4 -ii - .. ,t . WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina Fair tonight land Saturday; much colder tonight, ' Scuth Carolina Fair and contin ue., cold tonight; Saturday partly cloudy and cold. VOL. XXIII, NO. 339. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 14, 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS, , -F r j- - 1. . r. -i i v t r . P W W V "t- r - jvw .f tt ft" t T -ft 3j-J" ""-. F" -J-"S.fc'5j...5-.r .. "i i N. FULL LEASED ; WIRE SERVICE : , BIS 0 ! Si liriTnn uni rmnn AUal HIAns IHIKU CROWD HEARD ISMfiLL BUZZfiRO Li iDORESS ! :'UGEit DllW CABARRUS JURY! YORK LAST WIGHT Attorney Explained Link by j Traffic Badly Cripplecl and Tel- Link iham or iLvidence i ephone and ' 1 eiegi;aph oer- vice mierruptea AllEPSOLDIERi: uilifRi MOST OF COUNTY Against Means CASE EXPECTED TO i INTENSE SUFFERING REACH JURY TONIGHT I AMONG THE POOR New York's Assistant District; Coal Shortage A.dds' to Suffer- Bclsheviki Forces Apparently Fave Been Successful in First Clashes Attorney Showed Why the State Thought there Was Motive for Murder (By Associated Press). Concord, N. C, Dec. 14. John T. ing- Women Beg for Fuel '. to Save Lives of "Freezing Children (r.y Associated '-Press). New York, Dec. 14. A siiow storm, Dooling, assistant District Attorney, approaching blizzard proportions, that j of New York, today took the jury in raged throughout the night, crippled i the trial of Gaston B. Means along 211 traffic in New York today, inter- ' the pathway of the defendant's career rupted telegraph and telephone serv- ias business manager of Mrs. Maude ice; brought intense Buffering to the Trccn and Supplies Beine' AC f' Zith Wh0Se murder he is poor and accentuated the serious short Rvshcd to Lins in Fhnders Jtalian Line'on Mountain Front WTJSfehl'S''S '' Ths " ,j jr-ap-e Bitter Fiffhtinf i is Still Practically which the state contends is sufficient heaT5' Eea- Mrrs small crutt to cov- GERMANS MASSING ON WESTERN FRONT ATTEMPT FAILED AN ARMY i -i, - .. . H j - Nearly One kindred Sent to j Tiarracksiard at ;Fort Leavenworth vms m JHE GRIM OF STORM lOOA " ?r "' r ranee- on Italian Front. j crime. Mr. Dooling drew that filled the court rom the second speaker of the day three I ist one for the State a crowd along the water front. He Was TVia ctnrm nmp. aiirlrlonln'tfi'noi I'io and NOT PERMITTED WITH THE FIGHTING FORCE Most of the Suspects Were from National Army Camp, Though Some Were from the Expeditionary Force (By Associated Press.) (By A&sociated Press i Washington, Dec. 14. First steps to place soldiers of German or Aus-tro-Hungarian birth . or extraction at duty apart from the actual fighting forces appears in today's army orders. ' Orders-show the transfer of nearly a hundred enlisted men of the regular or national, army, to duty to the dis ciplinary haracks guard at Fort Lea enworth, Kas. The list contains hard ly a name that does not appear to be of German, Austrian or Hungarian origin. There are several non-com missioned officers, inc Iuding Sergeant NQIIIRYREL DA S TI Ti A Covering of Snow and Ic KlLxtends rrom Atlantic to ; . Pacific": MiM SEVERE COLD SNAP I EXPECTED TONIGHT General Crozier Gives Infor-j mation Not for Public Ears at This Time ! Forecast of 1 5 Above Zero at : Mobile Whole South Will: Feel Cold Until Early Next ,: Week Atlantic coaot early last night am: ! Martin A. Stoltz, of the quartermaster ' covered the streets with slush. But a the temperature dropped steadilv Most of the transfers are from na tional army . units at Camp Dix. Wrightstown, N. j. . Some come from Fort Sam Houston, from El' Paso, 1U- StI'UgglO lOr POWC -I . .uau au,, u 1U .num imcu . u -amr, from Fort Thiamin Marrin. trnm This is the enemy's third sue-! dollars were deposited in cash to the B8aVie" ana u mianigiu tne c.ty war. j announcement is made by' Italian Headquarters in Northern Italy. Thursday. Dec. 13 Afte he Russian delegates to th days of fighting on the mountain front He pointed out from the evidence dually increased in intensity. The -corps at ort Nebraska All wni be . ,. between the Brenta and Piave rivers.! that when the defendant became ron- i was accompanieu oy ram ana i ; . l i.':. 1' i LiUW ill l i i , j ;ov- U. r" e empowered to be- the enemy is holding some trenches j nected with Mrs; King's affairs, he rrc-c: iat?ons vr.lh Cen- 'nn fninnoi Rrottn n.H thp. snmmir nt ! was livinS in a cheaP flat in Harlem, . r.rmiuce i "i. 0..; K., Lad no considerable funds, his wife durmsr the nieht the rain turned into! '"" ow.auum, uui nil l lie i col oi iv-j oK. "EiriA "ritl,;,-. V,- " ! . tYiCi T f o 1 ' '1 r l lir;o to in itc! iMiin-inn 1 ".-o. i j.i x i . t c l-'u-sia ir growing more oit-, " ""&'i j ui iuui uiuuius tens 01 uiousanus 01 K:inlr:es in the civil warfare tion oficreait ot Mrs. Means oesiaes large coerea wun ne mcnes 01 snow. no bank accounts in the defendant's own wind, in tho meantime increased in '- r r.- i r, -,. the backward season continues to j t fu Hma Via rioi 0 . v cmuv oT Bielgorou, some ou , I sequent to tne time ne naa gone to jno. a 75 miles an hour south of Moscow, while the Cos- , be an important factor. A downpour) Chicago with Mrs. King and secured K--.. .,,.0 vir.rion at -Rostov-on-the- in thn 1m: twn rlavs has fillort thu from the Woodruff Trust Comnan. -. . ju. uc.uv urt- r.iptur?ng ihe city and forcing Piave v-ilich had, nearly run dry ob. j securities and cash to the amount or fcreak and the vmd, which caused the! -h. iiolsfceviki troops to retreat across iteratill tne ato" barr'tr with th 1 ?192'000- Tue securities, he said, were snow to drift to a degree unusual fri-j 1 Don. . . ' , I . . i taken to New York and converted in- New York, died down. The armv r.f Attention is attracted by the far. tocasn. snow shovelers experienced consider-' - : "ne Cerman press is being ner- jards avaj. The water in the inun- Prospects today were that the case ... i (By AssocLated tess.i -.i "tn nrPdirt a Oerman offensive dated section alone the lower Piave ! would go to the jury tonight. Five aWe difficulty m clearing sidewalk- With the American Army in France, :i the Western front, a rather unus-jaso has fauen from five feet to a foot : :ocl by both s:des. . ne Boi-; cessive attack with the object assert success in the lighting-.. - .. ihrn.,eh tn thP nlains -rn ' Camp Meade and from Camp Taylor. TT-.-00 men ccne from the American Expdeitionary Forces in France and -ii utner cases, it is evident that men were withdrawn from recruits about to sail to join General Pershing's com mand. EXCHANGE SPEAKERS FOR ARMY Y. M. C. A. irJ prelude to any new ir.ove by the Germans. This ircnt, however, r i e active 'icH aggressive Tbe rains again made addresses by counsel and the judge's -and the important thoroughfares. Ow j Thursday, Dec. 13. To strengthen , . - . . ' I charge remain to be heard. The jury ing to the scarcity of labor the regulrrj mutual- sympathies arrangements i requested late yesterday when a forco of shoveiers was -educed to : perfected b- which the is admittedly !' deeP barrier and the inundated sec-, member of cunsel for Means offered British Y. M. G. A. in France is to viioie on the German tion is again effectively flooded. to take a recess, than for a ionlf time,- with brisk - Taking advantage of the low-warterrM' tecj--l- no- artillery battles and reconnoitering h Austrians occupied a villa near the Fank Armfield, for the defense, the upon that he ocntinue and .about 3'Q0e aiJ.d in' order .-to meet the j seni influential and well known f Brit- nroesry-dela.yt-- I situatioJif -"0 !;,sts in force frequent occurrences; first speaker of the day emphasized; Wilh trolley ' service virtually stop- Bryce to speak- in the 'American Y, M. C. A. huts. The American Y. M; C. A. m turn will provide well known "r. JT-?- ihQ oTtPnH. ! Lagoon of Venice, in the vicinity of! uf in ua maoa nf u iBro Cavallmo. The Italian destroyer nrn,.oH hv thfl c.ts,t. nn nn. ped m many sections and tne eievated , AmenCan lecturers to sneak in the n artillery action, it is to be noted, Simro managed to work into tne la-, nection between the alleged motive trains running spasmodically, the earJy ; BrItIsh huts, The interchange of A" a ... pnon nnn lannen n nartv of sailors who .... . -u c t . v, J; i m i . i i .. i i broken out in the unampagne, r .,7 ; ZZ i, v; and the alleged crime had been muiulu5 i8 i iuu uuv.u speaKtsrs wm uugiu yiou-uij' auuut. overcrowded the r.ubwav the first of the year. ,,? n.uKtu u. u rrn' rfieid destroyed the villa, together with the ; a"u dUB v'11. - 7 ,1-ich hfs been pomted to a one .field. - hJ and rjl?;chi;e which 1 snown m accordance with the law. town district hevc- the G-rr.ans migxit attempt an t--,,- i Iidcs. ' 11U lilOLUll - CLII1S npr, -ive hi r. -a effort to oreaK rnrousu toward Pari.-. ! Of actual infantry -fighting there has' COASTWISE STEAMERS been :l't!e in the last 4 nours. on-j iinncunces" that the British were; '-uff-esrui vesterday in improving Q thn rPRnH nf their! (By Associated Press.) r n hr,i 9rP i Savannah. Ga., ec iUlLll UULi JUUil 111 Llic v,". CARRY PARCELS POST pnoi i t 14, Because1 of ur 'JV- norVrT d(-rare" ; the congestion in railway transporta fT: Buliecourt arlm declare, Postoffice Department th.: lintun were beaten back in an v, -- ,o-n- 11 Tllli The coal situation which has been I acute for weeks caused much appre hension today. Reeve Schley, local fuel administrator, said there were 30.- ,000 tons off New Jersey ports awaiting transportation here in scows. Tbe high seas made it dangerous ior the ' craf t to attempt the trip. ! In the Bronx yesterday, the entire SOUTHERN WRECK (By Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 14. statements regarding the prospective delivery of rifles, considered confidential by the War Department and other , matters the witness declined to discuss public ly, were given today by Major General Crozier, chief or ordnance, at an exec utive session of the Senate Military committee's inquiry into alleged de lays in supplying the war army. The committers investigation, which leaders say is the beginning of a gen eral inquiry into the executive con duct of the war, has been underway since Wednesday with the investiga tion thus far confined to 1eneral Cro zier's testimony regarding guns and ammunition. His admissions yester day of the existence of a machine gun shortage and that the American troops in France had been supplied with FrFench weapons brought a running fire of questions from committeemen. General Crozier's examination to day went into further details of the rifle and machine gun situation; Sev eral Senators sharply questioned him in what were desribed as "somewhat heated" exchanges. Some of the mem bers were said .to be inclined to at tribute to General Crozier himself re sponsibility for the reduction of BO per; cent, in rifle production at private plants due to the change in type. Failure to use appropriations for; the purposes intended also was devel oped from General Crozier. In partic ular, an appropriation of $5:000,000, made in August, 1916, for small arms: and- intended by Congress for rifles, General Crozier said, was used for pis- tnls srvme sif ViicVi lTivoltiea fmm nri. - A WtJ J . J U. W . ., Ml W - J MM. U ... 11 - i:i..5 . -..,,'--. - ind. num. of last !? -WW General Crozier reiterated that rifle production will increase so that no American troops sent abroad will be without surplus arms and that soon there will be ample for training pur ooses a'M EDDIE COLLINS IS GOING TO ENLIST m CALKIN jsupply of coal was exhausted and i T " r ll'J A 0,r- ?rtn n-,tkc fmm Prn-lcrowds of People besieged empty yards, iworassenger 1 rains Oliiaed Over UU Deaths from Fneu- in .yain In Bro(klyn and on the , jhis Morning Fatally Injurin- L monia in tne v.OUntry S irain- York Eastside there were small 'riots j Twn Pwotiq inr Camos m wnicn ttie ciliet participants werej ' w , . IT - X LUUb K. 1-1 Vil (I'.y Associated Press). aren were dymS of cold at home- Washins-tnn Dec. 14. The measles' Health officials, alarmed at the in- tov-on-the-Don, the largest city in the . f . ... , nnT1-i-Tlrnfint nf mar?: eniriemic in the camos of the 30th .creasing number of deaths from pneiv l-i o o o rirni art V10 ovnoHiont nf Vi o r rll in cr attack at tms point. . . i , , , ... - .,--n hovo parcels posi man mauer uii wihisb Bolshevik, lorces . steamships. Two chief rclerks in the been successful in the first clashes service atson Fuller, -ith tne counter revolutionists and Lit of AtIant and JohnV Metts, of is reposed tney have captured the in Savannah. yes. iuw.;, 01 idmuuu -a &. terdav and are SUpervising the trans Gener;;1 Kilpdines is besieging Ros- . . , ;i - ie y LJlr: illlliai Uil)lftllllIULr Hi Ulan 1 Don province, and heavy fighting has fhi ,r,nrTr;Rr from Nw York and Bal-' 31st. 38th and 39th divisions of na- monia due to the recent cold weather bem in progress there since -Sunday. 1 timore. AU parCels post matter exclu-1 tional guard troops no longer consti-;have appealed to the fuel administra Hamanovka is near Bielgorod, 350 of sr)fiipi deliveries, nerifehableitut.es a menace, according to a reoort!101' to heiP the situation. miles soutn of Moscow, ana near matter and eggs f0r Charleston .Jack- j f 0r the week ending December 7, v !h-; .' the forces of General Korniloff, , sonvine, and Newport News svill be ; made public today by Surgeon Gen also a counter revolutionist, are re- brought from New York. Philadelphia, r-rnl Cnreas. ported to have been engaged in a Baltimore and Boston on steamships. j The epidemic has spread somewhat,! Had No Quorum. (By Associated Press). v ,- vwth Lima, Peru. Dec. 1-. For lack of ; . . .... . A -."-,.,-- avtronrHinarv Qcacinn of Jfneumonia, IOllUWIUB -UCd.&I&, id il KJIUI tUWU U-1UCU X-J.- 4UU1U-,', l-c Vinuni ui.j kj." hfaw battle with the Bolsnevlki. One rep.-.rt said Korniloff had been defeat ed and wounded while another says he has been victorious There is a lu?a TrO miles southwest or Moscow and if ;h tne unofficial report from Petrograd, -lie political situation at present is Jt appears that the counter revolution- complicated. ists had approached nearer the old Ru.-s an capital than previous reports had indicated. Ii: thn Canibrai area yesterday the liriiish stormed a German post on ti fcoutin.-in end of the sector, while on' n(;: ihe! n end there was bomb iiKhtim: in which German prisoners ( 'Ae:c captured. German artillery has; 'however, in the 34th and 35th divis- I i ions and to a greater extent in the i is! nnliitilni.l.. mtraacaH in r ha Krn rli. ' e-e,s r.vUen to begin yesterday. ; " "7 . , r ! is tne town rererrea 10 in wo uui V-"-. ; 0 , Q , aoni, u iu - . -ft- i All other national guard camps ; show a decrease in measles, although j there ho.ve been a number of cases of I pneumonia independent of meales in i all national army and national guard ! camps. The report shows 100 deaths during , the week in the national guard or i which 117 were from pneumo-v-j deaths in the national army, Of which QLSHEVIKI FILLS PETR06B P 5 iH RFALIZE Civil Prisoners Moved to Pro vinces to Make Room for New Arrests By Associated Press.) Washington,, Dec. 14. In a collision on the Southern Railway this morn ing near Calhoun, S. C, between orth bound local train No. 46 and south bound exnres and mail train No. 43. ing near Calhoun, S. C, between north the express were fatally injured and several passengers were slightly injur ed. Reports to Southern headquarters here say the accident was caused by he failure of the telegraph operator at Seneca, S. C", to deliver orders to i VXX t-l3-A-i KJ L x tx. u - --- icn occurred on a section of single track one and a half miles north of Calhoun, where the double track had not been used. Chicago, Dec. . 2 Eddie Collins, star second baseman for whom Presi dent Comiskey, of the White Sox, paid the Philadelphia Americans $75,000 three years ago, expects to enlist in some branch of war service soon, ac cording to B. B. Johnson, president of the American Leaguo. , Johnson has had several communi cations from Collins concerning en listment but said that one he receiv ed yesterday left little roo mfor doubt that the Chicago second baseman will not wear a baseball uniform next season. (By Associated Ptmh.' 'r; Washington. Dec. ,14. Most ofttm country was in the grrp of storms Md?ibf cold weather tod Of snow throughout its Northern narts 1 almost from the Atlantic to the' Paci-';.; fic. Rail and wire traffic were much : impeded. The unseasonable cold ex tends to the Gulf States. " vl'S Snow was heaviest inv the. .East,' ; . from the Great Lakes to the Coast with a fall of a foot or more in inter ior New York. It was caused by a disturbance which has been moving, eastward and was .central 'this moirfe " ing on the South England coast. Snow was forecast, f o& tocifit and probably Saturday in Northern New' England and mg. the Great Jakesv with a marked tall' in tnperature Jrfi ; New England arid V a conHn-anpe" of. the cold in AUavii coast ; districts. r" Som e moderation .ojr .the cold is .'pre ' c" icted about Sundely -or Monday for : the Ohio valley, the East Gulf : States and the Upper lake j region, ; where';' it is causing distress, because 'of iict r' adequate coal supplies,, j 1 ' 1 In the Sottth temperatures :, were ,' very low, for that region. - Warning of a severe cold ?nap' with temperature i " I iuw us uegreos aoove zero . ior Mobile ?and .vicinity, were sent-' out. ; The cold? extends V as far aa Palm5: Beach, the Weather Bureau officials ; predicting frost as far. South as that; t i City. .; .- ..: ' V 1 ." , l-'vr; , Penfiyvania Storm Hit: ' V Philadelphia Dec. 14. Railroad and ' street car traffic througueax the State , ' was badly crippled by the. sleet, raia -hl" ernnrcr rif tootWlai-'-lAirLt''Vi'-V v.m.. or- ui AS-Miri-vji: ni.u u i T i i . w eS br f r ezmg TeiemtSaSdlk and telephone wires 'i are reported down all along the path of the stotrn while in the coal regions , the show ' was so heavy that -through, 'trains, were stalled for hours. It was feared ; here today that the coal ' shortage would be aggravated because", hun- dreds of coal cars are held up by froz en switches. - ' , .'';1'i..' Snow Halts Mine vverfc : Shamoken, Pa., Decv 14. Fifteen thousand miners in the Sham-ken t anthracite district were idle today) as a result of last night's blizzard ; RaiV f road sidings into collieries are. unci snow drifts ranging from three to' sev-l en feet in depth closing in whole trainloads of coal mined Thursday. No ; freight or coal trains were being moy- ed tdoay. ; 'v CLYDE LINE ASKS . INCREASED FARE: NITRO-POWDER FOUND IN TENDER OF ENGINE (By Associated Press). Jackson, Miss., Dec. 14. A 10-pouad can of nitro-powder was discovered 'speeially active south of the I 47 were from pneumonia. arne, in the Arras area, and north- r-woononrtpnt-o Visit hammips t-i T-tr r.Ti .m ., in Fnrtprs Tnt.ermit.-1 , .CT V i ! 1 -1 liVY -l- rHst or Yores in Flanders. Intermit 'nt ; rt ill cry activity continues along "ip I-reneh front. The only infantry ; af,fin has been near Juvincourt, north; " Ivh'ims, where a German attack Was 1 cnu5( c has' of and Were Impressed With What thev Saw (By Associated Press). Petrograd, Thursday, Dec. 13. Civil offenders in the Petrograd pris ons havp been rp.mnvprl tn iailo in the provinces to make room for coun-1 m tne, tenner or an engine oi me pal ter revolutionary suspects, who are i senger train No. 1, Southbound limit beinf arrested continually. Countess ied- of the Illinois Central railroad i Panin, former vice minister of public :,ust as tne nero nreman was ao u. I welfare, has been arrested. She is i to toss the can into the fire box while MILLS WANT COTTON charged with having returned all the the train, was-standing at the station e j i ' x, ciii. t-i l. i hero orlu tndnv minion y i uuus iu otctte DaiM., - j . leaving the safes in the ministry emp-j The -negro fireman was -shoveling ty when the Bclsheviki took control. ! coal into the engine when he discov- The lodgings of Mme. erensky, wite ered the can of powder whicn was (By Associated Press). Washington, Dec. 14. The Clyde Steamship Company asked the Inter state Commerce Commission today for authority to cancel second class and steerage passenger rates rom New York to Southern and Southwestern ports, and party fores between New York and the South. The result of -the proposed cancellation would be aij increase in passenger fares. (By Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 1-1. -Urgent u 5d (By Associated Press). With the American Army in France. ffl-. i-rreflserl tr msnortation fa aiitios 1 - 1 f A 1, 1 . . . . . . . T. T 1 J , C 4-1 J!A. T3v4 . V. I V.1 O rtlQTi QnH 1Q t t DrDH CO Vl 1 t ' 1 TI tVlA the Rrerta river on tne inursaay, uec. 10. uuux ui wn tor cotton consigneu 10 inbw giu ' ui lu iui mw x icmici, we uu- --.v--- i j i - - . v I i . T J ! i i. - -... ! 1 i T- 4- 4-f-tr. i T dOO TY1 h an -r'":. :n Italian front, there has been known war correspondents oi lnipur- mlns. was placed today oetore tne i'urtkf" oitrer fizhtirisr Austro-Ger- tant French newspapers have visited Shipping s Board, the Railroads' War maa , , c rPip r-.-.-fpd hv rresh re- the American troops and followed tho Board, and. the Cotton Transportation I s-;i-v.-. i.ttarked the Italian positions lines of communication from the soa Committee of Southern roads by the j untarily or he would be in great dan-famine it. in v:.;;-.-.. ,!-. r-,r.rr f,,o-H tho Hv. tn tho advanced camos. After inter- Transnnrtiitinn fommittfip. nf the Na-I .er of lynching if found. i The can was turned over to the au- ' - ' - J -1 V.V-.",illi.ltL IW VI ai U v -- - . -r t m. -4-h. jw j - flic Col Delia Veretta region, victory. We have been. struck particu-.: tional Council of Cotton Manufactur I k a ..in- ,-,.... at.. ... u , rtir Ho-Vit in thp tp-njlpr it rpspmh 1 Pf) Luuaj' UJ BUIUICIO. OllC W ctO lUll I 1- " . '6 --- w. . that she had better notify Kerensky a. lump of coal. The fireman noticed to come to the Smolny Institute vol-; its peculiar shape and paused to ex- HALIFAX NOW Ml TQ HANDLE BELIEF Each Day Sees Great Progress r in Cleaning U the Ruined City i (By Associated Press.) Halifax, N. S., Dec. 14. With the relief situation so well in hand that its services were no longer required, '.he Massachusetts unit, first on the ground here, after the great fire and explosion, went home today. The d PERSHING REPORTS NATURAL pEATHS i ; -4,-i.i:';''-';v'.'' (By Associated Press!.- , - .T Washington, Dec. 14. General ' Per- . shing reported to the War Depart- ment the following deatns from; nat ural causes: , ,;;'''. First Lieutenant George 'M. 'jCndef-' ir ton, engineers, December '9, 'on' board---1 ;-t United .States transport, tubercular meningitis; emergency address, Mrs.;., ; i"dith Anderton, wife, Alexandria, Va. :;;::,0-:::; Sergeant Paul Jordan, quartermas-. ter corps, December 10,. injuries 're-f ; suiting from motorcycle accident Vv emergency address, Grady Haley, uncle, Lavonia, Ga. ' " ' Private Harold Varner Marines, De: W-. cember 9, pneumonia; emergency ad-'"...!'.'; ';' dress not given. " Able Seaman Jan Hendrix Braaf hart, U. S. S Berwind, December llr lobar pneumonia; emergency address not givn. ' ' , Q. . 1 -.. - UnV.l - . - . L L an stanfP hpiri the attackers nressea to mem ma unauBii-mc ers thp spinners iear a oiiun -'I f in ed them to give up the ef- dence in an Allied-victory, the jour- ringency which would delay impor ?' - ; fti i- having suffered heavy nalists summarized their impressions t nt government contracts. None of l Other violent attacks in the i in the following statement: th? mw has a supply ror more than a1' - n gion brought no gains. j "We have :come to a striking reali- g0 c-ays ahead. while others have only ('f TT:ian bombs have killed a num- zation of American power. We haje eno;gh to tide 'them over the holi ' - Arcerican railway engineers in the fullest confidence in the aid which d3y;, h lr,vi! behind the British front. In America's armjl will render- us and; l iMH.thfi- ;ovn, a German bomb fell in we are more than ever convinced of. , Ten ivi;e Hikfl in Snow. :-;r.M-t through which American victory. We have ben struck particu-j Gee-ville, S. C, Dec. 14. The en trc.i.s w re marching. Although the larly by the brotherhood in, arms of jtjre 1?jth division at Camp Sevier went in; :! very close, no injuries re- Americans and Frenchmen and noth-!or, a io-mile hike yesterday afternoon, nbe'.i. ' - 'ing rejoices us more than the vigor, ; headquarters announced today. In j high spirits and enthusiasm of our al-j rythmic .-winging columns the thou Armistice Negotiations. Hies from overseas." .sands of American youth moved over Amsterdam, Dec 14 Official Ger-t The, party made a long, visit to a snow-covered fields and not a single ri!:m : nd Austrian statements say 1 camp of 'former national guardsmen j man was re? ""'1 to have .dropped out' l!!at tho Russian delegates arrived (where they partook of the . soldiers' i On rconv-' ' - -!:: inch snow, rifle Bres.t-r.it..., AnA -i .tho -nj.R. Thev also had long talks with practice and drilling was suspended w.on., vv cuueauar, j-i , - . , - . , " , . ' ; . -.,K . Members of the 6onstitutional .Ihorities here and an investigation I Parture of the delegation, members Democratic party now in prison will was begun. " xrlvf-- 0Tn 1 -i . ...... TnaMi- trior Mo 1 1 to v txr q a nronaron T.nw ed that Kaluga has been taken byj v The train, it was stated, had cnang Bolsheviki leaders express the opin-e dengines at Canton, Miss. ion that the probable penalty will be j exile abroad for one year or more. MADE-IN-GERMANl " 7 HAV-" ?you 600SHT FALSEHOOI- NAILED (By Associated Press.) means that Halifax was prepared now to handle , its own problem. ' This is evident throughout the city. Each day has seen great progress made. The eontinuejcl cold, however, has retarded work in the district laid bare by the blast of a munitions ship and it will be days perhaps Before AUSTRIANS CLAIM MANY PRISONERS a (By Associated - Press)- 1 -XS- 'T & London, Dec. 14. An official '"AoivC;V trian statement reviewing the recent attack on the Northern Italian front says that in the four days of fighting in the Meletta region 639 Italian of-; (, ficers and more, than 16,000 men were' made prisoner. The capture : also is! reported of 293 guns, 233 'machine " guns, four quick-firers, 81 mine throw- ! ers and a quantity of other., inate rials. ' ' ' .- :.-'--':': -Z-K'y AN EXCHANGE OF,; Svfe PRISONERS BEGINS (By Associated Presg.) -:. London, Dec. 14rThe Russian au- : thorities have ordered the -release of ; all -' civilian German prisoners in ex 1 change for 4,000 r Russian officers' in German prisons, according to a- dis patch from Haparanda printed jn' The V Dagens Nyheter ot Stockholm,; and forwarded ' by - the correspondent of ' Washington, Dec. 14. Persistent the snow has thawed sufficiently to repetition of a story that a woman enable soldiers and workmen to spy had been executed in the United drak the ruins for the. bodies known States has caused the State Debai I- j to be there. ment to send an official denial to Am-j The task of re-building the, homes .The Morning-Post erican legations and consuls in the in a two and a half square mile area - It is reported -reliably, the dispatch . 'European neutral countries. The story hardly Can! be accomplished in year, addsiilthat Russian troopsi havp been originated In Germany and its wide it is believed - by the committee di-,ordered ; to evacuate Finland. j The - spiead- Use is, regarded as another rectingtnat activity. Tne . big punnc codmanaer:. jot-tjie loru-tcauong.r.at , case of propaganda. The narqe ot funeral service planned for tbday was Jveaborg is aii to have. cknowledE- the woman was1 given at Anna Huit- postponed until tMondajrbecause of Jed officially-the independence )i Fin- '"lo negotiations were resumed the troops returned from the trenches ; at the camp and tne nme was suosi - tJl , . . . Jin - ' " he diffictdtyfVopening grarea. . , lani -esterday. especially those who were wounded, tuted. . x . - l-J i em, , N i