rt THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH; SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER; 1 1 . : 1 9 1 7, 1 PAGE TWO. 3',V is J, r' 'I 1 41 - J3 1 a i m If !! 1 1! J 5 ft s 3"i i r Ji if; if i ',1 t ! I '1; 1U II 1 1 h3 1 1 t in! it Iu2 i f " V ft I- 11; , -big Footiui JOII FEDEUtlDI I III U til I I ' v - . I IFOOTBA tLft ESULTS. Railroad Brotherhoods Likely to Affiliate With the Gen eral Organization. Noteworthy Event in Harnett j County-r-Wilmingtonian Wins Prize. V.y T":iii"l lV'?ss. - Buffalo. N. Nov. V). The "bi four" brotherhoods ci Kauvoaa ngi (Special to The Dispatlr) ! Morris Chapel, tHarnett uounty, M. Walloped : ElfcH:JDtKgr,i?r;Mtid Licked tlie Stuffing Out of an5 Eaterner. (By United Press) ' Chicago, Nov. 10. The big ten gang, neers, Firemen and Engi C. Nov. 10. A uart of Harnett couu- Vhile settling a private scrap in its sinomon. Rail- ty -and a part also of Lee county con- own back yard tnis aiternoon; iouna . . . . . . - . . i An - 1 , i m . .1 ii t n ' i t f i t Ttmimi c rn f linn . 1 1 4 f i - i 111111 in i rii n . i u ;tiniii i nr. ni.iiiiiiic iiiil ii4 f.ii 'VflV v. wTKlUC -Or." ai'C; I l i i -1 1 .) i iaiu- ; liuuus w j " -" uiuv. . jt c . mpi miv "Ifiliato with the Air. ericaa community tair ana it was nem at ino uia irom tne msi; who cuiuu ovw w Federation of Labor durir.g V.: - organ- 'school house and on the grounds at ization's convention v.-hich opens her ' tached to that chapel. - r on Mond?v according to an oinciai 01 j l 1 1 lit" UUJ YV O. O CL UVUULll VA I UiiO the Federation today. and play with the big Michigan" boys Ohio State 'aspires td toe the "cham peen" of the gang again, licked Wis- j eons n. 16 to 6 up in me lviauison , Pennsylvania) 7 ; Dartmouth. Pittsburgh:, Pittsburgh, 13; W. , Hoboken: ; Stevens 35 Delaware, 0. West Point: , Army 28; Carlisle Indi ans 0. " Providence: Newport Naval Reserves 35; Brown 0. ' ' ; Princeton : Harvard Cubs, 24 ; Prince ton Cubs 0. Boston: Boston College 34; Holy Cross 6 -: : - Annapolis : Navy 28; Georgetown 7. Philadelphia: Lehigh 9; Pennsylvania State 0. ' t it I i If thi? aiTi-Aigation is made it will attended and swell the Federation's membership by represented. about Soo.OO nifii. Keterentia nave, been taken in the brotherhoods, ife is ; rir'ai-!; :i;iu up brotherhoods crowds of people from both counties neighb'orhood, while Chicago aria im-!Atlanta: Davidson 21; Auburn 7 even Wilmington was aroun(j. Birmingham: Vanderbijt 7; Alabama The exhibits . were splendid, consid- pro I cruig llif tsuuii HUUI.C &iyrii 1 1 . f - - 3 .-.l-r.. n n r. now in favor of joining forces with vvouia dp a iair, aim ewiyuvuy ti ' PfiprTioii 'surprised at the quantity of articles nois also aspirants stood nnd a.rTrPf. 'PTtl on. I Meantime that tough Michigan kid Cambridge: Harvard 0; Camp Devens that there Picked on little Cornell and gave him a 42 to o neaung. Wisconsin; who surprised -themselv- ihnwnnnrt at thp wav thev werp made 7 beating Minnesota last Satur- . o.. " ' x.ju dav. started off like a winner m tnis 0. Medford: Tufts 6; Colby 0. Dover: Maine 0; New Hampshire State 27. Jirl'fi' I'l'fsident Samuel Gompers and Sec- and everyone voted the first commu- U"-T 7t mnViner 1 I -H' retarv Frank Morrison were busy to-'nity fair a great success and many afternoons set-to maKing T, s . e'- 's" if: . . .... oti " . i-mirid I Tfi II Kill I )nlO S I o convenuon business, ine were the compliments pa:a those who a the r?v vith executive eo;'nr:l of the Federation originated the idea as well as those was in session, deliberating on the an- who carried it out. nual report, which will be submittei at t;:e openins; :u:'Si-ion. Who. con i ained in th firgtj Exeter: Exeter 0; Portland Naval Re- But Ohio's class show-' ed itself and the Buckeye 5 kid never i Ann Arbor: MichiganM2; Cqrn-ell 0. had a chance after that. It was most-! Houston : Rice 34; Southwestern 13. i or, oArioi cromo thrnnh forward i Madison: Ohio State 16; Wisconsin The address of welcome was made passing and punting by Mr. J. T. Ellis, who is president of report the association backing the fair and which has been granted a charter, and who is one of the most progres sive men in Barbecue township and a leader in good farming. would no; Le revealed by President Gcmpers. who saiil the public would learn its contents v.hcn it is read Monday. Governor Whitman is expected to arrive en Sun iay and will address t"hej Mr. George A. Cole was master of delegates at tne opening meeting. 'ceremonies and did his part ail right. Af a sesf.'on of the building trades Mr. D. B. Teague, of Sanford, deliv section today. ..nnJicatkm of the In-' ered an educational address on the 13. Michigan wont have an opportunity i western 39.. to dispute the leadership of the Big! Lincoln: Missouri 0; Nebraska 52. meetiOberlin: Western Reserves 6; Ober- prob-i lin 7. Ten this year. Michigan will only Northwestern. The title ably will be decided next Saturday, St. Louis: Marquette 0; St. Louis 0. however, when Ohio State takes on ?.vea: Muskingum 27; Baldwin Wal- Illinois at Columbus end Minnesota ijC" 7. and Chicago at Minneapolis. ;Js Moines: Drake 0; Washington of The only other Big . Ten fight was ' st. Louis 2. that between Iowa and South Dakota, Icrinnell: Knox 7; Grinnell 47. fiT""" "7"',L--r11 J iUI ia,Z4 -iis iV Makitla, 'Careful ifl . " cr :w .T inn - i i i 1 1 mi i i 1 sh MrmLX ill !5B It is of greatest importance when making your selec tions in wealing apparel that you o deeply into the cor rectness of the style, beauty of fabric, quality of work mariship, accuracy of fit jUst closely as you won the price. The shrewd, earnest buyer goes into every detail that makes for value. The garment here men tioned were created to meet every conditional tesi That's the reason for the rush just now in our ready-to-wear department. Every garment has been selected with the most scrutinizing care. lAmes: State 10; Kansas Aggies 7. SV T ' V I ' I' 1 1 if L run Mr t,MTT:oni! Boilonuakers and Shii) snhlpcf of; "The New Dav" and he which the former won,. do to u Builders unions to bo affiliated with was listened to with great interest by Nebraska and Missouri met for the Iowa City: Iowa 35; South Dakota 0. the bui!.!:n- trades was rejected. i all who heard him. for feis "address was .first time since 1912. A 52 to j);.r core , Omaha: North Dakota 12; Creighton lhe Mining section and Pattern , replete with ideas calculated to make 'failed to evoke any enthusiasm from, 7 Makers ft'ors a!o held meetings cne understand what a duty each ow and prepared eports to be presented j ed to the world and also with infor to Ihe-eonvr.tTon. imation showing the wonders of mod- The l '.Mpn n-.-r.r on record as stand-; rrn machinerv and touching on the in- behind Pre. idrnt Wilson in the ' pv5?Sent war he showed what it would prnsecufon vf the war ?cr democracy ; mean to thi a generation and genera ancl everytiii-.- possible will be done tions to come. to co-opera te with th-j government The FnrUrd States Department of La Missouri over the resumptipnlpfi re-iTopeka: Washburn 0; St. Mary's 14. 1 lations. ' j Grinnell: Shattuck 7; Grinnell Fresh- Ferris Field, Ann Arjoi Mich v Nov exas: Texas A. & M. 7; Bay 10 Before approximately ?Cr,000: jQr q spectators Fielding Yost's Wolverine Austin; Texas 7; Oklahoma A. & M. eleven beat Cornell here today, A2 to 0. Despite the big scord,'thefxT " nj. ncnQ 12- nvinhnmn He did not neglect to call attention i Eastern men put up a brave scrap Denver: Colorado College 7; Colorado tne eastern men put up a orave f School of Mines 1&. until the last quarter when several iBoulder: Colorado University 19; men inclding Harriman were removed, j utah 9 Harriman, Cross, Hoffman, Nether-1 Columbia, S. C: Camp Jackson 10; cott, and Ackernht held up Cornell's t CamD Gordon 0 s repre?rntea at the meetrns. ! to the finer side of life as brought out by Cay Gold, who told the dele- by music and the other arts and even gates what the government intends the birds came in to show what they doin? to meet the need for labor of made in one's life. Individual effort all kinds during the war. He saia was the key note. ------- - that employment agencies all over the j country would be opened throne which mm wil Ihe advised where wev ' served and tnis 'Scribe" can vouch for . ate-tiekling apple pie and the fine, 10. Pittsburgh triumphed overjWash cake which went down his "red lane";ihgton and Jefferson, and carried off: Following this address, dinner was i end of the playing. Pittsburgh Won Championship. Forbes' Field, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Nov. Portsmouth. Va.: Naval U. SVS. Vestal 0. Hospital 6; P 8 Velour Coats, full length, heavy fur collar, fur on sleeve, belted. $27.50 value $22.50. $25.00 value . . v . . $19.00 Heavy cloth made, large collar and belt Coat, dark green, navy, oxford, brown and taupe. $20.00 values at . . $17.50 Extraordinary values in heavy Coats. Size 36 to 46 at $12.50 M ivlisses vcats, size o to 14 and price range 30. DU to y.DV. 1 he selection is simnlv wonderful and we think .every one a real bargain. . ' 1 ..... Shirt Waist. Extra values $2.50 Waist White silk and black silk, made up in the very best styles, special . . ; . . . ; $1.98 Silk stripe, dark colors, $5.00 values. Just arrived this week via express. On dis play Monday ... ..$3.50 ll loys, r.T-jr ti ns Pre d V ' n C in thp """-u cui uuii uio 1 lane iiigiuu auu d cjici duu, o.u.m vu v,u , i j guvti uiiituil apjiupuduuii wan ' 'nMV.AAn4 Vt. whinl. n W n V i n-. 1, O - V ffAnknll ihn v"l Til An P h y - hflfQ J V ITT 1 . yi . . Z L CI on the hisrn eas it'? rn f,juu uisluiis wuitu uiauc mm i me oia.Lt; luu.uiu tuoiuyuiuomu . umue lur vv ar amp ioiumuuny oe 1 v trc'ic'10.--; r time to f--tfind cn the corner, counting feel good .ri .m.-. v.in. ljjc in lu Llie war; rni rn,i n, r - - - - - mity Service fund and M . final score wag 13 to 10 ucuiuusuaiui ii. xv. muivci, ui utri; triotic call. Camn then husrli AUTOS FOR HIRE for Poseurs Prlvinj-, Dances, Veddii2 and Commercal 111? L! very Co. Phonos 15 and 345. NEOLIN SOLES ?Ial:es Afclldn a Pleasnre Attached by SULLIVAN, King f Shoemakers 217 T. Front Street. Phone 53S. Jthis afternoon in the hardest fought ice, although it is an important fac- era mo ovor ofo car V V tVlP tlVfl rpaiTIS fnn ir nrlinor fn QT-mir onrl now offini. ency President Wilson, the secretar- Pitt lost n ehanr.e t.O mdke it 6 more ipc nf war anr! navv nrnminpnt nrmv u j ii i.ii i - . . i " county, wuu uweu uyuu agncuiiuiai . bv two-yards in the fourth period, and navy officials commend it. Ana matters, giving some good advice to M"cLaren had carried the ball 43 "yitds tlonal fund is now being raised for the farmers. jjnto Washington and Jefferson's .terri- this work which is being conducted Mr. J. R. Rives, president of the tory. In straight dashes with i" b"1! under the War Department and Naw I.ee County Fair Association made the nnder his arm the husky . fultback Department Commissions on Training closing speech in which he spoke of went irtmgh th ' WalrrnJgtO-i1and Caran -Mvities. The headquarters the good progress made m Harnett i Jefferson tackles to the two-yard line, are lu Washingtcn. county and the neighboring section But here he failed in the final effort. : : ... :, , : and of the fine exhibits made at this Th hflll WAnt to Wahin-rtnTi-nidkTef- - : ' fair, complimenting all who had tak-;ferson on the fourth down and was en part in it for their community in- kicked far out into the field. ; f terest and inviting them to take theiri ,, ,,, it ! exhibits to his bounty fair the fol- Penn's Backfield Won. I lOWing WeeK. ) ouaiuu, iuv. u. DAycututt; aim Among those who received a prize jneavy oacK nem won tne game xor was Mr. Arthur C. Tnomas, a sub-j rwmsyivnuia- hliiicii gnuiiuu uainc scriber to The Dispatch, whd was with Dartmouth' here today by a score avarded one for the best mule colt, ,of 7 to 0. j his brother, Sir. R. L. Thomas, receiv-l What the green men laeked in ex-; ing one for a horse colt, and Mr. Gar- Perience they more than mane up for ; rell: Skinner, of Wilmington, we are! in dogged righting qualities-. ! pleased to saw received a Drize for' Pennsylvania's last rush " carried the best soy beans raised in Harnett them to Dartmouth's 35-yard line and ! 1 ! Special attention given to Mourning wear and Mourning Hats. large and small. Splendid assortment. Do your Christmas shopping early. Kid Gloves, black, white and colors . . . $1.9S Ladies with small feet, 2 1-2 to 4, extra values . . . ... $1.88 3E county. ! The officers of the fair were: J. fE'lis, president, and Messrs. A. j Grose, T. R. Rosser, Francis M. i McLeod, Guy ox, R. L. Thomas, A Dal Rymple and L. H. Cox, and (ended with a touch-down by Bell. In, .For RENT Tvro Fsrmb in New Hanover Coun ty, two faruis in Brunswick f!mm. 0. Apply to D. L. Gore, Wilming ton, N. C. 1J Rubber tamps f- wade to order on Short We make Ruhhr ta -"K0 hi a i givei the maximum of service and Satisfaction. Promptness with every order. Send Us your orders. LeGW.-N PRINTING CO. 8 Grac .rest. Phone 220. T. ithe last few minutes Dartmouth, in a ' H.' plucky attempt to rally, rushed down! Pthe field to Pennsylvania's 10-y.ard line; A. nespite neavy resistance. to! Penn's most consistent gains were them wo fIvp rrcrtit for thn otwacc rtf.throueh center and by brilliant for- the fair, not forgetting, however, Miss-!ward passes. The)lay, as a rule, was es Rosa and Daisy Bland, who have in the middle of the field. Needy, charge of the school at Morris Chap-Dartmouth's left guard, played an ex el, and who deserve special mention 'cellent game throughout, fcr the part they took in making thej Tufts Won Hard Fought Game, fair a success. Nor should those who! Boston, Nov. 10. Tufts College won made exhibits and the women who did from Colby here today in a hard their Dart as well hp fornttpn hut wo fought battle featured by violent rush- cannot mention all who deserve cred- es on both sides. The score was.lv it there are too many. j Tufts- fr, Colby 0. Drummy made the; ,3 ineie was a paraue, neaaea by Mr. wluul"s iuuuu-uuwu, juatuuu. .- ,uuuj R. L. Thomas and the singers in the Drummy, of Tufts, were the outstand-j parade guided; by: Mr) Guy Cox. Mod- g players of the contest. Their for-, est, quiet Guy added' to "the. occasion, jward passes and runs were consistent ' , land saved a number of critical situa-j tions. ! jGeOrgetown Defeated . Annapolis, Md., Nov. 10. The pow EVERY CITIZEN IS CALLED UPON TO uci r ti m T & rmtt erful Georgetown" Uniyfersity eleven A I llV 1 lJLV pnt down 1o def (Continued from Page One. went, down "To defeat' todav before the V (Annapolis midshipmen. Driving com bination plays carried the navy boys : -1 'four times across the enemy, goal pel the assistance of every American, line, winning for them-28 to- 7; . I call upon all citizens, therefore,; Michigan Aggies Trounced. to assist local and district hoarda hirl xrc, th vrtr tc infh. " J JJJ V X.10 1 It.., 11U. J.V. , ',1 T W i 1. A fc proftenng such service and material western trounced the Michigan Aggiea cuuvemences as tney can offer anhere this afternoon, 39 to 6. The) u appearing Detore the boards, either,! farmers made their only touch-down! WIMSIAM e Cor. n th & Market.Sh-eet European PMladelphi9t , s Better Than Ever .. Siiorongtly Moderalroi ' .- Hemodeled and Eq,uippol NEW MANAGEMENT., CAFE and ROOF GARDEN In connection. . Special CjaV -firoakf att and tutfehedtfr' Eatea Wltaottt Bath fl.Fr - wiiu stW fovv uyr - upon summons or upon their own ini tiative, to give such information as will be useful in classifying registrants- .: I urge men ;of the legal prd fession to offer themselves as asso ciate members of the legal advisory boards to be provided in each com munity - to ndvise resgitrants of theit rights, and obligations' and of assist ing them in the preparation of their answers, to the question! I ask the doctors of the country tor fdehtify themselves with the medical advisory boards to be cbhstifuted in the va rious ' districts for - the , purpose of making a systematfc physickl eiami-; nation of the registrants It is im portant also that : police : officials of every grade and class should .be Un iformed of their dtfty under the selec tive service law -and regulations, to search for persons who do; hot re spond promptly and to' serve the sum toons of ; local and district V boards. "Newspapers can be of very great as sistance in- giving X?ifle publicity to uie requirements ot tne law ana regu before time was quarter1. called in the last 1 WMW air wis MS9 Cash talks when you come to our store. Since inaugurating our cash to all plan we have been able to give prices that would look good to you in normal times for Monday and Tuesday we have put some scorchers on our bargain tables, be sure and look over our Coat Suits and Coats while here. We sell them for less money. Millinery Dept. ........, New Hats for this week's selling dont fail to see the new pop py red. A good lot of shapes and trimmings. Can make you a hat on short notice. TOYS AND DOLL CARRIAGES Just received a very handsome toy automobile, large, will seat 2 children easy operated. A pretty Chi mas present. 1st- Just received a shipment of rib underwear for misses, ladies and men, all sizes. Fine quality, eaefe 75 FRANK KIMBLE 14 t Easy for Georgia Techs. New Orleans, Nov. 10. Georgia Tech blew up and down the gridiron here this afternoon, defeating Tulane 48 to 0. The Jackets famous; backa gained consistently, and all .through the battle the Tulane defense.was un able to stow the Tech shift. -Tech made seven touch-downs1 : and kicked ' J all goals but one. Hot weather prevailed for the-' game and this held the score down. Davidson Putted a Surprise. Atlanta, Ga.; Nov. 10. Davidson de feated Auburn, 21 to 7 on Grant field this afternoon in one of the hard est fought battles of the season. . Flowers work for Davidson was a feature of the game. Vice ana dissipation have taken terrible toll of all the armies in Eu- ronp. Vou' -nrritat 'Amcurina'a. . orroat lations and to the numbers and hanieslgaew army from those evils when you give 10 me war camp communitv or tnose who are galled tQ' present themselves to their I6cal boards from day to day: Finally I ask that during the time hereafter to be specified as toarkihg the 60 day peribd of the cias-: uificatibri, all citizens -to the task in hand in order that the' fund. That's why President endorsed the campaign. Wilson 'process may proceed to a rnnrlnatnTi with swiftness and yet with even and considerate JugticeJp.aJl. , . 1 . r Invisible armor," Secretary of War calls it. That is the protection being, forged for the men df 'Ahierica'i new army and navy by the War Camp community Service. -yA', contrilmtiori to its fund makes for-army efficiency, i sis : " , m m f 1 y I I 11 - . 1 r. . Ill , - - "1 1 Heavy Weight khaki cloth, in light and dark tan, also drab colors, in 2 weights, per yard ... ...25 and 35 $1.00 .valu3 silk poplm, in all the new mid winter shades. Special Iffonday and Tuesdav, per yard .......... 75 Coats and Ladies' Coat Suits A manufacturer has procured us a shipment iot Monday. These will go on sale at vfery low prices. If we have ybiir size we can sell you for less money. W. H. WILMINGTON Phone 272. 31 DRY GOODS SPECIALS FOR " MONDAY AND TUESDAY Monday between 9 and 12 o'clock we wi'l sell Lancaster and Ambskeg apron gingham at an unheard of bargain, today market value U 18c per yard., Remember for 3 hours onlv, Monday, November 12, per yard 12 1-2c 18c fleeced outlngis in. cream, pink, light blue and greys, also pretty dress styles. Your last chance to get this price Monday and Tuesday, per yard ...... ... 15 New shipment of" dres3 gingham in midwin ter shades large plaids and broad stripe effects something entirely new, per yard .12 We stil lhave a big assortment of Danis.i popular cloth. A beautiful cloth for dresses and middy suits, per yard 43 Store 1 - THE STORE FOR SERVICE. LUMBERTON 1-