WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina Cloudy; stightfy w.irmer tonight and Friday, prob ably snow or rain Friday in West pot tion. , av.- - Scuth Carolina Cloudy and si.ghtly warmer tonight and Friday. XXIII, NO. 345. - - , FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE " ,- ;S ay TJ-itP"" 7TV: -a-: a a.-atf WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY AFTE RNQONDECElBEgi, I9J 7 K PURPORTS TIlfflKHILB ENlifflGW WHAT BE AN OUTLINE OF S TERMS PRICE FIVE CENTSL bERMI?' L 0 0 K T 0 A IW E ft 1 1 A IFl SITU emus Alleged Terms of the Much Unless United States Responds Advertised "Christmas ! There'll Be Many Empty mm &l- AA .X.--. J f '.- I . f I f; J 44Ufm& iBIilP Peace" Proposal MAY BE AN OPENING WEDGE FOR DISCUSSION Central Powers Tell Russians of Prospective Offer 'to the Allies BOLSHEVIK! SEND TERMS-NOT DISCUSSED WITH BOLSHEVIKI Reported Ready to Discuss Peace Without Indemnities or Annexation Waiting 5or a Hint From the Allies AN ULTIMATUM TO UKRAINE RADA Diplomats Look Upon the Sug gestions With Varied Feel ings, some with Hopes, Others With Curiosity (By Associated Prc3S). Washington. Dec. 20. What Stockings ONE THOUSAND IN THE HOSPITALS The Federal Trade Commis sion Opened An Investiga tion This Morning j "HIGH FINANCE" BRITISH S VPPLiMS 'A RESTORATION OF Many Are Crippled or Blind and No Toys to Bring a Ray of Joy to the Little Sufferers FEATURED TODAY pui ; (I?.v Associated I'ress). -Jialifax, N. S., Dec. 20. An Ameri- Sensational Disclosures Made and More Are Promised Inquiry May Show About Food Control Also ALL TERRITORIES , Lloyd-George's Address to Si j ing une A GENERAL PEACE CONFERENCE WANTED 1 - -- l I (By Associated Tress). Washington, Dec. 20. Sensational for . diselbsures of "high finance" between ppied chil-. vmcago pacKers ana tne stocK diplomatic chann?l3 - area- in hospitals here. The limited i 7 , ..c- Rvhich earlier in the week received in- stock ca-riod i-v the local dealers has . to cume-iea- j- 4.: x . , .... . -ucai ueait,ro nas ured todav's session nf thi lAdPral Deen exhausted. A committee of wo- Trade .pommissloa' investigation to J men. assigned the duty of bringing ports to be an outline of tne Kaiser's Can Santa Claus must provide toys much advertised "Christmas peace , . ... , , . , , torma" haa vdoi,) v, ki. i hundreds Oi oimd and crippled c same neutral diDlomatic chann?! I dre" in hospitals here CO Ukraine is Accused of Render ing Assistance to General Kaledines ?e!'.' a: i vc t'.. v a1' r.o;;".'L i.i (By Associated Press'.), Wednesday, Dec. 19. Ac- to press reports Russia has vr.icd by the Central Powers : intend to make peaco pro- ;'ao Aillies. : tnoi t,Xsrublished in 1'. 2 Tost, which sr.vs the reDre-i Ukrainians Refuse to Permit! em France. A NEW SITUATION ARISES IN RUSSIA formation to support intimations from abroad that a new peace offer was coming. In the main, the terms as described, ) Christmost cheer to victims of the follow thhe lines of tnose said to have been written by Foreign Minister voii Kuehlmann last summer. At that time they were denounced as having been written purely for political purposes. The so-called terms are said to leave the disposition of Alsace Lorraine to a plebscite of inhabitants. England to pay Germany for her lost African colonies and the money to be used for the rehabilitation of Bel gium. Serbia, Rummania and North- ; -f the Central Powers, at 'vrlinvnary peace conference! r.". siana held yrterday, an 'hat their governments in-i KT.ii"l on principle to put the ques-j t: ai c: pei'.ce before all tne powers I Passage of Bolsheviki, But Acord Privileges to Revolutionists ar.-l that ihay bnd asked tnelr allies v.ise. ilussia was request-i Ti. '1 ill td t'i take similar steps. It is stated t!' Ku avians are endeavoring by all c ruris lo scan'-! the Allies. The F'vc:i;:icr Port says the Ger mans have officktii., informed Volshc- that the Central c:a ia - ,v ig consider the ar v:ki heatlqini-rers n (By Associated Press). London, Tuesday, Dec. 18. The Bol sheviki government, according to Pet rc-grad advices, has sent an ultimatum ito the Ukrainian Rada. It demands that within 48 hours a decision be made whether the Ukraine will cease to assist General Kaledines by send ing him troops while forbidding pas sage to Bolsheviki government troops $ret at some of the innermost causes of the high cost of ; living. explosion 'and fire found today that:? tl , A" unless shipments were received from j gators, working under the new $250,- the. United States within the next ; 00-0 fund recently appi uprlated . by few- days plans for filling' the stock-1 Congress, Francis J. Heney, in ings of destitute children could not'-charge of the investigation ror the , . , i commission, began cracking one sen be earned out. gation after another Today lor the first time since the Today's 'session had whollv to do disaster crowds in trie street were With a big operation in which a $2, able to see evidences that the holiday, 500 clerk was the medium of forming season is approaching. But the toy I an $8,000,000 corporation which took shops were empty, as the stocks had j the risk of the .Chicago stockvards England's War Aims Were Announced Today by Pre rhier Lloyd-George U-BOAT CAMPAIGN IS LOSING GROUND Premier Declares Imports Are Unly Decreased by 6 Per Cent alls on Britian For Further Sacrifices Germany Would Enlarge . the 3'. Scope of Negotiations Witfc 5: I Russia Big Teuton Army ' on western Front! v Russian provinces bordering the Bal- Den taken over by the Womens' Com- , an(j terminal railways being moved tic, the Black Sea and Prussia to be-. mittee for distribution Monday nigrit. further west, and developed testi come independent, under a German The supply is inadequate and it isi inony to show how the packers in it pln-, , ' . J f0 this reason that Americans are ' turn to use the language of one o; Poland to be called an independent j asked to help immediately.. - - the - participants, got their, share of nfeoi? fianUZera,miy Although no approximate estimate rthe piunder" and took their "pick- imiiK. nL-um ui 1 Lie or!xo,.0i incse Dimuea oy uie explosion as and commerce to be left to the peace ! available, it is believed the number conference I ings." J. Ogden Armour, it was said , got all the profits over nine per cent. ig was in Rumania, Serbia and Montenegro to ! , t th , M , one both may reach 1,000, including those who j Tne point o the whoIe transaction, ! that, tho Allies are rpsnnnsihlp fnr a rangenienf v ace oa thi basis ofrIlu aiao Wi,t3tUfc!1 " W1" tlu' u -""1 continuance of the war, or whether it no annexiiiioiui and no indemnities ! in3 treppg in the Ukraine. In case of i really is feeler for .peace, Js a. sub-. nar pointed out. that seii-ueunition off refusal the Rada win be considered ativ iui , .ftiuiittc ui uie su vent- retain their original boundaries with er "l " , .rt r' Ti as brought out by today s testimony, the right of access to the sea being' ?anyr lf ae cnure? (with that phase of the packing indus granted to Serbia. j lIe Slfts which they r"ver Wl11 sec - ing to move away from Chicago; that Turkey to remain intact. ! aie saai neeuea. Whether such a proposal of terms is merely another sten in the fJprtnan propaganda to impress the public mind II f I 1 ; a 10; T!:a Powi 1 ! 1 . :naaa wai, ; fnaa Ti : Nof- V.:; ail-.:. . frr -r ' t!u. (' Vice thro; ci 1 j 1 public was impracticable. ' . -resntativfc-5 of the Central! inovmcd the Russians they i ajy to discuss peace prelin j but desired to know the re-1 iu:a:-;n s enorts to induce tne the Congress of Workmen's "Tt fif i ' , 1 I At first glance rtome are inclined o 'war with and Soldiers' Delegates. regard them as-the Kaiser's much ad vertised Christmas neace terms, nroh- The Ukrainian Rada and the Bol- a.Dly designed to keep the German peo- sheviki government in Petrograd ha re : le under the illusion that they are: nr liinny nr . " k.'ifK,''W'. : . . . - j Yiiimiiiiir'minfs tsr f ruAn Hh hH Mi . mm m mmr -mm- m m w w m m m m 1 ; 1 17 . 1 r urtner a. corporation was formea to take !wer the stock yards properties and assume the risk ot tneir Decommg valueless, and that as a result the enormous profits cf the yards and ter- (By Associated Press) London, Dec. 20. SpeaKmg in the House of Commqns today David L,loyd George, the British Prime Min ister, said that the margin of losses at sea was narrowing. The sinkings by submarines he declared was de creasi ngwhile ship buildin creasing. rm t-t . me premier said thu sHiitmg of submarines was increasing . Although the merchant tonnage was down by zo per cent., he added, the loos- naci been only 6 per cent, of imports over that of last year. regarding the military situation, Mr. Lloyd-George said it was idle tc pretend that the hopes . formed had been realized. This disappointment he attributed to the Russian collapse. The Germans, the Premier said, had had only one success, -which was due to surprise and tis was now engaging inquiry. Te Germans, he stated, had lost 100,000 prisoners, valuable posi tions and hundreds of guns. Complete . restoration of the terri- ! Z a; 11.. i . r . Wn ,lf cill0 thp efopfiil rv-, utsuiiiK h reany aeiensive war against. . in tne negotiations be- " ; f oss who insist on the dismemberment i : ling vvilh them. Theyolution of the Maximalists early i0f their country. ; roint of view might be ; November. The ultimatum referred j There is a very decided impression i however, and that they to nrnhahlv is the demand made bv! in competent quarters, however that! . - 1 . 1 -.vllmg to disciiss peace, fhe Bolsheviki that the Rada permits j its troops to continue their business in Chicago Frank R. Pegram, treasurer aei the Chicago Stock. Yards Company, and cashier for F. H. Prince, of Boston, testified that he held 79.990 shares of Be -the Chicago Stock Yards Company as 1V4J . I 'C C; ;C '.trustee, but that he had never had 1V1CIUC DCUCVCU Ul CX iJIglUU- ith cant Character Revelations to 1. . mu j. was held, he said.' subject to bearer :: , warrants, but that he did not know (By Associated Press.) where these warrants were, though : Germany having rained great advan-' "asumBluu' c LVV",he tnougnt most oi tnem were m tr.e !tfls-ps in Rniji mifrht thinV ;t tr. y,' score more of telegrams which deposit boxes of Mr. and Airs. o through the Ukraine; d nt . viVin'tn tht. Aiiid h0.i ed between Count von Luxburg, Ger- Prince. man minister to Argentina, and the . Other witnesses summoned to testi German foreign office will be made fy include W. M. Wadden, former public today by the State Department treasurer for the Chicago Stock Yards thn toq enno t-)i- onnm nlnan nlionmrnt. Ku n craammi f uritll tVio irffontina crn V. ! CoTll tia n V ! F R. Hart. ViCft Chairman i . ,. , . . , uir i.uruiio inii nuiiir v.ivjor uu.icMrio. ur (iwi i v in.n l v i 111 i n . i iiv.ii.tA .v. . i 1 - i ; ur-ncy inn iw n n r wnn i.ti ... , i - ii.". u.i.'iuu i. ti. " iii I rorn i n o- tno emmipp rpvnnu on qii i . p e : A -"""0 ...f. . utuf Vf (Jlil )1 IIBfll'i' LUllllIIK ill i probably has more roal intentions of peace behind it than the nrevious tones. ..rso one here believes Geranv s l that the a!:t influence conference was he othr;to aid in Pitting down the Kaledines mands in many othr directions, which revolt. devoted! In its official announcement coi: ' III i lii i.ftilll'it.i f P i ... i ..1. ..,.... . l i ur coiiiiiair ui iici u i 11 rilixit.lllt'l would strike a balance. This is one of in the negotiations. Given Out by Washington. !0. The Russian i since that time the Bolsheviki govern ment has claimed that the Ukraine J n. Dec. Kiy wr.s 'was aiding the Cossacks and tli Con- ; best terms would be nut on the tarble i entirely without stitutional Democrats. J l -f the first offering, and those inclined 'a: progress of peace no-j a Petrograd dispatch dated last Fri- to this view think a proposal of peace :.,r(ipi, ,ho Rnl--hQviki nnrl , . . . r, , i, -i t 1 now is at least an attempt to start a . . i tea ine Hoi. nviKi anu . tlay said that Bolsheviki unns ;it!,iicmioo,v nf to,.m ) 1 Pnivora otI v-lisfovr 1H.1 IdlSCUSSlOll Ot term.;. i. towers, ana vnatever aa R. he capital of the xikraine, had i From what is known of the war aims aoverp.inenr was receiving . . . , i ' uu' ,,.u ' L KIlwvv u U1 lw "dI "'" nibaSSadOr Fran-i Uloai uicu uy Uie l Mnuut.u.i iumiu mi- .-lincu sui r-i uuicni n a TrA.lcoi-. ny tneir statesmen anu dv fresiaent Wilson, such an offering of terms 3 outlined in the foregoing could not be cpnsidered as the basis of a satisfac tory peace, although it might contain some of the elements. urces was not made .sent to their homes. Bolsheviki j troops, according to a dispatch receiv ed in London on December 17. at tacked an arsenal in Odessa where the Ukrainian Rada was assembled. Ukrainian troops were summoned and after street fighting, the Maxinnlist? An Atlantic Port Dec 20. A Ser-; reported that a majority of the sail i;n fIi;.lr.:Tiii miinn tn the Uniterl iors of the Black sea fleet had gone erl !,v SERBIANMISSION REACHES AMERICA i a tti-:: H ived here today. Tt is head-iover lo lu URIdim4US-, r. r. R. Vesnitch, who repre- The Ukraine is part of the old king- . Irlnm nf PnlanI Tt IS mfl(1R Till OT at the mter-allied con- "" ".r. r" " rT pans OI me government ui jriiavrt, Kiev, Podolia, Kharkov, Ekaterino iav and Kherson. These governments have a combined area of about 127,000 ! square miles and a population about 25,000,000. . an: t p.-.ri It? members in- -inrber cc Serbian army of- r mission plans to go direct : a aon, whpre tomorrow Dr. ' ho is Serbian minister to ' ;:! exprers to President Wit i niry's anpreciation of the i reii pd from the United 1 of th? President's atti ! .imall nations. The Presi 'i receive an autographed let- ;-. :r.g P;-ter of Serbia. .";':tv members of tht mis ' a e headed by General Mich ac'.. Win confer with War De- ficials. General Rachitch i' I an army corps at Aorian ' lie second Balkan war and anted Serbian general head French general headquar- mw oil WESTERN FRONT CLEMSON TO HAVE LONGER HOLIDAY f-T' n- 1;0 'an Ensign Received. T.y Associated Press), a '-!!. Dec. -20. The tattered Hie German cruiser Com !: Y her crew in Guam har declaration of war, was aaay at the Navy Depart- v i 1 1 be placed rmong the Navy library. I',- . v-a St-, 4 S' f VICES TO AMERICA. Assofiated Press). 4 'a'- American Army in 4' Dee. 20. The officers of i ian army in France have ""fed as a body to give a-vices to the United 4 SHIP INVESTIGATION WILL OPEN FRIDAY Intense Air Fighting is Report ed By the British War Office (By Associated Press). London, Wednesday, Dec. 19. Avia- (Bv Associated Press). tion activities Dy tne oriusn army an vvachincrtrvn Tifin 20 invRsticration 'service are reported in an otticial state- of the government SMpping Boaro ment tonight as follows: and Emergency Fleet Corporation's "Good work was done in the air on operations under the resolution of I Monday -by Australian pilots. Two of sT s which the Sena. .ES opted, the Senate Commerce commit- Blirf..pprifcrl in hrineine down one tee decided today, wil begin tomorrow afternoon with Chairman Hurley as the first witness. Other witnesses will be Vice Chair man Stevens of the board. of the enemy's machines in our lines and dispersed the remainder. "On Tuesday a thick hazs again ; limited flying to the northhern part eminent, which also will miblish them of the Old Colony Trust Company; E. simultaneously at Buenos Aires. Ex-jV. R. Thayer, president of the Chase posure of Count von Luxburg's "sink National Bank; S. H. Sessenden, a without trace" telegram by Secretary j broker; C. C. Chase, auditor of tne Lansing was what caused a rupture of .Chicago Stock Yards and Transit Con? diplomatic relations betwen Argentina . and N. Manning, an employe , n jo! Prince and Company. All of the and Germany. jwknesses are from Boston, except Mr. Disclosure of more of the sensational Tb r who formerly lived in Boston. Luxburg telegrams which are expected nQ New York to bare more evidence of the German j diplomat's duplicity, comes at a most; interesting time, especially as it. is be ing done byjBgreement with the Ar gentine government. nuyv uic yuunv; (rsv Associated Press). already pressing President Irigoyen to Columbia, S. C, Dec. 20. President go to war with Germany, will regard w M RiggS Gf ciemson College, att further exposure of German intrigue, is er a conference here today with Alan of no less interest to officials here than Johnstone) president of the board of is its probable effect on the general trustees and Governor Manning, an-,Latin-Amencan attitude toward a so- nounced that tne Christmas holidays called neutrality conference just called studeats 5f the institution would at Buenos Aires to attend which Lu,8 extended two weeks longer than Cabrera. Mexico s representative, un- . , . . h t A1 ceremoniously left the United States 'w? nn ?n t?o RVn . , ... . time lost will be made up m the sum- recently while this .vent was .fc wag gtated It ig estimated xports to Mexico. While public sentiment for entering ,the war on the side of the United States and the Allies has been spread in through all LatinAmerican, the spicuous examples, of inaction have Jeen the governments of Mexico and Argentina. TfreNsudden visit of Ca brera at this particular time to a so called neutrality conference in Buenos Aires excited much speculation. Whether there can be any connec tion between the new Luxburg expos ures and" the relations Jaetween Mexi co and Argentine excites much more. minal enuinment was divided with the .packers' as aivJbdSiaggt 4 W Premier Lloyd-George in explaining the war aims of the government. The Premier said that if the 'Rus" sian army had fulfilled the expecta tions of it? generals, by this time the vride of the German military power would have been completely humbl ed. On the whole, the Britisn campaign had not achieved the expectations formed, he said, but there had been military successes in Palestine which would have a permanent effect on the history of the world. Jerusalem, he stated, never would be restored to the Turks. After referring to the Italian revers es, the Premier said it would be nec essary for Great Britain to make greater sacrifices to strengtnen Its armies in the coming year. The need would arise to increase the na nation's man-power, taking some men now exempted. , The Premier's speech was deliver ed when adjournment for the holi days was moved in the House of Commons this afternoon. He "dealt first with the problem of food. Two circumstances, he said, had contribut ed lately to the gravity of the situa tion the failure to obtain margarine and butter from Holland and Den mark and the fact that England had been required to make sacrifices in order to. supply deficiencies of her Allies. Owing- to the efforts of the food controller, an improvement was visible in circumstances which had caused so much anxiety in the last few days. More tea was coming in and it was hoped by increased man- 'that this action will result in a sav ing of approximately 200 tons of coal. 10, 142,852 BALES of cor .it vv;-. Gerniany's intensified "submarine campaign has not resulted in Greatf-vi Britain's failure to get her necessary' ' supplies in almost their preirioua Xfr t volume, according to Premier Lloya-i George in the House of Commons to,' day. British imports had decreased . only six per cent, from the previpus year, he said, although tnw tonnage . supply had decreased 20 per cpnV.The'v;' Premier's statement on the status ;'Qf che U-boat campaign as a whole twa$;4 an encouraging one. More, subma-vf rines were being sunk, he declareda;?;;. the U-bbats were getting few; ships i?5at , and ship building was- increasing - in. ;; ; , volume, thus bringing about a nar-.;v . rowing of the margin of " losses at?!?;' sea. . . v f Indications of a desire on the partv,':-,- of Germany to turn the peace parley l , with the Russians into a general H;r peace conference are reflected in the ' .atest dispatches. ' a' ,;-'-ifaa If the statements now curreht.riq i. I Petrograd newspaper circles'are cor; ii'. ; rect, the negotiators of the .Central a'' Powers have expressed, interest "ini 4-, the result cf Russia's etrorcs to ajn-:iy va: ' duce the v Allies to join in the t con C.'y r ference, desiring to learn this before : ,' ' proceeding with the negotiations, ativ-.aj- j though they might '- later be willing :v : to discuss peace with Russia alone.'t' - ; it was explained. It was also tnti-Vf ?-- I mated that on their own accouht? I they were planning to t?t The ques-- '.,: .a ! tion of peace before all the powers. :-;.C I On the Western front the Ger-;;; ; mans hatre not yet givn ' strong -in ' 'r?f ! dication of where their .advertisedt '' ' drive is to begin The GermangunB sij along the: front: from the NorthSeaa a. to the Swiss border, including the-,. V . Tyres and Champagne : and enemy y :a parties are harassing the. British andj ';;T French soldiers. Enemy raids liaye been repulsed by the British in .the .:, Arras and northeast of Ypres, while. .." the French have repulsed an attack at Regneville, northwest of VerdUriS Germany's present strength on ,the western front is estimated to approxi-',- mate the maximum reached last Juljr'--; when it was 155 divisions. The 'Al-a ies, however, Axe believed to have at; superiority in numbers. , ' c British shipping losses for the past . week total 17, a decrease of four:j compared with the previous "weefc The number of ships ofmore than t 1,600 tons logt remained stationery. - the reduction being in vessels under..,-J-,'.? 1,600 tons'. ' -' : j); EXCITEO JUMPS i IN CORN VALUES 'A 1. i . Lifting of Embargo . Boosts thhe Price of Corn 6 3-4 ai; C Cents a Bushel ' Want Increase on Nval Stores. (By Associated Press. Washington,- Dec. 20. The Georgia and Florida Railway today applied to For t!he Same Period Last Yeai 1 0,838799 North Caro lina 521,473 Chicago. Dec. 20 Excited jumps in ;C the value of corn resulted from - the aa litfing of an embargo on eastDouna v shipments and because of . rumors that I r the maximum limit on prices would be ufacture to improve the situation as raiged with the approval of : the Food .. ? . regarded margarine shortly. Administration. The market advance, . Owing to the food difficulties injWhich was accompanied by a notable Germany, the Premier wen on, the . broadening out of trade, amounted at' i physical deterioration of workmen ' one time to 6 3-4c a bushel f or May ji; vhere had been ; so marked that the 'delivery as compared with yesterday's a- ' output per man had been decreased1 finishy Opening quotations,, which; - ; by S3 per cent. . (ranged from s-4 to o i-c mgner wiuu; . , As for the 1 British casualties, - MrJ January 1.23 1-2 to 1.27 3-4 and May ; Lloyd-George said' they had not 1-20 1-2' to 1.26 was followed ;by..mod,; amounted to more than one-fourth or erate further gains .P .""" fe -one-fifth of tie Germans. Opposed fe in Both December g; to Germany, Austria and their Allies, UTrf (By Associated Press). Washington, pec. 20. Cotton gin ned nrior to December 13 amounted By resolution at its 1 artillery photographic work was dons. ! for permission to make increase ofto 10,142,852 running bales,v exclusive and Joan" A. Donald, Gf the front where a great deal of the Interstate -Commerce Commission meet'ng today the committee called During the day, over 150 bombs were -'"opped on the enemy's railway sta tions,, siding and Trenches and many remds were fired from the air into trenches an? billets. "Fighting in the air on this part of the "ront was intense all day and re- organized and when in operation and suite .greauy m uu. wUi. prgaizea ana v j hostile machines were brought down on Chairman Hurley for the follow ing information: An itemized statement of all con tracts for both steel and wood shfps with the full .name of each contract ing person, firm or corporation, when tne place wnere tn. Hmyuuuums a-, , airplanes an(J one was shot der each contract has been or is be-j jr our lines by anti-aircraft gun ing carried on. prc another bv the fire of our in- The number of ships constructed, fantry. Three others wero driven where and by whom built. j down ou1; of control. Three of our ma- Number of .ships now under con-j chines' arc missing." struction, where and by whom, andj After dark yesterday our aeroplanos the proportion of work done. bombed the St. Denis, Western, Roul- Copies of all shipbuilding contracts, era and I ""Me airdromes and What ships" are being) built in pri- Thourout, Lodoghem, Cambrai ana vate yards for other than government Meuin railway stations. All of our . , . nA 9 -a' account, and r by wuom. a . - mauuiuts revmucu one half cent and one cent per 100 !of linters, and including 180,252 iound pounds in rates on naval stores from Georgia producing Doints to Bruns wick and Jacksonville. 7 JUST S MORE DAYS LEFT TO SHOP COUNT EM! v j ly J .f , bales and 83,352 bales of Sea. Island, the Census Bureau today announced. Last year to December 13 ginnings were ,10,838,799 running bales, includ ing 184,285 '. round, bales and 110,ln3 bales , of Sea Island. ; , Ginnings by States "this year wers: Alabama 464,661; Arizona 11,024; Ar nr nAn TVia trrootoct . nitnm serves mor:iuau uuuu iuWc however, was 2 l-2c. the Teutonic Allies possessed. The, Provisions sympathized wth ' the' -government, he said, would confer, stpfh of 0reaiia.. The resnltinsV next week with trades unions on the gains though, were not of a swelling "- n.nnnrov Ti nrtcala " T .-' .. v'i. ', -,."'a , The premier said that the losses m News that the embrago which i was " shipping had been lighter by 100,000 imposed December 9 was lifted was;;!f -tons than he had anticipated in his .received shortly after lO o'cIdckK The ; ) August estimate. ESTHER CLEVELAND ENGAGED TO MARRY - iBy Associated Tress.) London, -Dec. 20. The engagement . ili 1 T J A board of , trade ticker ', printed a '-de nial from Washington a that the max: ltnuni price was to be .removed' ;v : ; - i ' . " " ''. , ' - i . r .,..1. t .-t:':- a, -a :;-;:v.S BRITISH. CASUALTIES. a It . ... kBnBM 832.548r 'California 30453: announced or Lstner, aaugnxer or (By Associated' Press). a;-,- Florida 45,239; Georgia 1.719,504; -GVi V. r-f LcMiisiana , 580,473; Mississippi 774,- of the Cold Stream Guards Cap- , ualties reported in the week end, 6(T6; Missouri 41,289; North Carolina tain Bosanquet is a son or Sir Albert ing today -totalled 17,976 officers , 52100; Oklahoma 860,111; South Car-'Bosanquet. ' ' i 4 andrmen; as follows: -,- Wa.:: olina 1.111.240: Tennessee 187.146: Miss Cleveland came to London in 4. a , Officers . killed . . or died of . Texas 2,943,975 ; Virginia 15,456 ; all June ,bf . last year after having quali- wounds, ' 331 ; men,' 3,181 ; other States 3533. a ! fied as a' nurse and instructor of theJv Officers wounded or y missing,' a iS aii Sea Island ginnings by states: Flor j blind ana tooK up, worK as -a voiun- r x,ud, men, x,..;-:.' J jida 35,177; Georgia .43,104, and :5outf:lteer at St. Dunstan's Home for blind- '. i. 1 ' Carolina 5.07L - " ; ed soldiexs'.V . ,. . :. ' m'i!$vf;' H suy. s i- ' r':'. V it ... V

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