ft t 'I. ,7 - 4 f - ' f -I' I WEATHER FORECAST " 12 Xorth Carolina: Fair Sunday and Monday, somewhat cooler. Monday in ..t portion. ." South Carolina: .Fair Sunday and LIMG twosectjonss f . FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXIII. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER' 18, 1917; PRICE FIVE CENTS, AMERICA EXPECTS WILL UNITY OF 1MM SPATCI 1 - 7 MACHINERY SB HS jSSS PURPOSE 1 I THE MIS of m v a Ail Bl ! 11 11 TTfrra IN WAR'S C0BBJJCT Allies Will Be Asked to Lay Their Cards pn the Table. Italian News Shows That The Ferocious Hun is Being Held. CLIMAX OF DRIVE GETTING NEARER Teutons Hurl JVlasses of Men Forward in Attempt to Break Line Before Arrival of Reinforcements. KUSI STRUGGLES UNITED STATES MEANS BUSINESS This is No Time For Nursing Secret Ambitions, But All Must Unite in Defeating Hohenzollernism. FORMAL OH DIRECT BA1LR0 t BELIEF OF Great Automobile Manufac turer Begins Whole-Hearted Work For Government. ADS DESPISES MAN WHO PROFITS FROM WAR If VAN ATTEMPT . TO RESTORE ORDER (By C. D. Groat, United Press Staff Correspondent) . Washington. Nov. 17. Military un ity, unity of purpose during the war and unit of aims and conditions is what America expects to see grow out ' of the Allied War Council soon to con vene in Paris. All Allied Powers it is expected, , will lay all of their cards on the tahle. The United States has but one aim! i in the war the crushing of Hohenzol lernism. Shippers Plan to Inaugurate A Nation-Wide Movement At Early Date. RAILROADS DEMANDS ARE UNJUSTIFIABLE Interstate Shippers Appear Benected fore Interstate Commerce Commission in Hear ing of Rate Increase. Chaotic Conditions Prevail in Capital Under Revolution's Rule. AMERICA TO DEAL WITH NO ONE NOW. Socialists Seem to be in the Saddle, But No Definite Government Established. Lenine Stops Bank. (By John H. Hurley, United Press Staff Correspondent). R(,mo. Nov. 17. Italy's line is hold ing. Hpr doughty troops have flung b;u k npmy attacks, and at one point wh'V the Austro-Germans sue " "ded in crossing the Piave river, have id ;hfv.i hack, broken and bleeding. Tin official statement todav brought nui.-T reioicmg in the capital tonight. t; !v kr.ows great forces of men and inn- from her allies are on the way to iippicmn her own efforts. Some Brit'sh artillerymen have already got-t-n Mto action. On the Adriatic coast, Rr:ti!i monitors are likewise co-opdr- ;-.t r.ir w:r!' Italian naval vessels in j bnnihr "(Une enemy posiiions around j V.-"ch;n. With the present Piave river j !:r.-. ImUling, these reinforcements in j rnrn and guns soon to be in action w'll j 'hi p. t'it tide completely against the j Tf't'ons, according to the public's be lief. But the exploit of the Italian forces v.nir'i arous" the greatest joy here m("it tv'- befween SaTettubl and -gante f'ftGBHl Ambassador Andrea T Barbarano. the enemy yes-1 grad, under date of the 13th, 12th and ; terday at dawn had forced a crossing j 9th. He had been ableto smuggle of the TV;r only to be driven back! word across the border but he report later. Tir enemy suffered terribly j ed that no State Department cables 'rom t!t- Trajan attacks. i had reached him since the third. fSnrr Andrea is about three mils ! His last message dated the 13th novth nL' '!,p Zenson Iood about mid-1 said the socialist faction had agreed way :n r;i thc' mk; in 1 (By United Press) Washington, Nov. 17. Goaded bv If any other nation has any secret j what they term the "wholly unjustifia- Declares That This Will Be World's Last Armed Strug gle Cantonments Should be Kept for Peace Uses. . (By United Press) Washington, Nov. 17. "Machinery will win the war," Henry Ford declar ed here in a statement made public tonight. Ford, who has become con- with the shipping board to i speed up production of America's mer ; chant vessels to beat the U-boat, as 'serted that "the nation that knows i best 'how to use tools and machinery will win." KERENSKY'S STAR APPEARS TO HAVF BEEN OBLITERATED treaties or agreements, the United States will expect that they be made known. That the American mission, headed by Col. E. M. House, and now in Eng land, will enter the council with this view was learned on high authority by the United Press today. It is honed that the Allied atmos nhore, which has been clouded from time to time, will be entirely cleared i by the council. The "nulling and haul ing, that, has marked the conduct ft the war to date will dfsappear, it is be lieved ' By United Press) Washington, Nov. 17 Russfa is now struggling toward formation of a new governmental regime, but Petrograd conditions are chaotic still. Bolshe- viki and socialists have formed a com promise ministry. Bolsheviki control j ble demands" of the railrcads. inter-. ness rJcn must stop thinking about1 strate shippers tonight made formal de- profits. "I despise the profiteer," mand that the government at once as-;Ford fiaid. He urged standardization sume a directing hand m the wartime I management of all railroads. jof shipping. j Immediately following the Inter-1 Predicting that th!s would be the; state Commerce Commission decision last war, Ford Urged that the govern-! of the 15 per cent rate increase, t ie mcnt should preserve . its ; great can- ; shippers wiil inaugurate a nation-wide nnircnts when peacB comes for train-! movement and carry, their case to in men in industrial pursuits. t resident Wilson. The factories and personal orsaniza-1 "Government operation or the .tions of the Ford Motor Company are j roads," the shippers declared, "is the , at the disposal of the United States j , only e fficient way to bring about an im- covernment and its allies, said Mr. ! T mediate elimination Of duplicating Fnrd The nrndnrtinn nf antmnnhile S The American mission headed by ,y - Mv1'c- for pleasure must be reduced. ; Colonel House, is a war mission in that Should the government fail to as-: The idle cars standing along thei its business is to try and find out the OUi u"uus -ue streets snow tnat enough -care have; teor like star has rispn flahrt .n ....... ' a. . nprc liro-wl ns "llPTt hoot" imirarnmAiit . -....-u x- rx ' m . . BUtl U8s a lbtll, UdbUea SpeC- quicKesi way to win me war. ' " - "- b'."""vuo oeen umii io msi ror a wniie. irans-i tacularly To be victorious, he declared, busi-1 Once the People's Idol, Now Lost in Abyss of Russia's Strife. NOT-ALL HOPE HAS BEEN DESTROYED In Seme Quarters There Is Faith That Out of the Tur moil Good Will Yet Come. ((By Webb MUler. United Press Staff Correspondent.) London, .Nov. i7. Kerensky's me- Seventeen Additional Deaths; ; Were Reported Today by.T.r. Admiral Sims. THE MEN WERE LOST AFTER LEAVING SHIP . ! I,-" ,t -t' Boat Load of 1 2 Men Missing C 1 T'J D.f.. . -s Making Shore Two .Killed . by Explosion. l:': I! I - . - .. - v- - a ill. i ii.-i.-i ii m in iiim inuni it is, therefore, a military mission I J UU4UW LUKl1 .ponanon tor armies and suDpiies is ; and tonight had apparently feen lost and toaU intents and purnoses discuss necessary war extension; or outright ;a basic need of war times. Railroads in the abyss of Russia's internal wily railitfrv matters. This must be j government purchase of all rolling alone-caimof handle the freight. Thei strife Tonieht it'acnearod that Kpt-- interpreted, however, in a broad sense. 1 stocn t.nu rerminais wtn tne govern- Germans are reported to have moved ensky once idol of te hour unknown i The thought ?nd condition of the peo-'?nt itself undertaking the expansion ,roCently an army of 900,000 men from j abroad before last March had risen to pie of the various countries have their . of facilities. jthe Eastern to the Western -front by j supreme heights since that time, was the city. These facts stood tonight from the bearing on military success or deieat. i"e io yer cem raie auvance sougniiaiIt0 trucks. State Department messages received .n tfi.e ttle front. These suDjects, ine roaas smppers siaiemm The Ford plants can produce Francis at , a tugitive in disguise, fleeing some- J.00ln where f rom-hi pnpmifts. (By United Press) w Washington, Nov. 17. Seventeen' additional deaths on the toroedoed ; American steamer Rochester were tq-1 j ported by Admiral Sims today. The killing of two crew members by. the ; ;: explosion was previously reported. - V Ernest H. Gragg; of the naval guard, " f perished in an open life boat along ,' with' three members of the ship's crew before they could reach shore.;; ? One crew member .was lost at seaVt. ? Twelve persons in the secoia officers' boat are miseing and undoubtedly lost ' including five gunners, . ' . , ,v The Rochester was sunk Nov. 2. Today's announcement follows: ' '"Dispatches received from Admiral" Sims today state that Ernest " H. Gragg , seaman of ;the naval armed . guard, and three of the shiD's crew ; who left the Rochester in an , opeu ,? boat when that vessel was sunk b'i'- l 1 ifaT6nWith prions 6thers that eriter extension.. Sat present rales afe giftion can be increasedin alew. weeksrengthenedttheiroM iave river line. It is on ' v.-ay to TrevisoK Th vv oifice f lso asserted the eno mv';; rhif zone nf erruntion in the Zen- mg a reasonable profit on investment ito 3 00Q Each tnick can haui eigW in Moscow they were itapidly gaining It was never intended that railroad iania n,uti fn n,,rinr Lnw t u -x Z into the broad field. mi js At tt j. a rii.i ; iu peupie oi me unueu isiaies ' n wa& jievei mit-uucu iciinuciu i goidiers with full equipment During know what they are fighting for. It has profits should pay for vast extension j1Jlp grst month our shops could fur- urc" nmdita ca, "u'l-"iul"u a mish trucks to haul an army of 480,000 thereafter for 720,000 men in each month. "We are ready to furnish the gov ernment these trucks at shOD cot complete control of the city. Direct dispatches from Petrograd reported the city rapidly assuming a normal as pect, with negotiations proceeding for a permanent government to replace the makeshift structure erected by the Bolsheviki, which Nicholai Lenine no aii out of the war other than that according to the shippers which will be sained by all humanity! Clifford Thorne, shippers' counsel, in stamping out the world's menace to j told the Interstate Commerce Commis- to a compromise ministry, composed democrarv. complete understanding j sion that Eastern roads during the exclusively oi HuuiaiiSLS, mumumg nn "f thTf, Droflt. I will take no profit and Leon Trotsky, at its head. The some Bolsheviki, but he was noz ad-i-rs is one of the factors that will aid ceedmg $1,000,000,000 "for the first L on,ntr nr.nA fn fatt that tbo mnorata .,f,nBtB and had had ' m winning the war. time in their history. The. actual re- . K.. T ' --u And out of the Allied Council may' turns by the-roads since the rate in-'lUKUL U1UI"' .L"e Wdr- lu l''1 l" , m.BUVlIi. TO io oorr, oimJ ! i! f . .' JL'i :man who desires to make money out strength as to force the Bolsheviki to personnel, from those in vised as son loop, of thp Piave "was being more , no communication rp,' ' t vrj rp- r-ir'nfi " Virilp-n fierting I power, in progress here, the Austro-Germani This word indicated nerately to keep thei? ( cal group anticipates that it will re main in power, and likewise showed the first symptoms of a return to that the radi- pre! riot's foothold on the far side oi the n'vrT. ' j . . - - .- ( aXXXC IXXIXX X U.H .il W.iJl, M ' y ' ' ' v tonight hv nr,jSb!uty of a sea bat-j The United States government will in the Adriatic. The war offic. ihlripai' with the socialist vhen cases ti nny; " c;b ni'c. ffl 'c'v r r r nionMi of Ml' to the work of the Ital- touching American interest arise, but 'in-'rir-f rl ', f; ilf.y.. m " on tho neht wmcr of the army thus far thprp is no sueeestion of rec n",nt;or-d that naval sea ! ognizing the existence of a de facto :1 horo batteries had repuls-government. The bloody fighting in .e;v:y destroyers before Cor- petrograd harmed no Americans, i Francis reported. The cadets and wo lr.770 incnPd almost nt trie J men soldiers battled with the malcon titP Piave river, on the Adri-1 tentg I A Stockholm message reported that known to be;T.Qn;nn hnri trip.-l to rap.h a check for rum. r1''1- rept iol100 000000 roubles, whereupon the r.' . r l.ne the war office an-,KoT1r oHip.tPlv closed. '1 fr- t ion .; T', n r- n. t-i - r1 . o; "ir-ht --pcicr.iq had landed i" ?"niy to prepared posl- ;nsr To' In;-' I'-.i: r. H . ',.. I 'i. si vi ;"" 'v.-f.hn,!o pnifit. of th Tt-. ,pi;l;,rc. f V) p adHt" of the r- v 'i"- -.v?l. pntiv 'iinstrat i :- n vipr riulatpd bprp. Tt v; m h,- frown Proopcntor ez "f I'd in noT in pnemv boridg :f npcpt-vrv." Pezzati declared. ; , i rior-rriv fnp river banks and H i. Mm Vpr.aii-ij nlP'TtS. rp.jr'l ,Vf, ,.n fho jan(j of our faf. 1 o'i own hnr'!? and homes dia tf;11 v.-p pry '"iyio. Italia'-." Mp-:-ri Attacks. Nnsf ro-German drive is neaiT10r ' '"""imuni plTteau. accord r:p.) "ome cables fece'ved r These told how the Aus-T-ont-'Tio: Verdun, are v.ndie. nf men fi.?'nst the vp'tiprx? on XTonfp Oronpa. nnd Entp-n - rl gpt;-p 'o '-p Vnnri:,'fl plain.13. been Diplomats here foresaw that the Bolsheviki and Maximalists are des tined to get the upper hand if they re main in power a time longer, as their support is growing constantly through hpir promises of peace, food and land. ine Russian embassy reinamea out wardly optimistic, though it had no word from Petrograd. srrow a clear statement of war aims. based on an exchange of views and the expectations of the commission by $543 per mile of road operated accord ing to Thorne. For the first nine months of . this year, the roads net op erating income exceeded their own es timates for the entire year by more than $50,000,000, he said. Fire works at today's hearing were furnished by Benjamin C. Marsh, high cost of living opponent of New York city, who accused the roads of schem ing to force ownership and unload bil lions in water securities. This led Chairman Hall to inform Marsh tartly that "Testimonv only was winted," whereupon Marsh left the stand. Enemy Attack Stopped. (Bv United Press) Paris. Nov. 17. Northwest of Alt kirch, French fire completely stopped an attempted enemy attack, tonight's official statement asserted. 'SHIPS Hilt WANTED ftT FASTER RATE ' Government Calls Henry Ford I to Aid in Speed-Up ! Woik. tlli'OV I : a I : ; n : ". on "no(. yn- r-'i'' h'r.r.': "n.nd l; ..... - i;; "!, Ml;.-,..! i ; j ; ( . th 0'l?b rrv" ha Hal ion have -1 Ron-. -QDrrtel. v s.'-ion of Mcnte Groppa would Tr .itons a strong position ' to ri" nmiTOr the rest f roni:nuni line. ! n-et.ions constitute the "(By United Press) m r.-nt in the present Washington, Nov. 17. The War De k offensive," it was stated. Partment ' wants ships faster than clays the Teutons have they are being built. That is one C 'sh bn talions against tho the reasons Henry Ford has been call- Monte Ornnna. Monte Sis-: tn the helD of the shipping Doara. :v? Zo.r.e and other strate-i The Department is confronted with . trying to overwhelm thei4e..tne task of moving much larger bodies r . in p; tit -m no rest between "f troops to France than have been ''going, as well as food supplies and mu- f the difficulty of the nitjons f0r the men. M, tho deployment of large ( Setting of the date for the second ito':;;s," said official dispatcn- iraft call is practically waiting on as fierman battalions were anni- surances that enough ships will be th. offective fire of our ar- prc(iUCed in a given time to take the :i havnnet counter-attacks. !In mpTI 4n camns to the front and conditions over the I'aris conference table. The feeling of officials in Washing ton is that there can be no more than one "central power" for direction of the war. The Allies must pull togeth er. This might be accomplished throueh some central directing body composed of representatives of the va rious nations or through some medium that may be established as a result f conferences of the council. Certain it is, the Allies must fight in iinon. The United States is interested in iust one thing now winning the war. The members of the American mission have that alone in view. They have been conferring with British officials '-r the past week and the construc tion put upon the work ahead of them R'ves promise of the Paris council be ing one of the most important confer ences since the beginning of the war. As casualties arrive in increasing numbers and the course of German propaganda appears to point certainlv j many during the winter, the determi nation of the government to speed up every wheel of its war machine is be coming more pronounced. "Drafting" of Henry Ford into the government shipbuilding business is "it. one or tne steps oemg taKen to ot the war. "The tractor for nlowing needs im mediate attention. We can save ships by sending tractors to plow the land in T?urope to grow crops there. v "Our government must never aban don the barracks and army canton ments that are being built. When peace comes the world will be ready leaders to concede their party repre sentation in the future government was one source of optimism here. Not all observers of Russia had giv en lip hope of Kerensky's rehabilita tion in power. It was pointed but that several times in his rapid rise to pow er Kerensky has overcome almost in surpassable obstacles, moreover, Mos- for disarmament. The peoDle will un- cow and Finland do not represent all derstand the wrong of killing each other. The German will see that the American and Frenchman he Went to of Russia the great peasant popula tion of the -steppes has not yet been heard from. Kerensky always has kill is just as good as he is, and the oeen tne mot or. tne peasants ana is American will feel the same war about! & member of their political party, the German. Then we must develoo i The only information regarding the a great national army for training our! former Premier today came from Bol- .. . -t r eVipirilri rn rPoQ on?" ra a na turQllv pnl. young men oetween tne ages oi ii " ""v !F!nt tAnth etroot Wow Vnti- and 21 We can brine- them toeetheri red to make it appear that his down-j . 1U ' 'i-V-. AMFRIPA TO HFI I I from' farm and cities in the winter! fall had been absolute and complete.; C1S w i.u uuiw 6uu AMERICA TO HELL Dispatc.es S;ISlp,1S S.Vg .S aPn. (By United rresB.j . 'Young America needs discipline. In trol of the Provisional government . known to Have been ana tne iJoisiieviKi iorces anse, now- - . .... GERMANS TO BURN One member of the crew was' lost at sea. The- chief s officer- wJid vthlnf ' - officer of the ship and Stephan'J. Sta- V vish and Joseph P. Hoff, seamen, ot the armed guard -were landed "safely; Gragg was buried , in Ireland. He en' .,. ' listed at Houston, Texas, February 20, . 1917, and gave as his next of kin, his mother, Mrs. Cora Gragg, 615 . Gregg street, Corpus, Christ!, Texas. ; "The second officer's boat In whichl was 12 persons has not bfeen ; found; "v and 'it is believed to have been lost. "In tnis boat ware the following i members of the armed guard: '. 'rr . "Bernard Joseph Donovan, seaman second class , aunt, Katie Lynch, , 92 Peckman street, Phillipsburg, N. J.'-.' ,.' ' "Marshall Underwood Coroun,". sea man, second class; mother, Annie Co- , roun, R. R. No. 1, Lexington, Ky. ; "Mearl Ralph Cox, seaman, second, classy father, Abner C. Cox, 4524 Gar-?' field avenue, Kansas City, Mo. ij'y; "George Franklin Wheeler, .Jr., sea man, second class; father, George ; ;v Franklin Wheeler, Spring Lake Road,' v Waterbury, Conn. t; ;;, ; '.'James Crowley, seaman, second . class; motherCatherine Crowley, 359, TkT 1 1 t a . . .. . . fini tho HnlQhT7ilr1 fnwoo olilro now. ivioDue, Aia., iNov. i. James, Aij-ci, this service army tne government can eaVed- iii . -i a. i j . - . . .) r. TTx-kT" n t-j ltori m n an i o rin rr t r n r k. croTi. : ' uerman snot tonignt Dy guaras aijteach them o'-der and train-them to c.1 ".x.xxb -William Fvederirk RUenhnrdt ; sa, work. Thev should have a few hours !:a second class; father. John , Ed- ward Eisenhardt, 2343 Garfield street, ; the magazine of a hardwood mill, pre dieted a fate for America more horri I ble than Belgium. of gymnasium drill, and five or six ihoiT" in factorv everv day. He said if the German armies fa'led! We must think more about ma- I to invade America, German agents .cnftryt jf th1-s war iR to be won. it ihere would '"burn America to hell." jn ,p WOn by the nation that knows ' ;best how to use tools and machinery; , v T ' - 'itat knows the secret of ouantity pro-! iduction through standardisation of STILL NO COMICS. ffone model. I have been disappoint-. ' led during tlr's visit to Washington to! bring every department up to the high- ' The following telegram was re- Vjfind our government nlanning diff erl I est efficiency. . ceived last night from the News- ;ont c,izes and kinds of equiDment and; The "political offensive" agpinr."1 paper Feature aervice, oi imcw Timnchinerv where one model could be Shins can be built faster bet- One Haparanda message stated the ; intorTTciriti'fiti of 30 ftftft fleftich trnnna . had thrown the balance in favor of the : wew,,uJ le,an,3' ' ' , f, Bolsheviki, forcing surrender of the f Jhad J0110'11 BecJ2j L1: provisional government forces some. ! father Harry Ell Fellows, 1232 Clay ,,; where in the neighborhood of the cap- j avef'New ork ital. This same dispatch declared ! (Continued on Page Three,) 479 West Germanv is also to be continued with York, from whom The Dispatch S'uised. MM renewed vigor. News of f rst real fruits of this came this week in official reports of German nrisoners surren- deling, giving "republic" as their nass 4 work to their French cantors. These 4 surrenders were the result of. pamph- ''s dropped over the German lines of- 5 fen'ng snecial consideration to Ger- rans who are willing to work for a German republic. ,4. purchases its comic supplements: PERSHING VISITS MEN AT FRONT m -Hnn of Monte Fior, an entire en- keep them adequately supplied. 'm: ''ivision was forced to retire after Thp Rhinnine board.- War De Ti en' The shinnine board.- War Depart- suff rod considerable losses." ''mt officials said today, found itself have almost completely y.ot3ef hv obstacles which threatened Teutons who forced a . . m J. 4t, onr.peRa .nt ttift armv movement- of the Piave at Zenson,-. where . roiiPr1 in to remove these, if Vi U I MM - . ,- - ,. . ,'.in'"! Acting is still going on, the ilTJ" -patrh's added. Italian withdrawal P0SS1Die- Continued on -Page Three !ter and cheaper if standardized to a 'J'Isf-no-To mnrlel New York, N. Y., : "Business men must stop thinking Nov. 17, 1917. 'ipo much about profits. If you shoot Mr. W. E. Lawsoh, jcraDS or plav poker for monev, it is General Manager The Dispatch, j grumbling. To play for nrofits with Wilmington, N. C. jthe titles of factories in the stock mar- Deeply distressed over your .ket is gambling, too. wire notice that you have had no j "We' can all cheerfullv jrive Pres comics last three weeks. Have :inont. Wilson our full support. It is suit on Southern railroad under ian act of Providence that he or! O way. nave exercisea every ex- President today. . He will strike in & pedient, but could not locate 4 j ward for nower. - He builds on the mo- freight shipments to lift to ex- fives that pre rooted in the hearts of 4' press service. Beginning Decern- j the people." Staff Der second will send by express, : - ! meanwhile arranging transfer 4 I rrrr DDirrc IM- American Headquarters, France, ,j your printing. - l - IJ tn,.., "ov. 17. General Pershing today vis- Newspaper Feature Service. .. , . UNITED STATES iterl the American front lines. The " j .. co-manaer ot tne American wxpeai- fc unable! of Sammies, expressed the utmost T " tlSAY I APPLY FOR FEDERAL LOA North Carolina Farmers Ask For More Than $6,000, 000 in Loans." i mother, Sarah Grassick, 146th street, New York,- , j "Joseph Hoff, seaman second class;' ' ; 'mother, Carrie Hoff, Doyle, La. vvV ! "Edward Norton MeCauslandr chief I boatswain's mate; father, Harry . Mc : Causland, St. John's, N. B. j i y ri , I ! "Stenhen .T. Stavlah. CoXHWftin Uhr ' cle, John Granksky, 30 Van Kasen av-Iv enue, Bound Brook, N. J;' ' . "Warren Brown Thompson, seaman .. f second class; mother, Julia Thqmp- ; I son, Imlayson; N. J.' , - (By J. W. Pegler, United Press Correspondent). (Bv TTnited Presa Washington, Nov. 17. How high, is'j the H. C. or L. in. your citv? You may; Dies -.'re at the efficiency and discip- ' iV."""". "ut" .JZl "3": "" -MeVrmine by coming staple food prices l'ne -? those units now frequently mix t Line witj reference to the where-; there with these average figures for ing it with the Germans. . boults 0J.lh comics- . As un' J j 805 United Sta'es elites; based on re- : 1 dc-tand it they ome m solid car, ports to Food Administration: - V Ml C A WARHINn ty Columbi .s- C. anoVfrom there j wheat flour. 1-8 .sack, $1.66; 'corn J - M. , A. WAK rUlNLI they are shipped to the various to- mi pound, 6.8; oat meal, pound, 8.8: NEARS THIRTY MILLION Pins in North and South Caro- ntatoes. peck. 44.7: Beans pound, . Una, Shipment mane to us trom jig;9; onions, pound, 5.1; sugar, pound, (By. Geo. H. Manning.) Washington, Dr C, Nov. 17. The farmers of North Carolina applied to the Federal Land bank for loans of $6,132,419 during" the month of Octo ber under the Federal Farm loan sys tem, and loans of $284,615 were made to them, during the month. ..- During October applications were ' received by all . .the Federal Farm Loan banks for loans of $27,417,463; loans of $20,119,240 were approved, and $7,574,044 was actually loaned out by the banks at five per cent per an num. v V . ' ' These' figures are about.double those of the previous month, . and Federal Farm Loan bank officials state it indi cates that the process of making 4' ' NATION BACKS WAR. v : .. . (By United Press). : ', ; Washington, Nov. 17v With : Congress only a,- fortnight away. v . leaders were. returning hera to.;: i day after heart-to-heart . talks ! with the folks back home. Here are-the results:.?;1--..!. :-''':lV.& Chairman Clark: "The , people in the West are more loyally for ' , war than Washington ; realized ; Officials here think the . people v ' must be educated. The people : think the officials ' ought to - get : -busy .: " .. 'M tex Senator Gallinger Republican 4 : leader r "It Will, fee, a non-partisan V session. Our partf will support ;? the President every minute." - h ; . Chairmaii "Flood, of the House YBy. -United PreM.f St. Louis as farback as October ' butter, nound, 51: cheese, pound, r5al,y speeded up. r loans to the farmers i being, mate-!' Ccmimittee is 'inferring :'-ith New York. Nor. 17 Total subscrp-. H has not yet been received. The t 35.1: ergs. dozen, 49.8; bananas doz tions to ' C. A. War work express shipment of comics .for Pn. 7 6 : omtatoes. can. 18.4; corn, State i Departing officials .'.OTer.1 Jnternational v . action , i'r fund '.- S 25.15' t48, it was announced -V war reliefs council tonight. December 2 has already, arrived. "j can, 17.8; fish, pound, 24.2: pork chops V round 8. 36.8 ; bacon pound,, 48.9 ; ham l nmmrl . 41 9.. f V . ' .-" itt A. i i no i h imi li-Jti it. i ii tin- ii mix in m nimsi ntt the hands of the- 12, Federal: Farm; Congress may be;. called i on to ' jjoan. DanKS -is now .laA.zou.yio,. ana .n taxe. ' me amount paiu out 10 lariuersj is xix,-.j. ,. iv . : "i-- r 1 040,138. s . j: r . !-'" r ''- . ;;; ?; tV r it' J..ito!si-: X X V

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