x WEATHER FORECAST -i!jB,v. : v ...:-v. -'..-'. - C.1 '' , SPA TCW p al mm North and South Carolina Fair to nioht and Friday; frost tonight. VOL. XIII. f-- iff v FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE THgffiajGTON DISPATCH, THURSDAY; AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 1'5. 1917. . . .'- J v " - : - , ' . ,. - ., .-!...'...:-; - - - .-ttt m.-'; ' - " j : PRICE FIVE CENTS, r ! l L S' I O.FEAT jt-heavy jS'l1 1 Rate of Submarine Losses 14 fantry- " . - .2 ' : ' J 1 So LOW as tOBe Neeli- iBy Awelateil Press) . ; , - " " . i ... . vvilu xiie jariusn Array in ijeteium . . . " r Tlllilll II llll H II t m hlld , I . T i i tini tu in ei i inin ih ,iwv. ,c , M r1 I lEIIlIItU I 1 II 19 Hi ii B II " I I llllll !U III ll.illKnM A Party of Germans buccess-j t r II A 1 1 1 tuily Ambusned in Man's Land. AMERICAN CASUALTY LIST IS GROWING REVISED CASUALTY LIST. Spvpral More Killed andi Wounded by German Shell Fire Opposing Armies in Italy Still Struggling. (By Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 15. A revis- ed report from General Pershing i today on the German raid on Am- 3 erican trenches November 2, puts ' the killed at three, the wounded 4 at 11, and the missing at 11. The first report was three killed, five 4 wounded and 12 missing. ! 4- First Lieutenant William H FALLS I1T0 OF VtLU TBO TERROR OF THE SEAS i u a o nrcM 1 a mat iicurn (By Associated Press) With The British Army in Belgium Wednesday, Nov. 13 Forces of' Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria have made their first pretentious ef- fort to regain Passachedaele village m accoroance with the edict of Field i fr 4r 4 4 PETROGRAD BURNING. ' ':. (By Associated Press). London, Nov. 15. According to press reports from Stockholm, Marshal von Hmdenburg that thej travelers who arrived yesterday place should be re-captured, and have evening in Haparanda, Sweden, failed. The enemy's attack, made late yes- Anit :'!c;.n soldiers have carried out a r.tr'-ful ambush of a German lv.rtv in Xo Man's Land on the Wes-i l ,,,n ::ont, killing and wounding a of the enemy, while German Iiave caa-sed a number ca in the American lines. McLaughlin is added to the list of ! Battle Lasted Two Hours and There Was Bloody Street Fighting. numb ft!. -lis i:al-i-- An C;-ni!y ranr,. tl :nerican patrol one night re lay in the -mud in wait for an party for which they had ar- v1 wounded. Private William P. 4 4' Grigsby, of Louisville, Ky., pre- i viously reported a prisoner in the hands of the Germans, is ! among the wounded. 4 The list of three killed is un- -! changed, but the following others s are added to the wounded: Private Lester C. Smith. R. A. !- Smith, R. F. D. No. 5, Concord, N. C. 4 Private Louis A. Deifer, moth- f rs. Catherine Deifer, Sulli- ! -: v La.. Ind. an amDuscaae.. a uerman uc- . pHvnto Pnnl w Vann fipnrce taclimr-nr or more man iwn-e we biic 5. yy. Fann, sarona, wis. ni -I,,- Tmorican narty fell into the Private George Wesley, trap. The enemy troops were sur rrid and did 'not stop to fight, . . - 1 3 scurrying away witn tneir aeaa anu 1 tured: --v,,ri.-i Tho Americans suffered no ! Private cas!,.alt!es. The American artillery firing on the American sector is becoming more ac- and the Germans have I VP ;hei!ir.2- our '-pnches heavily number of AiuencTuis aave Deen 1 Miss Margaret Welch, Dayton, Ky. The following are added to the 'V list of missing and probably cap- Clyde I. Grimsley, . Frank Grimsley, Stoclrton, Kas. Private Hoyt D. Decker, W. t . Decker, Vincennes, Ind. The casualty reported as Pri- been ! vate Harry R. Langham, should be Private Harry R. Uuchman, v FEDERAL SOLDIERS CROSSED THE BORDER i terday aft3vn:;on against positions on the crest cf tac ridge north of the; from Finland, say rumors are cur- rent that Petrograd is in flames. 4 Allies Can Replac7" Annual Loss at Present Rafe of De struction in Eight Weeks, Says War Expert. (Bv Associated Press.) New York, Nov. 15. Arthur Pollen, : Hamlet, v. as attempted with larger I'"3 and persons had been killed in noted British war espert, has made forces, but the , assaulting troops were i 3treet fighting in -Moscow, up to the following statement to the A sso- i hurled back after a grim struggle, noon Tuesday according to re- elated Wess on the submarine war: leaving the British line before Pas-if Fuf,"b travelers arriv- "Anything unsatisfactory in the mil- j sachendaele intact ( Two Thousand Killed. ! London, Nov. 15. Two thous- Line is Holding On the'ipiavc and Critical Trentirio' ' Front. - H 'it SITUATION IS MORE i FAVORABLE FOR ALLIES V A ,,Ada Lanchman, Chicago, Tils. od or wounded, one shell which drop-uj. 4. 4 ! 4- " npd into a trench causing several j casualties. American artillerymen al- j New Auxiliary Bishop, so have ber-n belaboring the Germans Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 15. Pope strongly and it is believed their sheila ; Benedict has appointed the Rev. John have "claimed quite a few victims. I Mark Gannon to be auxiliary bishop utro-German attempts to cross of the diocese cf Erie, as titular Bish tho Piave i-.rv.-o been foiled generally op of Nilqpolis. The Rev. Gannon is bv the Ita:i.-.ns and the party that rector of the parish of St. Bridget, of crossed at Zenson has not been able Meadville. to debouch. Several attempts have ' b"?-n made to cross the river between' Znson rnd the Adriatic, but only ia 11 a 1 T, tl-.e marsh lana on tne coaat uave Germans been able to make progress. Hero thry are under heavy fire and it is improbable that any large number of Aus'.ro-Germans will be able to take pdvantage of the break because of terrain conditions. 0,i the line from the Piave to Lake raula. 'he Italians have retired be-1 q0 JSjot TKink America Can tv,'fnp me river anu iiim reiii uuilu-i c a - ' of Apiago, reducing the bulge in I the i;::".ian line. Anstro-German pres-j sine liere pnd around Asiago continues! horvy. The invaders have gained some van.p.Te points on the Asiago ! GERMAN AVIATORS UNGOiEiE! Three Hundred of Garrison Interned on American Side and 200 Missing Villa's Army Numbered 1 ,000. (By Associated Press.) Presidio, Texas, Nov. 15. Francisco Ll i, ; fo ";ing destroyed, according. 'to- some au- of the Mexican town of OJinaga, Ijav- fe , t t a'rate , jnillon tons ing captured it last night, after a two Ha(J tM continued hours' battle with the Mexican Feder-J Germans had the rigit to xpectf al troops who finally fled to the Am- not milit victory but a peace that erican side of the Rio Grande and;-.. mciQn nm hi - ih a. surrendered to the United States j " & " " deteat. iiiS was (ieraanys omy hope and it was the Allies only anxi qly. For every one, incflding the Ger man high command, kn'w that with aoiys sale; itary. efeafcff tntremaTi-a my was certain. "In the- first fortnight of November : Tn ,7 IT" X'of ships greater than 1,600 tons each. ill tile rre.Muiu aiLny isamy, uuiucicuj "00. The rest of the Ojinaga garrison,: estimated at 200, are missing and are The greater part of. the enemy in-from Stockholm - 1 laniry was stopped by the tremen- dous British artillery barrage, 4 iniT fit the.Rliasn-SweHiah fmntior A I J - ' ' w m. v .1 , - I as forwarded in press dispatches I some of them pushed through but. this ! 5 iJ i V V DECLARED GUILTLESS troops. General Juan Espinosa y Cordova, who was in command of the Mexican I hando-hand. in the st reels of Ojmaga, the.milta tJhetezirttS m jttunu mm many ciii uuiu ijiues wcic 4. Killed. - The Mexican Federal troops, who tured. Villa troops, under command ui aiuu f, "U1" Japan are striving to attain, we should be2 ,ClSf t0 ' ' Ire-place this ioss in less than eight Wholesale executions were expected, k Th rate f losg f th last LU uaui Luuaj nuni inv; ynia um-1 manders will wreak vengeance upon I the enemy prisoners. Villa was not definitely located, al- Put 20,000 Machines in the Field. (Hy Associated Press- that he was wearing a full beard and was mounted on a big white mule. It was estimated today by Mexican Consul Cosme Bengoeches that more than 200 were killed on both sides, j The government forces suffered the I heaviest losses because of the wound jed being executed after being left be ;hind. The Mexican commanders 'claimed to have been short of ammu inition. jitary and political situation' in Europe lis balanced by the extraordinary new" 1 that the German submarine campaign has broken down altogether. The , rain of death reached the British ! MAYOR SMITH IS siiuu.arine is ueif aieu. ima is uie iront line. most n.omencous event since tht Unit-1 t ie3 States declared war. It means we bv a terrific bombardment Tho Rrit.l mv ocf t- s can all stay in and that America can ! ish had been expecting the counter I Philadelphia, Nov. 15. Mayor Smith reaily come :n. w' attack for several uays. Captvtred ;wa .cleared of all connection with the "Six months ago, shipping was be-1 German officers had freely admitted Tw i.,'v ,p - V. mca esuuea m that the loss of Passachendaele was !",2tu nere on pn- L regarded. as a most serious matter. .h' "u " and every effort would be made to Sions court. But the mayor was held re-take it. under his own recognizance, to await All day Passachedaele and the for- the action of the grand jury, wth Wil ward area were shelled continuously , "f"7' tha technical chargo while the British heavies and field iTdS guns replied. No such artillery duel habeas corpus proceedings brought on had occurred along the British front behalf of the mayor and Finlev The ww uuuca avtay iUI-ueu US .11 . Uuill a-oiuuu: llcu. 11U MlUWieUge 0 lue . nitn wintry blast, and in a town 75' miles j ward conspiracy. , , by- airplane from the scene of activ- i - ; . '-- ities the detonations could plainly be; LIBERTY-(BONDS AT heA' ,o . i h ' I DECLINING PRICES About 4:30 o'clock m the after-; nooh, enemy infantry was seen ad-! (By Associated Press.) vancing southward along the ridge j New York, Nov. 15. Liberty bond3 on a front of afcout 700' yards toward :were again-freely offered at declining the British positions. At the same lrices or the Stock Exchange today, time the Germans dropped a heavy . Pur,meL the J?l0rnins sessin. the 4s barrage on Goebcrg spur to the west, i 99 24 yesterday's flnal preventing assistance coming to the j The' 3 1.2s which " British from that quarter. ' tive fel1 from 98-90 to 98.44, a new low The "SOS" signal went up from I record. The latter quotation renre the British lines and the , great Brit- sents a discount of slightly more than ish artillery machine responded as J 1 1-2 per cnt. from par or the sub- though a lever had been thrown. All iscription price. 1.3 the British guns within range camel into action and their shells began ' breaking in a steady rain across the ' rid ee in front, uf thp advaneine- (p-r-1 mans. has fallen .to about one million tons a year. The present ship building ca- supposed to have been killed or cap -jlogs g0Qd -u legg thaff. e!gnt months. At the rate America, Great Britain and week i3 actually less than the annual toil of wrecks in peace time. It is not to be expected that losses can re- .moln cj 1rjtr cio this Thpv miiat flue- though he was reported to have been tuate But th shculd neyer cauge seen yesterday. The report stated I aorinc linMa1riMQ n(rnitl I "We may be sure there will be a re faction of optimism. For Germany's defeat at sea is final, universal and permanent, whereas Germany's suc cesses cn land are local, partial and temporary. And her defeat at sea means that America's share in the war can be and will be decisive." Further Attempts By Teutons : : : iu wuss me i lave nave -n Been Fustrated Italian U-vji Line Shortened :Z . ' iLZLLLLZW4 ' Indications in today'B oflBcial news 'L 'f from the Italian front are', that thie? Italian line is stil holding on the Piave and on the critical Trentino. front. while the straightening out process la " '. being' continued along the salient he-?A - - tween the upper Piave and the Suganaf ; ; I valley on the edge of the Trentino dis trict. ' r.:;L Berlin's statement reports no change ;r :ir along the lower Piave, where the Ital-'?c";. ian reports have shown attempts .by . i! me Ausiro-uerman forces to nlere T ' i ! 't U j i 'if mm Copenhagen, Nov. 15. Captain Ba-;(ler tnousands of rounds. But they brought ovr the bor- ANOTHER DAY FOR SUNDAY HOLIDAY plate-M' and on Sette Communi west von Richthofen, Germany's lead- Reports which gained currency yes- of A-t?ago. Another threat to the new ( aviator, expresses himself as un-: terday that Villa had executed Martin" (Bv Associated PresS) ';a,,an aeTY n:f" concerned over the reported prepara- ;pez. commanaer ci tne troops m Copenhagen, Wednesday, Nov if ' i:i,-':i ei'orr netwrun use vmiucv , ine villa auacK on ujmaga yesieraay, 1 .'t: f.edvo ,.r.,j0., hrif -vvas repulsed 14 The Bavarian government, in ord?r to it was tne nrs-i ni;tion to piace zi,vw aiucuu ( were jound to De unsuostantiatea to- effect better utilization of water pow All the;on tne western front. He believes it day.. Villa, according to the reports er and electricity and to save coal, has nir! ir.ov-al-.l- art treasures nave Deen iU be impossible to get togetner mat was angered at Lopez's taiiure to press j decided to transfer the Sunday hol t 'k'n rroni Venice, and the cities ofiy trained pilots, as the training home the first attack upon Ojinaga: jcjay t0 another day in the week. This Vhf !,z;i and Treviso also have been;ig lon? and costly and involves heavy. early j'esterday and had ordered him nas stirred up a hornet's nest. The pho-! 0r thr-ir v.-orks of art in the casualties. iKhot. Catholic clergy have protested most event of Austro-German success in; Lieut. General Von Ardenne, of the - energetically and are supported by the bn nki!!-the Piave line and forcing the jBeriiner Tageblatt, who reports this QNE-THIRD Y. M. C. A. I Protestants. Catholic labor unions Itjilhins to retire to the Brenta or imnversation with Von Richthofen at . n n .- r tt-J - t mnrv ihave held a bie meeting of nrotest. A (lice. thP Flanders front, adds that the Ger-j AKMI rUlW KAlOHi Onlv the Socialists unions acauiesce. The enemy vas attacking in force and as they surged along the high ground they were caught in this tornado of s';eel. Many of them went ! down never to rise again. Manv more were wounded, and the major part of the attacking line was forced to retire after struggling blindly against this awful deluge for a few moments. Some of the mora determined men, however, pushed on. The shrill chat ter of the machine guns and crack of the rifles along the British positions BRITISH TROOPS NEAR JERUSALEM The Junction Point of Damas-cus-Beersheba Railroad Is Captured. the Flanders front, adds that the Ger O-nmny's submarine campaign ap-;man air service, which evidently has, I'in n 'y losirsr its effectiveness, as been forewarned by newspaper discus-j j :' Jnuntc during' the nast week'-jinn of American plans, is steadily in-. ver rniv one ship over 1.600 tons and .'creasing the number of aviators and , $13,000,000, more than a third of the five i!!i.urThat weight. This was the 'machines. : $35,000,000 designated as the minimum week the submarines have had, German fighting airplanes, General amouilt to be raised throughout the (Bv Associated Press.) New York, Nov. 15. Approximately t, since f n n li r f0.. April :. SHORT SELLING IS FURTHER RESTRICTED (By Assoaiated Press.) New York, Nov. 15. Short sales on (By Associated Prefls London, Nov. 15, The junction point of the Damascus-Beersheba rail way with the line to Jerusalem is now joined the chorus of the' guns and offlSS stream cf steel was whipped but ed today. The Turks lost 1,500 men across the opening ground waist highin prisoners and more than 400 in into the German ranks. But never- j dead on Tuesday, besides four guns theless these men continued to ad-1 and a score of machine cuns. The the river line and compel Its aban- -donment and the consequent loss ot' Venice by the Italians. It has 4 been. -pointed out that every day this ; line "- ' is held counts heavily in Italy's favor,' as the .Anglo-French contingent' In itaiy win soon be onthe ,flghting line to support the'Italian army.- ' The Rome war office statement WrL day throws a still more favorable lleh on the situation from the ; Entent1 ' LYl6WJ)OM--t'fv i i ne trustration or new attempt b? 1 1 1 the invaders to cross the Piave is re- s ported, while the comparatively small v parties which prveiously had seenmd r-'-b ' a footing on the west side of the river. : nave ueen neia rast virtually in their tracks. Continuation of -the German ad- --i vance is announced hv the hill region ' south of Fonzaso and Feltre where Rome concedes the retirement offul- 'l vanced posts to previously prepared - - l positions. It is in this soi-Hrm tw ' K the Italian line forms an awkward sail-i irH exit m us east ana west extension from , the Piave and there have been initi. ; . iJ cations for several days that the Ital- ,! ians were drawing out of it . .-L-S' ;t 'J Berlin makes no claim to fttrther : advances in the Trentino, where the , Italians are holding the hill region " safely so far against the threat of the : , 4,v- t me veneuan pian, to 'f : i MAKE THRIFT STAMPS SAFE AGAINST THEFT vance determinedly. . They reached the British 'front line official statement reads Our infantry and mounted troops a: 3 xi -t . J. -at close quarters . It is . o ai mn a r, r, tti. -nnwr c Q rrv wireless ST Sw'-!tVweble them country for the Y. M. C. A., war fund., the New york Stock Etehto jr. th"i , ftii Ge t.JSTSSL ?I v,;,s,hat ending on Novcm-i to engage in combat promptly with en- has already been subsenbrd. ,t was further yyei the final rush erer regatoefl r' 5f iS..?.8 Si S! and hurled themselves against it. . pnunnea tn eir advance in Palestmej paign will' continue through the holi- : Then came the bitterest work of ai:l"i Aiienoy revoriea yesteraav, io n11Q,.te t i,. BiMJ we nw rauway line m uuooiuic ii. ji -mi . i--! 12 vessels, including 8 of.emy fiiers. This is necessitated Dy announced here oy th :r l.ioo tons, were lost. The 'new conditions on the Flanders front, Work councii today. 'he rfrmans was tnat enaina ( wnere wnuie squauiuuc uuu hen 55 vessels forty of 'chines can appear over the German more ?n iGOO tons and 15 of the lines in J'-ssr-r I'lii.nvv wnro nent flfiwTt. Ififirman sauadrons 1STatic"i',i Wt y ine 1&test runnsr i me Doaru oi governors, requiring all traders to sup i dIv each dav before noon a detailed Returns from the six districts into jacc0unt of every transaction handled . . i i a j.:, . irrhi--i thA (iiiintrv nas noon nivinp.-i rtiinrnr tho nroeonmp- RPSRinn a surprisingly suuit - , i :7"Z ... u.. starting from tne show that the eastern department, in- a wamei iwwi, "h n"is u ilL ' llgUiCU pi WXAaiJLlt VAA UA Washington, Nov. 15.To make the governments war savings certificates '. I safe against the.ft, a plan has been 'r ! devised for registration at anyipost- office of the saving stamns attached - ' to the certificate. f - Treasury officials explained r to . j State directors of the . War Savings " campaign, who opened a ' two day ' : wmereuce nere tooay, tnat tne rez-1 - istration plan probably would' be L adopted by thousands , of purchasers; h ' who wish to retain their .certificates as investments. . ,:";v.; :; The State directors drew up plans': : for a great drive after the thrift and r servings stamps are placed on sale ': December 3 to encourage purchase, as ij y Christmas gifts. The intensive cam- V - days and probably until the ;f Liberty Loan is put out some-time f after January. 'fi'fifil ' ! l oi! :ii Petrograd ha? not been in ground to meet the invaders would be cUiijng vjew York and eastern sea- regained DamaKCUs-Beershfiha railwav with ihf ii ii. mi. i , - ; tneir own line, 'ine rest were lett.iino tn .TArnsalem ; lying before the British defenses. When the attack finally was "The losses inflicted on the Turks on Tuesday were heavy, including 400 "..rr.nir.-ation with the Nystad cable too late, so tney rausi wubunu, b0Pra states, leads with rvi.i i -j ,.r, v,a trrvTit infi3. eiiiier liyinsi ui . i ' ' . 1 1 1 I Ill J III! v I : ill 'UCL T o, ' xi i"v- - - " . . . navian reports persists ready tor nignt. Kerenkv has eained General von Aruccue uiauua van e capital. ?5,000,000. t"oii! -v-rtn.-L Prcnie: -):-!'-.-. I r,f -i, rrom Su-eden that the Bolsheviki fighting, among tnem tne aecreabe iu, XUI7 A CMV: r. nAyrnnr of hand grenades micu, m ':;f.j i .m - 1 riJClxii fuo l uiw "Reports come ous developments of the Flanders,SIBERTHAS FIVE. change for the last two weeks, but the more than governors, in their action taken yester iday felt that the added restrictions will serve to prevent any undue mar ket pressure in times of stress. Potrnfrrnr and the USC a:e r,rer:.."-nr ctmit rstn.nft close fighting, are as dangerous :i-"-!i::r, forces of Kerensky and friends as to foes fnorpls Korniloff and Kaledines. In M os row I' J?r:'.'' hnr.n nvomnwprprl an 11T1 smashed it was a complete defeat for . buried at Katrah alone. Our captures the Germans. The spirit w'th which on Tuesday amounted to more than 1, the British met this assault was epi-!500 prisoners, twenty machine guns, tomized zv a German officer wo rp-iand Iour guns L 1 3 Al .11 J3 it J.1 . i men as that we could go anywhere,' AUtn5 MUOl MUVL and. do anything." FROM WA'TF.R FRONT SELECT ASHEVILLE (By Associated Press.? Bolsheviki Congratulated. (By Associated Press) Stockholm, Nov. 15. The German ministerial executive committee -has sent the local newspapers of the Rus- ' 1 l'J - , noch tif i p-iin ho t?av! is.TW" Or BIS suns ait capidius, uue " report received in Copenhagen S-n tn-fT 01 a'ttV.nt and one a West Point 10 !ir tbat General Korni- f,0 hone aid "tie' tod the General instructed his (B Associated Press) New York, Nov. 15. Federal officers here today decided to revoke the or der demanding that enemy aliens move from the water front streets of this city within 24 hours. ' They will be given a reasonable time to obtain l:a-. They are being dis- , . (By -Associated Press.) i ' nlar.ed bv light machine guns and spe- .nviae" .l. ji.s iial Units - WnOSe taSK lb lO ewn uui - . . , - ATorv,V.,u r,.r, rr Tom lie ouiSUtJViK.1 ttpyaiciic- , . v., - ,o0T,r S bert-a nttn SOn IS nOW in tne armv., x., rjnlahoirilri a tolop-rnm fnr truTio pnemv Datteries uy "" - J 1-. ellvn P Rnrlror nrnfessnr of r.linif.al i " " . ' " I r-v rtT" Mid UflllU M I'H t t III H III1H ITS XT v. . " . medicine at Johns Hopkins University, ,; mission to Petrograd congratulating new places of residence, but must re- r?ciltimr,T.o TVT A -orraB oloetorl nroaiHpnt fho Rrtlchovilri of thoir "spknre of nn.tPOrt tO the office Of the United States iE'e tions connected by telephone, and Uie Jway for the PenroT th7 Jnn" drissoSii mal pver The telegrn expre;s- -shal. and have their permit cards oaton of the sun is determined eas- ertt .rx to Keep awaj ur me yreseui. eMOrtT, faw uuuu vuwt;r- A"e s . y ... stamped. More than 5.000 enemy all- rie elevenlh annual meeting of the "e hope that the Bdshevrm wl have change5 thelr resMeace atace . . . ctiinaiul tn fornino- TOP ee WltrlOllt fln-lVi nri'vinal Hat nraa maila out it nraa He has just en- asFoc ".t.cn. Asnevine, in. u., was se- & - - c o"'" loeted as the 1918 convention city. inexations. announced. t-w. i: Lci'll U1H A.IH1I1 1U W UCI ti IUC jx 1 ? wM-e besieged several days position of tne Sn mt"Tl ifa ' sdvised. however, that at the final business session today of . . OniniQ i nnnararns nas ueeu uc- f -r.-r-"- . noii.c;r rumor savs that Siberia ' . -rr. fiU'Wpst felt he could keen out of CAi UIULUliV -7-7. T T 1 X. ;nnou:icd ;ts independence ana - whichhe sound of a thno longer. I'lMneo tormer Emperor Nicholas airecuuj , lifeAiasa Drivate. CHARLESTON WOMAN HEADS THE U.D.C. (By Associated Press.) v Chattanooga, Tenn, Nov. 15.- Miss ! Mary Pappenheim, of Charleston," S. . C, was unanimously elected president- general of the ' United Daughters of the , Confederacy today, after. "Mrs. "ti Charles Bryan, of Memphis, the . only -other formidable , candidate, . hadl- de-.'. . clined to allow her name to go before : the convention. Other officers will be'... elected Friday morning. ' - Charged With Fraud. (By Associated Press.) ' Des Moines, Iowa Nov. 15. -Elmer D wiggings, manager of the New York agency of the Bankers' Life Company," : of Des Moines, was arrested today in ":. Montgomery. Ala., on a Federal war- , rant, charging him with using the ' . mails to'defraud investors in Liberty , bonds, 'according to word received by officials of the company here . Emperor. cannon's aiscnarge .-?z--&. 1 11 - T - iraiBjisi wo; m mm m. Y. I.