1 - - FULL LEASED "WIRE SERVICE vol- XXIII, NO. 334. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS CUT OFF ' . .. - . - ; ; . I i u P conges FACES Ecuador Thirteenth Neighbor of United States to Join - With Allies SECOND WEEK OF "Hill THE Mi BREAK WAS MADE WITHOUT CONGRESS 111? Six More Names of Survivors JacotTjones Are An- ! nounced ' DESTROYER SUNK BY i LURKING SUBMARINE .'Speedy Action on War Meas j' ures Expected of Nation's ! Lawmakers 5 J President and Cabinet Take i Prompt Action Because of j Activities German Agents in Republic (By United Press.) Washington, Dec. 8. Without Con I gressfonal action, Ecuador today -Fr.iec! Vessel ofte of Crack SMos of Foreign Fleet ViVs Sunk 500 Miles Off British Isles v 4' f COMMANDER BAGLEY SAFE. 'Ily Cnited Press). ;ngton, Dec. 9. Six addi nrvivors from the .Troblv u..o;inced torpedoed y : AS HORRIBLE AS K DISASTER HAL FA Rev. George Adams, a Survi vor, Tells of Scenes Follow ing Explosion A HELL ON EARTH SAYS THE FREACHER El HONORED THE GONFERE BY IE i i Vk Til7- y-v -- - 1.' 1 i - . . 'TWO PEACE TIME c U1"umauc relations with Ger- - " 'MEA'SURFS '.PARI V j?Jw nf thp -..i..x. - - ' ' -44s. 4. k -. A J - -... -"'- lupiuic WU1UU WHS provoked by the activities or German Woman Suffrage and Prohibi tion Amendments Likely to Occupy Pre-Christmas Ses sion Then War Ques tions Come X CUT OFF Rev. M. T. Plyler and Rev. J. H. Shore Delegates to Gen eral Conference agents was cabled to the European minister here late this late this afternoon. Germany was suspected of trying to' ! intimidate Ecuador by inciting riots i j and promoting incendiary fires. While ' i official , evidence is lackine ronneft-i I -- Y: Ci..- i " i l-jxo. vvnc uciwccii oirxcK.en ALnIOST ENTIRELY FROi THE WORLD .nv, ave been safely landed. Only . the Flight of Belgian y Department announced r- r r- -n - t - 1 rxerugees rrom i neir nomes Surpassed in Tragedy the Halifax Scene r .rotor i ...l -in nil owing statement was "fy .!: ' , hi. information has been v . by the Navy Depart ;'roni Admiral Sims, that the i survivors Of the Jacob v.-ere picked up in a small "oo (Bv United Pross.) Montreal, Dec. . 8. Halifax a hell! (Special to The Dispatch) on earth. This was the description L Greenville, N C. Dec 8.-Amon? r i the deipsrates rnnspn tndav nv trii-. t and have been land-' of the wrecked city brought to Mon-i Vorth rarnlini conference of thp rv'-ijured at Scilly Island: treal today by Rev. George Adam, of; M.ethodist church to represent the : ; tenant-Commander W. D. Emmanuel Congregational church, ' Conference at the General Conference V-yuant Uunior Grade) t . . h. survivors of tn. catastrc, j " J' iiian Scott. jPhe. Today's session of Conference was ::,er boatswain s :ia.e uar- The Danic flieht of the frenzied nen-! p-ivpti ovpt mnstiv tn nrldrppr, pie after the (By United Press. ) Washington, Dec. 8. Another of i inS Teuton plotters with recent Ecua- j strenuous "win the war" legislation j dorian troubles, it is the general be-i i lonmpri nhpa1 n? Pontrroc c irr, i' rrV. f I lipf 'that q o-niito nf V. T- ; ' SECRETARY DOING lts first week Wlth the historic de-j responsible for burnin EFFICIENT WORK ration 0f war aainst Austria vas j government building at Guaysquil last' i to be follovv ed by as speedy action on : month. v important war measures. A ! Blame for rioting and attempted Senate committee Friday will take I revolution in Nnvpmhpr i - W A C4rXk3f , lUllU j up discussion of permanent universal : on German intriguers. These actions j military training as the national pol-' followed a refusal of the Eucadorian icy. Others will consider use of con-1 government to reecive ambassador j vict labor for munition making, war Perl discharged envoy of Peru, after ! crops, labor aid and railroad war leg- Peru had broken diplomatic relations . islation. v with the Kaiser in October. The sin- More Than One Thousan! j Bodies Remained in Theirfefe! ! Icy Solitude NOT ENOUGH LUMBER TO MAKE COFFIN5 Citizens Just Now Begin tij Realize Immensity of Dis-:;?;'5 j aster Flickering Light Re- .-i-S - veal Many bad Scenes. City and St. John Goes Down J. c: i n 4..- r J other Minutes Need3 of Greens boro College for Women Presented Yesterday rayLTfast) V5ViD DESCRIPTION UY CATASTROPHE Seminary Student Searches Vainly for Suitable Words to Tell of the Appalling Scenes He Witnessed S 3 S 'h 8 4 HALIFAX SITUATION. : mm 4-1 v i v jured, 5,000; ' homeless, t , , t nomes aestroyed, 4,500; money ucuuuu, $ov,wv,vvv; ., poaies re- Dead, from 1,500 to 2,000; in- 2,000; covered, 800. ! ! j, Jt l ' St. John, N. B., Dec. 8. A bit of wire the one link of auick commnn- Except for early consideration of i &Ie dispatch received at the Ecuador- j ication between St. Johns and Hali thn woman suffrage and prohibition amendments and the $336,000,000 posto . . ce appropriation bill, ; ian legation stated: "On account of activities of Ger- iman agents in Eucador, which affect- tlBi j , j; i , -l i thmicrhr r,f momhor, -aril! ho nor,.1 cu- uul uauuual U1&1ULJ UU LUIBtttCU t- :ncc IcBryde. 'h'ef Electrician "i'c:; rvf.i 'Jen Fireman (first class) Korzenecky." Tito naivipr nf thp nthpr siivviv- t '. f xl 1 1 hppn rprpivpH Thn . .'iro tuiueir uuuies re- tered on-how to wi nthe war. And advocates of the two amend- . . i i ii j i g i ... . .... . . . pYninsinn 'rnnt-crta.- Doris, ana Danoiiir.e ror iieneiui vun- mpnrs naspn rnpir nmas rvn rna wnr n rn, tt ,t : t.:j j t o Wf . i no " , , " , . ., , . . - , i uc - v utiiuui I itxt ri tljsiutJUL auu 111S litfwifiltc J" . . . ...... tonmra rl olptro roc vv non thp r?Pfrp- otriicolo etaftno t Ho rtoTrSr..T-o-ir ! . i i - . ... -. A morning was aescriDea dv Aaam as - - ----- , """s&"-i 0 wmW ""-jcaoinet, assurea orpro-amea senu- I;Hv.HnB- in tp,-ror nv thine tw h,o tari'.rd. the minutes of yesterday equal suffrage and the food and manj ment in the nation, Iook entire res- vj uiiiiDi y . o - -r. cpacinn it was rpp.1 IPrt tnat nnr rv nnu;nr covcwl fynrn'oalAriTio wrrtn Irt girl r , i . , . ' - - " . vu uu.vuuc .iuiu. , ponsiDuity. ior. xne oreaic me fax with its. suffering and grief strick en population failed late today. Mes sages are reaching here only from towns near the devastated city. ed continental solidarity, a formal Under a wind swept covering of rupture of relations between Germany shifting snow, Halifax was practical- and Eucador was declared today." ly isolated at last reports. Automobiles, which up to that time hud been used between the city and "Con- v ors navp r.v Joseph war. has produced, not even excepting, single correction -had been made iuoward-America's victory. tne mgnt ot tne ueLgian refugees any 01 me minutes curing me esBiun . ine wouse juaiciary uommittee wrn to meet aain until Aueust 1918 Un less a declaration of war is deemed necessary in which case an extraor- of. Conference, which speaks of the report both suffrage and prohibition : xz .r c a-u. rt ArtJ-rt T Ar FT m a . t j . t ( f-?f .ICltf IICT V - IJ1 ,UH LlCLtll . 11CV. 4 - 1 1 J l-ri 1 1 IHS 1 Mf'SICIV I Hr H S iUMlH 111 abovt ;ire in addition to the 37 i ' "After the exDlos?ion. whiph almnst A T iintnn anrl T-T V. Mr?rs wnre rp- ili t; rJ'. t! shook the hotel I was in into pieces ceiyed into full connection w. mitt--Tli-.;; destr iixv. fhiMi - a.- i'jI' v,. W half evey ; . T!, . lini; .,: X;iv rill!;;' ijiic i: -i '..-!;.; frozi-:i . as. Tl;- . Iiip.-v.-ns : i Islf-- . T:iiis t!, brl-r . ( t , . n:r:: : f r;i.:. .. thv ! - t: .. ,: rr 7 TI . fir. I i '' t';. hich 10 names were previously 4 j, 'and started a cry of bombardment, I recess. Suffrage action in the Sen- On the second ballot for clerical del-, ate, however, where a poll indicated! dinary session will be called. Diplomats here predict the entire : : n -ft E vvept U):'9, a ht sank Jones, egates to the General Conference failure to obtain a two-thirds major-j success of an ail-American solidiarity agaost ivaisensm. cnne and Argen- j went into tne street, said Adam, -in there was no election. On tho third, tity, may be delayed by its advocates. I front of the Governor General's reai- Rev. M. T. Plvler was elected. There . Preliminaries were arransred today bv on, uec. s. L,urKing in , thoro u.-a an nnnnnin cnor-. were still two more to elect. ! apponitment of the Democratic Teuton submarine tacle. tne American, oioCa at,.,m nf ,prrifi0ri Greensboro College for Women, or Clark, (Florida); Saunders, Blanton, U-J Jones, and probaDlyi u-htrh ho l m-ftsidPnt He Stated Hniiarrl Sullivan find Mavps. r, irr rvpiv men. women aim emiuren was surK- .u. v- u r aii,!..,,, apponitment ot tne Democratic ma i Dr Tnrrentine was introduced to ioritv in the House SSuffraere Com- Conference and spoke in behalf o'.' mittee Representatives Raker, 'An endless stream men, women aim cnuuien was burg- tlltlt vnrth Pornlinn Mothnrlism has' Pmhihitinn will 1mrp thp limp liVht res, the destroyer 1 in Iast- Cloistered nuns rrom their been steadily strengthening the work with suffrage next week while com of "other- U-boat en-! convents struggled along. 1 saw sev- of Christian education. Two institu ruittees are pounding the big war .M.i.:irontTv"sTnk without aral bed ridden old women being.car- tiona. Greensboro College ior women -measures into final shape. Ihe dry . r .hi. taking with herjriPf1 hv thpir mp fok(4 1Iaf dr and Trinity College, are jointly secono-; amendment is assured of the neces- - known her comander Da-. y arv schools doing substantial work.jsary two-thirds in the House, anti- , rr.Y Secretary of Navyied mothers. cuddling their babies to Greensboro College is the oldest char- saloon leaders declared tonight. Sa- ivlaw and more than ; tneir breasts, ran tor tneir lives, uost terea couege ior womeu m lu otrtu-.iioon rorces were repuneu tu ssed through nery ana lin- 'i cl3 ii li . ja.i.xiviA ti-- UIIIIUICU, lllii p 1 c i 1 i Lk y , DLCiiuiciu - L past calling for nearby towns, were almost useless on roads 4ep un,der, snow., , , "'AT'late "message from , Truro said communication with Halifax had fail ed and all efforts to get in touch with the stricken city were unavailing. Travelers reaching here from Hali fax on the Maritime Express late to day, attempted to describe the scenes! that followed the explosion. f -A csu a ; : A- - viama, a. diuucui. at ot. nations remaining neutral. In the I 5 A6iiai7'T Halifax was among Eucadorian break diplomats see th the passengers In an interview with collapse of Argentine President W- !pSfned J""' h X Vmd goyen's scheme for forming a league ! df0T?nL , S ' m' a 01 4. a i.- 4. j Til ment the Mont Blanc exploded, of South American nations to deal ..T . ,,. 7" . no.mov 1 was strolling up and down out- N. S.. Dee. 8. Hlnnl-Pr w snow beneath which many froze5;li corpses lie stiff and stark in attitudes . ' ' of agony, devastated Halifax tonight' 10 a ii-j uwu a iauu 01. suiieiing. 7,t,--r Twelve hundred bodies remain la 'f their icy solitude in . that blasted ' rS. gion of the old city into whica . en- ' trance is barred by armed guards.' . ':'f w From that deserted horror spot la ; : the North end of the town no sound .. . " comes tonight except the howlina; ot' v :, the bitter Atlantic gale through skel yV tonsj of houses, and the. occasional thunder of a tumbling fragment of :V? Walt'' -'.'.fi WMrJjfi)'3iU-V,'.f' ' Lights burn dimly in the school ( room, where but a few days ago hapr : , j py children sat at their decks. - T night rows of bodies lie on the floor, ; . blackened, shattered fragments of . . human beings, and living people hud- , died in their furs slip among the 'I dead searching. . ' iVi' As rapidly as possible, the injured .; are being shipped away. A special ; "j train filled with suffering humanity : - j departed for Truro, seventy miles1; " away, this afternoon. It was hopod ; J the train would be able to buffet its ' ! side the seminary," he said, "when way through the blizzards to the little:? v Thirteen Latin-American republics!1 SJiw a huge column of blaclt smoke j town where scores of Iiomes have'; i J tcday stand arrayed against Germany. ! iUt 1IUO lue air- iC muvea up sieaanyi eeen preparea to receive me vicunis. Argentine is apparently balked fromlfls if heavy and then began to spread! Many strange freaks of Thursdays. ... - - I vi,4- T , r Vl T T- ...nr. 'frt. ' V. . - . 4-. A m --.1- ' ' entering tne league or democracy Dy uu- 1U- a iau. au.ayc. ik i iui c. lit'C ! ' ! . iiu-n. hastily scramb-' mothers. Some of these litle ones hug- 1 1. ing no special nglit m oposition as n..n1 nwloola hut niw faoi-i Its thov t-o1 v nrrin tho runnisitp nnp.fnnrth tneir tatners anu , . , . p ,,.n,i,. c.l. t...ii; o . ..;ti-,v,..t n-nn,.n i DrignieSL 1UIU1C Ul uociuuicm. ui. LUC OLcllCS ll; w iiuuuiu tfi ai. . . . I,-, li.A.lll ,1, 1 l' (1 t Tl r ' 1 i 1 ! 1 (T tVlOl tlAfli nmnr.mnt. Q 10 l-lrolv tr T.VO fts had been rescued, ged their pet dogs and . cats as they tadard of work. Durins the past I yoke dramatic sessions. Many mem si information tne ran. . 4.1.:,. ;-:(.,, .i,M,i-,:.-,ri ih,. v. fmra.. r.?-, ..! . . , I IOUr years IIUS lilli-unua uuuuitii ueia Hie y.cyauiig icicicu ctn,vvu- 'T,-t rceivea rrom Aa" "Then several blind men, staring number of students taking the regular ' e. ",en founcl a naven on MI skyward, groping about for nni.rep nf studies, and the number has; I Thp Senate's calendar did not ex- f :ilt nearDy; thirty onl some one to suide them from the stin increased during the presen. term. . tend muc hbeyond early discussion of i'., -while hopes ior tne. h .Q believed clamoring at onhstnntial nroeress has also been ! thp Webb renort o nthe trade bill, and crew are meager, it; their heels As the exodus increased, ma(je in the financial assets and in the1 may adjourn, mid v.'eek until the fol . some o.ber vessel flames began ncking skyward from physical equipment of the college. All J lowing Monday while committees may have taken tne tcward the waterfront. Dense clouds available dormitory space is occupie.li work on bills introduced. Senator Victims irOni tlie CTVlrlirt rn voroH thp ritv like A nail i.. j.f - i r.-.TT. vnlnfinn n-roatino- nn Ampr- I Cailors from ships in the harbor, Tne fiftn ballot for lay represent?.-ican legion of honor for her warriors Jones, one of the crack J blue jackets, firemen separated fron; tive was without result. On the sixth, j n France and notable sat home is rorf ign destroyer fleet, j their companies, all surged in one g b Underwood was elected. "j slated for a favorable report. ' u miles on tne uriusn . fiirectinn awav rrom tne water rroni. rr Ptoaiiphnmn. one ot tne mission-1 Thp Potnerene committee mvesti- whim of Irigoyen, who has been accus ed here by the highest officials of ex treme pro-German sympathy. few seconds that the roar of the de tonation reached me. "I remember having n peculiar feel- ( inc. that I was being swallowed up by "The issues of this war are clear,"! sorriethlng. Every where I heard the one South American diplomat stated; sound of breaking glass and this was today. " Latin-American countries j followed by the sound of rending tim had best decide in favor of the United; bers and. falling bricks. States and sacrifice whatever toll a' ( "When I rushed into our building 1 tual participation in the war de-! many students were laying about the :ng n the attack occurred. De ' '''fire lacking, but from the A report that there would soon be an- arv secretaries, was introduced to Con- gating disloyalty charges against Sen- other explosion, that the magazine ference and he addressed the Confer-; ator aLFollette will try to get a quor- WANT A MAN TO HANDLE RAILROADS mesKage, naval officials with its huge stores was about to let ence tonisht. urn. two previous attempts having tn -other the picture of a sub-g0, speeded them on their way. Wo- Dr. T. N. Ivey spoke in the interest ( failed. Information is said to have he usual run, the darken-jmen fought to board automobiles and or e general organ of the cnurch. : reached the committee which makes i r buffeted by heavy seas,iWagons that overtook them. The Christian Advocate, published at it less eager than formerly for for- ovly and unaware of her, - "The chauffeur who drove me into Nashville, Tenn., of which he is ed-'mer Secretary of State Bryan's tes deliberate," deadly aim of the burning areas was one of two sur- tor. ; timony. The latest date fixed for his , , r-w! (innofo Vi i f VQ 1 iff : - nc -. vi'1tv rvF rirft "7Tl OT WP jl ht TT XTwnll r1 rA a i vf "XTierl O "r Villi 1 : rcvers" crew scant time to get ; entered the district that had felt, the lay alternate to the General Confer- another postponement is likely. 4Some; dent Wilson wu nanf t nniV ..-.' . Is . . r ? rViQ t" I rn!i fi t. 1 t- Til w . s 1 1 1 1 I ifull force of the blast the horror in-. 1 members predict Bryan will never? mands. Its a case of losing minor physical assets now and helping the Allies defeat Fermany, or losing our existence as a nation if .Germany wins." Eucador had not lost a single ship by U-boat warfare. The nation has a military strength of 40,000 men, but j hall bleeding from cuts and bruises. One was seriously injured and I took him on my snoluer to the front of the building whleer fortunately I got I a passing automobile to rush him to a hospital.. After that I saw sights that would make your- blood run cold. They are too awful to talk about. "A Hnrtnr at. thp hnsnital-- tnld me lacks munitions of modern warfare. that at tne time o tne explosion heLwrapped .in sheets. Others have'bits;?; Her navy iS available for Certain wtt attpnHino- nntipnt The ronrus-l nf rnr HrnnnpH nvftr thpir fapflM..:!''te&;:Vi kind of patrol duty. - (By United Press.) Washington, Dec. 8. Whom- Presi- Jones' errand was in her ! creased. . Dead lay m the streets. Question Number 22 was called, ana , testify. - . 1 T- 1 4 Vi T'nn cVl wrprVflffP j i 1 i Vv A.Tr T3r TTov. 1 v IS not revealed, DUX. ria.me tuncu t,nuu.t w-w0 preawitsiB 111 mc acw uci n, . . of merchant craft near- where wounded lay pinned down by ettevUle, Raleigh and Wilmington dis-; . . til ?-- l.-l- ... .A REDLIN REPORTS GAINS AT CAMBRA! she was Derhans convoy- timbers calling ior neip. tncts made tneir reports rarer, as sbe had done "The burning factories made a ter-r bpfore irifying spectacle. Flames from the over's sinking came as a cotton factory roared up an hundred ANOTHER CREDIT ' k to Secretary Daniels. ' feet. We heard stories ot wnoie iam nvii since last midnight, ilies annihilated! of burned children p had been sacrificed to plucking at the garments of the dead fu'ness, but he did not motners, begging uiem to awc Washington. Dec. 8. Secretary of! stateme-nt. i ionoon about the casual-, bands ran nome to nna men the Treasury McAdoo today author ! On both sides of Graincourt the uishing home to his wife in ruins and their families vanisna. izeA & credit Qf j2fO00)OO0 to Be:gium English were pushed back a hundred in-'aw, he broke to themj "I went through the churches aria making a total loan to Belgium of, meters (about seven-tenths of a mile); n-ws similar to that Mrs. meaires wmuu fi7 Qon nnn nnd a total to all the AI- "At T.avannnerie " the statement laces B-ui-iicu - 0 00c onn n i"Rv TTnltpd 'Prpss TO NEEDY BELGIUM; Berlin, (Via London), Dec. 8. More ; . 1 gains by German troops oeyona tarn- (Bv United Press.) oral were reportea m . toaay s ouicwi ca's great railroad systems as a unit for winning the war was one of the I biggest questions agitating Washing ton tonight. That the President "is looking for the right man, but has not mentioned ahv one as yet" was the nearest out line of the situation available from of buried victims officials tonight. Close students of the transportation problem, both for and against govern ment control of the railways for the j ? in i . war, have been agreea ior a. nours that tha President has decided to take over the roads. Meantime the railroad executives sion burst the latters arteries and he bled to death before the doctor could do anything to stop the flow of blood. "When I left the hospital some time later, . I hurried toward the north end of the citv. Smoke was beginning to roll up from the burning ruins and the roar of the flames grew louder as I ap proached, the roar was strong a mile away... "The scenes in Hollis street were explosion were observed today when the United Press correspondent enteivr-;.,., ed the ruined district. n one place a w house stood, solitary and alone' in. a - chaos of debris. Its broken windows ; ; ' and a smashed door was the ontf,'$;:4 signs of damage to it. !tV " More than 3,000 injured men, wo- . V . men and children have been attended 1 St ' py children sat at their desks. 'To;vHv: temporary hospitals. Relief for these workers of mercy came tonight twh en ; , 'V'- the first of the mercy trains from1 the' X V Uunited States arrived-and its doctors p-unged into their work. All the dead, both identified and uo- identified, lie uncoffined tonights .-f There is not enough lumber, in the ; town to" warant using any of it " for." :- making . caskets. Some bodies ane of rags dropped over their faces. Call for doctors came from ' hotels';.';,.-': tonight where relativea of those who strain and exhaustion after hours or ;: gazing at dead faces frozen in expresv ; sions of agony, hunting for the - one dead face they dreaded to find. W??' The food depots weer nearly at the end of their resources tonight. A sys-,. V tem of rationing for all inhabitants': of the city may be established. There is still food, but with the, city? appalling, the ground was just one practically isolated,', it must, be care-3. mass of broken glass, with bodies Iy-j fully conserved or famine mi?ht;add : ing about in the wreckage. Men were! to .the hardships already undergone leaping here and there in the ruins p.ulling frantically at arms and' legs lies of $3,885,900,000. 1 r. : f ( Li. V. i r 1 1 (:-,' v-i-li Li..;,. p,..:... M . . I; . !i,.L 1: 1 a! 1. M f i , ; Uu n . Th h "! in hoar in th Snanish wounded, and saw ' r.nothpr onn Worth Ra. black, looking ghastly against whitr "!i n, was killed. ' pillows. Babies were there, and PVFN I mTWHFN ' ( .mid r-nrrPlv retrain tears. , grandfathers and grandmothers V L.O 1 WOIUT f ; "w her mother were over-, whose grand-children were some 1 nn.. n; that it would be little where unaer tne Durning rums,. - !!iir;iculoua if the eallant fheenirtpulkbnad etaoinshrdlubzbmbm ' (By United Pres.) Commander is not listed, "Their voices bienaea in a moan 01 a " ntic City, N. J., Dec. S.--Eieevn; ARMISTICE PLANS flantin f r nrp rtointr thpir utmost to stave off 'paid, "many enemy attempts to gain . government control. They will meet broke down. m two aays ngnting on ine tamDrai here. When coffins for the dead como in, there must be many small; ones, 'Thpn . T -ioinp.fi a nnrt.v of men whoinmonf thpm Thp rnflnnitips amntif ' were releasing women and children the children were frightful. Mpre from beneath the ruins of their j'tlan two score litle ones lie in the , homes. Every minute the wall of; ruins of the Protestant, orphanage. flame crept closer withering every-) While. the sleet blizzard moaned thing in its path, and as we receded; through Halifax tonight therd i were V with the approaching , fire in- hopes of i many sad scenes in the Academy of ' ; :i cheating it 'of at least a few women Music, in the churches and other Shel- V. r a --.- r -n Viorn ' Il'l4,lir.r1 ftCTl 1 Uii riUlMlyIiKEil- euns and three machine guns. I i -cn Their voices blended in a moan of . 4M . , 4 - - . r 1 i( asuny. . lost .neir lives uu iuaunb ju t-- sm-vivorss' names came 'At night the sights became more night, when the tug Eugene. F, .Moron,! orenoon report Junior weird more unreal. It seemed be- Df New York, foundered in the ale. j iohn K. Richards: En- yond belief a nightmare. I saw 7fce tug was owned by the Moran X. Gates: Assistant Sur- frenzied motners pass cryiug Towing uompany, or xew .xoric, a a rr.-i-n-.r. rhrit-a Tiifrht hirds1 for their voung. A woman j r v NOT RUNNING WELL Zurich. Dec. ' 8. Russian-German ;itatiyely Jearned tonight. They, mefci finally we were driven bacby, the in New York City tomorrow to' frame a statement of their side to be pre sented the President on Monday by Senator Newlands, of Nevada. Sen ator Newlands said tonight that "ev erything awaits the President's decis ion." Security holders are bringing' pres sure on Congressmen in support o governmental control, it was authox- f armistice negotiations "are not pro- with opposition from members . who and children, the screams of those. ters which "'are devoted to caring f or ' who were slowly "being roasted to : the. 20,000 homeless, : death under the wreckage was heart breaking- We fought like mad men. Scores of these ' pc ople, dazed by shell shock, their brains curdled "with dragging helpless, crazed "women and j horrors they have undergone, ' are fear-dumb children from beneath piles Of debris. - "All the time the fire drew closer and its speed seemed to increase. We worked there choking from smoke which had a sickening smell.' The hair of every one of us was singed and ' t'l.in; Timothy E. Twomey, burst into, the Uanauian facinc rdii : John r. Johnson, seaman;, way engineers, hunting her son; she .i.it-;,, ir n.or.htnieti' T-pfnapfl to search the morgues. 'God ' '- , LU1CL JC-.U14"" - .. l.fl lf . ivl'.v...rl F. Grady, fireman'; will never allow my boy to be killed,, centrating r..v, t tii, rts- oti0 .HpH 'TTp.'a onlv l6 and I'm a betwe ' Mvnm Flood 'seaman " widow. She went on into the night.ley, were shelled inm heavi y; concen- ined to end the Avar at all costs ii.ir.so sof the others have been where the on 'ltd will he forwarded soon. I ine -ruins, . Still just coming to their senses.'. Many still have, no realization of exactly , what happened, and their first' faquir-;..'-? ies always ''are, for their fathers or,',".y their mothers, or their, children. The : : relief .workers have .done their Put-" most, to catm ; them.- V:.-..V.C:-- t i- . '''- "... :'- VK ".-', T,.; v-:;::.)V-i:' Many Italians Captured. t , : ; 0 ' . . , . 1 KMS..t'tw -. rk - 4-n rwt r-r-rr rvf . T TT T.ma V , raoriino- cQ tmnntWv sis had hppn py- declared a euarantee to xne rauroaas ies uiervuuujr buom- uuux;.Vi. tuc, ., ,a. xD9 ,vuuu . i w-v.vi.j.j, no ay-j i : -- - J ... .1 , u l .. 4.1. a , I ' T" Olt r r i intense heat. Death from their, injur-j Broka up uonceiruon. . r .ir:' 4W;: '" m" ot:Koi, ,HtiP- ond ! women and children before the fire n-ir .TTnif-al TW1W.. -i ' . OKCieU. .aCCOnilUK LU a. uuu L-dtluu num,vuiu uaav,uv.f vv. o - o - p -- - i ., . . - r.. : ' ' t " . . . - j. ... j t . a .. i wAfiAhAii fi.m fir nnnrco i . t n av . nmrp j rnifirs rn r pn in inn rrHi renewBU iiai- i v. - - rr. .. i . .. . . m-t . r. t - r . 1 . . . ......i r.r r.-.rr.i. rn nnr- imnii w iiivi-ivi., a I I. - I nii.i rtri i i iir.i . rL , . u J . ..v. j . i s . w . wuv v " . . ' Xi-OIIlt; tlcu. . i cuwuiv w vfvjts vuii' iiit; dcijiu uuivai Ti.it6i i yvvi v . ,-... --, f P ii. --.. r. 4. -,i- i mi,. r..r.r,,.r. hn-irrvtrnr naai-incr t . haTfl thfl i?o vpm m on r. -in-- nurnea to noLuiusi. - - .. ji j v .;mni:.-,r0 . Aatar-m. citro thpm T rip avprflerp return-, ine v., - as uriuiut iuiu oiui luo.-iaw vuv. .uy; .iw.viuvu ...v-vv.Vi,: . UCWdieu U1B luaAiuiaiwifl woi o -uo -c. - - ... ... , ... - ... . .e .m--4.r. 4 .M.i.. tV. i..l.n. mi. 1 1 .'.nr.r.l.rr. r. .. ll Dr tTT V K l-lirTlOfi Wnlrft- Wl T II .' I MR TTlRlliUrV . Ull J. U lUttt.21SL.Ul ABlttKU.. U1D aWHJIUCUV lUU, Iia V t5-' 1 ptCl Y Xll. tin. mo. . . . j wui- vv ajlwu v . r ' . - r . 1 bv ... ' A s saia, strong pom is .. ai ssteiiuts,; wcie nd-theFrf azela val- Vienna, (Via, London), Dec.. S.Pris lers taken in the great renewed Ital ian drive today reached a' total cf .16,- . -. . - . i i,i . . ... 4 . 4... ,.v. 1 o I 4.nirn rt t n i rf n r . xirrrr1 a - rmi I ri ripe . . . . i . 4.4.i it.il an ortiiiorv rtflova nr. ,Aka Anv oaor'e etnrv wjir na.Tpn i-'pr :wi l u wuuiu. uui.uui iu iuui;ui ,t ruuusa uc ,014414- 441; ... . 1 iy ugifi w.uuuj uiu- u.wu aUa .4...U., . .....w - , - , ' , . - . tcaDturedt huntmg him.", . ,ficial statement aeciareu r :v . rograa. , ' s ' - - . - T- - . . - ' i v.. l -t J' ti-;i';' .-V; . J . - 1 -

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