., lj , - - -.; - - . , ,- .'. v WEATHER FORECAST ' si ' TTTT T . .. North and South Carolina Partly cicudy and cold tonight; Tuesday, fair and warmer. A . ; VOL.. XXIII, NO. 342. FULL LEASED, WIRE SERVICE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 17, 1917 I 11 j 1 13 Ru;ii?. and the Central Powers Have Declared a 28-Day Armistice BOLSHEVIKI LIKELY TO GET RECOGNITION GUILT?" OF R GHARCf So Said the Cabarrus County Jury's Verdict Sunday Morning THE STATE HAS NO CHARGE AGAINST HIM Allies Consider Recognizing Present Russian Regime a Protective Measure No Big Battles on Any Fronts. Ar.v Associated Press) "Yhon the armistice agreement be tw.tn the Russian government and the (Vntral Powers goes into effect on ih" Eastern front today, the emis sin o!' the several countries "' be ?:n negotiations looking toward pc" between Russia and her former ene-rain-. Meanwhile it Is Indicated in London that the Allied powers may be preparing to deal more sympathetical ly with the Bolsheviki government. The armistice between Russia and the Central Powers is to continue for fBy Associared Press.) days, and for an indefinite pe'-: Concord, N. C, Dec. 17. "Not guil afterward unless a seven day notice ' ty" was the verdict of the jury in i? siven. Both sides agreed not to the case of Gaston B. Means, charged un uiiiiiitry transiers on trie Eastern theatre except those begun when the treaty was signed. London newspapers forecast the Allies will give recognition of the Bolsheviki "in order to prevent Rus sia from passing under the political economic heel of Germany." PRICE FIV CENTSL In lire Red iCross Service Defendant Released F rom Custody No Demonstratior W'n Verdict Was Rendered New York Undecided with the murder of Mrs. Maude A. King, widow of a Chicago millionaire. I who was shot to death' at Blackwelder I l ife t. 4mW9im i?M:!f! -si V." fiL GROZIE City Fell Into British HarfdsK Only After a Hard -Sl-lm Contest JEWS AND ARABS jf rAVUK 1 Oil. ALLillO Tells of the Many. Difficulties ! Met in Arming American Forces j Population of the Holy City Welcomed Arrival of Brit-: ? .: ish Troops Story of thqf City s Surrender. EVERY SOURCE AT (By Associated Press.) ,"-v i London, Dec. 17. In attacks preced-'i-. - jing the surrender of Jerusalem, the 1 Turks employed storming troops , ill vin j successive assaults on Nebi Samuel, i'. , -a UiViiVlArilJ UoHIIjby London troops, according to a Reu-V . - ter dispatch from,-British headauar- Cooperation of British 'andlters in Palestine. The dispatch giyes ; - "ciano tuc caiJLUic auu tuts uuli Jr . . - into Jerusalem. ' J'-:V,7'. The final -Turkish attack" was .pre V ceded by such a heavy shelling that It appeared the enemy was confident tho .V " British would be blown off the summit, ' ; '" but all their attacks were repulsed ' - ' nsumaniy. The Turks had astrong French Has Been Great Help Says Ordnance Chief Many New Guns (By Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 17. Army ord nance conaitions at the beginning of tho. presto f-senl yeai are treated ; tme est, south and northeast of J&a only briefly by Major General Cro- spring, near Concord, on the evening of August 29, last. The jury made knera its verdict at 10:22 Sunday morning, after having Great Britr i is said to haia de- aeiiDeratea since i o clock Saturday fided to release TphitRterM,. u2.li-.S5h tH ?lan political prisoner, and the Bolshe- c wrm me asrdrras tt- vlki are now permitting Britisa sub- coy court nouse in tne presence or jects to leave Russia. e defendant, his wife, and mother, To the American delegate at the representatives of counsel and others Paris conference is said lo beloc? the vhn b'"1 Ic?rT1p(i the 3ury wa3 about r-dit of temporing of the Allied at- to make lts rePrt- tin'.do toward the Bolsheviki. ! There was no demonstration, pro- Labor strkes appear to be the great bably prevented by a warning Judge cbs'scle before the Bolsheviki at pres- Cline had given before hearing the ent. eneciairv in the Petrograd dis- jury's report, accompanying it with in trict. The railway and fuel situations structions to Sheriff Caldwell to ar are serious. The co.unter revoif. is rest anyone who made any demon ?t:ll more or less of a menace to Bol- stration. However, a little later, when shevik authority and the Constitutant the prisoner had been formally dis Aw.nbly is another knotty problem, charged and the court adjourned, Mn The ronfiscation of all property Means was surrounded by relatives, and money of the Russian church has attorneys and friends, who hastened been rinrreed by the Bolsheviki who to shake his hand and congratulate alsn hoVe abolished all privileges of him upon his acquittal. ' the riprey. ! After his release, accompanied by Exrcpt on the short stretch between his wife, Means left the court room the Bienta and Piave rivers, there and went .to the home of his father, has b.-pn no marked infantry activitv A little later, he reappeared on the on fh.- front from North Sea to the streets of the town where scores of Adii ttjr. Although their losses have friends .extended congratulations. As been bfavy, the Austro-Germans con- he and Mrs. Means were leaving the tinue tlu ir cton attack?- In an effort court room, they met one of his sis to break the Italian Northern de- ters who had just arrived and the two fense in hard fighting just east of women rushed into one nother's arms, the r.renta, the enemy has gained Col weeping for joy. cut.- Every Home in WHrnington Should Be Able o Display a Red Cross Service Flag 'Christmas Eve. E Tmsnsrm uss D UPON AND There Shall Be no Transfer ence of Troops Until Jan uary 1 4. SEVEN DAYSNOTICE BEFORE BREAKING ivrcr ranirir nnTTmrrrrn r mrStQ rtittW Hn I Hfi i r lit 11 1 1 m jflill I IlliHIL y I f U HAS ABILITY M KU I Si IIIIIUIIMIIilillllll : m ill wvitiiaaiiwwiwaw ft rt sr as s at rk ! m i y rusa'.em. They were well provided sier, Chief of Ordnance, in the annua: V1LU. mac,ain,e Buns ana ineir artuierr.- report of his bureau made p-d'olic to- "" , , , lS over wmcn tno day. Since the report was written, fcnth should have to advance. Some.y General"'- Croiier haa iurnished th'3Turkls" suns were placed just outside ' w ; Senate MlHtarv CommitAp inmh!the cit walls, making it impossible to imoje complete record of what I.as rePy to their fire without endanger-. . been done to arm the forces in France HS ine town- . ':; r under .training in the United' -''A torrential rain made the road' : States. I impassable," the correspondent con-' ihtf4l il4tfci'lACl5.. east, windjere':': F oTdTirae l iOO.OOO American Knfield riflPR. te- "uulcms UPy miixuBturovo , tails for the re-chambering of the Brit-1 us t0 despair. The camels were .un-i V ish standard gun for American ammu-!able to keep a foothold on the slippery ; nition, having been completed J':ne i IPaths-" Nevertheless the food and.affc-.-V:: On the machine gun situation, Gen-! munition supply was maintained fully: oral Crosier says that several tvoes "n the niSht of December 7, vfhvo. of weapons have been found efficient !our attack began, the men moved up PERMANFMT PEAGEj p n Hi n id nun Hi rauj i by the Machine Gun Beard, hut iuat'u?aeJ cover of darkness, the attack.... procurement of an acequai- f uomy iPlvotT!nS on Nebi Samuel, from which ; ;, was n Pvpsiinn nf eprnWnrr niiii !the Londoners advanced eastward to-c I General Pershing Issues Order Providing for Promotion From Ranks When the jury had filed into th?j :zo -.:i..y after two attacks had court room judge ciine told them i oblif ated no transference of trooosj en .,nusPd. The invaders have not that during his charge of the day be-juntl1 January 14 (January 1, Russian),! it iNo lNotice is Laiven Ar:rii3- tice Will Continue Miii-i tory Situation to Rsmain a-sj ! rivervone Believes Vvar With! (By Associated Press.) . Central Powers Will Be j Petrograd, Sunday, Dec. 16. The C-UA Of? I terms of the Russo-German armistice, j according to a statement issued he?e, ; piTRMAISl TROOPS TRAINING SCHOOLS 1 iStMllNU IhL LiiiL Privates First Show Their Ef ficiency by Earning Appoint ment as Non-Commissioned Officers . j T 1 i ;i " n A- . . ' "In other words," he adds, "rlie nun!-! XVcUU Jm wnue otner iroopst-.; ber of machines on hand when wnr ! ascended the Hebron road, threaten was declared was so small tha . it waim Kthe town from the south. viiHi necessarv tQ keep g-z at ch- great-! "Tney found Hebron evacuated but;'4(,. est possible velocity machine gun ! encountered resistance around Bethle t Priories -which were already m opei lhem' where. the Turks also had posted' alien and to utiile their output wj.misuns so that counter battery work I, the guns so maav'aclured had been re-iW0-Id endanger the sacred village. f poned hy the board was effxeiea, .v-! "Hence our troops had the disagree-.;-: -a taough Ihev rt-fy not have beniable experience of being shelled with- j; .ported as most eificient. jout the abMity to reply. But theyv "Every efiergy has been bent to se-: pressed forward and by noon of the,s- (By Associated Press"). With the American army in France, Sunday, Dec. 16. The orders just is- WILL BE RELEASED : sued b General Pershing providing for a system of promotion from the ' aprillp at the head of the San Ior bp Z:ZTL' TLftt KSC S'StXCS S Teuton, Too Foxy to Havej" nifok.-d by the Italians. i PVenine" and asked if thev interpret-! a re-grounpmg oi luxces. ineuei-, 1 r00ps idle OH fc.R8Y.ern i'.r:nh troops on the Cambrai front ed that to mean an expression of his JUBU8 aie liUL LU tuui;eilUdLt; txuuyS vr !! riiPri mids bv infantrv and tv,Q fQt f tho time between the Black Sea and the Baltic, j yj i iiiKj ii art lu cijl i. . v. o vi. luu ti" bombing parties on the "Southern end of the tragedy. In unison, the jurors l tlif nfnv salient. South of Iensr rf-liprl thev had not !,;ih improved their position. The Cerk of tile Court then asked i'MllPiy battle has been more ac- the formal auestion as to whether a "th of Carpe and north of iverl at.. J. Frank .'' !: in Flanders. In Cham- atnn whn haH been rhnsen fore-! exchange newspapers n-'n. north of the Chemin Dames tb. Th.. flVP Lanr east of the 15th degree of longitude, east of Greenwich. Intercourse be- j tween the troops may be allowed from j Front Doubt as to Gen eral Skalons' Suicide demonstrates his ability may win a commission, makes all non-commis-I sioned officers eligible for a school ; which Js being established .at a large training school have been found to be (By Associated Press.) ; training school have been found to be " "r T I ondon Dec 17 Te prominent x . . . pifeureu iur iiiuunung on moior irucKS ,i t,, r,ifot:n., - " " msu uau ueeii uiuereu. ed to 25 persons at a time who may!'-L b i1": . " ' ' , vates who desire to become officers I The report show that 3.8 inch and and unsealed , 4 1 . , . ...... 6-mch Howitzers, the sruns nrins . sunrise to sunset. Groups are limit- j ,cure sahsfsctory output, and consid erable progress this direction is be ing made. Funds appeared to date are adequate for the purpose. . "It is shown in the report that au American feld guns are to be simi 'ar in calibre to the French "75s" which have been so much discussed 4nce the war began. "The French semi-automatic breech .necnanism also has been adopted in! west of the town eighth were twro miles north of Beth lehem, iv - - "The Londoners had a hard task on ' . C the steep slopes of the Judean hills, where it was impossible to bring 4 r field guns to their support, but some i V mountain batteries and howitzers ren-;?., dered magnificient service and by 7 in trr&i the mornjng, the Londoners had stormy J V ed and captured all the enemy works ::xh'. factories. Anti-aircraft guns of the "75" type nlso have been adopted. Both thest and the machine guns are under man ufacture in quantity the report r,ay. am 'ffo' - Fur-'. tiv;r ..- pai-r r. Sv,-. . , of the St. Quentin, German u.ve been -checkied by the while intermittent artillery ac- man, answered in the affirmative. Di-j " VVT' ;V r;irT cially at the capitals of all the coun-' nnnniTltmpTlt as TinT1.pnm. recting the defendant to stand and j exchange articles of prime necessity. trjes concerned. According to special raise his right hand, the Clerk then ( A special agreement will be made (iispatches from Petrograd, every one missioned officers. asked the jurv if they "found the de-!y the naval general staff regarding there believes that a permanent neace ; The non-commissioned officers will j Crozier expresses appreciation of the continued over a greater fendant guiity or not guilty of the j extension ot tne armistice to tne between Russia and the Central Pov - be sent to the training school on rec rhe front from St. Quentin to !:inf crime charged "Not guilty," replied Foreman Good man. ' ' " ' - - Clio H lUyl CO UL1 l VUl 1 jjuuiiutll" C i Ai. ' Jj." . thP Artip 7,nr,e It is. agreed also that ' f.o oQ . ! ommendation of their superiors. V- - gciiciai n CdU ci o "vaUijiuiD luc ujiut: Be- attacks on war and commercial ves- taking of Germany and her allies not. 'fore submitting such recommendations t a tt. i, rkoovro f nminspi for sels must stop in these regions in or-! to withdraw troops from the Eastern j the officers charged with this duty JUQge V ranK VJSDOrne, JI tuuusci 101 ,mJj ,1(1 ,-n ,rtV.QT. cooc. fi a to-ol ionntnV, rrv,Q I nro 4netnintoH Vvv riPTiprol PprehiTie''s -J 1 V ' ra J r ? 5 cniviAlNS SINK 5A bJ'ilh'a. w iU eHif T-Tov i re a tu., urJ Trrfhow.. "The armistice on the naval front; Times says large masses cf Germans ; orders to give the most careful con- uen itJUiem ii 11c ... ,v,-. oil Viq T31 a nr Qoo onrl tlio I alvrnrl v Vimr hppn rp.mnvprl nri l TPrp eiMoratinn tr tho TPfnrrl nf tVlflSP. charge against the defendant, to ... - , whirh the Solicitor replied: "I have Baltic Sea east of the Meridian 15 Ge-; " "-u . i- . '"' Associated Preps'). 'in::, Dec. 17. "outrai merchantmen- One British t Jot " Judge Osbme then f0i W grees easl of Greenwich. The demar- transferred all it, purposes to onrio H When candidates attending t ... not Judge usDorne nen . fiYO, fnr tht mapV Spn is elsewhere so that us plans are not training school have bee fnotmd to a.B,X.1,Ut"e 7. the court to re,ease the defeno- cation Hne fld to, the Mac Se3: 'f j Skely to be deranged sei-iouy. the training school have bee fnound to be , .iJ t,, niiT, fr tho lisrht hmisfi of Slinka to the!11. c proncient tney win De assignea 10 va- by German naval fore- anc irum cu.tuuy, - -uu ."Z" nMTpnhP tn i The reported suicide auring the a rn-' cancies as seCond lieutenants of re- r saia: r iistice negotiations at tfrest LitovR o! . 1 j. - 1 3 fi.,j. In Tlolfi- tho lino nine frnm Rpn- . . re the result of i ne aeienaant is- reieaseu. ao- .u .v, " X I the Russian General fcikalons appar ootiinrv of thp Dnmihfi tn nanft Garos. . .. . . . . i . . 'Tn thp Tteitin thP line run from Reo-1 'stice negotiations at wrest i.itovsK ot placement divisions. Thence they will ' ' t-. ht a tm.r,A 1inriVi tho tiip1 tn thp wpstern coast, of Worms 1.. j .-j! T. on a convoy bound from' i-on ividus iucu yu -r T:;:: t, . v. auy nas maue wub ueraoie nupre.- lialtie. ,and nt-ner causes in combat di go to fill vacancies occasioned by cas- The Turks still c nodified form, so that American and held the last line on the ridge over- French batteries in France can be! looking Jerusalem, having posted nu-vf served rrom tne same ammunition n-.rons machine sruns on the houses v:.4l of theJewish and German coiohistE .. in the furthest outskirts of the tpwn , The position was charged later in the' J afternoon of the eighth. The magni-'ci' ficient feat v.Tas crowned with com-- . plete success and the Turks were driv-f vf , en out at the point of the bayonet. . The survivors bolted to either v side, olvl :-. the town. Their losses were enor- ; mous. . "Throughout the whole of the tight--, ing around Jerusalem, the Turk:i. show ed a more desperate spirit aittNi grejttc ar. tonanit-v than in filmost anv nreviouS - ' co-operation of French and British -THov tnnrt their eround to ordnance experts in turning out these 7 , i ,,ns- The production of large calibre Durh; the night, the Turks Witeffev rnooi e artillery; that a weapons 01 drew to 5ie north.andiaSt of the Otrk the type f the Geran 42 centimeter , and at 8 0.clock on the morni ng of the ;, 'came out with a flag of truce and sur-; V ,1Iv used for barrage worTc in trench fighting, were designed and redy fo? manufacture on June 30. General '"ay in the army's equipment. supplying our. troops with these guns recrceptace of 'tne surrender- wa "necessarily will be slow and disap-; . n f TO:thont ortnil. nointing. althoush every advantage ha en taken of the assistance secure,; fora abroad." Do Without Holidays. (riy AssnoJator! proRR." Wnchino'tnTi Dac 17. To keen coal ' . .7.." . . i-ij Toioi f Tjocrcho irhfl..1 J . : . uames and otner causes in comoat ai i -- to vnrwnv s r (lt- first, rtav ot lull ireeaom since ue wcu- imouu ",tt,lu - - -i a- Jeiroeraa. aituouen tne kus-i ..... .... nrorlnction at a maximum, tusi au- Lorfi pf tho Amiralitv. to jail in September, waiving prelimi Tarne. Russian war vessels must not sian national commissaries are silent j? f iip,,tpnt in thP ' ministrator Garfield is preparing to ap- i todav. The total ton- nary hearing before a magistrate. t-oss south of this line and the other, in regard to it. A Petrograd dispatch : 1 to operators and miners to fore- !io 'o.f merchantmen was 'parties must not go north. to The Post says General Skalons wag ' rePlacement divisions, un ine con- fa &J Christmag and New i ci,w,r r.,Qi evor rnnrinP.tAii in "The Russian government guaran- responsible for the. armistice . conrii-! - i0 "" Year's holidavs. Everv idle ri" 'n North Carolina has had the wide in-: es that . en.tert. war vessels will obey j man raid duplicates the terest of Means, nor has any brought the rules of this provision and that i ! enterprise of last Oc- more attendants from other States, a Bu. 'an warships wl?J not be allowed', 'led out bv two German number c.f witnesses from Chicago and to s- i among the islands. The text attacked a convoy N York testifying. Assistant Dis- of the armistice agreement follows:. " n Sea. They saxik . . . AfrtWOV lnhn T noolin. of "Bet veen the representatives of the j ';"';;-ra1 rporrhant men and 4- York,' assisted in the prosecution, higher command of Russia on the one : -an er-rtmg British de- . . ! n'A -t the reauest of hand and of Bulgaria, Germany, Aus-; (Continued on Page fcagat). DAYS LETT ?pi ; Norwegian, three Solicit&or Clement because both Means tria-Hmigary and Turkey on the other jv Ufp ' '-! one Danish vessel J"c; Xt,"' reeaMed as citi- hand, for the purpose of achieving a J KJ UflUJ 'k without warning, three and Mrs King were regarded as . honorable neace between! Mr. Dooling brought with him a both parties, 'he following armistice is j p A ri TUT AOS iss of papers and documents of var- concluded: . . . I Jit-Ml I IlL fUU i f rrhnnt mpn psranine. Zens 01 tnat Estate ' ' ' w.re armed heavily 1 in evading the Brit- mass " ors on the return as well ;ous kinds, seized at Means ayaiuueuu rrw iti at 9 vir,nv( ,..war,i r., a ? Mo-ar Vork These Mr. Doolins took cember 4 (December 17), at 2 o clock 'The armistice shall begin on De- f ; be at least three times as many in a mineg cogts the country nearly , &XTC1X uignuiiauuu a, ixv. 12 090 000 tons of ruel j ing combat. Within the combat units' ' ' : -T-wfj vacancies' to the extent of one-third of , i 4. 4. g i LlitJ LULitl Will UC lixxcu. xjx imo maimvi, ijy and two-thirds by promotion within!, the- comoat unit itseir. . CONSIDERABLE AN OFFER. ' In the -re-placement divisions, va-! (By Associated Press). ' caacies from the grade of first lieu- Washington D. C, Dec. 17. -In- I lenani lu wiuue: wxxx uc mtcu - j -'x f . jorinaiioii reucivcu uac wu ij : fleers who have received no a3srgn- j among neutral diplomats agrees 4' fments. Those fully recovering from with intimations from abroad that 'wounds will be assigned to the com- Germany is considering another 4' 4 , bat units. Arriving depot battalions . otter ..to peace. hereafter will be consiaereg part of. the re-placement -divisions. , 4i4. lv entering the city, only pickets be- ; ' ing posted to prevent surprises. Mean- - ' time our troops swept through the sub- urbs northward, being subjected to ma chine gun from the Mount of Olives nnd Mount Scopus. The ridge of ; Mount Scopus, north of the city. was; . stormed with the bayonet and the. Turks vere cleared from the Mount of. , " Olives. ' ' ... "Big demonstrations of joy broke v. out when the General advanced to take- ,' the surrender of the city. Flowers 1 7, ; were showered on the troops and the ( ;v nopulace clapped their hands to tesli- . fy to the joy of deliverance from .tho v - ,: hands of the oppressors. -1 ' t "Further north the troops were es-; ' , tablished in a long series of trenches around the village of Beitike3. ThescVS trenches were carried with a rush and the British line advanced beyond the ' village. Welsh troops advancing from - the south, pushed across the road east r of Jerusalem leading to Jericho and; thrust back Turkish reinforcements, , Continued on Page Three): . V u i li 11 ijj, 111 V t w 4 i (Continued on Page Eight). mV-ntiTinp1 rn Pnfffi Ficht. - vax u uxu w v w cj s "x V -if 1 1

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