Ai miyifkM il MM Mr lcr31ioi8 sessioi or ! I j Dntffi i nnuulnlll hot I wooet .j buntnLM titbM Tiir nnmnii i iiirn urn iiLyymirS ArsoaH today nr an mi its : j Likely to Be Increased. I Leaders Were Prepared to ' i. n HJ HOT 11 MM 11 Over ii,uuu,uuu more man Qtrri A HT1 TP n jji irj-i r-r jrmc? Ever 3ef ore Expected of !a 1 .II il JKILiJ 1 O I I O Congress MORE THAN ELEVEN MILLIONS FOR WAR to Congress Called Upon for Immense Appropriation Meet War Time Needs Liberty Bonds to Provide Mcsi of It. CASE IN TRIAL OF GASTON B. MEANS ir.o'- ral 1, i r.y Associated Press.) .incLon. Dec. 3. Estimates ofj i .n $13,500,000,000 the great-:' the nation's history for the1 - of the government and prose-! ! the war during the fiscal1 'in were submitted to Congress! the Treasury Department. 0I3BBESS HELD II VERY SHORT SESSION TOM J The Announcement Made Just ! Before Noon Was a Big Surprise MEANS' LETTERS WERE READ TODAY (By George Manning). Washington. D. C, Nov. 3. Appro- j - 1 t -t -i ' rt A A J 1 " p; rations oi .piit.uu ioi communis and maintaining the improvement of: rivers and harbors in North Carolina,) most of it to be spent about Wilming-: ton, and for completing the construe-! tion of two North Carolina postofficea . were asked of Congress, when it open-j ed Hb sessions at neon today, by Sec ' rotary cf the Treasury McAdoo, in sub- i mitting.his estimates for money that will be needed to run the government Stay Trough Until Next Autumn BOTH HOUSES UNDER DEMOCRATIC CONTROL I Have Majority of Nine in the Senate and a Plurality of, Three in the House Hard Work Expected. j B BUDGET OF 11,000,00 FACES G01GBESS in Dome lerram rui Their Tactical Success Has Been Negligible HEAVY LOSSES IN DEAD AND WOUNDED The Sixty-fifth (By Associated Washington, Dec. 3.- Congress reconvened today for its sec ond and "long" session, with the lead ers prepared to stay here until next tdiav in ; md figures more than $n,-. Only the Formalities cf Open- 0i ii.iiiNi noo is for the war alone. Only . lir T" be realized from taxation:) Ulg Uay Were Uone 1 TOUgh tht r . ; sudor -.rill come from Liberty l With State Sought to Show That De fendant Was Playing a Game of Duplicity With Mrs. King. (By Associated Press.) for the next fiscal year commencing July 1, 1918. Eighty-two thousand dollars is ask ed for improving Cape Fear river $30,000 for maintenance at and below Wilmington, and $52,000 for continu ing improvement bv construction ofi locks and dams and lor maintenance .autumn. above Wilmington. For maintaining The key note of the :c-gislative pro the channels in Manteo Bay, Scupper-) gramme will be sounded Tuesday by nong . Pamlico, Tar, gouth, Bay, Neuse ' pregident Wilson his openillg ad. and Trent rivers; Fishing, Contenea. jdregs be delivered in the House Swift, and Smith s Creeks, and thechamber at 12.30 t a j(Jint ses. waterway connecting Swan Quarter. . T, ... ha ?La nrottiHonra firef Government Estimates for Army and Navy Purposes for Year 1919 TWO AND ONE-HALF BILLION INCREASE bay with Deep bay, $19,200 is asked: and for maintaining harbors at Beau-i appearance before Congress since the night meeting of April 2 at the open- Deducting an item of $153,0.00,000 intended as an annual appropriation , d a sinking fund for the dis-1 charge- of the old public debt and) some ?n:;it. duo, 000 which will be turn-! e! bark to the Treasury from postal Ccrcord, N C. Dec. 3. -At. ll.St'fort and Morehead City Beaufort .In- in f the Iaj gession called to ' PRESIDENT WILSON'S j a. in. today, the State rested its case In the trial of Gaston B. Means for I si 3 i t,. c i. -u ,1 -uiukm yM-j a j wno wag Kinea near nere last August 29. let, waterway, from Pamlico Sound to Beaufort inlet, waterway connecting jmit him to ask for a declaration of war against Germany. fun.! pvn-:-: llhn 'lit Hop Of til; i.' - Fx J'!i! Pi- 57H T( Iv ' I! I'll . 'luii . an:! my; w ami til.-'; nil !-V bar: ''n. in-rr ;r-; i: ine JK.eai WOrK Will egm State took the defense by complete After the President's MeS- surprise, apparently not a new wit- Estimates Show Requirements fcr Only 1,500,000 Men Military Establishments a Big Item The Navy's Program. Teutons Hurl Division After Division Against Byng's Forces American Engin eers Were Given an Excit ing Time. ;'" (By Associates Press.) , joint" sessioitomorrow to hear" iresivf ; asntngtoiii Dec. -o. A war puageC dent Wilson deliver his address, ex-, of more than .$11,000,000,000 to pay With Determination. the estimated sum for which n "..illy is expected to ap- i 13,018,725,595. No pre-1 n;;:r ever has exceeaea $z,- .-Mows a general statement iniates by general headings: ?R,026.32.",. .. $5, 329,369. !. si.:;9fi.i90. i;al. $26,458,551. i J'-rcourse. $6,353,072. ( ',: ). .$6,615,936,551. ' "1 1.077.503. ' SI2.255.210. is. $127,060,000. i final, $23,171,624. -Mirks (practically all fortifi- :'..."4,91g.055. .-'vice, 3Zl,8WM5. .'- lis, Sl.-026.208.317. ; the basis for computing the cost of the nt annual appropriations, J war during the fiscal year, 1919, gave A Congress some idea of the magnitude ' 11 . . at. r A 1 1 1 - r - ju uuiiuk me ujui uius w incii -niin Deen presented in court Thursday. Reari ng to the jury numerous letters, tele- (By Associated Press). 1 Srams lnd other papers purporting to Washington, Dec. 3. Congress re- j have been written by Gaston B. Means last summer to nis wne ana to ms brother, Afton Means, the State , sought today to prove that Means ; played a game of duplicity with Mrs. ' King during the last few months of her life, taking various precautions to I "keep her in the dark" concerning his ville, N. C, $13,000 is asked. For Til i q nnovnar,tol mnvo K r X rnm rl i n o f hp nncfnffirp Cvr dp 1 Hill, $6,000 is asked and $34,500 f or j iULt:u LU laiyciy ueuuruc ic5miauo auu, ixay costs aunng ine nscai completing' the Thomasville postoffice. Program. ' 'year 1919 faced Congress today when T'-tiT t h(iL-i ,,H rfn aru irtrt itinr, n I Ton. UI 6CU1141U1UU Ul "JU. otiiaiv; a"" tal is asked for lor the accommodation ot governmen assembled today, but did little more than go through the formalities of the opening. The work actually begins i when President Wilson in his address tomorrow at 12:30 o'clock outlines the lonars additional ren-. temporary quarters jouse unaer Den iation of government in been effected the officials and moving expenses at Wil mington. The sum asked for waterway im provement in North Carolina is a great reduction compared with former years. Congress can increase the appropria tions over the estimates, but the sen- Democratic control hav-,1"" 6UC1'UUI ""iaies were pre- at the special ses- sented. The sum represents onjy the sion, botn bodies were reaay to strictly military expenses that can be piunge iuiu iiirtbt, ul vvuiuus uusi-. estimates show it nrovirtes nnh- General Byng is regaining bit toy f;" bit, the ground won by the Germans . at so heavy cost last Friday in the v'.. " Cambrai battle now characterized ;as the heaviest attack ever delivered' on 1 . the British by the German armies, ex- " cept in the case of the first battle of 'X-J.. Ypres. ' . , . The front on the northerly' side' of j the Cambrai salient having remained :. :;, V virtually intact under the German fm V , a pact, it is in the region to the south-. ' . west, of Cambrai that the British hava ; ' -T. been centering their efforts in the reo v -fy :k tification proeess. Last night they . : ' , lage of Villers-Gulslain, wiping out much of the German gain in: the se(V'" :t; ' tor most deeply penetrated by . the: . drive. They also made good their, hold on the village of La Vacquerie on this itl front, having repelled a series of at- v: ''--.. tacks. , ' ' ' ' To the north a portion of a posi- for'tion'on the high ground southwest of . r movements, and other documents read to the jury by John. T. Doolinf, of New York, appearing for the State, relat ed to various business transactions ! administration programme for vigor ous prosecution of the war. Estimates of more than $13,000,000,- : 000 the greatest in the nation's his- 1 . 1 i j -i 2 si . A 1 r tf itory, siiDmiuea to ongiess louay ab to sh0w that Mrs. Julie M. Means, wife of the defendant, had given him power of attorney for her. Deposit slips were presented to show numer- timent against waterway improvement. iniUal flood of bills resolutioils unu lux economy m everyiinixK uut' i xJtJ strictly war expenditures is so strong in Congress that little increase over these estimates is expected. Appro priations for public buildings have been dwindling steadily for the past lltJB.j. UBKISiaUUU, HUVCl, 1 W il j T 1.1 ...Ml ,UJ1. t. v'-i nerffd to into full swine until i 1UU1 a - Hna a nau Dllilon iarg- touunuu .vmasBrwuicu -uau uccu wmy?; ..,v iifcCctU to &et into tuil swing until, imiar annrnitin porarily relinquished by the British,' next month after the Christmas re-, er ..ha 11 simil ai appropriations made re-occupied by them as the - -cess, although there is some agitation , for the year -1917-18. So far as the ;,f f y,t iof estimates sho wit provides only for 'ations. UtftJi raising and maintaining an army ofj Berlin now claims the capture of 6, 1,500,000 men and acrrying out naval 000 British within the last few days to- ,: and coast fortification increase pro- lather Avith 100 guns. '. vi i ueraan enons to wipe oui me ; ;s , salient before Cambrai have brougnt The chief item in the budget is for, little tactical. success, as General Byng;: tc forego the holiday. Tomorrow and Wednesday will come Among the latter are many petitions accumulated during the recess, demanding the expulsion jects already authorized. of Senator La Follette of Wisconsin lt.fiontpmhor at fit Paul Minn, was "" J tauu?umcui ui iup eti-, "ir"-""" ..'":'. .. ,One document was placed in evidence four years in the absence of the oldj" my to cost $6,615,936,553, an increase j days all attempts to break through L.- n i-in n-i- iconiuerea toaay Dy iie senate jtiiv- f t1 o ax ant ana ? Ai,m,t n-nr.Kan tva nanrtgno Vit account in the Lincoln Trust Com pany. The action of the State brought the biggest surprise of the trial. The gjrj defense was not ready to begin pres- I tJIlLitllUII 1)1 lli) CHUCULC. XI Vd.-v HUU1 " 1 I II . n- 1 . . . . cnts nmittpfl here ""1...."7.940 j of its task in putting the full force nking fund and postal re-of America into the world fight for - ' 'democracy .'l, 725.595. ilmi.'iI sprvipp. which in-. ;!! army for the air, $1,- George Kern, tormer vernier auy ed for the moment in the parlance -timated. This sum in-,tralia, was a distinguished guest, the Qf spectators. '..rnnoOO previously ap-;ses;.ion only lasted long enough to ap-J The firtt witness called by the de- . . , r, tna nimll(,0 tn fense was Jim Simpson, of the under- :,M,rs is asked for pay,Pmt members of tne commitleejo ; . establishment here which pre :..,,,ls expenses of the ar-jformaly notify President Wilson Con- ( pard Mrs King's body for burial. ::.,! 2,000.000.000 for the!gress was in session and to adjourn y Weddington the undertaker corn's: $157 000 000 forin respect to the memory of the late j vho prepare(j the body of Mrs. King :i medicines; $135,000,000 Senator Busting. J for burial and Jim Simpson, his as- ,'ii'Pnr of engineer troops The House session was taken up I s-istant. were called by the defense and ".''"f for the expenses of with swearing in new members, com- testified that they found a black smoke- it! the field. Ammu-ng to fill vacancies, and the calling!like mark diagonally across the back 'i mated to cost $390,000,-;0f the roll by States. ' f!-f her left hand, running from a point In both Houses there was a pnjnear the knuckle joint of the fore : 2:11ns more tnan szw,- nnunced air or connaence ana ueiei-1 . time omnibus buildings bill. The to tal asked by Secretary McAdoo today for public building construction is only $5,555,549 compared with $12, ous deposits made by him to his wife's; 082,881 appropriated last year, and In the Senate today, where yearly appropriations made several years ago of around $30,000,000. Econ omies practiced by Congres3 for the Continued on Page Eight). nf $1 Mfi?; Qfl7 fiftO nvor tViQ tntol 1-. Ahnnt Onnnplion ttif Gfirmana hftVA ileges and Elections committee in con- it app pVYations made a he last gained slight terrain" at heavr ,cost nection with a sub-committee's investi-! r,AFn,v . T-mu ..'n.iv': gation. J session. The only means of determin- and the British have evacuated Mas. ing the size of the army provided for nieres south of Cambrai. The Germans have suffered heavy losses in dead and wounded and .the i' or ,rr tnHflv!"inp of Mrs. King and swore that """" I ,r -rr -I.J 4 il. i. lvir. tving suggesteu uia! ine pai '.y ake "the rifle and the little pistol" on 1 iiiiicris -.rmnrPf? t niinntinn- in Hn pvprvthin0: Tlfif!fiRHarVi . - r j i -t . wi nuiiaiivji c . vv . . jvifiaTis. i nnciirii mwvpf htici n ", .000.000 is estimat-jto bring the war to a successful con-j fatfaer Qf thg defendant went on the F,or thexAtAenI1n,clusion- - ' . M n. stand this afternoon and told of cir- Academy, $4,000,000; Faced by the nnghty Problems of f ai:., tl.:., io.v w America S pail in txic n n iu ,-'1 quarters, S26. 000.000 ; idemocracy. Congress mil repa'r of hospitals, i f0r its second war session. ii lifantnrp nf nriTlS. $50.-, Mnnnnriotmna nf billions of dol- ' ' - ' ' ' v ' ' , If III U Ui lUtlUU va. I .... , , . , ... ; target practice, lals and measures to put the full force tne tatai target practice party wnicn ilian military training of the United States besides its allies j-'-t to, Blackwelder Spring on the "); rifle ransres for thewill be the principal business of the .erring of August 29. ; civilians, $1,700,000; Upgt,ion . i Colonel Means testified that Mrs. . OCSSiOlvr . . . 4.1, I i-Z n 1 J home guard organiza- ipne first day s business was largeiyi mg was eumusiasuu iui ovt;im uays : supplies for reserve , p3rfuntory, with official notmcation u. camps and ordnance to tne President that Congress is in same, $5.)0,000; ord-' sessiCn and .waiting to hear his open - ; tor military , schools in address. The President will speak si.138.000. For 12:3q Tuesday in the hall of the M. the general staff ask3:Hcuse Defore a joint session. President Wilson, in his address, it SAVINGS STfiMPS oim loom Thousands of Agencies to Dis tribute the New Thrift Stamps. General, miscellaneous legislation is ' is in tne estimate of $1,803,933,676 for to come immediately before Congress, pay. Tnis is $159294,558 greater than possibly including some measures at- appropriations obtained last session British have taken ..many.: prisoners', ef fecting this country's course in the for the pay of 62,000 officers and 1.- In. the important sector west of .'.Cam-X:-'' 'aqh oontimoTit : nAfl 4 -. j i ,. .. !i s i i . . i ' xl . suo,ouu eniisiea men or ine line ana: urai, -muracing counuii . wuuu iu ; 298,000 enlisted men of the various dominating position,-the Germans have . auxiliary corps. The estimates call ! made no impression on the British de-. for staff officers as follows: j fenses, nor between Bourlon wood and fii.:?:: General staff, 347; adjutant gener-! Moeuvres, the northern, side of tha i al's denartment. 281: insnector irener- salient. The heavy attacks against;:; al. 246: engineers. 400: ordnance. 2.. I the region of Masnieres were driven war in view of widespread sentiment among the returning members for dec larations of war against Germany's al lies, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bul garia. Congress is expected, however, to follow the views of the President in this respect. Appropriation measures will require much time. Fourteen general and probably several special supply bills for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1318, as well as estimates of addition- al money for present war neeas, are to be considered, probably immediate ly after New Year's. Two bills, the legislative, executive and judicial and District of Columbia measures, al ready are under preparation. With $21,390,000,000 already appro- saving priated for the present fiscal year's that, 000 men. "ior to the tragedy over the1 progress (By Associated Press). Washington, Dec. 3. War stamps went on sale at postoffices and needs, many members believe banks' throughout the country for the with forthcoming appropriations, the first time today. Thousands of other, fifty billion dollar mark may be reach-jpropriations obtained last year B6cuvicS "'i uniunwx ,tw u",bu iui lu ;cid ui " a, . navy is tmra witn total estimates o established. The $2,000,000,000 which the govern-scheduled for active consideration for ment expects to get within the next a month or more. A deficit of $3,906, year 'was apportioned today among 000,000 in this year's expenditures re the States at the rate 6t $20 for- each Imains to be provided for. inhabitant. - I Political affairs will-come in, for 000: quartermaster. 8.300: medical. ioff but a sharp salient involving the 14,000; judge advocate general, 300-'viUaSe made its abandonment jnecesicrT signal corps-(including aviation), 11,-isary. : ;?:: 841. j Southwest of Masnieres toward ,Gon- rSi.". With these large staff increases and!nelieu the Germans stHl hold La Vac-:;: s foreign service pay increases totalling j Querie, where the dead in 12 houfsv , - ,:, nearly $80,000,000 also estimated for. fiave numbered more than in anysim- ;: ; it. appears clear that the total increase ,ilar. period. The British have reached. ., in the pay itemdoes not cover any jGonnelieu and-fighting was in progress . :4 ; material extension of the original i Sunday in and around the village.; In, 'v mHitary program of an army of 1,500,- thl& reion the Germans used four or five divisions Friday and attacked in:, Fortifications estimates take second ; massed formation Saturday and Sun- ' place with a total of $3,332,445,122. day. At least six or seven divisions . n increase of 41,155,102,874 over ap-were used in fruitless ettorts to DreaK ' , the northern leg ot tne salient The allotments for southeastern she was making in marksmanship with;Stats l0 l fill. , ; '"if:;, in Mi. r,.--- i-a of more than $l.-jis understood, will urge Congress to ii'sirlbuted thus: icofine its work strictly to measures arid men, $426,000,- for tne SUCCessful prosecution of the : :t 1,000,000; improving war There is a. general disposition navy yards for con- among the .leaders to depend upon it s, $4,000,000: pay, P!nim to take the lead in proposing the '"h'ng for the marine war measures and to give him all the recruiting, trans-; n01 partisan -support possible. -i aitht ing recruits, $lo,-j. While the question of declaring war : and equipping- naval ' on Germany's allies is ' being agi- organizing naval tated in Congress, there is a general $200,000; schools and diBpositicn to follow th vishes of the i : tion for naval reserve executive branch which is understood; ordnance strictly oppoSe any change in policy now. i or ordnance, $26.500,000; , President Wilson's addres was in the of guns for ships, $38,- . , nf the nrinter today. While it iiauuo v - her pistol. He told of taking a wide brim lady's hat.'jone slipper and a fndbas: from the jautortfobile' in which partyicame, back from the Sprine. v ith-the liodvof Mrs,Klne: on the fol-lo-'fng Saturday, Ha'' told his daugh? tev Miss Belh Means', sister of the de fpmHnt to bdrn the crumnled hat and she old himrlater that, she had don? so. Jud Cline ruled out the evidence pf a. tr'nhone conversation which the i-:'nosfl dscr'hed ps on the night of 1' traeedy wken he said some one vrHo rlp'mpd to be p. newsnaner manj old him there would have to be -u coroner's inqust. He now "believed 5thf Vo'e n"pr the telephone was that; New war revenue legislation is not j $7,039,860,502, a .decrease of $552,977,- .:: 7. Ihe naval figures probably do not include, ' however, new ships that will be asked for whenever building facilities are available. Striking items in Secretary Baker's ses- estimates are $5,116,018 for additional civil employes at the .War Depart much consideration during the sion, with consmeraDie speecn maK i v - " vth vuijjiuj av tnu v . m ui tyvyax kt Otto Mirx's district: Alabama, $47,-!ing, in view of general Congressional ment; $2,000,000 for the military infor- CC.On. ric.f vi-.f nf P.nliimhid ?7 5fi . I 1 - Foil ot ar'hir-'h Q9 Qotia. I x.- - 1.1. i 526.520; District of Columbia $7,385, 640; 'Florida, $20,627,460; Georgia, $57, 504,00; Louisiana, $37,290,480; Mary-land,.;-$28,188.300; Mississippi, $39,909,- 900; North Carolina, $48,67g,640; South elections next fall at which 32 Sena- j mation section of the general staff, tors, 19 Democrats and 13 Republicans, doubling the present appropriation -, and the entire House membership are . $1,138,907,609 for the signal corps. to be chosen. Many members believe political campaign necessities may Carolina, $32,932,900; Tennessee, $46,-'shorten the session. 574,580; Virginia, $4,082,740. Total, The Democrats start the session in $411,798,24.0. which is $399,172,648 in excess of the existing appropriation including the special $640,000,000 aviation measure; $2,224,335,000 for army transportation Conf to expectation the State 'tiiinitftn for shina alone. , it ia hoinu- hpln t ennn oftor pnurt pnnvpnprl this mnm- - - fa nracticaiiy cumyicici . i ..v v. lr'rT)Pflofi and tomedO aP- v . : .-c, ,-.t.H a short' tnir hocron ran Airier tn tha ilirV the iuued on PagrSU): time before delivery. Continued on Page Eight) i r l control of both Senate and House j and supplies, an increase of $324,000,- with bz Democratic senators against 000, mostly for ciotnmg and camp 43 Republicans, with one seat Senat-, equipment; $28,755,991 for the pur ortHusting's vacant. In the House the! chase of cavalry and , artillery horses, Democrats have 2l6r members, the Re-1 a decrease of $37,355,000 and showing publicans 213, with1 five Independents 1 restrictions placed upon use of ani and tme, seat yacant. ' jmals for. the army in France due to Several new members joined the , transportation difficulties; $157,111,894 House today, Representative Lufkin, j for the: tmedical. department, to in Republican, of the sixth Massachu-1 elude $17,000,000 for new motor' and setts district, succeeding Augustus P. I ambvdancesrid $11,000,000 for meii Gardner, , Republican, who resigned ; peal and ;n&spital supplies, also $24,000, Renresentative Deshlin, Democrat, Ox 000 f or veterinarian supplies, the te- the twenty-eighth Pennsylvania dis trict, i succeeding former ilepresenta- (Continued on rage Three) . tal being ;an" increase bf $26,331,894; $135,000,000 prv'engineer equipment ( Continued - on Page Five) . ? 1 1 American engineers operating .aqd building railroads within the British ?C v lines near Gouzeacourt west-southwest .; v of Gonnelieu, were caught in the first 1 : . -rush of the German attack. Many. ( ;," sought shelter in shell holes from which they were rescued by British 'V? ": counter attacks. The engineers aided ';: the British in withstanding the;enmy attacks. Several were captured : but VK:: later escaped. Northeast of Ypres the British have f captured fortified buildings and Ger-': man strong points on the main ridge north of Passchendaele. Elsewhere ; on the Western front the artillery con- ;'; .'r tinues active. The German Crown Prince has not repeated his attacks : 1 v in the Verdun region. - ..: .-.. 'f'-i. I On most of the Italian front thei int' ' fantry remains virtually inactive, : -while the artillery is. engaged in . vio-: ' ; - lent bombardments, especially along the Piave river. While the Bolshevik! representa tives planned to enter . the German , lines Sunday and "begin negotiations ' with the Germans, nothing has yet,'' ! , been;reported' of; their mission.; The" i. Bolsheviki leader, Trotzky, has warn- ' V ed . the Allied diplomats in Petrograd ' that his t government will not . permit H : , ' ' (Continued on Page 'Eight). I" , i . 'f - 1. ':', -"-", V' I i.:1 j 1 . '

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