HER forecast- 'iw-v "v-v:.v; vov. ,;r.;-i:... I North cooler west portion; Wednesday, partly cloudy. " ' South Carolina Partly cloudy and slightly coolertonight; ''Wed nesday, fair. ' FULL; LEASED WIRE SERVICE r Sac ' VOL. XXIII NO. 385. WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA; TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 13,;F917. ; RICE FIVE CENTS. 1 5 f BAKER DISCUSSES WEATHER LVM1M (li.l l&PATCH -- - ,- ; .v.. . Is tft' mm EFFECT OF POLITICAL D R 'S WE RETREAT Bolsheviki Report a Com plete Defeat of the Korn iloff Troops r RUSSIAN REPORTS ARE IN CONFLICT Early Reports Said Kerensky j and Korniloff Control Petro- grad, Later Ones Say They Were Badly Defeated i By Associated Press) l.-mdon. Nov. 13. The complete de f.ai ni Premier Kerensky and Gen eral Korniloff is announced in a Rus- s;,mi communication received here by tt ii'cN ss. Tlii- announcement follows: 'Vi'S'i'Tilay alter bitter fighT:; ma- Tsarskoe-Seio the revolutionary forct.-: completely defeated the coun to; i vohii ionary forces of Kerensky an! Korniloff. In the name of the yt vi l'ltionary government, I order op- . po.-irion to all enemies of the revolu-j tionary democracy and the taking of meiivure;-. necessary to effect the j cai r i re l' siraila ad serum the aim me tnump army. (Sgn..i( "MOT RAVI EFF, RUSSIAN FLEET IS HANDICAPPED IN RIGA BATTLE Big Ships Could Not Maneuver In Shallow Water of Moon Sound Weekly Review of Military Operations Issued by War Department TASK OF THE ALLIES IS MORE DIFFICULT i mmAnnirn nrTTiain L LWl L I I I dMHMILdVOLI MUD 1 -vX BAKERS' MUCT. ST BE- LICENSED Mil , v tt-- Breaking Down of Russia's and Italy's Morale Aids Ger mansEnemy Losing on Western Front TASTEi OF . -jLi- r - 1 MTIIIIS Every Person Using Over 10 Barrels of Flour Monthly is Included THINGS LICENSEES MUST NOT PERMI1 ONE OF THE OFFICERS ARRIVES IN AMERICA (By Associated Press) Washington, D. C, Nov. 13. The ef fect of Germany's "political offen sives" against Russia and Italy upon the task ahead of the Allies is recog nized in Secretary Baker's weekly re view of military operations issued to day by the War Department. "The close interrelation of events on4 all fronts cannot too frequently be em-? phasized," says the review. i "The political situation in Russia) made it possible for the enemy to de-j jlach important contingents in tne h,asr. J which were speedily transported to the Italian rfont. "It is not unlikely that before initiat ing their powerful drive against the Italian forces the enemy made pains taking and systematic .attempts to un dermine the morale of the Italian ! American Troops Are Rapidly Becoming Experts in Trench jRaiding Ci D i r - .1 Jinci vrutes governing tne: Making or tJread Weight of Product and Materials Used Fixed a HbB I V 811 ini.i e I II III j , m inn awamBimu i m w U U t !;i Lieutenant on Russian Flag ship Gives Details of the r.'ght Sinking of Slava Brilliant Strategy X' . i U.V Associated I'ress) :CtJ Washington, Nov. IS. General rules STORIES OF HEROISM ! and regulations governing all licen- ARECOMINfPTO LIGHT se,?s ianueturirig bakery products, -T-rf- i' under President Wilson's proclamation yesterday, roauhin- every balor ex cept those lining than 10 barrels of flour and meal moi.lhly to take out i government licensv by Docombor 10, were anrounced by t'io Food Ad ministration today. Even hotels, cluVs and other )ubl;c eating places that serve bakery products of their own making imiyt take out licenses if t.hev w . . nilty i.-. $5,000 fine, two years im nrisonrnent or both. Five Privates Pjreven ted Party of German rjjiders From Entering Trenches Pav No Attention Shrapnel (By Associated Press. J With the American Army in France, Monday, Nov. 12. -American soldier REA NO L ESTATE IN T are rapidly becoming expert at patrol 1 ?x?eA th? 10 barrel limit, and pen i v.ork and their officers say they car :rAoms busiaess without licens ry on in No say they Man'3 Land as if thev UNDER-ASSESSED Corporation Commission Clerk Maxwell Addresses Tax Association Austro-Germans Continue; Flanking Movement in ; Eastern Trentino ITALIAN TROOPS - FIGHTING HARD to Invader v AH Line Growfnci , ij. Resistance Alone i w ""..- if Italian Places Are Captured ; San (By Associated Press Francisco, Cal.. Nov. 1?,. -Fur- have been at it for-years. This is ex- troops, with a view to breaking down i plained partly by the fact that activ-1 These things licensees must not do: their resisting power. ity m No Mans L-anQ. along the sec Buy, contract for, sell, store or oTh "This carefully planned political of- tor held by the Americans virtually j orwise handle or deal in any fooe fensive conducted preparatory to theirj is open warfare which is distinctly : commodit.'es to unreasonably increase ! military offensive, reveals clearly the j an American game. - tne price or restrict supply or attempt present methods of the Germans. j Already stories of the heroism if! to . locally or generally miono'polize "Surveying the broader aspects of .individual soldiers during trench raids ; commodities; destroy any bakery the European situation today, Ave find j aro coming to light. A recent inci-! Prducts; Avaste or wilfully permit do that the enemy in the East is confin- dent involved five-' privates who rush-j terioration of Products; accept returns ing his efforts to political propaganda, j eci irom their dug outs as the Gv-iof bread r other bakery products, Along the Italian sector he has recent- mans entered the trenches. Standing, make casn Payments or alloAv credi'. io any retailer tor any unsold bread LACK OF MACHINERY IS MAIN TROUBLE ly made desperate attempts to secure kneeling and lyine,in front of the en Kerensky. I also forbid ther details of the recent battle be: !a aeqision oy meaps or a poiuicai-mu-j trance, they fired F on the enemy so entures wnicii are endan-;tween tne Kussian and German fleets.1"'-' Villv,r- 111 " ,1,ir ai successiuny mat mey preventea inc Germans, who made seA'eral attempts, from entering. ?' At Least 5,000,000 Acres or Land Will Produce More This Year Than Its As sessed Value Powerful efforts are being exerted ' by . the Austro-German invaders of Northern Italy to pierce the Italian front in the eastern Trentino and by breaking forward to the plains from ? the Sugana valley outflank the Italian line on the lower Piave, protecting -Venice. - .' Berlin's official report today claims some successes for the Teutonic arm ies in this attempt. They took Mont ' a i? Longara, northeast of Asiago, and fur- ;, ther to the southeast made hearway V between the Sugana and Cismon val- 7. success of the revolution : n tne uuit ot Kiga were disclosed here bt, 1. r,f the i-ovnliitinnarvitncav hv T.lPlTt P T rhnV vhr i nr l"f "tillgnrui pfupirn, me fueiu ihis way to Washington, where he will.nas now Deen compelled to act on tne be attached to ihe staff of tho Ri,. defensive, and is being slowly but "C'jrnmandt'r-in-chief of the net in? against Kerensky." Stockholm's Report. Stool;!:.:-,:;. Mo v. 13. General forces 'surely driA'en back. It should be borne ' " V WMJ k k-u. u u t V- V- V (5 J M. Jl II AAA VI VI1. I -1 1 Jl i - f it. 1 . Lieutenant Tirbak, who was on the m mmu- nowev( r uiai Ine luruier U18" flagship of the Russian admiral, said integration of the Russian forces will Ithe fleet was handicapped in its en- mean that the Germans will be able io.oomQv,f .,-fi, ti, v... t,'to thin out their line along- this front. i r-e , i -f . a l ' ftOrftTLliril . Vt Jill I lie VJ Ulallo T niloff has erT. r il Petrograd where i, .. , which will thus antnmntiraUv nnntrih-. snaiiow water in iioon souna wmcn J Kor- (By Assooiated Press) Atlanta, Nov. 13. Much rel estate or otner oakery products "or exchange ' in North Carolina is under-assessed i leys, storming defensive works in this nrrT and at least 5,000,000 acres this year rea Rr0n,i rct k mA iw511 'ield a net profit in excess of its w Jr mauc dUU tUl(.l Only I ' i -Li ... J I tX Gcaccnrl I? jinn r ---.! n 4 A T TIT The lieutenant who was knocked; 111 iae specmea weights or multiples,; ot,'u,u,us luf-J- iuaA- down three times by shell fire during ' of 16 ounce units, which must nnt i.we11, clerk of the Corporation Commis the recent German-raid in the Amen-run over 17 ounces, and 24 ounce sion of that State, who deliA-ered an can sector today described ms expori-; "' 11 "lutl1 I1UL 1 u" uvei : address before the eleventh annual j two peaks in the same defensive zone ences to tne Associated frees. " weignis.' . XTi;, m. as Mont TnMm Mnfn I His face is covered with scratches .rappee, hours aftei baiang.! , . , the invaders hut .ftrw.ivi w0-o : Kn ic not : : e rianrsr 1 1 c-t tnr av i - . j xaauoi, ut- xij. uiiiuij vv cr lie, Hill i' HOJIl i J vwv . The fighting here obviously is of a : : desperate nature and the Italian fore- ' es have shown themselves In a mood, of determined resistance. In the Asia- ' 1 j go area last Saturday, for instance, ; :. the entire garrison except the sailors 1 prevented their TrT"if i - . . . , i It Jo n ill n n nrtApli no trt 1 . ,. . , 1 mi ci - i join'ng the battle. Demokraten under Monday's date. ' mod Ru ern ships from ute to the stiffening o their resistance bac to trenehX' he OeseTanT'conilsted of SfeOO inWtWitlgeiits'to-'tftlre- part "m from flying gravel. "When the firing began, I started- "Th I seemed to see .sparks shooting from all over my body. I started to crawl trvmm coifl T.iont Tirhot T,QTr e euKageiiieii is now yioceeuuiK in There was sanguinaiy fighting on the t su rted bv artiiiery and,Ital'- M r,,,e i-. r'1-. ,luc. . r'.were opposed by five times their num-' curing tne weeK just cioseu, ootn hit the mud at the bottom of the and tne Hoi.M! iui taiiea to noio even , the British and the French were able . . . , i - I. and it seemed ages before my face the working Mien's quarter of the city. Three of the four Russian regiments to record significant tactical gains. The form- ; .ambassadors, the mes- attempted to desert when they die-' "With Passchendaele securely in sase repor, , ..re now in communica-ir d th nimhpr(. nf thp PTlpmv British hands, the first stage of the and were shot down in droves by the operations Degun during tne last weeK Fourth regiment, Avhich stood fast to of September have been brought to a its position and was slaughtered. Of , suVl!SbIli! moh trench. Something happened again a minute later. Then I picked myself one to three ounces, but no rolls! The North Carolina Tax Commis faC,!!fed r ?ffer,ed lr sale &y'sion tAvo years ago undertook a State-. ZLSuJ&SJMVUvut, ,.,..4. oaiajUte w uzttTv-x'ztx v-r CTiHF'less thannWo T.o Jwra equalization of real estate as be- UU11VV V-'i XKJ I J than three ounces. These standar.i.o tveen counties but because of a lacki are to be determined by averaging 'of proper administrative machinery.it weignis, or t& loaves or five dnri , i ,t rolls of each unit In mixing dough for bread or rclt -"UjWas only partly successful, Mr. Max well said. In his opinion .only the tion with General Korniloff. Kerensky Controls Part of City. t'openhagen, Nov. 13. Premier Ker f-r.sky'.s troops an. in pnntrnl O f nnrfltVic nrio-inol A Cf -man in thie Tar1-mn I i Ce 11 V . u . r m. v V 1 llllUl 1 V V 111V 11 111 1 11 1 .7 X V. 1 11 .11 L , 1 ... I i i - ! J :j it. i; I orl LIS II French counter part of the success took place north of up and started in another direction.!011 tLe unit basis of 196 pounds of any j State General Assembly can improve uvui, uiecti or mixture Daiters must conauions, ano ne suggested legisia not use more than three pounds of tion requiring the assessment of all ittiic u-i utei sugar, or in lieu or tnem , . , , . . ; th.co a,: . i,n- .i I property either at its full value or at C4, nail yuuuus ui cut 11 oLl- oi Petrogrr-d, especially in Nevskyjonly 15 survived, said the lieutenant, j1 Pro--nent. ar-cordine to p f elesram re-1 Thp Russian fort at Zerel was de- " ' J I j i . i t . i -i . ceivei bv the Stockholm News Agen- serted soon after the Germans gained .enemy anticipated last ween was car ry and forwarded to Copenhagen. The a foothold on the island, according to riea out- The Pjessure of the French Bn!.h( viki uto said t6 have taken ref- Lieut. Tirbak. and because he did not offensive reached a climax when they u-. in the Smolny Institute. .wish to see it captured, he set a time were enabled to enfilade the German Report Confirmed. pe to the munitions magazine and "ue?.uuu& Ui " t,JU"'- destroyed the rort. it was consiaerea,w imTiTPPnuhio. as it had withstood the! 'For the past three years th pres- bombarding of the heavy shells of the!ence of the enemy on this ridge had! temy's navy and airplane squad. ueen 11 source oi anxiety to tne T.ient Tirhak witnessed the sinkine French. To dislodge them Avas a pnn- : 1 a : c ii a i c of the Russian battleship Slava, a rel- ufPai oojecuve i uie mueciteu uueu in nf the Tannnpsp-Pussn war which Siveb Miiue ldht Apill A corporal and two men joined me. A shall burst a few feet from us on the parapet. I lost consciousness. "When I came to, grenades Avere flying in all directions. I had lost my shrarmel helmet, but found one by the e Aisne. Here the retreat of the head of a man lying near me. I went London. Nov. 13. A dispatch from the ( '-Tenh:igen correspondent of The K-f"'';m r. TpU.irrain rnmnanv savs travel,.;. S arriving in Haparanda, Swe-!enemy's navy and airplane squad dn. from RussiaTcTmnrm the report that Premier Kerensky has gained a three and gar; ic- racre fresh milk from which butter have been extracted: nor use taken by the Italians in resolute coun- ' ter attacks. ; Between Cismon andhei-jrnner t?liZ TPiave "valleys ' the 4 Italian - "line c&la" ri: straightening out to virtually an even line for the connecting link between fiave and Trentino fronts. It is ap-; . parently in this process that the town ! of Fonzaso, about five miles west of Feltre, which was reached Sunday"' by ; the Teutons and an equal distance ' east of the Sugana, has been given up',' : -to the Austro-German advance. The Extremist party which, gained than six pounds ot trol of the Petrograd government fa is any on and gathered some men. We spread ourselves out, expecting -a heavy at tack. As a matter of fact. I found out later that the raid was over and J instead, rot more than two pounds of! no other way will equality between tax payers be obtained, he said. The speaker also suggested more recogni- shortening except not exceeding tvo: nonrrls nf enrnnn,, nnntoinin. ul wul- uuu 3 omciaia, thar. IS ner ent of ,n!n,,l f,tc cuii asseuib, ami tue placing in..;,.; of those officers on a permanent basis The sudden the grenades we saw wre being thrown by retreating Germans." It is the opinion of all the officers that the troops are bearing' up cxcel- theiif.ntlv under t.he.'r first exnerience in the trenches. So much shrapnel has fallen since vegetables tats. Where sweetened condensed milk is used, its added su gar content shall be deducted from the net sugar allowed. Sugars or fats at increased salaries. Speaking in general, Mr. Maxwell suggested to the members of the as sociation, for their future considera- inn A r.nnn;m 4- V. . 3..! U : 1 : J are not to be added to the douen 7. ' ,r tr. k,w.w .... taxing me unearned increases m real 1 i.niK e icior.v over tne BOisneviKi. , , . , , fnrneA PvaramMnn of some 40 snnarpif s fK,, nnr.Uoc ohfor.wi hof the wptit nown in rriR cnannei oi moult . - - i bcm. m iu- m.iivuvti ...v. i. sound. The sinking of this It is said the Premier. General Kale f;::;; . - ""'" blocked the channel and prevented the is sector or tne western rront IOill!'(i triumvirate in PetrOKKld ! i. . . . . x, has Kaon tho tanirh o roetilt 9Ph ovoH i TPrniH ns iriiiri h i . 1 1 : i r .- n m lit 1 Gulf of Finland. The lieutenant saidi "The importance of this successful this move was thought to be one of the J French advance must not be overlook mnst hriliinnt Ht.rat.pein actions of the ed. It means more than a mere gain Russian navy in this war. V'nere all the tmnns nnw sine with M. K r nsky. It is said Nikolai Len in" has bfen deported. riT- autlictiiieity of advices is open lo -st inn in view of the fact that, no i;( I-, developments-are reported in disi-at. in fiWjiL in Petrograd as late as r '.-! nek yeotcrday evening. Bolsheviki Ouster Says Report, -kiioh;.. Monday. Nov. 12. Tele-rra-n f i i u Finland announce the ar "' Pretuier Kerensky in Petro i'i iroops. Finnish no" l a -i. ; unreservedly that the a'rradv lias b"en ()f 'thp hntralinrm of the second enntm- mencaa o an wholesale bakers today vessel miles of the most important terrain men have ceased to Avorry about it I to establish as their Avholes-.ile "vices V ... O i) V.. 1 .... . . . ' I i l, , , . . . ...UiU 1, . Ml .. '.I m tnis sector ot tne western tront hardlv Davinc anv more attention to it-than to rain. The commander of one battalion said since the men had entered the trenches mumps has caused more of them to go to the hos pital than has the enemy's tire. The firing in this battalion sector has been rather more intense than is usual for Hiirinir tf?o Via Vino- nrnn' c V I 17;- ' -estate which is taking place steadily x?r,r,A A,;.t,. Tr., iiere me uemana ior real estate is ihr. DAUGHTERS OF THE of so many square miles of territory; it means the penetration of the power fully fortified Siegfried line, hitherto considered by the enemy impregnable, j several nights. and pushes back hi main defensive j A heavy shell fell in n machine positions to within five miles of the gun ammunition dump and exploded fortress of Laon. the major objective, i 30 boxes, bullets flying in all direc those at which they will offer 'their picducts for sale in lots of 25 pounds or mo baker al cnaigtr, for wrapping and deliver ing Avhen the bakers perform those services. Licensees are asked to re port these wholesale prices to the Federal Food Administrator in their State. 1 Believing frequent deliveries en hance prices, Mr. Hoover urged all continually increasing. This, howev er, Avas a matter for the future, he said, the important consideration at this time being proper administrative ore. unwrapped, for cash, at the 1 L y door, subject to fair addition-lallon must be measured- II MEET ! "In the sector where a small detach-j tions. The men nenrby threw them ! bakers to reduce deliveries to once a 1 1- Cd'i! i .! .-"-! -skv wh.o pfi , "re Su. f'.u' an' Dili Id' ! ! :rd':i ?iloscow and S :: nouiiee the cnun'ry ! r")l (' the C(ss?.cks. leadership of K" ' t.i.-heviki troops were de : ' T.inrkoe-Selo, and re -i :-ograd. :.-.r.ge 'ays Pre are" K ' e -es Unit th sent of gov I l:r- removed to Moscow. ;-:n;!'iff and K:il'--d;n .'ror.t Novo Tchorsk-k e: ;he Don Cos ocks. .uminon'ng the Ru;:sian : erst the Bol..h?v'l;i ;-.nq in Moscow. X" irrnie American v -t Moscow telesrvh--' - 'I- !- Francis. uTfder ' eon firms -eports of i veen the Bolshevik' 1 :sion '.I government fore o? -renerai ssys: t!-e government troops .John !'. .Stevens is nere. ' 1 in touch with him (enter of fighting. AH Rumors Cossacks al Twenty-fourth Annual C vention Opens In Chatta ncoga This Evening (Hy Associated I'ress) Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. . 13.- 'address by Mr:-. Josc-phus Darnel ment. of our troops had taken up their selves on the ground and no one was places in the trenches as a part of hurt. their training, the enemy (as is cus-; tomary in trench warfare when fresh & -v -X- -t -K- -"- v.- v -X- -X- -X- il'-oops are believed to have taken -:- ' On- places in front line trenches) for re- connaisance purposes, executed a Avell . planned raid and succeeded in tempor-, arily penetrating the short segment of j the line held by our forces, inflicting a few casualties and taking prisoners. ' Art i "A unit of our artillery, also in the, on course of its training, came in contact I NIKOLAI LENINE. -X- -K- -X- -K- -X- -X- -X- -X- day over each route and to this end. to consolidate deliveries or zone their territories. THANKSGIVING DINNERS FOR TROOPS ARRIVE LONDON'S PRESS GREATLY EXCITEI Allied War Council and Lloyd George's Speech Severely ly Criticized oe a feature of the opening session '' - Francis. avIio sav;; : u o-'i-e t, look after the '' ' r ' ; government and th .''Of-i-ican citizens, hns re ' offers from the Bolsl'v"--'e..i !): any Avord from Wash ii: . Vovember 3. even-i. nz chairman of the ;nirrie;in railway commission, wnt 0 Mofeovv- lo net. as special advisor 'Continued on Page Eight). r part in the world war will wun tne enemy auu muhihi iibeit. very cieuitituij iu tuin iiisl c-uuluu-i ter. ! here tonight, of the 24th annual con-. .Tn Itfjlv the situation is developing: vent'on of the United Daughter:; of as normally as can be expected under- )h rnn fwiericv 110 circumstances. tne 'iKut c. y. . ( iThp Italjan retrpat somewhat con-! Addresses of, welcome will earlier stages has become livered bv Mayor Littleton, Genorai lused in it., earner stages nas oecome nvereti uy niayvi u , more orderlv. and the retirement dur-i George 13. m rnson, commanaei-ii rnntinnerl nninterrnnted i lllf) Al w - - "The line of the Tagliamento riv- r was held by the Italians long t r-ough to insure the safe retirement; oi large bodies of troops. This line ha.; now been abandoned and the en-; emr. penetrating the Venetian plain, j has reached Livenza. ! "The Italians are continuing their effor - to detain the advancing Aus-tro-Ge man forces. " Alor t the eastern front, no opera-; tions of military importance took e. i The enemy, instead or attacKmg, , has. reneA-'ed his efforts to fraternize with the Ptussians. Owing to the in-i Hi. rrison, chief of 'the United Confederate Vet erans; Mrs. Thomas L. Polk, regent' f ih Tennessee Daughters of the American Revolution: Mrs. B;'- i Askew Owen, president of the Ten l nessee Dinsion U. D. C; Nathan Be ! ford Fori .;t, representing the Sons c." Confederate Veterans, arm v.aytaiu Philip VVhitnkcr. commander of Joha 1 than Bachman Camp, S. C. V. Officers of the general oi-ganization v-in be escorted to their places on platform by veterans of General N. B. Forrest Caaip, U. C. V. , , f - Aitmbers of the Jomtnan liacnmuu P-amp av:11 servo as ushers. An aoaress uii if "7 vvoa niiticnl situation and the fresh South by Xain fheoieiini ouiS of th extremist elements. Memphis, is mduded m tJ-gn- it is probabl- -t these may have' program as are several musical se marked irJI.ueaLe on tne geueral strat.i Pntriotisnv will be emphasized both egy of the war, which we must be pre-; in the addresses and the music r ! ' Associated Press) i JB7a AssciatedA 1 ress? r, I London. Nov. 13. The speech by i With the American Army in I ranee I p j Lloyd-George in Paris yester Monday, Nov. 13. A large shipment hag stirrefJ th(f local y His of turkeys, mince meat cranberries,! afusions tQ the AU , .incrciM9 nuts raisins, oranges and sweet pota-! blunder.. arc ,ated under sengatiotl. oes for the Thanksgiving dinner of j headlines. Comment is mixed up !Ure American soldiers has arrived in with criticism of the new anied war i?i-onra Tt will ho mstrimitpn nmonfir . : ix xxx. ..... -: v. i council as anounced here yesterday ;tn vcinuu. 7 7, .by Chancellor Bonar-Law. Several villages wnere me troops are uuieteu I Other shipments will follow. . . i .' .' STRIKES CALLED OFF. newspapers- endorse the- speech in the main or are non-committ?.I. Others 1 criticise adversely the neAV military plan and accuse the Premier of wis'h ing to take over the strategic direc tion oi the allied-campaign. Rumors , in the, Sunday neAVspapers of the im- nendinc retirement cf Field Marshal V (By Associated Press). 1 Buffalo, N. Y., Nov.' 13 All strikes affecting government the Gfeneral ' Staff, caused some com- ; work in shipping, munitions and S, mentators to insiuate that the reports j other war enterprises have been ' were sent afloat intentionally by semi i called off by the building trades official hints. section of the American Federa- The Mornmg Post connects the new ,V tion of Labor, it was announced plan Avi,th the rumors find says boh by Secretary Morrison this aft- nation and army are alarmed over it. ernoon. A conference of repre- It adds: last week, claims in an official state- . ment sent out by wifeless from 7Fet ?i -rograd today to have inflicted a com -plete defeat upon the forces of .Pre-j , ..; mier Kerensky and General Korniloff, ! advancing on Petrograd- The engage--- ment occurred near Tsarskoe-Selo l5; miles south of Petrograd. ''.',;' Two Points Captured. 1 -K;, Berlin, Nov. 13. Fonzaso and Mont Longara have been captured" by ; :v; the Austro-German troops invading C -t Northern Italy, says the official- state- : ment issued by the German . Tar of- flee. - ..-":;"v The text of the statement reaas: "Italian front: In the Setti Coni muni, we vrested Mont Longara from ; the Italians. , - - t ; "Troops advancing in the mountains ; between the Sugana and the Cismon: valleys took by storm the Leone work : on the Cahoni. Di Campo and the arm-:. ored fort on the Casoni Di Lena Fon-' -zaso is in our possession. . ? "On the lower Piave there has been an increase in the artillerj fire.'' Heavy Artlll6ry Fire.' ; - v Italian Headquarters in Northern; Italy, Monday, Nov. 12. A heavy and continuous bombardment is proceed- ing along the lower Piave river, mark ing the opentng stages of extensive;? ; operations on this new line. Wheth er a. general engagement isimminent depends largely upon the enemy. as; the Italians are now entrenched be- hind the river and fighting defensive tactics, with the stream and their re-:; established, forces checking the i furth-V; er extension of the . Austro-German ; offensive. . v --v. ; The engagements thus far have con sisted of episodes at detached points, although the shelling extends almost uninterruptedly for. 40 tniles along the'; lower Piave. Thp. crash of some ene-; my heavy guns is now heard,:,, show- i; ing that the Austrians and Germans ; have been able to bring up a few of , ; these monster pieces. , '-;..y No longer is a secret-made of the V fact that the Piave is the line of de-: t sentatives of building trades pared to meet.' Russian leader now at head of gav- i ernment. . to work. 4 Haie and General Robertson. Chief of' bending its energies steadily for tha ; past 10 days. The upper end of this line joins the Trentino front, making . one unified front sweeping in a huge arcfrom Lake Garda to the mouth'Qt the Piave, near Venice. " , - Precautionary, measures to protect . Venice continue, last the enemy whose long range gjins are not far -off; should attempt to bombard s,the famous art center., The palace of the ( Doges has been covered witn sana bags, and the delicate arched facade; u has been shored with heavy.: timbers.. -. The Campanille has . sandbags .. for ; 40 ; feet around the, base; The grand, can-', al is filled with gondolas ; being Yused) 'A political council advised by a i heads and government r'orsen- military committee is to direct the ! tatives will.be held in Washing-4 strategy of the, allied army. The blood, ton within a few davs, to go of the nation will run cold at th-. over the situation. Pending the idea. No more fatal and no more dis ; result of this meeting,' orders 4 astrous arrangement can be. conceiv- have been sent to the' presidents .ed. fw Premier Lloyd-George ' of locals to put their men back 4' appears; to think that this -complicat- ed project will achieve strategic unity. , It. seems to us it will achieve strate-; 1 gic paralysis." 4. 4. 4. '4. for transportation purposes. 'It V ft :'(, ill "I nv: -1 r I