c v1 1 J i i 1.. . 5. v Ik WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina Fair, .continued cold tonight, freezing .; near the coast; Thursday, partly cloudy, warmer in west. South Carolina Fair. , tonight; ING roider : Thursday, fair. FUU- LEASED WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXIII, NO. 330. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 5, 917 PRICE FIVE CENTS. PRESEHTS- imrs NEEDS HISS FDD S COSTS GASTON B. MEANS WlLM v , t "var..- .. -, i. -;t'- rkt ::.- "V r,- Dispatch 1 ' ' :' - - ' 1 1 - . " ' MIDI DETECTIVE BURNS 'LARGE SOUADRON jpflP tiMM OFAILOIFREW lTORM0 HflpU AIRMElltlTALy fcW nhnninr nn irs- i FDR ifi E if 1 Formal Declaration of War Asainst Austria-Hungary Expected By Friday 6ERMAN BIG GI5 ! More than $5,000,0UU,000 to Evidence to Kill Impression of Be Provided for By New Methods DISBURSEMENTS IN EXCESS OF RECEIPTS Deficiency for Year Ending Fluttering Around "Like an in 1919 Will Exceed $7, 000,000,000 Discusses Nation's Finances PROPER MACHINERY IS PUT IN MOTION New Declaration Will Present New Problems, But Will Do Away With Others Com ment on Message BEGIN A TERRIFIC FIRE ON ITALIANS J I ilUUIUL IILLILI . " '. - ' ' , . -.. . . - ' ; . v." Means' Alleged German Activities DEFENDANT WILL GO ON THE STAND Old Hen After Scratchnig Up Her Nest" Occupied Expensive Rooms (By Associated PressJ. Concord, N. C. Dec. 5. Testimony (By Associated Tress.) TYa-hington, Dec 5. Postponement of the Austrian war declaration by Cons'res until next week appeared probable today after conference- be tv;een chairmen of the ctnate ::r.d House committees. Severe Elombardment Believed to be Forerunner of an Infantry Attack (By Associated Pres). WASHINGTON, Dec . 5. Congress was -informed by Secretary McAdoo intended to show that Gaston Means in his annua report submitted today was a loyal American citizen and not that $5,128,203,793 must be provided "a German spy or sympathizer," was in addition to funds from taxes and; presented today by the defense be bond issues aheaay authorized in or- fore the jury at the trial of Means on der to make estimated receipts for the 'the charge of murdering Mrs. Maude fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, equal a. King. disbursements. If this deficit is met! William J. Burns, head of the de by a new issue of bonds, the total Jtective agency bearing his name, tes amount of securities to be issued in tific'd that Means, who was formerly the next seven -months is estimated jn his employ, had told him he had at $9,969,433,850. accented enmlovment with cmnmer- the British Contingent Many Young Americans Are Found AWAITING ORDERS TO GET IN ACTION Fliers Are in Fine Trim and Ready' to Tackle the Enemy Aviators Fascinate the Natives (By Associated Press.) With the Irencn Army in Italy, Tuesday, Dec. 4. Among the troops and units 'that have arrived in Italy with the British and. French armies ia a large group of aviators, who are J impatiently waiting to get into action. The British have sent a- large contin gent of fliers, half of whom are young Canadians and Americans, who have been doing scout work in Flanders and Northern France. The squadron which expects to be! given work at the front very soon is proving quite an attraction for the While awaiting orders, the RMAHI ATTACKS GE AROUND GAMBRA A SUSPENDED Unless Unification is Permitted i - J Government Operation Must s Come ' ' - SUGGESTS SUSPENSION -OF ANTI-TRUST LAWS SHELLS RAINED ON or tne next hscal year, ending Cjai interests of the German govern- Italians. June 30, 1919, the estimated excess ofment with the understanding that he fliers are keeping themselves in trim ! uibuuibeiuems over receipts is w,- would turn over to the American gov-and the natives in fascinated delight 627,973,980. j eminent all information obtained that , by practicing over the town where , Huge war expenses and loans t,he thought would be of value to the htey are billeted. There is scarcelv THE ENTIRE FRONT America's allies at the rate of a half j united States. He' said Means told an hour but that the hum of at least ! billion dollars a month have made him he had pursued this policv. ! two and generally four or more mo- i I t hpco octi in a t o c m a nv 1 1 m ac hrtror a . , ... , a i a t i rh..,m.nn Firwi f h o Umico tv. T -L f a , A.'li 17 cwv.0 a letter written uy Means to Hums, tuIH ua.ru auove ms town, ana l"""",u" , .iv, intensitv or tne Artllierv H.rUD-1 tnan anv ever nresented m a Secre-i r MI1U lie nuycu LU get lue less- Four Days of Counter Attack ing Brought Only Heavy Casualties tion Indicates Something I cre Than a Feint Lasted All Night (By Associated Press.) Italian Italy, Tuesday, Dec 4. An exception ally heavy artillery bombardment from the enemy positions around Asi nancial burdens of the war well, says man spy or sympathizer. with ... . ..J lilfJ . - t - . "Hi 1U UUIMUtilih V. 1 Ai AX I111U1 IIIULIU.I " . I ' 1 - - . . . olution before the House tomorrow, but postponement until Friday, ap peared: probable. In such an event it was not believed that the Senate could act before next week, unless simultaneous consideration in both houses could be arranged. To avoid delay, if possible, admin istration leaders were hoping to ex pedite action by having an identic resolution reported to the Senate when it re-convened Friday and seek immediate consideration, unanimous consent would be necessary for the plan to succeed, but it was possible' that on Friday both bodies of Con-! eress might be debating similar res-1 the enemy using i n . i;i rr i a ? i a olutions. Many absent members of miaaie caiipre suns, lae iirst vioteat i People -must save and invest in V, tTt I v'r X. , the 'mie?tinn iay or a vote until uiey can arrive, j a, iun wa u t,sw -x- poning victory. i K1 without brih-inc anvthin- to face superior humbers of enemy avi- Sm 'p ronnSpp wh v. h! til 9 morning, lasting un p ds to te the enormous figures. yesterday to the effect that the dey. tro-Germans will be able to maintain House committee, both believe the, til . j of government receipts and expendi- ; . ' huqInest, transactions with a numercial advantage here, war resolution as finally passed, will, Heavy shells were rained on the tures which are the fruit Df war j g?s Ki Qg's money re leStaito'-' -Tbe-- Canadians and Americans applv to Austria only. j whole range of Italian positions and times ' j Mrs. ing ;s money were legitimate . ghtl entertain their comrades and Thp i-psolut'on for war against Aus-! were concentrated on the locations Total estimated receipts for the cur-1 d er Jite whiS . thw-' crowds of curious Italians by holding tria-Huneary v. as introduced today in : supposed to shield Italian batteries. rent fiscal year are $12,5SO,732,800 . ;MS Vll tYtl ?v J! ' son festivals at their hotel. Ameri- Representatives by The .violence of tlie artmery action whlch witn a balance in the treasury, Zlcan sones are suns mostlv-with an Flood of the Foreign Af-, eft little doubt that it was a preiuae , lagt June 30 of $1(066,983,631, makes a e esS to G B Mean, Kalian officer; who has spent several littee in the form and lane-! to infantry advances in torce wnereDy . tntal of is.fi47.71fi.lfil. Most of the r1,, mJr r'Uorc Wr, vnn Hoetzen-' I Vo oVnui r,A un July, lifii, just arter .ratterson, "iiVjttf vun jnut;LZ.t;ii . rD0 nto rr- t8 fiSR (100 ODO arp from ' .. ; ; rru ; An,, He Tinmo i ivwvu, l V,u, - x e TTincr A,Tt-b MAIVin nrifl Afhpr uitilliat. xuc umuu uauuio ild vici mail sale of bonds and war savings certifi-, memb 0f their party had arrived rigin with the name plate "Zimmer-, LONDON NEWSPAPERS . PRAISE PRESIDENT communicating German information 'every public square is filled jtary of the Treasury's annual report. ; wticn ho regarded of value to this! crowds gazing upward as the young :Of the $12,?1G,000,000 estimated ordi-! country and asking that it be turned ! aviators bank and slide and spiral and' ; nary expenunures ior tne year enaing over to tne Washington government, ! twist. The British aviatprs appar : next June 30, $11,527,000,000 is for!was identified by Burns. ';ently are much younger than their i war purposes, and the proportion is j counsel for the defense announced j French comrades whose numerous i about the same for the fiscal yearlthat it desireri to offer thi tetimnnv 1 decorations attest their long experi- I nnflinar if- "1 Q"1 Q . . . , . I ' "niU 1 Headquarters in Northern i - , iU c !to disabuse the public mmd of the ootu giuuys, uuw ever, are com- u mi me uxkjh iido uuiu me ".idea prevalent that Means was a Ger- lofaeu oi piciteu men who nave naa ! careful training in fisrhtinar the Ger- Secretary McAdoo, owing to healthy immediately following the dinner ! mans in the air. conditions, and the valuable aid of the rprAt5B hiIp-p niino mien rrr fha too. The fliers are curious to know what t n Vl 1 inhAd L1 Attn I U AOrwT'A iro f- GrM J 1 i 1 TJ I I 1- - ago last night and tnrough the early x-cuci,i . j. , timony of Bums concerning Means' ine mture noias in store ior tnem hours today appears to 'oresradow the In M"l"e' !lowever' increasingly . German connections was not admlss-j since few of them have ever flown nours toaay appears to oresi.au ow tne , greater habits of economy must be de- Xle t Drpsent but mieht be allow- over mountainous country as they will long expected resumption of the heavy ainH inHiviviinic nnri hTiQinpcsq luie Al ureseni nuimignt De aiiow- j -I enemv offensive from the north f.?.. by lviduals and business ( ed t t tne j tat have to do here. They admit, it w enemj ouensive rrom tne nortn institutions, the Secretary declares,, Thp Rtp onnrhA within hmir nnfl be a test to put them on their mettle. uannonacie was oi extreme violence, Qriri "hnc-lnpca QO nciml" ramnt hp - ,; i j ' ana business as usual cannot Dei ,oif He ycc m;mt;,n since emereencv Iandines. eenerallv , . . . . , i cl uaii l vu ti j x i.o i. woo uAamiuabiuu ui , w w- w iH a a r no oindiTi or nri nptnio rt T I r- : i i r -rr 1 i j. a. . c Message to Congress is Given Prominent and Favorable Attention No ments in Italy Interstate Commerce Commis sion Reform Makes Recom mendations to Save Coun- try's Traffic System1 From i ; Demoralization. (By Associated Press.) ' ! ' -; Washington, Dec. 5. Government !vr operation of railroads for the- dura". . tion of the war, if unification of theftv;,; transportation systems is not jrmit;';;''i ted by Congress, was recommended -' ' ' '. today by the Interstate Commerce. ' I' Commission. ' .. ".C; fi' An increase in rates, a government " Develop-1 loan of money and the suspension of C uie itnu-irusL ana anii-pooimg laws BO? . far as railroads are, concerned for the tfsv duration of the wan were recommend' ed by the commission as alternatives. : . After reviewing the extraordinary -v; demands on the railroads during the past year, and the extraordinary in-PJ1; President Wilson's message calling for war against Austria-Hungary and enunciating strongly America's pur pose to defeat German power as nowjcrease in labor and material costs,. 'theS cosntitutea, is printed most promi- commission's special report says: neavy as well oinntpH as thfi srnrHTier nrinrinlft nf , . . . I fnnr.iM r tt. J. mt-- - -, vv . k. Jratterson, ratner-m-iaw or lias- j lcaiIlu":: x" 1 1 auc, cue aimuoi uul ui n, nejucirjte;. :with the murder of Mrs! Maude: A. hQwever, tnat tney win not nave to The Act to Regulate Commerce,4;; was not enacted to meet such a situ- ation. The carriers have the right to . demand, at our hands, and it is our duty "to approve, just and reasonable : . fates sufficient to yield , fair returns upon the' "value of he nronertv. dfsTot.': .'-ed-to public use aTTCrTie ees swiry' expert ditures, - S K thp House Chairman unLO at'moved bv President Wilson. ! Field Marshal Conrad . - .... 1 J J! 1 : . A m n 4- -wml n -r-k it nrovides a declaration that be-juori, wuu is uiieuuuig nusumu cause or Austria-Hungary's warlike j forces in this sector, hopes to realize acts asrainst the United States in sup-i his project of pressing down the Asti- port or her ally, Germany, a state ofco valley leading to vicenza ana tne : the Panama Canal income is $7,000,-! war exist? at and after noon today open plain. i 000. It als the TTn,tr,i tofoc hnrr v. r mar t.ense bombardment continues. The a siicffssful conclusion. indications are that this is something T!ih orficlal text of the war resolu- more than a demonstration or feint tion follows: j and signals a new and strong offen- "V'i: : e;iS, the imperial and royal, sive. Au.-fro! kir'arian government has! ""ZZT- Fhnwn ir, hostility to the government ! McCALL'S WARD IS 'inn in ift'uj)! ui me uniteu oiaies bv s!'.:n:r dinlomatio relations, and 1 ?'dmtry P V $0'88o''jat Asheville from Chicago and been ! mann Leipsig, 000,000 largely from war taxes; and installed in a resort hoel. 01d sev. echo American while its strings one-steps and rag er scratching up her nest." "Maude has trimmed her sails,' ontv.civ" Pnttprsnn wrntp tn ATfian s. ! time. i . . . . . f : ft 1 1 " ... . . . i j i ' " . ; n n c cnrriot n nrrr-n oripr ti 1 1 1 1 (- I I ri " -v, e - 'I'hp atest renorTs enow tnat tne m- -vjj j.-i n;mo. - "-- 1 j l.cu&o ine iuii icsuuivcs ui! 7- 7 .. wiumaiy UlSUUl bcwciilo ncxOUuia-;nj,niiii, r,;iQ "lU-o or. M hor. aft. n c 1 hnmhlrrimOTlt unntiniipo 1 n P ' . . . n . ttl uuiiu a nunc xiivt- u.n uiu ilea at iz,iio,za,: luaiis iu amc in the year at $6,115,000,000; public jiiT ' x - . Oftl AAA AAA aeut aiBDuiseiiitJuis ' wrote the witness but he did not see. and Panama Canal expenses, $29,593.- fa pr0spects of any successful flir-l 000; making total estimated disburse-, Later he wrQte that Maude-j ments $18,775,919,9o5 , h&d ceased her flirtations, as about; In order to allow for a balance in th hQtel were mar. tho eronora fnnrt nf nhfillt SSOO. ()(().- . . I IN FEDERAL COURT 000 next June 30, Congress must au-ineT- ftT . -.. r Mr pnttprc.OT1 writinB: nently by London newspapers. In their comment the papers received the address kindly. The Times says that it has taken away the last hope of the pacifists and reiterates its contention that the German people are -willing accomplices of their gov. The Daily Graphic received the speech nues of . the carriers during tue past and current fiscal years exceeded any , ' in their history. But what the dollar fluence on German opinion. The Daily W.U buy In. labor material and sup- ; News welcomes the declaration that wo p COnCihi0 f t.a rit.i imperative need of the hour that our.. . t railroads shall not be permitted to.'":' become less efficient or less sufllcient; . . We realize the gravity of a serious ' ' " breakdown of our transportation facil-" . sympathetically, but The Graphic doubts whether it ' will have any in- peace should be based on generosity and justice to the exclusion of selfish claims. After four days of effort which orougnt tnem but small gains or ter-j ities. It is unthinkable that this rain at a great cost in casualties, the breakdown would be permitted if it Germans have not renewed their ef-lcoulQ De Preventea. increased charn 01 SE VISI1ED TROOPS forts in the Cambrai sector. The Brit- es for carriage, if found necessary to ' ' take care 6"F unavoidable increases In 1 v. ish salient there, however, is still a! operating expenses, would not at this ! menace to the security of the German lines north and south of Cambrai and the German artillery bombardment is has formally adhered to the ruthle j polir y f,f submarine warfare adopted l its ;'y, the imperial German gov-i bv (By Associated Boston, Mass., Dec. thorize raising of about $5,640,000,- 000 additional funds. This figure, to- ! from Ashev time bring new capital on reasonable terms in important sums. ' "In our opinion the situation does i nof nermit nf remnnnrinc All en. probably but the prelude to -further . ergies must be devoted to bringing the desperate efforts to wipe out the 'war to a successful conclusion, and to i gains made by General Byng's troops. 'that end it is necessary that our' trans-': British artillery yesterday broke upjportation systems be placed and kept enemy troop concentrations, east of on the plane of highest efficiency. Thi3 i tress.; uuu auuiuuiiai mimo. io . -ynrk- ?n 3. John John-lgether with the $3,666,-000,000 of au- V": " nnn.pi:. with which the United son, a negro, whose extradition to j thorized but unissued Liberty Bonds,! . Mrs King in good frame' s,ates is st war and has given to its. West Virginia on a charge of assault i and $663,000,000 estimated receipts; .. . ..k' hP frm r0rkine . heville to Means tit New,Was Pleasantly Surprised at Gouzeacourt and near, Moeuvres, on 'can only be secuVed through unflca-"', ggested insistently that au-l rr.J;f, fk i the southern and northern legs of the'tion of their operation during the pe drives in the mountains, the tit Cpndltion Ot the salient. resnectivelv. and the Ger-iriod of the war. .' ,. 'W al!v land f vp'y support and aid on both" upon a white woman was refused re- from war savings, make the $9,969,- 4 sea i of mind and "keep her from rocking ; the boat." The party was comfort-1 M en in the prosecution of cently by Governor McCall, was 1 000,000 which Mr! McAdoo believes rV?"" - J . wQi k!, tho OY. (By Associated Press.) war aeninst the eovernment and peo- brought before the Federal Court to- Americans must loan the government r""' .oV B-L VV1LU .ir mu.,mrW) -w.. , - -- Jjeu. t. LiUluucl liuuoc aim liic uiiici considered excess- memhers of tne American .mission vith General Pershing and Viscount salient, respectively, and the Ger-iriod of the war. mans violently shelled region of Lai "If the unification is to be effected ! Vacq.uierie, the center of much of the ; by the carriers, they should be en- 'V fighting activity of the past few days. I (Continued on Page Three). .f pie nt the United States of America, day to answer to an indictment for vie-1 between now and June 30, 1918. thprplorc. he it .latinn nf the Mann Art. Resolved bv the Senate and House The government charees that John- For the next fiscal year, ending June 30, 1919, the Secretary estima- of Representatives of the United son took a woman from one State to i ted receipts at $5,175,000,000, and dis- each room, were ively high. Re-direct examination of Mr. Pat-. Northcliff e inspected the American ar- Stat.,- -f America, in Congress as- another for improper purposes. John-! bursements at $12,804,034,440, exclu- ' ""A. t Gast0n B Means my ,l0TW o T f w-if tf embli. that a state of war be and son's wife came here from Charleston i sive of r.Uied loans. This makes a ! ""f !?! " de WOull L?"8!.1. !?"ih 2! i Colonel House said he! l('or.tini:ed on Page Three). to testify in his behalf. HARR of disbursements. ! woald take the.stand in his own de" energy, fitness and enthusiasm of the ien.se to uesunuc iuC c.xl men far surpassed anything he had ! $7,627,000,000 excess iflnno noo 000 additional -vould be re-,Kin for wnose alieeci muraer ne ..j watcned the maneuvers and saw qufred bonds - trial- added new interest to the,the men work," he added. "They are ' kq ioonoH that vear $385 000 000' I case t(Klay- , fine. I hope those boys realize that UfJ KIl Means is expected to describe the the securitPy of the United states for U.11U - 1 i j ' 3 00 A. A A AAA I Dona issueu i Dinw0Hn, aHno- whw it is onti- 7 T .. ...o.. tiiio if thp rlpfiHt 1 to be met nyi JJia'v'tt"0i"t'1 " , , T on tnem. n earnestness is auj iiiui- Thus if.1?.6 ?5?AIS to. ? r; ZJ tended that while on a target shoot- Mtim thov .pratri what i ho. Y RICH HERE JN TFIttTT T.Tra AC!T - - -a- SUJ. JL WL. MdM4J. -tL. JL. IttUS II me ueiitii ia w u J tnnrloH that while . , r.. aaa aa. ... .v, mt tended tnat wnne AUSTR1ANS MAKE ANOTHER EFFORT I TO BREAK LINES defense's version of the tragedy at at leagt a nundred years depends up- Ten Divisions Massed in an swarm over a wide extent of the north Attack on the Italian Front ill Give Performance l -of or Building Three Nights on GlVtft FOR BENEFIT . OF TOBACCO FUND 1 ! - 0i.so3tch Invites Every- Lo be Present at Eight O clock Each Evening Be Smr.ir.fj Tomorrow ':: '"p and this entire section ' rmt interest in the an- V' that Harry Rich, world- ;t;.ezr performer, will give -!i from the top of the Mi";.' Front and Market 'liis city, Thursday, Friday i'i!i-.;,y n;ghts of this ' week. r ' 8 o'clock. His appearance ipiflcp the auspices of The :- "n Dispatch and a collection ' "n for Our Boys in France v' lii(.h Th(, DiSpatcn will .-under- it id hnnfid. Vv'ilir, Fund. t;:k ;ir ravines arkle and fel1 causin-the pistol she" members of the mission also THF NFWTHRFAT war sstvm5&. hplrl to be discharged. "While these figures represent tne. - nAa tllof u . "f""" ""lv'",a....""i"r eitnatinn ncs it snnpars todaV " the 1UC ol-lLC , school and army neaaquaners. iater lecre a?y says 5t ASd be borne in have been physically impossible for tQey departed for Paris. nH tnat the exigencies of the fu-,the w0man to have infllcted the AU those in the t expressed tTe may cause chln4s particularly in the back,of head which- tnemselves as being surprised greatly i..- - iy uy liic Liuuyo icuculiv xaiiucu, 111c j Mr. Rich arrived in the city this morning, and this afternoon is Dusny engaged in having his trapeze install ed on the roof of the Trust Building. . , m 1 1 VV 1 L.11 1 -,Mi. A. - " Tho ronP7A will hp reet aDove tne , -r. Tho edge of the building, and the young ZtLttel on which the Secretary fbein! Py arrlyed at a divisional headquar- -,i !v,-.t v,Q ao r.f uOM ,iQ fifritrpci are made bv the va- ev-'de being c,Jiea to account, ters town aboard a special tram and man " J?1; ? J.ust when. Means will make his were eeted by an infantry regiment a net. or any other safety device His act is the highest ever attempt ed. During the performance a strong searchlight will be turned upon him from the opposite side of the street, so that he' may be plainly seen by the people below. 4 Harry Rich is a man of nerve who attracts everyone who hears of his appearance to the front of the build ing on which he is to appear. He is said to draw larger crowds than any tr. Q,t that has ever visited the citv in which he appears. Rich re- pressed with the necessity of econ rentlv appeared in Richmond, Va., romping in, the consumption of ar ' 1 v.1 ovp an Pxhibition from the tides of clothing, food and fuel, and W11C1G , ' . V,i. onnot-:. oi ever; uibi iuui ""u uiioh aites a "dip in" upon the available sup plies, materials, and resources of the country. Everything wasted now is little short cf --"minal. "So f ; rs I ho been able to observe,-the American people are not gufflciently-aroused to the necessity- Continued on Page Eight) . rious government departments The outstanding fact apparent from these stupendous figures is that the cost of the war to the American peo 'e, including allied loans, for the n--J vears ending June 30. 1919, will b? at least $36,000,000,000. i T- the great task facing the coun try, Secretary McAdoo calls the peo ple with these words: I "V'at is of superlative importance in the readjustmnet that must take place i that our people shall be mi tnn f the Richmond Hotel under the auspices of The Times-Dispatch, Rich mond's leading, newspaper. He has just closed an engagement at New port News, Va. From Wilmington he will probably go to Columbia, S. C. The exhibitions in Wilmington will doubtless be witnessed by large owds. - . I uonunuea on statement has not oeen announcea s 1iard 0f honor. Thev denartetT! -nd resumption ot cross examination immediately for the scene of troop of Means' father-in-law, W. R. Patter- maneuVers where theoretical attacks son, of Clarksville. Miss., was the first were carried out, the troops being aid thing set for today.. Assistant Dis- by airpianes. The party also saw trict Attorney Dool'ng, of New York, how the mortars were worked and wit who is aiding the State, drew the ac- nessed bayonet drills and firing with knowledgrnent from Patterson yester- automatic rifles and French 75s among (Continued on rage Three). which was the first gun fired against the Germans. - , At headquarters General Pershing had all the army operations explained to the party by the officers in com mand of the various-sections, j . j Mesopof-arian Operations (By Associated Tress.) ern Italian plains Failing to pierce the Piave river I line in many attempts and fluncr hack jfrom the mountain passes between th3 x -1 Piave anJ the Brenta by the Italian V-V ' resistance, the Teutons have - turned ' A SERIOUS ONE f"her westward to Trentino re-: . ; 'gion, and northwest of Asiago today . ;, 01 11T1 , ' are reported beginning an attack in Should Ihey Break 1 hrough force on the Sette Communi plateau. Itaiiano in thp Trpntino' A heavy concentration of Austrc-vvv t'ie ,"sLns. in .tne iremino Hungarians has been observed ;In thy f v Another Retirement .Would sector, as many as 10 divisions f of H Be Forced. s; f . ."V ATTACK BEGINS. ' (By Associated-Press). troops being employed, according to the indications. On Monday night, the t ' massed artillery began . an extremely 5? Vj violent. bombardment and this appears f.;. . to have been followed by the throwing.- T j "-of strong columns of infantry against, ; ; ; T,the Italian defenses. - '':.:';'' A- Pnma non K Fnomv fnrho 11 'l-iw vuc iiucuiu, iuir; . Italian lines on, the Asiago Pl-lfA !?rtej fiV . i, " .! positions on the Sette Communi had v i eau, the war-office announced to-v f a, , . , . ' day. The only gains achieved in JJ'.1?0" -;'.i1 V the attack were some positions, FSSfed' hY?' ??35&& the loss of which has not impai ht.T?ST-' " " ed the Italian defensive line. f05f .Nf ltal t0 re3 ; . ., force the Itahanl armies, a successful : a & ! ttt aaa . a a Af a a -stand could! be made against any -fur- v r t .r v v v v t -T.ther progress for the invadersv-Qf J Austria-Hnnearv. with whom the ' : -A break in the Italian line ;' at the i ' London, Dec. 5 British troops, 'act-ignited. States is on the eve of a dec-PQint of the present attack'would flanfc n JC' -m uuiij uutuuu witu txu cu.xi;icii4. i iaration of war, is taking tne leid m.UOfc oiu. lue rmvB.ime, uui reuuer.uie, , . forca of Russians, have carried out a'aAnew attempt to break through the line of -the Brenta, approximately) 301" successful operation in. Mesopotamia, present Italian ' front, compel the re- miles to the . rear, impossible to hold. Major Jfieneral F B. Maurice, chief di- treat of General ' Diaz's armies from 'and would - compel an Italian, retreat rector of military operations at j-he fthe t mountains; capture -i Venice 'f and j to the ,Adige, some 30 miles further t - i war office announced today. ' permit the-Austro-German invaders to jwestward.4j. (vi.jl-,',::-, I"-' liberal. V f- A.

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