I WEATHER FORECAST- North and South Carolina Fai'r,i continued cold tpnight and Sunday. ; . ".'" - " - - - FULL LEASED WIRE .SERVICE VOL. XXIII, NO. 340. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY AFTERNOON; DECEMBER ; 15, J 91 7 PRICE FIVE-CENTf SHORT A GEOFrCOAL ! 4i 4fr -X- -Sf- -Jf- -V- . P. CRIPPLING NATION'S 1ND USTRIAL "PLANTS II 1111 iT . I I 4W - f 1 II sr4 TT . IT, '"'II Itll II -l I BB N IM! f73 II II itj-s m.fln to M Si Li Si kV Manufacturing Concerns Are Forced to Close for Lack of Fuel MUCH SUFFERING AMONG THE POOR Mailing Out Today First Five' Per Cent of the Qestion- naires RECRUITING OFFICES TINGHAM INJURED. ! Many Tenement Houses Ab-i solutely Without Heat New ! York City is Having its Worst Experience I (By Associated Press) .i Washington, Dec. 15. After a con . ference with Fuel Administrator Gar field today Chairman A. W. Thomp- son, of the Operating Committee of OEiiilMS I IN FRANCE TO BL V. ! OREBLY BUfllE Organization of Branch of Army Known as "Grave Registration Service" (By Associated Press) Italian Healquarters in North- coal famine was more due to a short 3" ern Italv. Fridav Dpr H A 1 4'aee of transnortatinn fari1itip than LlliLKALtL.! 3YAmrtLU army automobile in which Con- shortage of coal. The operating com !?JlnL!is e? ARRANGE FOR BURIAL, tvv L,un.i laiiuiir vvrm u in n ii nr in . Mini i - . CARE FOR GRAVES gressman Geor,ge H. Tingham, of mittee, he said, is trying to-overcome Every Sammy's Grave Will be1 Wnch rt r pmctranfe n immg tuuay uu a v;s- v ims Dy re-rouiing coal snipments. , Pav,.l 1 J J I 1 eat Kush ot Registrants .o it to Monte Q on h . aitnBt.ion in -rroperlly. Marked and Look- Avail i hemselves Or Last ern mountain front, skidded onr -fr ' gan solid train loads of coal are beine Chance to Enlist Overtaxes' the mountain side and dropped 20 Sent from Kentucky and Ohio lake ' feet. It made a double turn ;md 'nort; i : was crushed to piece?:? but the'; Chairman Thompson and Adminis-! ,v ongressiran ana me ouier ocoa- trator Garfield went over the whole Stations. ed After by a Specially Designated Squad , Ssas'c-ilL- vim" ' - : l . n s - , . k ass: w;a .;.l.,!iww.iSRasw i t- l-yLa-jjil I I - 1 1 0 I am Ierican .Aft rested. . ed and General Kaledines ; Petrograd, Friday, Dec; 14. Charles S. Smith of St.. Tniq a i HRIiLULKE rilJE 11N ' member of the staff of John 3. ! ' THE WEST IJSSFNs i0 Stevens, head of the American ! we itanway c ommission to riussia, is vie . 1 r ' . - rtr-u'r: : reported to have been arreste.-l c-xpeciea uerman vVJITensiVe ;' Nat M. AVills, "The Happy Tramp," ! ! is dead. Death came to him in kindly ! ! but tragic, fashion when he was as-! phyxiatedx in his garage at Woodcliff- & - ' 1 (I'.y As.s'icinteil Press.) ';isliins:ton, Dec. 1 i TJ TT A L3w.t..-.l T- With the American Army in France. 1 on-Hudson, N. J., by the exhaust from LUUk LAKLT ULLY Al l-ThV War transportation question as U affects Dec. .14.-The organization has beeWs car. The comedian, whose . . 'i: "JV: : : coai very exnausuveiy, witn tne result. , 'timelv fate will be mourned bv th in one un- ! b.trtmentV. huge task of classifying Congressman Tingham, il- -jtion's nan-power for arrav serv-' fired the first American actually begaij today wiia the against Austria, received slight in- who- that shot 4s ments anriollTirpfi nf k,.qt10v1 f , umeiy late win u mournea Dy with the re-arrangement of ship-! announcel of a. tench Gf the armyjsan wag atte tI to s on shipments, eliminating long,wn0!e sole duty js to arrange for thejof those acts of charitv for whi YOUR THEATRE TICKET Not Yet Launched tritical Stage of War Has Been Reached Declares Lloydi-' George. Partial, if not complete collapse V. juries and was car u; u! 'be hrs' jivo p. -'nt, 4. itary surgeon. u (irstiorinaires. At the vfi'iiil in.r ()(.;iiti.v: -ili-PHflv .v:pi . : 4" 4 already .vei j axi-.i with recent enlistments, threat-' t'lu'd to give way .before the ru.h oi! li-ut't registrants eager to avail them Uiy Associated Tress.) . tha pnnntor rovnlnf lot those acts of charitv for which he Washington. Dec. T'R; Beevnnin? to- . " ,i.Va;i .2; Z 1,, 1 hauls wliere shorter ones will reach burial of soldiers -who die in France ' was noted, as the car was to take him ! da v. tWm t. ahn,,iH h-i, ' indk:ated in an announcement .IromS cu 1"1 " 4'"- thp tPrritnrv nnrl nlr el i m i r . t in c tV,o' .... . . ..,J..:, , m - L , ' ' - .x wwx v j x ......u.M.t, uuu ior me care or tneir graves Ev- to a soiuiers oeneiit ai me iNew iorK ou-v-x.cu xoo xxui, umr lunucui- detail has been worifprt nut nfi ' Hippodrome ate improvement in the situation is, ' uecau nas Deen worked out and, ua f-r. 1 the American nrsfstriv.atier ia ovnont. ' 11 UpCU lUli I o-.....um . ' ' .1 v v. c l 4 4 4 AN ALLIED NAVAL lvs of the 1; chance to volunteer Secretarv Baker todav came to the The result of the plan would be toied to surpass similar organizations in supply coal to localities from theht nntieh nH T?4n Qr.;,, COUNCIL CREATED neares Producing or shipping center b features have been taken from instead of over the lines of ordinary) D St reaiures nave Deen taken from flir Associated Press.) trade. j both. Washington. Dec. 15. Creation of At the Department of Labor it was iFINIL ARGUMENT NltiS'U me ucn ui gauiiaLiuu is liuuwii as relief of the thousands of men who an allied naval council to co-ordinate declared that the labor situation now;tne "graves" registration service. It have volunteered fo rthe regular army, the naval operation of all the nations is Paiticularly favorable and can in g direction of a regular but have been rejected because of the at war wnh the Central powers was ity for the coal famines. Only three! army major and through that office) . breakdown of the recruiting machin-j announced last night in a cablegram or four disputes are pending between: is directly responsible to .General! Jury Will Let Case Late This ery, by ordering that all qualified ap-, to the Navy Department from Admiral operators and miners and none of Pershing. The se'ncice chief also is' A n 1 , r-iticiiiuuii vanciti o plicants who presented themselves be-j Benson at Paris. fore noon today should be accepted) Members of the council, established. operat0r was quoted as having re even though their examination and! in accordance with the plans of the .ported to the department that the la . , ii it ( 111 r. O lli'o'l rr -f riTi Tirill -r-k i- r -r 4- Vrr e i 11 5 4 irtn Tiro - A -'NTi'V i 1 " OtllCr QCL3.11S " u 1 Q HO t U6 aCCOIUpilSIl" ( w'vu vwAxi...x ix- i cyvi u t,u oil uanun nao i i v. a. . ed until later. them, il was said, has more than a superintendent of all American ceme- local significance. One prominent coal teres m Europe and as such is re-I spcnsiDie tor their, proper care and ! heir respective governments with rec- nmmpndntinna f nr ar-vnn Tnousanas or men, seeding to voiun- Th Suffering in New York New York, Dec. 15. With half of CUBA TO RENDER FINANCIAL Ain v v u a y x j- .s j-i. - ., , , i- - : -jf : - - -"" 1 council will be comDosed of the wew xorjrs coai yaras empty anaais m ieir resyecve aivisions ana in tlle teer, before the new draft regulations Minister of Marine and chief, of navwsuffenn. increasing the-. uixtBo to. fak:cm r:;..i5?Msocie8; v al staff of each country in the case tccter ftomes ot tne- poor, tne Fuel cemetery. -mew size or tne units is to . , - , . . . .10. liie -ts-jnate, Great Speech maintenance. (By Associated Press.) A unit of two- officers and 50 men I Concord. N. C, Dec. 15. As E. T. is provided for each army .division. j Cansler. of Charlotte, today" concluded l hey are to arrange for proper bur-! hfs fivV hours argument for the defense ! trial" pf Ga$ton B. Means; with went into effect at noon had been turned away because the recruiting Nations were swamped. Recruiting officers in many section-i ! ''-"-r.1 themrolves without means of rc inodathis thouTxds enlisted yes- " . day -mid the stream which continu 1 to apply. The discharge, of many ;ced upon -r ecruiting officers, 'neans r.crve men of draft age will fail n Their efforts to enlist before noon ihv after which they may join the 1 -v! .'"5 the Xational Army it w ho do not g?t :::to the Regular. Ar " v Mivough recruiting stations before do so later through their !' : ! loan's. Their applications Vill I" : i upon -mmediately but they will nv'rcir on (he rolls as members National Army. xx.. Tt.x. r,i..x. AI - Arimf-hietrftHnn tftHir avatwI all tKoir hfi inrrwiKPd if tlift neprl? Hemand WJiat tne OUVlCUOn anu execution Oi ui uie umieu outes,- secretary uau- x-xxx.xx. r " i , -, ieU. and Admiral Bptiti a the efforts to release thousands of tons of There also is a headquarters de-; the defendant ibr the murder of IVirs. meetings must be held in Europe coal tied up at tidewater, or in snow j tachment, in command of a colonel, j Maude A.! King would mean to Mrs. fl cr rfPifora .PSlVnn toil Tiv tfiAiT- crrtr- bound cars at sidings. f and reserve battalions to be available ernments will represent the members e general fuel situation regard- for detachment with immediate as- from both the United States and e as tle niost serious in the history , signment where needed. Japan. the city. Hundreds of tenement's j THe American Expeditionary Force ; :and homes are without heat; somo has been assigned land by the French A rptj ( factories have been compelled to shut; authorities for use as semi-permanent iEI IER HEAJ-.lrl down, and churches, schools theatres : or temporary cemeteries and officerc Means and their little child for all thd future years of their lif?, the defend ant's sister, Miss Belle" Means, at the direction of Judge Cline, was: takers from the court room weeping audibly while Mrs. Means sat besidfe har hus- AT CAMP SEVIER and PUDlic nalls are affected. J have just returned from a trip through. band and sobbed in silence. Mr. Can: - While Reeve Schley, jocai fuel ad-' the country directing cemeteries', , . tho fiQ, ... i:x x T . xi.ni xl : x ' i , i .i , 1 1 , , v. i luuu &.xxw . , - jLuiuastiiiLui, wa,a uuptnui vucit tutj sa- wnicn may De useu wuoiiy or paruy admission tickets 'to make sure they " ' x w eacy,. bear evidence that the war tax of. 10 1 whicn says thV Bolsheviki have pap. J per cent, has been paid. This can be tured three important cities Dp?i'? I accomplished at the theatre box office I -Cossack territory and that''erat ' by stamping or writing on the ticket Kaledines, leader of the -.Don- .Coa'? j the words, "War Tax Paid," or some i sacks, has been arrested, apparently j similar phrase. ! by his own generals. " " VV'v H Internal ' Revenue Commissioner Ro-' With General Korniloft reported, de per announced today that persons buy-' feated and wounded near Bielgorod; 5 I ing admission tickets to.. amusements i and General Kaledines under -arTest ; i would be expected to assist the gov- the only one left of the counter rey&Z srnment in enforcing the law by in- lutionary triuvirate of military leader v ' specting their tickets. - The tax is one lis General Dutbff, Hetman'of .the Urv al Cossacks, who ' has been operating , in the province of Orenburg. kJ The latest report on the situation the ranis' ' that there has been little mUitaiy,ao tivity while Bolsheviki agents 'WereW ! o t f arm -r f l-r. nr f -i hmtIa-myv. .i a 4-1 - " of'Dutoff's troops. ..J General Kaledines' fanv 'probably, followed the capture of Rostov; Nak hitcheval "and Hagahrog by theBol-. sheviki. There had been heavy ; fight-' ing in and around Rostov since , last' a Sunday and previous reports nad been . that General Kaledines was winning.11. Nakhitchevan is across the Donrivert cent on each ten cents admission or fraction of that amount. (lly Associated Press.) Greenville, S. C, Dec. 15. Decided nation which yesterday- afternoon unanimous ly adopted a resolution declaring that a state of war between Cuba and Aus tria-Hungary exists also approved a resolution appropriating $600,000 an nually to be used by the President of the Republic in aiding any hospitals, u TYl Hill a r. ro nnrnc a r A aim 51 n r In jyfJfn f,- x. x , . , . - i from Rostov, while Taganrog-is on tions that may be established oy the -. ' -? . t. v the gulf of the same name 10 miles national Red fnss: S5 40f) Ortrt annual- west of Rostov, would be relieved before for American dead.. Already two enly in their status as mem- J Camp Sevier is shown in the weekly night, Charles S. Allen, spokesman large burial plots have been fenced in improvement in health conditions at tor tne association ot wnoiesaie aeai-;and posted, and a number of small ! PoTYln Coviai fa olxrtTxrn 4ri Vl fx TTrna TT artl in t Vl fx r1tV hpllP.VPR flint PVP Tl ' nnnn rtrlnrrol noni. fn f fSTYi tVlIt' TTlen x x o ouunxi xxx vu. uuaij v.w - J - j t ' - xx. - - unco aiiailgcu iioai lh. 11 uut xxi anrouncc:., hovever, tnat me t . u. cir.x. tndav Tho iithi whsn rnnditinns herome n-wnsl Nsw .o-,r rScfinrr iqc fm. tva Knr,.Qo infantry regiment, from Tennessee, is York cannot expect a surplus supply Gf Americans who may be killed in the only outfit under quarantine for this winter. i action. meales. During the past week only The shortage of labor here has in- j Each grave in the main cemeteries seventh deaths have occurred which creased the problem of removing wm uave a Vross at the head and an rate is below normal. Seven cases of snow. While about 14,000 persons are iron marker. Temporary graves will meningitis have been in isolation, but needed to clear the streets, only t,wue marked by pegs and a cross oi no deaths have been reported. The shovellers nave Deen oDtainea ana tneier headstone. On each also there, decrease in the rate of sickness for street cleaning department has issued be an identification tag and a ?!. ira'iiii'.; or Questionnaire.- win b: (.iipk-.ed rn?c'dily by the War De- iar-ii.;- :in.l within 0 days ?"nore will ne ui-1 defense. He was followed by L. C. Caldwell of Statesvilla, in (he final argument or the State. , Indications at the opening or courr t.dnv vere that the. case of las ton B Means, accusp-d of tlie murder of Mrs. Maude A. King, would, go to the jurv late today or tonight. ' The final argument for the defense, hv E. T. Cansler. of Charlotte," inter- V . ( : u..:.) i re-ristrant-.-. r.v: c'.asses as regard.? heir -; ior l.ii'itavy service. 'n a, card giving the soldier's rank, the organization to which he belonged and the circumstances of his death (hi... ;i' i 'or;:- i;i v. ii. ' !. the past week, in spite of a six inch a can ior women neipers in an ei snow fall and generally unfavorable fort to make up for the shortage, weather, was reported at 50 per cent.; Shipbuilding Work Curtailed. : I wumcy, jnass., uec. w.-Decause w, whicll information also will be for- Successful Applicants. !a shortage of coal the Fore Riyer'warded immediatel yto the record y ;erxce. ..i , rr-ho muni-nfr arp ihf 11 men who plant ot tne Betnienem fenipDunaing fir.0 wv,pr(1 fhP; rprnrd will r.ontaiiv ii i -! is.-ur-d today, Provost Uar' ( successfully passed the examinations Company, which has been running the location an(i a picture of the -nv:!r .u.'.i: 'r tho tt'iiminrtnn Xnntir: Spnnol night and day for some time, was;-.,,... fr henpflt tf riat.ivfi . 1 1 (!,., mO. ! xxxxxxxxo , O4"'- haw; uueu it - , d now subject to orders for not in operation last nigut. wu.cuus ; -;(n Sk,; ''1 with the Shipping.Board: Capt. -:-: :i.ion (it the local board-,, so V. T.awla ,.ott,ia t. Mprritf. Hr. d J b be marked by pegs and a cross or oth-J oC01irl (.071,U(lefT ioAay. Alter Mr. Cansler's address final -argument for the Stato war; to be made. national Red Cross; $2,400,000 annual ly for use directly or through the Am erican, French, English, Italian and other Allied nations, in relieviug the j sufferings of the civil populations of the war-stricken zones and soldier vic tims and their families. The measure now goes to the House. The announcement of the official i I news bureau says that the captors of I General Kaledines" liaye invited the.1 mayor of Rostov to go to Novo Tcher- WAITED FOR LAUNDRY BEFORE SURRENDERING nut i.iic slightest hesitation i -; rr '.'.u i.bsolut.e succe.--, of :i'i:,:icn system, froru every );i ii y has come praise of !i V!:l piOVlUe aixi.lr"S ill a Thrn will hfi a continual insDection said that the plant would be operated 1 of u . cemeteries, to make sure that -i a - j i . . : i i'..HiuA- ' B Lewis, Lewis L. Merritt, Her- aunng me ua ouiy umu imuiai tnev are properly kept. The personnel with es under- trans- the Caotain Martin Killed. suvenimenL ainai, M1U irt.-L ini-u, mQst efficient service, (Bv AsH-iut-1 iTsa) itnat unless he-could ohtam dennite Many Villages and parishes in this Washington, Dec. 15. Captain John assurance by next Monday night of a ! section Gf France also have set aside R. Martin, attached to the first brig- renewed supply of coal the arsenal , ,t f any American dead, and nde, United States marines, on duty would be forced to suspend- work on.those graVes already occupied have been cared for tenderly, by the French wpII' a the Americans. In one in- All local v,Q crrairo nf a sfr?paTit was . 1 1 U- lit. V. iuv h" 1 1 4 -,VJ- ' t..-7T v.. xV,,. r,-, ..r .jf.l .. . ., ,,uai -.a iiitii oi.adwlov Rfthftrt. Stono Hfir- tJce out mat tney weie "'Wiui oi uu- f tl service has been selected -ii.--.-. the millions otre;. - Hary Mahler. John Gaining a larger supply of fuel soon. ; a view to its experience and qualifi w'.imn t . cic; ... v , wooira Pahw Panfldflv ' Arsenal Needs Coal. i lions, and manv men who were J J! i::shalled ;or tne.r a j . - '" ' : Watertown, Mass., Dec. 15.-Major, takers in cIvil iife have been , , ! .. ai-. each m uie , - r Tracy Dickson, commandant of the'fprrftd to where thev can give -;-i nr,"!l" wortn iullllffe x i :v, ..... . in Haiti, was killed today in an auto-. December 18 ' . ..fn,nwip ar-ridfint near Port Beudet. new toia Kecora in roenmono. i. "in r i nn i . ' i.i a w j w Mr. Cansler th;s morn-nr- t,ooT' t;.-.- contention of the State thpt Ms King's resources vere Dractically ex hausted at the time of her dcth ana .hat. the defendant .snent the last few weeks befo- her . death laving his plot.. Mr. Cansler showed from the evidence that she had, in addition to pbont SI 9 000 f-o'-i hov $400,000 life irnst. which f-nded at her death. He "oup-ht to show from the evidence that the defendant was vcrv busv last .Tnly !Td Ai'2:iist p'-enara: to probate 'ho alleged last will of the. late 'Jame j C. King, which, could nrft be probated Aft-.- her death. Of all men m the world, declared Mr. Cansler, the Ce-'-ndant had the strongest possible mo to preserve and prolong the life of Mrs. King. hv no'iii- Haiti, according to a message receir-j Richmond, Va., Dec. 18 , .. x.., K,r wovir nonartmpnt Thp of. cold wave records for th( ,i hv tho Mflvv Denartment. The o! cold wave records for the first part r.TT1x, fnr bv the vmaeers a ficer was a native of Detroit, and. W;v 'of December were-broken this mom-, few nours after the burial .service. An ..n cisicn cf the new sys i appointed to the marine corps as a "is. neu ieiupiuLuit- American officer who then paid a vis- the history oi tiie ;i:H!i'':-. b:n I'wfi'!! with (By Associated Press.; With the American Army in France, Friday, Dec-- 14. A story of how Ger man officers are surrendering is told b3T an American officer just returned rfom the British front where he had been undergoing - instruction. One night recently a German offi cer crawled across No Man's Land to the British wire, raised his hands and cried". "Comrade!" British soldiers cover ed him with riues whereupon the Ger man said: "Excuse mo if I flower my hands. I've got a package liere." The surprised Britishers granted the request and the German dropped into the trench. In his hands he had a package of laundry. He said he had decided to- surrender a week before," but had waited until his laundry came back. , MAJ. LEO D. HE A RTFS FUNERAL TODAY (Kper-ifll to The T)ispatcb.) P-'ei?h. . N. P., Do-. Maj. Lao .i,.r, .:ii wT.nniHr.r tho enn ,'irst eponnri lieutenant in 191G. He had i w" culuco'' t:cci"MC1 "ura'it there found the mound accurately 1 " J Khinr TTnn.TilaA nonom liop VI 1 8QCI . , . ... a j ' T TJ rl ,.1- ll,n TTnio CMtn il l l;y a i the laws ot reason; hcon on duty in Haiti since Decern- -- xMV,. , -"-'' rounded and neapeu witn nowers anu . an... v .m. u.u-.c, will :m. .-H-ej an;t to their country ber last' year and served as aide on . m;";u'-' lvuv".' already marked witn a cross mu.v. vl Vl , :., .;t,. i,r ill f.n-IIPP ,i. . ..x.xu! x- n:. nonoKol f 'nlr, nlCCS. Hlfiiuia lino vrii m i.x.. ixxxwv-.T ..!, hoon parvfid tnp SPT"fl uaiuuim, uxxvx xiwuiv. .x. ;i I : .II c-CB.tuj y ixx x - Tne Stall UI Dllgauici ucuciai vwn., . uit;u uau uvvu v,ix - ithe more deferred clns-- i commanding.' His mother, .Mrs. Jraryf e cvold since last Sunday. name and organization and the : t!ch necessity does arise. ; Ravenei ives at 147 Nodd. street, ( Traffic has ben impeded m jtA sec- French authorities, . with a. touching lind the cot:ntry ready. j find the country ready." i "i'l,ro-ih tlie Coverr.ors of the !';at'-- a l-e-al Advisory Board, to as i reyi.-.inir.l.; to r ake intelligent i Charleston, S. -C''v "Nothing Doing." CTJy Aociareff Press). heavy snow. Cleveland Hit Hard. . apology., promised that the cross should be painted the next morr ; Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 15. One hun-T" " and that will last but a-fev Pnr,- riof i?; "ivrnt h in ? worth re ' ''ed thousand men were out or wont . , Mnrmaiiv tho two nower neir questionnaires, has i n? oCcurred during the course of ; a:td hundreds of Cleveland s largest of the company consume 50 i to every iuw. .. t . ht wjth the exception or ratn- iMOUW o-"" ar Gf coal-'daily., Grand Iodge of Masons. wVi die'l here Thursday - night, after a short illness, will be buried with Masonic honors this afternoon at 3 o'clocU. The fu noral Rfirv5rfi will he held in the PirSf. Presbyterian church, of which Malorj.been- resumed with the Germans at Heart't had been an active officer and I Minsk and other poirfts ' near ' the worker for years. Deceased was 671 northwestern front. New shops have GERMANY RECEIVES FATS FROM RUS3IA ; . - ' (By Associated . Press Petrograd, Dec. 15. The Germans already have - begun to obtain fats and other sorely needed supplies from Russia, . according - . to information reaching Petrograd today. It was an nounced that credit institution here had been informed that trade had no sar.-e agencies, tne man artillorv -fires on the Beau- .isedirino in every community j nl nnnT!1T irnnt TNnrth'of Ver- I xl!zo l themselves to aid and .., .nav,a wat. AfPI atatoJ the: t turning out rush orders of war! Tho'UUUJ, oaJO ,. I ir rorH ror, thp flovolanni ,r, : ment, tod ty because of the shortage of coal The companies affected, many of : '-d'cal examinations. :. cf the men who aro t; I- new system iave offered rvi(;; without price to their -":-nii'(;-:it. Heavy Fighting In Italy. Bv Associated Press). iriji-n Honn"!'Tters in Northern wait. . iais, uei)ouu "" v.v.wux.! Electric Illuminating Company for electric power. Late yesterday theji coal, .shortage reached such an acute stage that the Illuminating company shut oLT electric current to all big industrial manufacturing plants. oP-r:et:on ot the ciassmcauun -ik- ttahvv - flrhtine is in complete tne - oo tnfl rnnimtain frontHndust the local and district ooaras. . . -vArthprn eaqt of tne Brenta. The idle manufacturing plants will' . ter they will act each in their The - enemy is attempting to! resume operations Monday morning . . .. . t anvnnn nis li nuiif '- u. r- i , uivtmv," .- - x. . . ...Li.i, advntlCfi hl9 DOS tlOn ,ny ner regiBOTUcm wmwu ' ttf . wntttt would give the Illuminating company's plant is ; and will consider changes west. 01. uio xvj- k. rw Vo -rtai u- or transfers of jurisdiction him twonnes oi wiowu, tu ""ilr-n such may arise. Brenta valley and the open plain. I not delayed. Only five cars, of coal. were received by the company last I mm r m m . r u u l & - 11 years' of age, and for 10 years had been treasurer of the .Grand Lodge of Masons of 'North Carolina, and had been Clerk of the United States Dis trict Court for several years. been opened and the Germans are ex changing metals and chemicals for vegetables and fats and " especially soap. .V ' ; v - TWO AMERICANS I nU IIIUIC IICU UVA UMIIOl. ' , - n. TVVV T"T fff IPf IFv Associated Tress lTNJUKEXJ 1I OnLltx j Boston, .JVlass. Lec. lb. two more members '. of the Boston American (By "Associated Press.) 1 1 Leasrue baseball team enlisted n tne I With the American Army in France t navy, it was- learned today. Pitchers ' -JbTiaa ; uec. 14. a. oursting sneii J Pennock and Bader, signed, as yeomen, has wounaea. two American railway f it was sai . Jiat club headquarters, engineers- working behind, the t British making 11 ? members of the team . whor front,, according to reports received (have joined' the nation's first line of 'today.. The projectile struck in a pile defense. Of picks, shovels-and other r tools.'-.. kask, the ( capital of the Don terri .. ory, to discuss the suspension of -mil ary operations. The mayor;,ofJJtos?;j tov probably is a member of the'.Bol-; sheviki, agents of which,' organisation ;J were reported several days ago as -having been sent into the -ranks', of I Kaledines' Cossacks to spread extrem ist 1 propaganda. j v ' The people of Germany are reported " to be looking forward to a supreme -German effort on the Western front, but so far it has not developed. ' fvV The artillery activity wnich .'has been very heavy along the Western front for the past week or more hais i ; died down in intensity on most oft,heV front. , . ;-.;;;, 'ISY.' East of Ypres yesterday, the- .Ger- mans gained 300 yards of front line trench in the region of Polderhoek . chateau. Elsewhere the " Germans were repulsed. British positions!' in ;v the Arras-Cambrai" sector are .being ; bombarded heavily, especially east ; of " Bullecourt and north of the Scarpe river. h'-Jf,:Js Z Pjersistent efforts by the Austnv' Gerpiahs to break through the. Italian - S-defense immediately east of the Brep- ta river continue, Dut witn. ntue sue- . cess and heavy . casualties. f ' An;f .at-. -tack against the Col Beretta 'positions was repulsed by the Italians." 7 Hand- v to-hand fighting developed in an Aus-" tro-German attack at the bead, of tho -Calcino Valley. Italian soldiers and' French and Italian "cannon '' checked the ' enemy during most of ithe" day'' and at nightfall the Italians gave up" a , short section of ground at - the head' of the valley. ' ' v V The critical stage of, the war ha? been reached; Premier Lloyd-Georgf says,, afe Germany, is straining to strike before' American help can make up, for RussjanC'x failure.' -Upoajthe tonnage, America" and Great Britain can construct in the next. -.year,- de pends the destiny of the . world. There is no - prospect for world ; safe ty, cthe. British y Premier declared, : .ixi-. a league of 'peace, as it .would he ,s, farce without victory toward : which the Allies are making progress! Peacfe . proposals -"when the Pr ussian -military spirit' "is drunk ! with ' boastfulness' would be a betrayal of trust. 1 Premier Lloyd-George- said . he agreed.' .with President" Wilson's war aims" and gave : warning I against -; . men:- '' who . ' think '.; there is a; safe way house between f i, -i.' 4 ft. t v-. - VI- v 1 ... . - . . -." - i -. -

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