t A. , , , " " "1 .v. v f 1 1 1 THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER H1917.' f ' r urn ; 4 d PAGE TEN I - 1 IWTTII i I I -., Mm- i I wm. Hi m if: 'Mil HP . m 5iM PI 1 fl4lt. urn i ''I'.-'i.i'' i-V w in TO 31 ;ir id rj.l If :i nmm .1 g . Tl I 1 Iff mil VM, or not cne cares for the , 15 cents to any seat- The night tions. Auntie and the contracting r.iovit :-. o-. rnreseated by the dramat-j prices will be . from 25:;cents to 50 c vari.uy, everybody does care for; cents. (Patriotic War Tax extra). Lvr.:: .i Ii. ilc.ft-e's Travel Festival be-j Tickets will go on sale Thursday at cause- -A iU d.stlnclioii, dignity ana Blvington's. d'.ffv i-:cc ti-ohi posed films. Air. j . "'.;ijv,-i ; (-::;; !bjt;on which conies to ! , the - of Mi'sic. matinee and j "YOU'RE IN LOVE." n::-: d n-.-:i Friday, Xove.aber 16, j From all accounts, "You're .'in car. :.: . h-i dvi-nded upon to; Love' Arthur Hammerstein's latest broar; or: rif ruai ouilook, but his musical comedy success, which is jvov; p:-. tlr.tt'oii lu-w-misns to do so in ; scheduled at the Academy of Mu-;- p;-. :. vital aid tinu-ly way. For vie, matinee and 'night on next Sat k v. - . i- o.a c:o aboard our sa-J urday, November 17, is one of the ;tavT ., sriiiu1 ji at-iioii; most tuneiui concoctions oi run ena a day. The credit the book coiu'out'on ot me aciivmeb, uuctpu-- us uemg conaiueraoiy ouc or me gen u , v ci our "sentinelr of :' eral order . 11. " .-:;ier the stress of war.! Otto Haueibach and Rudolph Friml, Vl-o im . - ;to tUt atmosphere of j who were jointly responsible for r i;.: .v aot of poiun and pag- "Katinka," "High Jinks" and "The i r.a '-.c; .: ry i'cqt teems with vi-! Firefly," 4 three of the most notewor tal ';; . 1 to i vory true American, j thy musical comedy hits ever record- 71:: ' . V. .5. Naval Academy jed, have evidently lived up to their j a.t Ar.h : r-kvryland, contributes ' reputations in preparing "You're In i::a.;y ?cv.i iroin the stren-' Love," and Manager Hammerstein's . :;: tb.- ATh ntic," and so melody leard in many , . ..r-.-.Mfo" a nv-w and fresh same reliable reports cr parties.;,stat on pjsjmoa world. Aboard - the steamer "KiffJ. Hope!' is. a young . andiw njftrxiev. couple whose supreme joys ' brinjt gall to the separated, pair, gpd fftaihr i the latter break away anikget 'regt etiom ' . Incidents furnishing? teoments tt' delicious comedy follow in rapid sur cession, and the ship's deck isusv to present a -cumber of startling no velties, one in particular where th( prima donna arrayed ia paamaf. sings "I Am Only re i;v.ing," as sh is supposed to . walk in her gisleei while balancing herself on a -derricl boom which swings far out over the ) orcnestra cnair. Mr. Friml's score is "said to be a! together delightful. The theme to the song, "You're In Love" runs througl the entire score and is surely capti vating to say the least. Indeed, therf seems to be not a. song number bu what will survive quite as long af any one of the most popular hits b) this prolific writer, of songs. Manager Hammerstein has choser a spirited company to interpret "You're In Love" in the same mannei as characterized its sensational rur at the New York Casino. Especially was he fortunate in the selection Oi Si'-, wmm ' wmmm 1 1W Mr. Wix and Merry Dancing Girls WUh -Arthur' Hammerstein's Musical Comedy Knockout, '"You're In Love," Academy of Music, Matinee c-h r; ,, Saturday, Nov. 17. J FRIDAY NOVEMBER TRAVEL FESTIVAL - With Uncle Sam's Navy "SOMEWHERE IN THE ATLANTIC" U. S. NAVAL ACADEM Y- REAL WILD WEST- PERILS OF MOUNTAIN CLIMBING- MANY OTHER BIG NEW FEATURES -PRICES- MATINEE Children, any scat Adults, lower-floor ... Adults, balconv .15c .35c 25c NIG If" Balcony . . . Lower floor . . 50c Tickets will go on sale atElvingtDn's Thursday a. m. NOTE: The Patriotic War Tax of 1c on oach 10c or traction thereof Avill be. charged in addition to above prices. 1 . V'.-U. , Wilmington. ! : The most novel and classic effer- ?oya: Havaiian Serenaders and Players, the Extraordinary Attraction at the Rcyn! All This Week. 'US ever Hut. on at popular price.-, , - : . . . nine people eight, of them genuine ! . , . . . . , Hav.aiians, something dccidedlv dif- .....w. fei mclttlM.i in lui-u Ltrtui wuiK was strong a cnorus v.'hich for vocal ability and ferc-nt that you have an opportunity! Anniversary cf Anarchists' Executiof., cl "middies." Their enough to wan-ant his most, intense :e; winsomenes-T. wcild be hard to 11 -Mill A ill ,.; : ' lo V'lO t l'MIPth .inmvprsnrr nf tho H nniri.l . . .. . . . I . MM H V I ! 1 1 . t I ( I I ! i ' IV 1 s ' 1 . - ' ' - ' 1 " " .' ' " - Belial uyuu an ilu- ranee rrom 7n r-on tn x- (Pnirin . : n. t, . i idea in which to en- War Tnv o.tr, 7 WZJJ'uu ..n . 5lle Hn music. This is Wii- . ! . He tells the story snip pr m ; ; oington'R only opportunity to ?ee the ? ? : miss who has become en- : reai native Hawaiians offering tlu-j iU-v man? ror a puoiic ob-j rtreair.v. rdh -sl'mns- me. oiloes ot - - 4 c-!1-' .iiuuversary. ir. is ire ct absorbing in-1 care m making ready the eleborate i mRtHi . "t; , f i-i.ir i lirpnthf-! tho nrodnr-tinn nno wall al :;; . ' " . " umu r-rices lor me matinee vrnl lie lrom t-r.n. v. .-bi as wmiuauu auinirauon ana respect. 50 cents to $150 . :-t : j-epictea Dciore. it ine autnor aia iy t; :i- o mr.wionts and mensely funny r;;,cdes occurring during gage the principals a-:-- re akin' contests. It . of a young v considers amoured with a shy youth, whose as cr. aipared with the : moral courage prevents him from 'y t;;:r;" J-'ort f .-n in tin speaking his mind. Eventually, Iiow- : -.ere rre many other ever, he succeeds in proposing and a.? -r.e perils of climb- accepted with the understandin n h- highest mountain the girl's aunt, a very domine r " over xr.c C ont.n- oerron rrlve her pnnspnt. Anntii (b-1 Crr-T North pvr ; -self has hnH n m-ottv fnmrh avin,. u'iiminotnn (Via?,, f rrinets. trios ar-'l nuartattps. both in v... .... ...... wi.u l. iuuu rApv:i ' n.' iiiuiii.siuii vj ii turn ium luui ol 1 ' . thr.f r :;p lion's new ience with married life so she ' stipu-! the United States. Originally one of strumental and vocal, and with the :-Tcc-.:'"-m:d.v rich trens-' '-lies that a marnrge contract, limii-j the biggest features of the Hawaian crowning attraction the- wonderfuf act c -r.ns crrcaia. d ro give ; ed to one j-ear, shall be signed during village section of the San Francisco cf the Hawaiian Sextette, will fur- a; Cnrly; ? purs it. : which pcricd it shall be binding Panama Exposition two years ago. r.ish Royal patron:-; the one treat of Tr 'x w:ir.v prices ! cn the part of th young counle to be this suDerb musical organization will their lives. Another feature will be j ::-., 3., eer;.;; children j absolutely distant in all their rela-1 undoubtedly create a sensation in genuine Hula dance in their orig- Chicago, 111., Nov. 10. Officers o. the Chicago police department, par-1 ticularly those veterans whose experi-' nce in the service dates back three! . .. . I 1 1 - to see once r li'-Q time, this com-! u'ty longer, are preparing . i.r--i- ;- on a ;i'us'cl exi" ; to keep a watchful eye tomorrow on thi,t i. iin it : in-.t;,. tim .. Miwii lo De memuers or tne imious. ir.e most DeamiMil anu local Anarchists' colony. The day will UNIQUE ATTRACTION their native country the kind of mu-j !ikcI" that under existing conditions An attraction unique in tlm history UJ that only Hawaiians can make, j of Public sentiment the authorities or thP ta?r rwf ti1Q TTrt,-tn,i f,t- jo 1 The ukulclo in the hands of the na- Wl1 compel the members of the society g that! the attraction at the Royal this week I tive Hawaiian, the Hawaiian method1 to confine their observance to a dec eering.'when th famous Royal Hawaiian ' of playing the steel guitar, is one of oration of the monument erected -i i I ono,iaMI the fen -.ires of this show. Solos, l waldheim cemetery in memory of i net : 'vav "tiviv i t niuv,v.; o uam-ci o vuni ( . Ic Tl . . oy! x-tirhuns, r iscuer aia iungie, the ; four Anarchists wlio vero executoi in the Cook County jai! on Nov. 11, i 1SS7, for the part they played in the! Haymarket bemb outrage. Attraction Extraordinary .oiis Hit of the Hawaiian Village at the Panama-Pacific Exposition THE ROYAL T7 Ik IAN SEI tENADERS AND SINGERS AND DANCERS T"t.. ..a.. .. i- - x r.e greatest -vuraction iiver Utlered to Patrons of Popular Priced Theatres First American Tour. t H awaiian Artists And One American Girl, As a Classic Dancer. The Dreamy, Soul-Stirring Music of Hawaii The Kind of Music That Only the Hawaiians Can Make The Kind That Cannot Be Imitated. UKULELE STEEL GUITAR SOLOS DUETS TRIOS Featuring the Headliner - HAWAIIAN SEXTETTE SEE THE GENUINE HULA DANCE WHICH HAS BEEN IMITATED BUT NEVER EQUALLED Hear the Beautiful "Aloha-Os" from The Bird of Paradise. This is the costliest production ever presented in Wilmington at Popular pces, and the management is depending upon capacity business Come early for 8 $ &u OCCILS. - inal native costumes. For this attrac- It is claimed that "Chief Birdie" - - . trainer, tno old Carl sIp fr.nth-i; i i i 1 .,,; , I I . . - 'Brsj . .b.D7 pV m -f nfcM lWvv MWfTi SCV?wkT y .-rTKfclfMLne- ft vScjC . - Ik... - . - - iff vR mftmx a Jt? mil J MATINEE DAILY AT 315-20 NIGHTS 7 :30 AND -9(p20-30c. SEVEN REELS OF DYNAMIC POWER. Never before in the history of motion pictures has a more timely production of - stupendousness bfeenj released as characterizes "The Slack er," Metro's powerful patriotic spec tacle, coming to the Grand Monday and Tuesday, with the gifted and bril liant star of stage and screen, Emily Stevens, in the stellar role. "The Slacker" is American patriot ism chrystallized and put into a mo tion picture. It shows the struggles, hopes, fears, joys sorrows, of those who stay behind. It is the mouth piece of the- nation. "The Slacker" is a tremendous romantic drama, a half day of patriotic fervor that will thrill the spine of a nation. It is the most amaaing production of a gene ration. It makes the old year to be young it makes the young spring to the nation's call. It galvanizes into palpitating life, of the patriotism of all ages in all lands. Nothing in the way of a screen drama since "The Birth of a Nation" ins called for louder praise from the press in every city where it has been '.bown. The New York papers were unanimous. The Tribune said: "No thing finer has ever been on the screen. The theatre rang with ap plause." The Journal:. "The Slacker grips you" makes you glad you live under the Stars and Stripes." The Telegraph: "The Slacker" is a pow erful story of especial appeal to Am ericans at this time." Seven reels of dynamic power and the writer of this story who has seen this most wonderful production, gees on record with a guarantee thai it will be counted among the greatest screen dramas ever presented in Wil mington taking into account even "The Birth of a Nation." Word from St. Louis has it that 'Roger Hornsby, the Cardinal short stop, is the first hold-out of the off season. 'Tis said Roger not only re fuses to stand for a cut in salary, but demands more money if he plays next year. :, The National A, C. of Providence is reported to have offered $12,000 1 1 1 for a 15-round bout between Light- I I freight Champion Benny Leonard and tion, the most expensive ever oucredj. '-""V . u,a nrusie rootrrri; i at the Roval, no increased admission s,-ll ls tno only Indian officer in tlu- N&. prices will be charged. service of the United States. He is a captain in the national armv and also captain of the Camp Custer foot-: ball eleven. tB i;it UKMATIGNM. KLM StiiLViCi. IMC ACADEMY OF MUSIC, FRID MATINEE t ' " -' i i a wlljiuim iiiii nm , , - MONDAY & 15c Nights 25c (Including Tax) TUESDAY (The Grand Management After Personal Izivestigkic-i Pronounces This tl est Attraction Ever Shewn at That Theatre) tliCJ Metro Pictures Corpcraticn Present THE MOST AMAZING 'SCREEN DRAMA OF THE GENERATION A Stupendous Spectacle of Tears, Cheers and Patriotic Fervor That Will Thrill the Spine of a Na tion, Starring - f!m:g-mf-K -.-.. SCENt r'R0M"THE SLACKER" Surpassing All Her Wonderful Successes of Screen and Stage. Until you have seen 'The Slacker' you have not experienced the real, soul-piercing thrill of patriotism. .Until you have seen Emily Stevens in the role of Margaret Christy, you have not seen the soul of a woman, an actress, an artist, pour fourth through its inspiring channels, the terrible, crushing emotions felt by a mother, a wife, a patriot, when the one nearest and dearest to her PieturT News - Cars the ca" of his country and leaves for the battlefields of -France." Motion L "Brought tears to the eyes of v eryime in the audience." X. Y. Telegraph. v Glorv ever shown." N. Y.". World. "The best plea for loyalty -to Old "Nothing finer has ever lcen seen on the screen."X. Y. Tribune. ,