A. "4 i UAH: mm. fell H.ll.:5i Mmk', :'n mm mm - 4. J 5 -it i MJ Him 3i: 1 h ffv-.v' : 1 f. mi 'ti.:H t' Hi mm If ft II! Vv BIS II I fit 111 IS PAGE EIGHT f THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11,1917. lilLITllTS STAKE S Big PIGKIli DEMHi Forty-three Were Piloted from White House to ' Police Statoin. !pi!Tii?Bis WIVES OF PROMINENT MEN WERE ARRESTED Among Those Arrested Were Mrs. Harvey Wiley and Mrs. William Kent "Hunger Strikers" Still at It. Plan to Release 60 from Chi- cago Jail Foiled by Guards. (By United Press.) Chicago, Nov. 10. A plot to rescue the 60 I. W. W. members held in the j county jail here on charges of con-: spiracy against the government was frustrated by guards late today. j As a result, plans were under wayj tonight to divide the I. W. W.s into ! small groups and scatter" them about I the country until they are brougnt to SPECS ms BUSINESS I MESSENGER SERVICE For this service "We use the Pos tal Telegraph Cable -Company's messengers. They will call, for your "ads," In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. v?t ( For further information '" as ' to "ads." call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." , THINGS -TEAT. .:NVER : HAPPEN (Ity Unitea F'ross) Washiniun Nov. 10. i'lu Nation al Woman's party ytagod its t;rcate.-t White llou-e picketing dtMiionstration here late today. Forty-one .suffragettes, including Mrs. Harvey V.'Mey, wife of the pure food expert, and Mix. William Kent, wile of the ex-Congressman from Cal ifornia, wore arrested. The pickets marched from their nearby headquarters in five goups. As fast, as one line was bundled off to tne police station in motor pa.ro.1 i wagons, another file, bearing banner:1, silently came up. :T,housands of persons throng'.:'.! Pennsylvania avcnivo but there w;.o no disorder. Miss Mary Ingsham. of "Philadel phia, accompanied t!ie prisoners and put up bonds for ihe'r immediate re lease pending a hearing next week. President Wilson was motoring when the demonstration began. H-. returned as the iast arrests wer made, entering . the White House grounds through an unpicketed gate. Many of the picketers haa previous ly visited the district jail where Mic.s Alice Paul and Miss Rose Winslo.v are "hunger striking" to enforce bet ter treatment for other women mili tants imprisoned. These prisoners are still being denied personal callers and the suffragettes had to - content themselves with trying to see their sister party members throug'i barre 1 windows from a distance. Suffrage headquarters made no further statc; ment regarding Miss Paul's condition and jail officials pooh-poohed the whole thing. The demonstration was studc"?'.! with a number of human interest, touches. Mrs. Kent's 13-year-old s,ou clung to her arm as she tramped away in the parade. The last picket of the. group tc be arrested was Mrs. Mary A. Nolin, of Jacksonville, Kia., who is 73 years old. Miss Ida Sharpe, of New Orleans, who planned to be in the .picket l'ne. fainted just before the sufiiaglsts skirted toward the White House. Captain Flatlier, of the metropoli tan police, approached to do the ar resting, t:pped hi., hat to racn suf fragist as he k'i he;- to step into the "Black Myria." While the last group of pickets was at his front gate, President Wilson entered the White House thnvish the side entrance of the executive offices. "I am in this work for good unt'l the end of my lifo." said Mrs. Miry Nolan, of Jacksonville, Fla.. the aged leader of the rear irv.ard. Amoeg the women arrested we: Miss Alice Cohu. New Orleans; Mss Mary Barret Dixon, Easton, Md.; Miss Julia Emory, Baltimore and Mr. Harvey Wiley and Miss Lucy Burns, Washington. Miss Mida Sharpe, New Orleans, had planned to !). in the picket V.i, but fainte "; just before the suffragists left for th" While House, it was said at headquarters. trial, probably next month. Ten of I ftR cal p situated prisoners already hav been to i I i th transferred, to Joliet, and nine Wheaton, 111. i The plan was for- the prisoners to keep together and at an agreed signal to overpower the guards. The signal j was to be observed by friends on i the outside, who were to assist the , prisoners in hiding as soon as the j latter forced their way out. j The guards suspicions were arous- fd by a great number of loiterers, j A man who gave his name as J. C. ' Russell has been carrying food daily io William Haywood, international secretary of the I. W. W. He was in- , terccpted late today and a note taken from him which read: "What can we do for you on thej outside?" i The reply it was alltged, was to ty ; given to a "woman in red," who has ' been among those loitering near the ' jail. i Russell was arrested and is being ' held. ON Western side of Fourth street, be tween Church and Castle, 66 fet front on Fourth street and running back 165 feet, title perfect. D. J. Thurston. Clayton, N. C. ll-7-7tj ! NOTICE TO HLNTERS WE HAVE j a complete line of snot guns, all makes. Such as Remington, L. C. Smith. Fox, Ithaca & Parker and a full line of ammunition. Call at Chas. j Kinkelstein, 6 S. Fror . St. Phone 642 10-19-tf FOl l N A FRATERNITY PIN- Owner can obtain by identifying ana i paying for ad. Apply to J. Hicka Bunting Drug Co., 2nd and Princess, i ll-9-3t CAR LOAD FINE APPLES, POTA- toes, cabbage, onions, rutabaga turn ips, carrotts, oranges and cranber ries at wholesale. Call and see them. W. J. Kirkham Produce Company. 11-11-ltj - i : - - ' :.y-: : ; . ; . -' ::.:;;:;,;.f'': vi ' . f ' ' - ' ' ' 1 . -y, .- ' )hfy v : ' -' V I MevtR ACCEPT ) f V-i AHV SAMPkCS OF 1 TO OffEC SOO A VMO LjA AMiTHHOC I WANT POUND SrNWeUE OF 3 hl -TV(Vt COFFEE H . ABSOLOTtLH K ntK v ' J I tV,V",f.V:Jr A Jfi 1 1 1 Willi VI H l IPJniflll 111 -' IM f jzi 1 w- -..yiirf ,n 1 i 111 I'll 1 1 ; 1 1111 11 1111 ikwiiwbihi ti 1 1 n JlMi .- I 1 ' 2ssfar.w . " III LEARNED . I W. MS WANTED HALF GROWN BOY (white or black) as office boy. Ap ply Review Job Printing Office, Custom House Alley. ll-ll-3t II LESSON' H i ENT GARAGE AT 112 Fifth street, four doors from rincess street. desirabl location; terms reasonable. Call or pnone 1170-J. ll-ll-3tj NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE SECOND LIBERTY LOAN ' t. , i'.1, 'y'"' '' t'??'"'- T .:"-:t' , .r All those having subscribed through this bank f the Second Liberty Loan and have not already done f are respectfully requested to call and make their S' rangements forpayment. ar" THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK Corner Front and Princess Streets UNITED STATES LIBERTY 4 PER CENT BONDS This Bank has received a small supply nr.w issue $50.00 and $1 00.00 bonds, which will bn furnished to those desiring immediate delivery The Murchison National Br.nk Wilmington, N. C. APPLES, APPLES, APPLES, CAR- FORD TOURING CAR IN FIRST load just received, containing Lim-! Class condition, 1917 Model, for. sale ber Twig, Wine Saps, York Imperial, at a reasonable price. Apply to and Ben Davis. Bear Produce and ) Queen City Cycle Co, 209 Market Merchandise Co., No. 14 Market St., 1 St. 10-26tf. phone 452 and 453. 11-5-tf. ; Otip of rVTn Xh inner! Savs He Is Going to Go to .PLAN TO ESTABLISH S IRISH REPUBUC VV Ul XV. : I WANTED FIFTY - LABORERS, SHORTHAND, TOUCH TYPEWRIT, j white or colored, to , clean land, ing and all commercial branches of Guaranteed three years work. Ap study taught r;ost thoroughly and J ply M. Lance, Carolina Beach. 8-31 tf practically in rne Motte Business College, Inc. 10-20-tf. (By United Press.) Tulso, Okla., Nov. 10. "We have . 1 (By 1'nited Press) ,' New York, Nov. 10. Documents ! WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested Phone youi nrder to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-T-lZ RUSSIA'S AFFAIRS GIVING DIPLOMATS SERIOUS THOUGHT Continue'' From 'age O...;.) 4 1. J ljV.t .n 4V.n 1nr. ti.ii.Vi i.n SJ .!SL E.r.Li .t and dActly corned German; ! ON.ONS 8ET8-ON.ON SETS, L,MA in the oil fields and the other men al- wltJ mt. fo a 1 so are going to work. The next time PuTb"c gtht bQy ChtlefQ 'nn the government asks for a Liberty ofathe State,s .Secreft Stervicc- loan I'm going to buy my share, as f Some of the most important were will the other men. but take this from taen. from "General" Liam Mellowes, me, we are not going back to Tulsa." 18 neld n.ere- . . This was the brief, but pointed 41 1UK (( uuw,u Jut uiaL "l statement of one of the 17 I. W. W.s the Plottings and declared there was WANTED 300 MEN 300 WE Beans, York Imperial Apples, Cal. 3, E. Peas, number one Irish Potatoes Red Onions, Green Cabbage, Cali fornia Oranges, all fresh stock. Bear Produce & Merchandise Co., No. 14 Market St. 10-29-tf WHEN YOUR BOY GOES INTO THE Trenches, see that he takes with him your portrait. He will treasvre it above all the gold on earth. Foltz & Kendrick. 3-tf who wejr horsewhipped, tarred and ; uwiu, feathered here early today by 43 a republic in Ireland during the war. ,iro,i ud flrn-,PH mn is,',- niH Extensive "gun running to arm ev- t0 'gef the command emphasized cry man in Ireland, is planned, the; '-- the reports of W.nchcsters over document said- iheir head?. The 17 I. W. W. members were tak- JAR HEEL AGGIES I n from tiie ponce tne point ot rifle.-, and revolvers a ft: or being up in municipal court on charge of vagvan- rv (Spc-lal to Tin- Disnatch) i.n-iziiijiiu, a.. iu. iu. 1 ui ui v eil- WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH Don't matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. L. Mazer, 2007 S. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ll-2-S0tj CITY ELECTRIC CO., 206 f RINCESS street. Phone 99te. Pythian Bldg. You Love Your Wife and Children Are they protected if you are taken seriously ill. Disease plays no favorites. It is your duty to protect them. An accident and health policy is a safeguard and a protec tion to you and your family.. Consider the matter. Con- C. L. DICKINSON. Phone 656 Princess Building Everything electric.il. 11-4-tf WON FROM V. M. L The member who made the state- in i : 4 : . . .1 ' . j iri::A r :i : e.,,i k.. Tui-n ;f,r,nnr. vi luu nKsifs uu.tawu viieiuiu aim- the Osage hills north of Tulsa late to- 1ai?' Institute here this afternoon 1 day putting in mcst of his time re moving the tar from his body. GOOSE LIVER IT MADE BIG HIT everybody likes it. It is nice for breakfast, dinner and supper. It is well wbrth a trial. Large cans herring in tomato sauce 18c can. Butter beans and navy Leans 20c lb. Small size plum puuding 15c, large 30c. Dromedary fiateS 15c package. Pole snap beans 10c can. Large cans tomatoes 20c? Frsh lobster salad today. May's Delica tessen Phone 1322. ll-9-3t UP TO HIGI ti mil it ie to 0. in a spirited game, in which Gur- i ley. Faucett and Hudson proved them-1 selves the bright particular stars1 for ! the Tar Heel eleven. Twice, toward ; the latter part of the contest. Hudson ' made spectacular runs that netted al- mot 40 yards on each trip across the J mid-field. It was Faucett who took ; the ball over for the second touch- , LETTER ll II 11 lUUl IV. I i 1UIIW H 111 a serie:: of line plunges. want three hundred white and col ored men to work in new potrooms making aluminum. Eight hours per day. Steady employment the year round. Wages for this work $14 to $20 per week, with increases grant ed for every six weeks of contin uous service with fhe company. Fine homes with bath, electric lights and water. Cheap rent. Froa gardens. Excellent fishing and boating on 12-mile lake. We will furnish transportation and every Monday evening will pick up men WANTED SECOND-HAND, 25, 30 at nil ctntinna hptwpn Wilminp-tnn I and Wadesboro. Take Seaboard , train leaving here at 3:55 p. nr. E. ! W. Kinlaw, our agent, will be on the ' train to meet you. Employment Bureau, Tallasse Power Co.. Badin, ! Stanly County, N. . - ll-9-3tj i Pershing Sends a Message from Troops to Folks at Home. WILSON SUPPORTS Y. M. C. A. CAMPAIGN LOST IN SOUTHERN , part of town an unsealed envelope, ' an application to join Cane Fear , Camp, No. 264, signed B. H. Scott, containing small amount of money, i Keep the money and return appli-! cation to Dispatch office. 11-11-lt (I'.y I 'nitcd Press New York, Nov. 10 Supporting the ! AUTOMOBILE GASOLINE at 3c Aj V. M. C. A. campaign for $35,000,000 ' gallon is what "Go-Gass" equals. 1 revolutionary incvt n-r-at that such things niu-t be ex'p-.'ctcd. "The tlr i (:(! ;t:it;-s government feels that ii liiu.-i cuminae io have faith in Russia, even to an extent, which might appnv.r foolhardy from a financial point ot view. As soon as there is a oveiaroent finniy estab lished undoubte-jiy t.lu- Ur It" j St:Uri will seek to learn just where the new government .'c;,n;is w tli regara al' question, aff?r ting America's inter est." (I'.y I'niteil 1'rcsst New York, Nov. 10. Germany to day is stronger than she was eighteen months ago. It is up to Anglo-Saxons to see the war through. Wonderful invention. Sells at sight. Big profits; great demand. Agen's - anted. Terms free. Write. Go Gas Co., Newport, Ky. 11-11-ltj , to get increased comforts for Ameri can oldievs. President Wilson wrote to Dr. John Mott, Secretary of fhe Y. M. C. A., New York, this letter. made public tonight: i "The snecial cammiien for $3.r.ono -! OYSTER ROAST SERVED AT That was the opinion tonight of 000 which the Y. M. C. A. has inaug- . Greenfield Park day or night. L. C. Isaac F. Alarcossin, author back from "rated is of vital importance to the, Gie- ProP- pllon(1 815"w a visit to the Italian, French, British wolk of increasing the contentment! 11'7tJ and American fronts. ' anu mciency oi our citizen army ; vaa M v:u -i.,,.:. v,,.ui flinrlampntnl tn mnkinpr mnrala tVio WANTED nil uiui .villi uiuugui ti nit-r- - , sage from General Pershing to the basis of military morale, and should American people. engage th generous support of our, "The American troops in France People. I bespeak for it a unanimity ' must be made to realize that the and a unity of effort and of gifts, io , whole country is behind them." read need this patriotic and practical : FOr SALE ABOUT FIFTY PAIRS Pershing's note. "This is the war of n'ork forward to abundant and com- : Plymouth Kock Carneaux Pigeons the real fighting spirit and the best P'e? success. mated. Address Pigeon, care Dis- or 35 horsepower motor; current 220 volts; two phase; 60 cycles; al so controller and starting box for same. Must be che.p. Address "J," care Dispatch ( ll-6-7tj WANTED MY CUSTOMERS TO know that on and after Nov:!10tn my business formerly conducted at (506 South 7th will be rnovecl to 721 Castle St., in store formerly occu pied by E. E. Russ. C. W. Cvaig. ll-U-3tj . , . ! WILL THE PERSON. WHO FOUND , watch in front of Mrs. W. A. Ek's residence on Cnesnut street return and call for reward at Piatt's &tor?, 10S Market street. 11-10-1 1 TEN MEN TO CUT wood by the cord. Will pay $1.23 per cord. Apply to M'. Lance. No. 309 Walnut street. 11-9-17 l So far the .Maximalist . have been! way to keep that spirit alive is to campaign opens Monday morn-! , patch playing ;. ione hand, too busy with have a united nation stimulating and m5- j internal aiTa.i's to seek outsioo rocog- encouraging its army at the front, i jiition. "hey hr.ve rt last permitted) "At first the French coached the r , Ambassador Francis and other Allied American forces," said Marcossin. ' T ,! 1 divorce. .i :i . ,. ,..,n ,:j 4i. .. ... . . ... By I nited Press) mt, u'" "a tu tne Bntisn non-voms ao tnat. Cincinnati, Ohio. Nov. 10. Because j ...ci. .u i y -Uu"iu.uuU mat symDonzes me coming togetner nUstav Bielefeld, pattern maker said of earlier prer r, reports were given of the Anelo-Saxon forces of the world Kalar Wilhelm hm,M ho f cut- nor humanity. stiiic iJpariTnr.r oinciais t.on'gut ll-ll-2t said they were hopeful that next week would bring detailed information on conditions throughout Russia upon which this government can bise its future attitude. The diplomatic sensation locally was the embassy's defi burled at the Maximalists. "Russia can be headed only by a national government uniting all the constructive elements of Russian dc-' mocracy," stated Ambassador J3ak-1 Kaiser Wilhelm should be ruler of the ' United States, Mrs. Bielefeld sued him MARRY IF. LONELY FOR RE- suits, try me; best and most suc cessful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The I Successful Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box,'! 556, Oakland, Calif. ll-4-ll-2tj W. B. Cooper & Go. COTTON Merchants Wilmington, N. C. i To Subscribers to Second Liberty Loan- Those having subscribed through this bank for the Second Liberty Loan are requested to call and advise how they wish payments made. The Home Savings Bank ! Corner Front arid Chesnut Streets. 1 21j;i!l!ini!l!l!ll!l!H!l!lll!HIII!lIinHHllllliniimilll IiniHUS FOR RENT OFFICES ON SECOND S floor, in Peterson & Rulfs Building. "German peace propaganda and d,Te ft(?da Sh8' alIff 3 fh9r German corruption of a large body of husband beat hr because of her Toy Southern Italian troops were blamed alty by Marcossin for the Italian disaster. Ai,r?in.f tTfr- and anarchy was "Every citizen may aid in the win- j predicted for Russia. nthg of the war by helping to prQ. i AmDassaaor trancis was forced to viH fimrts fnr whni0Inmo nnvrirtnmiinf send for troops to protect the embas- and a generous measure of hosnitalitv ' CABBAGE PLANTS EARLY JER- sy irom L,enme, Marcossin said. '.nrt ror.roc.Hor, m,nuu0 L sov flnrt Charleston Wakefield. Sue- . v wMLJUU 111 IUC VUUJLlUUm V ( V T - " - 9 I njtm cession, Flat Dutch, from peqireed l $5.00 vcj. Possession given at once . Ej Apply at Peterson & Rulfs. 3-11-! Sunday, tf. - "SKIN" PLAYERS CAUGHT. jjacent to the camps," From a call to I the American people adopted at recent national conference in Washington to , T7 i The Cash Results of Economy You are responding loyally to the Nation's call for the saving of food and for eliminating every kind of waste. Your economies are resulting in actual cash saving. You can easily measure this saving if you bank the cash results and watch jour account grow. This plan will enable ou to get together funds to buy Government Bonds. Economize,, save money and build a tidy fortune in War Bonds. Bank Your Savings. American Bank & Trust Company Wilmington, N. C. At Front and Market Streets. i. a. i .'a The belief was strong that he I Party of Colored Men Arrested Early would not have issued such a state- This Morning. 7 -War Camp Community Service A ment unless he had received enconr-: Plainclothesmen. Leon George and to nVl I "' ,au" b? agement at the State Department. But it was pointed out that if the Maxi- W. xv mnsley flushed a corey of al- being raised for ler-d gamblers this morning about 1 work. n.nlinti. r. o . I I i e V tHt.il- irmrommont : O ClOfiK. fV finally, th': ambassador and practi- j Comnany stables on Market street. lafmtic coast LINE RAILROAD cally hi.; entire staff will be relieved When, the officers appeared on the; COMPANY ot ouice. ci-cuc, me uau.y is sam iu nave Deen nfr.no nr T,MIMr LrJGS; Lr-1 Wilmington. N. C. November 1. 1S17. Who'.CBsle Forflprics Charged. (r.yiT niUMl Press.) Washinfton. Nov. 10 Cuban offi cials and United States' po.stal inspec eH 7rv if 2 i - Z r C " The Board of directors of the Atlan-nm?i7ri0-dehht in With Mc Coast Linfi ilroad Company has ! PLldnt.I declarea a dividend ot two, and on. - .o "RiTX i - T uu""ie" Ini half per cent, on the preferred capital tors today arrested Jose Linares.Tn f, ??""" toJh a charge of swindling American firms .",1 joe fT'n. ?.ffiCe of th of more than $100,000 by wholesale wil t?, eford Dick Lane,. Grant h... on and forgeries. Linares, formerl emnlov- " V' Ed CLarr.Dbe11 and Ricrd Dav- The anf seed, iaimediate shipment. By rx- press 500 for $1.00: 3.000, 81.50: 5.000 at $1.25: 10,000 and up at $1.00 f. o. b. ,s Young's Island. S. C. Delivered by parcel poet, 100 25 cents; 1,000, $1.76. Entrrprise Company, Inc., Sumter. S. U. we fri sun tf BAGS WANTED SECOND-HAND Bags, burlap, ,: scrap bagging and twine. Write for prices. Richmond !s Bag Company. Department. Rich- s mond, Va. 10-21-10 Wed-Sun S j..m if Builders a nnlr P 41-. i. ii rt 4. 4.1. h" ae Jame6 Ke"y- R(bert Mar- office of the Treasurer. Wilmington. N. after November 10th. 1ftl7. emnlov- ; v'":: v-lu 1Jrt- 1 ne iranrer books are closed from ed in the. Cuban postal service, is &cArZuaZ"K..c ..Pna' whl,e October 29th. to November mti, 1917, CANADIAN RUTABAGA TURNIPS, Spanish onions, red oniops, navy beans, limas1, fancy apples, dried fruits, sweet potatoes,. Irish pota toes, oranges; complete line of can dies. Bear Produce and Merchan dise Co., 14 Market St, (Wholesale only.) - 11-11-tr Supplies Edison Diamond Pointed Phono graphs and Disk Records Full stock of the latest. Records. yPlacc yar t NOW for Christmas as our supply is limited. C. W. YATES COMP'Y Books and Stationery. 117 Market i)treeu I W, B. THORPE & GO ! . cused of vvictimizing about 50 compan 'Mes by 'fraudulent money orders. Je'j6ked;;np to insure thetr i.oth dafes ir.r-lusfv appearance before 4 th e Recorder on ftionaay niornini JAMES P- POST, "" f . Treasurer. STRAYED BLACK AND WHITE FOX S terrier, - , named , "Prince' - Phone : 1160 W. I1-llr n Water and Aim-streets if Phone 789. v I J READ ROSINESS JDS J ... ... ..:..: . . - .. : ; Mi f - . v k, y " '.If. -- '