A'" :n". r:;: mi- v I. TunoeiEysiEiffiuii FXPEG PENDER LEOA .TO SELECTED MEN WILMINGTON, -NORTH : CAROtiNA, - MONDAY AFTORNOON; DECEMBER; 1 917; ; h PAGE FIVE nyyers of the County He Conscripted for This Work DFENLfSTEO MEN . V" . -r- - t- Grace Methodist. Church Has Special Services for Mem bers Who Are Serving Their Country III Still ES WERE HELD YESTERDAY . v Anhua Lodge of Sorrow Drew a Large Gathering at the Academy . That ye may tell it to the follow ing ; generations,'. Psalms, 48-13, ' was BeShi SPLENDID ADDRESS BY SPlEiPjEiDi Large Congregation j at First Baptist Church Heard Dr. Hurt iiviw ijuuii ciuqueui patriotic ;serraOn deliver- - fed at the closing services of the con Can Exnerlite Maf- !erellce ar held last night. The , . , . . .names or is men, members of the Hv Hlnina KoarHrf " church, were re-.d nut v, usi.ea. in tiie armed service of the country. - Hymns' of patriotic tenor were rendered by the church choir, and the occasion was one long to 'be "n;?vy in New Hanover 1 rememDerea m tne annals of the with all in the State, i.chrch-; ", - ' Iv ho conscriDted for serv j Hev- lr- Plvler pointed out the he- Lira! exemption hnnrH .1, rolc old of man, saying that the ordi- Men in Connection Villi Next Draft MR. J. W. RAGSDALE the pnnrn.vhiTir aon. waiKS OI lite The attorneys will be need- oervice s tne watchword of the day ; 1 a 1 rapacity ot counselors tlie rich wil1 not De remembered ') is of the V.ards and to for their wealth alone, but for to what :it.; also good they devoted it. The heroism. of ...... rno nqcr cn i rA I Before a large congregation last night in the First Baptist church, Dr. rohn Jeter Hurt, the ;pastor, delivered an inspiring sermon", to the member )f the Junior Order United American Mechanics of the. city, basing his re- , . ; " , . v ! marks largely upon the cardinal prin- Hlgh Tribute Paid Members of ciples of the Order, which stands for Fraternal Order Which is patriotism, for the Bible m the public r m r . a J schools, and for the education of LfOmg lVIUCn tO Aid youth. Members of the Order gather tne Country jed at their hall and maxched in a members of Jeff Davis and George Hon. J Willarri R ence. S.'C. member of CotiUpss h ft. i Washington councils being present. livered the principal address at' the I Dr- Hurt took as his text, 'Watch stand fast in the faith, quit you o not anneal to'r.rn t-h . .T HVp men. he strone'from the First mt r 3 . . V, . - I VlttBlUJl UCIUC Lilt! iiUUSC .! .. .. ctPd men to the nation- mn as does th fight and contest. . of Sorrow." an annual PvPnt wh h pistle to the Corinthians, pointing out Elks do honor to their departed dea! tnat this concisely . stated the great The stage was elaborately garland- i fundamental principles upon which the ed with palms, ferns and potted Junior Order is founded. In the Or nnri lunli rJeithA Plihlp. is eialtftd. p.lfliminer the nnaire that is beinsr snt LIie past snouia not be reverenced as mi tKiot ini,.i,Q,i ,in, v, -first, and strongest allesiance of the rants to be filled out in . -m?tter or worship, but should serve ! of the depart ? 1 Li other's of Wilmin:T-: members as the Word of God,, and proper classification mav,as an inspiration to future acts of i ton T.orla- isr.i :-.Z9 fnrnitiioH tv. v,oi' nrovins an ever "present inspiration to 'i r the new regulations is UF g ' i .arround of the staee settina- , them in their, work. i-d form, and a large num.- . Mr- B- H- Houston, Jr., read the j Exalted RuU.v W. S. Register con- Second only to the Bible in the n uistrants, will need help , 1 of Grace church members, who . ducted the ceremonies, assisted bv minds and the hearts of the members nswenng tne many ques- s cau, as me lodge officers. Rev. Father Din- is tne American nag, wnicn is-enec-- jnen, chaplain of the lodge, ohied ively used in the ceremonials of the Private Harry Watters Morrigs, Fort ' uraver . after inti-odnctrrrr romar..-hv Order to inculcate the virtues of truth i" ! 1 t.l.T that tho wnrt mow or. lOHOWS. '1 disnatch lecal advisnrv been aunointed in each of faswell .1 counties of the State, the; (Continued ' on Page Six) . county board being com-j i.'ssrs. (Jeorge llountree, J. j the Exalted Ruler. iand patriotism. Than love" of one's na- r-1- Condensed Report .to Jibrtn Carolina Corporatic n. Commission of the condition A' I r tfh a Wllminnf An . Jxt 1 irnof iTamrtoiii at the close of business, November 20tl 1917. Resources. Cash and due from Banks . .... .... . 527,22.80 2,869,737.65 2,300.00. 50,000.00 . 166,236.23 129,500.00 214,475.14 . Real Estate ...... . . ? Baii Building . . .. . Stocks " and Bonds .-. . LLVjesteTrust Funds . Liberty Bond Account ...... Total . " ,$3,960,171.82 loo.ooo.ool.' Liabilities v Capital .'. ..-'..'iv .'. ..C.'.? Surplus . ..v.. .... .... . : 200,0000 Undivided Profits ; . . . . 111,131.18 Discounts Unearned . . ... . . . .W.cIqO.OOV -Accrued Interest: due, Depositors .f. ( 15,000.0 v Building Reserve Fund" !. . .5.;n.-i' 49,000.00 ' Dividends Unpaid . . . . . 250.45 V ; Deposits. . . , Total .v ,j . - . 3,454,790.13 '-J.; $3,960,171.82 M yl, Chas. E Taylor, President )f The Wnmington Savings aWTMt Comnanvi do sonmlv swear thai toe above statement is true to the best of my know ledge and. belief. CHAS.vK TAYLOR; President ; L 1 State-of North Carolina . ; :.' County of New Hanover. .v-. J. V. GRAINGER, Correct Attest: 'v, J. B. BELLAMY, Jr. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th LYMAN DELANO. 4ay of November, 1917. C.S.GRAINGER, sr3 Correct Attest J Directors, ; "" November 20, 1916 November s0 917 Notary Public Deposits ' Resources $2,943,881.84' , .'$3,133,290.44 A $3,454,790.19 S 13,960,171.82;: fits t NAMED ORIENTA L. Aged Woman Who Named Town is , fc Very III. (Special to The Dispatch.) t New Bern, Dec. 3. Aunt Becky Midgette, "the woman who named the little town, of Oriental, Pamlico coun ty,1. is lying at the point of death at her home -at that place and but little hope for her, recovery is entertained. Several days ago Aunt Becky, who ; and Herbert McClammy. ' .... i-nceiveft oy members of ; H nm Governor Bickett an; inhIo for service to be free-. . ; y all the attorneys that are, .'it. j ; r"?i(-kett's letter to the le- j ii y board follows: ' J .i ;..( vise that you have been ! i! rirniber of the legal ad-, o ii of your county, and re-i '!..; vou organize and prepare ( '--..-The President is exceed- ; :; us to mobilize the entire :( of the nation in the prpse i'.ie war. and the first work . ,;- board is called upon to, " - ;-rure the enrollment of ev-: . .r in. fie county who is will-j !i!;ce his services, without' . ;t "the disposal of -the exemp- :.;'! and registrants w'th r-! m) the matters connected with! 1 beg to auote the following t 'om a letter reecived from . r Department in regard to this .;;it;on: i;:.'.vp not yet giv,en the legal ; n a defipite place in the or- r inks of the nation, and what proposed offers a chance that ' oo welcomed enmusiasucaiiy : y lawyer in particular av !::le legal profession. The most -)J .iija. HON. J. WILLARD RAGSDALE, 0 . 4 -i i" 1 . 51s ticl way.t04nsjurjG..hay-'. . 'r r , each communv ould bo ,tT : 2, ii tho permanent mexbo:-- - iWSII k. .,h-iegad advisory boo- : tM3 " W M ;.:.;;d thereof, tho count- feilfefrV'" ' U , iud?e of a court of nlrv- B'&W' . : ' - ff- . i wion, and by this means t: JA'V J- powerful stimulus to the ef- Sp,V- ' V v,.., r..ung.r men of the pro-, .fefefesSK" - w- K: tend to some duties and in some way she stumbled over an object on the floor of . her rpom and receiver inter nal injuries I Several fine musical selections weie'tive land there is no higher virtue, andis 79 years- of age arose earlv to at tne uraer. For their efforts toward better schools and the promotion of educa tion of the youth of the land high founded in a little school house in iL nao "Ul ttt msi U1UU6UL LUUL lier I Pennsylvania in 1852 by a little group j juries were serious but later this o men determined .to make the world" i proved no,t to be the case and she has in which they lived a better place for j been grauany growing weaker, (themselves and their children. It j The name for the 'town of Oriental ,now has a membership of more than ; was taken from a ship which had ,200,000, but is still closely allied to the.: stranded on the beach. Aunt Becky's little school house of the country dis- S i1Usband,EUncie Louis Midgette, own trict, where the minds of the children ed much of the land thereabouts and are trained. In this connection, Dr.;when he flecided to start a town there Hurt urged greater efforts for theihe gave: her the privilege of naming NOTICE TO DELEGATES. cause of education, and particularly urged that the teachers be paid bet ter salaries, in order that the best ones' may be retained in the service and that they may themselves be prop Jerly trained for the. work which they i undertake. J At the conclusion of the address a ; handsome umbrella was presented to Dr. Hurt by Mr. J. A. McNorton, re tiring Councilor of George Washing ton Council, as a token of love and esteem from the members of the Or der in the city. The service closed with the singing of America," while jthe standard bearers held two large United States flags crossed in front of the chancel. the placse'and that was the title which I she chose1. avipeal will be made to b v oo the le.Etal profession -.'vyic-; to this work, and .en i nar i n vi i !inti?tain a sort of roster :--) that there will a'Wy-. . a: the off '"re -of the board i.: for,iT)etent lesal advisors i i ccistrants may apply - av mutter concerning their d.i'.TM's under the .selective ! . Nil more important post 'i'i'-u'd a lawver at this time A WAR BUDGET OF $11,000,000,000 FACES CONGRESS : ,, Ensign Williams. Mr. E. F. Wililams, son of Captain Edgar D. Williams, of this city, has J been commiss'ioned as ensign in the; ,;avai. reserves, ne nas Deen station ed at Charleston for several months. Those Who Will Attend Anti-Saloon Convention Asked to Give Nptice. . The National Anti-Saloon League convention will be held in Washing ton, D. C, nextweek, and a number of delegates are expected to attend from this section. Governor Bickett has appointed representative men from all sections of the State to represent North Carolina. To these'and all oth ers who intend to be present, the fol lowing notice from Rev. R. L. Davis is given: "The Metropolitan Hotel, 615 Penn sylvania Avenue, N. W., has been se lected as the headquarters for the North Carolina delegation. Lodging can be secured at the rate of $1.50 per day. All who expect to attend are re quested to write or wire 'at once, mak ing their reservations and state in the communication the day when they expect to arrive at Washington. I will -reach there Sunday morning,' De cember 9th and all communications addressed to me there will be received at that time. "R. L. DAVIS, Superintendent Anti-Saloon .League." "DICK" KENNEDY RESIGNS. Deputy Collector Takes Position .With r Ana rtmjtnt rt I net mtw w f I siiivii h w w mm w I w w K - . . - Mr. J. R. Kennedy, who has ! been a f : deputy collector in the internal-. reve-.v -yi nue service of the United States for .C.' over four years, has resigned his por : sition and has been assigned to -.work, UufKi in the Department of Justice' cas ; aM;.'-.-,- special agent. , r-';i.j Mr". Kennedy has been a most effl- '-.T4;. cient officer and has . been especially active in running down Illicit- jsuils. ;;; ;. , Talking over this dangerous phse of, his work, Mr;- Kennedy today vsaid;i: "Well, the monkey rummers were rais- ' ing a fund to buy flowers for my grave . for a Christmas present, but now I v ;' hear they are going to have a - ban- . -quet instead." -:j:-;o There has been no successor-ap? pointed to Mr. Kennedy's position'' as r yet. It is rumored that Mr. W.-A-. Mc- '. Gowan, justice of the peace, is in-line ; ': for the job, and some of his friends .i'?;, predict his appointment. '.. ..V-.--'-'-- nATLFTT V 1 ! L SHfcAK. . . . . - ATTEND CONVENTION. Jews to Raise Relief Fund. New York, Dec. 3. Beginning to day the Jews of America will conduct a two-weeks campaign to raise $5. 000.000 of a $10,000,000 fund for the re lief of their kinsmen, who are report- J Tuesday night od to be literally dying by thousands in Russia, Poland, Turkey and the Bal kan States. (Continued From Page One). 39 - WhD Dc'ivered Annual Oration Yes terday st the Elks' Lodge of Sorrow. duct civilian training camps. For the military academy, a totals I 'of $5,713,254 is sought, some $4,000, ; 000 being for expenditure (on build ings and grounds. Secretary Daniels' estimates for the navy show that the store of guns and ammunition is rapidly being gatherer i and that estimates have been reduced i in many parti cularr, under appropria tions received last year. The chief increase is in pay, the total being $213,229,551 against $126,532,448. Pro visions also call for, more at $C4,485, 353 against $41,885,935. Marine corps pay ' estimates have risen to $22,153,- record willv be made of the lawvers rendered by a special quartette com- 370 against $13 531 802 iciivc dutv of assisting m wnu i;ivu mu -I our armies, and in this offered to serve their country, t 1 HIaa rrrrIf , ',, elective service sys- mailed to you within the next few j j Munson, 'iajiist inz any aemana on auu yic3 ui u BCi-, Th i,0r,0H 1 --a. rru v.,. t,Q 1 R. E. Gribbin, pastor o: St. John's m patriotic idbiiion, rosed of Mrs F n Wnnrtv. T..,. y,J f Riley, Mr. J. M. Newbold and Mr. tion, Dr. and Mrs. John Jeter" Hurt and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hanby left this morning in Dr. Hurt's car. Rev. A. L Goodrich, pastor of the Delgado fortifications in the insular posse-- Baptist church, also left this morning sions. I in his car. of troops which includes tne gas and ' Dr. Hurt is president of the Board Baptist State, Convention Will Be Held This Week in Durham. The annual Baptist State Conven tion will be held this week in Dur ham, the opening session ebing on To attend the conven- Will flames devices, hand grenades and signal lights; $892,000,000 for engineer operations in the field, an increase of $600,000,000, and covering bridge, railway and road building and operat ing equipment; $390,000,000 for ammu nition, an increase of $175,000,000: $9d, 400,00(1 for ordnance repairs. of, Education of : the convention, which has before it for consideration one of the most important questions that is likely to come up for action by the convention. This is the question of whether or not an effort shall be made during the coming year to raise an endowment fund of $1,000,000 for the Deliver An Address at Chapel : Hilt Next Monday. ; V Prof. Washington Catlett, snperin tendent of public instruction for'-New.''; Hanover county, will deliver an ad-5- . dress at Chapel Hill next week, on the ;f? subject of " county-wide system of, city ; and rural schools. Prof. Catlett was invited to . the University by Prof.'E3; C. Branson, who has arranged t or sa series of addresses by menu represents' ing all sections" of the State, tbY the fc j: purpose of bringing the University -and the people more closely together ( . in the working out of problems-of sO- f; cial interests ;' i'k DIES' IN ST. PAUL. Former Resident of Wilmington: .Died at Home of Relatives Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Feurst, of 1125 S ou th ' Fifth Wv: j street, received a, telegram yesterday-f stating that her husband had died S,ung day morning at the nome or nis pajs which cdVers the expenses of operat 'schools and colleges of the denomina- ing the great base arsenal in France ; tion in the State. $237,144,000 for the purchase of ma- Others who will attend the conven- xhine guns: $75,550,000 for armored ition from Wilmington are Mr. S. F: cars. A new item of $4.50.000 for Garrison and Mr. C. V. DeVane, rep arms and ammunition for the home resenting Calvary church, and Rev. W. guard, nad $6,018,000 is asked to con- G. Hall, pastor of Southside church. rents in St. Paul, Minn. Mr, Feurst had lived in Wilmington for a number of year3. For the past two yearns his v -health had been growing worse, and '' , about a month ago he went to St. ,. ? Paul to visit relatives, hoping th$t. the ?7,;i,v change of climate , would be beneficial mi nnvirlnaif will H r 1 V) ol H v ' . tnriav in st Paikl. His bereaved wid- ' : ow will have the. deep sympaOiyoi j many friends and relatives. 'ztifd Mr. George P. Galvin introduced the speaker and referred to him as a man that term. nalloyed patriotism of the legal pro- Jr- l"c """" u l,,e.,ldi: ssion in North Carolina, and I trust ! hffa1?1fe.aiesldent VL IU1S CiL.V, ii proud of him. where a permanent nuiK'incr anv aemana on uxy&, auu v.wvc,s ji awewne - ). mv lawyer to which anv ?ce regulations will be sent to each innu ihe period of class'Ti- form himself so as to be prepared to, . u ' ; (1'itie- of these board;; will give advice to the local boards and 01 it x. zf.i T-n-IntT-nYit r ii'lionTTOr linAn i r i-avy. put a.ter u ai .wh u b---a th in t. p of thc wor,d in the broadest sense of ti,nt T.inrv. wti remain do so. I hae the utmost raith in the x ., . ....... . .. . ,, .ir, . un .1 j.1 t ... fnni' me names or use iw- 1U n make th of this city, and that Wilmington was . nir.ii vprnrr pri in the that you will endeavor to make tne. , - a. ami11 rkt rn " nn toin nno Vn n H r(l Y(T f iv i R superior court ui (.-uiuim.cuv rx jr Raxd-ile Daid hieh trihntp to '. ai!u ai?o ret tne cumi- jl j t. j o . f.Uiliy UOarU sentl a llSl jf.""'-'' ) pr frfltPvnal order wnc ,mitrIl-,,,tino. c to the adjutant gen- "r""-much to the countrv todav as thp Rp- ufovemor. , - . - - ' . - nevolent and Protective Order of " i-,- - Elks. His address was in a patriotic key is in the that this country would win the struggle. His remarks in part were as follows: i "One can but feel the honor in ap pearing before such a oocy of men as the Elks, especially on such an occa sion as their annual Lodge of Sorrow. The Elks, who are essentially an Am erican order into whose ranks no one but Americans can come, have poured out their money aud enlisted their men to support the President and the government in the prosecution of the great war. - . "Wilmington should not only feel ' proud of her Elk lodge, but also of the son who has been honored with' high est office in . the : great order , Hon. Fred Harper. ' - . : "In the Lodge of Sorrow OHe is re; minded that the living are in the pres ence of the dead. Yet, what a con trast to this land is that beyond the seas where the war lord tramples put his frightful orgy, crushing beneath his feet the lives of men, women and children. g- i , The same sun tnat snines on Am 1 erica shines on stricken Europe; the ' same Waters that lave the shores o' 3Lo America, lave these of Europep, and Naval aviation calls for $94,000,000. an increase of more than $30,000,000; j for arming naval vessels and mer chant ships, $38,309,523 is asked, against $74,593,523 obtained during the" last session; the torpedo item is reduced from $12,291,280. to r.1,000,000; reserve ordnance supplies from $81, 417.0C0 to $33,000,000. . A new item is $2,000,000 for the He mentioned the fact construction ot a naval station in tne Virgin Islands and another is $1.000,-1 000 asked for extension of facilitie for proving ordnance. In both these item new language is proposed wlrch i i ! , k rmm narunmaM-i-nuQ -MAKE TRIPS THAT IT NOW TAKES YOU THREE Hour: to cover vith horse, in one hour with Smith-Form-a-Truck. ' ' ' , GET HID OF EXCESS EQUIPMENT YOU MUST OWN !r ycu arc using horses, and keep, your hauling and deliveries at maximum efficiency with minimum over head charges. 1 GET AWAY FROM THE LOADING STATION AND "3intain .an average speed of 12 to 15 miles an hour. Th;s is Smith-Form-a-Truck measu.-3cl ability. ; -THIS IS A STANDARD ESTABLISHED DY SMITH Forrr.-3-ruck in over 800 linos of business. - anil RfllLI-ATIIM - MnT-flD. "Pf inn 5i VZVViZm R & 1 III fniS R' I iRii BbI.. ' 6191.. ' ROBERT G. BARR, Manager. , 10 Dock Street. 111 Chestnut Street. PHONE 546 PHONE 573. i Elkdom and s;aid that perhaps no oth-. would authorize the President to take; immediate possession orany iana or appurtenances, necessary, and which cannot be purchased within the ap propriations at prices to be -determined by him as just. Under the ordnance appropriations! for the navy, new language is insert ed to make the items available in sup plying guns, ammunition and reserve ordnance stores for vessels authoriz ed under the three year program, in dicating the department's intention to press for the completion of that pro-! gram wnicn nas Deen neia up oy war needs for destroyers and mer-; chant craft.. . . . Under the heading of public works, the' Navy Department's estimate 5 in cludes: ' Norfolk, Ya. $3,450,000; Naval. Academy $2,275000; marine recruiting . station, Port Royal, S. Q; $100,000;,; Charleston, S., C, $l,40v,000; Key. kiVest $25,000; Newt Orleans. $450,000;; operating base, . Hampton Roads, $2,-? 500:000 ;. -; An" iteht of$pOO,000 is included for temporary extension Of naval prison j facilities, , the 4- same .i plan for . taking, ' over thla1idbrsT)uildnis needed, be4. i ins provided as for the Virgin Island stations and proving ground extension, projects. - i f Under maintenance $310,000 is a'sk: ed "for. the naval operating base at St Helena", Va. . if In the fortifications estimates are carried items for the purchase or; manufacture of heavy and field ord nance of all tyres and the majority" of the army's artUlery equipment is pro vided under .Uv s i1 din' Two itema the. !same moon glimmers over - both Yet, what a contrast! , "There are some men, and there may be some in the audience, who have criticised' the President for plunging the nation into war. My criticism of the President is not this, but for delaying so long before declaring- that a state of war existed. He hadt-waited, suffering indignities that oocis for Meatless al i-iW Buy These "Meatless" 'fQ . Wll Ma R M Meal F Under 1 ' S J CuaedVtaUes Bakei Beans ' ? I Ir RoUedOats .'Spaghetti ';:P H vT'V '', I Cooked Hominy Egg Cheeie jJ (i Jf - '.,,1 or cannon totalling" $2,897 ' make. tjp the bulk of the estimate. The, ; provisions f or heavy mobile artlllery I -includes an item of $310.500. ?i 1 one ammunition Jtem i.3 for ?W 00i . ooo. ':' An item .of $1,433,500 is carried for You can have a "meatless" meal an Oval Label repast everything on the table uni form in quality and up to the Armour standard and,yet Not an ounce of meat! You can go farther you" can use KSXT or Glendale Oleomargarine as a butter equivalent And you can' eliminate lard by using Vegetole, our pure vegetable product for cooking and shortening. .i. . For "Armour " is the big name irr pure foods not in meats alone but iff hundreds of other foods the choice selection for the nation's best in fruits, fish, grains and vege tables, all delivered to you under the top grade quality guarantee of the Oval LabeL Serve the nation by serving on your table the great variety of Armour's meatless products. Write to our Domestic Science Department for meatless menus. . ' Call oar branch house manager and ak for name of Oval Label dealer in your neighborhood a&COMPANY ARMOUR , m v i 7rmotsrs R. F. CAMPBELL, Mgr. rc:e?f:cn 85, Wilmington, N. C. products; 2115' tuc-wvvMttmxme-&wur vtSr t-t-- 1 " -y J ' ) i) ' "-Hi . -4 ir ... - ... ' '- 1 1A i , N V ! r T I