a i i i i n nnnrnni nismnp L U Kl H MM w M M M alt M K b. m ' K H ! V IT M IB'. flULtb I U fbUuhnlu nBLubE (IF THE BiSPm CiTFSt y J rmm m vtar u M W 0 , b7 W I U ' &b W I - 1 4, 4" assure themjhat;.the money will ie v. n.iif I n frrinri viisp. - r . ..... nn iwilftu OrcblHU Ml U f SOCIETY. Mrs Came rorrs Prize. -b 4. .4, - . jj a j, afternoon's wor. a great stir , wasj J 5. Th trtt'i-' r. " , made by the entrance of Mrs. EJ. D.; shortLp Vi wnen?7 SUff6red ' ? Cameron .who came to present her of thfrf SSSS68? aCT1 00111 Show prize of thirty dollars to tlA-SL?" activities which the war relief work Nothtag coxild ulsJnLT vlll f Sme i9f Snl fiaVe made s Prouder, Mrs. Cameron .Messengers. There were onlv abont i-.- j . , f , 5.600 nfinTiW hio-i, tuxieu cany auu w e m spnugrap ... -..'.v- . - . : i . , .... 1 PAGE SEVEN if a ch .n, s ; ; , " . suiuiubi, iJueturt; ivno.-, fieuuw came) lection " " (uemousiraiuiis uaujyus auu, uuuserV' i : i j r . ... - .J qi:!5iiuu? uemg asKeu luonaay nignt. ' manner of the closing of The" .The brJlot bt Will thenjje sealed b contest, that the- Contest the judsres. m thk . , . .1 . , . - ; " .v. xuiu - . "..uuj . i. iv. o"- - ,. '..o t . iU. ALU! Vyftl"! w:ju" l" .usuijr cApmiu dIdates and, their friends, and the box!, T u"n wunm;Ie Iooa carcts and re?" Prize that we felt proud of that 'fact ter. president. Revival services all Sell, pastor: Preaching at 11 a m. I will then be placed in the vault of a - " waa very gooa an i as wen aa cieepxy. graterui and pro- -weeK watn tne : preaching by Dr. i ana v:su p. m. Hunday school at 3:30 t count to he made by the local bank, Where it will remain until rrepr,eserus .a sreat 4eal of very hard.foundly touched' by; the gift; ;Mrs.-John)Te1rerHuFt p. m. All Members are urged to at- anr.ger will be made Thurs- Tuesday evening. This will make it h, "1 ; Vi : v"iv m me caraeron'g prize was ior tne secoM . aivary, j. a. Humvani pastor; Sun-' a. irangers ana visitors cordially mmot ui me campaign: wmcn was oe- largest number of containers put uo aay worsnip 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. mvited. . ing pushed in the interests of the lo- aiid here amounted to .more than' V Sermon sttbjBmominfr-'he''BIeSi w T : eal Foot! ComTniasinn tn nepprtafn tho nrt Iit. mnrlr nr.n u., rH TTnro " Mhi - xnt.ii WeSiev Memorial. Wintflr -Parlr" f?oir amount of food put up last summerAat the Corn Show in. a . conspicuous Cometh." -Sunday school5 9:45 a. m ' i J -Herbert . . Miller, pastOr-Preachlng 4. , 4- 4 1 ?; ftED-CROSS BULLETIN. : SAPTIST. .Delgado, Rev. A'. L. Goodrich pas- foi ,,l!uul",ua' cAcyt. anu.- aiiei waru m we viuimty ur me "auuib auyexjiiienaeni. jfreacningj .oiiuugera .m xne city are cordially ill y lli of our 200 and more Block Mes- WilHnm TJnnriPr atiH it sppmad fan-eW: services 7:20 n Mm . r v t tt I vitert fri iTTytiri ii sengers Had been hearo fmm. m pn'n- inontiv fitt?rto- that she shnnTH vr.'a''SnnilAi!V'j0'ir(ififti''ie'.-7i' w. txit n-. liftli oi niorti;w-c.A r.-. at 9:45 a. m. day at 8 "p. m. Prayer meet?ng Wed-, The "Wilmington Red Cross aj -oiuwieugvt wjsi gratptuuy tno loi- . lowing donations and deeply r.pprcoi--, ate thd generous response to all callj sent out and the , wonderful spirit Tnxtri, t ! chowa by .cur faithful workers, and" vork done by in, ana tut: n-suii yuuiisucu in 1 uviiyon .- paper. No other changes other ballot or for anyone to remove made in the standing of can- any of them. - a-- Conte i day n thpir (!'- ter- ,pmf ine yote.t.eacn fy ail subscriptions turned m on the that effort now that we have nhmit th panning at thoV i '4nn n beams Monday sr-ao n dajr- evening at 7:45. . Epworth League f0n:e ...ni : via nwCTer oe given out last clay, ana by the Contest Depart-1 practically finished the work for tho etc., having helped prepare some of meeting- Wednesday night. Teachers' meets Friday evening at 7:45. Every- ,fc? r:rn' t VnoUfv th? ContPst nffi Jnr tlTT fF the PMeral government, an-1 the' vegetables for the sake of learn- -upper and Senior B. Y. "P. U TSurs-i0 invited. Con--'r.nf muat notify the Contest office records to permit of the verifi- beg that the District leaders will ing the process. Well do we remem- day night. A cordial welcome to all ' Grace' coru:r FotIrth and Qrac-. Manac : bv noon Monday November cation of th- ballots by the judges. hereby take notice that are hoping ber in particular one warm te?- services. raiai welcome to all M. T. Plyler, parson. Spec al V- ! 'rXZ nVl oo 7 JonSrThTf; i?:eniner 13' f a fini8h rep0rt next Wednesday. melon, mosquito night when both. SouthsiUo Baptist, Fifth and Woo Wren'a service at 11 a. m. Even nr.b !.! i Friday. I-a.lure to so no-. 7:30 o clock, the judges will convene A' thorough' rorfi-nTilntihti nf p9y..L. ' toV--vv nl ing service, subi'ect. "Prhserit nnnfi . iT'.n ?,,i"lne? J5 P"p?2' L"na, . Hehts- Carona Place still going at 10 o'clock at night when' school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11 rWli tcH." Sunday School at "on in the paper of Weffnes bv the Cculon f ?hai thet lists of th pen- position in an end booth. It happens Mr. S. W. Hohis, superintendent!! in the evening, Sunday school ru-ion in me paper 01 eanes- try tne circulation Department to verl- ? nv rnntHhntmiB ..i n Tii -r tt tatvio n. m Pmvor r.iisatno - rii i . . . - - . r- . v w. c f uon i coumc iriMi w Kii'iw iiHi HtJiicLii v suffix rnin uuuiur,,jj. i. r- -i . r ' at t m sn-n. i wwi.m, ivwuco- - i o uiiui V n out last day. and by the Contest DeDarr- fi(iwd as acknowledgement .that the count the votes in the ballot box, add- Wrightsville Avenue, Winoca t n t m ' w i a v 1 1 1 1 1 1 iu iTirrop r liner nnnn nonrnnorA'fl . trntn m - im4'kt.i j . -u. :t U,-"1V " " I". U1 vux:utc o uvc iu laat.maiKei street nas Deen effected by iriidnisht fob to Mrs Cameron to Tht. ,0nt..st will close promptly at published standing, in order to secure the untiring efforts of Mrs. J. O IfTnVsh Many a nghliw test? '""Vr i?!t:t!. Kermihe !in Carr and George Benson who tt sbghTn On tne suwr ui "'t j- Ul tiuiumouiiv auu uie otner ,. nave . established Blorflc MfissAtiPrr! r., in v,,'v. CHRISTIAN. AU are invited t0 be present Jin aU ptaj. hitherto ete,ed. Mr, i Pac.a.T ' S'V: i iii v 1 1 1 1 1 t c xtipiinn i oon ni tov ..i 1171.4 i, j. 1. i - - v. (m re in the office at that No monev will hp nropntP.1 ..mlr tt, ' h.t " " ' J. ilJ esen m- uuua. wuat we iuui ..by.' the pastor, Rev. J. E u iur.. .ix.x.v..x n iulu uumstuutcn, umaa atuuujpttu-1 eaaer ror tne wnoie, Mrs. Uenson hv ivinsr that she iiiriui leauer ior Carolina vvngntsvllle avenue etc. Mrs. J v hit uisinci L.eaaer tor Carolina ! vnuo o-u and deposited their votes ied by subscriptions to The Dispatch -ivi'ii the opportunity. No personal checks of candidates, un cii'.ihdatps are requested to go less certified at the bank, will be ac all of their uncast. votes, ,cepted as payment for subscriptions,; Heights, Mrs. A. S. Williams District! lame is written on eacn nner rriaay, JNOvemoer y. canuiaates , Leader for Winoca Mrq Hnhhnrrl irtiniv t!'.e:r vovprjbei' 12. the doors of The Dis- prizes. nvch oillcp will be locked. All can-, at this time didat. time. li Will 1 ;! on. ( or1. 0l as s-oon a iter 0 as possible, as all: mailed candidates alter Thursday. No- will h r ton ;p - ''a-.nrr and he "will see that they arc p;:t hi ihe ballot box. Care be tal' 'i liar they are mailed in plen-'the ballot box, and that each candi ty of xiiv.o to get them by 9 o'clock J date will receive full credit The Corn Show Jar. tiirni, place them in an envel- in sending in money for subscriptions , for Market Street. Mrs. Yarborough Dr. Sprunt's gift of five dollars Was o;;l tho envelope, write, their after Friday, November 9, are request-has been appointed Block Messenger ' the most prominent feature of the Corn Patriotic Penny jar. It made ml address on the outside, and ed to use drafts, cashier checks, mon-;for the block 15-16 Market, Princess 1.1 the ballot box at The Dis-. ey orders, or express orders. land that square has alreadv made a :I:rv by 9 o clock Monday night, ; No ballots for extra votes will be fine showing. Mrs. Giles' section has ing in glass jars, at the, High school tor: Sunday-school, 11: 154. in., nesddy at 8 p." to. -'The bublic and! .utlyins umts m this county iind - ,1 - 'r.. v. .'v. . SplcR(?id: benes have been receive;! , from , V arsaw "and .. Fair.on containing tho following perfectly nade articles; r , Falcon. ' ' Thirty -piiTS of socks, two eye pal;, nine surgical wipes and spongesr r 1 ' " " Warsaw. Six wrappers, 12 scarfs. 12 -bed. one dozen splint pillows, two dozen, iict water bags, two donen 2-taiierl bandages, six pajamas, one old spread 3G abdominal binders three T-ban-dages. r Mrs. W. L. Parsley, tv,ro bolts ; .of gauze; Mrs. A. Alligocd, chewing giir fcr comfort kits. . . v ' Box of new surgical dressings" from the Washington 'Teaching Center, Mrs R'icaud; Mrs. Fechtig, old linen; Weil Dry Goods Co., seven bo!t3 clothe Mr. and Mrs. C. E.-Dlckin3on, one bolt'.or homespun; Mrs. Kelly, magazines. Linville Unit. Sovor.tv vnrdi unbleached mut?l,Tv: old linen; six T-bandages; 400 yards thread. . '.. Masonboro Unit. Fifteen hot .water bag;? donated, pveif nackages 4 tailed bajidages, nine T-bnndages. !, Carnlina Bsach Unit. Five hosnital shirts, five handker; chiefs, 13 hot water bag covers, seven" pajamas, three robes, one shirt, one bath robe and two tray covers. . y Wrightsville Sound Unit. ' v mad'., and 1 we had to go home and leave the m.. .apd 7:30 p. ,m., by the pastor. Public cordially invited. i 9: 45 a. m. 7. " ruiu or our lvns- au,,;i" uau ".Do loiui Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Christian' ?.r received three , Endeavor ADVENT CHRISTIAN v South yourth and Church, Rev. J. T, Johnson, pastor: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject, "In the School Rbdhi of Life."' Preaching at 7:30 n. nr. sub- What should be the attitude Place, rounds of applause Wednesday and a Christian Endeavor at 4 p J.O- rising vote of thanks for her gene-; m'eetihsr Wpdti45finv nt s at 6:45 d. m. Junior 1. V, ' T vii ill 1 11 rini in ti r i n mwr v m a i i n - ' tlATn I ' I ' K1 v " Wednesday at 8 p. ro. AU 1";uie" are. cordially invited to attend these, 3 "1VLC- - - f m'eetinj Everybody cordial-! services. ADVENT CHURCH. A prdnhetic dir.courso at the iSixth Street Advent church Sundav n'sht distinguished itself for the interest Mrs. West's Brooklyn. This work is growing in importance. en ladies were in attendance turned in !ne;r subscriptions. 1 vemoer 8, as tney migtit not get them shown in the food conservation and 'Gnu ; !: rirs living outside Wilming-iin time to return them to the Contest the windows of the charming houses I Eighte t C;;n mail their votes to the Con-1 Manager by 9 o'clock Monday night. ! which ' make this Dart of thr town last Ti it tney, ine contest Manager will see that all 'such a joy to the eve, are beautifullv , work. Dear knows w should i ballots for "club votes" are placed in 'decorated with the cards which are doing! We will hint FOR SUNDAY AND MONDAY Banana and Vanilla Cream. Complete Menu of Soda Fountain Drinks. PAYNE DRUG CO. Phone 520 5th and Ret! Cress Streets at a few of the a challenge to the German Empire. ! things: Making a quilt, planning for . Peter Cooper Table. la huge rummage sale early in De- We have felt for some time that ! cember, getting up a concert and so Mrs. Walker's work was suffering liciting articles for a bazaar. A good y arom. acute growing pains. Peter , deal for just one section, isn t it? ;Cooper, did -not .have room to stretch! out and. rivaled the Carrell pads fori Rummage Sale, the Chairman's attention. Another A solid brass watch once gold wash table has fbeen established for this I ed an sti11 perfectly good as to inter eminent gentleman and Mrs. Mc- nal affairs, presented by Mr. W. M. Glahn, Mrs. George LeGrand, , Mrs. j Gumming will be sold at the Rum lYopp, have undertaken it. The High 'school girls and Miss Emma Martin, EPISCOPAL. SL John's Third and Red Cross. up in size for any copper deficiencies!; R- R- Gribben, pastor: Twenty rt 7:30 o'clock, by Elder J. P.. King. wp miKht otherwise have noticed. : I third, Sunday after Trinity, Nov. 11, Subject. "D'd the Prophets see in -"-V-"-'" J-vj V 11 UUlUli, I . Jf . 4X, All. IHAVU, t.lA'.- XjICI JtldJl XV Uj VxT 2. ; VT ill LIk- Morning prayer, 11 a. m. Sunday fall next year?" "Is- his fall a signal school, 4 p. m. Evening prayer 8 o. of the immediate resurrection?" Come uesday when the ladies met for'W'' v3 LW t ?e' oraiai wvi-it-any to ue.seateq.. , hat all they are 1 e v"01 lo auenu tnese , i .St. James, Rev. w. H. Milton, D. D., rector: , Mornin? prayer and sermon at. 11 a. m. sermon, at 7:45 n ThP rootnvl Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sub wiH nreach in the mornin on "God.. J'ect of morning sermon: "The Unity; a Sacrament." and at night, on "What! of the Church-" Subject of the even have we to be afraid of." Miss Har-! In" sermon. "Martm Luther, the Lead riss will sing at night, "He was de-j ov of the Reformation." (The aaniver spised and rejected of men," from the1 Fary of his brotherday is November Messiah,, A cordial welcome to all. 0)- Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. Come and bring a friend. -Visitors are always welcome. The St PnuT' rhtirrh Rfvfppnth jh 1 annual donations for the Orphan LUTHERAN. St . Paul's,. v. Marker and Sixth People's service and j streets. Rev. F. B. Clausen, pastor: .... ; . . ' f p i nf -mev. rector: ' L'wen v-fourt.h Simrisvi a luuttj.mici u lu i liTlEllsn Tear.ner. navp hppn pnntrihnt- cAwyuuua! o.uc vauuui. - - - -... - . 'ing generosuly to tnis table the most ' duplicated. Then there is Mrs. ' J - 1 ty Holy a a .beautifully cut white snippings, and Quelch's. baby carriage, and Mrs. , . m the. nMmn& Sunday :wc feel that these school people have Hammond's big contribution and Mrs... ? ft 45. Morams P'JJ d sermon, a , , . ... rt;t.v.,w or.H Mre Mo'i! ntn. . ct 11... liiVeniiig prayer at . bervice !-;reai snare in ine cusnions wnicn ""i' o . T . . j,r f K : CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science Society, church edifice. Seventeenth and Market treets. Services Sunday 11 a. m. i to use for the carders and we now rcceivcii i have 19 tables in use. The New Eye Table. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCTOBER 1, 1917. WINTER PARK, WRIGHTSVILLE, WRIGHTS VILLE BEACH Taylor. The outfit consists of a knit ted bandage made of Dexter Cotton No. 9 (3 ply). The directions are as EAST BOUND. WESTBOUND. T.cave Leave 1ats lare Leave Leave "Klectrlo "? 'JAe?tr? . Beaeh WrUhtsvlll. Winter Tark Center" Center" Outer" - -for for . for tor tor Winter Tark. Wrightsville. fteach. Wilmlnsrion. Wilmlncton. WllmlnRton. fl '!0 A. M. 6:30 A. M. b6:30 A. M 6:15 A. M. 6:26 A. U. H:50 .6:50 - x!7:05 A. M. !7: J7:26 S:10 " 8:30 " b8:30 " 8:30 " 8:41 u M:00 - 10:00 " 10:00 " z!9:05 ' !9:lo " !96 - ll'W " 11:30 " 11:30 " 9:15 ' 95 " 9:36 M i n') P. M. !1:00 P. M. !1 :00 P. 1L !10:20 ' .'10:31 1:10 " i;10 " rl:10 " io:45 " 10:.r5 " 11:06 " o1 " 01:55 " : 12:15 P.M. 12:25 P.M. 12:36 P.M. 2:.".0 " 2:30 " !1:45 " !1:55 " !2:06 Moo 3:oo ' 3:00 " zl:45 " 1:50 " 2:01 " ":.:) " 2:25 " 2:36 M o4:li) " o3:00 " 03:11 " 1 :-m " 4:30 " 4:30 " t o3:50 " (')"0 " 3:45 - 3;53 ' 4:06 ' "'V.O " 5:30 " o4:30 " :10 - fi:10 " o5:10 M ( :") " fi:40 - x6:40 " 5:15 " 5:25 " 5:30 " 7:15 " 7:lh " 6:00 " 6:11 " :l " 8:15 " :4!r " C:56 " " 9:15 " 9:15 " z7:15 " 7:20 " 7:31 " 1":1" 10:35 " 7:55 " 8:06 " -1:13 " 11:13 " 11:15 " 8:45 " 8:56 10:00 " 10:10 M ltf:21 -. ...... 10:45 " 10:56 12 :00 M. 12:10 A. M. 12:21 A. M. : The Bazaarr .,, Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. ra Is com ins on, nicely. . It's surprising Sunday school 3:30 in the afternoon. Dlete eye oulflt rom t Surg cal bow rfV EvcnlnS prer and SRrmn' 7:30 P' ni.aec pnmmlu nA volunteered even to make articles for m. ultl S2S,e wTbe devoid to this n-" this BaIe' s0' mind that e Can 5 h e Ascension, Third and der the cSJrn Sh. moTieJ llr Mar?cllar: Rev W R. Noe rector. slipper industries which have been prayer and sermon at 7:30 p. m. curtailed for lack of funds. Mrs. Sellers Pillow Table ts piled and Queen, Rev. W. R. Noe, rector. a oin!ng th?t church edifice. whero Christian Science literature bo read or obtained, opened on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 4 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. The pub lic ir, cordially invited to attend all services and visit our reading room. purl 2 for 2 inches. Add five stitches with., beautiful fea.her pillowsl SPECIAL jfOK SUNDAV. Leave Front and Princess streets every half hour from lo 5 P. it. Leave Beach every half hour from 2:45 to 5:45 P. M. - -Daily t-icppt Sunday. x Does not run beyond Stations Sundays only. No. 3. fi Does not run beyond Station 3 on Sundays, o Superceded by half hour schedules. Sunday Afternoons. z Leaves from Sta'.lon No, 5. FREIGHT SCHEDULE (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) Loave Ninth and Orange Ptrflets, 3 P. H. Freight Depot Open from 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. M'ECIAL NOTICE This table shows the time at whlcli trains may be ex P"' tfd to arrive nt and depart from the. several stations but the arrivals and tJ"r:irtures pre net guaranteed. as well as cotton ones. We expect to make up the remaining feather beds right away, and welcome one i with experience along this line. i Acknowledgements. We greatly and thankfully acknow- making 25 on the needle. Knit one, nurl one for 5 inches, always knitting first stitch. Narrow to 20 stitches. Knitv.purl 2 for two inches. Besides this eye bandage there is a small bag of tiny tampons, a pack age of Wee pansements, and one of ie(jge the following gifts : Mrs . W . ladies wiio wish to knit and tind it H Berry four beautiful linen skirts gauzecompresses. We feel that this and much old cloth; Mrs. J. C. Pigott Work will appeal to a great many assortment of cloth; Mrs. W. J.. difffcut'to keep supplied with wool. Lacy clotll. Mrgi Turner, Mrs. Wil Ve have. been knitting for the sailors liam James cotton and linen cloth: of the North Carolina Battleship and Mrs AllariTaylor a large number of i our . chairman, Mrs. W. N. Harris tablecloths and old linen pieces; Mrs. tells, us , that we have finished our Ynnn ninth a.nd scrans: Miss Mattie yuuiu, u wu wm iujii uui i-.tieiiuuii O'Neill for 29 Trench torcbes maKing to making sweaters for French sol- 100 in alJ Misg O'Neill was the first? diers who are so sadly in need of one to direct our attention to this ac-i them. We often find ourselves with- tiitv Mp T-itp Solomon. 2o6 but- I out" wool, and we believe the eye bari-'tons Mr3 McClammy quantities of -idages will take up the time of our old ciotn Mrs. G. G. Thomas num- I knitters most pleasantly while they Dera of fine old sheets and linens; I wait for the yarn. jMrs c D Weeks linens; Mrs. St. I Generous Responses. lArmand spreads and sheets; Mrs. ' A-Ve have had the most generous Quelch a table and old silver; Mrs. j responses to our appeals for carders guster three lovely feather pillows;' jMrs. Marshburn and Mrs. J. W. Mrs Hearn Mrs Hammond and oth I Thomas, 811 S. 7th street, brought ' flrtirlf..c. fnr the rummage sale: itnree lames wun ner, an emcieni w w. carders and they accomplished quan- g '" raft ' Q uues oi wuik. I une is mme uu-, c tig tabletelcithj. (linen); Mrs. portant or more welcome to Woolvm Register one dozen male cup covers; jHall than carders. They form the M stovall Wrightsville avenue, a DacKDone oi me worK, as suon as mis laf e bundie of miscellaneous articles, branch gets behind, all the rest suf- c0lected by Mrs Weaver, 111 S. 4th fers. We have had most generous a splendid bundle brought by offers of gas stoves and appreciate her ,tlfe daughter Lillian through Mr. very much two from Mrs. Ahrens at tUo r,ri rpr-inients of 150 lbs. of ; Sunset Park. We have given orders are the d recfpents of 150 lbs of for the installation of heat in the hall pajama c:hecks min ends from the and will get it as soon as the work- gaxe Gotha Millg , men can be had. We thank numbers . I of ladtes for their kind response to we need a few chairsy one or. two our request for 15x20's. It is a tables, more old cloth, 15x20'c an as great help to have them cut the right sortment of jellies to send to Italy in size. . lour Citv of 'Wilmington shipment Flowers. I Which will be completed next Wed METHODIST. Fifth Avenue, Rev. J. H. McCrack en.' pastor: Preaching 11 a. ni.. sub ject, "Our Present Opportunity." At 7:3'D p. m subject, "A Deceiver or the Donicstic Drama." Sunday school TH8 EVATJS CMEJWICAL Co., CINCINNATI. O. fa ef?ectfve fa treating unnatural discharges: Plnle3S,non-po!3onom and will not stricture. Relieves in 1 to o days. BOLD j?V XkttueISTS. arel Post if desired Prise 31, or 3 bottles $2.75. rrepapvi ny Ready-To-Put-On Hodges, a sheet; Mrs. Id cloth; Mrs. J. OJ A YLRN7BG GQ&ST UR1 tv tivandand Railroad of Th 6outH. Arrival and Departure of Trains at Wilmington, Effective .1 Oct. j.917. Arrivals: sp.hpiliilps nnrt anr nnnnp.ot.iona eiven as informa- od, but not guaranteed. ffPR8s ( .TO AJSD W&Qii v.::.:,,,. ABlVX"t No. 51 Florence, Columbia, Pullman Sleeper, Wil- No. 56 A. ie. mington anl Cuiumbia. often to receive U: 28 A. M. . passengers after 10:00 P. M., .: . jlV8' Qoldsboro, Richmond, Norfoik and North. m No. 40. Ttlor Cars Wilmington 4 lffoMu :W V FatteTrae, Sanford ai'd'iti" Ahr.5 . . s-.SVm No. R37 ! Jacksonville anJ New Bora. No. 8S 805 P.'m. j t , , ' -. n.Q r. Mi ! Florence, Columbia, Aagusta Atlaaic anrt .' '" y No Kf i lQe West. Charleston, Savannah aad " 3 . "30 P m Florida points. Pullman Cam Wilmlnr . NoA m- ton ;o Atlanta Via. Augugtttd between 1:00 P. M. Florence and Columbia. . For weeks we have -had bunches of nesday. May we count on you as flowers sent m by friends to sell tor eenerouslv in the future as . we nave the benerit or tne work, iast wed- found we could m tne past.' n&sday Miss Nell .- Hammond brought Week's collection including -Patriot: an a; sweeT '-bUnchv- of charming chry- q Penny" collected at Corn Show by ;'santhejnuhis which were sold to the Miss Athalia Bunting amounted yto WWiiCffD. . laic a iiuwcio ui cj-ac; J.Ui0O. buih. We thank bbth ladies for the mohey thus made and for the beauty j brought into pur staid workroom by the flowers, themselves. Lumbertdivs Contribution. No. 42. 6:,5 P. M. Richmond, Norfolk, Washing-ton and New j Yorn, ."ullman cars to Washington and1 Nrrfolk. .- No. 41. i:M A. ML For Folder ReservaUoiiB, ra tea of fares, "etc., call 'Phone ld. : WJ. CrAJG, . ... v Ti C. WHitB, Pajsenper Traffic, Manager. ; deheral Passenger Agent Wilmington, N. C. j BOSCH EE'S GERMAN SYRUP. L. Why. use crdiny cough remedies, when Boscliee's Germariy Syrup has been lisM so sudcesfttlly for fifty-one Our thriving Lumberton Chapter veara in all narts of the United States ships direct to the National Surgieal fAf coUehs. bronchitis, colds settled ?1n Dressings but when Mrs. Holloway, j tne throat, epecially-VIt-:"tuWeT ( remembered best here among her ; jt gives tp patient a good, nlnts rest friends asCatnhiie Lord) saw in the, free CroinV coughing, with.easy pec- paper the account of our prospective t0ration in the morning, gives nature : riJli i 1 . i.A ! . i - l-r- it.- lif-'.JJ.-'Zt A'.... '' liaiian sniyineat, sue uiuugui. it ur. a cnance tOSOOtne lae.imiaiweu ptm-rs, fore the ladies and they voted to sendj throw off tne disease, helping the pa all supplies on hand to us to ship with! tient to: regain his health, 25rand 75 ours in the City of Wilmington. This!. cent bottles. .Sold by Green's Drug means some - 200 slings and other L stdre.4-Advt, :t -ti rt articles amounting: in all to about 500. ' : ' -' - We are very proud Of the work 'Wliicli miflli!ln!MnnnnmUHiiUUi!HUli::iIHUUUtlIIlUIUlUiinf ii.. ti i. At -j'S'- ' "'.- -.y-.--' : 5 '.' are very gratified to have so much to t,-C..VM'--. -S send directly to Jtaly from Witalng-vgfyged r"lfirytolirg.-g , The Whatsoever'Circle of thKirig' 'i':!-5 u. Vf I iriiiiiihtpia tmt i a ptifcrriiiisfhppir nf s "Room 810 Murchison BanK Blag. -m Ithree dollars to be ? applied , to , ourrnone ' w,t",nu ' un W H I -I . -ir..-- i. : . ' ; . . J s I lllflllftmillltllllllfmiltlllM1ir!lt?l!tllli;illllltimilll!l!Mli. - I W0rK. . ' We manK' Itiem lOr lUl? ua IIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUHIIHIHIIU1IISUHIIHIHIMIHMIII j MMMMaSMm The busy business man to whom time means money can secure in a Fashion Park Suit a style of absolute cor rectness and perfect fitting power. It will embody every refinement a custom tailor would give it and still be had, at once, without the annoy ance of try-ons. MOM to $40.00 I Mildred at JasAlan P&rkchesten N.Y. . S. E. Corner iFront and Princess Streets.;; Wrightsville school children tv-o dozon hot water bags and donat-j ed one dozen handkerchiefs. St. John's Mission Unit. Twenty pillow slips, two pajamas, four shirts, three robes. 12 handker chiefs donated; a friend of the Red Cross, ?2; Mrs. C. L. Meister ror com fort kit. $1.50; Mrs. Robert Cronly, $1; Mrs. Elwin A. Metts, $5; Mrs. L. Duffy. $1. Knitted. Squares. Mrs. George Thomas, five; Anna W. James, four; Miss Anna Savage, nine. Miss Byrn, four; Mrs. A. M. Hall, sJx. Comfort Kits. Groat interest ha3 been shown i the filling cf these kits and a kok in to any one of them shows all tno lovr ing care and thought that wen into, the selection of the variop useful av , 'cheering articles they contain. Ndth ing is too good for our soldier bo7 and all the gocd wishes of all the Red Cross worken g" with these Christ-mas- bass. Numbers of bags have been filled and net l;r,ted at the desk, but the following i a partial list: Mrs F. M. Jolly, one; Mrs. J. V. Grainier,, glone; Mrs. uyman ueiiiu'j, u, M. J. Heyer. cne; Mrs. Ij, k. rerry, chc jun'or kit; Mrs. Joseph D. Srj'th, rno jun'or kit; Mian Crlchrirt, two; Mm Herbert. Thomrcon, Jr., ono; Miss Christine Stevenson, one; Miss Anne yiocomo, one juuiui y , ETghty-six kits arc packed today, rcf'dy for shtpmcnl to France. ,. : ' Donated at-theXJorn show: "Two ',r r" njjv;'itr p""irn; Mrs. Carmi chael, four wipes Mrs. Swift Boat-, wright, card of insignia or army and navy. . " Report of Knittinn Chairman, Mrs. ;B. G. Empie. Mrs. Jame3. Chadbbuin -donatodj 10 hank of woi for two sweaters. v Miss Kate Lilly donated xnc muffler and one pair wristlets. - Mrs. ' Griffith"' -donated one sweater and one helmet. .. . . ' Mrs. Bluethenthal donated ono helmet.- '"..'.:,.'.. ', " Miss Gibson's Unit. ; : Miss CJ-Ttrude Brown, one sweater. Miss Pleasant's Unit. v t Miss Karine Bailey, one muffler; Mrs. Witte, one sweater; 'Mrs J.. Johnson, one sweater; Mrs. Willough by, one pair wristlets; Mrs. Womack, j ir ? T i t.i v- T ni 1 . nn 1 rne sweater: miss uiz.z.ru uc. J sweater; Miss Pleasants, 2 pair-wrist-: lets. ". Mrs. Richard Meares' Unit. . Mrs. Maffit, one pair cOcks.' " Mrs. Crcasy'a Unit. : . V Mrs. Creasv. one sweater and wrist lets. ' M"s. J"hn Rankin's .Unit. 8 Mrs. C. C. Brown, one sweater; Miss Christine Stevenson, one sweater,, Mrs. Rankin, two pairs wristlets; Mrs Bagg, lengthened mumer. Mrs. Baltzer's Unit. Mrs. Owens, two pairs wristlets; Mrs. E. C. Shepard, one sweater; Mrs. J. G. Hardin, one sweater. - ' Mr Piatt W. Davis' Unit. Mrs. Piatt Davis, one sweater : Mrs. ; W. A. Johnson, one sweater; Mrs.' J. 0. Carr, one pair wristlets; Mjs Au- Ir wristlets: .. Mrs. Andrew Harriss, one muffler and . one pair wristlets; Miss B. Price, one sweater; Mrs. Collier, one sweater; Miss Julia Gore, one muffler; Miss Susie Brand, lengthened two mufflers; Mrs. J03. Hooper, lengthened eight mufflers; Mrs. McDuffy, one pair . of wristlets. . v ' -Ten boxes verc shipped to tb? Bu reau of Supplies at Atlanta on .Tues day from the; Wilmingto i Re'2 Cross society. . 1 , ..,'-' THROUGH SLEEPERS TO ATLANTA v Te' old established ttirongh sleeping car ize between Wilmington and'At- lanta will be continued via Adgusta; In connection with, the Georgia JUUr LV. WILMINGTON 3:30 : P. .M. Lv. Florence . 7J&Air J Snrntfer ........ .. .. ' w r Ar. Orangeburg 10 :w r. a', A.?, Augusta (Bast time) 1.1:35 rght ao : a tt ; A NT A4 ( Cen. tmel . .6:10 A. lll- Returning; Leave Atlanta 3:35 P.M." arrive Wilmington l:0O..P- M. . Passengere may remain m tnis car,, in the Union Dspot, wnich Is .in the fcearVof Atlanta until, 7:00 A- if -J tHey so desire: ana on account ofjhe earlfer arrival , of, this train, and the , use of the' Union J3epoV. convenient; . cbhnections may Jbe made with througi) Dfnlng. Sleeping .Car : Coach , trains which leave ironi same, -stauon ior uv cago; Cincinnati; SL Louis, etc.;. . For far, tickets, tc, appljr.tj :'' T.'G. WIHTEGi.-Pass. "t.f Phone iSO. WHmlngtaii, ti. C.

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