tem. The new method will enable! piave river as Berlin rupw.vC. Re-; ure also helped the Italians by a the government to exempt men with closer regard to the nation's labor needs in all lines. A p. ace will be arranged near each local roar dheadquarters where the men may fill out their questions un der the direetion of county judges or other officials who will see that there are tlvays plenty ot lawyers to help the registrants do this. I Questionnaires will be mailed to i pulse of enemy attacks on advande ' i eavy sn.ow fall. The retreating fore Italian positions in the Ledio valley ! es; accustomed to deep snow and the were reported. All Italian rear, ! slippery ravines were not slowed up guards were declared to have safely J perceptibly. But the pursuing enemy crossed the river, blowing up the j munaeiea, greatly hampered. This bridges. Tliis new.--, tends to indicate Fin land'.; decision against the Kerensky EovenMTvrnt. came coincidently with i!h"r Cop'Tibagen reuorts. quoting th Tiew.-pap'-r Perlingske Tiedende, in Hnj):!ran.!a disuaches. that the Ger man 'If -t. on Thursday reported in the !!; I'if. y- i' ai racking the Finnish port ;md n:iv;n -tatinn at He'.singfors. If was tli is attack by ihe German on Finland 1har was vegarded liHic ;!s f':n'.il evidence of Prussia's ban, I in t!e 'Petrograd revolt. .Mor-.1 '.vciui-t wjis furnished in the reports lfUiTi!;- 'ieval. This naval station vy- ( el jiic 'iy evacuated by the Rus sian sev-'i-al weeks ago. when the Orman !!cef was or)rating at the mnnMi (if tin. Hnlf rif Tisra and German j classes. They should finisli the'r tasK aDOiu r euruary 15, ana soon al ter the second draft call may be ex pected. The questionnaire is somewhat formidable and complicated in appear- SUBMARINES SINK FOOD FOR Marshal General today said "A reading of the questions shows that they are simple enough to an swer for any person who can read and write understanding'. It is the only ;my registrant ing proof." to this One-Third of Food Intended for,-Belgians Has Been Destroyed. The hour of Russia's greatest trial I join with the Bolsheviki. The Maxi-. ; Ave per cent, of the registrants each malists revolutionary committee at Gerfman fl? Sni day beginning December 15. Each Reval. another Baltic seaport, have Helsingfors, German agents running hag n d tQ fi1 out and occupied r.H important strategic wild m the country pieachng sedi- the 1JbL December 2; tne poinrs." orconling to Copenhagen. ' tl0n ad d.18C01,d' ?H 1 boards begin placing the men in five against Germany. The pacifists have won both :Jos cow and ePtrograd, Ambassador Fran cis reported to the State Department' todav. More troops and probably the L t : ance. But in explanation of this the . imalists with Lenine and Trotsky at ' its head. The expected opposition from Kerensky,' alone or the all cabi net to be at liberty, apparently, has so liyn in the Rns- ' , ; . Th Bo S-iM ru!cd with Printed form which . , ..mi, tw. u,.iinr p't.i needs to use either an iron naim ui uuiw i,- ,-r meantime senui?i riumaain .... 11 . 1 " ,. t eil,,nnrt document tonight said: facing ti situation the State Do-1 "The task of selecting and mobiliz ; racing t" .. . u nt nnc -lrmv k neanntr enm . 1 1,.,. Ir. r-v., 1 in I.. 111 till, liaiiuiuu u"'J l' ' "'t-i i . rwrtmpiir WHS at a lus. iJ iikjvc uu-iw , i , I ,..t, f (By United ire.xs. Washington, Nov: 10. German 'sub marines have sunk a third of all food sent to starving Belgium during the last eight months, Herbert Hoover de clared lonight. "Only 400.CO0 tons of food stuffs use either in making claims l: were actually delivered at Rotterdam for the Belgians, while 650,000 tons were shipped," Hoover staled. "The entire question of feeding the civilian population in Helgiuta and the national army is nearing com-j the occupied portions or trance has matically. wpcan treat, "There sunDort 1 Krvn ! rfvnlntion nr 1 n fir piwi - 1 ' III lruui Liitr u.0i.ii." (Cont;--.i:-i on Page ,ignt.) pcninsMla. Tl'c fragmentary rumors and re port ;is the actual situation in Petro Knu! and elsewhere in Russia were vio!..;; . !y contradictory. German ihe lldi-hi viki roup, had news that De . the i-i r-i rjsts leaders were smoothing i,: :. L-ou-rnment. Other reports told r ';'..:,,.. troop movements. Stock- lif'!i!i iii(rt cd from Haparanda that, X;:ro(! Xainnista, a Socialist or-! '-'an. .in Tlinrsdav had fiatlv denied y or ih provisional government! 's been arrested and de li:! Kerensky was at the front ;:'nc of the revolt. This was; ' cmuradiction to Petrograd ;, dated Thursday and re- ' . 'i.r'v todav. announcinc Dlans nrlar.s LansinS-lshll . .-it ion of all captured min-j Rernoves Misunderstand ( ina Between Nations. , c . th whnm til IltLUluUUDlluiuv i.v,n "There is no uu arnnnKtvtnn nf th effi- said cne otticiai. i s""-"Jlus uw""" wv " is no dispositio'n to withhold ency of our democratic ns from Russia just because j The swiftness with which the lr? ..,-int,-nn Tt has1 ery for its execution had to b institutions. e machin be assem a most ; snipping, we still nave a substantial balance of the $75,000,000 loared by I the United States government for this nnrnnsp " Hnnvpr said. As chairman of the commission for!is tremendous throughout all Italy left room for adjust- relief m Belgium, Hoover otticially ue- circumstance alone greatly facilitated cus positions on this wing of the, line. Fierce rear guard engagements were fought by the troops covering the re treat to the Piave line. South of Chiarano the enemy at tempted an encircling move. Italian 2ight infantry and cavalry counter-attacked with a fury and zeal that com pletely parried the blow. With this menace removed, they retreated to their main lines. The stage was apparently set all along the Piave line for the battle which will mean Italy's stoppage of the invasion, or forced surrender of Venice and the Northern Italian in dustrial section. Tiie utmost confidence was ; felt here tonight over the outcome. French and British reinforcements are now in the lines. Badly needed guns are in place, the Italian populace is a unit in stern, unyielding determination to light the invaders to the utmost, Former Premier Giolitti, one of Italy's foremost statesmen as well as a politician, declares to the United Press today: "This, moment requires absolute discipline. It imposes on politicians the duty of silence." Giolitti declared his complete sup port of the war policy. His influence NTS GEM1Y TO 00 AS WELL United States Expects Reci procal Treatment of Cap tured Soldiers. Persons Empl6yed in Ship yards Are Exempt Work to BeSpeeded Up. ' ; (liy T'nited Press.) Washington, Nov. 10. America has! provided 1,764 German prisoners of war with every comfort and wants the German government to reciprocate (By United Tress.) " Washington, Nov. 10. Ship build ers have been promised exemption from the draft. Further to speed thq .ship construction "Woe'ram th' Hmir. . with its 150 captured Ameiicanr. ,gency iieet Corporation has been re t M.ocrnf infirm rr tlio tTootmont r organized . ahd the reins taken from:- pwswrw snsnarea oinisroTH v wth this Announcement from the , - uie owiss gi.ruiuefli, puoiorapas oi snipping Board tonight the drivq to 1 German prison camps in America float sufficient new shipping -to oyer-" ' were sent to Germany by the War fome submarine losses was Immense- j nnnart ,t i sPeeded up. Labor is now expect- " i Department ed to be found aplenty. Even draft-' The photographs show German ed men now in cantonment camps " , prisoners in gymnastic exercises and' who are needed by t'ae Shinninff ' Board will "be returning to the khn ' l building industry, Secretary of wW "y Baker and Adjutant General McCain promised Chairman Hurley. Investigation disclosed that' to'-at-, -tain its six million ton goal.bv Jan-' no Txr 1 1010 V tT1, - t. ',..-: i; . i n ' :' HiRniii;; w M I iVIIIllWUiw w n w - . - i Minn RpnrrairRiT. o n unnrr r i LIIULIU IIUifUL.iBii.il ment and improvement. New regu lations putting these improvements into effect are, therefore, being pub lished today. There is po change in the essential obligation of men sub ject to selection. The first draft must stand unaffected by the provisions of the new regulations. They can be 'given no restorative ffect nied that' the American govei'nment has abandoned its plan to feed the Belgians and civilians of Northern France. He said we would meet all j urgent requirements. More than $12,-; 500,000 a month for food and also TEN MILLION MARK IN FOOD PLEDGES (By United rress.) Washington, Nov. 10. American I innmon fl n oil rvl Toof tYt a 1 A AAA AAA clothing for 10.000.000 persons must , k toni M , 5ledging themselves be included in this winters supplies . . , o n Qn t- to Belgium. This is for persons who e f has come for a more 'have had no new clothes since Au-;- . Mmnai(lvr ,H moio-A Iowa is still leading the nation in the "family batting average" with 91 "The time perfect organization of our man pow-j gust, 1914. Pact carried to us logical uuuSluu. o ,Uuu& uave uc y...,. . . nomeg noi(iing food m,.ftt take a complete inventory of Belgian and French governments for .V?nMl ".m.ef na jnf VILSON TO ADDRESS J-.ABUK UiNVJlW A1U11.. ' Correspondent the qualifications of all registrants in j Eelgian relief work. i order to determine, as to eacn man : net afready selected for duty with the : colors, the place in the military, in- .. n e,w Hnstriai nnH aericultural ranks of the r. unixeu rrca o uu"- . ' li : ...l i .li Vio ovnoridTiCP Painleve Returns From .Italy. T3 tt T T ti ! f o f 1 1? rose Paris. Nov. 10. Premier Painleve i pledge cards. Kight Dehina are j Louisiana 89 per cent; Rhode Island j77 per cent; Maine 74 per cent, and Vermont 71 per cent. inn Hon in which his experience and: returned from the Italian front at, IMU tUI) I L.Y IAIiVUEl0 VUI1U61 " ..- . -K,. mo)o to ininrnvp tn nnnn tnriav anfl immeHiatplv TTlOt with I Tokio, Nov. lO.-Laudmg tne isnn- r r' Vn,wnss involves th. fnll Trench cabinei for discussion ! T acropinptit recarding Japan's common good. will -.1.7 . A 1 rrof An of w .ng 1 1 t. Illilr mvw ' convention here on Mon-; . Amerjca and Japan in the past, i lion men. , , m jouncing that the chief "nmtonder Premier of "Members of these boards have ren-, conspicuous service. . me v FOR MAYOR-ELECT - v ia DrooiHont " . . . i ,,.- rnn rv hv rns selection uuaius in- or rne iiaiiaii biiuatiuii. iuuikui a I.. Kill. i ii-.-nn.,... tnirrorri I'.nina H.K H S1K.11C11 OU- till J "j , , .. .. . ., rtiuiuuc roc rrmrier. to the domestic, inaustrial and educa-; second protracted meeting ot the mm - o nroa nopni i p 1 1 i ruiu iuiwuhwwi vv .. . i ... , -. of the American Federa- rf.r a hifh have tended to sep- tloual qualincations ul neany ten mn-iibiers was ueiu. i: , nit BiauuifeB - . amatcar plays. Views of the camp buiiuings with modern bath i rooms and kitchens were sent. Four hun dred Germans are classed as enemj aliens. The remainder, 1,364 are ac tual prisoners of war, mostly intern ed at Camp McPherson, Georgia. When a representative of the Swiss government inspected some of these camps r'ecentl. be found conditions "entirely satisfactory." Low Rate on Texas Cattle. (ly United Press) Washington, Nov. 10. To relievo conditions in Texas where cattle are starving suffering from drouth, South eastern railways have agreed on spe cial low rates on live stock shipped before January 1, the Agricultural De partment announced tonight. It said roads will let lowered rates go into effect without the usual statutory de lay, w GENERAL DECLINE li FOOD PRICES Cost of Living Declared to Be Lower Than Three Months Ago. (By United Press.) Washington, Nov. 10. A general decline in food prices is on. Living costs are appreciably lower than three months ago, despite in creased exports to aid the Allies. This was indicated tonight in fig ures obtained at the food administra tion. With the licensing of wholesal ers and bi retailers, and a closer tab (Jo 'I ' consid- leaders important in the 37 I. irl .Tcr-pnted an invitation - . j tvi TTnitoH Prps riered a i - inhor direct. President .nmmentinz on the "un- work was done without regard to per-; (By United Press) New York. Nov. 10. Five dollar a plate banquets are under Mayor-elect 'on the little fellows, more noticeable Hvlnn-s riisnleasure todav. He an-! results are expected. V 'I'' nftI,-0H ho wmilrt refuse invitations tn Takinsr half a dozen products Of all such feasts, in the interest of food general use, these figures, to tne con- COMICS STILL MISSING. sn id tonight that he consid- j sonal convenienve ana unuei a yi&- y - . . . i uclDUtuu'iO' . i Aitn nn.nccitv wni(n 1TT1. ZJ tiering ot laoor leaders , ,.vicftnv Tshii accomplished a si?-' sure oi iuuieu.at . u.-0.v, T. 1 nnl Riiecess." said Okuma --- " ' . - Haker. of thp War Depart- xu.. i,o,nor0rt th t re of tne nrst oran must oi'Uvw ianure ot tne comic sneets zo ar- v conservation. :DQ.St :)" Federation's existence Congested freight conditions .w Torr nr-i x t ter "The losed great sacrifices. Yet the scry- from the West, through Columbia, ; CAUJ AJi,v-vuyj- of men trained oy me exyen- s. c, is again responsible tor tne--. DHL WAJ) OLI 1 ALL. issued an order to Gola,S;ti0ns of Japan and the sit 7 be retained and the selection rive in time for today's Dispatch. eharge of the officers train- frl gtetes in the past. It has bor -ds must provide . the directing Comics intended for last Sunday , i-ort Niagara, to have the noSing new to the sit- mechanics for the new classmcatxon. and wMcii were shipped from St. sumer, are shown for today and three months ago. Following is a conpari eon of prices of today with last Au gust, first named being for today: Potatoes, per bushel, $1.65 to $1.80; $2.50 toy $3. Bread", 16 ounces, 10-11 cents; 11-13 J i .r. . 1 - "J " . . ' 'uuiniauii act ia ft i'j the President and of Janan and. America n hip presiaeni s party aie A Secretary Tumulty and , . (By United Press) New York, Nov. 10. Sarah Reman-1 cents. vitch, aged 15, was excused from at-j Eggs, fresh, 48-50; 54-60 guard ,.iy -w la voinahlP as nuttine on The thing they have done is of scarce-, Lous on October 11 have not tending school today because she is Salmon, pound can, 30; 35. 5 li- uation, but Is vaiuaDie as putung uu xu itiul of the a o,-, Thnoo irt fn :u in ,-j n on- c U. XllrS i UA oftitiirfp Of t STOVerO." ly lculii .0 , j ci j. j. kjx, im-vnuw live iccl, DiA ixivsutro ctxxx. out: ociiv. juxxx,. v, "1" A t "I ' nH Amorir - . thinp o dene. It is ot great im-: today today left St. Louis only & fevr she towered above her classmates. Flour, 1-8 barrels, 1.60; $2. in- : 'li-avson. r, t, """ .suit Japan when she. u 1 o,. understands us - ' 'he nut two Hnvs. j- s;nk- not repeat such folly 1 ? !'!;.-. rt is not believed that 1,1 i ' K -n Until slunrlav Ji: d"iplomacy regarding portanre both to our military and our days later. The Atlantic Coast Magistrate Doyle said the excuse was These figures are general averages h thitherto often been thought-' eeonom interests that the classifi-,. Lin- o-ucials here say that the, good. I of retail prices is in the multitude of ina H Careless She did no con-?cat;on be carried swiftly and accur - F;pments have not been deliver j "grades." Customers who complain i .1 n . -O . 4 1 Tf - 1 IT ,1 I ,1 l . . . ' -- it,;ncatffnv0niiTiPnt hut iTT' - L wuiiv aua . point tney come via tne soutn- v (ay i.mted iress) note to tue uluc . . . j, . , i it. .-ninoioTi that it. can he an- qt t? o n-.vc -.r Tnftnitinnc. hmni ju Nrw 'Vnrk. Nov. 10 Snmpwlierf in r Knr,, viavon Kr-onHa nf nnmia p. indicates tnat sue cw. tu vuiiviuow - v-i u nan , . u.uvu - -. . - 11 v -. j -' a v. agreement ko Hn'vs: hnt onlv if this b v,cw n-irr-n 1tq fntm.. ciiinmnntt. Npxv Vork tonight a hold rnhhpr if? ;n nnn innn' , hetter nOW anu Will CUllipilSSUCii u. , -- wvv. n 511 ium. 1 uiui ouiijiuculo -- -vv - - - .z, - " - . wnc luuiiu m.i'uc w". - I great n "T ' De made express ana it is nopea cursing nis iaie. . , .e KjiocKea uown. Department -ox ..Agriculture ngures o co-operation in men IS regarueu uy as uanuuoi t suurtiy to nave me comics arnv-r vranci . mumaa, uaun. mrojcugci, ucai. sxow inav gram miiwi aie inmus svea mat r-" Vlo wr aeainst the Oeu- 'war iut. --Sl signmcance mg on schedule time. mm ana escapea ,wnn nis money sat- off, due to low domestic supply put ...mi ninmnjr. ' - - v,aa hppn much aDDrecia- as to cnanfcns ua- .iuuuuuu aim t ; i Physicians have abandoned irai ivv'c.o nvernment " i . Continued on Page Two). 4 Corporation needed new direction. Ships were not being produced ' fast ' enough despite the undoubted tcchni v cal ability of Admiral Capps. ' - v Charles Piez, of Chicago, takes ac-'uv-tive charge of constructipn as the "v new vice-president of the corporation. Admiral Capps will not resign, 'and.'!;-1 as President Wilson's appointee, will" ,' continue with the title of general ' manager. Chairman Hurley, of', the board, who is president of the corpor ation, has given Piez full authority to -use his well tried executive powers?'.: The change in the management of -the fleet corporation which was pre cipitated by the Maryland Shipbuiid- ;.. ing and Drydock Company, : which showed Hurley that it had not. been . getting co-operation from the organi-'l zation under Capps, that general mis- ., ; inanageiiieuL auu ineuicient uusiuess -r methods threatened the government's merchant marine program. ... . Plea will have a number of assls- -tants, it is expected later he will de- '. vote himself entirely to the steel ship urogram. At the present -the build ing of wooden shipsls being-fushedM Jo. the utmost. James -Hayworth, ; of ; Chicago, is to have control, of this end xf the program, two hundred and ten . wooden ships at once. . John Barton ' Payne, of Chicago, is made chiet of legal staff; A. J. Mason, of Chicago; , Frank Kirhy. of New York, and Chas. : -Day, of Philadelphia, are three, oth--; v ers to assist Piez. Day is in London studying British methods. '; y ? Lack of Southern nine has .been v Jiolding up ship building .for some ime. Piez will at once bring Oregon fir from the Pacific coast. . The shipping board, " through its in-; j dustrial service bureau, will see that J; exemption ship workers affords, bo;. loop hole , for slackers. The W&t De-. ; partment, granting exemption - to- ev ery man certified by the shipping board or fleet corporation will require" a monthly report from each! y OHIO'S PROHIBITION i ?KiM VOTE UNDECIDED v (By - United ; Press) " . Columbus,' O.; Nov. 10. Ohio's vote on "TobibHjon will not ' be known un-, ! til Monday '? ..MJ'v When Secretary of State ..Fulton y closed his office late today the "wets" majority of 1,432 was based on official returns from 67 counties by mail; of ficial returns from 11 by wire and ' vertised prices are for ''other grades" I the remaning 10 unofficially tabulated a The totals now ; show : Wew,: 522,- 'Japan's spirit 4 4 - 4 i' chel. It contained, $58,000 in cancel- meat exports top even the record fig- 4 led . checks." ures of last fall. J41:t Drys, 521.309. Meantime the . .antl'-saloon league, dnr Republicans andl Democrats have j6ined forces to attack the final count, should the wets lead for,a'recountt .: : . . . ' i . - , V, V j i! ii Ii P .is 1 1 SHIP BUILDERS : ESCAPE DBART i ?. 1 . i i I 4fll IJJ .IH.- - , m HI ' I 111! tfc I nil 1 11 1 i w . i . , - ii 4 i: